New Nation, 7 March 1973

Total Pages: 14
1 14 New Nation
  • 17 1 NEW NATION SINGAPORE Wednesday evening, March 7, 1973 No. 656 Price 15 cents SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7,1973
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  • 257 1 With renewed confidence, the share market this morning lifted prices on a broad front. Second-line industrials and certain blue-chips were particularly active. Properties also had a fair amount of support, spurred by buyers coming out in force. Malaysian American Assurance announced a pretax profit of $233,476 for
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  • 576 1  -  Denial by Ministry By Teresa Ooi A group of teachers, senior assistants and school principals has alleged in an "open letter" to the Prime Minister that the present job promotion exercise is a "farce". In their charges dismissed by Education Ministry sources as "unfounded" the
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  • 582 1 Tough stand a surprise move Reuter, UPI Khartoum, Wednesday As President Nixon yesterday called on foreign nations to Join the US in rejecting blackmail and extortion when dealing with international terrorists, President Jaafar Nimeiry clamped down on the activities of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) in
    Reuter, UPI  -  582 words
  • 308 1 An insurance company manager, Mr. K.M. Mendora, this morning told the Robinsons fire inquiry that the blaze began at 9.55 a.m. on Nov. 21 but 20 minutes later there were still no fire engines in Raffles Place. He said that on that morning he
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  • 182 1 Screams of "I am dying. I am dying!" sent Madam Ong Luk Mln, 83. rushing to her tenant's room at her Tanjong Pagar house yesterday morning. She found the room splattered and 67-year-old carpenter. Tham Dak Thay, clutching his bleeding stomach. He gave her a
    182 words
  • 291 1 Reuter Wednesday Tanzania has arrested 48 Ugandans, including eight women on suspicion of spying in a move which yesterday seemed bound to exacerbate its already strained relations with Uganda. The 48 fcere taken Into custody over the weekend. The Minister of State in the
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 214 1  -  By Lim Kee Chan The On-Off visit of former world heavyweight champion, Muhammed Ali has nnally come through. The "promoters"—Mr. R. Soemantri of Indonesia, Mr. Thomas Oh and Mr. Thai Swee Leng of Malaysia confirmed this today with an agreement signed by
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  • 40 1 New York, Wednesday.— More than nine tons of marijuana, valued at US$4.6 million, was seized on Monday near the Gulf of Mexico, believed to be the largest marijuana haul in the United States. Seven men have been arrested.
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  • 12 1 Police reported 63 accidents yesterday. Five of them were serious.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 h. f t«> t PA C f Ft r h tK 1 S n f r tot PAC.t j.p n >n i d. it. fi" (> v• f n- v. ri* 11■i A' j PAijt 1') 7 J) ot Ih pop'. f'ACE 12 Soccer round up NEW NATION TEL: *****1.
      122 words
    • 95 1 DINNER rO FROM $70 UPWARDS OUTSIDE CATERING AVAILABLE. SINGAPORE KITCBEff COCKTAIL LOUNGE (G.H. CAFE LTD.) 14-18, Battery Road, Slnfapore-1 Tel: ***** A *****. EXQUISITE ELEGANCE Exclusive selection of furniture for every home designs, shapes and sizes just as varied. Modern and traditional to complement every decor. Specially imported from Italy
      95 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 126 2 Police are investigating the death of a fourth-year medical student of the University of Singapore who died at the Outram Hospital on Saturday, two hours after he was found unconscious in his house. Ranthir Singh, 25, was in the midst of his fourthyear
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  • 42 2 The Sewerage Department will be laying sewers along Shipyard Road near Tanjong Kling and Refinery Road from Monday. Construction work is expected to take three months. Motorists are advised to reduce speed and observe traffic signs at the site.
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  • 26 2 The Young People's Service of Queenstown Branch Library will hold a talk on aeromodelling by Mr. Goh Swee Meng on March 16 at 3 p.m.
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  • 263 2  -  $lm boost for police By Wee Beng Huat Crime- fighting in Singapore will be given a $1.1 million boost with the setting up of a specialised department called the Criminal Intelligence Unit to keep track on members of the underworld. The unit will be
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  • 164 2 Hanging like monkeys, but without their uncanny sense of balance. Yet, these boys, "some underaged, work several floors up without the aid of safety belts. This scene, which would make anybody wince, is what one sees daily in Singapore's many building sites despite the
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  • 301 2 The blind should be helped to attain a better education than the sighted and a wellrounded personality in society, according to Mr. 0.8. Monteiro, Malaysian delegate to the First Blind ASEAN Seminar here. Presenting his paper on The Need for Specialist Teachers in
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  • 52 2 The 50-member Munster Madrigal Choir from West Germany will give a performance here at the Conference Hall on Monday at 8.45 p.m. The programme for the evening will consist of four parts sacred music and Madrigals and after the Intermission, Romantic and 20th century songs and
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  • 34 2 The Minister for Communications, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, will attend the annual dinner of the Chartered Institute of Transport, Singapore Division, at Shangri-La Hotel's Island Ballroom on March 19 at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 20 2 The Toto Draw No. 18/73 will be held at Tay Buan Ouan Shopping Centre tomorrow at 7.45 p.m.
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  • 405 2 The blind must be helped to develop their remaining senses so that they feel familiar with the world around them and can move about independently, a Filipino teacher of the blind said yesterday. Mr. Fermln O. Galeon, the delegate to the First Regional Seminar on
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  • 138 2 About 600 students from the Polytechnic will spend six weeks in government departments, statutory boards and commercial firms to get themselves acauainted with working life. This is the largest batch of students from a single tertiary institution to take part in this "in-training"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 115 2 3"» Mil e3i ■m i »v 1 xWt 'v.* i il Bl til iir ll\ »\mts j r j>Vi3 m > i W *«S I ■it: i 1% w ->?< Pi l ft t\ r* a 1 t n. m. iff >vs >;/ ffj £H 4/ r, *v c 2
      115 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 402 2 HRPPEnincs wh t^y on A BLOOD DONATION SESSION will be held at the Securicor (S) Pte Ltd., Upper East Coast Road, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Orchid Chapter of the Y's Men's Club will hold its third anniversary and INSTALLATION DINNER at the Ambassador Hotel, Meyer Road, at
      402 words
    • 251 2 Temperatures cities yesterday: Tokyo 9Manila Kuala Lumpur Hong Kong Jakarta Talpeh Seoul 5 Bangkok Naha London Paris Moscow 0 New York San Francisco Sydney Adelaide In world Minus IC 34-18 C 35-22 C 22-17 C 32-24 C 24-18 C -Minus 4C 33-26 C 18-12 C 9- 5C 12- 7C -Minus
      251 words

  • 291 3  -  By Pang Guek Cheng He left Singapore almost a year ago In a wheelchair, but came home on Saturday walking. Lee Thiam Siew (right), who was suffering from progressive paraplegia, returned from Hong Kong where he underwent a successful operation and treatment at the
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  • 179 3 A total of 227,002 visitors came to Singapore in the last three months of 1972 (October—December) an increase of 22.4 per cent over the same period in 1971. According to figures compiled by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board 94.2 per cent of the visitors came by
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  • 410 3 SILO on permit holders and unions Many workers holding work permits are reluctant to join unions because they are "held to ransom" by employers on whom they depend for renewal of their permits. This was revealed in the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation's executive council's report
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  • 101 3 Belfast, Wednesday. Barbed wire barricades, machinegun nests and bat-tle-equipped troops are guarding polling stations where a million voters bal lot tomorrow in an historic Northern Ireland referendum. Each voter will be asked to answer two direct questions: Do you want Northern Ireland to remain part of
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  • 22 3 Bids for motor-car registration numbers bearing series EB 1 to EB 2000 will be open from Monday until March 19.
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  • 308 3 About 80 per cent of collective agreements signed between managements and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation have better leave benefits than provided for in the Employment Act, according to a SILO report. The report by SILO's executive council was presented at the first Triennial Delegates' Conference
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  • 182 3 NTUC will collapse if its transport co operative, COMFORT fails, the secretary-general of NTUC Mr. C.V. Devan Nair said. This was why NTUC was insisting on prompt and regular payments by COMFORT drivers towards meeting the vehicles' purchase loans, he explained. In a
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  • 62 3 The qualifying examination under the old curricular structure for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Accountancy) will be held at the Singapore Society of Accountants at Amber Mansions in Orchard Road. The examination for auditing will be held on Saturday, taxation on Monday and accounting on March 17.
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  • 211 3 More than 5000 heads of sheep are expected to be Imported into Singapore by the end of this month to relieve the shortage of mutton in the market. They are due to arrive on March 13 and 21. According to importers, these shipments
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  • 48 3 A World Health Organi-satlon-sponscred training course on venereal disease is to be held in Singapore from March 12. The three-week course will be attended by 15 participants from Japan, South Korea, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Fiji, Hongkong, Western Samoa, Vietnam, Philippines and Singapore.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 Visit our Ultra Modern new store at Supreme House n MM 9. > WORLD RENOWNED TIES FROM RIS r-i THE LEADING MENS WE AR >AILO«S& STORE OUTFITTERS 81 Street Singapore 6.Tel *****-2.Supreme House(Ground Floor) Goodwood. Hilton. Rattles Hotels.Cold Storage Shopping Centre
      40 words
    • 165 3 make it easy on yourself., before you make a purchase, see CCS first Thinking of buying a new car or a new item of equipment for your business? Then think of this: Can you really afford to pay the full price in one lump sum? Particularly when you can arrange
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 307 3 Quiz object No: 209 Schoolboy wins top prize Last Friday's quiz photograph showed an electrical switch. The first prize of $15 goes to schoolboy Tan Chang Heng of Tanglin Road. His entry was the first correct one opened by the Editor last night The next correct answers from a man
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  • In Person
    • 518 4 TWENTY STALLS—AND EVERYTHING THERE FOR THE ASKING C9ULD it have been the aroma of good, old-fashioned homecooked delicacies that brought crowds to the Bukit Ho Swee Community Centre food fair? Or was it the gracious service? Whatever the reason, there was
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  • 667 4 From the DOG HOUSE By PG All the entries are now In for the S.K.C. Second Championship Dog Show on April 8. The total is an improvement over the last show. As yet I cannot give you a conjplete breakdown on the number of breeds
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 4 Lena longs for a new home her previou owners had to give her up when they shifte into a HDB flat. The small, black and white pu is very affectionate and a good watchdog. If yo wish to adopt her, call at S.P.C.A,, 151, Orchar Road, or ring'
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 Temptation to 61im Delicious to eat. Ideal for slimming. A calorie controlled diet that satisfies your hunger and is fortified with vitamins to keep you bouncy while you slim. Ji BISKS ii wivjy.v SUMMERS BSCUITS Eleven different delicious flavours. Tempt yourself and slim. Finest English Crystalware PRINCE REGENT NO. 10
      118 words
    • 24 4 genuine Microlon now at -v reduced price design 62 designl2 f X v design 82 v design 81 C V sses Y r A
      24 words

  • 466 5 More benefits in new budget Reuter London, Wednesday The government has increased welfare benefits, Introduced a plan for worker shares in industry and moved to give Britain a bigger share of North Sea oil wealth. The annual spring bud get, introduced in Parlia ment by Chancellor
    Reuter  -  466 words
  • 31 5 Dr. Teh Hoon Heng, chairman of the Mathematics Institution, Nanyang University, will speak on What is New Mathematics, at the National Library Lecture Hall on Saturday at 2.30 p.m.
    31 words
  • 246 5 Jerusalem, Wednesday Israel said yesterday it would pay $***** to the families of the 105 people killed aboard the Libyan airliner that Israeli warplanes shot down over the Sinai desert. It said it would pay between $25,000 and $75,000 to the survivors, depending on
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  • 263 5 Saigon, Wednesday. A Viet Cong general said yesterday he was ready to return to the brokendown negotiations c on c e r ning Vietnamese prisoners of war. Lt. Gen. Tran Van Tra, head delegate of the Provisional Revolutionary Government to the Joint Military Commission
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  • 248 5 United Press International Amman, Wednesday King Hussein hinted yesterday he was prepared to pardon a Palestinian guerrilla leader sentenced to death for suversion, provided the guerrillas ended their antiJordanian campaign. The King's announcement came in a message to Prince Abdullah El-Salem El-Sabah, the Emir
    United Press International  -  248 words
  • 113 5 Bona, Wednesday An avalanche yesterday engulfed a mountain hut in which a group of eight deaf and dumb skiers were resting. killing four of them. Three others were dug out badly hurt aiter their instructor, himself injured, had struggled free and set out for help.
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  • 262 5 Santiago, Wednesday. Riot police firing teargas grenades yesterday prevented a clash outside the presidential palace between thousands of political rivals over the disputed results of Sunday's congressional elections. The incident flared as socialist President Salvador Allende's minority government, accused by the opposition
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  • 191 5 Belfast, Wednesday—An explosion disintegrated a derelict cottage being searched by a British Army border patrol yesterday, seriously wounding three soldiers. "They had Just stepped inside when the blast literally blew the cottage apart," an Army spokesman said. "We believe they must
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  • 60 5 Hong Kong, Wednesday. —China will issue a set of thre* stamps tomorrow to mark international women's day. The first will show a young woman miner getting ready to work, and the second the picture a woman committee member explaining an agricultural programme and the third a woman
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 A jf, Jr <"; >■ JL* JL I' Av!C3h:« jtOm*gi&s THE OFFICE ...for the best beer in town, and the latest telexes on stocks and shares; for the atmosphere wherein all business deals can be sealed with pleasure
      36 words

  • 401 6 For a country whose security is linked to the US through ANZUS Prime Minister Gough Whitlam's latest statements on the retention of American forces in Thailand is surprising, to say the least. Mr. Whitlam is apparently quite happy that the US should underwrite Australia's security,
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    • 66 6 Lack of communication between government departments is sometimes amazing. Officials from a certain Ministry had to call a New Nation reporter to verify that it has been granted money for a development project from the Finance Ministry. The poor officials had been totally in the dark
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    • 82 6 A friend forgot to bring his pass to enter a security area in Singapore one day. He explained the matter to the security guard at the checkpoint but the young guard—apparently to make quite sure that he had a pass asked him: "Are you sure you have a
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  • 935 6  -  GERALD de CRUZ It is a pity that phrases like "one world" and "global village" have been reduced by the mass media to the menial status of cliches, for it is of utmost importance
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  • Letters
    • 485 6  -  STEPHEN KOH As a returning student to Singapore who has been away for two years I feel impelled to make a statement on the appalling auto accident situation in Singapore. While I have read a great deal about the problem in the past week, it doesn't appear as
      485 words
    • 122 6  -  HENRY WONG I wish to Inform the authorities concerned that the bus services No. 13. 13-A, 192 and 94 are very irregular between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m. Lately one has to wait for more than 20 minutes to board one of these buses. When they finally arrive
      122 words
    • 172 6  -  NELSON QUAH Drugs are something not to be played with. They are dangerous. They can Kill. They can impair a parson physically and psychologically. They can even ruin a nation. Yet it is most disheartening to learn from recent Press reports that some of our youth,
      172 words
    • 254 6  -  PETER LOH As a tenant of the HDB, I am most concerned with the acts of vandalism re-' gardlng the lifts and mail-, boxes. In the last five to six months, our two lifts have undergone repairs for countless number of times, and there are at least three
      254 words
    • 73 6 As we know, in order to apply for a Government post one must get at least 3 O.C.E. 'O' Level Passes. I would like to know whether one can join with 3 G.C.E. 'O' Level Passes from two certificates and apply for the Government post if
      73 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 Write to The Editor, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, GPO, Singapore, 1. P 8X v* If <4 f r ?i < tC -v$ -feifi THEJ2 CLASSIFIED CAN MOVE THIS FOR YOU Now sell your unwanted furniture toys bicycles, typewriters, fridges, aircons, radioi through NEW NATION DIAL ADS-only 2CW per word
      54 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
    3012 7 Today New Nation presents a special forum on what bright young Singaporeans think. Twelve students who topped the GCE examinations give frank answers to questions dealing with their aspirations, the Singapore environment, the drug menace and pres- sures they expect to be exposed to in the future. The
    3,012 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 TT no TTTT >1 I-A K t\U i i A DISPLAY $8.50 per single column inch. (series rotes/discounts available on application.) NOTICES APPOINTMENTS $10.00 per single column inch. CLASSIFIED All Classifications 20cents per word. Minimum $2.00 SEMI-DISPLAY (Minimum one single column inch.) $8.50 per single column inch. For further details,call
      58 words

    • 3201 8  -  'i I B I Prom Selig Harrison Washington Post Which way is Japan heading? Unfairly perhaps, observers are prone to discussing Japan's future in the light of its behaviour in the 1930s and *****. Memories after all do not die easily. But
      Washington Post  -  3,201 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 Swing free.cooJ and true m a Bond's Grand Siam shirt; With famed underarm gusset for improved i follow- through. In a crescendo of cokxjrs. Swing a mean club in Bond's Grand Slam. Make a hit on the green. The Shop With QlCOaniS Ser™e ahara,ahS MEN S SHOP 86, HIGH STREET,S
      104 words

    • 881 9  -  TRISH SHEPPARD Important things are happening in the world. There's a money crisis which none of the so-called experts seem to understand, let alone be able to solve. One war is coming to an end while new wars are beginning. But in
      881 words
    • 394 9 'Ware the butchers thumb that lays heavy on these splendid Victorian scales! For from the immaculate porcelain surface frowns the figure of Justice in all her majesty (right). Beautifully drawn, she has the scales of her calling in her right hand and the
      394 words
    • 231 9 There was a time in show business, especially the movies, when all actors and actresses had to take new names that sounded sexier and looked more attractive on the billboards than their given names. That's why, Archibald Leach became Cary Grant, Bernle Schwartz emerged as Tony
      231 words
    • 157 9 Some women are beautiful, some are born beautiful and others thrust themselves into a world of beauty. Most of us would belong to the third category hoping with crossed fingers that osmosis would take place if we surrounded ourselves with fine things and beautiful
      Picture: TONY REID  -  157 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 32 9 /^{_^%},{\~^\|[`*+[*^:)$~*``}~< SALE! SALE! SALE! 20% 50% REDUCTIONS ON JEANS SHIRTS. j BiBi&B8B8® L^ x Shop 27, Tha Orchard. 290, Orchard Road, Singapore9.T«J *****6J N 116. Orchard Road. Singapore 9. Teiaphona *****0. 80. ■■y
      32 words
    • 230 9 4-channel stereo 1 fc UK 'j f. r f \ns»s* h ourci*" I cardv^WP w -J—Vftr I 1 mi sr. P Jt K 4 4a Sanyo DXT 5340 4-channel decoder/amplifier gives you all a 2- or 4-channel 8-track cartridge player, a stereo cassette recorder, a 4-speed automatic record changer and
      230 words

    • 235 10 A leading Japanese electric firm, Sansul, plans to set up an assembly plant In Singapore for amplifiers and speakers. The export manager of the company, Mr. H. Ohmlkawa, Is In Singapore to study the market and the labour situation. "We have
      235 words
      • 301 10 United Press International Investor enthusiasm over soundness in the current UJS. economic situation sparked a buying surge that sent prices sharply higher In moderate trading yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange. Althougn worries over Inflation, rising interest rates and world monetary problems still persist, the investment community
        United Press International  -  301 words
      • 122 10 The Tokyo Stock Market rose sharply on light volume yesterday. After three days of decline based on investor uncertainties over the international currency crisis, the Dow Jones average of 225 blue chips rose 117.25 yen to close at 4,888.88 yen. It was the first largest rise for a single
        122 words
      • 34 10 Dow Jones closing stock averages on the New York Exchange yesterday. 30 industrials 979.00 (up 12.11), 20 transport 194.83 (up 3.25), 15 utilities 111.16 (off 0.42), 65 stocks 305.84 (up 3.29).
        34 words
      • 204 10 Closing prices (In francs) yesterday. Parlbas 213 (212) Indcchlne 263 (259.90) Fonder 404 (403) PTintemps 154 (150.80) C.G.E. 495 (490) Bull 71 (71.40) Royal Dutch 193 (192.50) Mlchelln 1908 (1920) Thomson 198 (196) CFP. 214.50 (209.80) Rhone 174.80 (174.50) Air 373.10 (370) Philips 90.25 89.90) Suez 373 (378) Citroen
        204 words
      • 261 10 Prices at 11.30 a.m. today (Australia time): Ab&leen 13 15 Do opts 05 06 AOD 13 14 Allstate 16 17 Amad 06 07 Aurora 14 nil Do opts 04 04'/a Aust Ant 18 20 Bamboo 04'/a 08'/a Beach nil 51 Bounty Oil OlVa 02 Bridge 22 23 Castlereagh 0514
        261 words
    • 513 10 REALIGNMENT ADEQUATE, WELL FIXED, SAYS TREASURY OFFICIAL Washington, Wednesday The US UnderSecretary of Treasury, Mr. Paul W. Volcker assured Congress yesterday the dollar's new value was adequate and in the long run the dollar may appreciate. Mr. Volcker testified In support of the administrations
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    • 102 10 The share market showed signs of recovery yesterday though trading was still cautious. Generally, Industrials advanced marg 1 n a lly while properties received fairly good support. Hotels yielded under bouts of profit-taking. The centre of attraction among the bluechips were Sime Darby and Haw Par, two of
      102 words
    • 322 10 You might have heard of Julie Felix. Or seen her performing on television. But if you haven't then you're missing out on an unforgettable experience. Julie, you see, is a folk troubadour, a rare gem and a totally remarkable person. Her music
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    • 562 10  -  BBA revue at National Theatre VIOLET OON Put together a culturally conscious Military Command with very enthusiastic students and what do you get? A cultural troupe like the Bukit Barisan Assemble whose activities include singing, dancing and comedy shows all over Sumatra. We'll get the
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 322 10 TOP OP THE POPS Out of nowhere, Rod Stewart and The new hit, Cindy Incidentally, Is at No. 3 Edmunds of I Hear You Knocking fame You which moves in at No. 7. In the US Song moves up second spot just behind previous week's positions In breakets are: SINGAPORE
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 475 11 .V r, a BIG PROJECTS ON Systematic JLI Centralised Airconditioningi Spe- cialise in handling various makes X3u of pockoge airconditioners. Con- stu< suit ACME 72 Upper Serangoon Road Or Telephone: *****9 fu (S'pore). PL£ PURCHASING USED CARS Utilise Experts full and comprehensive Road Test for only $15.00 Yours car's future
      475 words
    • 268 11 CLEMENTI PARK, SINGAPORE 21. Lovely brick-foced detoched house, 2-storey, 3 bedrooms, plus study, oirconditioned, telephone beautiful matured garden, unfurnished/furnished to taste. PLEASE CALL CONSULTANT UNIQUE, S'PORE *****/***** C.T. HOUSING offers Luxury Apartments Bungalow houses in choice locality. Please coll ***** (S'pore). DIST. 10 VACANT UNFURNISHED/FURNISHED flat available immediately at Taman
      268 words
    • 422 11 L.C.C. SHIPPING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION COURSE Beginners Class commencing Friday, 9th March, 1973, from 6.30 p.m. Conducted by professionally qualified and experienced Lecturer in Shipping Subjects. REGISTER EARLY SHIPTRADE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT 5338, 2nd Floor, Golden Mile Complex, Beach Road, Singapore 7. Telephone No. *****. "NITRASOL" BEATS THEM ALL This liquid organic
      422 words
    • 372 11 SALE, HIM AND HIRE-PUR-CHASI Wooden, Cone FurWturMonufocturer. Pleose Come To: 18 Tiverton Lone Singapore 9 Off Killiney Rood. Open on Sunday from 1.30 p.m. 4 p.m. Daily till 6-30 p.m. /> f l RELINQUISH BOOKING 2storey corner" terroce/bungalows/ flats and shophouses at Henry Park 6 m.s., Hollond Rood. Please call
      372 words
    • 293 11 LOCATION—STAMFORD ROAD, furnished/ unfurnished carpeted, aiibonditioned, telephone, telex facilities. Ideal any first class business either temporary or long term basis. Area 600 sq. ft. Write to Box 2285 N.N. S'pore. TO LET IST CLASS OFFICE SPACE COLOMBO COURT (7Hi) FLOOR, FULL CARPARK. 1,400 to 4,400 Sq. Ft. Reasonable Rental Available
      293 words
    • 197 11 PHARMACIST AVAILABLE FOR Wholesale, Retail and Import House post available. Write to Box 2284 MN. S'pore. WSW: INTER-ROYAL HEALTH CENTRE Massage, Sauna/Steam Bath Also Hydro Massage and use of Gym. Hotel Royal, Newton Road, Tel: *****1 Ext. 131 Daily 10 a.m. 10 p.m. PEACE CENTRE Shops from 300 sq. ft.
      197 words
    • 243 11 JETAWAY CHARTER t TOURS SPECIALIST Sin/London 525/Sin/Hamburg/ Frankfurt 700/Sin/Ntew York 975/JJETAWAY 21 DAYS EUROPEAN TOURS ONLY SI 790 ALL INCLUSIVE JETAWAY AUSTRALIA TOURS FROM $B6O/Lon/New York $430/- return Lon/Toronto $445/- return Lon/L.A. or Vane S63OA return SEAT TRAVEL LTD.. 321, Supreme House, *****3/ *****3 410, Shaw Centre, *****8/ *****8. These
      243 words
    • 364 11 GUARANTEED FLIGHTS OOTKK from Singopore to: Bolikpopon and Bondjormosin dtporture every Thursday ond Saturday— Padong and Pakanbaru departure every Friday ond Sunday accepting both passengers ond cargoes. Contoct Sindomas Corpn. Telephone: Singopore *****/ *****. WHAT CAN A FIRST-CLASS TAILOR DO WHEN YOU BUY HIM SECOND CLASS MATERIAL? Buy the Latest
      364 words

  • 916 12  -  •StHXEH' SCENE WITH JEFFREY LOW The moment we've all been waiting for has at last arrived tonight's colossal Jalan Besar clash between our national side and North Korea's April 25 at 7.30 p.m. After all the publicity and the routs that April 25 have
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  • 243 12 Lusaka, Wednesday. Zambia's state radio yesterday accused New Zealand of vacillation oyer playing host to the South African Springboks rugby team later this year and urged Africa's Supreme Council for Sport to set a deadline for a decision. The radio was commenting on threats by
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  • 178 12 Defence will meet Home Affairs in the final of the inter-Ministry badminton championship for the K.R. Chandra Trophy at the Raffles Institution, Grange Road on March 15. In the semi-finals last night, Defence beat Education 32 while Homes Affairs defeated the Prime Minister's Office 5-0. Education will
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  • 598 12  -  By Nancy Koh It was Jalan Teck Whye Secondary's day yesterday as its runners returned sizzling times to take four of the six titles at the 14th School National Cross-Country Championships at Dover Road. The four-titles blitz was most pronounced In the "A" Girls
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  • 97 12 Punta Del Este, Uruguay, Wednesday. South Africa completed a 5-0 victory over Uruguay In their Davis Cup South American zone first -round tennis tie when they won both reverse singles here yesterday. Pat Cramer beat Mario Laborde 6-0, 61, 6- 0 and Ray Moore won
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  • 63 12 New York. Wednesday. Brian Allln's US$3O,OOO prize for his victory in the Citrus Open boosted htm from 29th to sixth place on the 1973 U.B. golf tour earnings list, the Professional Golfers Association reported. Australia's Bruce Crampton, who picked up U*****5 for an 18th~place tie in
    63 words
  • 13 12 Lim. -Pictures Philip
    Lim.; -Pictures Philip  -  13 words
  • 241 12 By Blue Peter Ming Derby (Laurie Johnson) drew attention to his chances in the $30,000 Singapore Derby when he did a splendid trial on good going at Bukit Timah this morning. After going once round at a steady pace the Alclmedes seven-year-old
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  • 235 12 Bridgetown, Wednesday— The Australian cricketers led by Keith Stackpole dismissed the West Indies youth team for 174 in under three hours before launching a savage assault on the youngsters' mediocre attack here yesterday. At the close of play on the opening day, the Australians were only
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  • 42 12 Sydney, Wednesday—Australia will not send a cricket team to tour Pakistan next year, because of a disagreement with the Pakistan Cricket Board of Control over players' allowances, the secretary of the Australian Cricket Board of Control said here yesterday.
    42 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 125 12 DR. KIU>ARE by Km BaM i V -J *1 i v I'M PROPOSE' MARRIA&E T'YOU, JIM. THOUGHT X MAPS THATCtEAR. -r f- <■ OS i i(VI iii n 5M f '//I Ml I I >1> 1 V iu: a* i -V:. K t H I t. > n T' l
      125 words
    • 269 12 NEW NATION CROSSWORD 10 Have to (be inclined to). 11 The Marshall Plan for example. 12 Redact. 13 Make over. 18 Harden 22 Old: Gcr. 24 Cloy. 26 Scullers. 27 Following. 28 Long legged bird. 29 Global sector. 31 Acid: Prefix. 33 All: Prefix. 34 Kill* 36 Opposite of pos.
      269 words

  • Back Page WEDNESDAY
    • 386 14  -  By Derrick Tay In most societies and ours is no exception the stress is upon educating the people, to make them more knowledgeable, more skilled and more proficient in their various occupations. This 1s all well and good. But there is a tendency these days
      386 words
    • 64 14 MEI LIN: With all the trouble the British government is getting from its perpetually striking workers, I wonder why it wants to stop Asian workers, who understand what real work Is. from entering the country. AH FOOK: I agree a transfusion of people is what Britain needs, but
      64 words
    • 63 14 For 18 year old Su v imol Suratseree, the Miss Chiengmai title is not a crown Only a cap. "The real crown will come when I win the Miss World title," she says. And from her looks, it is quite evident that Suvimol will make it
      Picture by Jerry Seh  -  63 words
    • 189 14 Today is Wednesday, March 7, the 66th day of 1973 with 299 to follow. THE MOON: Between its new phase and first quarter. THE MORNING STARS: Venus, Mars and Jupiter. THE EVENING STARS: Mercury and Saturn. Those born on this date are under the sign of Pisces, Noted American
      189 words
    • 48 14 Fisherman Ken Leader, 42, of Scarborough, Yorkshire, won the world shouting cha m p 1 onshlp, held In aid of charity at a Scarborough hotel, with an earspllttlng 111 decibel yell. That Is similar to the sound of two Jumbo Jets taking off.
      48 words
    • 21 14 Shy people make good teachers, according to a school expert, Dr. Gerald Cortls, of Birmingham University's School of Education.
      21 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 23 14 The watch closest to perfect accuracy V Sole Agents: CHIN HIN WATCH CO OVERSEAS UNION SHOPPING CENTRE COLLYER QUAY SINGAPORE, 1. TEL: *****1
      23 words
    • 313 14 MM St; V' mm Vacheron Constant in, the oldest watch-makers In Switzerland, slimmest watches in the world. ;Today, as in 1755, is finished by hand. '11* a! Is wttjr only a limited numare produced by factOi% «very year, a number goes to the privileged und Hie world who insist ion
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 306 14 5 Singapore 3.00 Opening and Housewives' Matinee—Fervent Love (Mandarin film, Pt. I—Rpt.) 3.40 A Diary of Events in Singapore this Week (C) 3.45 Isai Amutham featuring, Krishna Kumari (Rpt.) 4.05 Days of Our Lives 4.45 Close. 6.05 Opening and Touche Turtle 6.30 News in Brief 6.35 What Others Say (E)
      306 words
    • 443 14 Trust your IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are one of those persons undeniably gifted when it comes to recognising, working with, and drawing conclusions from details. With a tremendous aptitude for scientific research, you turn your attention to the minutest of aspects and elements of tiny given thing,
      443 words
    • 163 14 RADIO 1.30 News followed by Share Market Report 1.40 Lunch Date 2.00 The Heart of Juliet Jones 2.30 Women's Magazine 3.00 Kiwi Music Makers 3.30 Soul Sounds 4.00 Tea Break 5.00 News Brief 5.03 Prog Summary 5.10 Music on the Move 6.00 News Brief 6.03 Public Annct 6 05 Dally
      163 words