New Nation, 15 January 1977

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 19 1 New Nation SI|GAPORE Saturday, January 15, 1977 No. 1847 Price 25 cents NtC (P) 262/1/77 NEW (0) NATION COMMENT
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  • 391 1  -  Asean officials finalise preferential trade draft By Gerry de Silva The five ASEAN members have finalised a draft agreement on preferential trading arrangemepts, it was learnt yesterday. The loose ends were tied up during a meeting of senior ASEAN officials In Singapore. It comes after months of discussions
    391 words
  • 164 1 Reuter Padang Besar, Saturday Malaysian and Thai troop* have captured at least 100 communist guerillas In a iqasslve joint opera, tion along their border, a Thai general said here yesterday. Lieutenant General Pin DhausarL chief of the Ponrth Thai Mill, tary Region and overall
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 202 1 Koala Lumpur, Saturday The late Tan Brl Syed Jaafar Albar will be buried at the National Mausoleum ground at the Masjid Negara here at about 4.30 this afternoon. Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed made the decision early this morning after a meeting with Hall Suhalml
    202 words
  • 43 1 Reuter Aspen, Colorado, Saturday A Jury yesterday found French born singer Claudlne Longet guilty on a reduced count of criminally negligent homicide In the death of her ski champion lover Vladimir (Spider) Sablch and she faces up .to two years In prison.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 205 1 AP New York, Saturday Muhammad All says he's trying to Ret the Beatles back together for a benefit that would pay for "feeding and clothing the poor children of the world," aocordlng to the New York Dally New*. The newspaper quoted the world heavyweight boxing champ In
    AP  -  205 words
  • 357 1 Reuter Manila, Saturday Mrs. Imelda Marcos, wife of the Philippines President and a power in her own right, yesterday. pleaded for greater understanding of Third World by western news media, which she accused of sometimes being a bully. Mrs. Marcos, attending a Foreign Press
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 292 2 The Registry of Vehicles will crack down on vehicles bearing unnecessary stickers on the front windscreens. The crackdown U part of the mini-campaign the ROV Enforcement Unit la currently waging to ensure that the provisions of the Motor vehicle* (Construction and Use) Rules*
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  • 289 2 The Singapore Educational Media Service may Increase ETV transmission time for the benefit of preschoolers, primary and secondary students. Last year 8 EMS transmitted 422 educational television programmes including 120 new ones. It also produced Ul aets of stories on audio cassettes accompanied by colour
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  • 324 2 Forty seamen on a Llberian-reglstered vessel, A 1 Taha. called off plans to stage a "sit-in" on board the ship after new wage agreement was reached on Tuesday. The seamen were" awarded a total of $97,038 In backdated wage at a higher scale. The 14.000
    324 words
  • 36 2 Swaml Bhashyananda. head of the Vlvekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago In the US, will give a talk on Vedanta and the West at the Ramakrlshna Mission In Bartley Road on Sunday at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 20 2 The National Museum will screen four film shows on farming, treasures and folk dances on Wed. Jan. 19.
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  • 272 2 The Slater case in summary London, Saturday—An accountant formerly practising in Singapore Mr. Dennis Garrett, said In a London court yesterday that from the structure of the Melbourne Unit Trust he saw no accounting reason for It to be set up. The
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  • 36 2 The National Museum will screen four films entitled Useful Dry Farming Methods, House of Treasures, Polk Dances of Madhya Pradesh and A Journey at Its premises next Wednesday at 8 p.m. Admission is free.
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  • 144 2 The director of the Industrial Training Board, Mr. Llm Jit Poh today disclosed that the Defence Ministry has indicated that there are likely to be fewer fulltime national service deferments to apprentices under the Board's various appren 11 c e s h 1 p schemes
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 712 2 AT THE CINEMA THE OMEN: A suspense thriller about the parents who discover belatedly that their adopted son Is the child of Satan. Stars Gregory Peck, Lee Remlck, David Warner. BUlle Whltelaw. Harvey Stephens. Odeen: 1.30. 4, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. DOCTOR ZHIVAGO: An epic from Boris Pasternak's novel of
      712 words
    • 55 2 Today: 8.06 p.m. (2.2 m) Tomorrow: 7.14 a.m (2.6 m): 9.27 p.m. (2.4 m) Monday: 8.23 a.m (2.8 m); 10.21 p.m. (2.6 m). Tuesday: 9.18 a.m. (2.9 m); 11.06 p.m. (2.7 m). Wednesday: 10.07 a.m. (3.1 m); 11.46 p.m. (2.8 m) Thursday: 10.52 a.m, (3.1 m). Friday: 12.22 a.m. (2.8
      55 words
  • 16 2 Police reported 85 accidents yesterday. Nine were serious and one fatal.
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  • 275 3  -  Ministry extends new nurse practitioner scheme By Wang Look Fung The Health Ministry has extended the new nurse practitioner scheme to all its 27 outpatient clinics. The nurse practitioner is a new category of nurses specially trained by doctors to treat simple ailments at
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  • 32 3 The Minister for Home Affairs and Education. Mr. Chua Slan Chin will be fcuest-of-honour at a send-off party for national servicemen at Macpherson community centre at 9 a.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 202 3 The National Iron and Btod Mill has reduced the price of steel oars by IS# per metric tonne as a result of stiff competition especially from Japan. An official of the mill described thfa decrease of fire to six per cent In price as
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  • 347 3 Renovation contractors penalised for doing unauthorised work The Housing Board has forfeited the $5000 deposits of two renovation contractors for carrying out unauthorised work last year. While one was debarred from re-registration for a period of six months, the other was debarred from future registration. Bince the
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  • 153 3 Beware of getting distorted Impressions of working life when finding out about the career of your choice. This warning was sounded by a Ministry of Education guidance officer, Miss Kwok Mel Tong, at a career guidance talk at the Toa Payoh Branch
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 92 3 □NE WITH SHNE Lafa Dining Suites. In high quality chrome. Shapes to suit. From oval and round, to rectangular. With polished marble tops. Or wooden. Or smoked glass. Diana and Cortina chrome chairs to match. With attractive fabric covers. Any way you look at It, It's exceptional value for money.
      92 words
    • 92 3 m II Ijl.. SCHOOL OP ST. CLARK PENZANCE. CORNWALL. U.K. A C.hurch of England School belonging to the Woodard Corporation. Recognised as efficient by the Department of Education. Girls aged s—lB (boarders accepted at 8). Courses leading to 'O' and 'A' level O.C.E. and University. Provision for Drama, Music and
      92 words

  • 385 4  -  So tour operators forced to make do with school buses By Peter Ong School buses have gone to the rescue of hundreds of tourists visiting Singapore In recept months. The buses were used to transport tourists on sightseeing and shopping tours, and from the airport to
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  • 270 4 BUSINESSMEN CASH IN Enterprising businessmen are cashing in on Singapore's booming tourist trade by producing a vast range of take-home souvenir Items. Business has been so good that there are now at least 10 private enterprises Involved In producing souvenirs. And they are reported to
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  • 38 4 The Singapore Sports Council and the Singapore Amateur Judo Association will organise a Judo Instructors' course, at the Singapore Judo Club In Jalan Besar on Feb. a. Participants must have at least a 4th kyu grade.
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  • 122 4 The Industrial Training Board has plans to Introduce a staff exchange programme with Industry. This was suggested ata recent seminar which noted that the Board's training staff lacked Industrial experience "although they were knowledgeable In the skills they were teaching," said the latest Issue of the
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  • 147 4 The National Police Cadet Corps expects to train up to 400 cadet Inspectors this year, double the number trained last year. This was disclosed by DSP Lee Kok Aun of the NPCC In an Interview yesterday. He said: A total of 60 were trained In
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  • 47 4 Marine Police rescued all IS Indonesian crew members after they abandoned their ship, TanJong Dua Djakarta, In the Outer Roads yesterday. The vessel had listed to the port side after springing a leak In Its ballast tank. It later sank. No one was Injured.
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  • 495 4 Most of the general practitioners and gynaecologists contacted by New Nation yesterday supported Health Minister Dr. Toh Chin Chye's call for "international control of immunisation" against venereal disease. At the opening of the First Western Pacific and South-east Asian Region conference
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  • 223 4 Two men were admitted to hospital yesterday after they were attacked by a swarm of bees at Stamford Road. Hawker Mr. Cheng Ah Mens, 49. had stopped his bicycle In front of the traffic lights at the Junction of Queen Btreet when he felt a
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  • 330 4 PICK UP AFTER BAD START Car sales went up by 24 per cent -'ast year compared with the 1975 figure. _A total of 7700 private cars were sold whereas In 1975 the number was only 6228. Sales were low at the beginning
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  • 41 4 The Industrial Training Board has appointed Mr. Ho Mun as chairman of the Board's wood based trade advisory committee for two years. Mr. Chong Fook Keow Is secretary of the committee. There are nine committee members.
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  • 365 5 Reuter Brussels, Saturday Spain has taken a small step towards joining NATO by reorganising the command structure of its army, alliance strategists and diplomats said yesterday. They said that the S p a n is h decision to create the post of Army Chief
    Reuter  -  365 words
  • 73 5 AP Washington, Saturday. A US Senate committee yesterday warned that many Americans are eating themselves to death by following a high fat, high sugar diet. The panel called for a federal programme to educate consumers The Nutrition Committee said in a report proposing dietary goals for consumers
    AP  -  73 words
  • 170 5 Reuter Aspen (Colorado), Saturday The Judge In the Claudlne Longet manslaughter trial yesterday gave the Jury the option of convicting the former wife of singer Andy William* on a lesser charge of negligent homicide. Miss Longet. 35. could be sentenced to uo to 10
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 41 5 Reuter New Delhi. Saturday About 330 communist supporters have been arrested over the past two weeks In two Northern Indian states In connection with a campaign against price rises, Communist Party of India (CPI) sources said here yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 165 5 Reuter Moscow, Saturday Soviet Communist Party leader Leonid Brezhnev yesterday called for an end to the arms race, saying it had frittered away money which could be used to combat the world's social problems. His appeal came In a message read to the
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 299 5 Reuter Boston, Saturday World Bank presld en t Robert McNamara yesterday said current levels of official. aid from Industrialised to less industrialised countries was "disgracefully Inadequate" and singled out the United States as one of the worst examples of aid givers. Speaking at the
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 172 5 Reuter Colombo, Saturdav Bn Lanka Prime Minister Sirlmavo Bandar an alke yesterday rejected opposition requests for a meeting with her and for an emergency session of Parliament to discuss the strikes which have curtailed public services for more than three weeks. Mrs. Bandaranalke
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 200 5 mmmm >V" V ft Vr TH v ::Phm^ »>. LrA n M ■> vv*) mm M* »v iv > IB <fe«n* •~r r f J V >>•> t .*f v.. JSfcSsfc»**«?' To add gaiety to your festivities Lea brings you an exclusive range of Super Washed Natural Desert Shirts. Come
      200 words

  • 404 6 —say Hussein and Sadat Reuter Cairo, Saturday King Hussein of Jordan and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat agreed yesterday that the establishment of an independent Palestinian state should be a basic part of any peace settlement with Israel, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmi
    Reuter  -  404 words
  • 168 6 UPI TODAY is Saturday. Jan. 15. the 15th daj of 1977 with 350 to follow. THE MOON Is between its last quarter and new phase. THE MORNING STARS are Mercury. Mars and Saturn. THE EVENING BTARB are Venus and Jupiter. Those born on this date are under the sign
    UPI  -  168 words
  • 49 6 Reuter London, Saturday Someone broke into a police chiefs safe at one of London's biggest and busiest police stations, Scotland Yard admitted yesterday. A spokesman declined comment on Pre* reports that about £SNt ($29,999) was miming from the safe at Clapham Police station in south London.—Beater.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 121 6 Reuter Peking, Saturday China has appointed a woman. Madam Chen Mu-Hua. as Minister of Economic Relations with Foreign Countries —a portfolio that covers aid agreements with developing nations. The appointment was revealed in a New China News Agency item which did not state what had
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 243 6 Reuter Amman, Saturday Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister, Sheikh Ahmed Zakl Yamani. says the Arabs are not using their oil wealth as a weapon and only want to remind the world of Its responsibilities towards the Palestinians, Riyadh Radio reported yesterday.
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 39 6 UPI Innsbruck (Austria). Saturday An avalanche yesterday roared down a slope near the Austrian winter sports resort of Obergurgl. biiryin* 13 people, police Three died in the snow masses, and the other 10 were hospitalised with Injuries.—UPl.
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 38 6 Reuter New Delhi. Saturday Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi yesterday hosted a lunch for visiting Laotian President Prince Souphanouvong. enabling the two leaders to have a second exchange of views following their talks on Thursday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 70 6 New York, Saturday— Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and book designer Brian Holme check out one of the photos for the book. In The Russian Style, which she wrote and edited for Viking Press recently. The book, which goes on sale nationally next week, stresses the elaborate costumes
    UPI radio picture  -  70 words
  • 259 6 Reuter Washington, Saturday Twenty -nine US Congressmen, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives, yesterday urged Americans to boycott all French products to protest against the release of Palestinian guerilla leader Abu Daoud. As well as calling for a boycott, the 29 sent
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 189 6 Reuter PARIS. Saturday France yesterday tried to counter condemnation of its release of Abu Daoud by shifting the blame to West Germany. In a lengthy interview published by French newspapers. Prime Minister Raymond Barre said: "The French Government cannot help but note what I would call
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 186 6 Reuter Beirut, Saturday. Arab League peace-fceep-lng troops will begin raids to confiscate heavy weapons which rival (actions failed to hand over by a Wednesday midnight deadline, the Falangist Party newspaper Al-Amal reported yesterday. Al-Amal quoted Byrla's representative on the four-power truce supervisory committee here, Colonel Mohammed
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 147 6 Reuter Exeter (England'), Saturday. An Iranian student who made love to his landlady, took pictures of her barebreasted and then threatened to tell her family, was Jailed for four years yesterday on blackmail charges. Emami was also convicted of extorting money from
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 210 6 WEATHER New York Light snow, flurries, Minus 1Mlnus OC. Headline: Carter will pursue early Panama pact and Cyprus accord. San Franelsee Overcast, 11-SC. Headline: Surprise confession on false Hughes will. Paris Cloudy, rain. 7-4 C. Headline: Daoua affair coldness between Paris and Washington. Rome Drissle. 10Mlnus IC. Headline: Television tax
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  • 172 7 Reuter Tokyo, Saturday.—Top Japanese defence officials are making a study on how to cope with every military situation in the Far East which might arise after the expected withdrawal of U8 forces from South Korea In the future, defence agency officials said yesterday.
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 254 7 Reuter Canberra. Saturday The A us t r a 1 i an government, last night announced tough new economic measures In an attempt to control Inflation and follow up last year's devaluation of the Australian dollar. After an eight-hour cabinet meeting here last night, the
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 231 7 UPI Sao Paulo. Saturday Millionaire p 1 a y o o y Francisco "Chlqulnho" Scarpa, facing charges of damaging the honour of Princess Caroline of Monaco. sa:d yesterday he was only joking when he said he had an affair with her and that
    UPI  -  231 words
  • Article, Illustration
    112 7 Reuter Los Angeles, Saturday. Australian actor Peter Finch (above) died yesterday of a heart attack at the age of 60. his close friend, director Sidney Lumet, told reporters here. A spokesman for the University of California Medical Centra here declined to either confirm or deny Mr. Lumet's statement.
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 109 7 New Delhi, Saturday India and Indonesia yesterday signed an agreement demarcating the entire 460-km maritime boundary between the two countries. Under the agreement, India's Nicobar Islands, located about 96 km northeast of Indonesia's Sumatra, get the same status as an archipelago sovereign state. The agreement
    109 words
  • 120 7 Reuter New York, Saturday Mayor Abraham Beame has decided that New York cannot afford that extra cup of coffee. He has ruled that orders lor coffee for city hospitals, prisons and other institutions be cut by one third because of .soaring prices. He hopes
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 69 7 l f ifK '4 t J ;v -i" i fiefc* swings with the fabulous Pitiful tbr: x M-4* ftlfyou soma real rousing rhythms. §anceto their renditions of ragsa*» soul, blues. fMtffint Bantf:Th« Flybalts Monday Friday 9 pm 2am Ist drink $10 3% Saturday Public Holiday Eve till 3 am Ist
      69 words
    • 143 7 1 I V FOR VOUR FRmiLV < y 'V- •v rt y W»\* I .J -'y m ,0 > 4 v vM I M,* 'U' m i< >;>' '2i>. «<•»•*..' Rack Stereo Combination Best product of NIPPON COLUMBIA JAPAN (Cassette Deck Optional) nno vou GET mUCH mOPE: •B- 't;< i
      143 words

  • 447 8 "Give Way," the mini road-courtesy campaign launched today by the traffic police, Is essentially a reminder to motorists that lnconslderatlon for other road-users can kill or maim. A more effective way of deterring boorish road behaviour is the Imposition of telling fines and demerit points
    447 words
    • 36 8 A woman when asked why she had such a low opinion of a mutual acquaintance, replied: "Because (an- other friend) thinks highly of her, and I can't stand him!" That's womkn'a logic for you!
      36 words
    • 67 8 There are many ways of Imposing res trie tions, but the following noUce dated Jan. 8 from the Controller and Registrar of Imports and Exports sent to traders and carriers must take the cake: "Traders and carriers are Informed that with effect from today, the
      67 words
  • 598 8  -  Opinion By Walter Mears AP Washington, Saturday President Ford has told Congress not to try to play Commander in Chief but to leave to presidents, Deginning with Jimmy Carter, the management of International affairs in times of crisis. That advice runs counter to a congressional
    AP  -  598 words
  • 505 8 ...just like the late Mao and Chou VOICF. OF THE PRESS BANGKOK POST Sinologists and friends of China are closely following the efforts by Chairman H u a Kuo-feng to bring peace and stability to his country which has-been disturbed by the unexpected
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  • 589 9  -  Art Buchwald Los Angeles Times The problem after a Christmas vacation is that parents of college students can never be quite sure if their children had a good time or not. I've taken a leaf from Holiday Inns, Howard Johnson motels
    Los Angeles Times  -  589 words
  • 366 9  -  Bjr PAUL VOGLE UPI Bangkok, Sat Communist rule by committee has become the way of life in Vietnam, leu than two year* after the laat US-backed government in Saigon folded it* tents in surrender. The Committee of 492 Members of the
    UPI  -  366 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 7 9 Special "Poh Piah" Steamboat and Fresh Seafood
      7 words
    • 69 9 N <. iff 10 pjm. to 3 aja. Swing to the non-etop music by the SHAN DYNASTY Singapore Pop Groip Ffrst Drink $7.00 Subsequent Drinks $5.00 No Service or Cover charge EVENING LOUNGE: 3 pjn. to 730pjn COCKTAIL LOUNGE: 730 pjn. to 10.00 pjn. THE HOT SHORT (Philippine*) V
      69 words

  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 159 10 / 11 MORE ARE SWITCHING TO ClariOß EACH DAY! k M \\J K'/r r"- x T^j V y* NL. K ii r A 7" s* y 7- > A. MOTOR ISED AUTO TUNING. )m' v CI ARION tins fabulous feature i mmt.aliv (^i.)r^t'<;>>»•■ j Ant'> Tunini) for easy selection of .in
      159 words
  • Page 10 / 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1205 10 / 11 YOUR WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE SINGAPORE 5 1 .95 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by IIS AME tM 8ATUEOAT MATINEE: Tchaikovsky. Continuation of a twopart film on the lifestory of oompoeer Tchaikovsky. 3.15 STABS IN ACTION: Plafue Ship. 3.44 SOCCER President's Cup Final. 4.45 8ANDIWABA: Pak Wan Nslk Angin (r). 5.25 JOE VOBRE8TSB:
      1,205 words
    • 555 10 / 11 RADIO SINGAPORE SATURDAY 1.40 News followed by Share Market Report 1.45 Prog. Summary followed by Music for You 2.00 Walls of Jericho 2JO Concert Matinee (S) 3.30 Today's Sounds 4.00 Saturday Special 4.30 Tea Break (S) 5.00 News In Brief 5.03 Prog. Summary 5.10 In Holiday Mood 0.00 News In
      555 words
    • 907 10 / 11 New shows this year Sight and Sound by J. Holmberg The trials of a judge THE TONY RANDALL SHOW. Mary Tyler Moore productions. which reputedly have the best sitcom writers (though after watching the series Rhoda. and the recent one, Phyllis, this seems hard to swallow), have come up with
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  • 501 12  -  Liable to make stomachs turn Cinema Gloria Chandy DARKEST NEW GUINEA: A documentary In Mandarin with English sabtitles. (Now at Golden). Th 11 documentary takes you Into some of the most remote regions of New Ouinea that are still inhabited by primitive tribes who
    501 words
  • 468 12  -  Orchestra has found the perfect formula POPS Peter Ong ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA: A NEW WORLD RECORD (JET RECORDS): When Electric Light Orchestra was formed In 1969, Its founders Jeff Lynne and Roy Wood, then still with The Move, set their sights on the
    468 words
  • 183 12 London. Saturday. The beet is at the bottom of the London pop charts this week with excellent records by Julie Covington and Stevle Wonder hovering on the fringe of the top 10. Miss Covington Is a new name on the pop
    183 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 357 12 mainly as an actress in England, she stars in **fta, a new opera by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Weber loosely based on the life and career of Eva Peron. It reveals Miss Covington as a musical performer of the first rank, Wtth a strong sensitive voice, especially In the
      357 words
    • 307 12 L Crossword mamma mmm aaaa jib iUllllillltfd ItlalJßH JHM dIUB HI m■■■■ i ?u»nii iimmmmm 8 Comic Cohen 9 Collection 10 Midwestern capital 11 Japanese religion 12 Legal or bar 14 Degree for drilling and filling 16 Bother 20 Abraham's wife 23 Children's game 24 "—l2" 26 Round Table member
      307 words

  • 83 13 Business News and Views V J J UPI Ottawa, Saturday Australia appears to be moving towards the Canadian position of easing world trade tariffs to encourage more exports of llAshed products. An Indication of m changing Australian position came this week in two days of
    UPI  -  83 words
  • 452 13 Buffer stock emptied, prices out of hand Reuter London, Saturday The price of tin climbed to new heights on the London Metal Exchange yesterday following Thursday's Internatlonal Tin Council announcement that buffer stock supplies are exhausted. After reaching a record £5530 per tonne, tin closed
    Reuter  -  452 words
  • 232 13 Reuter Geneva. Saturday United Nations commodity experts have advocated setting ud an International buffer stockpile ot 450,000 tonnes to stabilise natural rubber prices, and said a reserve of 100,000 tonnes envisaged by producing countries is too small. The 450,000 tonnes figure appeared as a tentative estimate
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 369 13  -  Market round-up I.V. Lee Yew Meng Trading in the stocfe market slowed to a crawl this week. Total volume traded was only 12,109,000 shares valued at $26,102,000. Comparative figures for last week were 20,649,000 and $42,*****0, respectively. Monday's performance (turnover was almost four million units)
    369 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 128 13 Prices suffered an irregular loss yesterday in active trading of New York Exchange issues as blue-chips encountered selling pressures amid rising concern that inflation would be rekindled. Yesterday* by the dlfferei prices followed nee on previous session's close AT ft T 82% unch Beth Steel 38% Caterp Tra
      128 words
    • 28 13 Closing averages on the NYSE yesterday: 30 Industrials 972.16 (Off 3.99). 20 transport 233.66 (off 1.08); 15 utilities 108.22 (up 0.89); 65 stocks 318.10 (off 0.69).
      28 words
    • 162 13 Substantial buying flooded the market. pushing up speculatlves and medium and smallsized incentive-backed issues. Closing prices (in yen) on the TSE yesterday: AJlnomoto 500 2 C. Itoh 308 3 Dowa Mining 159 1 Hitachi 230 1 Japan Mall 8te 222 1 Komatsu 321 1 Melji Selka 440 I Mltsul-Toatsu
      162 words
    • 78 13 Closing prices (In Swiss francs) on the Zurich Stock Exchange yesterday: UB8 Bearer 3226 5 UBS Registered 563 I SBC 408 Credit Suisse 2730 Swissair B. <43 2 Swiss Relnsur 2550 Wlnterthur B. 1920 —10 Zurich msur. 7150 Juvena B. 1M 2 Nestle B. 3470 —25 Interfcod B. 2525
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    • 1 13
      1 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 130 13 I V J V I yc The new gourmet restaurant at Goodwood Park Hotel. SSmr™-- &WMzSB *p& 4« vT*h •a 'J. MN4 ->v 4 Of tttt+wy French Crept* -.j > TT T t2fin-fiL3O pm Olnn«r 7pm-10.30 pm Trt: *****1 «xt 101/792 > SeotUßnMl Mnnunnm:■ l»n<iw)iiii Qrowe HMtto NEW WIRELESS TACHOMETER
      130 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 189 14 FIRST CONTACT LENS CENTRE Kit /j cX/ w J 111 I (»M MIN Ml Mill It <>1 till N/ I > I Ml \l(( II rIll M»\l H IN I N (iiii v<i 1111 i«»k><<« >>ni i /V r I I Kl V| \K( II |N v I I II
      189 words
    • 139 14 CHNESE OFFER FREE GIFTS for every purchase of $20 and above •hOaS 10, OBCHAKO KMC SMQAPORf 9. TO- 36)929 BUSINESS HOURS' SUN K HOLS 12noon spm MON-TOl 10« m "730pm New shipment of Just arrived AN AIR OF m GRACE] V-' 1 I z a IMWWfM IXECWTW*. WMOLMAUM WTAILW CONTRACTOR
      139 words
    • 117 14 FROM GREAT BRITAIN DON'T PUT UP WITH ANYTHING LESS Vfc MERCHANDISE PRODUCE (PTE) LTD Golden Mile Shopping Centre Beach Rd Singapore 7 Tel: *****35 *****36 *•s<§. mwm HI Li L CHINESE NEW YEAR SPECIAL OFFER! HITACHI Tuner amplifier power output 70 watt RMS with HI 1 set Turntable and one
      117 words
    • 121 14 WHILS STOCK I LASTS TIMBER ENTERPRISES (PTE.) LTD. 7E-1, ASIA INSURANCE BLDO. S'PORE TEL: M 719 (Manufacturer* A Publisher* Representative*) People going OVERSEAS go to FOOK ON first Because we hsvs the widest range of Winter Clothings at the most reasonable prices. FOOK ON CO. [PTE] LTD (Department Store) 83-85
      121 words
  • 304 14 A twice weekly advertisement feature Coffee houses In Singapore are popular with both young and old. Associated with the hotel industry as the tourist boom took place in the 1960, we now find that there are coffee houses in modern office blocks and shopping centres. Coffee houses are, of
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  • 616 15 Book is rich with case studies Bookshelf! NYT Service POWER, INC.: PUBLIC AND PRIVATE RULERS AND HOW TO MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE. By Morton Mintz and Jerry S. Cohen. (589 pages. Viking US$l5.) Reviewed by John L. Hess. The buck doesn't stop here anymore. To use the
    NYT Service  -  616 words
  • 589 15  -  By Hobart Rowan Washington Post Washington, Saturday In Sidney Lumet's new bitterly satirical movie, Network, the head of the fictional United Broadcasting Service (ÜBS) lays it on the line to his schizophrenic but top rated newscaster. Howard Beale. We no longer live in a world
    Washington Post  -  589 words
  • 384 15  -  Chess In I Lim Kok Ann Fifty-four competitors took part in the 1976 World Junior Championship held In Oroningen, Holland, last December. As the host country had two players, 53 countries were represented. The winner was Mark Dlesen of the United States who
    384 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 110 15 I B P OFFERS MORE VARIETIES OF CERAMIC TILE THAN ANYONE ELSE 1 TP IsXLJI 3 T> s i~>- rs W i «r:i N <> V .1 T I H I. SO HKAiTIFUI. SEE rHfM ALL AT international building s>'«'' pt*oduct s pte) ltd. G4B GROUND FLOOR GOLDEN MILE TOWER
      110 words
    • 32 15 FOR THE BEST IN CHILDREN'S FUR. NITURE Baby cots, play-pans, infant carriers. Walkers, etc. Nan Kfccw Cbildrai F«rait«re IfifiS. Brack Kond Hlock 14 off North Bridge Rd (opposite Cioldm Theatre) Td: 2KINI*
      32 words
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  • 578 16 NYT Reuter New York, Saturday The political problems that diluted the track and field competition at the Montreal Olympics has been extended into the 1977 indoor season. At least one African country. Tanzania, already has Informed officials of the Amateur Athletic Union and the
    NYT; Reuter  -  578 words
  • 171 16 AP S e o u i, Saturday South Korea have decided to send their athletes to Taiwan if Taiwan succeed in their bid to host the third biennial Asian amateur track and field championships, the Korean Amateur Athletic Federation said yesterday. Some member countries of
    AP  -  171 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 250 16 T p L Jm 1 ELSA VIO MODEL Centre: New classes In Deportment h Personal Orooming commencing tn the afternoons u evening*. Further enquiries: *****3. ROOMS VACANT AT Upper Paya Lebar near Airport. Chinese preferred. Ring *****95 <*.* *#►•> •.*»*<♦ l-'i-j. ififl! > iS*wbM-N«tSBsjll LIP GENERAL CONTRACTOR, 20 Tlong Bahru
      250 words
    • 197 16 BCNQ HUP Sofa (cushion's) set for repairing and re-uphols-terlng. Contact tel: *****93. \f ;r LI V>j CHEAP SALE 111 Curtain Materials 100% Acrylic Now up to 50% discount! Curtain Tracks at $1.50 per 30 cm including Installation. Please Contact: Corex Interior Decoration Co. B-49 Golden Mile Tower, Beech Rd. B'pore
      197 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 528 16 Saturday Cut out ond pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address ■■■■■■■■■■Cut along dotted lines ■■■■■■■■i CLUES FOR DO-6 1. Foil to keep to the main subject 2. Shaken, at cream being made into butter 3. Like a- meeting at which term* off total surrender are
      528 words
    • 407 16 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you possess nervous energy In the extreme, with the result that you are Inclined to work overlong and overhard on matters requiring only a modicum of effort which eventually will mean that you will be forced to work very nearly to
      407 words

  • 497 17 Sydney, Saturday A us t r a 11 an Test captain. Greg Chappell, said it was Pakistan's day at the opening day of the third and deciding Test at Sydney cricket ground yesterday. Chappell said: "All credit must be given to the Pakistan
    497 words
  • 378 17  -  BADMINTON by Brian Miller Absenteeism seems to be the v biggest problem facing the Singapore Badminton Association as they prepare for the Asian Badminton Confederation's Invitation championships to be held in Hong Kong from February 22 to 28. For the past few weeks, only eight players
    378 words
  • 243 17 London. Saturday The first two matches of the season in the fivenation Rugby Union championship are expected to be played today as scheduled, despite wintry weather which threatens wide disruption of other weekend sports fixtures In Britain. In Cardiff, where Wales are due
    243 words
  • 17 17 The National Aerobic Fitness Test will be held today at the National Btadlum at 4 p.m.
    17 words
  • 251 17 Tucson, Saturday Bruce Lletske reached all the Mr 5s In two big blows, came out of the pack with a slx-under-par 66 and took a onestroke lead yesterday In the second round of the U*****.000 (about *****.000) Joe OaraglolaTucson Open golf tournament while Johnny
    251 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 97 17 After a game of tennis, wash yourself with pHisoDerm. In an unbreakable, waterproof squeeze bottle, pHisoDerm Is more hygenlc than soap found In public wash rooms, which can hartx>ur bacteria to cause cross infection. pHisoDerm is a pure white liquid skin cleanser that cleans deep while preserving your skin's natural
      97 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 74 17 THE BORN LOSER bv Art Sansom OH,ifcAH, THAT'S A SHORT IW THE vTaeviaow! v m irz i m m i«4i V! bk- a SCspa mc T M Reg U S r 4 i OM by Frank O'Neal SHORT RIBS OUST TWE USUAL. r-r^ MAIL/ i -fK Ste m fi *2
      74 words

  • 112 18 ■CBUTINEEB FAIBWAY BLUEGBAS8 KM* 1: lyvUiii Timely Sparkling Pacific Rim Thnely Super Quick RMC S: Galden Mandarin I Love Tou Hipd Speedmaater 1 Lra YM Archibald I Law Tan Ytenan Kmc S: Kin 4: |s§jjS uiinito lamer be 11 finldent Award Tadtnjr Cohimbo Court V| A«aln V aMto Caart
    112 words
  • 3084 18 -n 2.18 CIms 5, Dlv 3 Jl ($9,500 $6,650 to 1600m linmr) i eooonww ft 0M7 1 Deal sxmnm% *MtaM(HTWM)DanMa4»7(dd+lM)lMam C*» (Protector*) Sameurl ft MM (dc+7) 1400m N a (Egta) Kinior ft M (dd-1) iftftOn p 4 4 DM Dm 1 MM Mm 0077 tpartd
    3,084 words
  • 504 18  -  RACING with Brian Miller It will take a really good galloper to wear down Up Again In Race Four this after noon. That's why I take him to be the best bet in today's Buklt Timah eight-race card. This gelding from the
    504 words
  • 280 18 BY FAIRWAY Letter Piggott will undoubtedly be the star attraction at Buklt Timah today. The maestro has six rides in a card of eight races and can score on Sparkling (Race One), Napshot (Race Two, and Golden Lotas II (Race Pout). 8parkling, although un placed
    280 words

  • 395 19 RACING with Scrutineer j Visiting Welsh Jockey Taify Thomas should have a winning ride on Spellbinder in Race 2 at Buk i t Tlmah tomorrow. To my mind Spellbinder has a fairly easy task. The four-yea r-old English gelding by Flrestreak showed definite promise
    395 words
  • 3642 19 3D1 1 *.U5 LA88 5 DIV 1 1800m (110,800 $7,350 to wlnnw) 1 1222 Mora a (Ocorge) W«»t 6 87 (+2) 1400m W •Franeta 10 2 0104 Au auvage a (Civic) Davldaon 5 53* (-2S) 1850m SuMan 14 1 3497 Phot. m
    3,642 words
  • 128 19 EER MIAN MULES FAIBWAY s Rim 1: htba MMhn Monab Arctic Warrior Prabu Mandura Prabu Mandura Slag's Knight Monab Km* 1: Spellbinder Sputnik Spellbinder Longshot Loagahot Atomic Power Ampere Spellbinder Km* 1: Abdactor Naubahar Trae Grit Naubahar Royal O vatton Mlriodr of Love Bayal Ontiea Abductor law 4: Look
    128 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 351 20 The Singapore Women hoot ball Association are appealing to fans for their lupport to the National team In their match with the visiting Mulan team from Taiwan at the Jalan Besar Stadium tonight. (Kickoff 8 p.m.) BWFA secretary Miss Kathryn Yeo said: The fans will
    351 words
  • 458 20  -  By PHILIP TAN The Football Association of Singapore nave had to cancel the friendly match between our National team and Bulgaria's Levski Spartak on January 20 but have arranged a game with the Bouth Korean National team on February 14 Instead. The match was
    458 words
  • 213 20 Reuter Nairobi. Saturday The Kenya Amateur Athletic Association have turned down an invitation for middle distance •tar Mike Bolt to compete In four sports meetings In New Zealand later this month. KAAA secretary Mr. Isaiah Klplagat said yesterday: "No Kenya athlete will be
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 28 20 Tanglin will meet Kun Chuan In the final of the Boon Teck Constituency Intra-zone netball final at the Boon Teck Community Centre today at 5 p.m.
    28 words
  • 205 20 London, Saturday. Severe wintry weather sent British League soccer sliding further Into chaos yesterday and there were growing Indications that the season would have to be extended beyond the May 14 closing date. By mid-afternoon 22 of today's scheduled 62 English and Scottish League
    205 words
  • 158 20 Zurich, Saturday The International Football Federation (Flfa) yesterday co nfir m e d Congo at the winners of a World Cup qualifying match away to Cameroun last October which was abandoned after disturbances on and off the pitch. The Flfa Disciplinary Committee ruled that Cameroun lost
    158 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 185 20 TELEFUNKEN w kn jmv Colour TV gives vivid, real colour-quality. 13 k* i Now you can own a Telefunken/Roxy Colour TV with our Easy-To-Pay Instalment Plan. Sea'your dealer today! Sol* Agents Tg\ ROXY (STORE) PTE. LTD. UQaJ 483. Tanglln Hall Road. Singapore 3. Tal: *****1. MeMtoTVSantoa Day *****0.*****1 Night *****0
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous