New Nation, 3 April 1976

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 20 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Saturday April 3, 1976 No. 1605 Price 20 cents M C. (P) 428/76 rM IV NATION COMMENT
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  • 392 1  -  Other cinemas also step up security measures Capitol From Thursday's NN. By K.K. Fong Cinemagoers will have their parcels and bags checked by security guards at most theatres following the abortive arson attempt on Capitol three days ago. At Capitol, patrons are banned from bringing parcels Into
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  • 251 1 Haw Par International Limited has advertised In leading papers throughout the world for a new managing director at a monthly salary of $20,000. This follows the completion of the report by Mr. P.O. Grundy of Price Waterhouse, the inspector appointed by the Singapore Government to
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  • 102 1  -  By Nancy Koh Fancy a snooze up in the clouds? Just climb to the upper lounge and the pretty stewardess will tuck you In. And while you are in that restful reclining position, you can switch on the light for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 312 2  -  By Wang Look Fung The Housing and Development Board has taken over the management of n\pre than 550 units of the former ANZUK flats and terrace houses at Chip Bee Estate, off Holland Road. The flats and terrace houses were leased out earlier
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  • 140 2 Moscow, Saturday Singapore a Foreign Minister Mr. 8. Rajgfatnam, who l« due here on an official visit next week has no urgent questions to discuss, a Singapore Embassy spokesman said yesterday. Exact details of his programme were not yet available but he Is expected In
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  • 206 2 Senior Minister of State for Education, Mr. Chal Chong Yll, today warned youth leaders to be on guard against being made use of by antisocial elements. Opening the 9th Interact District (330) Conference at the Singapore Conference Hall, Mr. Chal said there are people whose business
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  • 152 2 The semi-nude woman found cead on the beach off Tanjong Rhu yesterday has been Identified as On* Swee Moi. M, of Sturdee Road. A mother of four, she left home yesterday in a taxi at I a.m. to Joe at the reclaimed land aooordlnf to
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  • 29 2 The Toa Payoh Branch library will hold a bridal make-up talk and demonstration In Mandarin at Its lecture hall on April 9 at 7.30 p.m. Admission Is free.
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  • 192 2  -  YOUNGSTER WITH A PASSION FOR ELECTRONICS By Susie Soh Seventeen yearold Ng Cheng Chee is the handyman around the house. And no wonder. For he spends most of his free time tinkling around with tools, hammer, saw and wires He has built
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  • 46 2 The Royal Australa*lan College of Surgeons Part One Fellowship Examination will be held from July 7 to 9. Entry forms must be submitted by May 26. Details can be got from the Examination Secretary, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Spring Btreet. Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia.
    46 words
  • 162 2 The Consumers' Association of Singapore has asked the Keng Keow Coffee Merchants Restaurants and Bar Owners Association to take action against a coffee shop In North Bridge Road which Is charging 40 cents for a bottle of soft drink. This followed several complaints by consumers who
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 552 2 WHAT'S ON PAINTINGS and Sculptures exhibition by Tan Tens Kee with a variety of oil paintings and steel sculptures on display at Alpha Gallery, Alexandra Avenue, till 6 p m STALAGMITE and stalactite exhibition at People's Park Complex 10 ajn. to 10 p.m. FOOD HYGIENE exbltlon at Mandal Community Centre
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  • 11 2 Police reported 78 accidents yesterday. Five were serious and one fatal.
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  • 178 3 The head of the Salvation Army In Sarawak, Captain J. Tan Gaalan, who was expelled from the state on Monday, is In Singapore. He left Kuehlnc following an order lamed by Ike Director of Immigration. Capt. ran Gaalan «u told of hi* expulsion on
    178 words
  • 345 3  -  By Peter Ong Singapore Airlines has Introduced an "extremely low cost" package stopover holiday which it hopes will attract more th a p 60,000 tourists in a year. called the Singapore Stopover Holiday, it Mils at about $32 a day. Tourists can buy the package for
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  • 112 3 The new Singapore Code of Advertising Practice will be launched by the Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sul Sen, on April 13. The Advertising Standards Authority of Sinpore which drew up the Code recently, la organising a lunch at Bhangrl-La Hotel to mark the launch. Following
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  • 299 3 The Singapore Educational Administration Society has criticised the procedure of school principals not being allowed to write off stores which are beyond repair although they hare recently been given the full authority over the use of school funds. It says the present system of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 Grnmm MnT7»jiT«iTTiT??tw IJ i yN/>* Cv 9 ■K Cynar's tantalizingly bittersweet and uniquely zesty taste makes the palate more sensitive, gives food a softer, better flavour. Have it on the rocks or with a mixer, before a meal, during a meal or after a meai. You'll like it for its
      81 words

  • 219 4  -  By Richard Ho British housewife Mrs. Yo Jarret came here to meet her husband and found herself producing a puppet show for the National ltluseum She vu approached by Mr- Christopher Hooi. director of the National Museum, who wants to remote puppet thcrwi In ingapore.
    Picture by Steven Lee  -  219 words
  • 97 4 Manprn Bas Bor*b» b bo proad of i ioc—t Now Nation report of a Parliamentary debate oa Hi aorTiooa that it pat the etery op on nottooat all depote and tormlnli. Tho report with an ac«ompaaytng translation fat Chinese was cyeloetyled and coplee dlatriboted. Tho
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  • 260 4  -  MAN CHARGED WITH DRUG TRAFFICKING By Douglas Chan A 25-year-old Malaysian construction worker Is the first man committed to stand trial In the High Court since the coming into force of the newly-amended Mlsue of Drugs Act, which prescribes the death penalty for trafficking in
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  • 244 4 Kuala Lumpur, Saturday Trade and Industry. Minister Datuk Hamzah Abu Sam ah said yesterday it was not true that oil companies had promised that they would not ask for another price Increase If OPEC countries should raise the price of crude
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  • 45 4 Penang, sat. South w U,tr^ lla Premier Mr. Don Dunatan flew here yesterday on the second day of a six-day visit to Malaysia Mr. Dunstan told reporters here that South Australia was Interested In Joint ventures with Penang such as housing components.
    45 words
  • 215 4 Eighteen tr a ders were fined a total of $5000 in February this year for possessing unjust dachlngs and unstamped weighing and measuring equipment. Ten of the traders pleaded guilty to possession of unjust dachinßs and the remaining eight to possession of unstamped weighing
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  • 304 5 Condition for return of craft Reuter Bangkok, Saturday Thailand wants nego tlatlons with Laos before It can return two Laotian landing craft grounded on the Thai side of the Mekong River, a senior government official said last night. Four Laotian landing craft* were grounded
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 231 5 GUNMEN FLEE IN BOAT UPI Amsterdam, Saturday Three gunmen fled In a speedboat through Amsterdam's mase of canals yesterday after raiding the Municipal Giro Cheques office here of 600,000 guilders (about ($600,000), police said. Police said the raiders, armed with sub machine guns took the red strip
    UPI  -  231 words
  • 64 5 Reuter Bangkok. Saturday Australia has decided to contribute another US$BB2,OOO ($8.3 million) to the second phase of the Nam Ngum Dam In Laos, according to a senior Australian official. Mr. Alan Renouf, secretary of the rorelgn Affairs Department, said half the money would be paid
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 46 5 Reuter Pub, Saturday Brlgltte Bardot, "sex kitten" turned wildlife protector, led a demonstration outside the Norwegian embassy here yesterday against the mass killing of baby seals. "I am doing the most Important thing In all my lifetime," said the 41-year-old former screen goddess.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 175 5 Reuter Beirut. Saturday Rival guerrillas shelled and sniped at each other yesterday' long past the noon deadline for starting a 10-day truce designed to halt Lebanon's bloody civil war. Leftists and rightwingers blamed each other for keeping up the fighting despite the ceasefire called on
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 93 5 Reuter Washington, Saturday Secretary of Btate, Dr. Henry Kissinger, yesterday praised Syria for what he described as 1U highly responsible conduct In the Lebanon crisis and said the US was making diplomatic efforts to prevent outside intervention. He told the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee the
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 180 5 WINES a n d SPIRITS GRAVES JULES SABOURIN (Vi Btl) Usual: S$ 4.95 NOW: S$ 3.50 CHATEAU REDONI972 BORDEAUX Usual: Ssll.Bo NOW: 5510.60 New Item TAYLOR'S TAWNY PORT <(10 years old) Usual: 5523.60 NOW: 5521.00 JACK DANIEL GREEN LABEL Usual: 5527.00 NOW: 5524.30 MARGAUX 1971 DOURTHE FRERES Usual: 5519.45 NOW:
      180 words

  • 800 6 ...and chances of passing are promising Reuter Bangkok, Saturday General elections tomorrow, the second since a 1973 student-ied uprising ended a longentrenched military regime, are widely regarded as a critical test for democracy in Thailand. Many Thais feel that. If Instability continues after a new government hi formed,
    Reuter  -  800 words
  • 224 6 Reuter AP Washington, Saturday Secretary of Btate Henry Kissinger yesterday said that If Congress vetoed a proposed sale of six military transport aircraft to Egypt It would have very serious consequences In Egypt and throughout the Arab world. Dr. Kissinger also said Egyptian
    Reuter; AP  -  224 words
  • 385 6 Reuter TOKYO: There are about 1M policemen working on a mountain of document* In connection with the Lockheed scandal. And they have only seven translators to help them. The National Tax Agency is In bettor shape. A spokesman said there were between M and
    Reuter  -  385 words
  • 124 6 UPI Manila, Saturday Philippine aathorlties yesterday announced that nine military officials have been named to manage a maltl-million-dollar golf and eoontry dob and Its affiliated corporations which had been taken over by the martial law government. The Makatl Golf and Coantry Club Inc.
    UPI  -  124 words
  • 219 6 Reuter Bangkok, Saturday The 81no-Soviet dispute intruded into the sedate corridors of the United Nations' Asian Development Agency yesterday as the Soviet Union asserted its wish to be regarded as an Asian country. The issue arose over Moscow's desire to become a signatory of
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 267 6 Reuter Luxembourg, Saturday. European Common Market heads of koteminent, divided on now to fight recession and unemployment and unable to agree on direct election* to the European Parliament, yesterday jnded a summit here without settling any major Issues before them. An argument between Chancellor Helmut
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 89 6 Reuter Jakarta, Saturday. Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik told visiting New Zealand Deputy Premier Brian Talboys the process of self determination In Portuguese Timor would take some time, according to informed sources. Mr. Talboys, who Is on the last stage of a visit to the five
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 103 6 UPI TODAY Is Saturday, April 3. the 94th day of 1976 with 272 to follow. THE MOON Is between Its new phase and first quarter. THE MORNING BTAE Is Venus. THE EVENING STARS are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Those born on this date are under the sign of
    UPI  -  103 words
  • 58 6 Reuter Blackpool, Saturday A drunken attempt at suicide yesterday cost a spurned boyfriend £50 ($250) to pay for damage to the taxi he hurled himself in front of, and another £50 for a breach of the peace. Allstalr Coles, 21, only hurt his hand In his suicide
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 185 6 •J MM WEATHER New York Cloudy, 13-9 C. Headline: CIA said to have known in the 1950s of Lockheed scandals. Ban Francisco—Partly Cloudy, 18-6 C. Headline: Cltv strike spreads. Rome Sunny, 12-4 C. Headline: Christian Democrats and MSI on abortion. Tokyo Sunny, 14BC. Headline: Ford launches task force to set
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  • 324 7 Battle to save the money reserves dip to all-time low Reuter London, Saturday Britain's monetary reserves suffered their sharpest fall on record last month as the Bank of England fought to stop the slide of the pound sterling on foe eign exchange markets, the Treasury disclosed yesterday. The grim figures,
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 299 7 It can do lasting harm to Soviet-US ties, says expert Reuter Moscow, Saturday A top Soviet expert on America warned yesterday e 1 e c tlon year demagogy could do lasting harm to Sovlet-US relations. A 2500 word article published In the communist party daily Pravda was
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 215 7 AP Philadelphia, Saturday—People who watch four boon or more of television daily have an exaggerated view of danger and violeilce in society, researchers said yesterday. "Heavy (TVA viewers are more likely to be afraid. They ask for more protection from the authorities they're
    AP  -  215 words
  • In Brief
    • 32 7 Reuter Manila. 8aturday. Former President Dlosdado Macapagal yesterday left the U8 Embassy, where he had sought political asylum, after receiving an assurance that the Philippines government was not seeking his arrest.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 39 7 Reuter London, Saturday Former British Prime Minister Harold Macmlllan Is one of four new memberj of the exclusive Order of Merit appointed by Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham Palace announced yesterday. Membership of the Order is limited to 24. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 41 7 Reuter Athens, Saturday A time bomb went off inside a branch of the American Express Bank in Central Athens yesterday, the latest demonstration of anti-American sentiment following the grant of US$lOOO million ($2480 million) military aid to Turkey Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 32 7 Moscow, Saturday. The Soviet airline Aeroflot Instituted Its first regular Jet service to Hanoi yesterday, replacing the turbo-prop fc-18 with the TU-154 Jet on the 10.000-Ulo-meter route, Tass reported.
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    • 51 7 Reuter New Delhi, Saturday Tibetan miners have Joined the campaign of criticism against Chinese Senior Vice-Premier Teng Hslao-plng, Lhasa Radio reported yesterday. The campaign was being- carried out by Tibetan and Han workers of the Dongkar coal mine of Bhlgaste county in central Tibet, who, It said, repudiated revisionist
      Reuter  -  51 words
  • 220 7 Reuter Luxembourg, Saturday. Toe nine European Common Market nations yesterday solemnly appealed to the white minority In Rhodesia to accept a rapid and peaceful transition to majority rule. A special statement Issued at the end of a two-day European community summit conference here said
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 54 7 ZDNUSSI JEZABEL A negligee set far the young at heart. The filmy nylon jacket Is lightly fastened by a satin bow and Is lavishly trimmed with lace and plnlc rosebuds and a w many others In M M our Ulostmtod AA catalogue coots «my Department TBL P.O. BM MS Crawford
      54 words
    • 4 7 See e»rto*n, Fg. t
      4 words
    • 108 7 Sanyo's kee^ee IN TRUE-TO-LIFE COLOUR i? i! //> CTP4SO2 40cm (16-inches) TABLE-TOP COLOUR TELEVISION with 110° deflection angle, solid state circuitry. Complete with AFC and slide controls for colour, brightness and contrast. A« e Sanyo M.ikes Lift's Good Things Better S.\i\yo M.\l«\vsi«v Sdn Bhd A SENORUAS HOSPTTALITY, YOUR PLACE OF
      108 words

  • 470 8 The line between life and death la not always clear, not even to doctors. But difficult issues like that of Karen Quinlan's "right to die" have to be resolved because a community must have a stable social structure even as it evolves and
    470 words
    • 53 8 A notice la a room In the Kuala Lumpur HUton read*: "Due to the manufacturer's oversight, you will notice that parti of this bath-tub have been affected by cor- rosion We apologise for the state the bath-tub Is In. "However, please note that the bathtub Is clean."
      53 words
    • 39 8 At last month's ASIAN economic ministers' meeting in Kuala Lumpur, someone put this notice outside the groundfloor conference room: Tupperware party, flfth floor." Quipped a Malaysian official: "That Is the plastic Industry Singapore Is Interested In."
      39 words
  • 611 8 BANGKOK POST VOICE OF THE PRESS The (election) campaigning will Intensify and become more heated but, hopefully leaa violent. Too many deaths have occurred ao far, and front-running candidates in the various constituencies have to watch out for their own Kraonal safety since •y
    611 words
  • 150 8  -  MICHAEL LIM People do not like to be treated by third class doctors. But will they take to third class dentists? They may have to in the near future when Singapore allows dental therapists to nractise on there own after aome training. When this
    150 words
  • 54 8  -  A CLERK I refer to your report on the SBS reduction of bus stops (NN. 27.3.76). If SBS could also Indicate the bus stops along the routes with letters, it will help commuters calculate the correct fare and get down at the rlsht stops Instead of having to
    54 words
  • 54 8 I usually catch the 6.45 a.m. bus on Service 126 near the Sepoy Lines Post Office. The next bus, however, comes only at 7.10 a.m., which means that if I mis* the first bus, I will be late for school. Can't the frequency of the service
    54 words
  • 97 8 Although I had a $3 grandstand ticket for the Singapore Perils soccer match last Sunday. and I arrived at the stadium at 7 pm there was no place for me to sit. I had no eholce but to sit on the staircase. However, the policemen on
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  • 91 8  -  CHENG BENG I refer to Victim's letter (NN, 30.3.7®). I was also a victim. When I went to the Chua Chu Kang cemetery, we were approached by four grass cutters who offered to clear the grass around the graveyard for $10. When we bargained for $4, they reduced
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 693 9 UPI MOSCOW, Saturday Blue Jeans in the West are the symbol of the restless, carefree young—the great levellers that make all men and women sartorlally equal. But In the Soviet Union, a. pair of blue "dshlnsy" Is often prized as a status symbol by the
    UPI  -  693 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 133 9 ■\fy! O. M Ma<dL IW*- £t**e. 3)<» MokHv C/bl<)L p»ML "1 i v »97b Dot*. Lai>«4, Dei, um. ow*. rC*4u«4 -Hwv MflM- «c»cu. \Ot'u«_ ft**" v\amM |M Übou. l °W«.'»gL KfikriKa a. 4p*x»JL sail ofaU bsflUuMl. 0 :$1 »i J J J) yro*'*t. to-dot*, us. lavkcwv uivu'lX bfl •*vJl ■CrJvAi.ziiJ
      133 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 399 9 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are by nature a serious person. Inclined to look upon your dally life as a sort of testing grounds on which your worthiness Is constantly being Judged, you feel that a life well-lived should bring as its reward money, friendship,
      399 words

  • 930 10/11  -  r Sight Sound »>v. .)■•<<■I It M> I ittI>i<i i For the first time In its 11-year history. RTS held a press preview for one of its TV programmes. And It was certainly one of the best TV programmes I have seen.. It was the
    930 words
  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 170 10/11 JEWELLERS f Orient m no ?i *< I H' <• •'Sui'/h 2 trusted Jewellers! Reputable. Reliable. Guaranteed Genuine Jewelleries of International Class. Courteous Service. Satisfaction Assured. Ample Parking Space at both places! 1 FORTUNA <> Jt WtlllRS PTf 110 f< h, FOR TASTY WESTERN CUISINE THE CORNER COFFEE HOUSE/ LOUNGE
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  • Page 10/11 Miscellaneous
    • 1867 10/11 YOUR WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE SINGAPORE 5 SATURDAY 100 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by BESAME STREET- Entertainment cum education series (or young children 2.00 SATURDAY MATINEE: Malaga. A locksmith and a criminal Join forces In a London Jewel robbery. But after the heist, the criminal double-crosses his partner In crime and deceives
      1,867 words
    • 363 10/11 FM STEREO SATURDAY 6.00 Opening Anncts. followed by At Sunset with Royal Phil Orch. of Britain 6.30 News (E) 6.45 At Bunset (cont'd) 7.00 The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Featuring its history and achievement. 7.30 Break For Music. Featuring the big band sound of Eric Winstone and his Orchestra with Guest
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    • 367 10/11 Top shows of the weekend j It is a weekend of soccer matches. Four are being telecast, but Singaporeans will be watching the hourlong highlights of the match between Singapore and Perils at 3.45 p.m. over Ch. 5, on Saturday. In this match, Singapore crushed Perils by 4-1 to take
      367 words
    • 53 10/11 Barbra Streisand any charm. UP THE SANDBOX directed by Irvin Kershner, with B a r b r a Streisand and David Selby. This Ingenious comedy comes up with a refreshing look at the already tiresome women's lib Issue, thanks to Bar bra 8trelsand and the zany charm she brings to
      53 words
    • 369 10/11 v V Cinema by tdgar Koh I She plays a New York housewife given to daydreaming to escape the boredom and exasperation of domestic routine, Impulsively Imagining all sorts of experiences far removed from reality. This faculty to fantasies common to children and adults alike, is used In a novel
      369 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1016 12  -  A worthy attempt to explain ritual suicide of playwright Mishima Bookshelf bv Pakir Singh Just before he died, Yukio Mlshlma, the famous Japanese writer, had said: 'Theatre, where a false blood runs In the floodlights, can perhaps move and enrich people with much more forceful and profound experiences than
    1,016 words
  • 398 12 INDIA continues to be an enigma. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala's latest novel, HEAT AND DUST (John Muray, London, 1975) gets no nearer to solving the Impact the subcontinent makes on sensitive Individuals, but It establishes the writer's mastery of her art. Born of Polish parents, R.P. Jhabvala
    398 words
  • 508 12  -  hess »»v Lim Kok Ann The outstanding feature of the national championship was the great struggle between Lim Seng Hoo and Wee Kim Hln for the first place and the decisive role played by juniors. From round 2 to round 13, Kim Hin held half a
    508 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 490 12 NEW NATION MONEYWORDS Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions oppeor below Nome (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address ID B ■KCI3Q m QEMEC] iCut olong dotted lir CLUIS FOR SZ-* 1. You do so when Mf My ami 2. Can moke a boat skim ocr* csvßtv^f PILL IN MISSING Limns USING
      490 words

  • 351 13  -  Y The Consumer Rav K. Dhaliwal While managements of department stores place great attention on providing a good service, not all their sales staff cooperate. And this i* one of the most important sections in a commercial concern since the sales people are the
    351 words
  • 150 13 Business News and Views Reuter Tokyo, Saturday—Japan and Saudi Arabia have agreed to continue studying the possibility of Japanese participation in Saudi Arabian projects to build a petrochemical plant and a steel plant, a Ministry spokesman said yesterday. The projects were discussed at
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 227 13 Prices finished little changed yesterday in sluggish trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Investors generally ignored favourable economic newa by staying on the sidelines most of the day. Some late short-cover-ing replacing borrowed shares sold earlier trimmed caller losses as a few blue-chip Investors settled accounts prior
      227 words
    • 35 13 Dow Jones closing averages on the New York stock Exchange yesterday: 30 Industrials 991 58 (off 2.53), 30 transport 306 M (up 0.U8), 16 utilities 8710 (off 0.18), 65 stocks 301.97 (Off 0.81).
      35 words
    • 302 13 DBS: Daiwa Securities International Ltd. The Tokyo Stock market opened bearish, centring on exportrelated Issues like light electricals and autos. However. Kawal Musical Initrume ntal, Eldal Sangyan and Chugal Pharmaceutical. which have been heavily sold short, shot up. Also, housing-related Issues and real estates were active and higher. Later
      DBS: Daiwa Securities International Ltd.  -  302 words
    • 87 13 Union Bank of Switzerland Closing prices in Swiss francs on tne Zurich 8tock Exchange yesterday. UBS Bearer MM ex —80 UBS Registered 623 ex —IS 8BO 4)0 —38 Credit Suisse 3670 —10 Swissair B. 643 1 Swiss Relnsur. 3046 —10 Wlnterthur B. 1840 —10 Zurich Insur. 6400 Juvena B.
      Union Bank of Switzerland  -  87 words
    • 69 13 Reuter Closing prices in francs on the Paris Bourse yesterday. Parlbas 183 —.30 Ftoncter 333 —1.10 Prlntemps 63 —1 Bull 39.30 30 Royal Dutch 315.30 —1.30 Mlchelln 1443 —8 COB 343 +3 Thomson 331 —3 CPP 133.00 —3.10 Rhone 104 unch. B8N OH unch. AIR 380 —4 Philips 80.10
      Reuter  -  69 words
  • 287 13  -  Lee Yew Meng Prices drifted lower at the Singapore stock market this week in lacklustre trading mainly due to the lack of buying support. Even the beginning of the new trading month on Thursday failed to arouse fresh interest. In fact, settlement or delayed dealings which
    MARKET ROUND-UP  -  287 words
  • 57 13 UPI Washington, Saturday The nation's unemployment rate continued its steady decline In March dropping slightly to 7.5 per cent—while the total number of people who hold Jobs hit a record high of 86.7 million, the Labour Department reported yesterday. The 7.3 per cent joblessness rate was the
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 131 13 UPI Tokyo, Saturday North Vietnam has asked Japan (or cooperation In developing crude oil In the country, the newspaper Malnlchl Shlmbun reported yesterday. The newspaper said Hanoi also said It might ask the US tot help after relations between the two countries have Improved.
    UPI  -  131 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 61 13 Impressive. Classic. Bold. The watch for today's impressive men. When looks match up to its precise movements. Exquisitely accurate. Clean square-cut in stainless steel. Automatic with day-date calendar, the Space Star 1188 is truly an impressive watch. By Titoni, of course. Everyone appreciates a Titoni. m It' P=eT* V smm
      61 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 97 14 Interaudlo i I engineered to dramatically increase your listening pleasure. New levels of performance In direct radiating speakers are achieved by the ACOUSTICOUPLE design concept. ATLAS SOUNQ CO. it UIC HUH D'NC» '> SHI NfON AA» INGAPO»t t Tl4 J2044H4 2? t S RXHI LI n w SPECIALLY DESIGNED IMPORTED
      97 words
      97 words
    • 113 14 m 6HEW CMEONG (JEWELLERS) Jewellery Watches Centre Diamonds W Sapphire* Rubies Emeralds Jodes AH Kinds Of Jewellery. Electronic Various Kinds Of Famous Watches. Distributor for S«langor Pewter TEL: 379 686 249, Ist Floor, SHAW CENTRE. SINGAPORE 9 KIN LEm HHI RENOVATION CONTRACTOR, BS7, GOLDEN MILE TOWER BEACH Rl). S'PORE. 7.
      113 words
      159 words
  • shopping
    • 791 14 A twice weekly advertisement teat I»HE best prescrip- tion for a map after a long and try- lng day at the office is undoubtedly a tall 600 l drink. And I do not mean Iced lemon tea or any beverage of the sort, except
      791 words

  • 586 15 Reuter New York, Saturday The film begins with the sound of a typewriter banging out the date June 17 and ends with the boom of cannon at President N1 x on's second inaugural suddenly blending back Into the clack of a typewriter. But the typewriter now
    Reuter  -  586 words
  • 127 15  -  FOPS l»\ Peter Ong EVERLY BROTHER 3: WALK RIGHT RACK WITH THE EVERLY BROTHERS (WARNER JsROS): classics abound in this LP, which la subtitled 20 Golden Hits. Listening to ihem. It Is not hard to understand why The Everly Brothers Phil and Don have been major
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 16 15 V < People Me GUtter Band 19 AH By Myself Eric Carmen By courtesy of Red Iffusion.
      16 words
    • 111 15 (3) Save Your Kisses For Me: Rrotherhood Of Mm (4) You See The Trouble With Me Barry White (3) Love Really Hurts Without You BUly Ocean (8) Falling Apart At The Seams: Marmalade (9) I Wanna Stay With You: Gallagher and Lyle (11) Yesterday: a ties (7) People Like You
      111 words
    • 261 15 12 Mariner's direction 13 Identical 18 Outward coverings 19 Prima 23 Llghtwood 24 example 25 Requiring fertilization 26 Arden 27 N. Eng. state 28 Northern native 26 Tether 32 Flow slowly 34 Cart 36 Evergreen herb 38 Like a desert 41 Resort Island 43 Title 46 Insurance men 48 Btarted
      261 words

  • 447 16  -  By PHILIP TAN St. Andrew's one of the favourites for the Schools National Secondary soccer title, struggled to defeat Queensway Secondary 2-0 at Farrer Park yesterday. On a waterlogged pitch, the SainU, who were winners of Group Five, and Queensway. winners of Group Three In
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  • 463 16 Twelve countries have been invited for the Asian Schools Under -18 soccer tournament in Singapore from July 24 to August 7, writes PHILIP TAN. Six countries took part.. in last year's tournament In Malaysia and only three when It began in 1970. The countries
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  • 195 16 Calcutta, Saturday Hsu Bheng-Ban of Taiwan fired a five-under-p*r yesterday to tie Martin Bohen of the United States for the lead at the half-way stage In the Indian Open golf championship. Hsu shot a pair-73 on Thursday. Bohen, who scored 70 on the
    195 words
  • 259 16 Noelle and Helga, daughters of former National cricketer and well known tennis player Steve Houghton, look like making a name for themselves on the tennis scene. These two girls played a big part in helping Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus to win the National Schools tennis
    259 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 428 16 e™ES2HH@J BE MAGIC SHOP TRICKS, Appratus. Jokes, novelties P S.A. Shopping Complex 132 Cantonment Road, S pore 2. Tel: *****00 BE NEW HAIR CLINIC G4B, Peace Centre. Treatments falling, thinning grey hair, dandruffs. Itchy scalp. *****0 AOUARIUS SECURITY LAMINATING Seal. BlrtHf School Certificate, Licences,. Students/ Factory passes. Q-48, Peace Centre,
      428 words
    • 215 16 KITCHEN CABINETS ft built-in wardrobes for H.D.B. flats at United Shanghai furniture. Company, 2830 Blk 77 Oeylang Bahru. B'pore 12. Tel: *****80 Mfll INTRODUCE VOU to get perfect partners, business friend*, nom all parts of the world. Tel: *****44/ *****87 CHINIM WORKING BACHELOR Age 29 seeks friends. 25—28 Reply NN
      215 words
    • 310 16 n m inii FEELINO WEARY, TENSED It Tired!!! Kindly call over to International Health Centre, Merlin Hotel for our masseuses to relief-you of your tiredness tension. For appointment* phone *****73, 25W011 ext 425 ROYAL HOTEL. NKWTON ROAD, REFRESHING: SAUNA STEAMSATH RELAXING: MASSAGE FACIAL RING: *****1/ *****1 EXT. ISI. IE s-m.
      310 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1353 17 IF OVERSEAS UNION FINANCE LIMITED and its subsidiary companies (Incorporated In The Republic of Singapore) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30TH JUNE 1975 1974 GROUP COMPANY < S 1.369.558 2,717.071 17,263 1150,004 164,487 7300,000 30,077,266 953,867 53,167 •M 6.659 370.000 200,000 2,717,071 18,524,919 18.524,919 17,263 1150.004 164,437 7300,000 3,077,266 953,867
      1,353 words

  • 322 18 RACING u i t h Scrutineer Ke«p The Faith la a good bet at Kuala Lumpur today. On his last-start showing he will take a lot of beating in Race 8. Keep The Faith who made his debut only in January, struck hi*
    322 words
  • 40 18 London, Saturday Results of last night's English Football League: Div. l stoke City 0 Manchester City 0 (postponed (rote Feb 26); Dl*. 3: Shreswsbury 1 Mansfield 2; Dlv. 4: South port l Exeter 0; Tranmere S Swansea 0.
    40 words
  • 3296 18 m 2.0 CLASS 8 DIV. 5 1200m UH ($7,000 $4,900 to wlnnor) 1 MMKambi Man (T Hutehama) Rodgan 2 57 <dd aunt) IMOm Rataa 4 ***** ItaMn Maad M a (Rubin) bin MS (dd 1200m M Ckaa 10 1 2MS 1Mb taaa a (Nina
    3,296 words
  • 119 18 IM I '—V-rr BoMa Hm« IntbliM iMrtlO Red Oarpet Robin Hood Imablaae l»«a A ■mmumt iNiwcy Ruor'i Edge ESSH Caart Balle Regency Btgeaey Court Belle KM* I amici Star Performer St-Oaajll Beadle* AUagatiea Safari Lad Hector Bendlgo Bam 4 B*yal CmMn Smokey Shadow PfcUaa*hrepfat Royal OommlMloti 8mokey Shadow Smokey
    119 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 161 18 HATO Training Shoes >' JFv The shoe that givee you comfort and durability. 8ol« Agmt: Olympic Sports •4, Bras BaMh Rd. S'por* 7, T«l: 3237*4 Also available: Katong Book Trading Co *****3 Kim Sport wear *****26, OS Goods Service *****1 Chung Hslng Sports Co *****. North S£a Stationery *****2 Dally
      161 words

  • 286 19 By SCRUTINEER Right To Reason who showed definite promise In his two outings looks set to open winning accoupt in Race 7 at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. The American bred five-year-old by Hail To Reason created a good Impression first up when he came
    286 words
  • 99 19 Reuter Liverpool, Saturday Vaguely Attractive, owned by Dr. 8. Murphy, won the Mlldway Trophy Novices Chase run over 3200 m here yesterday. Mr. D. Samuel's New Zealand-bred Navigation finished second, with Mr. S. John's Roaring Wind third of 11 runners. Amateur rider John Powjer rode Vaguely
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 3008 19 RACE 1 1.45 CLA88 5 DIV 2 1200m (i7.0M li QAA In wlaaaft 1 0660 U» A«aki (Up Again) Bou«oure 3 57 (dC+7) 1200m -Hana I t 1366 OeM 6aM a (AateUc) Manaor 5 M H (dd+4) lsoom.. mm 1 1 MM Manna Laeti
    3,008 words
  • 112 19 KM* HHH BRIAN MIXER Laeky Laeky ffSOH JUT Usages Waa IftM Omnia Vlnclt •MI Mammy Brown Katuckj Bancs* Wan Ptaeh Brown Kentucky Leamana Brown Kantucky Storms Lash 8wee* Mssasry Brown Kentucky Pl PHbmt Oabello Primacy The Taar The Tsar Primacy PlISMIJ The Taar BAM Beetoty Sua Bagulo flsslslj Baas
    112 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 58 19 THE BORN LO6ER I T0h.«0!3 1 m. i a IPOMT 95 P m i a "A I HOW DO X3U FEEL ABOUT "THE NEW OIU- THAT MAKES -a ITI m i <o BJ a S 2s>* rrsv it m M to ia i JC 0 pi f A Ci W
      58 words

  • 623 20  -  By JEFFREY LOW Singapore's back four will have to tighten up their marking if they hope to see our national team beat Perak at the National Stadium tomorrow night. Any lapse into complacency, lack of concentration or Jaat plain fooling around will certainly
    623 words
  • 804 20 WONG HEK KOK, 24. first choice goalkeeper He has been playing for Perak since 1970 and was In the Malaysian National team from 1971 to 1973. Hee Kok reads the game extremely well, hts diving is good and his Interceptions are precise. But he
    804 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 37 20 ANDY CAPP I rrz FANCY XtXI WEASiN 1 YOU« NEW SHOES K* WO«K: I'D *VE .> THOUGHT TtJy'D f KCEPTMEMR* I know, PET. but TO make them look olt> 6EFOCE ANCnr REALISES > ThEy be new n e £<• 4
      37 words