New Nation, 8 July 1976

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 20 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Thursday July 8, 1976 No. 1687 Price 20 cents M C. (P) 428/76 THURSDAY. JULY 8. 1976
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  • 408 1 Motoring upcountry? Then beware of these two routes with X marked along them. (See map). For they Indicate the spots where armed highwaymen ambushed and robbed occupants of Singapore registered cars. A four-man gang of armed robbers, believed to be led by a 27-year-old
    408 words
  • 74 1 A sweeper, Chomll bin Ahmad, 25, found a day-old baby boy crying In the bushes while on his way hom* at 14 km Upper East Coast Road at noon yesterday. He wrapped the abandoned Infant with his jacket and took him to the Joo Chiat police
    74 words
  • 310 1 Reuter London, Thursday. Britain's recordbreaking drought has increased the level of chemicals in drinking water so much in parts of Britain that it is now considered unsafe for infants. So, on top of all the other problems facing a parched Britain, bottled water is now
    Reuter  -  310 words
  • 26 1 Reuter Jakarta, Thursday. An Indonesian police officer has been arrested on charges of complicity In drug trafficking, national police chief General Wldodo Budldarmo said yesterday.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 95 1 Reuter Manila, Thursday—The Foreign Office confirmed yesterday that Vietnam's Vice-minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Phan Hlen, will arrive here on Friday at the head of a friendship mission In a move seen as a diplomatic breakthrough. The Philippines does not have diplomatic relatl oni
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 106 2  -  By Peter Ong Several flight stewards from Singapore were recently thrown out of the Taipeh Hilton for holding wild parties In their room. According to sources, they have been blacklisted by the hotel. The Taipeh Hilton is used by the crew members of
    106 words
  • 343 2 ...say lawyers of the new law Lawyers are generally delighted with the extra powers given to subordinate courts in handling civil cases but some fear this would affect earnings. While they can look forward to speedier disposal of cases and less expensive litigation for the
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  • 143 2 Chinese diplomat Mr. Tang Mlng-chao, who arrived last night with his wife for a three-day visit, this morning had talks with the Foreign Minister Mr. 8. Rajaratnam. The UN Under-Secre-tary general for political affairs, Justiceship and decolonisation, declined to be Interviewed when he flew
    143 words
  • 55 2 Trading was dull at The Singapore Stock Exchange during the first 43 minutes this n» orn j n fj Prices generally remained at yesterday's levels. BUSINESS DONE: Firat Section S. Darby (2) 3.50, (6) 3.52. Sett.: (1) 3.5*. Harimau (2) 0.71. F. and N. (1) 5.90. Pan Electric
    55 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 23 2 >v m Modal AW-2500 Washing/spinning capacity: 4.5kfl(10lb«) Sots Agant* Guthrie TVading CONSUMER ***** OMOON Ring *****61 Ext2?l for (Wractions to your naaraatToaNba daator
      23 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 672 2 AT THE CINEMA FIST OF FUBY: The celebrated Bruce Lee'a second film, In which he acts as Chen Chen, the man who avenges the mysterious death of his teacher, a famed boxer. Also stars Mlao Ker Hslu. Directed by Lo Wei. Odeon: 1.30, 4, 7 and 9-30 p.m. EABTHOUAKE: A
      672 words
  • 8 2 Police reported 75 accidents yesterday. Six were serious.
    8 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 366 3 r U JK22S m i, A H 7 t *U<MT A T' ,7 Watch your favourite program on Philips big screen 5C26C566, 66cm (26") colour TV with 12 skin-sensitive lighted buttons lor channel selection. 4 speakers Comes with ultrasonic remote control unit Philips TV oives you more to look ot.
      366 words

  • 300 4 More first year students have been accepted by the University of Sin- gapore this year «than last, with a sharp increase in three faculties science, arts and engineering. It has been estimated that more than 2000 students were taken In when the new academic
    300 words
  • 177 4 Kuala Lumpur, Thursday The allocation of $244,000 for the purchase of two bullet-proof cars for the Malaysian Prime Minister and his deputy has sparked off a short but sharp exchange between the Minister without Portfolio, Tan Sri Chong Hon Nyan, and Mr. Lim Kit
    177 words
  • 19 4 Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, Minister for Culture, will open the Jurong Art Centre tomorrow at 8 p.m.
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  • 157 4 A3EAN airlines, Including Singapore Airlines, will be asked to lower fares within ASEAN countries soon. This Is to promote lntra-reglonal travel and help fill up hotel rooms In the five ASEAN countries. It Is Believed the Philippine Tourism Department, In conjunction with Philippine Airlines, Is behind
    157 words
  • 452 4 The communist victory in Vietnam has led to a more sharpened awareness of the communist threat throughout Asia, according to Dr. Kim Kyung Won, special assistant to the President of South Korea. In a paper presented at the Conference on the
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  • 32 4 Dr. Lee Chlaw Meng, vice chancellor of Nanyang University, will open a seminar on Operational Research In Decision Making at the Regional English Language Centre on July 12 at 9.30 a.m.
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  • 53 4  -  The faces of ASEAN bv ALI YUSOFF Many firls will envy the lot of 80lie Ann Cheonf. For she is sweet 17 and vends her time reading swimming, playinf tennis or listening to music. The Kuala Lumpur lass finished school last year and plans to study graphic arts
    53 words
  • 51 4 Registration 'or the City and Guilds Radio Servicing The (Course 53) and TV and Electronic* (Course 222) conducted by the PAP Delta branch will be on July 7 and l*Those interested can enrol at 183. Block 137. Alexandra Road fr °"V. to 9 p m. on those
    51 words

  • 308 5 Rhodesia could have got chop Lonrho Reuter London, Thursday. Britain could have administered a "karate chop" to the Rhodeslan economy had It forced the closure of all Britishcontrolled banks and other companies In the break-away colony, the head of the giant Lonrho Trading Company said yesterday. Lonrho chief executive, Roland
    Reuter  -  308 words
  • 37 5 Reuter Canberra, Thursday.— Australian Foreign Minister Andrew Peacock yesterday reaffirmed his country's continuing support for the Colombo Plan. Australian aid to the Plan had totalled A ***** million ($6735 million) since its inception.—Reu-
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 84 5 Reuter Wiesbaden, Thursday— West Oerman oollce said yesterday they had smashed a heroin smuggling ring following intensive cooperation with their colleagues in Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Three Chinese holding British or Belgium nationality, and a Belgian European were arrested on Tuesday night here and in Frankfurt
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 328 5 Moscow reduces level sharply Reuter Washington, Thursday. The Soviet Union has sharply reduced the level of microwave radiation bombarding the American embassy in Moscow, the State Department disclosed yesterday. But Department spokesman Robert Funseth voiced regret that the Russians had not entirely eliminated the radiation, which
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 177 5 GISCARD ORDERS SACK Reuter Paris, Thursday. The government yesterday dismissed Rear Admiral Ant o i n e Sanguinetti from the navy for publicly challenging French defence policy. The forced retirement of Admiral Sanguinetti, brother of prominent Oaulllst politician Alexandre Sanguinetti, was ordered by
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 36 5 Reuter Copenhagen. Thursday A plague of rats is making life miserable for householders in Copenhagen and other Danish cities. The State Vermin Laboratory blames the upsurge in rat population on good weather.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 150 5 UPI Colombo, Thursday. With about a month to go before the start of the summit conference of non-aligned nations, the Sri Lanka government has begun to tighten up Its security to ensure a smooth conference. All foreign tourists have been Instructed to leave the
    UPI  -  150 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 In Step The really effective 12-hour foot deodorant •if n Eastern Agencies
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    • 268 5 \ZS V Supreme House Peneng Roed Sm9tp<x« 9. Tfl: *****6/9 The Management proudly presents for your entertainment pleasure at the Nite-club and Executive Cocktail Lounge You'll ogle your eyes at sexy, exotic dancer at the Executive Cocktail Lounge. Show Time: 6.15 pm Daily 10.45 pm. A 12.45 am. Nitely v<
      268 words

  • 230 6 UPI Tokyo, Thursday. Authorities Investigating the Lockheed payoff scandal In Japan arrested their eighth suspect yesterday while Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl agreed to cooperate In granting Immunity to three former Lockheed officials now undergoing questioning In Los Angeles. Japanese prosecutors arrested Koichl Fujlwara, director
    UPI  -  230 words
  • 41 6 UPI Washington, Thursday Walt Disney Productions. Inc., announced it has entered the second phase of negotiations with Mitsui Real Estate Development Co. and Keisei Electric Railway Co. to develop an oriental theme park on a 600acre peninsula near Tokyo. UPI.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 30 6 Reuter Paris, Thursday —President Qlscard d'Estalng yesterday awarded honours to the 12 crew members of the Air France Airbus hijacked to Uganda last week, the government spokesman said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 239 6 Paper outlines his position AP New York. Thursday. Mr. Jimmy Carter, the apparent Democratic Presidential nominee, was quoted by the New York Times yesterday as saying he expects foreign policy to be a major issue in the American Presidential campaign. "He seems ready to run
    AP  -  239 words
  • 129 6 Reuter New York. Thursday.— A brief tornado yesterday brushed the western edge of New York harbour, just missing the Statue of Liberty. An airline pilot reported seeing a water spout near the Statue as the tornado was reported on the New Jersey side of
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 156 6 UPI Berlin, Thursday Tight border controls and a hunt throughout West Germany have failed to uncover a clue to the whereabouts of four women urban guerrillas who escaped from prison early yesterday. West Berlin police thought they probably had gone underground and found asylum with
    UPI  -  156 words
  • 284 6 Attempt to break US space record? Reuter Moscow, Thursday. Two Soviet cosmon a u t s yesterday docked their Soyuz--21 ferry vehicle with the unmanned orbital station Salyut-5 and both men transferred to it. Tass news agency reported. Soviet television said the two men boarded
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 57 6 Reuter Canberra. Thursday— A destitute and deserted mother thought it was a "godsend" when she received A 520,000 ($BO,000) from a bank. But now the ban* wants the money b*®~; For all Mrs. Marie Milliet should have got was As2oo ($600). The omission of a decimal point in
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 72 6 Reuter Bydney, Thursday Bird lover VlnQMii O'Connell was yesterday ordered by a court to stop encouraging hundreds of cockatoos ana seagulls who (locked to his home dally for a feed. Neighbours told the court that each day hundreds of screeching birds gathered In ttar trees outside the
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 121 6 UPI Washington, Thursday. —At the orders of a "really quite Irritated" President Ford, Health, Education and Welfare Department Secretary David Mathews yesterday suspended a ruling banning father-son and mo-ther-daughter events in public schools. White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen told reporters
    UPI  -  121 words
  • 34 6 France's traditional long lunch hour turns into a sunbathing session by workers near the Eiffel Tower in Paris yesterday, as Europe's unprecedented heatwave and drought continue. UPI radio UPI radio picture
    UPI radio picture  -  34 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 131 6 WORLD WEATHER New York Showers likely, 27-20C. Headline: Blacks win Issue that touched off South Africa riot. San Francisco Fair, 25-IOC. Headline: Congress trips Sky-high cost. Tokyo—Cloudy, 25 20C. Headline: Inaba still hopes to meet term set by L.A. Judge. Paris—Hot, sunny, 3423C. Headline: President Glscard d'Estalng at Hamburg: Accord
      131 words
    • 70 6 34 22C. Headline: 86 In hijack plane drama. Seoul Sunny. 29 17C. Headline: South Korea athletes depart for Montreal Olympics. Sydney—Sunny, 18-8C. Headline: Bank mistake leaves mother destitute. Taipeh Overcast, 2823C.—UPI Singapore Singapore's weather for the 24 hours to 8 a.m. today: Max. temp. 31.5 C, min. temp. 23.1C; total
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  • 139 7 Reuter Paris, Thursday—Paris newspaper owners and printers' unions yesterday settled a dispute over technical modernisation which has kept the press Industry here In turmoil for more than a year. An agreement was reached between 16 major Paris newspapers the communist-led Syndlcat du Llvre
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 465 7 Amin gets a tongue lashing. Reuter Nairobi, Thursday Kenya last night finally lost the cool reserve it had maintained towards Uganda since the Israeli raid on Entebbe Airport, and launched a furious verbal attack on President Idi Amin. A Ugandan allegation hotly denied here that 30 Israeli or American aircraft
    Reuter  -  465 words
  • 242 7 Reuter Beirut, Thursday Palestinian and left-wing forces, retaliating against the right-wing siege of the Palestinian camp at Tel Al-Zaatar, in eastern Beirut, have had to give ground in heavy fighting in northern Lebanon, reports from both sides said yesterday. But the reports conflicted on how
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 224 7 Reuter Essen, Thursday Former West German President Gustav Heinemann, who held office from 1969 to 1974, died here yesterday at the age of 76. Dr. Heinemann was taken to hospital on Friday suffering from blood circulation problems. The exact cause of death was not immediately known. Dr.
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 140 7 Reuter Madrid, Thursday. Spanish Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez formed a new government last night and brought In a Liberal, Marcellno Oreja, as Foreign Minister, It was announced here. Mr. Oreja, 40, at present Foreign Undersecretary, is a keen advocate of Spanish entry into the
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 50 7 Reuter Buenos Aires, Thursday—Eleven more victims have died In Argentina's continuing wave of political violence, police said here yesterday. The new casualties bring to almost 500 the number of people known to have been killed in politically motivated violence since the March 24 military coup In Argentina.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 296 7 Reuter New York, Thursday. The UN Security Council agreed yesterday to defer until tomorrow the start of debate on the African states' charge of Isr a e 1 1 aggression against Uganda, to permit the Uganda Foreign Minister to take part. Earlier It had
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 134 7 HOTEL ll ii 5 '9 n Vr >v New Menu: Continental cuisine for lunch and "dinner; seafood specials, sizzling steaks and chicken specialities. Salad Counter: Choose your favourite salad from the wide selection. Plus! A complimentary glass of Mouton Cadet Rouge or Deinhard's Bereich Bernkastel for every guest. fttK** Hong
      134 words

  • 394 8 The rash of hold-ups Including one robbery with rape along Johore trunk roads In recent months would conjure up Images of England's legendary highwayman Dick Turpln had the victims from Singapore found their experiences less traumatic. Now travellers motoring upcountry fear for their safety and
    394 words
    • 68 8 Everslnce a friend a habitual muncher was transferred to another department In her company, the mouse which used to live on the crumbs from her table had been wandering around like a lost soul, hav- ing to venture further for Its meals. Her colleagues are considering rescuing
      68 words
    • 66 8 An expert has warned that the shock of retirement can make a man Impotent. Mr. Nicholas Tyndall, secretary of the British. National Marriage Outdance Council, said: "It can be an Inhibiting Influence on a man's life. Retirement may signal a sense of retreat and, in a kind
      66 words
  • 1002 8  -  Concern over erosion of support By Ismail Kassim PAS' continued membership in the National Front will be a main topic for discussion when the V r on t's delegates gather in Kuala Lumpur late next month for the annual party congress. The odds
    1,002 words
  • 65 8  -  ASHAMED, Bin fa pore 25. As a regular visitor to the PBA container wharf, I always see "shacks" and unauthorised sheds along the old godown No. 25 at Trafalgar Street, Gate One. I recall a letter from the PBA In your paper which stated that
    65 words
  • 43 8  -  TICKET 3901, Singapore 15. Are commuters allowed to smoke in a bus? I was In a bus recently. sitting next to a man who was chain-smoking. The conductor Ignored him. He should have told him about the nosmoklng law.
    43 words
  • 56 8  -  UNFORTUNATE ONE, Singapore 11. When travelling to West Malaysia and Thailand In a coach recently. I lost my luggage. When I told the driver, he said he was too sleepy to notice. After three weeks, the company has yet to recover or compensate my loss. Who can
    56 words
  • 58 8  -  READERS, Singapore 14. After reading the letter, "Repeat this series," by TV Fan <NN, June 26), my friends and I fully agree that the drama, Sorrows of the Forbidden City, Is one of the best series telecast by RTS. Therefore, we hope the RTS will allow us
    58 words
  • 484 8 r r 3 VOICE OF THE PRESS A BANGKOK POST Time was when the oft-quoted Baron Pierre de Coubertin's "not the winning or the losing, but the taking part" rang true of international sport, and especially so the modern Olympic Games. Today, virtually on the eve
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 703 9  -  Art Buchwald Los Angeles Times The New York Times Is now in the process of searching for the Loch Ness monster. It has underwritten a scientific expedition with underwater TV cameras, sonar equipment and other monster gear heretofore unknown to man. So far
    Los Angeles Times  -  703 words
  • 916 9  -  By Lim Kok Ann Scarcely a year after the dissensions of the Flscher-Kar-pov match that never took place, FIDE, the World Chess Federation, is once more in the throes of a crisis. The problem now Is the award by FIDE of the right to host
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 0 9 [/{@*;<~%<-<,*[~@&.'%;!\^"~%,$;
      0 words
    • 205 9 Tasty Western Cuisine vTTiTT COFFEE HOUSE/LOUNGE Opens daily 800 am IOOOpm After a hard day's work, relax yourself, drutng 'HAPPY HOURS' 4.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m Free tit-bits will be served Nightly organ performance Raffles Palm I Court i I RESTAURANT I V wining dining by candlelight 1 I in the
      205 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1156 10 / 11  -  STUDENTS IN SCHOOL NOT GETTING ADEQUATE FOOD VALUE Mothers say they are ignorant oS what makes up an adequate meal for children By Wang Look Fung Parents were shocked when a recent nutrition survey revealed that about two-thirds of the primary school children Interviewed did not have adequate meals
    1,156 words

  • trend
    • 339 12 Doc's Casebook Li d Mrs. B. complained: "My child does not eat at all and he seems to have no appetite these days. I think he has lost a lot of weight. What can be wrong and how do I go about correcting this?" A look at
      339 words
    • 97 12  -  Words by Jennifer Schoon There's nothing like the combination of black and white for impact. And here the play of these two colours goes elegantly casdal for day wear. But even black and white can do with something extra appliqued birds and geometric designs on
      Picture by Nik Kasmani  -  97 words
    • 292 12  -  Dpcor ideas L di V. Oon V. Oon Staircases need not Just be the link between the public areas of your home and the bedrooms upstairs. They can, and should be. decorated for both functional and aesthetic purposes. The staircase wall, for
      292 words
    • 378 13  -  V Shop Around Joachin Tan The Land of Cherry Blossoms and Geisha girls wjll come alive in your home with authentic Japanese dolls, porcelain tea and candy sets, and home furnishing accessories from the Suzuron Festival now on at the Isetan. Decorative ornaments to brighten
      Pictures by Johari Rasikin  -  378 words
    • 805 13 Washington Post Are you acquainted with any of the following well-born, to say nothing of Illbred, gentlemen? The Disgraceful Duke; The Odious Duke (no relation); The Penniless Peer; The Wicked Marquln (no, not that Wicked Marquis); The Dangerous Dandy; The Ruthless Rake; The Elusive Earl
      Washington Post  -  805 words
    • 679 13  -  Eating Out »»v Violet Oon Race Course Road has developed Into a curry restaurant area judging by the establish ments that have sprung up there in the last two years. In one Mock alone can be found three southern Indian restaur anta and down the road
      679 words

  • 1137 14  - Brunei —a land of little discontent Where citizens enjoy so many free benefits The roads are crowded with new cars By H.D.S. Greenway Washington Post Bandar Serf Begawan, Thursday Once upon a time, on the 'ar off coast of Borneo, there lived a handsome young sultan who, with the counsel
    Washington Post  -  1,137 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 537 14 :®H3SH>! Thursday CN-4| NEW NATION MONEYWORDS Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW mmm mm Cut olong dotted lines CLUES FOR CN 4 The usual substance on which to write. Quiet often, is diractly due
      537 words
    • 301 14 Crossword hi m mi m ill MM Ml liflillH ill m 4 In the past 5 Fancy letter lines 6 Nautical term 7 Prefix of priority 8 Kindness 9 Oloss 10 Bewitch 11 Foul-smelling 12 —podlra 13 Drove slantingly 21 Young racer 23 Ragout 26 Kind of energy 27 Dogs,
      301 words

  • 139 15 moving slightly ahead on steady trend UPI Brussels, Thursday. The British pound yesterday continued on Its steady trend of the past few days. The US dollar had a mixed performance. Oold dropped in Zurich from U*****.35 to U*****.25 an ounce, but rose in London from U*****,375 to U*****55. In London
    UPI  -  139 words
  • 25 15 Reuter Seoul, Thursday The Korean Air Lines will launch a weekly passenger and cargo service between Seoul and Zurich via Bahrain next Wednesday.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 440 15  -  S'pore can play middle role V Business News and Views 4 By Lee Yew Meng Singapore bankers are in a unique position to act as intermediary between the Arab banks and the economies of Southeast and East Asia, said Mr. Joseph Nakhosteen, president of the
    440 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 179 15 A late rally wiped out many earlier losses, but not all of them, as prices closed mixed yesterday in moderate trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Some observers said short-covering replacing borrowed shares sold earlier accounted for much of the late buying. They noted selling pressure in
      179 words
    • 35 15 Closing Dow Jones averages on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 industrials 991.16 (off 0.65); 20 transport 224.14 (up 0 86); 15 utilities 69 24 (up 0 67); 65 stocks 309.36 (up 0.52).
      35 words
    • 189 15 The market opened firm in spite* on NYSE's overnight decline. Bargain hunting concentrated on shares with good news. TDJA 4854.54 11.26) 76. Hi-low 4865.55(7/1) 4403.06(1/5) TSE 356.97 (+0.23) Volume 340 mil (+6O mil). Closing prices (in yen) on the Tokyo 8tock Exchange yesterday: AJlnomoto 370 2 C. Itoh 307
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    • 36 15 Closing prices (In francs) on the Paris Bouse yesterday: Part baa 156.50 —1 Fancier 305 —4 Printemps 50 —0.10 Bull 36.30 —1.30 Royal Dutch 331.70 —1.40 MJchelln 1310 +10 CUE 299.90 —0.10 ji (i] [KMS
      36 words
    • 89 15 Union Bank of Switzerland Closing prices (in Swiss francs) on the Zurich Stock Exchange yesterday: UBS Bearer 3190 20 UBS Registered 497 K SBC 440 5 Credit Suisse 2735 5 Swissair B. 510 72 Swiss Relnsur. 2310 Wlnterthur B. 1740 Zurich Insur. 6500 —250 Juvena B. 250 Nestle B.
      Union Bank of Switzerland  -  89 words
    • 1 15
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  • 174 15 UPI Tokyo, Thursday. Business bankruptcies in Japan registered a record high for the first half of this year, with about 7000 firms becoming insolvent, credit investigators reported yesterday. The Tokyo Shoko Research Ltd. said business failures In the first half of 1976 amounted to 7000
    UPI  -  174 words
  • 130 15 Reuter Geneva, Thursday The world's major airlines made an estimated combined loss of UBs4oo million ($1000 m) last year after earning more, spending more and carrying fewer passengers a longer way, the International Air Transport Association (lATA) said yesterday. Publishing its 1975 statistics, lATA described the
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 77 15 On your way to Europe, visit USSR lor I M 5 days Moscow SSSOO [departing every \Xfcdnesday lOdays Moscow Leningrad Ss72o departing every Wednesday 15 days Facinating Mack Sea lour of USSR visiting Moscow, Kiev, Odessa and Yalta departing 26th July, 1976 15 days Combined lour of visiting Moscow, Minsk,
      77 words
    • 75 15 4 J t L> Wfr'M S-RACK STAINLESS STEEL TUBING ANO CONNECTORS DETACHABLE This fashionable prestigious system converts into just about anything in the home and shop display stand. Attractive display stand for your stereo system, home divider, centre and telephone table, T.V. stand, tea trolley and many others. Shelving can
      75 words

  • 736 16  -  on Singapore's Montreal hopefuls SONNY YAP There was not even a faint sound of heave-ho as a grimacing Chua Koon Slong lifted up the weights with what seemed like effortless ease. Then he let the barbells dropped and walked around the platform before rubbing
    736 words
  • 396 16 UPI Montreal. Thursday The International Olym{)lc Committee, backed nto a corner by the Canadian government's stand on the issue of Taiwan, yesterday held hopes that they may have found a way out of the dilemma but are conceding it will require Klssln
    UPI  -  396 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 220 16 ]^\~&>_@^.`$,]:])'_)-|}.`&@\`[@ MAQIC SHOP FUN Magic for everyone. 132, Cantonment Road. S'pore 2. Tel. *****00. IpiiirtTi J] APHRODITE PROVIDES CHARMING and Sociable Lady Escort*. Contact: 800 (Bth floor) Far East Shopping Centre, Orchard Road. Tel: *****07/ *****08 HOUSE REPAIR For any general work or household repairs Tel: *****3 Kim Hock Lye
      220 words
    • 270 16 REPAIR OR TRADE-IN your Old machines for our wonderful range of Singer's sewing machines, refrigerators, black white and colour televisions. Attractive discounts for cash. Hire Purchase available at liberal terms. Tel: *****79, after office hours *****79 Chan Choo Kok. L RENTAL, HIRE PURCHASE, sale wooden furniture for homes and offices.
      270 words

  • 643 17 FAVOURITE NICKLAUS SHOOTS A TWO-OVER-PAR 74 Reuter Southport, Thursday. Three "unknowns" on the international golf circuit threw down the gauntlet to the superstars on the opening day of the 105 th British Open golf championship at Royal Birkdale here yesterday. The three heroes, with
    Reuter  -  643 words
  • 115 17 69—Christy O'Connor J nr., (Ire), Norto Suxukl (Jap>, Severlano Ballesteroe (8p) 70—Brtan Barnes (Brl) Tom Kite (U8), Jack Newton Aust.) 71—John Fuuiie (8A), BIU Braak (US), Oraham Marsh (Aust). 73—Oaxy Player (8A), Jan Dorresteln (HOI), John Miller (US), Hubert Oreen (US). Bob Charles (NZ). 73—Martin Qregson (Brl), Bill
    115 words
  • 257 17 R. Rathakrlshnan. a flyweight bronze medallist at the last Seap Games in Bangkok will be making In a comeback during the National boxing championships from tonight to Saturday. Ratha, who also won a bronze medal at the Asian Youth tournament In Manila In 1974 dropped
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  • 812 17  -  BOWLING by Jeffrey Low Defending champion S.Y. Loh has been burning up the lanes at Plaza Bowl in an all-out bid to retain his National Masters title. The week-long National championships start at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday and Loh has taken
    812 words
  • 73 17 AP Baastad, Thursday Per Hegna of Norway provided another upaet as the US$lOO,OOO (about *****,000) Swedish Open tennis championships here yesterday with a straight-set win over fifth-seeded Juan Olsbert of Spain. Hegna. 29, who had to play In the qualification tournament for a berth in this
    AP  -  73 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 159 17 OFFICIAL NOTICE PtOPOSAL TO CHANGE OF SHirS NAME We, Sin Chlao Shipping (Pte) Ltd., of 21, Bank of China Building, Singapore, hereby given notice that in consequence of the intended purchase, we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore Ships, under Section 417 of the Merchant Shipping Act (Chapter 172,
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 408 17 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are one of those persons of high passion and rare refinement. Feeling deeply. you nevertheless manage to express your feelings as though they were rarely more than skin deep. You keep few secrets from those you love but are Inclined
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  • 406 18  -  By BRIAN MILLER K am pong Java, searching desperately for a win after a series of defeats, had to settle for a 1-1 draw In their Division Three soccer match against Moulmeln at Toa Payoh yesterday. Playing In their fourth match this season,
    Picture by STEVEN LEE  -  406 words
  • 278 18 Hong Kong Chinese will have the services of six of their National players when they meet Singapore in their soccer friendly at the National Stadium tomorrow. (Kick-off 8 p.m.). The six are Chu Kwok Kuen, Li Ping Hung, Loong Shi Shing, Tang Hung Cheong,
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  • 24 18 Perth, Thursday—Former Australian gold medal Olympic swimmer Kevin O'Halloran was found dead at his family's farm southeast of here, police said yesterday.
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  • 180 18 Reuter Monte Carlo, Thursday—The United States. Britain and France, who withdrew last week from the 1977 Davis Cup, agreed to return to the competiton yesterday. At the annual meeting of the International Lawn Tennis Federation here, their delegates agreed to accept a oneyear compromise on
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 413 18 Reuter London. Thursday. On the eve of the third England-West Indies Test, batsmen were busy making debating points In county matches yesterday which may give the English selectors a few uneasy days. Middlesex captain Mike Brearley, for instance, dropped from the side for
    Reuter  -  413 words
  • 68 18 Reuter East Berlin, Thursday Three members of East men's Olympic swimming team were injured in a car crash travelling to East Berlin yesterday, the East German News Agency ADN reported. ADN said Wolfram Sperling was seriously Injured and would not be able to compete In Montreal, but Lutz
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
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  • 365 19  -  ON THE TRACK with Brian Miller Trainer Garnet Bougoure's classy newcomer, T y p hoon Tim, showed that he is ready to make a winning debut this weekend when he turned in an extra good showing at Bukit Timah this morning. With Handsome Grey for
    365 words
  • 48 19 Reuter London. Thursday—At the final forfeit stage yesterday Thieving Demon and Daring Song were both taken out of today's July Cup at Newmarket leaving 10 declared runners. Pat Eddery ride.* Hlttlte Glory, Yves SaintMartin Kala Shikari and Christy Roche Petlpa in the race.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 980 19  -  By BLUE PETER A smart newcomer with five wins over the sprints to his credit will make his debut at the forthcoming Sing apore Turf Club Queen Elizabeth Cup meeting starting this Saturday. He Is Typhoon Tim, a five-year-old bay Australian gelding by SmaU
    980 words
  • 1357 19 SATURDAY Cl. 1 Div. 2 1600 m Walking Tall 67 11 Reinvest 66.6 4 Man of Honour 111 66 9 Purple Destiny 66.6 7 Ko Iche 66.6 16 Ming Dynasty II 64.8 6 Sunburst 64.6 10 Gudea 64 8 Chaya Timor II 63.5 3 Razzmatazz
    1,357 words
  • 216 19 SATURDAY J tls CL 1 1600 m: Kaantan. Kmc 2; *.45 CL 1 Div. I 1600 m Keep Golni:. RACE: 2: 2.15 CL 4 Div. 7 1200 m: Rlfht Idea. Kentucky Chief, El Banco. ®«fal Btar. RACE 4: 2.45 CL 4 1200 m; Softly Spoken. RACE 5: 4.15 CL
    216 words
  • 212 19 Associated Press New York, Thursday Muhammad All should apologise to the American public for his exhibition with Japanese wrestler Antonio Inokl, George Foreman said yesterday. "I hope that doesn't happen again a world champion doing something like that," said Foreman, who was somewhat shame-faced himself
    Associated Press  -  212 words

  • 54 20 MEI LIN: It Is timely of Mr. Chan Chee Seng, the 8oclal Affairs Parliamentary Secretary, to remind landlords of their responsibility In ensuring the safety of their tenants. AH FOOK: The trouble Is that some landlords may not mind complying with the suggestion provided they are allowed to
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 212 20 v: I Jtl K William the Conqueror. In 1066 William the Conqueror, because he couldn't get enough water and Teacher's in Fiance, decided to invade England. The English, led by Harold, not wanting to give up their favourite drink (or their country for that matter) were waiting for William when
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 805 20 TV AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 3.00 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by HOUSEWIVES' MATINEE: A Smile for a Smile, (r). Part One of this Teochew film. 3.55 GENERAL HOSPITAL. 4.30 INTERMISSION 6.05 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by LASSIE: Walden. 6.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 6.35 FENTAS KANAK KANAK (r). 7.05 AUDUBON WILDLIFE THEATRE: Wapiti.
      805 words
    • 226 20 Today's top shows BEN HALL: The Legacy. (Ch. 5, 10.50 p.m. In colour). Police patrols are sent to Wheogo to harass settlers considered symSthetic to Ben Hall, e govt, also order that the Wheogo squatters be driven out and replaced by govt, approved land-holders. Ben sets up a meeting with
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