New Nation, 2 January 1977

Total Pages: 30
1 34 New Nation

  • 492 2 Express A MERICA'a spy system recently underwent a big shake-up because a former agent with a James Bond complex he drove a car with 007 on the number plate bungled an effort to give Russia the innermost secrets of the Central Intelligence Agency.
    Express  -  492 words
  • 29 2 AP A Chilean newspaper has said that 200 Chilean youths, sent to the SovWt Union In 1973 for industrial training, are being kept from returning home. AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 144 2 Reuter RESCUE teams are fighting to reach 45 miners trapped alter a gas explosion caused what might be Czechoslovakia's worst mine disaster in IS years. Ceteka News Agency said "rescue work was proceeding Intensively" at the Starlc Mine in the Ostrava coalfield In
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 157 2 A MAN who was liable for national service but who stayed In Britain for over five years without an exit permit was charged In a magistrate's court yesterday in what was believed to be the first case of its kind In Singapore. Han Wee Klang,
    157 words
  • 231 2 POLO bars and other v valuables worth mllliQns of dollars are believed to be lying in the British sunken warship wrecks, the Prince of Wales and the Repulse, off the Pahang coast. But they will have to remain there forever because the British government has
    231 words
  • 120 2 Reuter ISRAELIS reacted yesterday with cautious optimism to President Sadat's statement on Friday indicating that a future Palestinian state should be linked in some form to Jordan. Israel has long declared Itself opposed to the creation ol an independent entity on.its borders, claiming that such
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 117 2 rE Umno division In Parlt Buntar, Perak. has passed a vote of 'no confidence' In Tan Sri Hall Qhazall Jawl holding office as Perak Men* trf Besar and State Umno leader. According to division secretary. Enclk Bahari bin Mat Taha. the special meeting
    117 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

    • 61 3 The Malay mi Hallway made a profit of $9 million in the first 11 months of operation last year, its first profit in 14 years. Encik Aba Othman bin All Bashah, MR's deputy general manager said, "This repiesento a big turnabout from l»<s's perfodmance warn the railway's revenue
      61 words
    • 74 3 Reuter A mutiny broke out on board a Cyprlot freighter off the Canary islands and one member of the crew was killed, Agadir Maritime Radio of Morocco reported. The radio picked up an 808 call from the 5223-tonne freighter Papageogls reporting the mutiny. Since the SOS, there has
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 67 3 Reuter The Sri Lanka government yesterday requisitioned several hundred privately-owned tracks to move food, fuel and other vital supplies to provincial towns as trade unions Intensified strike action over ?»*jr demands. Train services were crippled for the IMb successive day bat the three strikebound ports of Colombo, Galle
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 89 3 Reuter The Clarldge Hotel, last of the old-time luxury hostelrles on the Champs-Elysees, closed yesterday and cut a link with the glamorous days of the *****. The 215-room hotel, next to the Paris Lido Theatre, shut its doors because Its management could not afford a four-fold
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 63 3 UPI Taiwan Is expected to have an li per cent economic growth In 1977, a slower pace as compared with the 11-A per cent growth In the previous year, according to the Economic Planning Council. The cowntry'g foreign tr»«ie this year Is predicted to amount from US$l9 billion
      UPI  -  63 words
    • 53 3 The Singapore Bus Service has reduced Its vehicle breakdown rate from over 53 per cent two years ago to eight per cent today. 888 general manager. Mr. Wong Hung Khlm attributed the reduction to a rigid fortnightly programme of scheduled maintenance of BBS buses, which had been very
      53 words
    • 27 3 AP China's Chairman, Hua Kuo-feng congratulated Takeo Fukuda on becoming Prime Minister of Japan and expressed hope that Chinese-Japa-nese relations develop further, a Peking broadcast reported.—AP.
      AP  -  27 words
    • 50 3 Reuter Navy frigates yesterday patrolled British waters to enforce a new 320 km fishing limit, which came into effect at midnight last night The extension of the zone, from 19km, is part of a concerted plan of action by European Common Market countries to protect their fishing grounds.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 44 3 Reuter The people of Hongkong stayed at home and shivered as the British colony entered 1977. There were no notable festivities and a severe cold spell, which saw temperatures plunge from around 26C to 6C earlier this week, still gripping the city.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 69 3 Reuter Israeli security forces have uncovered an espionage network organised by Syria in the occupied Golan Heights, the military command said. Three groups of spies, all local Inhabitants, were rounded op recently. The namber of people Involved and their nationalities were not given. The Golan Heights were captured
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 73 3 Reuter The Spanish Communist Party, buoyed by the liberation on Friday o( its leader Santiago Carrillo, acted quickly to plan its campaign for parliamentary elections this year. The party's executive committee said they planned to run candidates in all of Spain's 50 provinces. They also said Mr. Carrillo
      Reuter  -  73 words
  • 179 3 First 'right to die' Bill passed in US with many safeguards Reuter TNCURABLY 111 Call--1 fornlans now have the right to order doctors to let them die. The controversial C a 11 f or n lan Natural Death Act Involving tfce withdrawal of life sustaining equipment,
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 159 3 fkAQI Oil Minister Tayed Adel Karlm suggested on Friday that a common oil production programme by producing countries could strengthen their price negotiating position. In an interview broadcast over Baghdad Radio, he said such a programme had been submitted by Iraq to the conference
    159 words
  • 87 3 Reuter THE Soviet Union has made "mother-heroines" of 722 women who have recently given birth to their 10th child, it was announced yesterday. Over half the awards went to mothers In the republics of Soviet Central Asia, the weekly Supreme Soviet (Parliament) Bulletin said. Kazakhstan headed the
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 35 3 The Malaysian Timber Industry Board is considering the setting up of a timber freight bureau to encourage shins to call at Malaysian ports for direct shipment of Malaysian timber to West Asian markets.
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  • 261 4 We'll take firm measures, he says In the New Year... what they hope to achieve Reuter PRESIDENT Suharto has said Indonesia is still plagued by corruption, manipulation of state funds and abuse of state authority. In a New Year speech to the
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 247 4 WARNINC BY CHINA Reuter /CHINESE Vice-Premier Li Hsien-nien last night renewed a warning that continued rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union would some day lead to war, the New China News Agency reported. Speaking at a New Year's eve reception for foreign
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 182 4 A MAGISTRATE'S court ycvterday heard how a youth on* a drug charge escaped from police custody after he coaxed a police sergeant into, letting him make a telephone call. Ramachandran Feriasamy, 18, was yes- terday Jailed for a day and fined
    182 words
  • 75 4 Reuter INDONESIAN Mining M 1 nls t er Mohammad Sadll said yesterday state revenue would Increase as a result of the oil price rise that came Into effect yesterday. The government has raised the price of Its oils between nine and 10.4 per
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 191 4 AP REPCRT3 from China suggest provincial leaders are having problems controlling the Chinese people In the campaign to discredit Chiang Ching, the late party Chairman Mao Tse-tung's widow. Broadcasts from the provinces have called on the Chinese to obey official directives, not act on their
    AP  -  191 words
  • 152 4 Reuter TIAI Premier Thanin Kralvichien has urged the Thai people to Join hands with the government to eliminate communist guerillas in the country. The Prime Minister. In a New Year speech on Friday, sa;d the people could help the government In tne task by persuading the
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 73 4 iVI 11 lIN V( IHS The unique Topcon way POINT FOCUS SHOOT v a? t* OPCON -r iJBK I In' conip,K'i rr f n on IC I camera is invented U for only one thing bettor photog'aphy. Innovations like the cente rwe igh cm J v x posu re measuring
      73 words
    • 101 4 Singapore Excellence In Secretarial Skills TOP INTERNATIONAL P.S.C. EXAMS of the LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Three Years In Succession 1974 1976. OUR NEXT COURSE COMMENCES: I full-time: 5-1-77 part-time: 5-1-77 1074 1975 Ist For further information please send in listl coupon or telephone: 2nd Miss Jane Tan Counselling Information Officer
      101 words

  • 368 5 AP PRESIDENT Ford believes his r successor should not make any drastic changes in relations between the U8 and South Korea because of the possible detrimental effects they would have throughout Asia. In a copyrighted interview in the Jan. 10 issue of US
    AP  -  368 words
  • 223 5 Reuter MANY of the SO "efficiency experts" at Britain's main nuclear fuel processing plant are drawing £90 ($240) a week for the last 18 months for doing w> work. The men. promoted from, the trade union ranks to the title of "estimators" In July
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 199 5 Reuter 1 THIRD morning A mnpner hit the streets of New York on frUay with eolonr pictnreo, stories eoneontratlnc on "npbeat" news and a lt-potnt statement on the pnrsnH of troth and hapMews World, anoed by the UnlAeation Chnroh International of Sooth Korea's ■or.
    Reuter  -  199 words
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  • 281 6 COMMENT WILL our soccer team make the grade or disintegrate In defeat and with it our affection? Will women return to the mini as the Western fashion moguls anticipate or will they hang on to their pants? These are interesting but not crucial questions ss we say
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  • 989 6  -  CHILDREN OF THE RICH ARE LARGER THAN CHILDREN OF THE POOR. BUT THERE'S A NEW TREND... By J. Tanner British expert on child growth Observer OINCE the very first survey of the growth of children Britain In 1832 It has been recognised that
    Observer  -  989 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 117 6 ITS WONDERFUL WHAT INGENUITY CAN DO FOR A LADY. It can bring you a watch aa beautifully accomplished as the Lady Seiko The beauty you can see right here. And in the wide range at your jeweller. The accomplishment, however, goes a little deeper. Seiko design and make every part
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 883 7 SFL piNGERPRINTS can give away the innermost secrets of a person, says a top p sychologlst. "One day they may evejj reveal whether a child is likely to grow up to be a thief or a murderer. Or a genius." Psychologists believe that human
    SFL  -  883 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 This cine camera sings and talks and laughs. We bet yours only takes pictures. 'f II Nil). 1 m n 09 P d r L CHINOW I i. I, ft t I T L. h Worio s largest manufacture' of Sound Super 8 cameras Wo didn't get rd v 'V
      116 words

  • 862 8 USIS "f DONT want to be A a mole!" That is a typical response to the idea that houses, offices, and factories be built underground to ease the Increasing congestion of the earth's surface areas. Nonetheless, an innovative architectural movement is now focusing on structures
    USIS  -  862 words
  • 485 8 Where well-heeled frogs learn to be one jump ahead of the opposition SFL THINGS are really Jumping at one of the world's most exclusive finishing schools. Few of the students ever fet caught on the hop at Croakers' College. This is probably because they are all
    SFL  -  485 words
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  • 1219 9  -  YESTRDAY Britain's former cabinet minister Roy Jenkins took over as President of the 11-man European Commission the body that runs the nine-nation European Economic Community from Brussels. He and his newly appointed commissioners will be In charge for the next four years. Gemini News
    GEMINI  -  1,219 words
  • 542 9 If you ask me... TWE Subordinate Courts Complex at Havelock Road is certainly impressive and a far cry from the ramshackled building it replaced. The complex Is spaclou*, comfortable and modern. But one thing K sales me. One would ve
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 210 9 \J>; ANNOUNCING 111 GOES 3-D FROM TODAY ftPHOTOGRAPH* sponsored by NATURAL PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE(PTE)LTD j 3-0 Colour portraits are available during the exhibition from 7pm-9pm Famous entertainers will be modelling on the spot every evening. PEOPLE'S PARK CEHTRE(b wmmi) MthDEC76»3fdJAH77 10.00 A.M. >10.00 P.M. i :>i OF STUDIOS" members of the
      210 words

  • SO THAT WAS 1976
    • 182 10 / 11 Seven pwi—iWii pMt nt MM bum of Uh year SALLY TAN, Miss Singapore-Un 1 v e r s e 1075 and an BIA stewardess. THE thing that made 1976 the happiest In my life was when my boyfriend Sam Choong proposed. He picked me
      182 words
    • 147 10 / 11 BELINDA MUBUGASU, one this year 'i President'* Scholar. THEtE Isn't really anything I would dnfie oat as the event of the year. Of eonfse winning the Prtslienfs Seho- hweh<j> was a once-in-•-lifetime thing. It eane unexpectedly and what made It aU the more msmnahle was
      147 words
    • 205 10 / 11 Dft. CHAN HENG COTE, political scientist rpHI bml toHrtaat X (rent for the world la 197f la historic terns la the death ef Mao Tae-tan* 'aaeaaaa II reptooanlei the demise at the last ef the great werld leaders of that taaraarive f
      205 words
    • 175 10 / 11 THOMAS YEO. artist. TO me the moat lmport- ant event waa the opening of the National Art Oallery. This la the atartlng point of a visual education for our people who, In their chase after material things, are not fully aware of aeathetlc beauty.
      175 words
    • 208 10 / 11  -  'INTERVIEWS BY NANCY KOH BISHOP CHIU BAN IT, Head of the Anglican Dloceee of Singapore. 1 rpa highlight ww the -l celebration of my 10th anniversary u the ftrst Asian Blshon. Looking back, the growth of Singapore has »»*nd In hand with the .Increased seriousness
      208 words
    • 363 10 / 11 BERNARD HARRISON Curator of the Singapore zoo. 'THE most amazing thing that happened, in my opinion, was that I started to believe in God. I had rejected Christianity early, though my family is steeped in religion. Then I went through a difficult stage In life
      363 words
    • 397 10 / 11 DENNIS BLOODWORTH, author and China observer. ,tX3R me the year was doml--1 nated by the catalysmic events in China, which I had to interpret to newspaper readers as far away as Copenhagen and Colorado. First there was the death of Premier Chou
      397 words
    • 238 10 / 11 2 r K»kuei T«rwk»:D. 3. Harold Wil»on:G. 4 Mao Tje-tung:!. 5. Sheikh SUtf' F 8. Coh lay Kuan;) 9. Lee Kuan Yew:C. 10. Quah Kim
      238 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1063 12 nday Your 12-page TV pullout T Pick of the week i t i 11 f sit w M I'f; >> w\ fi -\r OCEAN'S ELEVEN (Saturday Night Movie) Ch. 5 at 10.50 p.m. in COLOUR Fanciful crime comedy about a breezy gang of wartime buddies headed by Danny Ocean (Frank
      1,063 words
    • 281 12 SOUND SYSTEMS TCHAIKOVSKY (Saturday Matinee) Ch. 5 at 2.00 p.m. in COLOUR So intensely did Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky throw himself into composition that when he died at the age of 53 he had produced a total of 325 hours of music. This Russian composer x v .r THE NUTCRACKER SUITE
      281 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 192 13 is even Greater now with CEZZ3 module chassis and PRECJSIONHNHJNEtube f. w Mom 110* picture Mm The Burggrsf L color ultrasensor 2749 belonga to the absolute top class from the point of view of design ss wall ss tachniqua. Compact module chassis with latest VIDOM tachniqua, ultrasonic ramote control by
      192 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1048 13 MONDAY SCHAUB LORENZ IDEAL COLOUR 1742 CTV Precision //V LINE Picture tube 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Kudumba Malar (T/r) 3.30 Diary Of Events (T) 3.35 General Hospital 4.1 S SCIENCE RIfORT) (r) 4.30 Intermission 6 05 Open 6.06 December Bride: Gossip 4.M NIWS IN BRIEF A 35 COOL McCOOL 7.05
      1,048 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 188 14 M I m r# When you see lines and dots across Why? Don't worry, it's because of the running vehicle s engine or neonsign or shaver or hair dryer or etc. It's nothing wrong with your Trinitron Boy. f— dial 622 344 for our Service Manager Weekdays: 9 a.m. to
      188 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 710 14 WEDNESDAY Lenco LENCO TURNTABLES Swiss precision instruments you don t wetir on your wrists 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 FLYING NUN <r) 3.30 Diary Of Events (M) 3.35 General Hospital 4.15 Fokas (r) 4.30 Intermission 5.55 Open 5.58 SECRET OF ISIS: Droom> Of Flight 6.20 Consumers' Guide (E/M) 6.30 NEWS IN
      710 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 220 15 ANEW PENGUN FROM k L (j+m* Orimt i naw nooal Uta d« m tf\at Mask country o» •ahautwd PMwon betrayal and jbaurd hop* «<•»<#> ha hat emptor ad to prectiely m *xh novel, M THE Wltß AND THC CLOMV am} THE COMEDIANS In a provincial Argentinian mm a group o>
      220 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1048 15 FRIDAY 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Housewives' Matinee: A Time to Remember Pt.2/r (Mandarin) Stars Kwan San, Mao Mei 4.05 Diary Of Events (C) 4.10 Window (C/r) 4.40 Intermission 6.05 Open *08 EXERCISE WITH GLORIA 6. JO NEWS IH BRIEF 35 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS (r) 7.03 THRILLSKKKERS. Spotlight on
      1,048 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 125 16 The ffloongate Collection of Folktales from the Orient The Orient abounds in folktales and myths, some dating back thousands of years. Many of these tales remain unknown to the rest of the world, as they are either handed down by word of mouth or are available only in the native
      125 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 190 16 AfttOL V, Of &UQQi. >iO MATTER tiOW MQ MhiOS G0 T... W port's/?) m UI.OOM*! tfl.LlrtPW' nrr B &fi 1 i ft 1 K I I V 7ii t fa m f. BRO6ON and MEL OeSON m I ft J>3 H*V. KX>*o?.' r JU6T Y wp'Rfc Tig-pvep MV veAi&U wfizv
      190 words

  • Page 17 / 18 Advertisements
    • 213 17 / 18 SECURE a BRIGHTER FUIURE in ACCOUNTANCY with FOULKS LYNCH Enrol now with FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS Home Studies Division for the following FOULKS LYNCH Courses Act immed ietely for examination success write in for a free prospectus. Association of Certified Accountants Institute of Cost and Management Accountants Association of International Accountants Institute
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  • Page 17 / 18 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 357 19 new Penguins Winter KMb. Richard Condon In this. hit most important book tine* Tha Man churian Candida ta. Condon proton the most Mgni ficant event in America's twentieth cantury: tha aesaasination of a President. A must for thott who enjoy thrillers and those interested in tha Kannady legend. fast bacoming
      357 words
    • 25 19 m v i;i •L'LDQ Trade Enquiries V.. J HUA HUA(S)PTE.LTD. The Toy Experts Tel: *****96 (3 lines) Available at all leading departmental stores toy shops
      25 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 267 19 GARTH >O(JN0 WHITE ©QUPW -I WPNT/OOMEWITM M 6 OR I KILL/ >2 1 w> a a < *3P m l% V w mm \y VI ißii fSfr wwy NOT? I GOT SOMETHING Tp PJDtSCT t6o-pnd ITPIN'T 5-PND IT PINT MY SCO LP/ m i F LET EM HOVE IT, PELLERS
      267 words

  • 388 20 Off the Record by CKT IN this New Tear week, a reviewer might think to come clean with his prejudices. Very well, then: ring in the old, rinf out the new. I In with a traditional reading of Tchaikovsky's Pathetlsoe Symphony by
    388 words
  • 728 20  -  HUMOUR Paik Choo JJEAR GIL, Thank you for showing me Singapore. You who have been here only 11 days and I considerably longer. Twenty-four years to be exact. When you first wrote me from Paris about visiting Singapore my initial reaction
    728 words
  • 202 20 AN INDIAN phllo- sophy professor has suggested to youths to get "high" on yoga instead of drugs or alcohol. And as all yoga experts know one of the yoga exercises involves standing on one's head. See, you can Btill bottoms up. PUCES of locally manufactured batteries In Malaysia
    202 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 172 20 i];T:W'i: PHOENIX RESTAURANT OUTRAM PARK. »LK. 26 6th STORKY (I) Avitoblt ww at K«nomica) SPECIAL LIVE CRABS AIR-FLOWN FROM CHINA (available only once a year) Hot Plate Deer Meat Japan Roast Port Rib Hongkong Roast Chicken Fresh Prawns (from Ipoh) Fried Shredded Chicken with Yam PHONE:*****88 *****29 EASY PARKING KKKKKKKKKK
      172 words

  • 1162 21  -  By Clive Hirschhorn Express believes In miracles, and who can blame her? Four years ago, at the height of her career, she fell 6.7 metres, while on stage in Lake Tahoe, and the injuries sustained by her face and body were
    Express  -  1,162 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 81 21 A Pi 9a J r J enjoyed and appreciated everywhere for its unique quality and taste Brewed from the finest barley, hops, yeasts and the sparkling alkaline spring water from the Laoshan Mount in China. 5 BEER Sole Agent: KOK HONG CO. PT£. LTD, 622 Ssrangoon Road Singapore. TEL: *****80
      81 words

  • 506 22 LYDIA GETS NEWS THAT LEAVES HER IN SHOCK Look East with Leslie Fong DAD news struck Hoilg Kong's funny girl Lydia Sum Tin Ha and left her completely shaken last month. The Mkg film comedienne Tinted a wellknown fortune-teller in Kowloon and was strongly warned
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  • 386 22 Reuter BARBRA Streisand's latest musical A Star Is Born, which opened In the United States recently.- has focussed attention on her love life, living style and problems with her co-workers. Following completion of the diuendoo-wrack-ed production, Miss Streisand, her co-star Kris KristofTerson, her hairdresser boyfriend Jon Peters (the
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 120 22 rz "«jS| VMS* 3381 Wmm A shirt for oil senses Arrow jso sfvt tho' r> i'f 'K' (irvi us it s' a 'TtCK.l©Of O'' t<'■' 1 pCv"i'»" *> [)ij f sirce it i->' t s*w <»l J A 1 i w't t-• ;t 1 Justify <" ;i, ft>.- M. j
      120 words

  • 774 23  -  By Peter Grosvenor Guardian WHIN he died, Howard Hughes had the nails so long, It Is now repealed that they resembled yellow corkscrews. However, the record for the world's longest nail hit Just been broken by Murarl Mohan Adltya of Calcutta with 98.4
    Guardian  -  774 words
  • 615 23 LOVI LITTERS. An anthology chosen by Anto n i Freser (Weidenfald and Nicolson). Book Page T OVE FEEDS on the expression of it, soothingly in bed, ecstatically in recollection, "I wake filled with thoughts of you. Your' portrait and the intoxicating »evening which
    615 words
  • 489 23  -  THE EIFFEL TOWER by Joseph Harriss (Elek). By Alex Josey rTHIS is the faacinat--1 ing history of the 88 year old Eiffel Tower, in Paris, still the tallest pure tower in the world. It is more than 320 metres high. It consist* of 15,000
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 234 23 VOU are in Paris and a banker friend has asked your advice before mealing a large amount of money to a man he think* might be a phony. "Oosta Brenco seems to be the right person." Charles Poher tells you. "but there's something that doesnt line true. You see his
      234 words

  • 771 26 INSIDE TRACK ri 076 was a year that taught us a few lessons and unearth* ed a number of controversies on the Singapore sports scene. Choo Seng Quee, N. Oanesan, tne Malaysia Cup, the two-year ban on Quah Kim Bong, the rugby debacle,
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 657 26 TheSGV Group Placement Adsbery »arvices for fllni TIMBER OPERATIONS SSMMSIA A major Indonesian industrial organisation with diverse interests has a timbar division which is soaking qualifiad profassionals for its operations. Tha Group is planning an wpansion and vertical integration of its timbar activities, hence this represents an excellent opportunity to
      657 words
    • 177 26 APPOINTMENTS Dalign Engineers A leading international company requires design engineers (mechanical and electronics) for its manufacturing activities in Singapore. The candidates we have in mind should have a degree/ diploma in mechanical, electronic or communication engineering with at least three years experience in a similar industry. A certain degree of
      177 words
    • 3 26 Cm P»«T 28
      3 words

  • 534 27  -  31)1? Ernest Frida IT HAS been a rough year for the national golf team. They were badly beaten In the Putra Cup championship and in the first-ever international match against Malaysia. They us by finishing last in the seven-nation tournament held in Hong Kong
    534 words
  • 726 27 GEMINI npHE case of Eng--4 land cricketer John Snow la now closed, but It deserves to go down In the records as a salutary example of ho wthe great game of cricket cleans up Its own house. You can either laugh or cry at
    GEMINI  -  726 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 207 27 An established trading Company wishes to appoint a suitably qualified Singapore citizen to fill the position of:SALES MANAGER Desirable Qualifications/Experience •ought: HSC or equivalent Several years direct sales experience in marketing CCTV, P.A. Systems, Intercoms or related products. Ability to direct, co-ordinate and work with a team of skilled techniOther
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  • 642 28  -  .\fHL£n cs Tan Kim Seng MR 25 could be mistaken for the brand name of a consumer Item If you've never heard It before. But to those who know, it stands for a ■roup of people seriously Involved in the business of Jogging, not only
    642 words
  • 535 28 U.K. SOCCER CORNER POSTPONEMENT 1 of league matches .to enable England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the four home conntries, to have their players seven days before World Cap matches is to be cat Beth the Feet ball Association and Football League agreed
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  • 585 28  -  os-f-uii. Joyce Tan THE expected clash between Siglap and Tampines in the final of the zone 7 intraconstltuency netball tournament on Saturday, will materialise as both teams won their seml-flnal matches during mid-week. Siglap cleared their accond last hurdle against Joo Chlat in a very
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  • 341 28 Novosti |>EFEREES come In 11 fo Infrequent mention In the sporting press, but when there Is talk about them then It Is chiefly in a negative tone for their errors, biased officiating, etc. Nothing can be done about the fans' opinion that a mod
    Novosti  -  341 words

  • 703 29  -  LETS PAY IF WE MUST TO GET SOME IMPARTIAL REFEREEING lALI Alfred Tong WHILE British tournaments are notorious for their elderly linesmen who doze off while on duty, Singapore tournaments are conspicuous for their lack of .qualified linesmen and umpires or, indeed, linesmen of
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  • 671 29 Express WHAT DO you say to a football club manager who has spent £1,185.000 ($4,740,000) a third of It in the last two weeks and whose record borders the v wrong side of average? Do you sympathise? Help him find a
    Express  -  671 words
  • 653 29 A 8 the hockey fraternity prepare to meet the 1977 season, I feel that this is as good a time as any to look back and trace the ups-and-downs of the SHA and the SWHA during the last 12 months. For the men,
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  • 1168 30 ERNEST FRIDA rounds up the sporting scene J AST year was a Im mediocre year for sport In Singapore. Soccer dominated the scene again, but like a roller coaster Its path was never smooth. Ten nts appears to be recovering from
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 85 30 LATEST CONTACT LENSES IN SINGAPORE r v r IMM Cruise from $490 Take P&rO's Arcadia for leisurely holiday cruise to Hong Kong or Manila. The 30,480-tonne oneclass liner leaves Singapore on March 20, sailing via Kota Kinabdu, and arrives in Hong Kong on March 23, then on to Manila, arriving
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  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 426 30 INTERLUDE horoscopes 6 vS TTV taurus capricorn v irqu Dee. XI Jan. It: Don't let neighbour'! tva ■Hl»n/4. you into starting a quarrel. Once you have made up your mind what you really want, fight for it with all your might and resource*. April 21 May 2t: Don't resent the
      426 words

  • 573 31  -  Sporting quotes of last year By David Miller Guardian fTHERE S' ONE WAY I can get maximum security cover for the Olympics. But everyone must stay home first. General Roland Reid, Montreal military co-ordlnator. MY FIRST ioft vSult wasn't any more of a
    Guardian  -  573 words
  • 393 31 ]if AN CHESTER United, whose name is synonymous with, entertainment, must set English Soccer an important example by opening Old Trafford's doors to foreign players as possible. To support this Innovation comparable to cricket's use of Commonwealth players and also to secure their
    393 words
  • 205 31 rpHE United States is spending $3 6 million on defending next year's America's Cop, to be held off Newport, Bhode Island, in September. The first step towards providing a defender of the Cap. which has not left America in its 125year history,
    205 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous

  • 1099 32 f THE SCARLET Sprit became- the first winner of 1077 when he took Race One at Ipoh yesterday. Kept a handy fourth early by Jockey Salrl 8u llroan, the four year-old by Polyfoto came with a well-timed run in the last 100 metres to
    1,099 words
  • 578 32 IYEFENDING cham--17 pi on Selangor, aiming to repeat their last year's Malaysia Cup soccer success, start Intensive preparations on Monday with mixed feelings.. They will sadly miss the services of striker MokhUr Daharl who was largely responsible for their triumph last season, netting a total of
    578 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 178 32 4 mm HI .'MA ■Ii i V s i < I hV" iL "Jlr( i I v i, ?i i i BsS ffi' V. UnK v m'\>2 r v h Hi j' or "4 Js'. 'f -"*,'*&■>'2 rt f ■y*&sP§ ?i B*"' i w t> •> B** >.' tSffr* *1
      178 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 48 32 BIG SWEEP TOTAL FOOL: M,4S7. r OUT: N*. M7U SECOND: No. S42M. ($1,174). THIRD: No. Mtl. Starter* ($M each): NM. SUM, SIMS, SMM. 34*74, S24M, Mffl. SMM, Ml 44, SS24S, SM41, S4MS, SSSS4, SS1M. CtnwbU— (SMtaeh): 'N* SM41, S77M, SSI 71, SMS7, SM71, S315S, SMM, S9SS1 *>iti tmi
      48 words

  • 279 33 AwskaMsii T AnyMng Wrong AaO Aufuat Moon H l"»w Boy II Race 7 Brook Bilge (Nil SariM 4 Bfintfy Qinggf 0 ■room Kentucky g Mook Fury 4 Biwbas Kid Borttnnto II I CtrtMriMn Roco 1 ch«6o Caada UgM Clever Andy 4 Choyomo S Oofkont Roco
    279 words
  • 228 33 By Scrutineer JUDGING by his last two showings J DEFIANT, who has Just turned (our years, is all set to open a winning account, I make him my top bet In Race 8 at Ipoh today. The English horse by Hardicanute was strongly fancied at Buklt Timah
    228 words
  • 3052 33 1 mm 1.30 CI AM 6, Dlv 6 1000m aJUl ($7,000 $4,900 to winner) 1 8506 Haw tar Bunter a (Cheah Pah) E Breukelen 8 57 (d3+1W) 1200m Apr 24, W AMfWttdi 10 1 7988 Cm tna a (Fair Lady) Ahmad 5 58
    3,052 words
  • 129 33 ■g M MIAN M1LLEB BLUE PETEB PAIBWAT Naaktag Pmte III PnalH Tlan Chin Casino TUn Chin Ramayana lM6 It 8«—hrn St—It Daafah Don Neglected Mighty Blur Optimist Preston MacPherson's Choice Imi S: UM Dragon Year RlgoletU Lehl Lehl II Cheyenne Cheyenne Lehl 1 J11 If 8IU Hinlart Bitg«*ll Swtft
    129 words

  • 231 34 SPORTS NATION UPI A"SUPIR" English professional soccer league of about 15 data playing only In the big cities may soon replace the present W-club format. That Is the opinion of Hull University lecturer Nicholas Wiseman, who spotlights the economics of the professional game
    UPI  -  231 words
  • 159 34 UPI T*HE leading soccer official in the US believes the game is finally catching on and will become the nation's most popular sport. r 'Within 10 years soccer will be the No. 1 sport in this court* try, says Englishman PhU Woosnam,
    UPI  -  159 words
  • 422 34  -  THE QUAH KIM SONG COLUMN THE QUAH KIM SONG IT has been another year of disappointment and frustration for the National team as well as the soccer fans. The prestigious Malaysia Cup which has eaided us for more than a decade slipped from our hands again, the only
    422 words
  • 90 34 UPI /CHILE'S Edmando V/ Warnka, a relative anknown in the raaninc world, sarpriaed ererytne at the, Sao Sllveatre Footrace with a spectacalar New Tear'i Eve victory. Warnka, who only arrived in Sao Paolo early Friday on the day of the race, won with i time
    UPI  -  90 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 75 34 A Current Account wtth OCBC makes life easier for him OCBC takes care of all the details of money handling. He just signs his cheques for cash, or to make any payment safely. And furthermore, he enjoys the soUd respect that OCBC account-holders get. You too can get real sold
      75 words
    • 133 34 n r it de entertains you nightly m their wide repertoire from the Seals Crofts, Van McCoy Doobie Brothers, Deep Purple, Elton Jol.ii, Three Night 4 1 i% w > Corhjjif ...aMuihl hi rrturn tn i l f >VvV# >■'/ WmF¥offl, "ELECTRICITY 18 CONBUMEO ONLY WHEN CONTROL TAP IS TURNED
      133 words