New Nation, 16 April 1976

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 20 1 NewNation SINGAPORE Friday April 16, 1976 No. 1616 Price 20 cents M C. (P) 428/76 r j NEW NATION COMMENT
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  • 279 1  -  Police recover most of tycoons' $800,000 gems By Douglas Chan Police hare arrested Ave people, including two cabaret giris, In connection with the two big gem thefts from the homes of two tycoons In Holland Road. They also recovered most of the $800,000 worth of
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  • 51 1 Tokyo, Friday—Japanese public worker®. Including national railway men, today launched a 24-hour strike for higher strike has been limited to some points throughout Japan and is expected to affect only local lines and some exDress trains. Commuter trails In Tokyo and other major dtle s are not
    51 words
  • 120 1 This direr is not hirtnf a weekend swim. He b one ef a tew of toeai iwtaum brntred in the nprooiinc of 25 ketones as part of the *239.1 million reelamstton project for the newChangl airport. The belong* are sitaated in a N million •oure metre area earmarked
    120 words
  • 27 1 Cludad Pollvar (Venezuela), FrL An air force plane yesterday crashed Into two houses, killing eight people, and Injuring at least a dosen others, police said.
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  • 273 1 UPI Washington, Friday. Deapite Congressional attempts to slow a U.8.-80Ylet arms race In the Indian Ocean, mill- tary sources said yesterday it is continuing unchecked with the United Btates running In second place. Yesterday marked a deadline (or the White Houae to provide Congress
    UPI  -  273 words
  • 44 1 Iwto, Friday.—An tahfdw hnkm into a ehareh is Cornwall, which hu topt-nMrd-ed bell", and aaed the ifMlUf to tmdßMt the Beatles' sang It's Been a Hard Day's Night—at 4J85 kbl, waking sp villager*. The Intruder left £Z (SS.4S) an the collection plate-
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  • 37 1 Radzi Ahmad is the man to watch in the Singapore-Penang Malaysia Cup soccer match at the National Stadium on Sunday night (kickoff at 7.30). Twenty-two-year-old Radzi is the dangerman in the Fenang attack
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 I XOI K 1)1 SKA OF lOMORROW From the finest quality of Diamonds and Precious Stones H i iySll\u<ftr) t(l IAMSL See Page 19 for Jeffrey Low's report ALSO INSIDE Katong post office break-In Page 4 Nobel winner beaten up Page 6 IN THE OTIIK PAGES: Cinemas 2; Moneywords 11;
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 164 2  -  By Terry Ang The price of chilli has dropped from $5 to $3 per 605 grammes. A New Nation survey of the Kandang Kerbau and Beach Road markets yesterday showed that chillies now cost from $3 to $3.80 per 605 grammes. According to Mr. E. K.
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  • 241 2 test products It is time the Consumers' Association of Singapore set up a small laboratory to do simple tests to obtain information on food and other products for consumers.* This la advocated by Mr. Wolfgang Howorka. regional technical advlaer to the International Organisation of Consumer Union#
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  • 126 2 These two lads set Into the Easter Spirit earlier than most yesterday. They were at the hotel for lunch with mam when Alice Font May Yoke, 19, the Mandarin's Easter girl, ushered them Into the pastry shop. Immediately, their eyes started roving the shelves where Easter
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  • 261 2 A public forum on The Right to Live and the Right to Die a highlight of the 7th National Convention will be held at the Pathology Lecture Theatre Singapore General Hospital, on April 21 at 8.15 p.m. The panel will comprise Dr. B.C.
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  • 256 2 The Football Association of Singapore will NOT allow Malaysia Cup tickets to be raffled for charity as requested by the Singapore Sports Council for the Handicapped (SSCH). FAS chairman, Mr. N. Oanesan, said: "This will amount to profiteering, since we will be taking advantage of the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 525 2 AT THE CINEMA JODKNIT INTO FEAR: An American geologist (Sam Waterston) is chased from Istanbul to the US by an International gang of killers determined to wrest from him secret Information of discoveries of natural resources In Turkey. Trying to taect some excltment Into e film are Yvette Mlmieux, Ian
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  • 8 2 Police reported 74 accidents yesterday. Five were serious.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 t Yi Easter Treat! Mandarin Court Easter Sunday, April 18th 12noonto3pm Bring the whole family Attractive prizes to be won f !f r m: A r hs, t- I it 2* «v n v I \jTy If i: m i 1 Wi a 3 if. *.?V i w> >v •if
      109 words

  • 208 4  -  By K.K. FONG The Katong Poet Office was broken ihto last weekend and $177.41 was stolen. When the staff entered the office to start work on Monday morning, they found some glass-panes of the postmaster's office removed. Registered letters were torn open and strewn all
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  • 150 4 The NTUC has urged non-unionised workers to Join a trade union for they stand to loee out on National Wage Council recommendation* should" their employers decide not to implement And In audi in event, the* unorganised workers would be helped by nobody, the editortel
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  • 34 4 The Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Cuttan. Tuan Hall Sha'arl Tadin. will be the auest of tuoour at the CM Victorians' clatton't Uth annlversary dinner and dance at Shangri-La Hotel tomorrow at 710 p.m.
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  • 27 4 Minister for Finance Mr. Hon Sat Sea will attend the Sewrtiwans Shipyard anptoyoos' Union seventh annhrersary dinner at the shipyard prsmlsss tomorrow at 7JO pjn.
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  • 128 4 Traffic PoUee are appealing for eyewitneaaaa to a hit-and-run accident in which a pedeetrian died three nighu ago at IS km Tampinas Road. A passing motorist saw the victim sprawled by the roadalda on Wednesday morning and Immediately called the police. Homicide aquad officers ruahed there
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  • 305 4 Bahrein will send r personnel here learn port administration and operation, and cargo handling. This was disclosed by Mr. Bd Abdullah Yusof, Bahrein's Director of Ports, In an Interview vesterday after he attended a two-week port management course organised by the PSA. Mr. Bid said
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  • 35 4 The National Library will hold a talk- cumdemonstraUon on Introducing the Accordion at Its meeting Yoom tomorrow at IJo p.m. The speaker is Mr. Tan Klan Sin of Chwair Sin Orchestra. Admission Is free.
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  • 25 4 The Environment Health Department's Central Urban District office at Jalan Berseh will more to Clementl Street today. The new telephone number is MOM4T
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  • 74 4 lfernd Dam, It, a stndent at the pinto-ly-rnn Aito Air Hostess Centre «u eiownet (aeea it the centre's annul dinner and dahee at the HeHday Inn lsst night. Her prises Inehided a tore»hy, s retnrn ticket to Borneo, a pair of snnchunss and
    74 words
  • 205 4 The Ministry of Labour hps <*****—1(1 concern orer the tncresse of serious sccidents inyolTlnf fork-lift trucks. There were It accidents inmlTtnt fork-lft tracks in ITO. This figure rose to 92 and 21 in 1174 and 1979 reepectlrely. The accidents In 1974 Included one fatal ff*t and
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  • 178 4 Reuter Keta Kiaakaln Friday. There were no «igns or rejoicing or dejection In the street* of this state capital following the shock defeat off Tun Mustapha's Alliance party at the state elections yesterday. Everything «M quiet and the town appeared more deeerted than usual. A
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 40 4 The Inner Wheel Club of Singapore's Costumes of theVUlage Belles performance and tea party In aid of charity will be held at the Pftsldential Room of the American Club, Instead of 75 Dal* vey ltoad, on April 21.
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  • 396 5 Muldoon to meet Hua in Peking on April 28 Reuter Peking, Friday New Zealand Prime Minister Mr. Robert Muldoon will this month become the first Head of Government to meet China's new Premier Hua Kuo-feng since his appointment. Mr. Hua received former U8 President Richard
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • 240 5 Reuter United Nations, Friday The Becurlty Council heard further appeals yesterday for sale-deter-mlnatlon for the people of East Timor and the total withdrawal of Indonesian forces, but deferred action until next week. A further meeting was called for Tuesday. At least three sets of
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 110 5 Reuter Rome, Friday Italy was headed last night for general elections that could bring the communists to power here in two months. The last reasonable hope of avoiding an early poll vanished when the socialists—who are necessary to the survival of Prime Minister Aldo Moro's
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 Kevin's Curios Gems ft*arl Jade Diamond Ivory Gold Silver ...the only jewelry mart... Shangri-La Hotel STI-9MezzanineFloor,( Vange Grovt* Road-Singapore 2Nytt.2#>2N()2 The Quartet Unlimited makes beautiful music Chef Gaston makes great hors d'oeuvres... yV x t 5; >►, M*<m f V 1 1 M 5" ■r* k 4 r 7/, and
      160 words

  • 227 6 Reuter Hong Kong, Friday Thousands of new wall posters appeared at the campus of Peking University as students deepened their criticism of the vilified Vice-premier Teng Hslao-plng, the New China News Agency said yesterday. The agency said in a report that students and teach«rs of the
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 505 6 Dr. Sakharov: We were held Reuter Moscow, Friday. The wife on Nobel Peace Prize winner Andrei Sakharov said yesterday she and her husband were beaten by Soviet police who detained them during the trial of a dissident in the Siberian city of Omsk. Moscow
    Reuter  -  505 words
  • 88 6 Reuter Athens, Friday—Greek Premier Constantlne Karamanllj aald last night the UB-Oreek agreement for continued operation of American military baae« In Greece had averted a dangerous situation In the Eastern Mediterranean. In a statement Issued after the Initialling of the agreement In Washington between U8 Secretary of State
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 33 6 Reuter Lahore, Friday—Overlized crates on a shipment of surgical Instruments destined for Mexico led to (he discovery of about ZOO kilos of marijuana. Customs officials at Lahore airport announced yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 73 6 AP London, Friday Deslree Llewellyn, pretty and 11, was awarded £1000 damages because, she said, her lower lip twitches when she is kissed. She told Judge Austen Croom-Johnson that she suffered a deep cut in her lip in a traffic accident four years ago. "It rnnfcr— kissing
    AP  -  73 words
  • 437 6  - Take a year off, workers told you've earned it AMERICA JANE GASKELL A peaceful revolution Is transforming U8 work-ing-life. The working week lUelf Is being fently retired the a m 111 ar, frustrating, often frensied 9 to 5, Monday to Friday working week, that U. An estimated 3,000 American firms
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  • 177 6 UPI TODAY U Friday. April 16. the 107 th day of 1976 with 350 to follow. THE MOON is between its full phase and last quarter. THE MORNING STAR is Venus THE EVENING BTARB are Mercury. Mara. Jupiter and Saturn. Those born on this date are under the sign
    UPI  -  177 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 -f <4 Sun.. April 16 Voluobte Lucky Draw Prizes from Metro Two cortoon film shows International Buffet Lunch with mounds of Ice-creams and Jellies Free Chocolate Eoster Bunnies Da Boons Galore Baskets of colourful Eoster Eggs Soft Drink Drinking Contest Balloon Btowina Contest Guess the number of Easter Eggs Contest.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 179 6 New York Partly sunny, 21-9 C. Headline: Italy's communists reaping benefits from latest crisis. London—Hostly cloudy and showers, 10-70. Headline: Exports surge gave UK surplus In March. Moscow Sunny, 18IC. Headline: May Day slogans of the CPBU Central Commltte. Paris Rain, 17-7 C. Headline: Capital gains tax: Draft law adopted.
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  • 170 7 UPI Paris, Friday.—Riot police used teargas and clubs yesterday to disperse nearly 30,000 students demonstra ting against government proposed educational reforms. The violence erupted after students started throwing rocks. Police reacted quickly, launching dozens of teargas cannlsters and wading Into the mass of demonstrators with
    UPI  -  170 words
  • 133 7 Reuter London, Friday.—The right-wing Dally Mall, stung by Russian attacks on Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher, is offering Its readers vodka as prises in a cold war poetry contest. As Inspiration, the tabloid Mall yesterday printed a poem by an unnamed "Tory poet" attacking
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 60 7 UPI New Delhi, Friday Fifty people were drowned yesterday when a passenger bus In which they were travelling skidded and fell Into a deep pond near Oonda, about 482 km east of New Delhi, Samachar news agency reported. The agency said the bus was completely
    UPI  -  60 words
  • 347 7 Leads to ties with India Reuter Peking. Friday. India's announcement yesterday that It would appoint a new ambassador to China was seen here as the first major sign of a thaw In Slno-1 ndlan relations for over a decade. The former Indian Ambassador In Peking
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 184 7 UPI Washington, Friday Central In t e 111 g ence Agency Director. Mr. Oeorge Bush revealed yesterday he has been on a recent secret mission to three foreign countries on a fact-finding tour and was encouraged by what he found. Speaking without notes at
    UPI  -  184 words
  • 146 7 Reuter Tel Aviv, Friday Lieut. -Oen. David Elazar, Israeli Chief of BtafT during the 1973 October war, died here yesterday of a heart attack. Defence Ministry officials said. He was 51. The officials said Oen. Klasar, who resigned after the war, headed the Zlm National Shipping Line.
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 *4 I 4 k ,r ass ««>«••» m for your windows sliding doors A well known product of Du Pont U.S.A. STOPS Glar* STOPS Sun-Fading STOPS HIH ftntounn and Saw* Aw Conditioning Coats SUN'S HEAT REFLECTED SOLE AGENT for S E Asm. SINGAPORE BUN-X CO. 471 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore
      114 words

  • 409 8 Tun Mohammed Fuad Stephens, Sabah's new Chief Minister, says that he does not want a witch hunt. But he also says that he does not want the past to repeat itself. Having won the elections on the promise of clean government, Tun Fuad has
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    • 69 8 How's this for absurdity and mis-use of modern science: A recent report from Tokyo revealed that a monkey found wandering lo a residential area, displaying acute fear of humans, was given plastic surgery to improve Its attractiveness to the opposite sex!. How the vets who did the
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    • 56 8 Non-Muslim guests to a Malay wedding -urned up looking forward to a curry meal which they thought would be a pleasant change from usual Chinese wedding dinners. But dinner turned out to be a 10-course Muslim-cum Chinese dinner. Explained the groom: "I thought you would prefer having
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  • 442 8 UPI Washington, Friday A combination of timing, technology and turbulence may be pushing the world towards the most dangerous situation of all: Where the two super powers consider it riskier to trust each other than to continue building their arsenals. In this election year, foreign
    UPI  -  442 words
  • 263 8 VOICE OF THE PRESS Ja NANYANG SIANG PAU The recent EEC summit meeting in Luxembourg was the quietest summit meeting ever held. According to the New York Times, the sense of frustration was Intense, not only because there are no prospects now for European unity but
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  • 551 8  -  FRIDAY WITH EDGAR KOH EDGAR KOH Some friends sneer in disbelief, others come to the wrong conclusion when I tell them how I once spent a night on a Russian train sharing a compartment with three women. I admit It does sound a
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  • 128 8  -  STUDENT Recently. I was in a CSS bus with a friend. I was in my school uniform, while my friend was not. He paid 40 cents and I paid 10 cents, thinking that was the student's fare. But I was told students have to pay
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  • 48 8  -  DEPRIVED TV viewers of such excellent programmes as The Pallisers often have to miss them because the elders in the family prefer the Chinese pro- grammes on the other channel telecast at the same time. Can RTB do something about the schedules to overcome this problem?
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  • 35 8 I fully support the letter from Commuters (NN, April 9) requesting that a bus shelter be erected in front of Block 24 Sin Ming Road, off Upper Thomson Road. KOH CHIN KOK, Singapore, 7.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 939 9  -  It claimed 2078 lives in S'pore last year BJ Florence Tan Cancer has, for the Arst time in Singapore, overtaken heart disease as the Number one killer claiming 2078 lives last year. Aucurumg to estimates by the Singapore Cancer Society, an average of
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  • 262 9 NYT New York. Thursday— A complex six-year study of disadvantaged children by the Bducatlonal Testing Service Indicate* that they enter school with m broad a range of abilities and as much self-esteem a* any other group, but that the process of schooling may hamper these traits. Similarly, the
    NYT  -  262 words
  • 528 9  -  The last word by JJ Fortune tellers have been my Enemy Number One since the last time one told my fortune a few years ago. I was dining at a Chinatown roadside stall with my intended (honourable intentions only, do you mind!) when this
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 475 10 / 11  -  Kelongs are the s first to go in the project to reclaim land for airport WORDS: Richard Ho Work on the $239.1 million reclamation project for the ne*i Changi Airport began a few days ago with the uprooting of 25 kelongs. The kelongs are located in
    PICTURES: Steven Lee  -  475 words
  • Page 10 / 11 Miscellaneous
    • 542 10 / 11 £>' Friday CB-5 ft NEW NATION ■■nuruunmni iL'Jil ll 11' ill r Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address Tel: .1 PILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW ■■HaßaiaCut along dotted linos CLUES FOR CB-S 1. Destruction of a ship 2. Ancient
      542 words

  • 2 pages of trend
    • 95 12 The baju kurong seems to be the Inspiration for this graceful outfit modelled by Imelda. Though the baju kurong can look shapeless and a little clumsy In a heavy or stiff material, when a soft, slightly seethrough fabric Is used, you still get an ensemble
      Pictures by JERRY SEH  -  95 words
    • 674 12  -  bachelor Rambling Rose An old adage in the book of love tells that the way to a man's heart Is through his stomach. Our grandmothers told our mothers that; our mothers have passed the word down to us. 80 have men In search
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    • 319 12  -  Theatre Im Violet Oon No one would have been able to predict that a chamber orchestra made up of the few remaining musicians of a warravaged city would rise to world fame m 10 years. That'* exactly what the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra has done under the
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    • 709 13  -  CEating Out^ with Violet Oon We are familiar with almost all the foods of Asia but when It comes to Korean food we are treading on unknown territory. In fact the second restaurant to serve food from that country was only opened recently. Called the Seoul Restaurant
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    • 282 13  -  Trying to make a three-piece sound as good as an orchestra r Sundown scene u itli .1 Jennifer Schoon Club 3-9-2, a reat-aurant-cum-cocktall lounge has opened in Orchard Road, and th 18 quaint little place Is tastefully set up with
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    • 239 13 Songs your daddy listened to and raved about these are the numbers the duo, Terry and Tony, specialise In. Currently performing at the Queen Bee Lounge, Queen's Hotel, the duo churn out old favourites from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. "We really dig these
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 406 12 •TIJT LUCKY STARS IF irs YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are *ne of those Individual* who deeply loves and enjoys nature. You would prefer that both your work and your leisuretime activities take you outdoors, for you have not the slightest desire to spend anymore time than Is absolutely necessary
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 89 13 SWEET SALTS u/ith RENA& ANNA A funky country and western band plus a pretty, peppery duo Dance and listen to them mtely from 9 p.m. G ROOM HAPPENINGS rvtu y f Ri ,ifhi SA I, rtin I wves of holnlays ).»n< iruj st ri» t s c)l 9 p m
      89 words
    • 142 13 When !n vimi JIIK BKI.KKA I KK Bust'im-nt Shui Hint Building. 2.'i, Nathan K<»wloon, T» I ti7 iv.t.i Talk about the Good Old Days in Singapore. mm Z S3 s pndes and cnmc% breadand butler. And rrannaMr loo! tou should thrbar.beantiftd litresh*jbed talk shoal thr good old davs_ 417
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  • 167 14 UPI Brussels. Friday.—The US dollar made galna yesterday on moat hiurofean money market*. he British pound slipped back to levels of two days ago, but the Italian lira continued to strengthen. Gold's price was up 40 cents In Zurich to U*****.25, and by 25 cents In
    UPI  -  167 words
  • 225 14  -  Locals have the lion's share Business News and Views By Lee Yew Heng Singaporean* owned about 82 per cent of the 260.1 million shares belonging to 12 locally listed hotel companies. This was revealed in a surrey on share ownership by the Stock Exchange of
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  • 39 14 New York, Friday America's chronic balance of payments deficit from tourism Is likely to shrink this year as a result of growing numbers of Europeans and Japanese planning a US vacation. Business Week magaslne said vesterday.
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  • Stock markets round the world
    • 215 14 Aided by some late blue-chip buying, prices managed to grind out a modest gain yesterday In the second slowest trading session of the year on the New York Stock Exchange prior to a three-day holiday weekend. The Dow Jones Industrial average, a 9.61-point loser on Wednesday, seesawed throughout
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    • 36 14 UPI Dow Jonas closing averages on the New York Stock Exchange jfMterday. 30 Industrials 980 4S (up 5.83), 30 transport 3M 23 (19 3.73), Ift utllltlM g1.17 (IV OM), «ft stock! MM (up a.s«).
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 56 14 Reuter sHei■ri£k Prtntcmpv M —3 Bull 37 SO Rojral Dutch 31* Mfchelln 1331 —4 cam sia —l Thomson 337.00 H CFP 136 —1.70 Rhone 97 —1 AIR 3*7 —3 60 B6N MA —4 Philips M —JO SUM 306.8© —3 M FM«wt 3M —3 Citroen BO —.40 100.30 C8P 301.60
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 264 14 The market opened slightly higher, centring on speculative* reflecting yesterday's market. Such shippings as Banko Steamship and Showa Kalun were bought on prospects of shipping rates' price recovery. Also, some machineries firmed up as plant and equipment Investments, after reaching bottom, are gradually heading up. In the afternoon session,
      DBS-Daiwa Securities Int'l Ltd.  -  264 words
    • 70 14 UPI Tokyo, FH day—Visiting Indonesian Trade Minister Radius Prawlro has asked Japan to help finance UB$2OG million ($5OO million) in additional loans to keep an Indonesian development project (or liquefied natural gas resources afloat, government sources said yesterday. Indonesian state-run petroleum company Pertamlna has begun
      UPI  -  70 words
  • 299 14 The former banquet manager of the Hong Kong Hilton MR. MICHAEL P. BAMBERG Is the new assistant food and beverage manager of Singapore Hilton. MR 1 J LANDSDOWN has been appointed deputy chairman of Citicorp financial. He was seconded from CltiNatlonal group In Sydney where he was
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  • 146 14 Reuter New Delhi, Friday Th« 80vlet Union and India yesterday signed a new fl re-year trade agreement under which trade would Increase by 90 to 100 per cent Indian sources said the trade turnover was expected to top 10.000 million rupees (about
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 154 15  -  By BRIAN MILLER Newcomer to Bartley Secondary hockey team, M. Chomel, created a big Impact in her debut match when the scored all the goals In her team's 7-0 victory over St. Andrew's in their Post Secondary schools group match at Balestier Road yesterday. In the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 363 15 c ed m FLAIR SALON S7. TANGLIN ROAD. SINGAPORE 10. HAIR A SCALP CLINIC (Orourtd Floor) T«fc 215(144 For both men and women, with a London qualified Trlchologlst In attendance. LADIES' HAIRDRESSING (lot Floor) Tot: ******3 FACIAL TREATMENTS Ming Oflane product* (2nd Floor) Tot: *****23 GYM/KEEP -FIT (3rd Floor) Tel:
      363 words
    • 348 15 I£^? LBe CA ■■MTAL. $27.00 per day. Self-drive. Call *****0, 440 Dunearn Road. 4*4 m.s., S pore .11., 555 Upper Thomson Road, B*. m s B'pore 20 REPAIR OR TRADE-IN vour old machines for our tradition of excellence. Slera colour televisions, Kelvlnator refrigerators, Singer sewing machines and various other popular
      348 words
    • 265 15 Consult MARK LOUIS, *****4 sfe Gay Dog* Enlorprtso 2 JaUn Kamuning 12 m.»_ Sambaamm Road, S'poro 27. FOR SALE PUPPIB Cocker Spaniel/ German Shepherd*/ Dobermanns/ Sheltlea /Labrador*/ Pekinese/ Oreat Danes/ LHASA APBO 4 mthe Mate Harlequin Omm. Afghan Hound/ Great Danes/ Pekinese/ Bull Terriers/ Qerman Shepherds/ Choc. Dobermann' Bull Mastiffs
      265 words
    • 381 15 SIMSRO T.V. SERVICE. Day/ Night. B/W/ Colour T V. Guarantee service. Antennae Installation Fair charge*. Tel: *****6 SCIENCE DAY/ Night. Service TV., Amplifiers, Cassettes, |Repalr Ouaranteedj (Reasonable cnarges: Tel: *****023, *****08. TROPICAL T.V. SPECIALISE B/W Colour repair. Antennae Installation. Tel: *****2. Fair charges guaranteed. ELETROOEX T.V. SERVICING Repairs any makes
      381 words
    • 262 15 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte. Limited. West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Oentlng, Cameron Highland*) by deluxe alrcondltloned bus seven days *****/-, departure every Sunday, Monday.,. Malaysia six days BIISK--, departure every Tuesday..Qen tlng, Cameron Highlands by deluxe alrcondltloned coach four days *****/-. Oentlng Highlands Tour days *****/-, Departure every Wednesday
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 259 15 1 Turkish official* 6 Plateau 10 Recedes 14 Chosen 15 Baseball family name 16 Migration by wagon 17 Tripod 18 Fabulist 19 Like rattan 20 With 38A and MA, a Poplan statement 23 OUb 26 Non flying bird 27 Bmall drink 29 Tear 20 Kind of stool 33 Plays the
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  • 189 16 Kuala Lumpur, Friday Si-GanjU (8. Salrl) who scored a smart win In a Class 5. Division 3 —1200 m race here a fortnight ago aid an Impressive winding-up gallop here this morning. The five year-old by Notorious reeled off 000 m In 39.6
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  • 459 16 By BLUE PETER The Selangor Turf Club recent race meetings was a great success and full praise must go to their able committee under the dynamic c h a I r m a nshlp of Dato Lee Kok Chee.
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  • 510 16 Singapore's R. Nadarajan, winner of the 1975 Malay Mall Big Walk will defend his title at this year's championships to be held In Kuala Lumpur on May 23. Nadarajan, or Nada as he Is popularly known, will spearhead what Is expected to
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  • 105 16 Reuter London, Friday Princess Anne, daughter of the Queen of England, and her husband Captain Mark Phillips are In a short list of five riders announced here yesterday for Britain's equ e s trlan three-day event team for the Olympic Games In Montreal in July.
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 298 17 Reuter Monte Carlo, Friday Wojdek Flbak of Poland upset second seeded BJorn Borg of Sweden In the quarter-finals of the men's singles at the World Championship of Tennis (WCT) tournament here yesterday. Borg led 6-1 and had three set points in the first
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 42 17 UPI Tokyo, Friday The results of> Thursday's yesterday's professional baseball: Central Leww Yakult S Talyo 2; Chunlchl 4 Hiroshima 4; Hanshln 15 Yomlurl 4. Pacific Leslie —Lotte 5 Klntetsu 4; Nippon 2 Taihelyo 2; Hankyu 11 Nankai 4.—UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 22 17 Doha, Friday,—Kuwait won the fourth Gulf soccer Cup with a 4-2 victory over Iraq In the final match here yesterday.
    22 words
  • 375 17  -  Chris starts the 5-0 rout By BRIAN MILLER -Bt. Joseph's Institution, beaten finalists In last year's National Schools tennis championships, redeemed themselves when they took the 1976 title with a convincing 5-0 win over arcn-rivals St Patrick's. This victory capped a treat run for
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  • 172 17 LKA The Indonesian chess team won the fourth round ef their match against Singapore tar a narrow margin of 4ft3Vi points, after the conclusion of unfinished games last night. When play suspended on Wendnesday night the score was tied j-3 with two games unfinished. Last
    LKA  -  172 words
  • 1091 17  -  Captain's bid to build a strong S'pore team TEE-UP with Lim Kee Chan Singapore Island Country Club will be making an all out drive in their bid to build a strong team of golfers for future international ventures. They have drawn up a weekly hour-long trainlng
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  • 173 17 Vllamoura (Portygal), Friday Salvador Balbuena, of Spain led by five strokes alter a se-cond-round 68 in the £16,000 (about 8616.000) Portuguese Open coif championship here yesterday. His eight-under-par halfway total of 137 put him five clear of former British Ryder Cup International Peter Butler, who had
    173 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 137 17 /\X Merdings is at a great new ploce with more sporting gear A 7 PGf J Putters, World'* largest exclusive putter manufacturer > 1 xfarx; Wt .r'l OLIVER* Australians oho know Attar Hours QoH A Ootf and cam iiioa Soft lu«ortou« MM tor your <Mt lo *tnk into r■f For
      137 words

  • 665 18  -  By PHILIP TAN Paslr Pan Jang Vocational Institute played well to move Into the second round of the National Schools Post Secondary soccer tournament when they defeated Sang Nila Utama 2-0 at Fairer Park yesterday* Before yesterday's game Paslr Panjang trailed Sang
    665 words
  • 923 18 Cheng Kouk Thong stole the limelight at the Upper Aljunled Technical School 11th annual athaltlca meet at the Cedar Olrls' grounds yesterday when he won the three sprint events in the Boys Post Secondary division. Cheng eet two records In the 100 m and
    923 words
  • 119 18 Nairobi, Friday The 24th Safari Motor Rally suffered Its lint casualty only hoorft after the start yesterday when one of the favourites, Swedes BJorn WsMevaard and Hans Thotsssllus In a Lancia Stratos. lost a fly- wheeL The orf&nlMrs Mid the Bweden had repaired the dam
    119 words
  • 933 18  -  by DON REVIE talking to Jason Tomas DON REVIE Don Revle considers there has been a refreshing change In English football this season, with more and more teams adopting the type of approach which swept West Germany and Holland to the 1974 World Cup final.
    933 words
  • 243 18 Reuter London. Friday West German soccer club Bavern Munich are 2-1 on favourites to win the European Cup for the third successive season in latest London betting. Ladbrokea, the bookmakers. Issued the following prices yesterday for teams in the finals of the three European club
    Reuter  -  243 words

  • 1080 19  -  By JEFFREY LOW Penans look the only North Zone team capable of beating Singapore at Kallang. And there is the likelihood of this happening in the Malaysia Cup return match on Sunday night. After six matches, including an unfortunate defeat at the hands of Perils In
    1,080 words
  • 125 19 The Singapore Motor Sports Club are organising their blggest-ever motocross championship series this weekend at Benoko, Admiralty Road. Naval Base, Sembawang Called the Castrol Motocross championship. It will be run ovtr six meetings, on Bunda7>The dates are. April IS. May 30, June 13, July 25,
    125 words
  • 29 19 Kingston, Friday. Jamaica were 196 for 5 at clom of play on the first of their tour-day match against the Indians at Babtna Park here yesterday.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
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  • 65 20 MEI LIN: Bus commuters must be having quite a hard time seeping track of all the changes in the bus services. Last week, there were revisions in the fares of the City Shuttle 8ervice and now the operating schedules of the semi-express Blue Arrow are to be changed.
    65 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 197 20 CASIOTROIM «ssa; r T 1 cji n iru< .V M -N W*f^ O Wo3-3IS ML A «JJ» Thakrai emporium !MPOHTfcRS »POR T f RS 4 WHOrF.SAI tflS tiwo Com* and enjoy a wMa vflikly tf delicious 'CANTONESI' cuiiim Com* and tafH rtw mptrb cooking of Mr.V.R. Thirumany who has bnn
      197 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 903 20 AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 1JM TARZAN AND THE JUNGLE BOY. Tuun defies warnings to enter a forbidden valley In order to help a young couple find a boy, lost In the Jungle many yean ago and believed to be still alive. The ape man swings again. Stars Mike Henry and
      903 words
    • 225 20 Today's top shows MANPOWER PLANNING: Blueprint (or Growth. (Ch. i at 8.55 p.m. In colour). A* the economy grows more complex, the need (or a detailed plan of what skills to be developed, what number of people to have those skills, becomes more compelling. Particularly to for a country that
      225 words