New Nation, 6 April 1976

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 21 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Tuesday April 6, 1976 No. 1607 Price 20 cents M C. (P) 428/76 r NLIV fcy NATION COMMENT
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  • 207 1 Houston, Tuesday Howard Hughes, the legendary multi-million-aire recluse, died en route from Acapulco, Mexico, to the Methodist Hospital here today, a hospital spokesman said. He was 71 years old. 'Today at 1:27 p.m. en route from Acapulco to Houston Mr. Howard Hughes expired," a statement from the
    207 words
  • 204 1 Reuter New York, Tuesday Cuban troops and advisers are reported to be stationed In several countries In the Red Sea Gulf area where the Soviet Union is in the process of expanding its Influence, the New York Times said yesterday. New York Times writer Drew Middieton said
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 115 1 Rio de Janeiro, Tuesday. The 19(8 World Cup soccer llnals will be held In Argentina, officials of the Mia. the world body, reiterated here yesterday. In a Press conference that followed a threehour closed-door meeting of the World Cup organising committee of Flta at
    115 words
  • 92 1 An English sportswear company has made what Singapore soccer writers consider a "no-risk" mll-Uon-dollar offer to the national football team. The money la to be liven as a bonus to he team If they win the World Cup—a feat New Nation writer Jeffrey Low describes as
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  • 201 1 Agencies Ketchikan, Alaska, Tuesday An Alaska Airlines Boelng-727 Jet with 47 people aboard ran off a runway, plunged Into an 18-metre ravine and broke Into three pieces early this morning. But miraculously, only two died in the crash. Both were crew members. Officials
    Agencies  -  201 words
  • 49 1 A safe containing Jewellery worth $300,000 and cheques was yesterday reported missing from the Holland Road bungalow of a company executive who was away In Hong Kong. Police Delleve the entry was made by prising open the sliding door of the hall. Several rooms were also ransacked.
    49 words
  • 39 1 Cairo, Tuesday Geological surveys have produced evidence of the presence of uranium ore In large quantities," In Egypt, the newspaper A 1 Gomhourla said. It said the surveys were conducted by geologists of the Atomic Energy Authority.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 118 2 Share price* Improved on the Stock Exchange of Singapore In the first 45 minutes of trading today. But the gains were marginal. The steadier trend was attributed to the Dow Jones Index breaking the 1000 harrier in the New York stock market. BUSINE88 DONE: First Section: S. DARBY
    118 words
  • 46 2 Trinlty College of London speech classes will begin In Room 401 Regional Language Centre, today. A course on effective speaking will be held from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. and the teaching of English as a second language from 7 pm. to 8 PA
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  • 38 2 The Adult Iducatton Board will oonduct a course on an Introduction to Fashion Designing at the Beatty Secondary School Centre and the MacPherson Secondary School on April 18 and April 23 respectively. For more details, telephone *****8.
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  • 207 2  -  False visit passes for Malaysian callgirls By Bharathi Mohan The Immigration Department has smashed a racket involving the issue of faked social visit passes to prostitutes from across the causeway. Several rubber stamps apd passports were seized by immigration officers following the arrest of a
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  • 23 2 The Kampong Olam Community Centre will organise a talk on youth and employment at Its premises on Saturday at 8 p.m.
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  • 212 2  -  By Terry Ang Few mayors can, like Professor Berbert Weichmann, boast that "there is hardly a country left" that they have not visited. Par Prof. Weichmann, M, the First Mayor of Hamburg from IMC to lt7l, has boon to almost every country on the European
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  • 62 2 Several aircraft from Singapore bound for London and elsewhere were "held" In Bangkok last night due to the closure of the Don Muang Airport runway. According to sources, Thai airport authorities stopped all take-off and landing flights when an aire rait was "disabled" and blocked
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  • 34 2 The Adult Education Board will conduct a conversational Mandarin Stage 1 at the Beatty Secondary School Centre and St. Joseph's Institution on April 18 and April 19 respectively. For more details, telephone *****6.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 for Siiufiiivrc's "finest Cjourmci winiiuf... L\l')lvir four "Rii friends NEW SWISS RESTAURANT PROVIDFS I v.i -s' •>;'< •"i' i ti: i' un i i)in,! i Vlr'-'OH QlicV T ho m.t n behind the sct»ne JOHNNY YUEN t H- ■'(..n.• in. And the men tunning Ihp show HE INRICH RAf'P TON>
      55 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 467 2 AT THE CINEMA THE BOXES REBELAN (UanHar<nt' Tk* Chinese version of the historical up r 1 sing in which rebels fought heroically against the might of International Western armies with their bare hands and with the help of martial arts; directed by Chang Cheh. with Fu Sheng, Chi Kuan Chun
      467 words
    • 77 2 Buzzanca, Barbara Bouchet and Anita Ekberg In a rough-and-tumble of loose morals. Globe: 1.30, 4, 6.45, 9.15. Today: 1.51 >m. (2.7 m); 3.0fl pjn. (21m). Tomorrow: 2.31 am. (2.5 m); 4.10 pjn. (2m). Thursday: 3.23 a.m. (2.4 m); 5.44 pjn. (1.9 m). Friday: 4.38 a.m. (2.2 m); 7.29 pjn. (2m).
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  • 8 2 Police reported 79 accidents yesterday. Three were serious.
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  • 450 3  -  By Florence Tan Singapore will have Its first local lydeslgned and manufactured solarpowered water heater early next year if the application for a patent right is approved. A local manufacturer, who preferred to remain anonymous, said: "If the patent Is granted, we hope
    450 words
  • 334 3 To provide a better service Registry of Vehicles' testers are attending a course on the techniques of testing as part of a programme aimed at enhancing their efficiency and producing a better service to the public. The course, conducted by the Jointly-operated Adult -Education BoardRegistry
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  • 170 3 •The Port of Singapore Authority conducted an aerial survey today to establish the extent of the oil slick caused by a leak In the holds of the supertanker M y s e 11 a which hit a hidden reef off St. John's island. A helicopter flew
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  • 38 3 The Young People's Service of Toa Payoh Branch Library will hold a talk/film show In Malay on What You Should Know About Drugs at the library's lecture hall on Friday at 2.30 p.m. Admission Is free.
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  • 119 3 Singapore Airlines earned *719 million In group sales of flights and services last year a 21.9 per cent increase over 1974. Against an output of $204 million tor payments overseas, SLA's contribution to the Republic's lorelgn exchange earnings was $455 million. This figure represented
    119 words
  • 196 3 for self-studies Classrooms In 10 schools situated in major housing estates have been re-op en e d in the evenings to enable students of Government and Govern-ment-aided schools to do self-study. A circular from the Ministry of Education urges principals to draw the attention of their students to
    196 words
  • 48 3 The Adult Education Board will conduct an Introductory Bhlp-Bulld-lng (Theory) course at the Mountbatten AEB Centre starting on April 18. Further Information can be obtained at the centre, or at the Board's offlces at 126, Calrnhlll Road. Singapore, 0 and the Cultural Centre, Canning Rise, Singapore, 4.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 The Mandarin Singapore presents an evening with The New JV: "IW LIVE from America at the IXieptune A ihumpin lively, fun packed show by America's most popular folk group. Featuring Bob Shane of the original "Trio". Reaching out to you with their unique brand of folktunes and humor. ,4* «>
      128 words

  • 158 4 Schoolboy Tan Slang Tang, 14, keeps fit In style—in a sauna at the Kallang Community Centre. The c—lwnlty centre la the only one in Singapore with nana bath for the ase by members. In was Installed In llil at a cost
    Picture by Chua Teng  -  158 words
  • 229 4 Says Collie report The private sector la still the largest employer of g e e Ann graduates, according to the college's annual report recently tabled in Parliament A bi-annual graduate employment survey revealed that the average length of time for most graduates to find employment is
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  • 134 4 A social escort, Cindy Ng Kuan Chlak, whose urine test showed traces of morphine, was yesterday acquitted by a magistrate on a charge of consuming the drug. Mr. Rahlm Jalll cleared Ng, 11, who was arrested by Central Narcotics Bureau officers outside a shop In Oeylang last
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  • 560 4  -  By Wang Look Fung The Telecommunications Authority of Singapore will Invest $2770 million In the development of telecommunication services in Singapore over the next 10 years, the Minister for Communications and National Development, Mr. L 1 m Kim San, announced today. Addressing delegates from
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  • 131 4  -  By Douglas Chan Customs arrested eight people Involved in tbe blackmarketing of tickets during last Sunday's Malaysia Cup soccer match between Singapore and Perak. All the arrests were made at the National Stadium where the match was played. The offenders three touts and fire of their
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  • 176 4 The Stock Exchange of Singapore has asked Sime Darby Holdings how Its decision not to list the controversial 45.9 million shares in the Kuala Lumpur stock market, has benefited shareholders. Sime Darby last week said that it is no longer under any obligation to apply
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  • 207 4 A satay seller was tricked by a faked acetdent and taken for a ride by two men who robbed him of his car and $60 on Sunday. Recalling bis ordeal yesterday, Mr. Koh Cheow Meng, 54, said he was driving along River Valley Boad at
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  • 113 4 All school principals have been told to keep the movements of cash between their schools and the banks to a minimum. As far as possible principals should, according to a circular to schools, patronise banks situated nearest to their schools. They must also ensure that
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  • 231 5 Reuter Washington, Tuesday Tne US Supreme Court yesterday rel used to bear an appeal in wnicn former army lieutenant William Calley sought to have overturned his conviction lor the murder of at least 'U civilians In the My Lai massacre in South Vietnam. The
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 363 5 Strong hopes of a viable coalition govt in Thailand Reuter Bangkok, Tuesday Thailand had strong hopes of a viable coalition government last mgnt after voters returned the Democrat Party to power, thougn in a minority position In the new National Assembly. Former Premier Mr. Senl PramoJ.
    Reuter  -  363 words
  • 303 5 Beirut, Tuesday Lebanese politicians haggled yesterday as the precious hours of a 10day truce slipped by and a frightened populace looked in vain for signs of progress towards a settlement The key left wing leader, Mr. Kamal Junblatt, who on Friday proclaimed the 10-day
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  • 154 5 UPI Belfast, Tuesday Bombers blasted Belfast with at least six bombs within an hour yesterday, wrecking two maJ or hotels and setting Ive department stores on fire. One of the bombers was killed and another captured, police said. The co-ordinated bllts came an
    UPI  -  154 words
  • 78 5 Reuter Paris, Tuesday—Trench Olympic skiing gold medallist Marielle Goltschel was dragged from the biasing wreckage of her car yesterday after It collided with another vehicle. The former Vtench champion, who won gold medals for France in the 1904 and 1900 Winter Olympic Oames, was being
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 156 5 AP Tel Aylt Former Israeli Prime Minister Gel4a. Meir is setling the rights far a Broadway stage prodaetlon of her life story, according to ssarsss. The ssarees said Mrs. Meir, who will fee 71 neact month, weald sin a eontraet In Tel Arir today
    AP  -  156 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 88 5 Natural Elegance 'b*s is the seres tt ct Ueeos Ajtow r first place Because so many n ien learned to trust it Why noP t gves you a tremendous selection ot cokXfs pcftems and textures VO l j pet a handsome collar toshipr .able Out rot tlar r >tcy i
      88 words

  • 550 6 Howard Hughes obituary Howard Hughes Inherited millions but he built Them Into billions until he became one of the hail dozen richest men in the world. Then he retreated Into such seclusion that for the last years of his life people argued that he had
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  • 108 6 Reuter Johannesburg. Tuesday—A former Israeli tank oommander was sentenced to six years Imprisonment here yesterday for raping two women while on holiday In South Africa. Mattatlahou Cohen. 22, pleaded not guilty to both charges. The court was told that In both cases, he followed women
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 145 6 Reuter Paris, Tuesday—Prance headed Into a week of social unrest yesterday, facing power cuts, a shutdown of theatres and cinemas and a slowdown In bank and court work. The week of strikes, slowdowns and demon strations backed by the country's two major trade union federations, the
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 62 6 Reuter Tokyo, Tuesday —Two officials of the Tokyo district public prosecutors' office left here yesterday for the US to receive data on the Lockheed bribery in Japan. Japanese and American Judicial officials agreed on March 24 on the supply to Japan of Lockheed Information provided It be kept
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 185 6 Reuter Pretoria, Tuesday South African Defence Minister Pleter Botha said yesterday Cuban and Angolan troops had taken up positions vacated 10 days ago by South African troops In Southern Angola. Mr. Bouia said In a statement Issued here: "A limited force" of Cuban and
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 77 6 Being Secretary of State of the United States la not always a serious Job, It seems. Br. Henry Kissinger doe* have some enjoyable moments, such as this one. In his arms Is actress Liv UUman, whom he embraces Just alter a world premiere
    UPI radio picture  -  77 words
  • 40 6 Reuter Salisbury, Tuesday Rhodeslan police said yesterday they arrested 158 Africans, including at least two leading nationalist*, for taking part in an Illegal meeting on Sunday at the farming town of Slnola, about 100 km northwest of Salisbury.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 183 6 Cairo, Tuesday A high-level Egyptian delegation is likely to visit China soon to discuss closer military and trade cooperation, Informed sources said here yesterday. The Egyptians hope for more spsre parts for their Borlet- equipped army. China, which supported Egypt's turn away from the Soviet Union,
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  • 168 6 UPI TODAY la Tuesday. April 6, the 97th day of 1976 with 269 to follow. THE MOON Is approaching Its first quarter. THE MORNING STAR Is Venus. THE EVENING STARS are Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. Those born on this date are under the sign of Aries. American magician
    UPI  -  168 words
  • 29 6 Reuter three tw who died u£r P Every day their widowed sister, IffeJdS? J* ar^ alki down Polly Lane mj ieea the dogs their meal. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 193 6 KCTTTT WEATHER New York Sunny, 12-2 C. Headline: Lebanese leftists charge Byrlans take over ports. San Francisco Fair, 13-3 C. Headline: Btrlke talks produce no progress. Borne Sunny, 21-4 C. Headline Egyptian President In Rome today. London Cloudy, change of rain, 10-4 C. Headline: Cabinet reshuffle by Callaghan expected quickly.
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  • 208 7 UP Washington, Tuesday President Ford yesterday criticised election campaign actions which he said undermine the US abroad. "While 1 welcome open and honest debate about the American role In the world, I can only deplore those actions which tend to mislead not
    UP  -  208 words
  • 49 7 Reuter London, Tuesday An 18th century Chinese saucer-dish was sold for £17.000 ($78,200) at a London auction house yesterday. This dish, which was painted with flowers and bees, was sent for sale anonymously to Christie's, the luctlon house, and was bought by a Japanese dealer.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 326 7 Militiamen take control Reuter Peking, Tuesday Workers' m ***** a armed with wooden staves last night took control of Peking's Tien An Men square after a day of violent demonstrations. The vast square was cleared of crowds and long orderly lines of militia were seen
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • In Brief
    • 29 7 Reuter Rome, Tuesday Egyptian President Sadat flew Into Rome from Paris yesterday to meet Italian government leaders and Pope Paul, guarded by 4000 special police and carablnlerl.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 39 7 AP Manila, Tuesday Fourteen members of the leftist New People's Army were killed and 67 others were captured or surrendered during a month of clashes In the Davao area of west central Mindanao, military sources said yesterday.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 34 7 Reuter Vienna, Tuesday Economic experts from major oil-exporting nations will meet here on April 26 to frame recommendations for crude oil prices to take effect on July 1, OPEC said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
  • 165 7 Reuter London, Tuesday Mr. James Callaghan took over as Britain's new Prime Minister last night after a clear-cut victory In the ruling Labour Party leadership election, with a promise to renew the fight against the country s inflation problem. The 64-year-old, highly experienced politician of
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 100 7 Reuter Washington, Tuesday. The US Supreme Court ruled yesterday that a uniformed policeman hat no right to wear long hair against orders. It was a victory (or the police department of Suffolk County, New York, over rank-and-file officers who argoed that their rights of free expression
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 61 7 AP radio picture Mr. Harold Wilson enjoys a smoke and a silver tankard of beer in the saloon bar of the Bernard Arms in Great Kimble, Buckinrhamshlre on Sunday. His 70-minute lunchtime drinking session came Just a few hours before h£ handed over the reins of
    AP radio picture  -  61 words
  • 36 7 Reuter Addis Ababa. Tuesday Four men found guilty of attacking Ethiopia's only oil refinery in the port of Auab last November have been executed by firing squad, the Ethiopian News Agency reported last night Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 423 8 PPP —just what is going on? The Primary Pilot Project (PPP) alms to develop a child's learning skills through a play-way method rather than through the conventional read-and-wrlte process. A 1973 evaluation report at the end of Its third year said that the preliminary results were "satisfactory." The Senior Minister
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    • 84 8 When colleague'* wife found that her nagging felled to get him to cut hie long heir, ahe decided to reeort to drastic measures. One day, when he was taking his afternoon nap, she snipped off a lock of his hair. When he woke up and
      84 words
    • 54 8 Here is a follow-up to the story about the women driver who drove up a road on the wrong side and homed at the on-coming traffic: She read the ttem In this column and laughed, asking: "Who on earth Is this woman T" Her colleaguee had no
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  • 774 8  -  By Edgar Koh "If you're In polltics here," said a Sabahan, "you're likely to have more ex-friends than friends." The Sabah general election which began yesteruay is essentially a contest between former friends. This Is why It Is being fought so bitterly. Familiarity with
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  • 107 8  -  P.K. TAN The FAS should set up a soccer fan club to weed out touts. Members of the club could be Issued with membership cards and tickets for matches could be limited to two per member. Club members could be given priority In purchasing
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  • 51 8 A direct Blue Arrow service from Bedok New Down via last Coast Road and Nicoll Highway to Orchard Road Is urgently needed. with the existing ser- ▼Ice*, commuter* spend H hour* to travel to and from their office*, adding to an already long working day. FRUSTRATED Singapore,
    51 words
  • 73 8 Tembellng Road 1* uaed Zmany motorists as a ort cut to Marine Parade, and as a result, Is very busy in the evenings. Cars and lorrlee are parked on both side* of the road, and schoolchildren walk along it In big groups each day. ■All theee make
    73 words
  • 52 8  -  MRS. CHIEW CHOON HING Principal, Baklt Batok AEB Centre, Singapore, 9. I refer to the letter bv Patrick Khoo (NN. 23.3.79). Will Mr. Khoo please send me the date or date* on which the education classes were dismissed 10 minutes early so that the matter could be
    52 words
  • 69 8 The youth festival has become too tlme-com-sumlng. resulting in students having to sacrifice lessons. Some schools are so Involved that little time Is left for useful work. The preparations and celebrations should be leas extensive, and should not involve graduating students and teachers. Let us
    69 words
  • 230 8 VOICE OF THE PRESS UTUSAN MELAYU As a step towards (be full Implementation of the national education policy, Form One of all government aided school* are now using Bahasa Malaysia as Its sole medium of Instruction. This step was taken early this year. In
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 944 9 THE NEW MAN AT NO. 10 Reuter London, Tuesday Britain's new Prime Minister, James Callaghan, Is an immensely experienced grassroots politician with conservative instincts and a middle way approach to politics. He has a soothing allpals together manner and Intimate trade union connections which could prove
    Reuter  -  944 words
  • 555 9  -  Art Buchwald Los Angeles Times It was probably ac c 1 dental, but God has become an Issue In the Presidential elections. Jimmy Carter, who is now known as a "frontrunner," has admitted to having a very close relationship to God^ This could force other candidate*
    Los Angeles Times  -  555 words
  • 281 9 Reuter London, Tuesday Audrey Callaghan, economics graduate, grandmother and willing home maker, looks on her burdensome new role as wife of Britain's Prime Minister as a challenge. Unlike her predecessor Mary Wilson, Mrs. Callaghan has said she .would be delighted to live in the Prime
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 52 9 glass, for wine inspires us, And fires us With courage, love and joy." A r V MOUTON CADET ROUGE The best-selling Claret in the world from the House of Baron Philippe de Rothschild. Bordeaux, France. sZ m m t <> 4 i Wi 3 <* 7 m M m V
      52 words

  • 473 10/11 TEAM HAS BEEN PERFECTING THE DRUG A contraceptive that 1b fall-safe is still a dream, but with the research work now being carried out by Prof. B.M.M. Karlm and Ms team. It will soon be a reality. The team has for the last few years
    473 words
  • 1029 10/11  -  By Judith Holmberg Major advances In a pew mult 1-use wonder drug, which experts all over the world are expecting to rock the world the way Penicillin did, are being made right here in Singapore. A research team In Kandang Kerbau Hospital has been
    1,029 words
  • 543 10/11 The first time I was Introduced to Professor Sultan Karim, I was taken aback to see a tall, well-built man with curly black hair that reached just below his collar. He was dressed in a pair of maroon slacks with a matching checked cream
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  • Page 10/11 Miscellaneous
    • 536 10/11 Tuesday CA-2 Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address Tel: FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW Cut along dotted lirvet mmm CLUES FOR CA-2 1. The uppermost part 2. Such treatment it more importc people than to others 3. Having desirable
      536 words

  • trend 2 pages edited by Betty L. Khoo
    • 164 12 A pair of hifb waist pants and a long sleeve shirt have become fashion staple for not only men bat women as well. By day cotton and silk shirts cut a dash with superbly cut pants. For casual evening the same foes too.
      Pictures by NIK KASMANI  -  164 words
    • 948 12 Washington Post There are few roles in movies, as in life, for the old. It Is no surprise most of the Juicier parts written for older performers are copped by younger actors.
      Washington Post  -  948 words
    • 137 12 AP Sydney, Tuesday An American widow who wrote to an Australian newspaper last November In search of a husband had her dream come true Virginia Rush, 41,' was married to her lover by correspondence, Tony Sldhom, In a quiet church ceremony after a fairytale romance. Mrs.
      AP  -  137 words
    • 535 13  -  I've borne the hell of loving... Christina One of the nuns In my school told me, when I was an Idealistic 10 year-old, that a girl's heart Is like a Jewellery box. It Is locked with all the love that the is
      535 words
      • 84 13 by Vanessa After three months ef marriage, singer Eddie Fischer If seeking to divorce kb foarth wife. Fischer cited irreconcilable differences Tharsday la a saperior co art salt to end kls marriage witk Terry Fischer, a legal secretary reported AF. Yoa may wonder, as I did, what
        84 words
      • 64 13 The Imperial Hotel bar Is claiming that It has gat a bevy ef "Fsmoas Imperial Bcaattoa." The only snag Is that patrons wIU really have to stratch their laeaginatlon to pic tare these girls as theee fsmoas ancient Chinese fcsaattes. Net that the girls areat pretty.
        64 words
      • 91 13 When a jet-setting execative friend heard that SIA was planning to In trod nee In-flight Uve entertainment, he said; "Now, that's a good reaeon for NOT flying with SIA." I wander if BIA has considered that its Inflight live entertainment amy pat cff ra- ther than
        91 words
      • 70 13 One Malaysian dector thinks that the Importance ef physical activity Is overstressed. -Look at Malaysian women," he said la aa interview with the Malay aslan Badness. "How mach evcercise do they ae? The only exeercise Is to the maseles of the month and throat yet they
        70 words
      • 124 13 Transcendental Meditation (TM) sends most people to sleep Instead ef a trance. So people should save their money (it coats MM a coarse) and dose at heme, reported the Sanday Nation recently. I wonder however, hew many chronic lnsemniaes (myself Included) read that and reaMaed thaltTM
        124 words
      • 82 13 A disgruntled stripper was among l.Mt applicants for a Job aa a shepherd near the rarai West German town of Laene"St stripper from Schwerte said at M she had reached the "critical age" for hrr calling and anyway she was fed ap with men. Beater
        82 words
      • 100 13 reported AP •There are most shiny httwi among British MPs than there are shining example* of anything elm." said Lawmaker Nlehelaa Fair bairn of the oho•ttlon Comervithe Party. No. Mr. Falrbalrn vaant Indulging In the asaal British lavatory hnmoar; he waa Jast having a dig at the
        reported AP  -  100 words
    • 447 13 Cook- In The two recipes this week are from the kitchens of the famous group of Jade Garden Restaurants In Hong Kong. The five restaurants In this group serve over 5,000 people every day and are still able to
      447 words
    • 68 13 If you are a junk food Junkie, a University of Maryland anthropologist suggests adding a few chopped worms, some bee larvae and a juicy red ant to your diet to spice It up and Increase pro- teln Intake. Dr. Aubrey W. Williams Jr. has studied the Impoverished
      68 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 43 13 See the best of British cosmetics at YAOHAN DEPARTMENT STORE SUPERMARKET MARCH 26-APRIL 14 20 S) Cam* mn4 «i|>y f X wM« nihif tf M d«liciou» 'CANTONCtC cuWm P H§?ii G/e«t kst«wimt\ 1M» m 11 jM pm. "•sffttxsixs:. I. It* 914M4 4 fltMt
      43 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 53 14 The Sound of Elegance Uncompromising craftsmanship with quality guaranteed by the SYNCOM computer. BRAVURA ATLAS SOUND CO A DITANGGUNQ HALAL DINE IN TAKE AWAY ITS LIPS SMACKING THE ONE AND ONLY CH'.CK 'A' PUPA (Ml l<4-\ l'l> nil I I'l'l It lit KIT' I I M \il HO Al>. -is'i.Ai'oui
      53 words
    • 141 14 See! Listen! and Compare! Quality! Design and Price! Irs: FOUR STARS ELECTRONICS 1-12, Peninsula Shopping Complex, Cole men Street, Singapore i. Tel; *****. 52 U/f Why not come and try our Jit delicious economical set-lunch (Chinese Style) JI Popular Artiste* to entertain you nightly nl at no axtra charge. You
      141 words
    • 105 14 MING CANE FURNITURE 323, 3rd FW, PAR lAST SHOPPING CKNTtC ORCHARD ROAD TIL: *****30 M. <*< .%>viaJ We make knock-down cane furniture for your convenience. You can carry your knock-down cane furniture when travelling. Feel free to call oh us, without obligation DAILY SET LUNCH AT $3.50 ONLY WE ARE
      105 words
    • 141 14 Dealer in Double Decker, Children Furniture, Mattresses Etc. FAR EASTERN FURNITURE CO. 66, Victoria Street Singapore, 7. Tel: *****7 People going OVERSEAS go to FOOK CN first Because we have the widest range of Winter Clothings at the most reasonable prices. FOOK ON CO. [PTE] LTD. (Department Store) 83-85 South
      141 words
  • shopping
    • 881 14 MODERN furniture ATI Is made from a host of materials ranging from conventional wood to up to the-mlnute plastics to exotic cane. Though wood is by far still the most popular material where the manufacture of furniture is co n c erned, the trend lately
      881 words

  • 466 15  -  Inquires from foreign buyers received Company profile i»v Lee Yew Meng The ailing Copper Industries which operates the Republic's only copper mill in Jurong is to be put up for sale. It Is understood the receiver* from price Waterhouse they were appointed by the Development
    466 words
  • 217 15 Financially- troubled Singapore Nylon Corporation which was placed under receivership, has been offered for sale. The company with a paid-up capital of $10 million, began operations five years ago as a Joint venture between the local and foreign businessmen and the Development Bank of Singapore. According to
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  • Stock markets round the world
    • 251 15 Wall Street celebrated the end of the Teamsters strike and strong first half earnings prospects by driving the Dow Jones Industrial average over the 1000 level In active trading on the New York Btock Exchange. The Dow gained 12.51 points to 1004.09. The last time it closed above
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    • 34 15 Dow Jones closing avcraces on the New York Exchange yesterday: 30 Industrials 1004.00 (up 13.51), SO transport 210 M (up 8J1), 15 utilities 87 62 (up 0.B3), 06 stocks 900.77 (up MO).
      34 words
    • 262 15 DBS-Daiwa Securities Int'l Ltd. Stocks in general continued to decline with light volume although the market opened higher. Turnover was small since institutional and individual Investors sat on the sidelines. Later neglected stocks such as Iserl Agricultural Machine and Klrin Brewery were selectively bought But the market was bearish
      DBS-Daiwa Securities Int'l Ltd.  -  262 words
    • 77 15 Reuter Ctotaf prion In (nuw on the Parti Bourse TMUrday: PurlbM 194-SO .60 Fonder 334JO +SJ0 PrlnUmpc 83.10 .10 Bull MM JO Royal Dutch 216 30 JO Mlchrlln 1413 30 COS W 0 Thomson 236 JO —3 JO crv 133.10 JO RboM 104 unch Am 370 4 BSN 690
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 75 15 Union Bank of Switzerland Closing prices In Swiss francs 011 the Zurlcn Stock Exchange yesterday: DBS Bearer >400 —M UBS Reentered >11 8 BO 411 1 Credit Suisse 2660 —M Swissair B. Ml -1 SwIm Retnsur MM-fit Wlnterttaur R 1660 +10 Zurich Inaur. +10 Juvena B. M6* S| Nestle
      Union Bank of Switzerland  -  75 words
  • 163 15 More losses on the money markets Business News and Views UPI Brussels. Tuesday. The US dollar registered more losses than gains at the opening of European money markets yesterday. Qold declined from U*****.12 to U*****J7 an ounce in Zurich and from U*****.25 to U***** In London. In London the pound
    UPI  -  163 words
  • 38 15 AP London, Tuesday. The London stock market. which slid for five straight days last week, turned upward Monday, buoyed by weekend settlements of motor strikes and Investor confidence about the outcome of Britain's Prime Ministerial race. AP.
    AP  -  38 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 34 15 >HGC A rm I m Lonc-c-.n B M* Z> J fv* sa onc-ci £k r>«tlc lap® ft a» m the kitchen specialists for modern home -1 ;rw •rj T ttt m tr C3TT3 a
      34 words

  • 232 16 Reuter London. Tuesday—The shadow of world champion Muhammad All loom* over the clash here tonight for the vacant European heavyweight boxing title. In the rln* at the Wembley Empire Pool will be British heavyweight champion Richard Dunn, a tough former paratrooper who was almost
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 401 16 Baagsa Wan wu quickly oat In front, leading past the 800 m and into the straight, with Lucky Laeky closing In rapidly. Brandy Ginger was next. Bangs* Wan and Laekyt Laeky battled it out, and a thrilling finish Laeky Laeky won by a
    401 words
  • 270 16 ON THE TRACK u itli Bln«* Peter Koala Lumpur, Tuesday Joyful Affair did a stylish workout on the sand track here morning. With Win-, son Llew In the saddle, the six-year-old by Star Affair was not extended over 600 m in 37. Joyful Affair who
    270 words
  • 366 16 UPI Long Beach (California). Tuesday Dark! Wilkie, a 22-year-old Scot attending the University of mlaml, iron the men's 100-metre Individual medley on Sunday night for hla third title in the AAU Indoor long course swimming championships. Wilkie, who previously had won the lOu uid 300metres
    UPI  -  366 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 45 16 A wall known product of Du Pont U.S.A. STOPS Gt*. L STOPS Sun-Fading 71%^ STOPS Hm Wrt MCAT ■nd Saves A* REFLECTED Conditioning Casts SOLE AGENT (or S E As* SINGAPORE SUIM-X CO. 471 Upper Serangoon Road. Singapore 19. N TEL: *****8.*****0 ELEFAX Electrostatic Copier
      45 words

  • 293 17 Reuter Prague, Tuesday —The European table tennis championships which ended here on Sunday proved to be a major triumph for England, a lesser one for France and Yugoslavia and a minor disaster for Bweden. The Swedes, fully expecting to retain their men's team title,
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • 707 17  -  By BRIAN MILLER Mount Vernon Secondary covered themselves In glory when they took the N a 11 o nal Schools badminton title after handing sin Mln High a 5-0 beating in the Secondary Girls final at Mount Vernon courts yesterday. It was
    707 words
  • 473 17 Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday Badminton fans who were at the Stadium N eg a r a to watch the Thomas Cup Asian sone final between Malaysia and Japan certainly got their money's worth. Up to the second last match on Saturday In which the young and
    473 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 409 17 BULWWHU TOTAL SKIN CARER Top London-Trained Beauty Therapist Euphie will help you with Acne problem*. Special Herbs Individually prepared to take care of all »kln conditions Unique massage of face In one complete treatment Canted Mtee Euphie Marguerette Mon Tel: $***** MAGICIANS FOR PARTIES available 132 Cantonment Road B'pore 2.
      409 words
    • 233 17 RENTAL, HIRE PURCHASE It Sales Wooden furniture. Contact: Lopdon Woodworking 2882, Blk. 75. Oeylang Bahru, (off Kallang Bahru Terrace Factory) S'pore 12. Tel: *****20/ *****08. Opens Sunday 11.00 a.m. 4 p.m., dally 8.00 a.m. 8.30 p.m. MKZDHB] FUN'S FLORIST, fresh flowers In beautiful arrangement for all occasion*. Telephone *****75 825
      233 words
    • 203 17 •ALI HIALTM CENTRE. Feel like a refreshing Sauna-bath or Invigorating massage by charming and experience girl*. Visit us at lit floor, Hotel New Hong Kong, 101, Victoria Street, or ring *****. MANDARIN HIALTM CINTM Mandarin Hotel. 3rd floor. Massage/ Steambath/ Facial *****6/*****1 ext. 750(8'pore). DONA'S FOR THE MASSAQE. Ring *****00/
      203 words

  • 452 18  -  By PHILIP TAN Boys Town put themselves back Into the hunt for honours In this year's Post Secondary soccer tournament when they edged a fast Outram Secondary team 3-2 at Farrer Park yesterday. After crashing to a 3-1 defeat at the hands of Raffles Institution
    Picture by STEVEN LEE  -  452 words
  • 83 18 United Press International Ouatemala, Tuesday Mexico, inured of playing In the Olympic Games soccer finals In Montreal this summer, lost 3-2 to Guatemala here on Sunday and gave the central Americans a chance to join them In Canada. Guatemala led 3-1 at half-time. Guatemala and Cuba must
    United Press International  -  83 words
  • 129 18 Reuter Johannesburg, Tuesday A century by Graeme Pollack helped a South African Invitation XI gain a first Innings lead of" 190 on the third day of their raln-aflected four-day match against the International Wanderers here yesterday. The South Africans began the day at 39 for no
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 276 18 Reuter Rio de Janeiro, Tuesday—The International Football Federation (Flfa) were yesterday set to give formal confirmation of Argentina as site of the 19/8 World Cup ilnals. As Flfa's Executive Committee began a three-day meeting here their president, Joao Havelange, said: "It Is confirmed, decided
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 33 18 THE BORN LOSER THIS 6 THE WWBR DeptfTMßJT...we Y&£m> SOUR RMMENT, BUT < W«WE4O* iH' M by Art Sanaom WW CCtfTI JUfP LET TXE WATER ftfllNM i BATHROOM AU,/ SHORT RIBS by Frank O'Neal
      33 words
    • 392 18 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY Born today, you are a well balanced, happy Individual who haa perfected the art of taking things as they come. Tou refuse to allow disappointment to affect you adversely for any period of time Discouragement simply ii not part of your response mechanism;
      392 words

  • 848 19  -  The incentive for S'pore to win the World Cup SOCCER SCENE by Jeffrey Low One million dollars have been offered to the Football Association of Singapore If our National team win the World Cup! What an impossible task for the footballers, but the offer Is serious.
    848 words
  • 400 19  -  By PHILIP TAN Sodcer fans must note that the new ticket selling system for Malaysia Cup matches will be put Into operation today. All organisations intending to book 50 gallery tickets in bulk have an til April 10 to send In their applications to the Singapore Sport*
    400 words
  • 396 19 Lim Tbng See and Yan Poh Soon of Marweld Engineers, both 24 handlcappers, won the Singapore Manufacturers Association golf tournament by three strokes with a combined nett score of 60 at the Singapore island Country dub New Course last Sunday. Runners-up were
    396 words
  • 223 19 A band of popular television wrestling stars will lock themselves In fierce competition at the Oay World on April 10 and 11 In the Asian Zone championships. Heading the list of eight professional wrestlers will be Hahn Lee, the unofficial Chinese world* champion who
    223 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 93 19 1 WHY CARRY A BUNCH OF HEAVY ONE ABLOY KEY IS ALL YOU NEED? ABLOY MASTER-KEY SYSTEMS COMBINE HIGH-SECURIT WITH CONVENIENCE I ABLOY High-Security locks are individually coded to be opened only by their own specific key, but for the convenience of persons who require access to more than one
      93 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 275 19 E Crossword ACROSS 1 Shoe 8 Places for convalescent* 10 Ran off 14 Garment for priests 15 Alter chest 16 Particle 17 Permeate 18 Fallen angel 20 Marionette 21 Heb. letter 22 Bweet pepos 23 Shakespearean rat 25 Covered with climbers 27 County home 30 Certain European 34 Intuition of
      275 words

  • 66 20 MEI UN: The school transport 8u r vey has shown how inconsiderate parents are to choose prominent schools instead of proximity to their homes. It's a pity the kids have to travel such long distances. AH FOOK: As long as. there Is inequality among the schools, this will
    66 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 123 20 K. I.i\ VV i!li Drinks K Musu ft t lub I lilt* V, CLUB ELITE DON'T HIDE BEHIND SPECS! GO FREE .GO CHIC with U.K. contact lenses only S 180./--per pair. one Year 1 Service Guaranteed. S• qht Testing Contact lens f»ttmq by Medically Qualified Optometri st. Cow it Discuss
      123 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 831 20 AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 3 00 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by THIS AND THAT. M&gaxlne series In English. 3 30 DIARY OP EVENTS 1.35 MAGAZINE ZERO ONE Ml GENERAL HOSPITAL 4.30 INTERMISSION 6.00 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by CAMP RUNAMUdK: Senior Citizen's Retreat (r). A comedy series built around a boys' and
      831 words
    • 208 20 Today's top shows I A PREVIEW TO THE PAIXIBERB (Over Ch. 5. at 9.09 pjn.. In colour). This programme Introduces a M part programme, The Palllsers, a serial based on tlx of Anthony Troilope's novels. The production work took four years, and tonight's half-hour Introduction gives some Idea of the
      208 words