New Nation, 31 May 1974

Total Pages: 25
1 26 New Nation
  • 25 1 NEW NATION W SINGAPORE 4 J Friday evening, May 31, 1974 No. 1039 Price 20 cents M.C. IP) 20/74 NEW%TION SINCAPORE FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1974
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  • 541 1  -  ...but. only one of these finalists will win u that dream trip to the World Cup By Richard Lim The fifth finalist in the New NationLufthansa World Cup spot-the-ball contest has been selected. He Is Mr. Yap Boon Yong, 37, the 1970-71 national football COftCh. The
    541 words
  • 186 1 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is awaiting a cable from Mr. Chen Foo Yan, chief of the Marine Fisheries Research Department, before deciding on further action to secure the release of 31 crew men of a Singapore fisheries research trawler, now Jailed in Rangoon. The research
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  • 25 1 Thieves broke Into the home of businessman Mr. LiL Blumberg In Andrew Road and escaped with cash and Jewellery valued at 815,950 yesterday.
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  • 118 1 Share price* in general declined slightly on the Stock Exchange of Singapore this morning. BUSINESS DONE: Harimau (1) 0.79, (1> 0.78*. O. Lumber (8) 1.00. (4) 1.01. Haw Par (6) 3.10, (1) 3.06. (16) 3.12. C. Storage (2) 4.24. (1) 4.26. (1) 4.20, (3) 4.22. M. Credit
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  • 56 1 Bydney, Friday Brttiah pop star Cat Stevens wu stripped and given a "100 per cent body aearch" following an boar-long Interrogation by Customs officers on his antral at Sydney Airport yesterday. Stevens, whose real name la Stephano Oeorglou. arrived by air from Honolulu with 27 bandsmen and
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  • 10 1 Police reported 132 accidents yesterday. Thirteen were serious.
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  • Article, Illustration
    226 1 The finalists have been selected—and one of the above Ave people la going to win a dream trip to the World Cap finals in Munich... any many more prises. Here is the full list of what the Grand Finals winner will walk away with: Double return air
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  • 435 1  -  Plumber fatally stabbed in Lorong 14 attack By Morris John The proprietor of a plumbing firm, Mr. Chla Teck Chye, 36, was stabbed to death as he was walking with a bar girl in Oeylang last night. He was confronted by three men
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  • 32 1 Hong Kong, Friday— Former British Prime Minister Edward Heath flew Into Kunming Airport yesterday on the fourth lea of his China trip and was warmly welcomed by a. cheering crowd.
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  • 332 1 Way paved for signing in Geneva today Reuter, UPI London, Friday The Israeli Parliament and the ruling Baath Party of Syria last night approved the Israeli-Syrian disengagement accord, clearing the way for the formal signing ceremony in Geneva later today. in jmuSAUBf. the K natal
    Reuter, UPI  -  332 words
  • 185 1 Reuter Peking, Friday Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak is expected to crown his visit to China with the formalisation today of an agreement establishing full diplomatic relations betwe en the two countries. Malaysian and Chinese officials yesterday were working on
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 94 1 E W ksS&SSL w- s h 4 Alm ii lllitli: Othar MAKITA Powar Tool mod* o# 230 vote and 110 vote. Bat* Snhn Band Sam Bait 9Mdan Banc* Grindan Banch DrHI Standi Chatn Mortoan Ctwwt Mortaan Curvad Hand Planar* Diamond Whaato Cuttar Dte Sandan/Grindart Drill* -i DrW Mortar Standi CKitt
      94 words
    • 26 1 w .;> i ft 2* i x&ir }U 0 J -z--1 r> > t» r*' r<% v r %2E V; F 1.3 L rs i■■■ ■■—iihi— in in—i—mm
      26 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 373 2  -  College to ask for a reduction By Teresa Ooi Hwa Chong Junior College is expected to pay about $37,000 to the University of Singapore authorities for using the campus as it temporary home for 2i months. The hind-raising committee will, however, ■appeal to the
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    • 34 2 The Minister of State for Communications, Mr. Chal Chong Yii, will declare open the West Dlrlglon of the Singapore Girl Guides Association campflre at Jalan Teck Whye Secondary School at 6 p.m. tomorrow.
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    • 124 2 Th Li is Operation Spmce-up—the big campaign that has got thousands of houseowners cleaning up their homes. 80 far more than 2000 houseowners have been told, by the Government to give their homes a facelift or face prosecution. Officers from the Ministry
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    • 507 2 (CaHieCliiic) A reader has asked me why so many puppies die soon after they are born. That Is a question which has been puzzling breeders. They are, of course, many possible reasons for what is known as fading puppies—correctly called neo-natal-death. Some of these fatalities are
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    • 198 2 Developers of high-rise buildings In Singapore have urged Insurance companies to offer premium discounts for skyscrapers fitted with fire safety devices. Such discounts would offset the huge amount that must be spent to Install safety devices and would encourage developers to make the building
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    • 311 2  -  By Violet Oon The Stage Club's production of Benrlk Ibsen's An Enemy Of The People Is a convincing one, something which cannot be said for many Singapore presentations. The play, which ends Its season at the Cultural Centre tomorrow, Is produced by Sally Tunnlcllffe
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    • 148 2 Mr*. Jek Yeun Thong, wife of the Minister for Culture, will open the fltoMtie Children's Association of Blngapore's mm rur at its oiWd Road premises on June 8 at 10 ajn. The association hopes to raise $15,000 from the fair. A spokesmen for the
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    • 32 2 The Department of Extra-mural Studies of the University of Singapore is organising a 10lecture course on Social Work at Its Nlssen Hut 10A starting on June 11 at 7.30 p.m.
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    • 438 3  -  But jicheme only on alternate basis By Sunny Wee The goveiunent has introduced the fiveday week pr employees of th® inland Revenue Dipartment—but Itls oily on alternate wedcJ. Under /tais scheme, the staff fake alternate turns In 7 working on a five-day. I week.
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    • 374 3 An official publication which tells the layman everything he wants to know about the Singapore Customs, Is now available. The 170-page laminated paper-back, entitled The Impact Of Customs, is priced at $8 a copy. It goes on sale at the Government Publications Bureau, Fullerton Building,
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    • 191 3 Singapore will host the ninth Asia Pacific Scout Conference from Tuesday to June 10. The conference will be officially opened by President Sheares, the Chief Scout, on Wednesday at the Singapore Conference Hall. President Sheares will give a reception for the 230 delegate* from
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    • 33 3 The Metro p o 11 tan YMCA will organise a trip to Penang to watch the Singapore versus Penang Malaysia Cup semi-final and a sightseeing tour from June 21 to 25.
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    • 198 3 Members of the People's Association Staff Club were urged to be wise in their purchase of daily consumer Items. Mr. Ng Tew Kang, chairman of the PA's Staff Club, said: "With Inflation hitting us on so many fronts, we should not carry on with
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    • 21 3 The Singapore Technical Institute will hold its first annual crosscountry meet at the MacRitchie Reservoir at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
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    • 148 3 Police today advised householders to inform them If they Intend to stay away from home for long periods. "Unoccupied homes are very attractive to burglars and petty thieves," a police spokesman said. "Telephone the nearest police station and tell us now long you will be away." On
      148 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 715 2 1 V X nV« *,V s "fTw v > 2 »> *•'w.V i>» V- >l i<ic-.\•• I'M""!"* <!>» :>r v >>: 4 l* > '-"v.\»« 1 1 \\».v.-.-.; v .vr. >.. &ksm>,'. l\«««a L RlUlti m ilspr •VIV-# C f;V a •••«>• H i 1 1 :^a ur i* 1
      715 words
    • 53 2 ♦-CHANNEL QUADRAPHONIC STEREO 7" TAPES ARE AVAILABLE HERE. 1 »l-l. OrdmrtKo*. <i>ng+trtt loppoflc MANDARIN MOTHI Bog Parlour Clipping Bathing Tick-Washing v Canine Necessities unim I nti 20, Gnmnod A—nut IH'lkrmt Hrkl /S<S W> WkL nbermain international </- SUPA-SAVE C iV<</ BPCENTRE S| v^ij anAal Ide HAT TOW [PS specialists skipping
      53 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 245 2 NEW NATION CROSSWORD 2 Come apart 3 Btage seta 4 Relatives 5 Needle—haystack 6 Lowest point 7 Plan expenditures 8 After: FT. 9 Three, in Spain 10 Bad: Prefix 11 Pacify 12 Achromatic 14 Student group 16 Weapons 21 Adam's son 24 London's Old 25 Exhibit 27 Salt-water fish 29
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 206 3 Perfect exposure everywhere, everytime Ho no A The more accurate your exposure the better your picture will be. This palmsized Minolta Hi-matic F is electrically programmed to select precisely ite right shutter speed and lens for you automatically. So you getjerfect exposure every time. Lens: Rokkor 38 mm F 2.7.With
      206 words
    • 373 3 THE SECRETARIAL UNIT FROM DIETHELMit*' Diethelm had your secretary in mind while creating the Secretarial Unit its desk and typing table were designed specifically to meet every secretarial need. Complete with drawers (and a choice of typing table to either right or left-hand side), the Secretarial Unit comes with such
      373 words

    • 587 4  -  ART BUCHWALD A man in Leonla, New Jersey, writes: "if Richard Nixon did resign, whom would he resign to?" It's a good question, and my legal counsel informs me that the President would send his letter of resignation to the Secretary of State, who happens at
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    • 576 4  -  ARTIFICIAL SHORTAGE SOUTH VIETNAM From Ton That Ky —Los Angeles Times Mismanagement at ministerial level and corruption in the provinces have created an artificial shortage of fertilisers, threatening South Vietnam's already stagnant agriculture, according to a parliamentary report. An estimated 300,000 tons of fertilisers
      —Los Angeles Times  -  576 words
    • 211 4 Treat her gently, plfise. For the grand old lady is -|40 years old. She Is no ordinary cells.! She has the unmistakably classic sfeape—beautifully hand-crafted curves that can only be the result of mirj painstaking hours of dedication True enough she Is a Gaglianoi Sne
      211 words
    • 897 4 And it costs only $30 for two EATING OUT with i VIOLET 00N When I lived in Kuala Lumpur years ago, it was not particularly noted for its food. If one wanted to bring visitors to sample local specialities one had to either drive all
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    • 311 4 Vienna has finally recognised Its forgotten son, Arnold Schoenberg, as a musical genius. But It still shuns his music. To mark Schoenberg's 100 th birthday, June 15, his remains will be reInterred alongside those of Ludwlg Van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms and Johann Strauss
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    • 170 4 The world'! longest passenger liner, The France, set tall for New York last week on what Is almost certain to be Its last season under the French flag. For the 66,000-ton pride of the French Une which for years Just managed to remain afloat In
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 378 4 LINC BELTS mt H /i >4 S»?. •V.. W% Belts crafted in the time-honoured tradition for todays male. SQUAREOEAL CSJ PTE. LTD. SQUARE DEAL tfVl) SDM.BHD That's pretty down-to-earth thinking! I should have thought of CITY CAR RENTALS 8. TOURS before! We're off to a week's holiday in West Malaysia.
      378 words
    • 198 4 Produce top quality slides simply, quickly, cheaply than ever before... Illumitran jv Slide Copier P This compact unit enables S. anyone after a few minutes i tuition to produce wellk exposed duplicate transparencies in black and white or colour to a pre -deter mined standard -Jv density. In the hands
      198 words

    • 498 5 Nixon firm on evidence issue Washington, Friday President Nixon has asked the Supreme Court not to make a "hasty determination" whether he should surrender new evidence in the Watergate coverup case. In a brief filed in the Court yesterday, Nixon's attorneys said
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    • 200 5 London, Friday American pop star David Cassidy said last night he was deeply upset at the death of a 14-year-old girl who had been In a coma since her heart stopped beating during his farewell London concert last Sunday. The singer went into hiding
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    • 286 5 UPI, Reuter Phnom Penh, Friday Cambodian rebel forces stepped up their attacks against government outposts along National Highway 4 yesterday, but only minor harassing actions were reported elsewhere across Cambodia. The attacks against garrisons on the Ame-rican-built road ranged from Dos Kanchor, 48 miles
      UPI, Reuter  -  286 words
    • 48 5 Karachi, Friday Police have arrested a former Minister of Btate for Public Affairs following an Incident on Wednesday in which police baton-charged a crowd of 3000 teachers. Police declined to disclose the specific charge against Mr. Meraj Mohammad Khan, arrested on Thursday night at his home.
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    • 145 5 Reuter Bonn, Friday. West Germany's new Chancellor, Mr. Helmut Schmidt, will explore with French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing possible ways the two countries can co-operate to rescue the European Community (EEC) from its present crisis when they meet in Paris today and tomorrow. Mr. Schmidt has said repeatedly
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 26 5 Madras. Friday India's defence technicians have designed a sophisticated "main battle tank" and production is expected to ■tart by the end of the decade.
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    • 133 5 Reuter Menado, Friday.—lndonesian President Suharto yesterday expressed concern that Muslim unrest In the Philippines could disrupt the stability of South-East Asia. This was stated at the end of two days of talks with Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos who later flew to the southern
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 266 5 Dublin, Friday The Provisional Irisn Republican Army (1.R.A.) warned yesterday that If the Belfast sisters Dolours and Marlon Price died from their hungerstrike In a London prison "the consequences for the British government will be devastating." The warning, made without elaboration in a statement issued
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    • 18 5 New York. Friday. Bangladesh will be approved for UN membership by the Security Council early next month.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 126 5 SI i r 4 4. it Ui__ *4^ Singapore reaches for Gusto. Schlitz. The American premium beer that's got gusto enough for any man. Now available in 12-oz. cans. Why settle for less? Taste the gusto life. Taste Schlitz. 5Si nfood 1 beverage (private) ltd., 875. Bukit Timah Road, 6
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 58 5 THE BORN LOSER SlPs' 0OIHi«)lM-WOW/ WITH a*-R-RowH--L-w.' l ~-r I'M A KtffclfcU LAKtvAiC.. RIP KIRBY by John Prentice and Fred Dickenson S fj ft I i ?fc by Frank O Neal SHORT RIBS rag ffli s>-. m ISS! rat KPSf' m 0 J 1 ■mj if iA by George Fett
      58 words

  • 484 6 MEBBAGE BY H. B. MR. B.V. HZBUKATNIKOV, AMB A 8 BADOE EXTRA OSD IN ABY AND fLENITOTENTIABY OF THE CBBE IN THE BBrUBLIC OF SINGAFOBE. 6 The Bth Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and the Republic of
    484 words
  • 1019 6 In connection with the 6th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the USSR and the Republic of Singapore the Novostl Press Agency asked H.E. Mr. PJS. Raman to express his opinion on the development of SovietSingapore relations. Below Is the full text of Mr. Raman's Interview.
    1,019 words
  • 426 6  -  By Y. Mandrykin Trade Representative of the USSR in the Republic of Singapore Trade between the Soviet Union and Singapore s t a r t ed long before the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries. It had began before Singapore became an Independent state. At
    426 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 153 6 PR SINGAPORE SOVIET SHIPPING CO. PRIVATE LTD. sth Floor FAR EASTERN BANK BUILDING 156, CECIL STREET. SINGAPORE 1. TEL: *****/5 LINES CABLE: 'SOSIACLINE' TELEX RS ***** GENERAL AGENT FOR ALL SOVIET SHIPS Congratulates the People and the Government of U.S.S.R. on the occasion of the 6th Anniversary of ihe establishment
      153 words
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    • 463 7 'TO MEET HffiH BORROWING RATES OF INTEREST United Press International Washington, Firday The World Bank is considering an increase in lending rates because of the high cost of borrowed money. This was disclosed by bank officials, who participated in an all-day World
      United Press International  -  463 words
    • 54 7 Talpeh, Friday Taiwan will send 21 sales promotion missions abroad In the next six months, the China External Trade Development Council announced yesterday. The first mission will leave next month for the United States and Canada and the others will follow in the coming months to Europe,
      54 words
    • 214 7 SeOeta dominated trading yesterday at the Steek Exchange of Singmpore far the third eonsecaUfe day. Blae chip* were hit by the selling Wit*, ft mug them was Ineheape which ended the day at 17.15, 20 cents lawer. Straits Trading also yielded M cents te fill while Cold Storage
      214 words
    • 221 7 Reuter New Delhi, Friday The average Increase In wholesale commodity prices for March 1974 over the same month last year was 28.7 per cent, it was officially announced here yesterday. According to the index numbers of wholesale prices in India, from the office of the Economic
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 49 7 Tokyo, Friday.—Sony Corp. will build a colour television set manufacturing plant in Reims, France. The plant will be Sony's second colour TV manufacturing facility to be set up In Europe. Another plant being built In South Wales, Britain, is scheduled to start operating next month.
      49 words
      • 415 7 Prices closed higher In moderate trading yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange. Analysts said selling of the past sessions had dried up. "There's no real news in the background to spark the rally," one analyst said. "There definitely could be some bargain hunting." and this was among
        415 words
      • 37 7 The Dow Jones range of stocks on the New York Stock Bxchad|e yestenl&y was: 30 Industrials ***** (up •11), 30 transport ***** (up 0,47). IS Utilities 73.24 (up 0.36), and M stocks ***** (up 1U).
        37 words
      • 201 7 Closing prices (to francs) yesterday: Paribas 157.50 —5 Indochlne IN —4 Ponder 830 —3 Prtotemps 90.50 —.60 COB 353—6 Bull 47.50 —220 Royal Dutch 140.50 —3.30 Mlchelln 895 —39 Thomson 197.50 —6 CFP 150.10 —7JO Rhome 134.50 —.90 AIR 284 —7JO BBN 875 —29 Philips 55 JO —1.20 Sues
        201 words
      • 227 7 Prices at ll.» ajn. (Australian time) today: Aberleen *uap. Do opts susp. AOD 0«% 07% Allstate 00% Amad 03 Vi 04 Aurora nil IS Do opts nil 00% Aust Ant 04 06% 05 nil Beacb 29 31 Bounty susp. Bridge 00% 1* Cleveland nil 43 Cosdos 00% 01 Do
        227 words
      • 303 7 Market suffered major setback as prices lost ground after mild early gains. After opening firmly, the market turned bearish reflecting the steep decline of prices in Wall Street Possible restrictions on margin transactions discouraged buying. Nippon Steel rallied oh rumours of capital increase: leading medlum-slsed steels including Japan steel
        303 words
      • 85 7 Thla aarrUse comae trctn the union Bank at mntrnrJUKI. Ckxtof prlcaa (tn fraoe*) od tbe Zurtch Stock Kxchange nrtri»y: UBS M7» —M SBC #13 —1* Credit ante* MIS —M Bwtamtr B. 41• —U Svtaa Batnaur. 1M6 Wlntarthur B. 1M0 —lift Zurich Inaur. MM —IM JONU B. 1TM —M Nettle
        85 words
    • 279 7 Reuter Brunei*, Friday.—The European Common Market and the United Btates yesterday were poised to reach agreement on EBC trade comGnsation to the Amerans after many months of inconclusive argument, Informed sources said. There was a good chance the permanent representatives of the EEC Nine
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 26 7 Taipeh, Friday A Malaysian trade mission will arrive here from Kuala Lumpur tomorrow for a two-week visit, the Central News Agency said yesterday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 178 7 Congratulations and best wishes to U.S.S.R. on the 6th Anniversary of the establishment of Diplomatic Relations between U.S.S.R. and Singapore AND THE OPENING OF THE NEW U.S.S.R-. EMBASSY BUILDING from INDRA TRADING CO TRAVEL AGENTS 160. MIDDLE ROAD SINGAPORE -7. Q.P.O. BOX 1397 TEL: NO: *****3. *****8 Tategram Cable Indraco'
      178 words
    • 218 7 Congratulations and best wishes U.S.S.R. on the 6th Anniversary of the establishment of >• Diplomatic Relations between U.S.S.R. and Singapore AND THE OPENING OF THE NEW U.S.S.R. EMBASSY BUILDING THAKRAL BROTHERS 110 HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. 6. TEL: *****7. ***** > Congratulations and best wishes from the Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd.
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    • 473 8 Protection of the country's territorial Integrity is a fundamental function of any government, and there is therefore no question at all of the Burmese right to prosecute those who violate its territorial waters. Burmese courts have in fact exercised this right frequently in the past
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    • 'WHISPERS' by ISPY
      • 56 8 The longest word in the Oxford English dictionary, according to the office bookworm, is "flocc 1 pauclnlhlllpillfication," meaning "the action of estimating as worthless." Beating this by a good 16 letters is "pneumonon 11 r amlcroscopicsillcovolcanoconiosis" meaning "the name of a miners' lung disease" to be found
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      • 84 8 The pace of the competition Is enough to drive any schoolboy up the wall. A student in a primary IV class who was Just heaving a sigh of relief at being told he had secured 81 per cent for his recent term examinations, found his Joy
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    • 1300 8  - The security of SouthEast Asia This eveninc tie Singapore Prime Minister is Khedoled U open an International conference on Security in SoathEast Asia. Pan* Chens Lian takes the occasion to (tiscow some of the potential threats to the stability of the area. One factor which most inevitably be taken into
      1,300 words
    • 411 8  -  By Kaval Gulhati Women outlive men. The proposition Is supported by reliable data from 60 countries around the world. In Europe, every baby girl born today can expect to be a septuagenarian, but a little boy baby will be lucky If he Uves beyond age
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    • Letters
      • 54 8  -  YEONG KUM KEE Public Relations Officer. Ministry of National Development, Singapore. 2. Please refer to the letter by Citizen (NN, 1.4.74) captioned A Crowded Road. Traffic flow along the mentioned stretch of Tanjong Katong Road is not obstructed by parked vehicles. The footpath Is also adequately
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      • 51 8 Will the authorities take Immediate action to check the staircase lights at Block 12. Rochore House, Singapore, 7? All the lights in the staircase have been out of order for more than one week. This is very Inconvenient to all my fellow tenants. IRRITATED TENANT, Singapore,
        51 words
      • 389 8  -  TAN EE LEONG I have just read with Interest Miss Pang Cheng Llan's article on the legal status of those 200,000 Chinese In Malaysia, who have not obtained Malaysian citizenship (NN, 28.5.74). She referred to the fact that in 1909 the old Man c h u Government
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 279 8 V f* ZX >' i" ■'t -m Jry,* Sales campaign i•• .1 RE THE FINAL WEEK r DEFINITELY ENDING ON STH JUNE *74 HONGKONG SHOE CO. 67 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE G. "TO. RETALING STREET. KUALA LUMPUR. our effort in securing more patronisere choose the right holiday. and you'll be
      279 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

    • 155 9  -  Friday Forum By Sonny Yap May, has been a cruel month, shocking Singapore*® with ghastly murders. Jhe news of the dismembered body of Madam Quek tee Eng was enough to make the flesh of sensitive Singaporeans crawl as if thqr had scabies. But no, there was the discorery
      155 words
    • 443 9 MR. a.p. NAIR, a resident of Serangoon Gardens, sees a brighter side to the current ominous mass of crime statistics. "It Is true that you cannot help assuming that the crime situation is deteriorating, especially after reading report after report of murders and armed
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    • 255 9 The criminal streak has its roots in tte personality of an individual, according to MISS PHGEBA SOH. "When a person loses his cr her personality, individuality and creativity in rapid urban changes, the trouble begirs. "Tils is when he starts findkig ego-boosters and asserts
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    • 178 9 Shock is the word HARRY TAN, a pre-uni-versity two student of Raffles Institution used to describe his reaction to the recent spate of gruesome murders. He said: "There are many reasons for this unhappy state of affairs and I think the predominant one is that people
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    • 352 9 Crimes now appear to have a touch of madness, said MR. BERNARD HO, a Queenstown resident. He said the war in which some crimes were taking place shows that those responsible not only have a streak of criminality but possess a mind that can
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    • 303 9 The morning MISS JULIANA SIM read the story of the woman's dismembered body found in three parts, she could not take her breakfast. "I was horrified.... shocked appalled. It was incredible. Miss Sim, the manageress of a housing agency said the spate of macabre killings and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 212 9 Innoxa can shampoo your skin problems away. skin shampoo Keeping your skin clean is a problem. Particularly in the city where the dirt, grime and sweat dog the pores on your face and neck causing blackheads, acne and unsightly blemishes. You need a lot more than soap and water to
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    • 703 10 17VERY so often we ask a friend where he is going and we get the answer "Oh, Just going out for some fresh air": It is one of the nicest things to do in the world—going out for a stroll or a drive in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 211 10 e A' m m m ■9XI? V River of Sarawak 1961 RISING GALLERY Prascntad by: Rising Arts 4 Crafti Pta. Ltd. 292 lit floor Tetok Ayer Street <at Maxwell Road end) Tel *****2 FOR THE I OUT-OF-TOWN SHOPPER I r Die > LOOTING k CLAS&J NEW SHOP I OPENS TOMORROW
      211 words
    • 140 10 Qtwo Y£ to s;ife guard the life of your family neat, light, compart, simple to use. Otvvo cylinder is used and recommended by physicians everywhere Ideal for heart sufferer-, asthmatics, first aid emergencies etc. sole agents ee lake trading co 45. boon tat st s pore 1 tels 91 1926
      140 words
    • 220 10 titer or ANGELICA n Brass Bed FASCINO BIRMA Briss B jmmmm Visit our temporary showroom at M&G centre For your convenience, we are open till 6p.m. Mon to Sat. So do feel free to call in any time! A SELECT RANGE OF IMPORTED FURNITURE. CARPETS AND LIGHT FITTINGS ARE ON
      220 words
    • 156 10 speakers radiate sound upwards and outwards. It reaches your ears both directly and indirectly. So whenever you are in the room, you'll hear things exactly as they should be. •sJA. HI-FI CENTRE At ter m l I M SPECIALIST CUSTOM-MADE MEN'S TOUPEES LADIES GENTS FULL WIGS HYATT CENTS HAIRSTYLIST SALON
      156 words
    • 215 10 V f l f «r s O 1 to r )k a ujxJ, m UNiHO TITADIWGfPTE) EASTERN THE DEPENDABLE 24 HCUR BABY SITTER FROM Homer vv >%. > v.' \TJ »N«C V .t W££-1 V *HA a® VSr I KE ?03iS Obtainable from 3!! leading dealers. A complete range of
      215 words

    • 653 11  -  FEMALE FRONT T. KRISTINA To certain men, women can never play a winning game In the courting game. To their mind, the members of the fairer sex are born losers all the time while the strong and silent males
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    • 153 11  -  ANGELA LOKE For all the sophistication of the Singapore Miss, she Is still very mucn the girl-next-door at heart and falls for clothes that bring back the good old days of her youth. These fun littlegirl dresses which our models Yvonne (left) and Jane are
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    • 477 11  - Dewi —a woman who knows what she wants in life... From Patricia Morgan D e w i Sukarno is just an old-fashioned girl who knows what she likes. She likes diamonds and furs and the company of millionaires. It Is Just as well that she has a seemingly Irresistible allure
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    • 138 11 United Press International Tokyo, Friday. Japanese women today are oppressed In spite of tne equal rights given them by the post-war constitution, a Japanese feminist said yesterday. Vyoo Osawa, writer ana member of the City Council of Urawa City on the northern outskirts of Tokyo, spoke
      United Press International  -  138 words
    • 449 11 DOC Body odour simply means smell from the body. Like bad breath the trafferer may not realise his problem till It Is polnteu ouc by some samarltan or till romance begins to fade away. To someone emitlng body odour the smell does not appear unusual
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 299 11 m m I.rrrz 1 f m r J i -f/Mi mm. MA mm The Mamiya R867 Professional lets you change your format with a twist of the wrist. f It's the world's first 6x7 camera with a revolving back. Just turn the back and shoot the format you want. A
      299 words
    • 131 11 Robina Storewide Pre-Stocktaking SALE Now on till 9th June Children s Holiday treat Ventriloquist Ac Sunday 2 30 (I m Tovtown Ist floor Mom ii Sun to 6 30 p n 1 RECEIVED FROM EUROPE HONGKONG NEW OUTSTANDING COLLECTION SPECIALLY MODELLED AND MOULDED INTO BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS &Mde&iUo (MQtld. G 1
      131 words

    • 288 12 The visiting Chinese badminton team had their first practice at the PSA Hall, Buklt Chermin, from eight o'clock this morning. At IX a.m. they paid a courtesy visit to Mr. E.W. Barker, the Minister for Law and National Development, who is president of
      Picture by NIK KASMANI  -  288 words
    • 486 12 ...Like panthers heading for the 'kill' By NANCY KOH The Chinese badminton team have just completed a successful reciprocal visit of Thailand during which they played a two-day friendly with the Thais and displayed their skills in the sevennation International Exhibition in Bangkok last week.
      486 words
    • 112 12 London. Friday Surrey, needing 232 to avoid an Innings defeat, were 219 for five at the clow of their three-day mstrh against the Indian cricketers at the Oval yesterday. Scores: The Indians 317-7 dec. Burrey 85 (AUd All 6-23) and 21»-5 (O. Roope 63 tu>„ Inttkhab AJam
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    • 30 12 Imperial Hotel beat Hyatt 6-0 in the Food, Drinks and Allied workers' Union soccer tournament at Tanglin yesterday. Rahmat Mawar (3), Ganl (2) and Rahim scored for Imperial.
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    • 449 13 Photon fancied in opening race By SCRUTINEER New Continent is strongly fancied in Race 5 at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. The Ruantallan three-year-old has come to band and Is ready to score his first win. Last time out he was a fastfinishing third to Trail Blazer
      449 words
    • 2926 13 mm 2.00 CLASS 5 DIV 3 6F mm ($6,500 $4,550 to winiw) 1 5908 TM >avali a (Aladdin) DanleU 6 0.0 (ttme) 6( taptaa 10 2 8130 Good Wagirt a (TTST) 8penc«r 4 8.13 (dd t 10) 9Sf P* dmara 7 I 7IV44 CimM ■a (Mary
      2,926 words
    • 79 13 ICtOTINin BUIB RIB EPSOM n» DANTE KM* 1 ni-trr liaM Ptwtoo EdcD— Olory KadkH Oksry Endl— Otay |M t Fancy That SapMgM Black Boroat Black Bflhart Fancy That RtM Im tea Imim Bin* Group CDnmand laMaitti City Status BajaKy droop Conuaaad QMMi Group Cbnunaad Tfaa CUt Starlet sssfisr*
      79 words
    • 126 13 LONDON, rriday Ettr Alf Ramsey was sacked as team manager for the good of football, the Football Association said yesterday. The lead article in the latest edition of the FA new* magaslTva said: "The task facing the sub-committee was an onerous ooe and
      126 words
    • 614 13 World event will be only 250 miles away Singapore must make every effort to send a team to the Esplrlto Santo Trophy tournament In Kuala Lumpur in August. The Espirlto Trophy symbol of women's world amateur team championship will be held from October 23 to
      614 words
    • 24 13 The Department of Social Welfare will be hokttng their annual athletics meet at the Toa Payoh Stadium on June 8 at 2JO pm.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 799 12 \&'$|,`@;._|!`''>/)\/$`@\<_`}@. Specialised Treatment for problem ed skins. Facial and Beauty Advice, consult our foreign-trained Beauty Advisor. Ma*e-up courses for a limited period only. Call MlO9l Mon., Prl. 10 a.m. 9 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. S p.m. 6th floor, Room 610, 0.0. Bldg., Upp. Cross Street. S'pore 1. M* HOOM HOCK
      799 words
    • 520 12 DIBT. 11 RKGINA MILL 4bedroomed single-storey semidetached servant's room, 2 airconds., telephone, nice garden. SI 390. *****0 117 A, DUNBAR WALK 2-storey furnished semi-detached bungalow. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living/ dining rooms, 3 alrconditloners, spacious kitchen, garden. *****8 S'pore. UNO WtSTWOOO A^AMTMIIT' $4,000. Telephone: *****0. Mf mmm ■ROOM HANDLES white
      520 words
    • 398 12 LADIES/ OlimnM at your place. Facial $I*. head care $5, body care tXO bridal make-up (Morning/ Evening 940) Ring ***** from 11 a.a. p.m. (or appointment. MANDARIN HEALTH CEHTKE Mandarin Hotel, 3rd floor. Massage Steam bath Facial. *****6 *****1 ext. 750 (B'pore). MODERN MASSAGE, Swedish' massage, sauna-bath. 57A, Victoria Street,
      398 words
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 129 13 3 ways a day to beat the crowds to Hong Kong 9:loam, 11:40 am, 2:oopm everyday r L. »1 5 U K. i ii ■i m >sr m i fig H i J 1 Only Cathay Pacific gives you the choice of 3 great ways a day to fly to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 4 14 Comic* la Ff. '5
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    • 340 14 Singapore's liveliest Musical Talentsthe WESTERN UNION BAND at TILTED TANKARD STADIUM RESTAURANT k playing oil your favourites every evening Come alonq .rod be meny anion(j s. intiliatinq company, anc! feast youiself rr with tl.e nany Chtn.'-c specialities at ot r St.idui m Restaurant. Ample parkiny space available. H.ippv Hours' p
      340 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 838 14 RADIu Ml OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by FOB THE FAMILY—A intgulnQ series presented In Chinese UU WAIT OP EVENTS <C) LM LOVE 18 A MANY BPL ENDOURED THING Daytime serial on the trials and tribulations of three families In San Francisco. IK HOUSEWTVEB' MATINEE The Prince And Princess: Part 2 of
      838 words
    • 1264 14 BACK PAGE AT THE CINEMA with EDGAR KOH MeQ: Je6n Wayne, to a departure from his usual Western roles, plays a cop out to dig Into the cold-blooded killing of hit buddy; taken off the force, be acquires a powerful, unUcenced gun to blew the bandits and their cars to
      1,264 words
    • 200 14 The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. 8. Rajaratnam, Is the guest of honour at RAFFLES INSTITUTION'S 151 ST SPEECH AND PRIZE-. GIVING DAT at the school stadium at 2JO p.m. The MP for Alexandra, Dr. Wong Lin Ken, Is officiating the opening ceremony of the BAHARUDDIN VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE'S OPEN HOUSE
      200 words
  • 102 14 TODAY is Friday, May SI. the 151st day of 1974 with 214 to follow.. THE MOON Is between Its first quarter and full phase. THE MORNING STABS are Jupiter and Venus. THE EVENING STABS are Mercury, Mars and 8aturn. Those born on this date are under the sign of
    102 words
  • 71 14 Making women look beautiful is 20-year-old Jenny Yap's job. She is a trained beautician cum hairdresser. Jenny enjoys her work too. "I like beautiful things and find satisfaction in making people look pretty and happy," she said. Perhaps that explains why she is doing a
    71 words
  • 37 14 AH FOOK: The Burmese government's tough action against the crew of research ship Changl is In no way contributing to regional co-operation. MEI LIN: I agree. A warning to the "intruders" wotfld have been sufficient.
    37 words

    • 389 15 NO HURRY, JUST TAKE IT COOL AND CALM Within the last few years, cargo handling firms In Singapore have become more sophisticated In their operations. Most of them no longer accept the conventional method but Instead have turned to
      389 words
    • 604 16 In the industrial world today, Munck's sophisticated range of cranes and material handling equipment, distributed solely in Singapore and Malaysia by Behn Meyer, is reputed for unparalleled quality and service. This goodwill Image explains the success of the local Joint venture
      604 words
    • 539 17 The air cargo handling business in Singapore is big business. It is also very c o m p e titive. Nevertheless, It keeps' growing. A quick -Jook at some recent statistics will confirm the fact. For example, last year, the volume of air cargo despatched
      539 words
    • 357 19 Singapore's rising two way trade has led to the mushrooming of numerous cargo transport companies recently. Many of them have worldwide connections and they perform a variety of Jobs including warehousing, dome stic and international trucking of general cargo, liquids and gases, shipping, local and
      357 words
    • 140 20/21 Two years old and the port is success story all the way The container craze has taken the world ports by storm and Singapore is no exception. And the Republic's break into containerisation is a success story all the way. Exactly two years ago, when the container
      140 words
    • 288 22 The packing and crating service in Singapore is no more confined to just household items. It has now gone a step further, to serve the expanding industries. Though this only accounts for a small percentage, the idea of packing and crating has already been
      288 words
    • 336 24 SHIPPERS ARE ALSO OPTIMISTIC OF BETTER FACILITIES Containerisation the latest revolution in shipping will be two years old in Singapore next month and everything is pointing to an even better performance this year as far as containerised shipping is concerned. Optimism is rising in
      336 words
    • 302 25 The PSA container port handled a total of 1.4 million tonnes of cargo in 99,100 containers last year. The Increase was the result of high handling capacity in the new East Lag o on terminal which was opened in June 1972.
      302 words
    • 190 25 Material handling equipment of the latest design are fast replacing the conventional ones. This is so because they can handle Jobs more efficiently and at a shorter time. New handling equipment today have been specially structured to suit the changing mould of present day
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 256 15 Clark Forkfifts Kelly Dockboards combine to stack-up higher profits In one high performance operation Clark TW3O Tri-Wheel 36-volt battery electric Forklift and Kelley Permanent Adjustable Dockboard line will produce profits for you through higher handling efficiency and lower operating cost. Together they offer you the most advanced features built to
      256 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 147 16 I^PATERSON S/MONS 5» *T MMHfI Pi SL St" Sole Agents MTERSONSiMONS& COUTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Ipoh Penang TCM Fork lift trucks meet every job requirement. Available from one to twenty-five tons, with either diesel, petrol, or LPG engines. Immediate delivery ex stock. FORKLIFT TRUCK TCM Transport and forwarding by sea,
      147 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 395 17 We'll W>rk With You! You can count on worlds largest air cargo carrier to work with you while cargo jSt space is limited._J^-' i|y So the earlier you contact us about a commitment, the more likely we'll be able to put your cargo on the flight you wish. Sometimes we
      395 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 137 18 We Solve Problems on Container Haulage. >„ •mnnM m r-n K. m SEN KEE TRANSPORTATION PTE. LTD. SHIPPING •TRANSPORT-CUSTOMS CLEARANCE CONTAINER HAULAGE 63A, Boat Quay. Singapore. 1. Tel: *****, *****, 7084 a hochfest Strong and safe as steel, but light and flexible. Polyester webbing slings for a thousand uses. ...for
      137 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 152 19 wv II 11 All muscle and no fat That's how well built Toyota forklifts are, designed to move your goods economically and efficiently Safely and quickly The efficiency comes from the cooling system that gives you up to two years' maintenance-free service. So you cut downtime to a minimum Plus
      152 words

  • Page 20/21 Advertisements
    • 234 20/21 Come to Edgars* for 5^ 11/tllftß i i MITSUBISHI FORKLIFT TRUCKS 1,400 kg to 9,000 kg (2,800 lb to 12,000 lb) for high productivity rt low maintenance com. Manufactured under stringent quality control conditions M a continuous intagratad production, from the angina right down to tha smallest screw, Mitsubishi forklift
      234 words
    • 55 20/21 SEE PAGES 10 AND 11 PROVIDES YOU WITH COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE IN: Modern Warehousing Container Trucking and Handling Container Leasing Container Repair Service Container Freight Station Operations Stuffing Unstuffing of Containers Unitized Cargo Export Packing Packing, Clearing Forwarding of cargo Personal Effects Transportation Land, Sea Air Delivery to any Destination Documentation,
      55 words
    • 79 20/21 WITH *r 3' PERSONAL ATTENTION SERVICE rr if •r. JL r I jr Hi 4' I I* m i r N ii Philippine Airlines gets your clothes off faster. The fastest palletized cargo service from Singapore to San Francisco. A new, more economical cargo service for exporters of locally made
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 30 23 Ibucflfl count on. our n&mbetSfor efficient, dependable and complete services mfreiglitforwardmg... THE SinCHPORE FREIGHT FORWARDERS nSSOIIHTIOH (Registered in The Republic of Singapore under The Societies Act, reference R of 5196/73)
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 249 24 British ley land brought you Jaguar land-Rover Now they bring you Climax fork trucks Engineering Excellence. That's what British Leyland put into every Jaguar and Land-Rover. > But did you know that a British Leyland company also makes fork trucks to the same high standard Climax fork trucks. Built to
      249 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 46 25 FOR SAFE AND SOUND DELIVERIES 9 Air Cargo Transportation 9 Clearing Forwarding Storage Packing Insurance Customs Clearance ANYTHING TO GO BY AIR Consult the International Freight Forwarders Air Freight Specialist ET AIR MORLEY COMRANY Singapore's most recomimmdisil mover 418-C Upper Raya Labar Road, Singapore 19. TEL:*****3
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 114 26 V- \V r This is the age of the professionals. You want legal advice —you see a lawyer. Medical help —you consult your doctor. Surely the same applies when you consign cargo. Professionalism is what you get, shipping Cathay Pacific Cargo to the 15 most vital markets in Asia. The
      114 words