New Nation, 13 February 1976

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 21 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Friday February 13, 1976 No. 1562 Price 20 cents M C. (P) 428/76 r NEW/ (0) NATION COMMENT;
    21 words
  • 159 1 Beirut, Friday A split over crude oil price differential!! between two members of the Organisation of Petrol e u m Exporting Countries Is threatening the postponement of the May OPEC oil ministers conference, scheduled for Jakarta, the Middle East news agency reported from Kuwait yesterday. The
    159 words
  • 323 1 New flare-up with Soviet troops, reports Peking Reuter Hong Kong, Friday China has reported a series 6f clashes between Chinese mllltla and armed Intruders along a strategic stretch of the border with the SoTlet Union. The official New China Newa Agency, monitored here, aatd yesterday frequent claahea
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 336 1  -  But students don't have to pay more By Wang Look Fung The Singapore Bchool Bus Association is considering a 20 per cent (are Increase for Its Adult Workers' Coptract (AWC) scheme services for office and factory workers. But fares for students will remain
    336 words
  • 34 1 Washington, Friday. One of the world's most widely-used food and cosmetic dyes known as Red Dye No. 3 of Amaranth may be banned because scientists think it could caused cancer.
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  • 77 1 DON'T WASTE WATER! The Government today again warned that water rationing will be imposed if water consumption is not cut down substantially. A PUB spokesman said that over 587,000 cu. metres of water were used last Sunday. This increased to 611.000 cu. metres on Monday and further
    77 words
  • 149 1 What I am worth by Ford Washington, Friday. President Ford disclosed yesterday that he and his wife nave a net worth of U*****,488, making him one of wealthier presidential candidates this year. But figures on the other major candidates show that they are all financially comfortable, with reported net asoets
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 489 2 Chiang Mai, Friday The Malay slan Prime Minister, DaJtuk Hussein Onn "said he expects ASEAN leaders at the coming Ball summit to agree "without difficulty" to the issues studied by officials of member countries at the recent P a 11 a y a
    489 words
  • 246 2 STOCK MARKET Prices generally softened at the Btock Exchange of Singapore during the first 45 minutes this morning. Pan Electric relisted today dropped 22 cents from Its pre-suspenslon level of $2.92. The counter settled at $2.74 at press time after rallying to 92.85 at
    246 words
  • 317 2 Francis Rozario Koala Lumpur, Friday Education Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, one of the three UMNO ▼ice presidents, is now the leading contender for the Deputy Prime Minister's post, according to political observers here. They predicted that Dr. Mahattr's appointment will be one of the "few
    Francis Rozario  -  317 words
  • 262 2 These two residents were among the first to scoop precious water from a "fountain" outside their homes in Newton when their tap* went dry yesterday. The "foantain" was aetaally a barst andergtoand pipe from water was gashing which oat. It happened at
    262 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 494 2 i :*> io y TAKE A HARD RIDE: An epic Western with an International cast, filmed in the Canary Islands. The story follows the clssslr line of Westerns about a brave man's determination to do what la right. Stars Jim Brown. Fred Williamson. Jim Kelly, Lee Van Cleef. Barry Sullivan
      494 words
    • 55 2 Today: 10.30 pjn. (2 sm). Tomorrow: 0.31 a.m. (2.8 m); 11.02 p.m. (16m). Sindtf: 10.19 im. (3m); 11.33 p.m. (2.8 m). Monday: 11.02 a.m. (3.1 m). T■e% d a y: 12.05 a.m. (2.9 m); 11.45 a.m. (3.2 m). Wednesday: 12.38 a.m. (3m); 12.30 p.m. (3.2 m). Thursday: 1.09 a.m. (3.0
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  • 8 2 Police reported 85 accidents yesterday. Five were serious.
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  • 324 3  -  By Douglas Chan Central Narcotics Bureau officers have crippled a heroin syndicate which caters to dance hostesses, bar girls, prostitutes and European seamen and hippies. A party of officers, potins as customers, swooped on Wednesday night on the kampung off Lorong Engku Aman,
    324 words
  • 84 3 The Par East Freight Conference stUl lacks serious respect for the Federation of Asean Shippers' Councils, according to the chairman of the Singapore National Shippers' Council (BNSC), Mr. Tan Eng Joo today. In a telex message to the chairman of the FA SC. Mr. Troadlo
    84 words
  • 147 3 More than 100 problem schoolchildren have been counselled at the Guidance Clinic at the Institute of Education. Set up as a pilot project in July 1974, the clinic has been offering student counselling services to 19 experimental and demomt ration schools adopted by the Institute. Staffed by
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  • 279 3 Many of Singapore's heroin addicts will die in five years if they do not give up the habit, according to pathologist Dr. Chao Tzee Cheng, who is also a Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association's paracounsellor training course instructor. Dr. Chao, who Is training 160
    279 words
  • 389 3 The new Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Herman Hochstadt, has been visiting a number of primary and secondary schools to get to know the principals more. Mr. Hochstadt, who was accompanied by senior officials from the establishment division,
    389 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 imam ISF-I Model 436 Fully Automatic 4.5 kg. (lOlbc.) Washing Machine ZANKER Two dials for selecting the 15 different programmes for all types of washing and the setting of any temperature. Pull-out dispenser with 3 compartments for powders for pre-wash, main wash and fabric conditioners. Two drum rhythms and water
      117 words

  • 214 4  -  By Nancy Koh Singapore Airlines' normal shift staff may get a flveday week soon but the new roster will mean more hours of work a week. A circular from Singapore Air Transport Work ers Union yesterday said the SIA management had agreed to their
    214 words
  • 34 4 Professor Rand o 11 f Quirk of the University of London will give a lecture on Trends in Contemporary English at the Regional English Language Centre auditorium on Peb. 17. at 4.00 p.m.
    34 words
  • 66 4 Two employees of the Shangri-La Hotel were commended recently for returning $6200 found In the vicinity of the hotel. A laundry valet, Low Lee Hlang, who Joined the hotel In IP7I, found 25 US$lOO bills In a pair of trousers belonging to an Indonesian guest. She
    66 words
  • 326 4  -  By Lee Yew Meng The Swiss are losing their grip on the Singapore watch market to Hong Kong and Japan. Their share of the market for the first half of 1974 slipped from 31J per cent to 22.7 per cent for the same
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  • 135 4 The HDB has again asked tenants to get rid of their pet animals immediately. Circulars sent to tenants in various housing estates said the HDB will take action against tenants who persistently keep the animals In their premises. The HDB said officers are now carrying out checks
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  • 136 4 Thomas Klang is no ordinary cook, lie has a voice to match his culinary skills. His colleagues and friends call him the Singing Chef. He was "discovered" at a staff (party last week. Thomas, who works *t the Mandarin Hotel's Chatterbox, plucked np
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  • 20 4 A meet the youth session will be held at the Rochore Community Centre on Friday at 8 p.m.
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  • 236 4 The four-day Offshore So u t h-east Asia conference and exhibition next week will generate at least $3 million business ,for the tourist Industry. This Is based on a con servatlve estimate of what each of the expected 2000 overseas delegates will
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  • 27 4 Mr. Chua Slan Chin. Minister for Home Affairs and Education will officiate at the MacPherson community centre folk dancing night on Sunday at 7.30 pjn.
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  • Article, Illustration
    297 4  -  Singaporean owns priceless porcelain made for a Chinese emperor Bj K.K. Fong This bowl is more than 200 years old and is believed to be the only one in the world. It is now in the hands of a Singaporean. Yesterday wu one of the very rare occasions it
    Picture by Jerry Seh shows Mr. Wong holding the bowl  -  297 words
  • 263 4 29 cases detected An illegal consignment of birds worth $51,000 was detected before It arrived In Singapore. It was one of the boldest smuggling attempts by racketeers in Australia. Disclosing this in a report yesterday, Reuter also said Australian Customs foiled 29 attempts at fauna smuggling last year.
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  • 43 4 The Adult Education Board will organise a 30week course starting on March to prepare students for the Association of International Accountants (part 1) examination. Application forms are available at the Board's office at Cairn hill Road and the Cultural Centre, Canning Rise.
    43 words
  • 78 4 The Port of Singapore Authority Is making a study on the feasibility of computerising its warehouses. This is part of a big>jer study on warehousing projects designed to facilitate further administration, c on t r ol and documentation for warehousing, a PBA spokesman said. The study, which
    78 words

  • 386 5 Reuter Moscow, Friday—The 80vlet news agency Tass described the Chinese leadership as "corroded by Internal strife," and said the physical weakness of Chairman Mao Tse-tung was becoming Increasingly apparent. In a commentary on recent signs of strain In the Peking leadership, Tass said extremists
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • 450 5 'New version of McCarthyism' Reuter Washington, Friday Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger, angrily charged yesterday that leaked reports of US Intelligence activities abroad were subjecting him and the rest of President Ford's administration "to a new version of McCarthyism." Dr. Kissinger said the
    Reuter  -  450 words
  • 165 5 —says paper Reuter Jakarta. Friday— Portuguese Timor Is now en- tlrely controlled by proIndonesian forces, the Armed Forces newspaper, Angkatan Bersenjata reported yesterday. The paper quoted Defence Minister General Uaraden Panggabean as saying the leftwlng Fre--1111 n Independence Movement no longer administered any territory. "The fact
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 103 5 AP London, Friday Ma J. (ton. Sir Colin Gubblns, the man Sir Winston Churchill picked to head an underground movement If the Germans had Invaded Britain in 1940. died on Wednesday. He was 79. The announcement did not give the cause of death nor where he
    AP  -  103 words
  • 143 5 UPI Manila, Friday—Twelve mlitlcal prisoners In the 38th day of a hunger strike yesterday have appealed to Amnesty 11 ternatlonal In Washington to Intercede In their demands for fair treatment by Philippine martial law authorities. The appeal by the fasting prisoners, led by
    UPI  -  143 words
  • 38 5 UPI Vatican City, Friday— The Vatican yesterday announced new steps toward the canonization or beatification of five people, Including two Spanish nuns and a martvred Scottish Jesuit. No firm date was set for any of the ceremonies—UPL
    UPI  -  38 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 128 5 Visit our Premier Store at G-36 High Street Centre \OU THINK OF i a style# at' QjP yrows^ GM/31»G 38 Street Centre (Ground Floor) Tel *****1 G-6 Ocean BuikSng Shopping Centre (Ground Floor) Tel *****2 G23 Supreme House (Ground Floor) Tel *****1 Goodwood.Htfton.RafflesHoMt.CoM Storage Shopping Centre JOURNEY TO IXTLAN The
      128 words
    • 26 5 riding cap BSI-Appravvd Skull Cap The comptot* range of riding equipment available at: KING ft COMPANY 23-1, RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE 1. TEL: *****. CABLE AODRESS: KINGSPORT.
      26 words

  • 350 6 'Worthless bystander' Reuter Paris, Friday The FrancoGerman summit talks, overshadowed by a new European monetary crisis, opened yesterday with President Discard d'Estalng complaining that Europe had become a worthless bystander in world affairs. Starting a two-day summit meeting with Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. the French leader made
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 310 6  - end differences AP. Cairo, Friday Arab kings and heads of state were invited yesterday to a summit conference on April 19 to settle differences among themselves and decide the next step towards peace with Israel, Arab diplomatic sources said. Arab League SecretaryGeneral Mahmoud
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  • 63 6 Reuter Nice, Friday The luxury Nice hotel housing many West German officials for the Franco-German summit ran up the Kast German flag by mistake yesterday just before Chancellor Helmut Bchmldt flew In from Bonn. The hammer and sickle flag flapped for nearly an hour before hdtei staff
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 66 6 Reuter Tokyo. Friday. The calendar year 197* Is expected to be a year of recovery /or the Australian economy with inflation remaining the central economic problem. Australian Deputy Prime Minister Dong Anthony said yesterday. He was speaking before the powerful Federation of Economic Organisations (Keidanrew) and
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 156 6 Tel Aviv, Friday Former Defence Minister Moshe Dayan has said Israel must keep open Its option on nuclear weapons while trying to build its own long-range mlmllfii Addressing a public meeting on Wednesday night, Mr. Dayan said: "Despite United States' feelings, Israel must
    156 words
  • 35 6 UPI Mew York, Friday An Air France spokesman said yesterday nearly 1000 Americans hare booked reservations on the controversial Concorde supersonic Jetliner when and if transatlantic services between Paris and Mew York are Inaugurated
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 147 6 Reuter Beirut, Friday—Banks In Lebanon reopened yesterday after a twomonth closure at the height of the country's bloody civil war, but many bankers said there was do rush to withdraw funds. Financial experts said this reflected the people's faith in the general situation and its
    Reuter; UPI radio  -  147 words
  • 74 6 Reuter San Francisco, Friday The Jury In the Patricia Hearst bank raid trial will today be taken to the bank she is accused of robbing and two apartments where she was concealed after her kidnapping, her defence lawyer announced yesterday. Her lawyer, Mr. Lee Bailey, said the
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 73 6 UPI Soft*. Friday Bulgarla'i Defence lflnlnr Mid yesterday Chinese Communist Party Chairman l(ao Tse-tung appointed former Security Chief Hua Kuo-feng as ■etfnc Premier because of his fear of the army. It said Mr. Hua "will play the role of a balancing element" between factions straggling for
    UPI  -  73 words
  • 116 6 Vienna, Friday NATO taid yesterday it bad oftred to withdraw some Phantom aircraft and Pershing mlarilelaunehers a* part of a troop reduction programme in Central Europe A NATO ipotoanan confirmed a report In the Hnngirtan new* paper Nepssabadsac that new Western proposals Jpcluded an offer to withdrew
    116 words
  • 177 6 UPI TODAY 1> Friday. Feb. IS, the 44th day of 1974 with m to follow. THE MOON la approaching Its fall phase. THE MOBNING STABS are Mercury and Vena*. THE EVENING STABS are Mara, Jupiter and Saturn. THOSE born an thla date are under the alga of Auuartua. F
    UPI  -  177 words
  • 163 6 Reuter Paris, Friday Negotiation* between Industrialised and developing nations to create a fairer international economic system ran into a of procedural problems yesterday, conference sources said. The meetings expected to last a year, got underway on Wednesday. The chief snag yesterday was disagreement over
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 161 6 Hew 1M gunny, 10-4 C. Headline: ProSortet group In Is given OAU recognlI«—*— heavy rain, brighter Intervals later, HC. Headline: Angolan refugees head south. ■esse sunny, IMC. Headline: Moro presents cabinet list Qui Is out. mlti iffLA is war draws to an end. clear, 3011C. Headline: Waldhetm starts /our day
      161 words

  • 375 7 The worst since 1890 Reuter Sydney, Friday Floods submerged thousands of square kilometres of farming land and threatened isolated farms and towns in three Australian states yesterday. There were no reported fatalities but government officials estimated that damage to livestock and property would run into
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 234 7 AP London, Friday.—Eleanor Dixie, daughter of an eccentric British baronet, is going to Invoke Britain's new sex discrimination Ac t to challenge a ban on Inheriting her father's title. Sir Wolstan Dixie, who once lost a beer-drinking contest to a pony, was the
    AP  -  234 words
  • 190 7 10 million separated people hit Reuter Seoul, Friday North Korea has rejected a South Korean call to allow separated Koreans on both sides to visit each other, a Red Cross spokesman said. South Korean .representatives at the border village of Panmunjom
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 214 7 Reuter UPI Beirut, Friday Algerian President Houari Boumedlenne arrived In Tripoli yesterday to discuss the worsening crisis In Western Sahara with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, the Iraq news agency (INA) reported. His unannounced visit began the day after Algeria's rule* said the situation in
    Reuter; UPI  -  214 words
  • 95 7 New Delhi, Friday. The People's Front coalition government In the West Indian state of Gujarat yesterday defeated an attempt to unseat it by Premier Indira Gandhi's Congress Party. The coalition won a razor-thin majority of three In the 179-member House when the State As- sembly
    95 words
  • 136 7 A woman walks glnl«l; across iron roofs of devastated homes la Guatemala City after dig ging oat possessions from her earthquakedemolished house. All over the disaster > region, the Inhabitants seemed to he recovering from the initial shock and work was starting to clear the nibble and
    UPI radio picture  -  136 words
  • 300 7 UPI Reuter London, Friday Zaire's Foreign Minister Karl Ibond Ngusa said yesterday his government "has reason to believe" Cubans and Soviet backed Angolan Popular Movement troops will be tempted to Invade his country after the war in Angola ends. "We have reason to
    UPI; Reuter  -  300 words
  • 78 7 Reuter London, Friday r our teen Conservative opposition parliamentarians yesterday signed a motion accusing the public funded British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) of antlBrltlsh propaganda, and asking that the word "British" be removed from the BBC's name. The Bouse of Commons motion cited as examples BBC Interviews with supporters
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 388 8 What Is the HDB's problem or problems In controlling the quality of construction and finish? With the letdown in the building boom, it is unlikely that It is still havlnf; trouble finding sufficient contractors to fulfill its homes for-the-people targets. It is inconceivable that
    388 words
    • 98 8 A cute calendar given by a local boutique to ita customers has its dates and events a little mixed up. Under February 10 Is the message: "St. Valentine's Day... only today a girl can propose to her boyfriends!" (Yes, plural!) Under Feb. 14, the actual, St. Valentine's Day,
      98 words
    • 70 8 Two women who attended a dinner given by their husbands firm, found themselves next td each other at the table. "And which department Is your husband with?" asked one of the other. "He's with accounts," replied the second woman, who added, "and which department is yours with?"
      70 words
  • 252 8  -  Benjamin Chua Public R«Utioni Officer Singapore Baa Sarvtoe Ltd Singapore, I refer to your editorial •questions about Bus Fares: (NN, 11.2.76). I wish to clarlfythat in January last year. It was decided that student concession passes would only be granted to students of government and govern-ment-aided schools. As
    252 words
  • 609 8  -  FRIDAY WITH ALEX JOSEY ALEX JOSEY Most .of our lives are spent working. Working for money so that we may buy things to live. In some developed countries, especially In welfare states, workers believe they can live without working most of the time. This is
    609 words
  • 608 8 Los Angeles Times Bonn, Friday The 24 European communist parties have given up their long attempt to write a common Ideological statement before the Soviet communists hold their Party Congress later this month In Moscow, according to western diplomatic sources. Instead, the many months of debate
    Los Angeles Times  -  608 words
  • 257 8 r r VOICE OF THE PRESS 4 NANYANG SIANG PAU According to sources at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meeting in Pattaya, the ASEAN summit to be held In Bali later this month will approve a declaration on economic cooperation, setting out the terms for preferential trade
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 1302 9 Opinion To anyone with even the slightest acquaintance with econcmics, John Hicks of the Social Framework fame needs no introduction. Prof. Sir John Hicks and Lady Ursula Hicks are both distinguished British economists from Oxford University. They have a large number of publications on
    1,302 words
  • 356 9  -  1 The Last Word by JJ Drat! These matches are no good. They keep going out before I can set flre to my room. If I don't burn down my room, I may never get Into a home for the aged. That Ah
    356 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 26 9 ZONUSSI WA S < 1 m V HIM M ♦^v Vr m. m u i^m »V I CLUB ELITE WHERE THt ELITES MCET »f» MmNwTil VIM) Zi
      26 words
    • 116 9 On your way to Europe, visit USSR for P. k* Ss3oo r V. TM -V r*r yr* SJ 5 days Moscow Ss3oo lOdays Moscow Ss72o Tour prices includc first class hotel accommodation, three meals a day, guided excursions, theatre visits, transfers on arrival and departure, and porterage of hand luggage.
      116 words

  • 1535 10/11 Solid backing to reshape the country's political and economic future Asian Diary Reuter New Delhi. Friday The Indian government has entered 1976 with the assurance of an extra year In power under emergency rule and solid party backing to reshape the country's political and economic
    Reuter  -  1,535 words
  • 982 10/11 CONCERN ALSO OVER PAKISTAN'S EXPERIMENT WITH DEMOCRACY Washington Post Karachi, Friday ""The destruction of democracy In neighbouring India could force the dissolution of that huge polyglot nation's unity, according to Pakistan Prime Minister All Bhutto. Citing the example of Pakistan's
    Washington Post  -  982 words
  • 440 10/11 Reuter Bangkok, Thursday Every day a small group of Thai smugglers gathers at the Cambodian border waiting for its Khmer Rouge rulers to give them about U*****.000 ($225 million). They say the Khmer Rouge aim the money for
    Reuter  -  440 words
  • Page 10/11 Miscellaneous
    • 538 10/11 Friday BS-5 NEW NATION Cut out ond pin with other coupons Posting instructions oppeor below Nome (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address Tel: FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW Cut along dotted lines CLUES FOR BS-5 1. Where many a person wear* a watch 2. Native of Switzerland 3. Can ba all
      538 words

  • trend
    • 431 12  -  CORK, ROPE OR LEATHER, THEY LOOK GREAT T( Shop Around J. SCHOON Belts have come a long way from being just a length of leather, or plastic, to hold your trousers up. They are as important a fashion accessory as scarves and costume
      Pictures by Nik Kasmani  -  431 words
    • 473 12  -  I hfatre in Violet Oon DO NT DESPAIR if you have missed the delights of the Hong Kong Arts Festival, because Mr. Emiyn Williams, one of its star attractions, will give his rendition of Charles Dickens in Singapore today and tomorrow. Brought to
      473 words
    • 367 12  -  f y Doc's Casebook I S.L. The shrill ringing of the phone at 3 a.m. woke me up. Mr. S was on the line. "Sorry to call you at this hour but I think my wife has an insect in her
      367 words
    • 844 13  -  SUCH A PUT DOWN, PLAYING THE PARTY WALL-FLOWER... GLORIA CHAHDY One of the top priorities in the life of a bachelor girl must surely be parties. What better way to fight off boredom and depression than to go to one of these gatherings and become even
      844 words
    • 449 13  -  MEXICAN TRIO SHOULD PLAY MORE OP IT I Sundown I scene j u ith Jennifer Schoon I HAD looked forward to chilli and pepper rhythms when I dropped by the Oberol Imperial lounge to catch the Los Amlgos, a Mexican trio, currently playing there. Mexican ssngs are
      449 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 74 13 Our cmftjiiamhit: Makes the dillcrencc! V as V &MokSika(PU)Od Gl3, Tangjin Shopping Centre Tanglin Rd, S'pore 10. Te1:*****8 ASSOC. Co. 1/3, Central Building, Hong Kong ADD MORE LIFE TO YOUR LIFESTYLE. GET THAT GREAT LOOK IN SUITS, SPORTS COATS, JACKETS, PANTS AND SHIRTS TAILORED BY US. 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL
      74 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 361 13 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are by nature leu organised than most. As a result, much that you accomplish seems to be more a matter of good fortune than anything else. Many think of you as being a "child of fate," pulled or pushed to
      361 words

  • 324 14 US: Economic outlook much brighter this year AP Washington, Friday Malaysia's economic outlook for this year and next is much brighter than in 1975, the United States Department of Commerce said yesterday. "Exports of the main primary commodities rubber, palm oil, timber, petroleum and tin
    AP  -  324 words
  • 189 14  -  1 h«* C onsiimer l»v 1 Rav Dhaliwal Rice prices have dropped by a further five to six cents per 605 grammes. Following this latest drop. Thai 100 per cent rice is now six cents per 605 grammes cheaper at 53 cents. Earlier, the price of this variety
    189 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 193 14 Blue-chip profit-taking accelerated yesterday afternoon to drive prices lower In active trading during a see-saw session on the New York Stock Exchange. Many banks and other Institutions were closed for the observance of Lincoln's Birthday and this curtailed market activity somewhat, analysts said. As a result, the Dow
      193 words
    • 35 14 UPI Dow Jonw dosing averages on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: SO Industrials 966.7S (off 5.13). 30 transport 301.31 (off 1.43. IB utilities 80.1 ft (off 0.1«). 65 stocks 3MM (off \M).
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 256 14 DBS-Daiwa Securities Int'l Ltd. The market opened from centring on speculatives and Incentivebacked issues due to the sharp rise on Wall Street. But turnover has decreased during the past few days due to the Lockheed payoff scandal. The market closed firm. In the morning session, resources-related issues such as
      DBS-Daiwa Securities Int'l Ltd.  -  256 words
    • 86 14 Reuter Ckxtnv prion In franca or. the Pans Bourae yesterday: Pariba* Ml +1 Fonda M1J0 —2.50 Prlntempa 14.40 2.30 Bull 40 20 +.70 Royal Dutch 190 70 —3.10 MkstMlln im +23 CO X 110 —JO Tbomaon 253 4 I SO C F P 151 +1 Rhone 107 JO —.40
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 85 14 Union Bank of Switzerland CkMfof prices In Swiss franca on the Zurich Stock Exchange yesterday: UBS B. SMS S UBS R. sae 1 SBC 492 a Credit Suisse 2785 ft Swlaaalr B. 528 3 Swim Rdnaur. 3070 10 Wlnterthur B. 1875 ft Zurich Inaur. 6250 35 Juvena B. 49ft
      Union Bank of Switzerland  -  85 words
    • 2 14 Reuter
      Reuter  -  2 words
  • 105 14 AP Washington, Friday The US Export-Import Bank yesterday announced It wfll help finance US$9O million (***** million) in US jet aircraft sales to Indonesia. The bank said the aircraft are for use by P.T. Oaruda Indonesian Airways. In support of the sale, the bank has authorised
    AP  -  105 words
  • 184 14 Reuter London. Friday Britain's Labour government has announced a £220 million (fllOO million) scheme to ease unemployment. But It avoided any general reflation and steered away from the Import controls demanded by anxious trade unionists. The Chancellor of The Exchequer, Mr. Denis Healey, announced the
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 62 14 UPI London. Friday Britain's aerospace Industry set a new. export record last year* the Society of British Aerospace Companies announced yesterday. At £801 million ($4005 million), the export total was £170 million ($BO5 million) higher than In 1974—an increase of almost 27 per cent and represented exports worth
    UPI  -  62 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 59 14 SUN-. Solar Control film for your l windows sliding doors hi 1.1 < »ls> rifi. r.< r V/..'A wall known product of Du Pont ULS.A. STOPS Glare k STOPS Sun-Facte* STOPSHMfWMon SUN HEAT and Saves Air ««.«*!«> Conditioning Costs > OKV r M» I AOMTTTCO SOLE AGENT for S E
      59 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 296 14 Crossword KMHIiI ill m rfi S53hM KlHiiiliiti mmu uauaiiiri taaan IBbhbmw muummSmm HflUHifl I I JBB ÜBiiitifl Mmmm u J 'MM il mil I 10 Cote sounds 11 Breakfast dish 12 Noticed 14 Theatrical demise 19 Jap. measure 24 Was Indebted to 20 Proscenium 27 Billiard shot 28 —alia 29
      296 words

  • 729 15 < Back-of-the paper backqrounder. Washington, Friday Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has come out with a forceful public argument In favour of greater US military strength In nonnuclear armaments, thus Implying that he supports the Increased defence budget new before Congress. The taead'ines on
    729 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1259 15 20$ A .WORD ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR FIXED DEPOSITS X, m m UJU* m 53 r* rrr NAM S SCALP CLINIC (Oround Floor) Tel: *****4 For boUi men and women, with s London qualified Trie hologlst In attendance (lal Hnr) Tefc HtlU FACIAL TREATMENTS using Orlane products (2nd Hoot) Tel: *****3
      1,259 words
    • 150 15 TV/Radio Sales Soviets SERVICING ALL KINO* TV, cassette recorders, amplifiers. Day/ night. Phone *****06 Science Technical T V. Service. ELECTROOEX TV. SERVICING Repairs any makes of television. Day/ Night Services. Phone *****43 TROPICAL T.V. Specialise B/W Colour repair. Antennae Installation. Tel: *****2 Fair charges guaranteed. SIMBRO T.V. SIRVICK. Day/ Night.
      150 words

  • 423 16 Singapore Youth soccer team coach S e b a stian Yap Is happy with his bo y s' performance in holding the National team to a one-all draw on Wednesday. After the 20-mlnute each half friendly at Jalan Besar Stadium, Yap said: "They will
    423 words
  • 522 16  -  Only 3 days training together for this big task By PHILIP TAN The Singapore team to the PreOlympics soccer tournament in Jakarta had only three days of training together before their departure this afternoon. This sad state of affairs have prompted national coach Hussein Aljunled to
    522 words
  • 479 16  -  By BRIAN MILLER Singapore Cricket Club took the Singapore Hockey Association's Junior Knockout title In fine style when they beat Shaktl 3-1 in the final at the Padang yesterday. In this one sided match the BCC players made the Bhakti team look like
    Picture by STEVEN LEE  -  479 words
  • 287 16 Reuter Sydney, Friday Australia'• flrst golfing diplomat plans to use a psychological approach to Improve the standard of the game among Malaysian government and business leaders. Norman Von Nida. who has been playing the international circuit since IBM, has accepted an Invitation from the Foreign Affairs
    Reuter  -  287 words

  • 204 17 India were 67 for four wickets, at lunch in their first innings, on the first of the third cricket Test with New Zealand here today. Vencsarkar (20) and Gavaskar (22) were the top scorers. Reuter Wellington, Friday India won the toss and
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 475 17 UPI, Reuter Innsbruck, Friday The second case of doping In four days overshadowed gold medals by the United States and Russia on what was almost a "rest" d*v yesterday at the Winter Olympics. Peter Mueller earned America's second gold medal In speed skating when
    UPI, Reuter  -  475 words
  • 222 17  -  ON THE TRACK u'ith Brian Miller Gonzales (Joseph Phun) worked like a winner in a winding up gallop at Bukit Timah tfc is morning. This versatile sprinter who scored three wins in the amateur ranks last season is retaining his form. He did a smart 600
    222 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 166 17 How often do you hit it right on the sweet spot. tWH If B* #V/ and hove it go the direction you want? If you can't do this as often as you wish, then it's time you switch to LYNX the golf club designed precisely to put more definition in
      166 words

  • 210 18 Reuter Zurich. Fourteen out ol a total 24 reierees for the Glymp.c Games soccer tournament in Montreal, Canada, In July were named here yesterday by the International Football Federation (Flfa). S»x are from countries which have already qualified for the l;ompetltion Mr. Marian
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 36 18 New York, Friday Pele, who played In mo*t of the great soccer stadiums In the world, will play home games this season In the most famous of all baseball parks Yankee Stadium.
    36 words
  • 1015 18  -  'Some don't appreciate how fortunate they are...' talking to Jason Tomas b \j DON REVIE Professional footballers, Don Revie concedes, have a comparatively easy life. "Some of them don't appreciate how fortunate they are to be doing a job which they like, and which takes
    1,015 words
  • 97 18 London. Friday Former world champion Qamar Zaman of Pakistan beat England's Dave Gingham 9-1. 0-9. 0-9. 9-0. 9-2 In the first round of the Durham and Cleveland Ooen squash racket* championship at Btockton today. despite be In* taken 111 during the match. Zaman. the No. 1
    97 words
  • 296 18 Reuter London, Friday Two London clubs one from the Second Division and the other from the Third meet In the most intriguing tie of the Knglish Football Association Cap fifth round on Satarday. Chelsea and Crystal Palace are two famous names in English football whose recent
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 88 18 Melbourne, Friday The 12 Australian cricketers who played In all six Tests against the West Indies will be paid a bonus of As4oo (about *****0) each per Test. The bonus payments totalling A ***** (about *****0) were announced In Melbourne yesterday by Australian Cricket Board secretary Mr.
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

  • 356 19  -  By ALBERT JOHNSON Home Affairs beat Health 5-0 to take third position in the Inter-Ministry badminton team championships at ECA Centre last night. Home Affairs took an early lead when their doubles pair Bakaar and Ng Chek Liang breezed through for
    Picture by STEVEN LEE  -  356 words
  • 35 19 London, Friday—John Stracey of Britain, the World foxing Council welterweight champion, will defend his title against American Hedgemon Lewis at Wembley here on March 20, matchmaker Mickey Duff said last night.
    35 words
  • 1095 19  -  Kian Tiong is 3| points behind TEE-UP with Lim Kee Chan M. Marl muthu kept In the lead for the overall championship after the third of tne sevenleg Singapore Golf Association Local Circuit with a total of 60 points 3J ahead of closest rival Lim Kian
    1,095 words
  • 128 19 Reuter Adelaide, Friday—The former British professional Ouy Wo Is tenholme set a course record at Kooyonga yesterday to take the lead In the first round of the South Australian Open golf here. Wolstenholme now settled In the state of Victoria returned a 67
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 29 19 Lagos, Friday Wimbledon champion Arthur Ashe beat fellow-Ameri-can Btan Smith 6-4, 7-5 In a first round match in the World Championship Tennis tournament here on Wednesday night.
    29 words
  • 60 19 London, Friday—Chris Finnegan. the British and C omm onwe a 11 h light-heavyweight champion. may never box again following an operation for a detached retina here yesterday. Finnegan, 31, injured his eye In training on Monday. Yesterday's operation on the ere Is expected to be completely successful, but
    60 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 197 19 ■23 PC* •TV < > t PGF introduces two myi to increaae your chances of hitting further lMth greater accuracy. PGF-S&Efc^MKm The Status Mk 111 cktba ara the only duba (aaturing the heel and toa weight wath tha enlarged tweet tpot, that ara 'tailored-to-meesure' individually for you. Tha sweet spot
      197 words

  • 36 20 MEI LIN: Introducing "live", inflight shows will be first by SIA; another feather In the cap of our national flag-car-rier. AH FOOK: Yes, but If you don't like the show, you can't walk out!
    36 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 367 20 Thokrol emporium LOWEST PRICE EVER! nots£2Bo nots£J*o MINI 8 POCKET CALCULATOR Full 8-digit capacity with easy-to-read LEO display Automatic percentage calculation Credit balance, and overflow sign indicators. Full floating decimal Automatic constant function And many more features IMPORTERS t "PORTERS* WHOLESALERS I HW +z r N E m a —Raffles—i
      367 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 628 20 TV AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 3.00 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by HOUSEWIVES' MATINEE: Cosmopolitan Fantasy Part Two of a Mandarin film (r). 3.50 DIARY OP EVENTS (C). 3.SS WINDOW: This week's edition Includes a talk-cum-demon-stratlon with Mr. Chal Fah Sin on fashion drawing, a film on tal chl, and another on
      628 words
    • 175 20 Top shows of the day SPORTS PARADE (Ch. 5, 7.55 p.m. In colour). This week's programme, presented by Fong Ho Beng and Brian Richmond, features the second round of the 1976 Inter constituency Table-Ten nis Tournament; the National Football League Division I match between Queenstown and Armed Forces; and the
      175 words