New Nation, 30 July 1976

Total Pages: 31
1 32 New Nation
  • 20 1 NewNation SINGAPORE Friday July 30, 1976 No. 1706 Price 20 cents M C. (P) 428/76 r NEW NATION COMMENT i
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  • 187 1  -  By Bharathi Mohan Thirteen people dashed to safety moments before a giant tree, uprooted in a rain storm, crushed two homes' and tore a part of another house In Kim Chuan Road early today. The tree swayed dangerously at the height of the storm at
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  • 35 1 Cup Final Countdown that's one of the highlights in the 4-page Cup Final pullout starting from Page 15 in your paper today. Make sure of your copy.
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  • 443 1  -  Montreal Olympic Games 1976 By Neil Wilson Special New Nation Correspondent in Montreal Chee Swee Lee's Olympic Games lasted four seconds before she became Just another of Montreal's million spectators. The girl from Singapore who had gone to the United States to tralh for Montreal did
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  • 82 1 Polytechnic students were told this morning that the four students arrested yesterday were picked up in connection with communist activities. Poly principal Khoo Kay Chal said In a letter to the students union that he had obtained an assurance from the Home Affairs Ministry that the
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  • 267 1 There will be NO live telecast of the Malaysia Cup Final by Television Malaysia or RTS unless all tickets for the match at Merdeka Stadium in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday are sold out. Datuk Kwolc Kin Keng, secretary of the Football Association of Malaysia,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 INSIDE 22,000 booked for CBD offences Page 2, Hew quakes warning by Faking Page 5 IN THE OTHER PAGEB: Cinemas 2; Money words I: Stars It; Comics 13; Crossword 14.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 254 2 But motorists have still to learn lesson More than 22,000 motorists have been booked by the Traffic Police for entering the Central Business District (CBD) during restricted hours without an area licence or with fewer than four occupants in the car since the scheme was introduced in
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  • 110 2 Kuala Lumpur, Friday Malaysia and Indonesia are stepping up missionary activities to check alien influences and communist elements, Tan Sri Syed Naslr Ismail, chairman of the Malaysian Missionary Foundation, said yesterday. Malaysia welcomed the views and the experiences of the Indonesians whose missionary activities were
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  • 23 2 The Whampoa Second ary School Band will perforin at the Macßlt chle Reservoir on Bunday from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
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  • 280 2 AP Kuala Lumpur, Friday Exxon Production Malaysia Inc. Is confident of reaching a production sharing agreement with Petronas, the national petroleum corporation, by Nov. 15, the deadline set by Prime Minister Hussein Onn, a company spokesman said yesterday. Datulc Hussein said the government might have
    AP  -  280 words
  • 43 2 Yesterday's marginal price gains were not extended when the Stock Exchange of Singapore opened this morning. Trading remained sluggish. Only Prima Flour Mills advanced by two cents to $2.26. The rest of the traded counters were either unchanged or slightly easier.
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  • 190 2 Reuter Washington, Friday The Soviet Union has begun installing multiple nuclear warheads on inter-mediate-range ballistic missiles aimed at western Europe, the Ford Administration reported yesterday. High US officials said the action contradicted the spirit of the 1974 Helsinki agreement on European security and represented
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 51 2 SBS Service 3 will operate on an amended route from August 2. It will operate between Bedok Plain and New Bridge Road instead qf between Changi Point and Delta Circus. Commuters who are affected by the amendment of Service 3 can take Services 1. 2 and 21 as
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  • 26 2 Reuter Damascus, Friday Syria and the Palestine Liberation Organisation last night signed a promised agreement aimed at ending their threemonth old conflict in Lebanon.—Keuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 52 2 Today: 1.16 p.m. (26m). Tomorrow: 1 a.m. (26m), 1.50 p.m. (2.6 m). Sanday: 1.46 a.m. (2.7 m), 2.27 p.m. (2.6 m). Monday: 2.38 a.m. (25m). 3.07 p.m. (25m). Tuesday: 3.40 a.m. (2.3 m), 355 pm. (24m). Wednesday: 5.02 a.m. (2m). 454 p.m (2.3 m). Tkaraday: 7.02 a.m. (1.9 m), 6.09
      52 words
    • 731 2 AT THE CINEMA ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST: Winner of five Oscars, this controversial film revolves round life in a mental asylum. Lido: 2.30, 6.30, 9.15. JAWS: liie Academyaward winning, recordbreaking movie about a shark, starring Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, and Richard Dreyfuss. Screenplay by Peter Benchley and Carl
      731 words
  • 11 2 Police reported 90 accidents yesterday. Seven were serious and one fatal.
    11 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 528 3 mmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm warn mm ■■■hm ummm 1 m Trtx ft AioJb^ m X i fi7 X :?v> W*Kam> *r> lOD ot Th»» M' '•*V s#awwJ. L$ i v-v-. v,/ i# < to-r* 2nS i I r rv •> .J mmy Chin .it the Me//.imnt! I il i K fi >A»i 1&
      528 words

  • 213 4  -  By Joachin Tan At the age of 10, Keiko Tanimura has five original compositions to her ere* dit. She started playing the organ and composing two yean ago. Keiko's two compositions, Ladybird Skipping in the Sky and Tropical Flower, won her a trip
    213 words
  • 123 4 The Senior Minister of State for Communications, Mr. Ong Tens Cheong, hat called on Port of Singapore Authority to adopt a more progressive work attitude by changing their "one man-one-sklll" concept. Speaking on Wednesday at the PBA's sixth annual long service award presentation ceremony at Its
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  • 109 4  -  By Lee Yew Meng Murata Manufacturing's offer of three million new shares, has been over subscribed by more than 10 times. This was stated by a spokesman of Singapore Nomura Merchant Banking, the lead manager for the new issue. Su c c essful applicants will
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  • 78 4 More than 220 Japanese nurses on a goodwill tour of Asian countries are now in Singapore. They will meet nurses in Singapore to observe their work here. Organised by the International Nursing Foundation of Japan, this Is the fourth visit to Singapore by Japanese nurses. The
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  • 28 4 A talentime and variety show organised by the Keppel Habour Community Centre management commlttec will be held at the Victoria Theatre on Aug. 22 at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 207 4  -  Body formed to curb malpractices By Peter Ong Eight big department stores have formed an association to tackle problems of overcharging, tdUting, and undercutting to capture the tourist market. The association has been tentatively named the Singapore Retail Merchants Association. It has the support of the Singapore
    207 words
  • 195 4 Five Singaporeans, including a woman, on their way to Swatow in China, were arrested in Hong Kong last week for allegedly possessing 10,0 0 0 worth of morphine and prepared opium. They were picked up from their cabins aboard the 7,878-tonne freighter, Kin Ann,
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  • 86 4 About 1800 pupils and 56 teachers recently celebrated the official opening of Membina Primary School—the first with a contemporary design to be completed under the Ministry of Education's reactivated school building programme. The school is the 113 th to be built by the present government. The four-storey
    86 words
  • 114 4  -  By Eileen Tan The first three girls to Join the Singapore Polytechnic's marine radio officers' course until recently an exclusively male domain have dropped out. The reason: They could not fulfil the course requirement of sponsorship. A Polytechnic spokesman said the School of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 1 ht'.itfr v *V>Pi«a«4 Orchid lantern Presents eno Brothers Personality Showmen. Fabulous TV Recording Stars from Europe' A I Ann Fereyh Gorgeous Dance Beauty V London Reservations call *****3 Perfect pl tee for your private pa'ties A '*V ton nqs Air w...'
      43 words

  • 396 5 Injured quake victims pack convoy of buses and head for Peking Reuter Peking, Friday Long convoys headed yesterday for Tangshan as relief operations gathered momentum for .the stricken industrial city, reported in total ruin after the world's most devastating earthquake in 12 years. Foreigners a 1
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • 221 5 Reuter Peking, Friday Chinese authorities said last night they expected another big earthquake, and millions of Chinese moved to safety. Officials blowing whistles and shouting "Earthquake, EarthJuake" roused people rom their beds and th% city's six million people fled from their makeshift
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 222 5 UPI Manila, Friday President Marcos yesterday ordered his top advisers to study the possibility of lifting the overseas travel ban on Filipino tourists imposed when martial law was proclaimed nearly four years ago. In a meeting with his cabinet and the national
    UPI  -  222 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 ■a 1 ft) b ■> ■Z* r Get the best of bolh worlds f^ reat iv e music phi® the world's newest sounds in a far out disco show Eddie Katindig the Sound Movement who play their own special brand of cool jazz and Latin rock. Together the group masters
      183 words

  • 323 6 Police fear terror attacks Reuter Tokyo, Friday J a p a n's National Police Agency is tightening security around prominent politicians for fear of unexpected terrorist attacks following the detention of former Premier Kakuei Tanaka in connection with the Lockheed payoff scandal, police sources said yesterday.
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 212 6 UPI Reuter London, Friday The London Evening News said yesterday an Irish Republican Army "death squad" of marksmen armed with "a death list of top British politicians" had slipped through police nets into London. A Scotland Yard spokes man refused comment on the grounds
    UPI; Reuter  -  212 words
  • 118 6 Reuter Maputo, Friday The presidents of three black African states bordering white ruled Rhodesia met here yesterday for talks believed to have covered black nationalist guerrilla operations In the breakaway British colony. Presidents Kenn»th Kaunda of Zambia. Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and Samora Machel of Mozambique
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 124 6 UPI TODAY is Friday, July 30, the 212 th day of 1976 with 154 to follow. THE MOON is approaching Its first quarter. THE MORNING STARS are Jupiter and Saturn. THE EVENING STARS are Mercury, Mars, and Venus. Those born on this date are under the sign of Leo.
    UPI  -  124 words
  • 72 6 Reuter London, Friday—Lawyers and witnesses stood In a courtroom" in Worthing yesterday trying to iinmitate the cooing of pigeons, sometimes cooing individually and sometimes in chorus after listening carefully, the magistrates threw out a case in which the neighbours of a man who keeps a loft of
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 575 6  -  AMERICA JANE GASKELL One moment British author Derek Lambert was almost at the door of the Manhattan restaurant. The next he had been knocked unconscious by another customer with whom he had till then been unacquainted. His attacker apparently mistook Lambert
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 524 6 :®ejsszelb: NEW NATION y MONEYWORDS Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address Tel: FILL IN MISSING LITTERS ACROSS USING CLUiS BELOW i Cut along dotted line* i Quti for CQ-5 1. Adhesive used for wallpaper, etc 2. One side of the coin 3.
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    • 200 6 WORLD WEATHER New York—Partly sun ny, 28 16C. Headline: A second quake strikes in China, Peking affected. Paris —Fair, mild, 20 13C. Headline: Toll uncertain in Chinese earth quake. London Mostly dry, sunny Intervals, 23 15C. Headline: New tremors beared in China. Rome Partly cloudy, 27 16C. No headlines because
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  • 289 7 Reuter Ankara, Friday A Turkish oil exploration ship yesterday sailed into the Aegean Sea, watched angrily by Greece which is in dispute with Turkey over the mineral riches on the seabed between the two countries. Usually reliable sources in Athens raid Greek naval units
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 338 7 UPI Washington. Friday Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser said yesterday a stable equilibrium In international relations was Impossible unless China was more fully Involved in the International community. Addressing a National Press Club luncheon Mr. Fraser said: "Whatever view one takes of China's
    UPI  -  338 words
  • 233 7 UPI Athens, Friday The United States had detailed plans for landing US Marines in Lebanon if the seaborne evacuation of Americans and other foreigners had been attacked, officers aboard the USS Coronado told reporters yesterday. The contingency plans Included helicopters and seaborne landings
    UPI  -  233 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 518 7 USE LOGOS In Your Semi-Display Advertisement For Prominence The great Campari controversy. Meeting in a secluded villa on the outskirts of Pons to set up an agenda to discuss the possibility of having preliminary talks to thrash out the eventuality of reochmg some sort of truce representatives of both sides
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    • 8 7 ZDNUSSI DISH WASMf »xco l)f I TA 1
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  • 366 8 Corporate public relations conjures up Images of hidden and hardsell persuaders that should have no place In an honest, achievement-oriented government. Yet yesterday's report was good news that a feasibility study has confirmed the desirability of Government employing full-time public relations officers. This recommendation
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    • 48 8 One airline captain announced in midnight: "We are now flying over the southeast coast of Sri Lanka, and sho«ld be over the Indian Ocean." An unln t en ded touch of uncertainty, Srobably. But It must ave been disconcerting to most of the passehgys.
      48 words
    • 55 8 A friend who has an atrocious a n s e of direction and often takes the wrong turnings when she drives somehow manages always to be on time for her appointments. When asked how she does It, she replied: "That's because I always allow myaelf lots
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  • 262 8 LONDON TIMES VOICE OF THE PRESS Phan Hlen. Deputy Foreign Minister of Vietnam. has Just ended a tour to Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore and Jakarta. The tour marked something of a change in Vietnam's old view of South-Bast Asia as being enlisted In the American camp.
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  • 655 8  -  FRIDAY WITH ALEX JOSEY ALEX JOSEY In Belgrade, In 1964, 24 Heads of States of Governments (and observers from Bolivia, Brazil and Eucador) met at the moment when international events had taken a turn for the worst, when world peace was seriously threatened. This was when
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  • 55 8  -  TEO Will the authorities please consider building a bus-; top on either side of the road that cuts between 10a Payoh Swimming Pool and the Emporium? Trie Toa Payoh Garden, a cinema and the Welcome Supermarket are also situated along this road. A busstop will be
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  • 31 8  -  DORIS Could RTS please repeat the series English for Commerce over Radio Singapore and ohange the time of broadcast? I missed the series because It coincided with my classes.
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  • 103 8  -  CHOON CHAN WAH for PRO, Port of Singapore Authority Singapore. I refer to the letter The Eyesore Shacks Still There (NN, July 8) and wish to thank the writer for his Interest in this matter. The clearance of squatter huts and demolition of old buildings In Rambau/Trafalgar
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  • 66 8  -  PUZZLED The JTC flats In the Kampong Java Tebun housing estate have been completed almost a year ago and there are several flats still vacant. However, many applicants who applied for these flats have been put on the waiting list. Boon Lay Gardens in Jurong Road are
    66 words
  • 105 8  -  RESIDENT I would ll'ce to draw the authorities' attention to the condition of Mount Elizabeth Road. The builders now constructing the building at the corner of Orchard Road and Mount Elizabeth Road have no regard for the safety and convenience of road users and residents. The road Is
    105 words
  • 284 8 Novosti Press Agency A new method of diagnosing heart diseases in the early stages was reeently developed by a team of Soviet scientists. Described as an aerogeodeslc method. It uses m 1 c r o photometry a method of measuring the luminosity of transparent
    Novosti Press Agency  -  284 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 677 9 The Last Word by J.J. I ate a worm last night. I mean a real worm, not one of those creeps you run Into in town. I may get Into trouble —with those people lrom the BPCA. but I must remind them that theirs Li a
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  • 421 9 Los Angeles Times Nairobi, Friday Israel's raid at Uganda's Entebbe Airport has speeded the East African community on its way toward fragmentation and, perhaps, its ultimate dissolution. When It was begun in 1987, the three-nation community Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania -cwas hailed as the most
    Los Angeles Times  -  421 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 67 9 Valid for August only! WINES and (by the pottle, unless otherwise stated) SPIRITS it)/ the bottle, unless other a ise t. i f m i 62 K y Bar accessories clearing at cost! Be early and pick the best! WHILE STOCKS LAST! Tudor Court, Open daily except Sundays. Tanglln Road,
      67 words

  • 2 pages of trend
    • 692 10  - Chops 'n' kicks but it's Kung Fu teasing Sundown j scene U 11 I) Jennifer Schoon RUNG FU everybody knows. But Kung Fu incorporated in a strip act is doubly provocative, if you know what I mean. Anne Ferayn currently performing at the Tropicana Nightclub manages to combine successfully Kung
      692 words
    • 552 11  -  The Arts b v Violet Oon Junior Original Concert is the name of an unusual annual musical event in Japan which fea. tures music students below the age of 15 performing their own compositions. Introduced In 1972, this concert series Is the culmination of 20
      552 words
    • 556 11  -  Eating Out b v Violet Oon Re-v Isit i n g old haunts can be quite a sentimental experience, as I found when I went to Gino's Ristorante Italiano at Tanglln Road for lunch this week. In the late *****. Gino's was the place to be
      556 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 154 10 Co* *i|^! r r y t' w i 7 ~Vfr *s-.-4 irirrr *-•4-. k 'V SAFARI BAR AiLGHTL Y DANCING Hours 5-8 pm. off on all drinks. O f *d* GROOM Buffet lunch j la Polynesian 12.30 2.30 p.m. P i,r A 'iMI < (FHEt SWIM the Merlin Pool for
      154 words
    • 128 10 When in Hongkong visit THE BEEFEATER, Basement. Shui Hin>{ Building, 23, Nathan Road, Kowloon, Tol 3 67 1893 Talk about the Good Old Days in Singapore. -they re hack. It's at The Beefeater in River Valley Road. They ve opened a pub there and it does your heart good! By
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 302 10 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF IT'S .YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are respected at times even feared by others for the power of your personality power that serves often to put others In your debt. TOMORROW... LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) This is a day when you can live ud to your
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 105 11 ia ni ll'l i *i Xa I I ijf I® ii'/i rtli/u It s all happening in the ~~7_a ifUh Miramar a living experience. The new Lobby Bar is open now. Business hours: 3 11 p.m. 25% discount on drinks during Happy hours from 4 7 p.m. 216 fully air-conditioned
      105 words
    • 98 11 ■y/i n 5 I 4 V'V.V t: >tVfl -v»v# «5 fl «<Oi' V 1 r v»:«* V. —'V |i r minfj fashions Katong branch G36 38 Katong Shopping Centre Cosmetics Purfumes also available U: ■L ji m w r iS *0 ,«f. ML! Basement, Katong Shopping Centre, Singapore 15. Tel:
      98 words

  • 155 12 UPI Wellington, FridayNew Zealand's national government yesterday, slapped extra taxes on cigarettes, liquor and imported luxury goods In a Budget aimed at restraining the economy and curbing imports. But the country escaped widely expected tax hikes as the government severely pruned its expenditure
    UPI  -  155 words
  • 185 12 up in Paris and London Business News and Views Lv UPI Brussels, Friday The US dollar rose in London and Paris yesterday but closed lower on other European money markets. In Zurich the metal ended the day at U*****.15 per ounce, down from Its Wednesday closing rate of U*****.15, and
    UPI  -  185 words
  • 71 12 Reuter MANILA, Friday—The Manila-based Asian Development Bank (ADB) has announced the unanimous election of Mr. Taroichl Yoshlda, a former Japanese Vice-Mini-ster of Finance for International Affairs, as the new President of the 10-year-old institution for a five-year term. He succeeds another Japanese. Mr. Shiro Inoue who decided
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 371 12 UPI Washington, Friday A d m 1 n 1 st ration officials have decided to formalise a tentative policy of opposing future loans by international development banks to subsidise expansion of palm oil production In developing nations, a high ranking Agriculture Department spokesman
    UPI  -  371 words
  • 172 12 AP United Nations, Friday —A new UN report circulated here on Wednesday shows that world production of crude petroleum In 1975 fell below that of 1973, the year an Arab oil boycott of friends of Israel dramatised the danger of a shortage. The report, World Energy
    AP  -  172 words
  • Markets round the world
    • 165 12 Investor uncertainty caused prices to drop yesterday for the third consecutive day In the second slowest trading session of the year on the New York Stock Exchange. The turnover of 13,330,000 shares, down from 16,000,000 on Wednesday, was the slowest since 10,300,820 changed hands on Jan. 2, and
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    • 46 12 Dow Jones closing averages on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 industrial 982 26 985.74 •74 30 079.29 (off 2.04); 20 transport 222.17 222.M 219.38 230.68 (off 1.49); Ift utilities 91.13 91.67 90.71 91.26 (up 0.19); 6ft Stock 307.89 309.04 30ft.14 306.83 (off 0.86).
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    • 266 12 DBS Daiwa Securities Int'l Ltd Although the newspaper Asa hi carried an article stating that (our high government officials were on the reports submitted to Japanese prosecutors tnrougn tne Justice Department or the IIS the market opened firm due to substantial decease ot margin debt balance. However, because of
      DBS – Daiwa Securities Int'l Ltd  -  266 words
    • 81 12 Closing prices in francs on the Paris Bourse yesterday: Parlbas 164.80 +1.30 Poncler 301.10 unch. Prin temps 46.30 —0.10 Bull 34.90 +0.70 Royal Dutch 230 unch. Mlchelln 1333 —12 C O B, 285.90 unch. Thomson 195 +2 C P P 114.80 —0.20 Rhone 87.20 +0.40 Air 349 —0.50 B
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    • 81 12 Union Bank of Switzerland Closing prices In Swiss francs on tne Zurich btOCK iuxcnange ytoterday: 20 UBS beitrn 32«a \juti Registered 512 7 SBC 449 credit Suisse 2620 Swissair B. 58o 1 Swiss Keinsur. 2300 10 Wuitertnur B. 1710 15 Zurich Insur. 6500 Juvena B. 150 5 Nestle B.
      Union Bank of Switzerland  -  81 words
    • 106 12 Prices In Australian cents at 11.30 a.m. today (Australian time) on the Sydney Stock Exchange: ACI 168 170 ADC 46 nil Ampol Pet 71 72 AN! 116 118 AFM 162 170 Bank NSW 580 584 Brambles 176 178 BHP 834 836 Boral 227 228 CBA 285 290 CBR 532
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 147 12 Join the POLYVELDT HURON *B' TAN GRAINED LEA BITTER CHOCOLATE LEA pe I*#' 4 < **•*> Start wearing one of the most comfortable shoes in town. Thick supple leather uppers combined with incredibly.durable soles. Come for a wear test today. You'lllike how they feel. M Now available from Leading Authorised
      147 words

  • 235 13 Kuala Lumpur, Friday. Defending champions Selangor have one last difficult decision to make before they meet Singapore In the Malaysia Cup soccer final at the Merdeka Stadium tomorrow night. FA of Selangor selectors are still undecided which of the All brothers Hanafiah or Khalid—will fill
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  • 1086 13  -  TEE-UP with Lim Kee Chan Four top Taiwanese will highlight the Singapore women's Open championship at the Island course from August 3-5. The four Taiwanese, Tai Yu Shla, Huang Yueh Chin, Huang Ti Hsun and Chang Miao, have won several tournaments be tween them during
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 109 13 World Famous PGF-Keith Knox Golf Clubs PGF-Sz&Z&jjMKin mm ii Billy Dunk r /A. V -V&M r For more information contact: rATAJ Merdings Pte. Limited 22 Kum Hing Court, Tomlinson Road Singapore 10. Tel: *****55 Available at the following selected golf dealers S.I.C.C Buhit and Island Locations Sembawang Pro Shop Sentosa
      109 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 46 13 THE BORN LOSER THORNAPPte... .TWViAPPUE? THAT*?. L/OUfc NAM&"? mORKiAPPue 14 A MAMS WOU CHAMfoe FROM, WOT TO. ft H T s 9DS 4 e2 5® c ®r» 5 I rtx m x NORBERT by George Fett M ■aw a v~ UK 7/i £'t SKSw (it m
      46 words

  • 656 14 Reuter The West Indian tail wagged defiantly at Chelmsford yesterday, but the Caribbean cricketers could still be heading for the first defeat of the tour at the hands of Essex. Only Larry Gomes, with a grafting innings of 74 In 2| hours, and wicket-keeper
    Reuter  -  656 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 327 14 i k M ATTRACTIVE RATI* POM FIXBD DEPOSITS 8% par annum. Klaw A* Nana Flnanae Ca. Ltd., Wagapaw 1. *****-*, Ml >. Permit Ma. 1 T.M.C. MAQIC SHOP Tricks, Jokes, Novelties 132, Cantonment Road. S'pore 2. Phone *****06. FLAIR SALON 87, TANQLIN ROAD. SINGAPORE 10. NAIR ft SCALP CLINIC Brawnd8
      327 words
    • 386 14 QLOSE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Company. Let us beautify your home within your budget. A wide range of marble, ceramic* and terrazzo await for your aelectlon. Hall and 2 bedrooms, 2 mm vinyl tile $350. Cash or Initalmenta. Ring for Robert Tan Tel: *****1. JAPANBSC QARDEN ELECTRONIC SUPERMARKET iTO Queensway S'pore 3.
      386 words
    • 782 14 TROPICAL T.V. SPECIALISE B/W, colour repair. Antennae Installation. Tel: *****1 Fair charges guaranteed. NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte. Limited. West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Gentlng, Cameron Highlands) by delux? alrcondltloned coach seven days *****/-, six days S$ 155/-, departure every Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, denting, Cameron Highlands four days SII2O/-, Oentlng
      782 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 267 14 Crossword 9 Noisy sleeper 10 Decreased 11 Not busy 12 Marian 13 Bovary or Lazarus 21 Certain paintings 23 Part of QED 25 Abase 26 River to Chesapeake Bay 27 River into the Rio Grande 28 Check 29 Musical form 31 Eng. coin 32 Morlnl or Jong 33 Health: Fr.
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    • 785 15  -  By JEFFREY LOW The name N. Ganesan Is now synonymous with Singapore soccer but the lawyer ("all I had set out to do two years ago was to see that standards Improve") is paying a heavy price for success. "Look at my furrowed
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    • 300 15 Can Singapore regain the Malaysia Cup? How will the Singapore de f e nee deal with Selangor's scoring ace Mokhtar Dahari? These are the questions on every soccer fan's Hps on Cup Final eve. New Nation interviewed leading League club officials, and here are some of their
      300 words
    • 209 15 "For first time I have seen this lot of boys not getting Intimidated or cowcd by the blatant rough play of Pahang. "We have talked to the boys about the Incident and our theme Is: We should thank Pahang for giving us the test
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    • 639 16 / 17 National soccer adviser TREVOR HARTLEY talking to Philip Tan It la barely six months since Trevor Hartley became the national soccer adviser to Singapore. Yet within this short period, he, together with coach Hussein Aljunied, has made remarkable Improvements to the
      639 words
    • 57 16 / 17 The referee far the Cap final will be Negri SemMlan's Enclk O Hainan Omar, Malay sla'a newest Flfa referee. Endk Othman relatively unknown In Malaysia Cop competition, received his Fife certificate only three months, ago. He has had little big mat eh experience and
      57 words
      • Article, Illustration
        720 16 / 17 MOKHTAR DAHARI: Btrlker-in-chlef and inspiration of the attack. Mokhtar, 23 on Nov. 13, Is noted for his tremendous acceleration and powerful shots. Born in Kuala Lumpur, his first love was rugger, but switched to soccer. He quickly gained a place In the Selangor squad and went on to the
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      • 759 16 / 17 ERIC PAINE. 26. goalkeeper. Army officer by profession, he made his International debut in 1968; Represented Singapore In the Asian Youth tournament from 1967 to 1969; toured England with the National squad in 1972. This first choice keeper played a fine game In last year's Cup final against Selangor.
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    • 96 18 Those who play together sing together and here the National team take to the stage for their own boisterous rendition of "Rasa Sayang." The scene was the Shangrlla Hotel's Island Ballroom on July 10 when the Football Association of Singapore's first Soccer
      Picture by Johari Rasikin  -  96 words
    • 541 18 JL It Is wellknown that Seak Poh Leong Is a man of few words so much so that an occasional word or Joke from him is always appreciated by his teammates and officials. He is firm when a decision has
      JL  -  541 words
    • 426 18  -  TONY DANKER Selangor sklppjer Mokhtar Daharl predicts a memorable and hard- fought final tomorrow night with the spoils going to the team which comes off best under pressure. "There's no doubt about it, the Cup final la going to be a close
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    • 312 18  -  By Tony Danker This has been a year of mixed fortunes for Selangor, the defending champions, in the Malaysia Cup competition. For although they have taken their appointed place in the final and are now only one match away from retaining the trophy they
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 104 15 It's so easy-now we have the "do it yourself" Solar Control film for your windows sliding doors in USA m 76 Sun's Heat Reflected Spray a little water to the film and install onto the glass it's self-adhesive. Free installation kit supplied! \zSZ t&fi 25 tfM 525* iiSs**£S2ss*!! ££S« w
      104 words

  • Page 16 / 17 Advertisements
    • 136 16 / 17 $jik Belgian Aramith Balls For Pool, Snooker, Billiards, available in different sizes SOLE AGENTS SINGAPORE MALAYSIA BRUNEI. INDONESIA \±J KING COMPANY all lines"Of "SPORTS' IXI LEISURE TIME PRODUCTS 23 1. RAFFLES PLACE UkJ SINGAPORE 1 TEL *****. /GO?/ TRADE ENQUIRIES ARE WELCOME adidas siun'l slnn I <0-, SOCCER a magic
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 84 18 MASTER SPORTS SPORTS SPECIALISTS 71. BRAS BASAH RD, SPORE 7. TEL: *****5 Specialised in Mccar (Mr and sports iquipiMnt Pick your choice from our wide rongo off high quality sporting goods all at mods rots prices. /|Vj^ mrnTTTrp Athletic Supporter 3-inch waist band of heat resistant elastic Fleshelastic tubular non
      84 words

  • 217 19 SATURDAY RACE ONE: 2.0 Cl. Dir. 3 1200m Nil. BACE TWO: 2.30 CI. Dlv. 2 1200m Chuba Lad. RACE THREE: 3.0 CI. f Dlv. 5—1200m— Art And Letters, Antasena. RACE FOUR: 3.30 CI. S Dlv. 3 1200m Roller ball, Mlnex II. D Concorde, Bombus 111. RACE FIVE: 4.0 CL
    217 words
  • 55 19 Reuter Johannesburg, Friday The 1976 South African Open golf championship has been cancelled because of lack of sponsorship, Tournament Director Brian Hennlng said last night. The tournament, which has been sponsored for the past few years by British Petroleum, was to have been held In Durban
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 1075 19 SATURDAY Cl. 3 Div. 2 2000 m 8 Tenco 57 3 Tudoroy 55 5 8 Nombor Satu 65.5 4 Indian Rebel 53.6 6 Manlkam n 63 3 Take Me High 51.5 9 Janaon 50.5 7 Vigorous 50.5 I Clrlbtrlbin 50 11 Forever Yours n
    1,075 words
  • 278 19 Kuala Lumpur, Friday Fortune's Favourite (R. Allan) and Gunong Tahan II (M. (Ismail) did a splendid trial on the sand track here this morning. The Lee Seng Hup-tralned pair were impressive, reeling off 600 m in 37.8 The going was soft. Chattaronga (O. Podmore) was
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  • 654 19  -  By Philip Tan Burma look like coasting Into the seml-flnals in Group A of the Asian Schools socer tournament with their 3-1 win over fancied Thailand at the National Stadium yesterday. In an earlier match, Burma beat another fancied team Hong Kong 1-0. They now
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  • 472 19 St. Andrew's and Raffles Institution have once again maintained their superiority over the other schools by qualifying for- the Secondary and Post Secondary rugby finals scheduled al the Padang today (kickoff 3.30 p.m. ana 5 p.m. respectively). Last year, the Saints and Haffleslans established a record
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 113 19 THE NOW SOUND FROM CALIFORNIA Ultrdinear 200 $585 a pair 0 SPECIFICATIONS Size: 24 3/8"L x 14W'H x 12"D less grill Drivers: 12" Air Suspension Woofer, srt5 rt Seales Mid range 2" Super Tweeter Crossover Frequencies: 1500 Hz and 4000 Hz with Mid range Level Control Frequency Response: 28 to
      113 words

  • 237 20 AP Teofllo Stevenson, defending Olympic heavyweight champion, as powerful In the rmg as he is mysterious outside It, crashed American John Tate's gold medal dreams with one sweep of his right hand yesterday. Btevenson knocked out Tate at 1:29 of the first round with a
    AP  -  237 words
  • 628 20 Reuter AP Montreal, Friday Alberto Juantorena, the mighty Cuban with strength oozing from every pore, yesterday became the first double-champion of the Olympic athletics programme when he added the men's 40C-metres title to his 800-metres crown. And Poland's Irena Szewlnska confirmed her position
    Reuter; AP  -  628 words
  • 473 20 Reuter India, the World Cup holders, and seven times Olympic hockey champions, lost 3-2 to West Germany's defending Olympic gold medallists yesterday In a classification match for fifth to eighth place. It was India's fourth defeat of the tournament and meant they can finish no higher than
    Reuter  -  473 words
  • 104 20 Reuter Two Soviet footballers were banned from playing in the match against Brazil (or the bronze medal last night. V 1 a d lmir Veremeyev and Vladimir Feodorov were suspended for one match automatically after attracting two cautions each, the International Football Association (FIFA) said yesterday. Veremeyev
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 471 20 ATHLETICS Menl 400 m final: WR and OR: 43.86, Lee Evans (US) '68. 1 Alberto Juantorena (Cuba) 44.26. 2 Fred Newhouse (US) 44-40. 3 Herman Frazier (US) 44.95. Women's 460 m final: WR: 40.75. Irena 8«e--wlnska (Pol) 16. OR: 51.08. Monlka Zehrt (E. Oer) *72. 1 Irena
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  • 345 20 UPI Some of the decisions in the boxing tournament have been so bad that one jtidge has been sent home and two others suspended, the vice-president of the International Amateur Boxing Association said yesterday. An Italian referee has returned to Rome and
    UPI  -  345 words
  • 182 20 All times In Singapore time. Track and field—4 a.m. Aug. 1 Men's high Jump final, 8.10 a.m. Aug. 1 Women's shot put final, men's 1,300 m Anal, 6 a m Aug. 1 Women's 4 x 100 relay Anal, men's 4 x 100 relay flnal, 6.30 a.m. Aug. 1
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    • 701 21 Like many other industries, welding companies as well as distributors of welding products and equipment here look to the future with fortitude. Although they hope for the bebt In the years ahead, they are prepared for the worst. While most of these firms are optimistic
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    • 423 22 Welding A wide range of safety equipment Is produced for the welder In order to protect him against Industrial hazards. They are designed to give maximum protection, for the eyes especially, for a welder is oonstantly .exposed to oxyacetylene flames. Besides. he also faces other
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    • 364 22 Welding electrodes should be as dry as chips if the best Is wanted of them. Keeping welding electrodes and flux dry Is not only presenting difficulties In many workshops, but considerable wastage of them Is also another problem. All these difficulties and
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    • 245 22 Among the high-per-formance semi automatic carbon dioxide welding machines Is one type called the National Pana-Auto D. Made by Matsushita Electric Company of Japan, the National PanaAuto D is said to have a vastly-improved arc stability. The small current characteristic is especially outstanding and constantly
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    • 489 24 Welding This Is one piece of equipment which the manufacturer, Rockweld of England, believes can help to revolutionise welding In Singapore the Llstomac Mk 2 generator which Is fitted with the Lister HR2 engine of an additional design Incorporating all the outstanding features of the
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    • 398 24 Lincoln E1 e c t r lc USA Is reputed to be the world's largest manufacturer of arc welding equipment and electrodes. Its products, exported world-wide, are designed to satisfy exacting performance criteria under everyday working conditions. Examples of some of its products available ex-stock from Its
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    • 544 25 No longer a concept of just joining two pieces of metal Many people are still under the notion that the work of a welder is a simple one as welding is a process whereby two pieces of metal are joined together by fusion. This concept may have
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    • 253 25 ESAB's LTD 200 Is a composite machine for TIG and metal arc welding with DC rated at 200 A/60 per cent. Two basic versions are available the LTD 200H and the LTD 200 A. Both models feature a powerful HF (high frequency) unit ensuring positive
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    • 353 26 Welding For high quality welding and for Jobs in which several different types of electrode are used, the welding rectifier Is an ideal choice of power source. ESAB of Sweden has come up with the LHE 170 and the LHE 209. These two modern
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    • 286 26 Gravity welders, only capable for straight fillet welding have already become out-of-date. Fuso Industrial Co. Ltd. of Japan has come up with a type that has revolutionised welding. This Is the PS-21. The FB-21 Is a freedlrectlonal gravity welder developed by Fuso after Intensive research. It can
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    • 675 27 Welding Welding equipment Is necessary for any Industry in which metals are used. Whether they are small arc welders or the big industrial units, they are specially designed to fulfill the users' needs. Industries In Singapore are still using the smaller welders. But, according to
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    • 354 28 Welding The A2l automatic orbital tube welder has been specially designed by ESAB for assembly and installation work. This equipment is intended as an accessory for use with existing welding power sources. The tube welding tool is very robustly built and compactly dimensioned
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    • 879 29 Welding Indonesia, Malaysia often rely on S'pore for expertise Before Singapore embarked on massive Industrialisation in the early 60s, manual welding that is, welding by hand was the order of the day. Although manual welding is a slow process, It was considered
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    • 745 30 Welding It has been over 70 years since Jean-Pierre Wasserman, a Swiss metallurgist, discovered the phenomenon of surface alloying on a charcoal fire. In 1006, Jean-Pierre founded the Castolln Welding Company with Its headquarters near the railway station In Lausanne, Switzerland. This small enterprise, with a
      745 words
    • 290 30 Years of world wide use has resulted In several carefully-researched Improvements to this famous component system for constructing automatic productionwelding machines. The ESAB A 6 Component System consists of a range of massproduced standard components—welding heads, control boxes, carriages, regulators, etc. from which 'tailor made"
      290 words
    • 554 31 They play a vital role in the industry Welding Temperature indicators, protective coatings and markers also play an important role in the welding Industry. These three types of products have their own uses, each one serving a different purpose. Temperature Indicators serve to tell the precise temperatures, protective
      554 words
    • 165 31 The A2l Seirion is a compact high frequency unit for DC TIG welding on site, or in the workshop. Man ufactured In Sweden, it Is suitable for use with any DC drooping characteristic power source, as well as any of the range of ESAB aircooled and
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    • 270 31 The LHD 400 "Universal" and the LIID 630 "Universal" are welding Thyristor controlled rectifiers with a three-function facility to suit specific working tasks. A switch enables the characteristics of the rectifier to be altered so as to suit the following helds of work welding with
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 181 21 THE WORLD'S LEADING SHIPYARDS OIL-RIGS USE »!*■■>« MKt* KaMili >•< CMm( For <W «Wfde lywHrrtwf ««Mi rUMlnf (Hitnfi Mdiwnrlii F|Ny ivtomall WUaMwiM KlWf MdMLwo.ll. Idrol lor an p«*cMn« work wtth »M all ipair p«rt« M*«t itMrtiak and airuc turrt and Including «««•a«Mred brrffr malilnf AppltrMMiAt AvaiUM# e« %tn« k MIDORI-SAFETY
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 400 22 THE EUTECTIC CASTOUN INSTITUTE OFFERS PERMANENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN MODERN PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY Hhm hdon 79 root ehaco Joon Phm Wmmwiw,o wHw wlil»jjil Euttctlc+CaMi iMWWW Hw ilnniniiMi of oMoyino on i clwrwl Ww. In IW4, tnaUt ywir In Mr. Wnnrww hnirfii Mm CASTOLIN WoMftf Cimyiny in Lmnmm, imcMm port* Switaorlond.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 255 23 Even if you want nothing but the best in a semi-automatic welding machine, there are plenty to choose from. If you ask for any one welding machine that will be suitable for any job you can think of, the answer is: you can't get LL But you can get a
      255 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 335 24 A> o s Temptt DIVISION o 0 0 SAFETY? Here Is The Answer OVERHEATING? Protect your BOILERS ft FURNACES TEMP-ALARM 0 temperature signaling Mint mtttl Ov«hWlln| ft liMkdownt RUST PROBLEMS? BLOXIOE° Anti-rust preventive paint o Steel coated with bloxide can be welded without removing the coating CARBON MONOXIDE GAS POISONING?
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 375 25 FROM THE US. A. LINCOLN ELECTRIC i ft V INNERSHIELD curs WELDING COSTS BY 50%! Improve your efficiency. Change now from stick welding to Innershield and reduce your costs by $3.74 per lb. deposited. What is Innershield? It is a semi-automatic welding process using seJf -shielded, flux-cored continuous electrodes. It
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 165 26 YOUR SIGN OF QUALITY WELDING EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES. 3ARROW THREE ARROW Gas Welding Equipment (TAIWAN) S.I.P A.C Arc Welding Transformer (UK) MILNE Gas Welding Equipment (UK) Braided Gas Welding Hose (JAPAN) i S i Arc Air Gouging (U.S.A.) DAIDEN A.C. Arc Welding Transformer (JAPAN) TtiaKila Electric Hand Tool (JAPAN) W.
      165 words
    • 79 26 Top Operation Welders Cross-Field Welding Sets low power consumption. adjustments only by a single rotating dial and simplified controls. Available current range 210-350 Amps. Tailored to suit all welders' needs P fT AC/DC Arc Welding Transformers 130 Amps, to 500 Amps. Highly versatile performance with built-in electric shock preventing device
      79 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 229 27 HIGH PERFORMANCE SEMI-AUTOMATIC CO 2 WELDING MACHINES Wielding Machine "0 Merits" of National Semi-Automatic CO 2 Arc Welders 1) WoMing iptW i« high. Workability it much im pro rad 2) Varv aconomicol. Arcing timo factor it Mali. 3) Soto powor. Inargy it utad affactiraiy. I) series pana aiito compact printed
      229 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 252 28 UNIWELD HAS IT ALL THE BEST-AVAILABLE IN SINGAPORE MALAYSIA- INDONESIA Welding Cutting Equipment U.S.A. Lightweight Economy Ipkismki f< ,MUQI| U.K. Ltd. Welding Cutting Equipment Glendale Eye And Face Protection U.S.A. y Sight Feed Portable Carbide Generator Uniweld Products Inc. U.S.A. Welding Cutting Equipment LENCO INC U S A Arc Welding
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 239 29 IHCD Weldinn Products quality right down the line When you purchase any AIRCO product you are assured of quality in every respect:— design workmanship and performance. r fc 1 WELDING CUTTING EQUIPMENT CO 2 and Argon Regulators Oxygen Acetylene Regulators Cutting, Welding, Heating Torches Pipeline Station Regulator Safety Check Valves
      239 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 125 30 Denyo no i'S •onrvjl (2 iv 0' J ir 1 n 'f'ivo jet <*. L o' .-"v y 1 diK) nr.ft <■■>' i. L y Lxifd 'j>.itnC urt'iMm j .a' 'y. 1 m" C 1 1 >OCI i-n'Ml .''-CJ D-iHf' 1 'ia•<=•'. dCvt'jfti. '.n" 0 c i a*tve!y 1 '.j
      125 words
    • 48 30 Authorized Distributor* Stock Ist* of Lincoln Woldfog Equipments, Electrodes. Submorgod Arc Wlro A Flux and othar Accessories. AUSTRALIA SHIELD-ARC BAE3OO WELDING GENERATOR V, MOTOR GRADER lU j'» Cranx, Motor Orodors. Mood Rollers. Concrete Mixers. Duwpm. Air ComproMors, Industrial M—l Engines. Alt oral or Sots and othar Rsouliltati It
      48 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 140 31 11l SOON IHIUAT PTEe LTD. LINCOLN 400 AS ir 500 AS HEAVY DUTY SITE WELDER FOR FIELD WORK rJ) 0" 1 lESEI WELOANrOWK* mm caters MORE KINDS for MORE INDUSTRIES LIMCOLPj] ♦LINCOLN AUSTRALIA Complete Line of Welding Equipment, Accessories, and Full Range of Welding Electrodes "KOBE" R826 MILD STEEL WELDING
      140 words

  • 64 32 MEI UN: It's good to know that at last, the ROV Is taking positive steps against offending taxi drivers. AH FOOK: But more Important than smoking while carrying passengers or failure to wear vocational badges, is the cheating of the public. ROV officers should go to the railway
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 142 32 t-' m B till ;.<»*!•'. <3*? 'xJ-cA £•.;;V/„ j;»! < »M- ''V/.w :*w* w- v 4 •4 V; i v v<L w« 1 «•■>. 4 -> *JS An Indonesian JH favourite for Sat. Sun. lunch at the 1 French Restaurant Nationalcostumed waiters serve Thai rice, curry chicken, satay, sambals, etc.
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  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 926 32 TV AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 3.0« OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by HOUSEWIVES' MATINEE: The Monkey God <r).. Part Two of this Hokklen film. 3.50 DIARY OF EVENT8 <C) IN WINDOW (r). Magazine series presented In Chinese. 4.25 INTERMI8SION I.N OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by TOM AND JERRY. Cartoons. 6.3# NEW8 IN RRIEF
      926 words
    • 184 32 Today's top shows LENSA 35. 'Ch. 3 at v 7.55 p.m.) Magazine series in Malay presented by Nuriah Mbhd. and All Sirat. In this edition, the focus on the critical food problem and the measures taken to avert starvation in Third World countries. Also featured is an interview with Mr.
      184 words