New Nation, 19 August 1975

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation

    • 284 2 Hit by falling plank theory The Building Control Division of the Ministry of National Development is looking Into the death of a 14-year-old girl who is believed to have been hit by a falling plank at a building worksite. Anion bipte Abdul Rahman
      284 words
    • 28 2 Mr. Llm Kim San. Minister for National Development and Communications, will offl&ate at the Calrnhlll Community Centre National Day children'! party on Sunday at S.SO a.m.
      28 words
    • 10 2 PiHce reported 97 accidents yesterday. Three were seriws.
      10 words
    • 153 2 LKA Singapore's 01 a m Choo Kwee took the lead In the Asian Masters Chess Championship after the second round, being the only player to nave won two points. In last night's gamea, rGtata allowed Pang Kwok Leong of Stafapore to %tn his Queen
      LKA  -  153 words
    • 27 2 Mr. J.P. Concateao, MP (Katonf), will dffldate at the no's second annual photawraphr contest at the Zoofcpcal Oaidam, Ifandal Road, on Sept. 14 at pjn.
      27 words
    • 191 2 Prices opened firmly In moderately active trading at the Btock Exchange of Singapore this morning. BUSINESS DONE First Section: 8. Darby (8) 2.33, (12) 2.34, (16) 2.30, (18) 2.29, (7) 2.31, (12) 2.32. Sett: (3 2.30, (2) 2.29, (11) 2.31, (12) 2.33, (1) 2.34, (5) 2.35, (2)
      191 words
    • 301 2  -  SES man in HK By Lee Yew Meng The general manager of the Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) Mr. Lim Choo Peng, is now In Hong Kong, believed to be carrying out the SES's own investigation into Haw Par's affairs. An official from Singapore's Attorney-General's office is
      301 words
    • 277 3 The unpopularity of breast-feeding is costing Singaporeans $5 million or mpre a decade to purchase substitute formulas for their babies. This estimate was provided by the chairman of the Singapore BreastFeeding Mothers' Group, Mrs. Rosemary Chen. This expenditure figure covers the
      277 words
    • 492 3  -  By Peter Ong, Rav K. Dhaliwal Two travel agencies have been suspended for three months each for selling air tickets below the minimum price specified In regulations drawn by five airline companies. Another agency is under Investigation while at least six others have been
      492 words
    • 183 4 Introducing the fringe BICYCLE park: The bicycles are parked along the Somapah Be** by villagers from Mate Ikan and Jalan Tlga Ratus, respectively two and three miles from the main road. Every morning they ride their bicycles out to park them on the pavement
      Picture by JERRY SEH  -  183 words
    • 255 4 Total switch-over date is March 1977 All regular members of the Singapore Police Force will switch to the FBlstyle of shooting by March 1977—the target date for completion of the "combat shooting" programme designed to equip our men In blue with a faster and more
      255 words
    • 378 4  -  By Nancy Koh Bold, descriptive and stirring these are the new sounds Barbara Nylen plans to revolutionise the local music scene with. Barbara, who ipent four years In London under the tutelage of Madame Tanya Polunln, will Introduce pieces of this
      378 words
    • 311 4 Complacency ip the fight against tubercolosls Is extremely dangerous, warned Dr. N.C. Sen-Gupta, medical director of the Singapore AntlTubercolosls Association. In an Interview yesterday. he said: "We should not rest on our laurels and fall back on the progress we have achieved so far." Comment
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 141 3 4' f -kiit m We've a f ami to keep yours mtt/B ,y^ r B 'M 1 That's right, Sanyo has a range of rice cookers to suit from the ideal family unit to big restaurants. Each electric, automatic cooker has a direct heating system that reduces power consumption. Depress
      141 words

  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 248 4 WHAT'S ON Mr V. Retnam of the Singapore Anti-Narcotic* Association will speak on the UTILISATION OF VOLUNTEERS IN THE TREATMENT OF DRUG ADDICTS at a luncheon organised by the Klwanls Club at Ming Court Hotel. The SINGAPORE BALLET ACADEMY will present a show at the Victoria Theatre at 8 p.m.
      248 words

    • 179 5 Tension high, say Cairo reports Reuter Cairo, Tuesday Egyptian newspapers yesterday reported growing tension and instability in Libya after an attempted coup. But Libyan officials here said they had no knowledge of anything unusual. Libya's leader. Colonel Muarnmar QaddaA, has dismissed some of hi* most senior military
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 307 5 Death penalty for plotters Reuter Beirut, Tuesday Libya yesterday proclaimed a new 1 a w Imposing the death sentence on anyone who tries to overthrow the government or belongs to an illegal organisation, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported. The Tripoli despatch by the official Iraqi Agency
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 186 5 Reuter Madrid, Tuesday Spain has asked the United States to consider reducing its military strength in this country, Spanish diplomatic sources said yesterday. As a ninth round of talks to renc.v a bases agreement opened here yesterday, the sources said the US
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 255 5 Rome, Tuesday A pre-dawn explosion Jolted the Algerian Embassy in Rome yesterday and bombs were found In the e m b a s sles In London and Bonn. A group calllpg Itself the "soldiers of the Algerian opposition" claimed responsibility and vowed to bring down the
      UPI radio picture  -  255 words
    • 461 6 Ahmed and colleagues called in only after they had killed him and his family Reuter New Delhi., Tuesday The Bangladesh coup was carried out by a small group of army officers who acted on their own In o v e r th r
      Reuter  -  461 words
    • 232 6 Reuter Munich, Tuesday An American civilian helicopter pilot braved a hail of «unflre to pick up a party of East German refugees in Czechoslovakia, police said here yesterday. The pilot, who made the flight on Sunday in a chartered helicopter, managed to fly back to West Germany
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 147 6 United Press International TODAY Is Tuesday, Aug. 19, the 231 st day of 1975 with 134 to follow. THE MOON Is approaching Its full phase. THE MORNING STARS are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. THE EVENING STARS are Mercury and Venus. Those born on this date are under the sign
      United Press International  -  147 words
    • 85 6 New York, Tuesday The wedding reception In Montville, New Jersey, was not exactly what the happy couple had planned, it ended In a fight, with police hauling five handcuffed people to Jail Including the mother of the bride. Police, who had to call for help from three
      85 words
    • 229 6 United Press International Athens, Tuesday—Col. Spyros Moustaklls, who suffered paralysis and loss of speech because of alleged torture by military police, testified yesterday at the trial of 32 military police offlclals accused of torturing political deta'nees. The 50-year-old soldier, arrested in May 1973
      United Press International; UPI radio picture  -  229 words
    • 207 6 Reuter Perth, Tuesday A Russian passenger liner bound for Australia has rescued an Indonesian naval training vessel with a crew of 16 who were stranded in the Java Sea for flve days without food or water. News of the rescue, which occurred on Thursday night, was
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 24 6 Reuter Washington, TuesdayPublic approval of President Ford's performance in 6fflce continues to decline, according to two surveys published In yesterday's Washington Post.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 103 6 Reuter Washington, Tuesday— The U8 Customs Department said yesterday it has made what is believed to be the biggest marijuana seizure in history, after 40,640 kilos (40tons) mountain 'of the drug was discovered in the Bahamas —by accident, Customs Commissioner Vernon Acree said the
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 49 6 Reuter Philadelphia, Tuesday F*V em en recovered bodies of five colleagues yesterday after a 24-hour battle to control a blaze at the big Oulf Oil company refinery here. A sixth fireman was missing and believed dead. Seventeen others were Injured, several of them critically, fire officials said.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 56 6 Reuter Hong Kong, TuesdayNorth Vietnam yesterday denied a report of a possible arms deal between Pakistan and Hanoi Involving American weapons captured In South yletnam. The North Vietnam news agency, monitored here, said It was "authorised to declare as unfounded and tendentious" the report carried by
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 50 6 Reuter Lisbon, Tuesday—Military prisoners at one of Portugal's top security Jails mutined yesterday and about 10 to 20 escaped, a military spokesman said. The spokesman refused to give any details of the mutiny at the Trafaria military fort on the other side of the River Tagus from Lisbon.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 32 6 United Press International Canberra, Tuesday Australia is considering new long term aid for Bangladesh to help the country grow more rice and b~eed more cattle, according to senior government officials.
      United Press International  -  32 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 KOAimiS offers you 3 EASY WAYS to own PHILIPS Colour TV J|EPIS9VNET P PER PAYMENT INCLUDING INSURANCE &INTB«ST.(JS^) 'kpidwdbositwith MAXIMUM 18 MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. LEASE-RENTAL Fallowing ultimate ownership *TRADEINS ACCEPTED 5C26K201 nn OPEN DAtY Tl± Bp.m. B7r KUANIAS(PTE) LTD. U\llS,TKwton LanaKJff KBnsy Road) Staaoore 9 T 5C22K201 15,TKorton Lano,(o« KBnoy Road)
      54 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 192 6 WORLD WEATHER New York—Sunny 8067P. 30-19 C. Headline: Bronfman's son rescued In city after a payment of US$2.3 million—money recovered, two suspects held. San Francisco—Cloudy 64-52F, 18-11 C. Headline: Whisky heir rescued. Pails—Variable 79-64F, 28-18 C. Headline: PortuK1 —The military against e wall. Rome Sunny 88-68F, 31-19 C. Headline: Tension
      192 words

    • 630 7  -  South-East Asia Report V > By Sonny Yap The recent miniCabinet reshuffle in Malaysia came as no surprise. Appropriately, little fanfare accompanied the appointments of Tengku Ahmad Rlthauddeen as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Datuk Hajl Abdul Talb Mahmud who took over the portfolio
      630 words
    • 364 7 Washington Times An imprisoned Filipino publisher admitted in a statement earlier this month of having known of the alleged 1972 plot to kill President Ferdinand Marcos but stressed he "never" took part in it. Publisher Eufenlo Lopes Jr. made the adm i s
      Washington Times  -  364 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 74 7 LIMITED PERIOD ONLY! SHARP This beauty has brains. CS-2108 Performs complicated calculations with maximum ease W <(> -mtm' 12 digits display capacity 1 independent memory Constant and complex calculations Percentage calculation Square root calculation Accumulation selector Add mode selector Rounding up off/down selector" Preset and floating decimal point ROXY (STORE)
      74 words

    • 392 8 Timor —all set for chaos The violent schism that characterises the Timorese nationalist movement Is an 111-omen for the future of the tiny colony. Not only does the fracas between rival Timorese political groups detract from the more urgept task of gaining Independence from Portugal, It could also generate a
      392 words
      • 58 8 Two friends were told by a fortune teller that good luck will come their way after they returned from a trip abroad. Unable to afford the trip, the chums took a cable car to Sentosa and back. Then they went to buy a lottery ticket. And
        58 words
      • 61 8 Moral standards are not always logical, as the father of a five-year-old girl found out. "Where was I when you and. Mummy wero married?" she asked. "You were not born yet," her father replied. "You should have waited until I was born before you got married," she
        61 words
    • 168 8  -  TAY SOON HOE With reference to the letter by Mr D. W. Distant (NN Aug. 12, 75), a reply dated 5 Aug. 75 was sent to him Informing the outcome of our Investigation. The fares for the City Shuttle Service were last revised on 30 June
      168 words
    • 242 8 World Comment > The Japan Time* 13.8.75 In every society and in every age there must be lamentations over the manners and attitudes shown by the younger generation. These come, naturally, from the older generation. While much of the complaining can be dismissed as irrelevant to
      The Japan Time* 13.8.75  -  242 words
    • 686 8  -  TUESDAY WITH SONNY YAP SONNY YAP One never knows what to expect in this Golden Age of The Glossy Print. Prom my own observations, cardsending has Just nudged out paper-back-re a d 1 n g as the hallmark of our times. The evidence
      686 words
    • 49 8  -  MARY ANNE JANSEN Pub'ie Relations Officer, Postal Services Dept. Singapore, 1. I refer to the letter by "Constance" (NN. 14.8.75) under the caption "Missing Letters." The writer Is requested to contact me furnishing her full postal address and particulars of the missing letters to facilitate investigation.
      49 words
    • 47 8 Drivers of SBB buses are victims of pollution hazards. On numerous occasions, I have noticed continuous discharge of exhaust fumes and intolerable amount of heat from the front engines of faulty buses and as anticipated, the 'poor' drivers Inhale the smoke. CABETAKEB, Singapore t
      47 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2 8 MAL BAG
      2 words
    • 48 8 Room Air Conditioner AN AUTHENTIC "RISTORANTE ITALIANO" WITH AUTHENTIC "CUCINA ITALIANA" ANO LOTS OF ATMOSPHERE. txwetona 16 EMERALD HILL RD S PORE 9 TEL *****87 Oppout* Sptcuint,' Cmr. (Orchard Ro»d) Easy Parking Under same management LA TAVERNA, HONG KONG. KOWLOON LA TAVERNA HOTEL BALI ri li I! Ta
      48 words

    • 1417 9  -  INTERVIEW What do Singaporeans read? How true is the accusation that Singaporeans lack an interest in reading and that if we do read it is for utilitarian reasons? What future do book publishers have when faced with such a limited market as ours, made even more
      1,417 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 69 9 DEUTZ EXPANDS Please be informed that effective August 18,1975, Our Sales, Operations, Accounts Administration Departments will be at the Jurong Town Hall (First Floor), Jurong Town Hall Road, Singapore 22. Telephone: *****4 (5 Lines). Our Spare-Parts Service Departments will, however, remain at 11, Kian Teck Road, Jurong Town, Singapore 22.
      69 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 319 9 LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are one of those highstrung Individuals who misses very little that Is going on and, In general, overreacts to all of It. TOMORROW... LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Think over carefully your plans for dealing with the young. You may be about
      319 words

    • 2036 10/11  -  THE MAN WHO ONCE RAN AGAINST THE GREAT JESSE OWENS SPORTS GALLERY Lu Lin Reutens ••You will find everything in the album." the elderly man said, patting the brown, tattered scrapbook, its pages held together with strips of adhesive tape. "They happened such a long time ago."
      2,036 words
    • 546 10/11  -  By i Gilbert Sedbon Reuter With nearly 5000 hours of test and endurance flights under its delta wings from ice-clad Alaska to burning Bahrain, Concorde is now ready for the world's first commercial supersonic airliner service. The Anglo-French airliner which
      Reuter  -  546 words
  • Page 10/11 Miscellaneous
    • 590 10/11 Tuesday AT-2 +1 Cut out and pin with other coupons. i Posting instructions appear below I Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address Tel: II A S M FILL IN j L L O H MISSING ~A~N~G B LITTERS j E ACROSS I ~O~~R A~ N US,NG CLUES E F E R BELOW I
      590 words

    • 491 12 Melody Makers l>v Hajosky The Lettermen are a household name. They have been giving the world melodies for more than a decade now and their creative genius does not look like running dry. Listen to their latent. MAKE A TIME FOR LOVING (Capitol).
      491 words
    • 862 12 Los Angeles Times Marlon Brando, an actor or ineluctable pre-eminence In his craft and a man about whom controversy has swirled seemingly forever, Is In Billings, Montana, making his 28th film, a bigbudget and highpressure Western caHed The Missouri Breaks It would seem to
      Los Angeles Times  -  862 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 387 12 CBS/SONY NEW NATION t I'ltii PR> SI N' Melody takers Contest Enter this easy to win contest and win TRINITRON Sony Color TV 5 *d I r---wmninirini'i'WTmftUßPt Tltto of LP: New Nation today begins another exciting contest that is fun and easy to win. Known as the Melody Makers Contest,
      387 words

  • TREND edited by BETTY L. KHOO
    • 205 13 You can ru;n your feet by walking barefoot or In sandals on cement and asphalt, according to a leading American foot researcher. "Feet were meant to function on soft, variable terrain not flat, unyielding cement," said Dr. Thomas E. Sgarlato a podiatrist He estimated
      205 words
    • 413 13  -  B.L. KHOO Hanae Mori certainly makes the most of a woman. That was the thought uppermost In my mind when I saw her utterly feminine collection at the Fujlrama fashion show in the Singapore Hilton over the weekend. The hallmark of Mdm. Mori's fame were
      PHILIP LIM  -  413 words
      • 98 13 We are familiar with the charming hat oh-so-shapeless Korean national costume bat next week we will be able to see clothes designed on western lines by Korea's top fashion designer Andre Kim. Modelled by five Korean mannequins including Miss Korea 1972—Kim's collection are being brought In as
        98 words
      • 98 13 You get (aces aU glittery and gleaming gold with Mary Quant's latest pots and sticks. Her cheeky blushers have a hint of gold, calculated she says, to give a polished gleam to the whole faee. There Is gold too—little flecks of It—ln her crayon sticks
        98 words
      • 78 13 In the beauty business, keeping up with the latest trends in makeup and breakthroughs In skin eare Is a must. That's why Lancome's girls Mrs. Wendy Foo and Miss Lilian Fang winged off to Paris earlier this month for a two-week Intensive course in makeup and sklneare.
        78 words
      • 177 13 There is more to blusher (or rougfe as mother ased to call It), than pattlnf on two pinky-led istehei on yoar cheeks. Masher, when ased cleverly and correctly, ean contour a face so says Estee lander who has come ap with some hints on applying
        177 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • Page 14 Advertisements
      152 words
    • 119 14 ii i m «v. H FINE SELECTION OF QUALITY OANE FURNITURE DECORATED CANE LAMPS CURTAIN A DRAPERY INTERIOR DECORATION SERVICE CALL *****4 -j* 5^ Coffeebags are packed with pure natural ground coffee, and are completely free from chemical substance. You'll love the taste! Available at most supermarkets emporiums. Exclusive Distributor:
      119 words
    • 45 14 m 'M U \U\ tffitefc* aw't: 138, FAR EAST SHOPPING centre; ORCHARD ROAD, S'PORE 9, TEL: *****9 PATONS NAIL HARDENER Long Strong fc. Nails »Strengthens Prevents Splitting Available from all pharmaceutical stores Sole Agent. CHARI A CO. P.O. Box 123. Singapore. ♦tntU *m 1 n
      45 words
    • 337 14 There is muse on vour recacls vou hove poboby never heard The average listener spends over twice as much on records as he does on his entire music system And then never gets to hear many ot the sounds on his records I In most systems the speakers WJR limit
      337 words
  • shopping
    • 758 14 A twice weekly advertisement feature has become A"1 very much a part of our lives—whether It be pop, rock, or the classics. Many of us spend at least a few hours a week listening to the type of music we appreciate most. We want
      758 words

    • 239 15  -  Hit by poor sales, rising prices COMPANY PROFILE Lee Yew Meng Gilani Jute and Textile Mills (M) is ip a critical financial position—hit by poor sales and rising losses. Despite efforts to keep expenditure at a minimum, glaring losses continued. In the first five months of this
      239 words
    • 81 15 United Press International Hongkong, Tuesday China and Cambodia have signed an agreement in Peking on economic and technical cooperation, the New China News Agency (NCNA) reported. The agreement was signed by Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao-Ping, the man now running the day-to-day affairs of China, and Cambodian Deputy Prime
      United Press International  -  81 words
    • 19 15 Ogllvy Si Mather (Singapore), the advertising agency has acquired Rlkros Promotions, a specialist sales promotion company based here.
      19 words
    • Article, Illustration
      174 15 The first signs of recovery from the bearish beating of the past week, appeared at the Singapore stock market yesterday. The higher opening in the morning was not followed through immediately, however. The Initial gains were trimmed as profit-takers moved In to take advantage of higher opening prices.
      174 words
    • Markets round the world
      • 105 15 Yesterday'* prices (In US dollars) followed by the difference on the previous session's close AT T. <•% Beth Steel 36'4 unch. Caterp. Tim. 67% Chrysler ioy« Coca-Cola 76% —1% Contl. Oil 64% Dow Chera. 90% Dresser 66 unch. Du Pont 121% E. Kodak ®s% Exxon 86 unch. Firestone
        105 words
      • 35 15 Dow Jones closing stock averages on the New York Rock Exchange yesterday: 30 industrials 833.75 (off 3.80), 30 transport 158.60 (up 0.37), 15 utilities 78 00 (up 0.41), 65 stocks 348.48 (off 0.33).
        35 words
      • 141 15 DBS-Daiwa Securities International Ltd. Closing prices (In yen) at the Tokyo Stock Exchange: Ajlnomoto 330 0 Bridge stone New 460 unq. Dalel 1200 40 Pujisawa Phar 640 0 Ishlkawajlma 107 KaJIma Oorpor 328 3 Kubota 306 Mitsubishi Es 307 J Nippon Steel 142 2 Pioneer Elect 1550 20 Showa
        DBS-Daiwa Securities International Ltd.  -  141 words
      • 65 15 Closing prices on the Paris Bourse yesterday: Paribas 173 —1 Fonder 354.30 —.10 Printempa 80.80 —.30 Bull 33.40 unch. Royal Dutch 159 +2 Mlchelln 1166 -f-3 COB 300 +.50 Thomson 214.30 —.50 CFP 139.50 —a Rhone 131 +1 Air 365 +.10 BSN 519 Sues 236.50 +1.40 Peugeot 258.40 +8.50
        65 words
      • 73 15 Zurich Stock Exchange closing prices yesterday: UBS B. 3990 5 UBS R. 430 10 Credit Suisse 3800 5 Swissair B. 390 10 Swiss Relnsur. 3180 30 Wlnterthur B. 1730 Zurich Incur. 6360 35 Juvena B. 433 17 Nestle B. 3150 10 Interfood B. 3300 50 Clba-Oetgy B. 1510 10
        73 words
      • 114 15 Closing prices at 11.30 ajn. (Australian time) today on the Sydney Stock Exchange: Allstate 04 06 Beach 16 IS Bridge 09% 10 Cleveland 23 38 Endeavour 14 Ift Fllnd 30c opt. 03 nil Inter Mln 06 00 Kambalda 00 01 Kath Itav 100 110 Kla Ora 16 nil Mid
        114 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 487 15 CLEARANCE SALES FREE GIFTS OFFER! From 19/8/75 to 23/8/75 Children dresses and pants: Usual Price range from $1.50 to 57.90 NOW TO CLEAR AT 51.00 Ovicnpt.on USUAL FREE atSwdt PRICE NOW GIFT 4.20 6 Sponge* 9.50 2 troyi Foam Mottre****: 36 75 1" 30«75>2" 36.75 2 S 42 75
      487 words
      249 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 378 16 IMAli 3744SS 20$ A WORD A MAGIC SHOP TRICKS, JOKES, novelties 20. Robinson Road, B'pore l. Tel: *****. TO LET SEMI-DETACHED ■UNOALOW, fully furnished, 21, Jalan Lengkok, Sembawang. Contact Dave *****1. TERRACE SIMI-DCTACHED HOUSES. Lor. O Telok Kurau for immediate rent. Tel: *****11 Mtai Ng. SEASIDE HOLIDAY ROOMS In Private
      378 words
    • 343 16 KITCHEN CABIMKT8 L bulld-lll wardrobes for H.D.B. flats at United Shanghai Company. 2830 Blk. 77. Oeylang Bahru, 8'pore 12. Tel: *****1. J#SS Professional »tudlo« C»slf» mTVti «eor, nni > Hi* Ptopwi r«m wfmrv Classes commencing: 1) Institute of Business Administration (Aust. Sections Aid). 2) Institute of Marketing Part i*n. 3)
      343 words
    • 351 16 FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK required by established company. Please apply with full particulars together with photograph (non-returnable) to P.O. Box 300 Kllllney Road. S'pore 9. 1 1 DESTROY WHITE ANTS (TERMITE) contact International Pest Control Tel: *****0. 0 FOR SALEItI Female Boxer 4 mths. (Big Bone) Female Dobermann 11 mths. Oreat
      351 words
    • 244 16 MALAYSIA CUP FINAL SINGAPORE V8 SELANOOR 31/8/79 AT MEROEKA STADIUM for $50.00 *re provide. Accommodation In a new 1st Class hotel. Transfers Singapore-Kuala Lumpur Singapore by Alrcondltloned coach. Ticket for covered-stand seat (guaranteed Tour leaves Singapore on 30/8/78 at 2.30 pm. Closing date 28/8/78. No reservations. To avoid disappointment, book
      244 words
    • 474 16 '"■VWSHN LLOYD HOUSE HOTEL IN ORCHARD Road area. Air-con-ditioned Double 129.00 upwards, (Ingle 120.00, private facilities 30H monthly discount. Ring *****1. TSI w ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD The Economic Development Board seeks to flecruit officers for vocancies which need to be filled immediately. Successful applicants will be appointed on the EDB
      474 words
    • 23 16 nfp'ii INTERESTED IN BUYING SECONDHAND CARS, good condition. Please write to: P.O. Box 1027 1M« TOYOTA STATIONWAQON running condition 9500 Interested ring *****7.
      23 words
    • 66 16 •AUTOMAC" CAR AIRCONDITIONER Original Brackets for all types of Japanese Cars. We also undertake to service all other makes. INTERNATIONAL AUTO/* AIRCONOITIONINO (PTE). LTD. 143, Kamponfl Bugta (12) Tal: 2SS7I41 A 2SMM3. FERRARI OINO 308QT4 just arrived, brand new Dlno, metallic dark blue, blege leather Interior, alrcond, many extras options.
      66 words

    • 385 17 Reuter London, Tuesday Hampshire's chances of winning the English county cricket championship took a sharp dive at Bournemouth yesterday when they slumped to their second successive defeat. No r th a m ptonshlre cruised to an 85-run victory as Hampshire, still lost without batting
      Reuter  -  385 words
    • 394 17 Madarby set the pace, leading past the it, and Into the straight from Hector, with Investment and National Flag moving up. Madarby and Hector were fighting it out when National Flag came with a great run. National Flag got up to snatch
      394 words
    • 185 17 Reuter London, Tuesday Both England capta'n Tony Oreig and Australian skipper lan Chappell refused to forecast the result of the third cricket Test after the fourth day at Leeds yesterday. Oreig aaid: 'The pitch is gradually beginning to turn a bit more, but slowly.
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 278 17 ON THE TRACK u it h I Blue Peter L Reuter Dewi II (John Murray up) beat Blue Diamond in a 3f gallop in 36 4/5 on good going at Buklt Timah this morning. On this workout, Dewi looks hard to beat on
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 112 17 Reuter London. Tuesday 81xty swimmers took to the Channel yesterday In a charity relay race to commemorate 100 years of swimming betteen England and Prance. The 10 teams vt six swimmers each raised £4,000 for Britain's Muscular Dystrophy Group In marking the first channel swim
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 445 18  - Hattrick for our Henry By BRIAN MILLER As the 11th Singapore International bowling championships enter Its fifth day, the big question on everyone's lips is: Can Singapore's Henry Tan achieve a hattrick by winning the Masters? Henry, the winner In 1973 and 1974, averaged 210 plnfalls to take the title
      445 words
    • 357 18  -  ■y PHILIP TAN Thailand, with 10 Internationals In their team, proved too strong for a gallant Malaysian XV whin they won by AO-0 (three trie*, two Gala and two penalties) yesterday's Pesta Sukan Under 23 rugby triangular at Jalan Besar Stadium. The Malaysians, without
      Picture by STEVEN LEE  -  357 words
    • 760 19  -  SOCCER SCENE by Jeffrey Low All national players will not be allowed to appear for their clubs In the current national league until after the Malaysia Cup final on August 31. This was the order issued by PA of Singapore secretary Michael Khoo
      760 words
    • 238 19 United Press International Santiago, Tuesday The newspaper B Mercuric said in an editorial yesterday the Darts Cup semi-final between Chile and Sweden has become a police matter Instead of a sporting event. The matches are scheduled in Baastad, Sweden, on September 19-21, Left-wing Chilean exiles and Swedes
      United Press International  -  238 words
    • 31 19 Production beat Editorial 3-2 to win the Straits Times Inter-Department table tennis tournament at River Valley Road. Offset (Times Printers) edged Times Publishing 3-2 to take third position.
      31 words
    • 131 19 Reuter London, Tuesday Tony Jacklin and Peter Oosterhuis will spear head Britain and Ireland's Ryder Cup golf team to meet the United States at Laurel Valley. Pennsylvania, on Sep tember 19-21. The 12-man team contain six new caps including Christy O'Connor Junior, nepaew of the
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 33 19 Muhammad All hugs his four-year-old daughter at his training camp In Deer Lake, Pennsylvania. All is preparing to defend his world heavyweight title against Joe Frailer in Manila on September 30. UPI radiopic.
      UPI radiopic.  -  33 words
    • 83 19 Reuter Washington, Tuesday. —Don Bies' victory in the Hartford Open—his first on the ÜB. golf tour and worth US$4O,OOO increased his 1975 earnings to U8585,205. The three leaders, Jack Nlcklaus, Tom Weiskopf and Hale Irwin, missed the Hartford tournament. Top 10: 1 J. Nlcklaus (US$24B. Tom Weiskopf
      Reuter  -  83 words

  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 287 18 NEW NATION CROSSWORD ACBOBB 1 Dawn: Bp. 5 Where RLS died 10 Not quite all 14 Liquid measure 15 Virgil's hero: Var. 16 Preposition IT No matter what the price: Phrase 19 Trained 20 Reddish-brown' 21 In spite of everything 23 BmsJl barracudas 24 Men who preserved the Dead Sea
      287 words
    • 405 18 AT THE CINEMA wfth EDGAR KOH THE TOWERING INFERNO: A 138-storey skyscraper marvel, the tallest In the world, bursts Into flames on Its dedication night, putting the architect (Paul Newman) and the city's fire chief (Steve McQueen) In fiery peril. Lido: 2.15, 5.30, 8.45. THE SOUND OP M U 81C
      405 words

  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
      69 words

  • 449 20 The LAST word SH The origin of Mat Salleh, as I gave it last month, is wrong says Encik Ahmad bin Raz&li. When he was young, he remembers his elders talking about the Europeans. And It appeared that years and years ago, the first
    SH  -  449 words
  • 28 20 MEI LIN: See, I was right. There Is too much sex and swearing on British TV. AH FOOK: You are bloody rightl That's Sidney James—on RTS.
    28 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 50 20 OPTICIAN—OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONER CONTACT LENSES I Both Hard 6- Sort Lenses) E.K.LIM FSM c fir Of r l CNi MEMBER. SINCAPORE CONTACT LENS SOCIETY 111. i> t lloor, IMa/a Orchard ltd. S pore 9 Tel 6.00 PM. WED.It S AT. Including buffet-dinner on board. I FOR INFORMATION PHONE.— *****8******
      50 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
      825 words
    • 44 20 Tr SHOW of the DAY Jl RHODA: Goodbye Charlie (9.55 over Channel Five In colour): It's a case of mutual dislike at first sight when Rhoda meets Joe's friend Charlie Burke, a patronising "man's man" who is not exactly enchanted with his pal's woman
      44 words