New Nation, 25 May 1974

Total Pages: 12
1 12 New Nation
  • 23 1 NEW NATION SINGAPORE Saturday evening, May 25, 1974 No. 1034 Price 20 cents M.C. (P| 20/74 NE N SINGAPORE SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1974
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  • 565 1  -  Singapore take on mystery men from Penang in vital cup clash tomorrow By Jeffrey Low Talk of a convincing Singapore win over Penang In the first leg of tomorrow's Malaysia Cup soccer semi-finals at the National Stadium Is rampant around town.
    Picture by JERRY SEH  -  565 words
  • 295 1 Staples can score By BLUE PETER Visiting Jockey Rod Staples can score on Chief Justice in Race Six at Buklt Timah today. The well-bred four-year-old chestnut Irish gelding by Mlralgo made up quite a lot of ground to finish fifth to Apple Twist over 6f last week.
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  • 104 1 Reuter Hbng Kong. Saturday A Chinese gunman today threatened he would kill 11 bank employees ho has been holding 'hostage In a Dank here for more than It hours unless police met his demand for getaway cars. Mote than 106 armed police, including
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 151 1 Traffic congestion after tomorrow's Malaysia Cup clash will be considerably eased with the usage of the Nlcholl Highway centre carriageway. The Traffic Police yesterday decided that after the match Is over, the centre lanes between the slip road leading out from the
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  • 21 1 An unidentified young Chinese woman vn found dead at the foot of Block SS, Lorong 5, To* Payoh, yesterday.
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  • 249 1 Mr. Mike Walker, national coach of the Singapore soccer team, says that the plan tomorrow Is short and simple play to win. "We will lust adopt the same plan as In all the other home games—and that Is to play to win. and win well."
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  • 76 1 The Singapore Shorts Council yesterday announced that tickets to covered seats for the Malaysia Cup semifinal at the National Btadlum will be on sale from 4 pjn. tomorrow. The tickets, priced at $10, $6 and $4, will be sold from the booths below
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  • 257 1 The outcry by soccer fans against the Football A.s soc 1 atlon's decision to lncrease admission charges tomorrow was put In proper perspective yesterday. Mr. N. Ganesan, deputy chairman of the FAS, explained that fair play must be accorded to the FA of Malaysia, the organisers of
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  • 13 1 Police reported 102 accidents yesterday. Six were serious and one fatal.
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    • 372 2 Police secret society swoops pay surprise dividend The recent police crackdown on secret societies has brought about an unexpected success—the "wiping out" of the motorcycle gangs. Since the police Intensified tbelr checks on bars, roadside stalls and alley hideouts for secret society members, these leather jacketed
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    • 161 2 The People's Association has launched a programme to encourage greater community awareness among Its youth groups. A spokesman f-jr the Association said that so far activities of the youth sub-committees In the various community centres have been to encourage greater interaction among youths
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    • 208 2 Balanced precariously oil one end of a see-saw, heavywelght Kura, a Seychelles Islands tortoise, challenged six children from the Singapore Spastica Association to lift him from the ground. They failed. Wouldn't you? Kura arrived In Singapore from the Seychelles In July last year and has since put
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    • 311 2 KILLER SAMSU SCAN DAL Seremban, Saturda Angry you a stormed into an illicit samsu shop here yesterday and threatened to burn it down after eight of the shop's customers died of metallic spirit poisoning. But they were restrained by elders of the village of Rahang gechll here. Two other customers
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    • 144 2 The Registry of Vehicles will open Its fourth centre for the collection of road tax In the Buklt PanJang/Jurong District office at the 10i-mlle Chua Chu Kang Road on June 1. The three existing centres are at the General Post Office, Toa Payoh
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    • 201 2 This map shows at a glance the extent of the Port of Singapore, Authority's "empire." These development projects Include the construction of the Maritime Services Centre building, the Paslr Pan Jang warehouse complex, expansion of the container terminal and the transformation of the various small islands into
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    • 30 2 The Society for Aid to the Paralysed will hold Its first annual sports meet for paraplegics at the Farrer Park Athletic Centre on June 2 at 2 ajn.
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    • 21 2 The Metro p o 11 tan YMCA will organise swimming lessons for children and adults on June 1 and 7.
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    • 413 3 They're not peer-orientated Delinquent boys in Singapore have closer relationships with their families than they have with friends, according to a study. This is contrary to the popular Western belief that delinquents are more peer-orientated. The study, based on a sample of 73 Chinese and
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    • 172 3 Local contractors should now find it easier to undertake major overseas ventures following the setting up of the Confederation of International Contractors' A s so c i a tlon (CICA). The president of the Singapore Contractors' Association, Mr. Toh Seng Sit, said CICA, of which Singapore
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    • 347 3 Young Singaporeans study very hard but lack a quick analytical mind and good general knowledge, a university lecturer said last night. It Is thus becoming increasingly important that they Indulge in some recreational activity which would stimulate their mental and physical prowess. This is especially so In
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    • 33 3 Two Singapore Polytechnic students, Mr. Ong Swee Ouan and Mr. Tan Meng Klan, have won the Esso Marine Scholarship awards which include a year's practical training on board the company's fleet.
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    • 264 3 The University of Singapore Orientation Camp Committee has appealed to firms and organisations to help them raise $6,000 for various projects to be held next month. The committee will hold a 10-day work camp in Tanah Mer&h for 200 freshmen from June IS to
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    • 156 3 THE ROVING EYE^D, 2 Caught in the act. Five young vandals swinging their way to destruction. It took place In broad daylight. And even after the fence was brought down they made sure It stayed on the ground by sitting and standing on It Cameraman Steven Lee
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    • 257 3 Provision shopmen left in the lurch Several shopkeepers In Kampong Übi have found urban renewal a costly affair where collecting debts are concerned. They claimed that several residents there who bought groceries from them on credit have left their homes due to urban renewal without settling
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    • 365 3 Malays must be made to realise that a technical education Is equally 11 not more Important than a university course. This radical change in their attitude towards tertiary education was stressed by Dr. Sharom Ahmat, former lecturer in the Department of History,
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    • 31 3 Prof. Wong Lin Ken. MP for Alexandra, will attend the opening ceremony of the Baharuddln Vocational Institute Open House and Exhibition at Stirling Road on Friday at 5.30 p.m.
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    • 33 3 Mr. Lim Chew Pah, an ethnomusicologlst, will give an illustrated talk in English ion Chinese musical instruments at the National Library's meeting room in Stamford Road on Wednesday at 10.30 am.
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    • 226 2 Bras that work a bit of magic on your figure Vossarette Bodydressing? It makes I v, mm. 4 in,*— ■Hi HOLLYWOOD Now Availabla at: CK. Tano—Capitol Gown Shop K.A.J. Chotirmall Cortina Dapt. Store laatan May tax, Paninsular Shopping Cantra Metro, hfitfi St. Matro Orchard Matro Supreme Peking (Pta) Ltd. Sole
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 266 2 NEW NATION CROSSWORD a 15 Sussex river 16 Proportion 17 Lawn sign: Phrase. 20 Sink 21 Married woman 22 Fish story, at times 23 Short coat 25 City In Syria 28 Strike out 29 Road or flower 30 Author Hermann 33 my word 35 Sine non 36 Dance band nnm^
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    • 82 3 w Perfect exposure everywhere, everytime ~nr 110 mino IT E E The more accurate your exposure, the better your picture will be. This palmsized Minolta Hi-matic F is electronically programmed to select precisely the right shutter speed and lens opening for you automatically. So you get perfect exposure every time.
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    • 799 3 ANNOUNCEMENT prig I- m the provisional German Constitution for West Germany went into force. This was the starting point of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its political course was characterized by an unprecedented continuity. K onrad Adenauo at the age of 73 became its first Chancellor and served the country
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    • 364 3 LUCKY STARS BORN today, you are you much to think about. Jan. 19)— You can lmnot an easy person to One quick move could prove finances through live with even though cause you to lose much the Intervention of a new you appear to have an of what you've recently-
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    • 601 4 Big plan to use UK troops London, Saturday The British government last night was believed ready to order a big military operation to break the hold of the Protestant political strike in Northern Ireland and restore essential services. Prime Minister Harold Wilson Is to
      UPI radio picture  -  601 words
    • 198 4 London, Saturday Portuguese Foreign Minister,' Dr. Mario Soarea, flew here from Lisbon yesterday and said he hoped to reach a ceasefire agreement by Monday with the African guerrillas who have been fighting against Portuguese rule In Portuguese Onlnea for IS years. He said he saw the
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    • 264 4 Saigon Sat. South Vietnamese government ground forces have launched a large scale operation t~. recapture their outposts overrun by the communists last week on the outer defence line of Saigon, military sources said. Heavy fighting broke out as armoured vehicles and Infantry units yesterday
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    • 129 4 Jerusalem, Saturday. —US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger la piling the pressure on both Israel and Syria to accept a Golan Heights disengagement agreement by tomorrow —the day he Intends returning home whatever the situation. Dr. Kissinger returned here yesterday from his
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    • 274 4 New York, Saturday The nation and the world mourned the passing yesterday of Duke Ellington, the cool. Impeccable composer and pianist who died of lung cancer at ColumbiaPresbyterian Medical Centre. Ellington, 75, entered the hospital last month and was reported In satisfactory cond
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    • 99 4 Reuter Bangkok, Saturday Leading assemblymen hers bettere that Mr. Sanya Dharmasakti will make sweeping chances In his new eabinet Mr. Sanya's task will be a tough one and unpopular decisions are expected. They expect him to retain only two or three of his former ministers.
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 197 4 Reuter Peking, Saturday—Mr. Edward Heath began his first round of talks with Chinese leaders, encouraged by the exceptionally lavish reception he was given when he arrived at Peking airport yesterday afternoon. The protocol-conscious Chinese laid on a welcome ceremony almost equal to that
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 285 4 Washington, Saturday 8 p e cia 1 Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski yesterday went to the Supreme Court In an attempt to force President Nixon to turn over subpoenaed evidence. Mr,Jaworski lnhls first appeal to the nation's highest legal body, asked whether the President is subject
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    • 55 4 Paris, Saturday. A group of working mothers yesterday protested against a decision by President-elect, Mr. Valery Discard d'Estalng. to give schoolchildren Monday off so they could watch his Investiture on television. In a letter to Madame Discard d'Estalng, the mothers threatened to send their children to the
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    • 27 4 Tokyo, Saturday—The Japanese Oovernment has decided to studv measures to restrict trade with South Africa which keeps racial discrimination policies. Foreign Ministry sources said today.
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    • 627 4 Win a Colour TV in the New Nalion/Vauxhall Viva Economy Tfest I (WEEK 1) SATURDAY COUPON i'*v iM J THE CONTEST: Each wNk. for 3 weeks from May 20 1974, Jim Watkins, New Nation'* motoring columnist, will drive the 1974 Vauxhalt VHra on an aconomy tact. Ha will taka a
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    • 333 4 WEATHER London Sunny Intervals and showers becoming dry, 57-50F, 1410C. Headline: M&rcia Williams In line for new job. Paris Cloudy, 5745F, 14-7 C. Headline: Israelis seize or kill members of suicide group. Moscow Overcast, 55-50F, 13-lOC. Headline: To perfect the style of work. New York Partly sunny, 77-58F, 24-14 C.
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    • 1973 5 1973/1974 4 wks. Stack C laeiag Price LM Week's Week's Hi* Low 1 laycn S xMcrt Sale Tn2.70 Ow 2.00 2.03 Acma 2.47 2.47 +0.17 11 1.36 1.03 1.28 Adhesive Tape 1.18 +•■07 1 2.75 3.14 2.74 2.30 2.75 2.79 Alinomoto Alcan 3.00 3.40 1.70 1.15 1.50
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    • 249 5 UPI New Delhi, Saturday The Indian Petroleum Ministry announced yesterday it has entered Into agreements with two American firms for offshore oil exploration In the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. The ministry said identical contracts had been signed with the Carls berg India Grouo
      UPI  -  249 words
    • 334 5 The exploitation of South-East Asia's natural resources implies massive mobilisation of international funds and the clear mastery SlngaKre has demonstrated these matters bodes well for the future. Mr. Ellsworth Donnell, visiting director of Lloyds Bank International said this when
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    • 164 5 United Press International Talpeh, Saturday Taiwan is taking a closer look of Its Imports of Japanese cars while it registered a UB|3oo million trade deficit with Japan during the first four months of this year a Trade source said yesterday. Last year, the source said,
      United Press International  -  164 words
    • 476 5  -  MOST STOCKS GAIN GROUND OVER LAST WEEK'S LEVELS By Rav K. Dhaliwal The firmer note evident in the Singapore stock market in recent weeks continued to lift share prices this week, overpowing a slight hesitation caused by profit-taking. Most shares gained ground over
      476 words
      • 443 5 Stocks climbed broadly In moderate trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday on signs that the upward pressure on Interest rates may be easing. Closing volume totalled 13,740,000 shares, against Thursday's 14,770,000. In the opening hour, the Dow shot up more than 12 points. The Initial buying
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      • 39 5 The Dow Jones range at stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday was: SO Industrials 812 34 (up 11.43), 30 transport 161.06 (up 1.74), It utilities 74.43 (off 0.06), and 65 stocks 346 36 (op 3.74).
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      • 207 5 Closing prices (in francs) yesterday Paribus 163.50 +.50 Indochlne 304 +J Fonder *54.50 +6.50 Pr In temps MJO +1.60 CO* 357 +1 Bull 51.70 +1 Royal Dutch 143 —1.50 Mlchetln Ml +19 Thomson 313 50 +1 CTP 163 —.10 Rhone 137.30 +3 AIR 295 90 +3-90 BSK 913 Philips
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      • 299 5 Prices closed substantially lower alter wide fluctuations. The morning session opened bearish with a wait-and-see mood prevailing. Motor parts including Topy Ind., Kayaba Ind., and Toklko went downward. Teikoku Oil dropped sharply leading other speculative stocks downward on the news of its No. 4 offshore drilling's failure. Light electrlcals
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      • 81 5 This service comes tram the Union Bank 0C Switzerland. Closing prices (in francs) on the Zurich Stock Exchange yesterday: UBS 3170 —20 SBC 541 —5 Credit Suisse 2600 —10 Swissair B. 475 —0 Swiss Reinsur. 1960 —10 Winterthur B. 1510 —70 Juvena B. 1800 —30 Nestle B. 3225 —25
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    • 147 5 A seminar on Singa- 1 pore will be held in the Perth Chamber of Commerce in western Australia on June 13. The seminar is organised jointly by the Sin- gapore Mission in Aus- 1 tralia and the Perth i Chamber of Commerce. The aim
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 All the advantages of weekend shopping and no parking problems THE LEADING MENSWEAR TAILORS STORES OUTFITTERS Supreme House Ground Floor. Penjnq Road Tel *****1 Singapore Hilton Hotel Orchard Road, Tel *****2 8. 3/1813 Goodwood Park Hotel Scottsßoad. Tel *****1 PRICES SIMILAR TO PREMIER STORE FULL RANGE OF MENSWEAR ACCESSORIES I
      121 words
    • 76 5 C ULLINAN kwellers PRESENT THEIR Q*S? 0 v (3^D 1974 JADE FAIR C COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 27. Cullinan Jewellers Private Ltd 20 The Orchard, Orchard Road Singapore, 9. Tel: *****3. A touch of perfection for Stereo Lovers SEC finest stereo system NS 647E i. t«-cep»M>' j'.l vu t'f) A"»'F f.
      76 words

    • 490 6 The strong opposition of the Singapore Dental Association to the Health Ministry's plan to launch a supplementary scheme for the training and employment of dental therapists is only to be expected. Quite apart from the question of protecting the professional standards of dentistry in Singapore, it
      490 words
    • 'WHISPERS' by ISPY
      • 58 6 Whoever designed the brochure on Sentoaa for the Sentosa Development Corporation must possess the sixth sense. On the colourful artist's Impression of the island is a pirate flag symbolised by the traditional skull and bones. Ironically, the position of this flag is practically next to the beach
        58 words
      • 81 6 Hie secret may now be told why last Saturday's soccer match between Singapore and Pahang was postponed from 6 pjn. to 7 p.m. Reason? The Football Association of Singapore had received requests from punters to delay the match because the last race at the Buklt Tim ah
        81 words
    • 166 6 The New York Times No matter how great the provocation. It Is still hard to see how the Government of Israel could believe that Its raids on southern Lebanon Thursday brought any closer the goal toward which Israel has 90 long aspired. These retaliatory
      The New York Times  -  166 words
    • 897 6  -  The need to raise ynd activity is indisputable. If Singapore-made gsids are to remain tsmpetltire la the world market in the laee ef rUm wages In the eenntry, tt la vital that the productivity ef the Singapore workers ha raised. It is not snrprislnr therefore,
      897 words
    • 238 6 WORLD COMMENT} EXCERPTS FROM EDITORIALS The (Melbourne) Herald Ulster Is far from an Irish problem alone. The British Prime Minister's claim that Intelligence services have found an IRA plot to burn down part of Belfast has to be studied against a background of recent British politics.
      The (Melbourne) Herald  -  238 words
    • 666 6  -  From Robert G. Kaiser Washington post Pravda, the official Soviet newspaper, has published an unusual article on relations with the United States that seems to contain a subtle warning to its readers that President Nixon may not survive in office. Pra a da's carefully
      Washington post  -  666 words
    • 670 6  -  PvOßft Robert S. Elegant A 70-year-old politician who was a "non-person" from 1966 to 1973 has emerged as a key figure In the stubborn power struggle now wracking the People's Republic of China. As Premier Chou En-lal deliberately assumes a low posture, Vice Premier Teng
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    • 461 6  -  From Tom Lambert After having lived all of his 25 years with his parents in Buckingham Palace except when he was away at school, on trips, or serving in the armed forces Prince Charles finally has taken a country home for
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    • 830 7 Florence is ap adventure into the great days of Western civilisation. It was founded more than 2000 years ago by the great conqueror Julius Caesar. Today it still has a spring-like quality about it. Standing on the River Arno, which divides Florence into north and south, one can
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    • 660 7  -  S.S. KHAIRA But there is nothing excessively ornate about them as the tourist guide pointed out, Florence is a city of balance and harmony. All forms of architecture, from churches to public buildings such as the austere Palazzo della Signoria, libraries, dwellings of
      660 words
    • 1276 7  -  Where the people are simple and the scenery peaceful »y Al Martinez Los Angeles Times A dry, hot wind sweeps over the Mojave Desert and rustles the fronds of the palm trees that knife the Las Vegas skyline. It whistles down
      Los Angeles Times  -  1,276 words
    • 489 7 SATURDAY SMILES TRADE union leaders In Britain are to be taught how to claim welfare benefits for strikers. A dole expert, Joe Kenyon, founder of the Claimants and Unemployed Workers' Union, Is to run threeday courses after union leaders had asked for help during the recen rash of strikes. Joe,
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    • 1253 8 THE CASE OF SOLZHENITBYN INVOLVES TWO DANGERS Washington Post Exile is round, a circle, a ring; your feet go round it, you cross the land, but it is not your land, the light awakens you, but it is not your light. the
      Washington Post  -  1,253 words
    • 174 8 Following is the MPH Best Sellers list for the week ending last Thursday, with the positions of the previous week in brackets. The list comSiled from sales records reflects to some degree tie reading taste of the Singapore public with regard to general books, that is, non-text
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    • 912 8 The semi-finals for the chess world-title are over. Grandmaster Victor Korchnoi has defeated exworld champion Tig ran Petrosian, and gran dmaster Anatoly Karpov has beaten another former world chess king, Boris Spassky, in the semi-final matches of world title play. The
      912 words
    • 860 8  -  CHESS IT LIM KOK ANN It Is somewhat of a shock to learn that this year's national junior championships will have the lowest entry for many years. The irony is that the SCF had hoped for a record entry to commemorate the Golden
      860 words
    • 128 8 In every modern industrial state more and more individuals find themselves confronting and often revolting against an abstract entity—the "system" or "the establishment" which seems to rule their lives. In this challenging stndy Anton Zijder▼eld suggests that the Kblem has arisen a use the old, structured
      128 words
    • 199 8 SEMINAR PAPERS NOW IN A LIVELY BOOK FORM TRENDS IN MALAYSIA 11. Edited by Yoitg Mun Cheong, University of Singapore Press, 1974,-155 pages. This is a collection of the papers presented at the Trends Seminar on Malaysia in November 1973. organised by the Institute of South-East Asian
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    • 393 8  -  STAMPS ■Y ANDREW LAU A set of four "Pro Patria" commemorative postage stamps will be issued by the Swiss Postal Authorities on Thursday, May 30. These stamps are In the Swiss Franc denominations of 15+5 c, 30+10 c, 40+ 20c and flo+2oc.
      393 words
    • 702 8 ABSALOM, ABSALOM!, by William Fanlkner (Penguin), 316 pages. Quentln Compson and S or eve, his Harvard room-mate, are obsessed by the rise and fall of Thomas Sutpen. As a poor white boy, Sutpen was turned away from a plantation owners' mansion by a Negro butler. From then on, Butpen
      702 words
    • 91 8  -  by YEO BOCK CHENG on a nail on a wall in corner of that hall hangs the Asian. his ways were many (largely obscure), his wisdom inscrutable. when speeches he made, many a captive audience wished they were invisible. he was a gentleman in the oriental sense: he smiled
      91 words
    • 655 9 Today's Midnight Movie date SIGHT SOUND Sensuous Joanne Woodward comes on the box tonight In an Oscar-winning film, The Three Faces of ive (Miunight Movie Ch. 5, 11.20 pjn.).. Because of a schizophrenic streak, she becomes three persons-ln-one. For her sensitive portrayal of
      655 words
    • 416 9  -  CLASSICS BT YEO HAN JOHN OGDON: Prelude and Fujroe No. 5 in D major bv J.S. Bach, Fantasia in D minor by Moxart, Andante favori in F major by Beethoven, Scherzo No. 3 in C sharp minor by Chopin. Mazurka No. 17 in B flat minor by
      416 words
    • 662 9 Sister Janet —the Aussie nun who is also a famous rock star A 36-year-old Australian nun, Sister Janet Mead, has worked something of a show-business miracle. In a world often decried as materialistic, godless and permissive, she has made The Lord's Prayer top of the pops. Sister Janet te acnes
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    • 903 9 The Cannes Film Festival began last week. New Nation today presents a report by Charles Chaplin that was filed a day before the festival opened. The film festival never seems well and truly launched until a pretty lady has upheld the
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    • 448 9  -  The big show is now on at Alpha Gallery ART tt GENE TEO The annual Alpha Group Show is now on at the Alpha Gallery. It ends on June 3. This time we have the opportunity to see the works of Abdul La tiff, Cheong
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    • 308 9  -  THEATRE ■Y VIOLET OON The National Theatre Trust is presentipg Japan's Ballet Piccolo later this year. This unique company is made up of girls from the age of six to 16. Since its establishment in 1966 by Mrs. Bumiko Matsuzakl, the company has
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 151 7 PUBLIC AUCTION PIECE BY PIECE. VALUABLE PERSIAN RUGS OTHER VALUABLE ORIENTAL RUGS CARPETS FROM ISPHAN, KERMAN, AFSHAR, QUM, ARAK. SHIRAZ, TOURKMAN, MESH AD, ABBADA, AFGHAN. PAKISTAN. BALUCH, TEHRAN TABRIZ The Garden Ballroom, Holiday Inn. 25, Scotts Road, Singapore-9 Sunday May *****4 at 5.00 p.m. precisely. Inspection from 10.00 a.m. that
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    • 11 9 mm i i n\u> MbNEAY,! Sceak and li 1/ Pie II
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    • 240 10 This is just one of the many tricks that Singapore will use on Penang tomorrow nifht in their attempts to get goals. The plan worked perfectly against Selangor two weeks ago, after months of constant practices and application in almost every match. Jaffar
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    • 691 10  -  Blend of youth, experience Bj TONY FRANCIS Penang who travel to Singapore for the Malaysia Cup semifinal first leg on Sunday (kick-off at 7 pm.), have the proud record of being the only unbeaten team In the z op e competition this season. wnile defending champions
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    • 269 10 By any calculations, Selangor must look the winners In their first-leg Malaysia Cup soccer semi-final against Perak at the Stadium Perak, Ipoh, on Sunday (7.30 p.m.). In their five clashes since 1971, Selangor have won three times, drew once and lost only once. They beat Perak 3-1
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    • 603 10 London, Saturday The Indian cricketers survived a second innings collapse yesterday to draw their match against Northamptonshire here their ninth draw in nine matches on their current tour. The Indians started their second innings with a lead of 52 runs, but after openers Eknath Solkar (41)
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    • 87 10 SPCRTSLETTER I refer to the Increased admission prices for this Sunday's Malaysia Cup semi-final match. Football fans, must realise that without financial support football In Singapore will perish. Football In other countries have improved by leaps and bounds because of finance. Monday will provide better coaching, training
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    • 91 11 M. Johnstone won the Singapore Tsland Country Club Intermediate championship on countback from S.L. Wong after both had registered a three-round total of 292 over the Bukit course yesterday. The best nett over two rounds went to L.K. Wong on countback from Konno both returning
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    • 40 11 New York, Saturday.— Results of the baseball matches: National League—San Francisco 7 Los Angeles 6; San Diego 5 Cincinnati 4. American League—Milwaukee 7 Detroit 3; Cleveland 2 Baltimore 0; California 3 Kansas City 1; Chicago 9 Texas 6.
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    • 306 11 By SCRUTINEER The $40,000 Lion City Cup (Race 6) over 6f at Bukit T i m a h tomorrow should prove a thriller with more than half the field having strong claims. In a wide open race my pick is the lightweight Sincerely Yours.
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    • Article, Illustration
      10 11  -  Pele: The Master and his Method Adaptation Ken Taylor
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    • 103 11 East Berlin, Saturday Oeo r f Buschner. manager of World Cap aspirants East Germany, was philosophical after his side's unconvincing 1-0 victory over Norway last night "An outstanding performance from our team was not yet to be expected. It was a test game, nothing
      103 words
    • 3931 11 HI 1.45 CLASS 3 DIV 3 7F mm ($10,500 $7,350 to wtMMr) 1 748" MaM 1 KM* (Bonin) R Brcukcicn 5 9.0 (d2+21> 8 2 OJady I AM (Chye Cheng) Choog 4 I 12 (arf+|) A. laaiafl 14 1 0 iM# mm (Hourtess) J. Donnelly
      3,931 words
    • 141 11 jSS SCRUTINEER BLCK PETER ra>«7 That EP80M JEEP Blaek Hornet DANTE Inter larkin Black Hornet Timber lane Squeegee Kafa Takengon Takeagea Pacific Rim Lcsnuuuk Game Prince laril Ontta Btma Doable Agent Buna Ontario Bima Ontario Oriental Pearl KMC 4 Gypsy BuiH L'Arc de Triomphe L'Are de Trtanphe Airway
      141 words
    • 138 11 SCRUTINEER BLUE PETER EPSOM JEEP DANTE RM I The Kin* Tudor Horns Tudor Horoa Muntanah Tudor Horns The King Tudor Horns Muntanah Kmc X Hanoman Statistic Hmm Stud Poker Hanoman Stud Poker Stud Poker Sugriwa KM* 1 Temptation The Executive Predator Philanthropist Smoker Shadow Hallmark Predator The Executive
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 698 10 I TO&Vll H DMtfl/DAMCf ROMANCE to Uw 'Sounds of Hawaii' at Aloha Rhu Hawaiian village The Idas! seaside rendezvous for exotic seafood, Cantonese cuisine and soothing music. Just 2V4 m.s. from Bedok. RESERVATIONS. Tel. *****4/ *****0 TERRY MM. London's top hairstylist, (Member of Hairdressing World Federation) after 7 years in
      698 words
    • 644 10 REPAIR/ TRADE-IN old tewing machine* for new fantastic Mafic Bobbin? Also available good used sewing machines at reasons hie price. Singer Sewing Machine Company 768. Upper Serangoon Road, B'pore *****6/ Chan/ Ooh. CURTAINS, UPHOLSTERY FABRICS. CARPETS, Carpet-tiles, wallpapers, furniture. Interior designing etc. O.S. Interiors 401, River Valley Road Tel: *****9
      644 words
    • 464 10 MU HEALTH CENTRE for JE2L Mun bath, w«9ftt reducing treatments, fflsriSsraasur manicure. Attractive young &i < *wiLl our sr"* 8 HoSs LAMES/ GENTLEMEN at your plan. Facial 910, bead care $5, body care no bridal make-up (Moraine/ Evening 940) Ring ***** from 11 a.m. 0 p.m. for appointment. MANDARIN HEALTH
      464 words
    • 702 10 CHAPTER 222 (Pawnbroker! Unredeemed Pledged Ooods ft Jewellery from the followtig Pawnbrokers' Shops No. 135, NEW BRIDGE ROAD LAM JOON SIONO (CHOP SEM FOH) No. 255, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD HO YAN KEE (CHOP HENO FATT) YONO KEE No. 287, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD BEOW KIAN (NAM CHEONG PAWNSHOP LTD.) No. 103,
      702 words
    • 109 10 STYLO MATCHMAKERS MI SCOTTISH CUP i LEAGUE CHAMPIONS jfßatcJjtnafeenJ m en6lish f.a.cup winners Suppliers of Soccer Shoes to players of an] ENGLISH 1 st DIVISION CHAMPIONS SOLE AGENTS SINGAPORE. MALAYSIA INDONESIA THAILAND INTERNATIONAL* CONTRACT SPECIALIST (S) PTE LTD TELS: *****9. *****9 *****9 ILAHt TRADING COMPANY (Wholesalers and Retailers) Proudly announce
      109 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 12 11 W@RL.DCUP CONTEST FIFTH WEEK NEW NATION Lufthansa Name: I Address Cut Along
      12 words
    • 64 11 cVLe ICTOR Gut Strings Name branded on every length ...the overwhelming favorite with serious players everywhere m G- S l w YAMAHA OUTBOARD MOTORS ITS A BETTER MACHINE available models: A H 2,3 i, 5, 8,12,15, 214 25 HF. Jv YAMAHA OUTBOARD IS V'" RELIABLE, DURABLE AND ECONOMICAL For further
      64 words

  • 108 12 TODAY Is Saturday, May 39, the 146th day of 1974 with 230 to follow. THE MOON Is approaching its first quarTHE MORNING STARS are Venus and Jupiter. THE EVENING STARS are Mercury, Mars and Saturn. Those born on this date are under the sign of Gemini. American poet, Ralph
    108 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 11 12 Picture trouble? it ANY MAKE OF TV SET l*.J i. H
      11 words
    • 144 12 s j The Most Mischievous Show You ll Love It! s V.I 4 I \sr. 1 .1 Ophbi« Sanders m 1 'ttVZZ'fo. VL 5« r /i ft K< Drowning in a sea of paper? Well bail you out. With all the help you need to handle your paperwork overloads. Call
      144 words
    • 265 12 CYMA SYMCHR<>t\ Y >i% o:".). 4; v /el 1 n. ((olltplatee: ..C 0? r J w> t unit's 1 steel I I w '.A H -tf: r, x v 7 v •V* l Mk BqjP x w'V 1 < J* 10 .)4o 4 1 yellow quldpiated 10 048 43 white
      265 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1502 12 TV RADIO ■w <: ez2 12.50 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by SESAME STREET Secondseason renewal of entertainment information series for young children. 1.5* SATURDAY MATINEE Woman Of The Prehistoric Planet: Space ship enroute home crashes on an unexplored planet and flagship returns in search of survivors. Starring Wendell Corey, Keith Largen,
      1,502 words
    • 317 12 BACK PAGE a Inn rm PSSS with EDGAR KDH I rrmr w Set •iw mm iiT'iWU li[ <I\«I 3 1 3*rrit m w 1 fopjo^no The Most r Mischievous n {MW Show You ll Love It! /> y 5*2 5® fw wnvmnui m *8 !TT Vj m <vl x rm
      317 words