New Nation, 16 January 1977

Total Pages: 30
1 32 New Nation
  • 10 1 Sunday Nation JANUARY 16. 1977 30 CENTS M.C.(P) NO. 161/1/77
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 My lobs and loves by Geoff HUnt Page 10 r Carter Page 2 a <s v I sa Don't be a pjg Page 7 r I China's theatre after Chiang Ching Page 9 Umno Youth picks its new man Page 2 What do you forget? Page 6
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    • 133 1 FREE with your paper today Paik Choo on that VD documentary Page 19 The magazine for you. the Singapore Woman (and the man-in-your- life) Her World January '77 brings you these interesting and provocative articles: Fatherhood and me Are fashion-conscious men less masculine? Everything you wanted to know about breasts
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  • 281 2 WITH the death of TT Tan Brl Byed Jaafar Albar, Hajl Suhalml will now act as head of the powerful Umno Youth movement. Hajl Suhalml. SO, was first elected as deputy head of the movement last July, defeating Deputy Defence Minister, knclk Mokhtar
    281 words
  • 287 2 TOP PRIORITY IN LEE'S TALKS r FHE United States under President Jimmy Carter ar\t Its diminishing role in Southeast Asia will top the agenda of Informal talks of Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew during his threeday unofficial visit in Manila next week, diplomatic
    287 words
  • 189 2 A stable year for the predicts Callaghan UPI T>RIME Minister James Callaghan predicted yesterday that the British pound will be much more stable during this year. He said a repetition of the kind of financial crisis that rocked the nation last year was unlikely. "Thanks to the government's measures, the
    UPI  -  189 words
  • 248 2 AN INCREASE in the number of unmarried mothers accounted partly for a 60 per cent jump in the number of abortions performed at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital last year, a hospital source said yesterday. There was also a "significant Increase" in the number of
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  • 233 2 A LABOURER, up on 14 charges of housebreaking, was promised $3000 for acting as a gang's look-out man but got only $50 for his services, he told a district court yesterday. Llm Oeok Beng, 26, pleaded guilty to the charges, which Involved cash
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  • 136 2 Reuter A SKYLINE Airways Viscount aircraft with 22 persona on board crashed in flames onto a parking lot In a residential Stockholm suburb yesterday. All on board were feared dead, police said. Witnesses said the plane, on a regularly scheduled domestic flight from the
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 82 2 FHJCE scored their second major success in two days with the arrest of two criminal gangs, one specialising In lift and street robberies and the other In car thefts. On Friday, two robbery gangs operating In the East Coast Park area were smashed by detective* when
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

    • 62 3 AP South Korea's Finance Minister Kim Yonghwan yesterday denied rumours circulating In Seoul business circles that the government might soon devalue Korean won currency to stimulate exports. Mr. Kim told a news conference that his government neither had any plan nor saw any need for devaluation, saying that
      AP  -  62 words
    • 65 3 Handsome rewards, as much as $20,000 to $30,000, had been given to Informers whose Information had led to the arrests of drug traffickers. Law Minister and Attorney-Gene-ral Tan Sri Abdul Kadlr Yusof told the Dew an Negara In Kuala Lumpur on Friday. He said some Informers had refused
      65 words
    • 63 3 AP US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will become a visiting professor of diplomacy at Washington's Georgetown University after he leaves office, administration sources said on Friday. Dr. Kissinger's term at the Jesuit school will begin on March 1. He will also serve at Georgetown's Centre
      AP  -  63 words
    • 60 3 Reuter Scheduled airlines yesterday agreed in Geneva to Increase fares between Europe and Africa and between the Middle East and Africa by up to 10 per cent. The International Air Transport Association (LATA), grouping more than 100 scheduled airlines, said the package agreement was for one year
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 65 3 Reuter A fire explosion severely damaged a building being renovated for the Algerian consulate in New York on Friday, injuring at least six people. Police and fire officials at the scene said the blast appeared to be accidental and not connected with France's release of Palestinian leader
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 58 3 AP The government-run National Petroleum Corporation (Petronas) will consider applications from oil companies wishing to carry out oil prospecting In Malaysia, the Minister In the Prime Minister's Department, Mr. Chong Hon Nyan, said yesterday In Kuala Lumpur. He said so far. only three companies—Exxon, Shell and Pecten
      AP  -  58 words
    • 58 3 AP CIA critic Philip Agee won a 29-day breathing ■pace in London on Friday in his fight to avoid deportation by the British government on security grounds. The three-man panel which began hearing his case behind closed doors here on Tuesday adjourned ontll Feb 3 to allow him
      AP  -  58 words
    • 52 3 Malaysia has agreed In Bangkok on Friday to buy a total of 54,000 tonnes of Thai rice worth US$ll.5 million (about $27.6 m) on a govern-ment-to-government basis, a foreign trade department source said yesterday. The grain would be delivered during the first half of this year, starting from
      52 words
  • 234 3 Court convicts lor criminally negligent homicide Reuter piRENCH-born singer Claur dine Longet was yesterday convicted in Aspen, Colorado, on a reduced charge of criminally negligent homicide over the death of her lover, Ski Champion Vladimir (Spider) Sablch. Miss Longet, 35, the former wife of singer Andy Williams, showed
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 143 3 Express A GROUP of girls are making. history this year as the first women to be admitted as Rhodes Scholars to Oxford University, Britain. At least 21 of this year's 70 Rhodes scholars will be girls. Under the will of colonial pioneer Cecil Rhodes,
    Express  -  143 words
  • 45 3 Han Wee Klang, 25, accused of staying for more than Ave years in Britain without an exit Eermlt when he was able for national service, yesterday claimed trial in a magistrate's court. The case will be heard In Court 19 on March 4.
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  • 299 3 UPI HOWARD Hughes was a lonely, unhappy and vindictive man who often was in a-drug stupor in as final years, a former de said on Friday. Melvln Stewart, who worked as a male nurse attending the billionaire from 1968 until two days before
    UPI  -  299 words
  • 83 3 Reuter rAI air force planes blasted communist positions near the Malayslan border yesterday. Some 4IM troops advanced through the Jungle In the two oountrlna* first Joint operation against the guerillas. A 29N strong Malaysian force which entered Thailand on Friday was tahlng up strong
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 The goodness of Gui t K *s-'. m <r. f A > 2T V i* I. KS* n&Hi i i 0 ■*.< A l 1 k *r> v x*\ N\/U AVSIA i '-ssus** Now in cans for extra convenience Fast chilling Easy opening Easy to carry GUINNESS STOUT is good
      50 words

  • 243 4 Guardian lIOBPITAL lncuban bators Into which premature and lowblrthwelght babies are placed for protection may permanently damage their hearing, according to research carried out at Guy's Hospital in London. Premature baby deafness syndrome, described as a serious problem Uiree years ago by the Royal
    Guardian  -  243 words
  • 52 4 ABOUT 30 people from six families were made homeless when flre destroyed the back portion of a row of six shophouses In Jalan Sayur, off Jalan Eunos yesterday evening. Four flre engines took about one hour to put out the blaze which flared up at about
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  • 249 4 Strapped to heavy oak chair, covered in black hood, white target patch pinned over his heart... OARRING any lastminute court stay, this is the way murderer Gary Gllmore will be executed tomorrow in the United States. At sunrise, he will be taken from Death Row to
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  • 175 4 UPI British air ways has been warned against making claims about reduced Jet lag on Concorde flights by the Australian Trade Practices Commission. The commission issued the reprimand sayilng the claims may be deceptive and misleading. The official warning, before the supersonic
    UPI  -  175 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 mw"** a -a To add gaiety to your festivities Lea brings you an exclusive mm m i V MP Desert Shirts. used V k* -V g|p|' ♦■..0 jT 1 Come in 4 tip top fresh colours Washed red, Washed blue, Washed green, Washed khaki these Super Washed Desert shirts come
      189 words

  • 261 5 'Time we made revolution in Japan our top priority' AP MEMBERS of the Japanese Red Army are abandoning their one-time stronghold in Lebanon amid mounting pressure against radical Arab guerillas and some Red Army members hope to return to Japan, a Japanese newspaper reported from Beirut
    AP  -  261 words
  • 54 5 UPI Decrying the growing economic gap between developing nations and their wealthy counterparts. World Bank president Robert McNamara has proposed a private International development commission to help narrow It. He proposed the "highlevel, but deliberately unofficial commission" be made up of experts with practical, political and economic competence
    UPI  -  54 words
  • 221 5 Reuter |N THE LONDON courtroom where the Singapore government Is seeking the extradition of Jim Slater and Richard Tarling, the mood resembles a company audit rather thap high drama. The white-haired Singapore government lawyer, Ronald Waterhouse. speaks almost In a monotone. He drily charts
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 172 5 Reuter Australian actor Peter Finch who died on Friday, probably of a heart attack, could win an Oscar for playing a character who sutlers a heart seizure. Finch, 60, collapsed at the Beverly "Hills Hotel and died at the University of California Medical Centre
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 115 5 Reuter Detectives investigating a burglary In Sydney yestgrday used a new telephone service dial a thief. They were banting a man who brake Into the ofllee at the AwtraHan Telecom mnnlcatlons Commission m the city's Haymarket area and stole a pocket paging devioe
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 256 6 comment WE ARE all In our own ways creatures of habit. Oenerally this causes no obvious harm unless we become captives of bad habits. Gambling, drinking and smbklng are among the more demanding masters. Potentially less harmful habits Include coffee drinking. The uninitiated will have
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  • 892 6  -  BUT ONE DAY THAT MENTAL SKID COULD COST YOU DEARLY SAYS A PROFESSOR OF ABSENT-MINDEDNESS By Paul Leyton SF A TOP professor has spent four years finding out why you put shaving cream on your toothbrush, wear your socks in the bath
    SF  -  892 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 I TOMORROW'S 1 TECHNOLOGY. TODAY'S FASHION. SEIKO. The qualities today's woman wants in a watch are fashionable good looks, accuracy and value. Seiko's renowned talent for microminiaturization makes it possible to create fine timepieces that are exceptionally slim and sleek at reasonable cost. It's part of the pride in workmanship
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 35 6 f p X. I HIOIO6K*A i/Efieu&ue K> A CRMS L <&)U) A axjifcmoio. r -*A M fay A m \ry r>v W& HOM&AU IMffcSikfc P£K AFACSMIf ti&toemi' teumi-RM CFAUUMIOI r '>+*? N m W* m m
      35 words

  • 620 7  -  If you ask me... If 70a have something to say which you think oar readers would like to know why not put It on paper and send It to as. We welcome contributors to this column. Articles can be on any subject bat shoald
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  • 336 7 UPI ITSING his country's simple alphabet, a Japanese child can write "fcutsu," the Japanese word for "shoe," with two strokes of a pen. From this year it will get harder. By government decree, the proper way to write "shoe" will be with a complicated Chinese
    UPI  -  336 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 This cine camera sings and talks and laughs. We bet yours only takes pictures. 1 i <4 4 #T n 0« 0 I n 0 CMINON u < m 1 1 Chinon is (he World's largest manufacturer of Sound Super 8 cameras' We didn't get thdt Aiay by accident
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  • 778 8 IT WILL TAKE TWO WEEKS AND COST QUITE A BIT IT is probable that before the end of the decade a passenger from London (or Dublin, or Edinburgh) will be able to Journey by train as far as Calcutta without ever leaving the railway system.
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  • 406 8 Guardian USING undercover tactics befitting a covert spy operation, an international team of doctors is waging what it believes at last is "the final attack" on smallpox. If the doctors are successful "and I have no doubt we will be," the chief medical
    Guardian  -  406 words
  • 427 8  -  By Brij Khandelwal Gemini FOUR years or so ago If you travelled in a train or a bus through the Chambal valley region in Central India you might have found a notorious dacoit disguised as a superintendent of police sitting beside
    Gemini  -  427 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 116 8 Cairo, Copenhagen, Amsterdam London .w' (P^VjiKfTj ii r v> iV* $3 3 i km •i i f V. I >■• 4 <• ii-' Departing every liesday& Thursday v .V w Other PfA Destinations: Abu Dhabi Athens Bangkok Bahrain Baghdad Bombay* Colombo Chitral Dubai Doha Dhahran Damascus Dacca Delhi D.I .Khan
      116 words

  • 956 9  -  A truck driver gives ballet lessons, a steel worker directs an opera, and a musician conducts a symphony orchestra of factory workers By Kenneth Rea Guardian celebrated the 10th anniversary of V! the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution last May with a flurry of festivals. Five
    Guardian; PICTURES BY YOW YUN WOH  -  956 words
  • 310 9 Reuter |F you lack the courage to ask for a salary rise, if you break up with your girl or yearn to tell off the local bully, Pat Lewis of St. Louis. Missouri, will do it for you. For $7 Mrs. Lewis will relay your message by
    Reuter  -  310 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 176 9 DRAGON PHOENIX RESTAURANT OUTRAM PARK, »LK. 26 6th STOREY (E) AvoilobU now at •conomical rat* SPECIAL LIVE CRABS AIR-FLOWN FROM CHINA (available only once a year) Hot Plate Deer Meat Japan Roast Pork Rib Hongkong Roast Chicken Fresh Prawns (from Ipoh) Fried Shredded Chicken with Yam PHONE:*****88 *****29 EASY PARKING
      176 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1736 10 / 11  -  JEFF MEETS GEOFF: Jeffrey Low, in Melbourne recently, chatted up world squash champ Geoff Hunt. He spoke of his... JEFF MEETS GEOFF (JEOPP HUNT la U working his gut* out these days pot at the game of squash but rather at being a self-made Interior decorator and
    Pictures by Herald and Weekly Times  -  1,736 words
  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 56 10 / 11 Ifs a dress shirt that's a sport shirt! doublet by Arrow If san elegant dress shirt when you wear a tie a snazzy sport shirt without a tie So you're smartly dressed for any occasion-and always ready for action Doubler scores big in value, too Ifs almost like having two
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1023 12 Sunday Nation Your 12-page TV pullou Pick of the week n or- '> V LA VERNE, SHIRLEY AND FRIENDS NEW SERIES: LAVERNE SHIRLEY on Tuesday, Ch. 8 at 7.40 p.m. in COLOUR These two girl blue-collar workers are a couple of kookie friends who cap bottles in a Milwaukee brewery
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    • 349 12 £JIAKAI| SOUND SYSTEMS I EXCERPTS FROM HENRY IV (Pt.l and 2) on Friday, Ch.5 at 9.00 p.m. in COLOUR Right, a portrait of King Henry IV of England during his reian from 1399 to 1413. One of the occasional series of Shakespeare "shorts" presented by RTS to whet the appetite
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 215 13 is even Greater now with E522E3 nxxlule chassis and PRECtSJONHN-UNE tube om 110* picture tub® The Burggraf L color ultrasensor 2749 belongs to the absolute top cleee from the point of view of design as well as technique. Compact module chassis with latest VIDOM technique, ultrasonic remote control by IC-ultrssensor.
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1126 13 MONDAY IDEAL COLOUR 1742 CTV Precision IN LINE Picture tube 3.00 P.M. Ooen 3.03 Kudumba Malar (r) 3.30 Diary Of Events (T) 3.35 General Hospital 4.13 SCIENCE REPORT (r) 4.30 Intermission 6.05 Open 6.08 December Bride: Psychiatrist 6.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 4.33 COOL McCOOL 7.03 IS THE ICE AGE COMING?
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 152 14 tf *52 It's caused by reflections from nearby buildings or mountains, check the position of the antenna. dial 622 344 for our Service Manager S|HHH Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1 Sundays and Public Holidays: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or write to us for a free Trinitron service
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1064 14 WEDNESDAY Lenco LENCO TURNTABLES Swiss precision instruments you don t wear on your wrists X t i fti. 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 FLYING NUN (r) 3.30 Diary Of Events (M) 3.35 General Hospital 4.15 Fokas (r) 4.30 Intermission 5.55 Open 5.58 SECRET OF ISIS: Hitch Hiker 6.20 Consumers' Guide (E/M)
      1,064 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 174 15 If you still don't know the RenIaSETRON a Oot^N/i per month. ADDS COLOUR TO YOUR LIFE For Immediate Installation. call before 5 30 pm at any oi the loUowing place* 319 (3rd Floor) Supreme Houm. Pwang Road (9) TeL SMOSO 3MOM ft 31M3 8r lervo- Road. (9) (Opp F N)
      174 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1101 15 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Housewives' Matinee: The Car and I Pt. 2/r (Mandarin) Stars Mau Mei, Han Ying, Kwan San. 4.00 Diary Of Events (C) 4.05 Beyond Today (r) 4.30 Intermission 6.05 Open 6 08 EXERCISE WITH GLORIA 6.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 6.3S WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS (r) 7.05
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 178 16 im i as r* 5W5 *1 K h? n 3 82 1 e m WM.f. BRO&UN and M6L GA6SON JS 1 I S3 ft Wf?g U)C< 0/6 80/? F|»zsr, «I'M LMihiG \t)U 80/ M£ V A C?Kit4iC! LOOK AT IT fUIS VKAV ARtfOLP ibu O£AT dIM TdK« our OF four,
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  • Page 17 / 18 Advertisements
    • 172 17 / 18 Enrol now with FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS Home Studies Division for the following FOULKS LYNCH Courses Act immediately for examination success write in for a free prospectus. owiiTtfiwfriinirinnTiT tmh — Association of Certified Accountants Institute of Cost and Management Accountants e Association of International Accountants Institute of Taxation Institute of Accounting £taff
      172 words
  • Page 17 / 18 Miscellaneous
    • 94 17 / 18 K <0 t r •E* ull >.• ■■t. *lJ« fc liii-iiiifcA ———.—tm» itiT II r »a ssa LISTEN, 80G5...3ZZ £ZZZ &Z~ZZ AND *fa CCACHtE/ r'X x«? f w '> > 1 m. m 1> *> Vf% 3 an 1 h if. v. ■4 y i.'-ZX O 4 A 7 m
      94 words
    • 62 17 / 18 beetle m v t>alleV i WE SAW yoJ APMIT IT crviNij IN rMe VODKE AM MOVIE, SAK6C V OLP SOFTIE c V *> I'M TOU6HefZ THAhI STEEL.' tftfse* :>•■ ft <\ v, I SHOW i MERC// •I :r *~r -4c w 39 S3 m •4 J s m vi *<
      62 words
    • 57 17 / 18 r oO o I 010/ I'M littlebeak an' ~tm' first YESSIfc, SY6ADFRY, I'LL BE SO NICE T'OLD GUZ HE'LL NEVER KNOW what hit fa/ H St ft OH, WOW/ A TALKING BIRD.' HEY, "THAT WOULD BE A SUPER PRESENT FOR rw i /Si i-r H "I 1 C'MERE i MDU/
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 350 19 new Penguins h I 3 JL MM Winter Kill*. Richard Condon In this, his moat important book since f/w Mmchurian Candtdata. Condon probes the most significant want in America's twentieth century: the assassination of a President. A must for those Mho' en)oy thrillers and those interested in the Kennedy legend,
      350 words
    • 90 19 titfe perfect gift for any occasion Sankyo's Musical PHone rest... .n Sankyo the ordinal creators of that delightful answer to phone "intermissions" now presents tha FT 016. It's a phone ratt cum pan/pancil hotdar cum self-indexed note book. Thoughtful, useful and comes in thraa colours (orange, gray Ivory) to match
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 261 19 GARTH m WONT 88 NHBNHIM RNVMOOE/I ABOUND, IMP/LL 98 SPPB- POREPOM NE«ZTH6M/■ IT m s 111: r* 1 A n\ V r I > A lit 1 Have prink in mr PRIVRTE BOOM. BLPNCHE, ICPNTerme art settled... L i need p hrll pog mp orncjn'troupe. cpn VOCI HELP ME OUTr
      261 words

  • 788 20  -  HUMOUR Paik Choo AN OPEN letter to the TV producer of VD: The Facts. Dear Miss Loong, I am not aware venereal disease is a speciality of JBugis Street habitues but you would lead me and a good many others to believe it so. I
    788 words
  • 324 20 Off the Record by CKT TWITE LOVES never give up giving without a fight On the first day of Christmas, according to the rules, a chap received In good order one two-band threewatt Japanese transistor radio. And then, well into the 2*th day, three
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  • 135 20 riAHREE YOUNG crimlJ. nal lav police supervisors who planned to go to a film show together were each jailed a year by a court last week for consorting with each other. Bad company, that. Kuala lumpur, '(Malaysia) Police here have recovered a "pen" pistol, about five centimetres
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 63 20 4 VIII I IN V< IMS The unique Topcon way POINT FOCUS SHOOT 'V. y. topcon^H IT L'o< m > r The compact Topcon IC 1 camera is invented lor only one thing better photography. Innovations like the centerweighed exposure measuring system, electronic focal plane shutter and full aperture tight
      63 words
    • 116 20 SPXCIfIIItRUISES A A. L v A k L A k. A L i wu JS On board the m.s. Rasa Say an g you'll find fantastic entertainment for all three weekend cruises, and the Chinese New Year Cruise, featuring a host of top international artistes. Dancing till dawn. Mouthwatering Asian/European
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  • 838 21 HERE'S A GIRL WITH CLASSLESS APPEAL, SAYS GARTH PEARCE Express CUSAN OEOROE, looking like a lovely lioness with long blonde hair tumbling over thick fur coat, examines a photograph with distaste. "Oh no," she says, pointing at her bosom. "It's been touched up to
    Express  -  838 words
  • 1051 21 Express MOUSKOURI 11 has a small beauty spot on the left side of her chin- A clear complexion no make-up framed by straight black hair. Nana Mouskourl was 40 last November. She looks much younger. "I was not always looking like
    Express  -  1,051 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 68 21 LATEST CONTACT LENSES IN SINGAPORE n r S W X JU'i' o,„ Continuous Wear Soft Contact Lenses Also available Hard Soft Contact Lenses Contact Lens Practitioners Y.C.CHEE ROBERT T. A. LIM LCO (London). ISOICOS. OPTICAL PHOTO WATCH CENTRE Block 6C, No. 34 Margaret Drive, Singapore 3. Tel: *****4 exquisite jewellery
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  • 541 22 Ink I «l\l villi Ink lIIIIU Shaw's darling girl Li Ching, six films more to go under contract, even puts off wedding to look after career first IT'S about to be 1 proven again Shaw Brothers make the stars but they fall into other
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 71 22 ,v. V* r *4 -f f &±o enjoyed and appreciated everywhere for its unique quality and taste >. ii £1 Brewed from the finest barley, hops, yeasts and the sparkling alkaline spring water from the Laoshan Mount in China. m IS Sole Agsnt: KOK HONG CO. PTE. LTD, 622 Ssrsngoon
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  • 731 23  -  CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (with documentary materials) by S. Jayakumar (Malaya Law Review. Faculty of Law. University of Singapore). Book Page Review by Alex Josey SINGAPORE nas a written constitution which consists of three basic documents. They are the Constitution of Singapore (including amendments made
    731 words
  • 622 23  -  THE FACTS OF UFC by R. D. Laing (Allen Lane). Peter Grosvenor TtfOT EVEN Dlckehs W could have thought of a more bizarre childhood than the one revealed by Britain's bestknown and most unorthodox psychiatrist, R.D. Laing In his first book
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 49 23 NEW/BEST SELLER TITLES from PRENTICE/HALL (American Indian Editions) on display at POPULAR BOOK CQ (PTE) LTDI 20% discount from the prices quoted. s < New Titles on« Computer; Business Management,* Technical, Psychology Sociology are available. V HT VT». M-VKKV%KV jg|^ < t D r-o w. I I I Llfl I
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 289 23 Be your own 1 detective. J 4 you HAD JUST 1 ordered a drink at the bar in the Las Vegas motel when a lean young stranger with sun bleached golden hair and tanned cheeks took the stool beside you. After asking for a gin and Ionic, the sunburned young
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 343 24 APPOINTMENTS GENERAL MANAGER INDONESIA For* an Indonesian affiliate of a well established local group of companies with regional and international connections. This affiliate handles the distribution and after-sales service of a well known brand of material handling equipment. The General Manager, who will be based in Jakarta, will have overall
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    • 384 24 ENAMELLED WIRES (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD--142, GUL CIRCLE, JURONG, SINGAPORE 22. invites applications from Singaporeans for the following vacancies for their new factory which is being set up in Jurong. A. MARKETING MANAGER Graduate in Engineering/Science with a minimum of 10 years experience in marketing of electrical/ electronic goods. Preference will
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    • 416 24 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (PHARMACY) DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC SERVICES Applications are invited from citizens or permanent residents of Singapore/Malaysia for the above appointment. Requisite Qualifications: A good Honours degree in Pharmacy or Chemistry from a recognised University. Preference will be aiven to those with postgraduate qualification in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
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  • 422 25 INSIDE TRACK Is finding his mark with unerring accuracy where our national soccer players are concerned. His arrow has struck M. Kumar, Arshad Khamls, Syed Mutallb, Zalnal Abideen, Hasll Ibrahim and Oulam Mohammed these last few months. No one would want to wish them anything
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 389 25 APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE TRAINING OFFICER SAF BOYS' SCHOOL MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Applications are invited from Singapore Citizens who are below 40 years of age for the above appointment. Requisite Qualification*: Trained Technical Teachers with Technician Diploma or Industrial Technician Certificate in one of the following disciplines: <a) Automotive Mechanics/
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    • 255 25 APPOINTMENTS TrTTTTTTTTT Around $31,000 |M. M.M A medium-sized pubbc company in the manufacturing held requires a Chief Accountant with extensive coating experience to modernise their Financial and Accounting Department. The initial emphasis will be on implementing an accurate costing system and a budgetary control system. Reporting to the Finance Director,
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  • 675 26  -  imiii Brian Miller THE forthcoming Un-der-21 tournament, nin by the Singapore Hockey Association, has been eagerly awaited and will bs keenly contested. Organised for the first time In the history of the BHA, the tournament will bring together the cream of our young sters who,
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  • 484 26 U.K. SOCCER CORNER WEST Ham United have placed a £450,000 ($1,800,000) tag on mldfleld ace Trevor Brooking. The Hammers decided on the stiff price for Brooking, acknowledged as one of the best schemers In England, in an attempt to shake off offers from Swiss
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 215 26 \t* that's V^RIDGEUUOOD TOWER APARTMENTS: Each unit has a furnished kitchen equipped with a washer and dryer and a heat-resisting counter. Even the bedrooms and bathrooms are equipped with built-in floor to ceiling wardrobes and built-in vanity areas. The main entrance to all the tower blocks are graced by Portecochere
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  • 772 27  -  ■iALI Alfred Tong T'HE Singapore Ten--1 ills Centre, whose opening has been awaited with more than a lltlte eagerness by Its members, will hold an ooen house on Jan. 29-31. On those three days, members their friends can use the 14 courts without
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  • 868 27  -  By Eric Batty rpHE 1976 European A champions, Czechoslovakia, are without doubt the most improved team in Europe, but, as their manager Vaclav Jezek, told me in Prague recently "We may not even qualify for the World Cup!"
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  • 577 27  -  Jl/iULL Joyce Tan rpAMPINES ConA stltuency became the first wininer of the Mansor Haji Sukalml Trophy donated by the MP for Kg. Kembangan when they beat Slglap Constituency after a ding-dong battle in the final of the zone 7 lntra-con-stltuency netball tournament at the
    577 words

  • 1737 28  -  By Jeffrey Low CINCE the curtain fell on her after the 800 m freestyle final at the Montreal Olympics, Australian swimmer Jenny Turrall has been fighting a battle of wits with herself. The year 197S had been the bitterest one In
    Pictures by Sydney Morning Herald  -  1,737 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 189 28 INTERLUDE v 3 capricorn °P aries Dec SI Jan 19: Having acquired sufficient competence In your present job. you ought to strive for a more rewarding appointment. March Zl-April 29: Although your partner Is always ready to accept your ideas, bolster up his self-confidence by letting him have his own
      189 words

  • 1042 29  -  Tan Kim Seng THE 1977 athletics season which opened In the first week of January with a friendly crosscountry run at the Macßitchie Reservoir will have two main international meets as its focal points. National athletes and those who hope to make the nat
    1,042 words
  • 615 29  -  (MLL? Ernest Frida r'HEONG Th i a m Slew, who led the Singapore team to the recent Putra Cup tournament, has called for more strokeplay competition to lift the standard of. our top players. He said: "I think we should slowly do away
    615 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 84 29 Head SPORTS PRODUCTS OROIP INTERNATIONAL DIVISION White Plains, New York Has much pleasure in Announcing the appointment of ROBERTSON, WIISOU (SINGAPORE) LIMITED 75 Ngee Ann Building Orchard Road Singapore 9 as Sole Agents and Distributors for HEAD Tennis equipment and Clothing Singapore, Brunei, East West Malaysia in addition to Hong
      84 words

  • 1089 30 JOCKEY Ron Hut- chinson was lxi great riding form at Bukit Tlmah yesterday winning two of his three rides. Hutchinson got off to a good start when he landed Timely n. Stylish winner in Race One, Timely II beat the fast finishing Right Knight
    1,089 words
  • 381 30 Novosti YURI Tltov became 1 president of the International Gymnastics Federation recently with farreaching plans to bring the administration of the sport up-to-date. The 41-year-old Tltov la well qualified for the Job. He was the overall world champion In 1962 and has been
    Novosti  -  381 words
  • 547 30  -  THEY FIELD LINE-UP OF STARS Koay Kok Chiang BRING back the Malaysia Cup that Is the order that has been handed to the Penang soccer team who open their campaign against Perak at the City Stadium next Sunday. And going from the good attendance
    547 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 42 30 Ist: No. *****1 (>4,427) 2nd: No. *****7 ($1,265) 3rd: No. *****7 ($632) Starters ($156 each) Not: *****1 *****9 *****9 *****6 *****8 *****4 *****2 *****1 *****8 *****6 *****6 *****7. Consolation ($lOO each) Nos: *****4 *****9 *****5 *****6 *****7 *****8 *****1 *****9 *****2 *****5.
      42 words

  • 354 31 A Atrtocfc Race Always dood Arctic Warrior Au Sauvage Abductor Ampora Animr, Tho Atomic Powor AN Begoncy B Boron l«M ftoco Bat* BeauHeu 9 Bendlgo Bright Future c Coriot Race I CMtxon Kan* C (import Candid Otoo Chotooron Clair Do Luna N a Conratecti D Distinction
    354 words
  • 154 31 By Scrutineer |)EVILS DISCIPLE has hit his peak form, and with English ace Jockey Lester Plggott in the saddle, he will take a lot of beating in Race 8 at Buklt Timah today. The four-year-old New Zealand gelding by Lucifer II broke the ice with a brilliant
    By Scrutineer  -  154 words
  • 3076 31 M 1.45 CLASS 5, DIV. 1 1600m XUi ($10,500 S7.350 to wlnn«r\ 1 1222 Man* a (George) Weil 8 57 (+2) 1400m Sept 1», IF •Frauds 10 2 0104 Au Saw vage a (Civic) Davldaon 5 53V. (-2*) 1850m Nov. |4 a
    3,076 words
  • 107 31 i WAN ldlJXB r A1BWAT BLDIOUH lw 1: i7 Aiilli Wfcrrter Prebu Mandure HpeOMader Prabu Mkmiura LwpM KB** U|M Monab Aaaert »r Sputnik NM4»IUU» tiigBm AM CM Niutahtr Atomic Power Beyal OwBee >Woitr of Love SpellMndw l«T>l OllIlM Abductor 4: LHk Afila Natamfe Ooopm Niknto nwllimmlel Reeeon The Rln««r
    107 words

  • 201 32  -  SPORTS NATION QUAH KIM SONG nnHX three-month lay-off from all forms of physical activity has affected me Immensely. The last three days of training under Uncle Choo Seng Quee was hell but It was necessary and Is doing me ft world
    201 words
  • 487 32 Forces show their class in replay U/HEN Armed Forces 'B' met the Yellow Jackets from the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment In a Singapore Rugby Union League Division Two match last month, the referee had to call It off because of over robust play. Both teams met In
    487 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 129 32 *S,7yL. S -> m H- 7 u- JW vjP. ftirirvzvsft MK II iAi; ELECTRIC c/ WATER HEATER "ELECTRICITY IS CONSUMED ONLY WHEN CONTROL TAP IS TURNED ON" Gun** raOaMtty, a* tar saMy th« haatar h aquippad with tharmostat. micro iwtkh Md pratMM raM cattar. 12 nwtlu tiurantaad Sin: 294 i
      129 words
    • 98 32 'OCBC is my Bank I'm SOLID in business' v §m 1 i n *<> •J:. L 4 m 'V «*.v. i We have many happy businessmen among our customers. They appreciate our services and the solid security that comes from dealing with us. They also grow solid and prosperous with
      98 words