New Nation, 28 February 1972

Total Pages: 22
1 22 New Nation
  • 19 1 NEW NATION SINGAPORE Monday evening, February 28, 1972 No 339 Price 15 cents I I SINGAPORE MONDAY, jftS )T
    19 words
  • 10 1 Police reported 52 accidents yesterday. Seven were serious,
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  • 178 1 The share market was busy this morning. Trading was speculative and generally prices were moving up. Gammon gained three cents to $1.59. M. Breweries were up 10 cents to $7.90. 81m Lim made three cents to $1.20. U. 0.8. was up 10 cents to $7.30. Allied Chocolates
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  • 27 1 Cape Kennedy, Monday.— Space officials last night called off the launch of a spacecraft to Jupiter after severe thunderstorms apparently interrupted power to the launch area.
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  • 36 1 LATE NEWS New York, Monday.— European members of the United Nations Security Council will sponsor a draft resolution calling for a ceasefire and the immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanese territory.
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  • 55 1 Today New Nation brings you another colour special this time on the historic visit of President Nixon to China. He is seen here on his arrival at Peking where, accompanied by Prime Minister Chou Enlai, he reviewed Chinese troops. Mrs. Nixon is pictured in a bright red
    UPI special colour picture  -  55 words
  • 111 1 Johore Bahru. Monday Little did lawyer Mr. Tan Klah Teck know he was to at his office. "The youth came into my room and said his friend had been arresteaby Muar police after using acid In a fight. "A few minutes later, he took two
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  • 253 1  -  Bid to avoid high tax By Pang Guek Cheng About 1000 cars stranded in the PSA for several months may finally be stripped and shipped piece by piece to Indonesia. This last resort measure is being considered by at least one of the dealers
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  • 50 1 A police party led by Inspector Lim Chin Ow of Queens town Police Station raided a hut in Lorong 23, Geylang, and detained five youths during the weekend. Eight acid-filled bulbs and four bearing scrapers were recovered. Police believe that the group was preparing for a gang fight
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  • 24 1 Kuching, Monday.—Sixty tribal horsemen provided a colourful escort to Britain's Queen Elizabeth when she arrived here this morning for a 24-hour visit
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  • 325 1 New Nation Foreign Service Shanghai, Monday President Nixon left here by air today after taking the first modest steps towards normalising relations with China during what he described as "the week' that changed the world." Premier Chou En lai headed Chinese officials at Shanghai Airport
    New Nation Foreign Service  -  325 words
  • 365 1 Discussion on Nixon communique New Nation Foreign Service Talpeh, Monday. Taiwan's Foreign Minister, Mr. 8. K. Chow, presided over an emergency meeting today to decide what public response the Nationalist Chinese government should make, if any, to the joint commanioue issued In yesterday by President !9bcon
    New Nation Foreign Service  -  365 words
  • 165 1 Police today served summonses on a Nanyang Slang Pau editor for allegedly publishing a letter from members of the Singapore Armed Forces and refusing to identify them. Goh Seow Poh, the editor responsible for the page on public opinions and editorial >• comments, was alleged to
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  • 181 1  -  By Abby Tan Disappointment and disbelief swept the faces of more than 100 people when they turned up at the Asien-Paziflk Batik In Collyer Quay this morning to be told that no more Nixon-Mao coins would be on sale. The question uppermost In everyone's mind
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  • 137 1 United Press International Beirut, Monday .—lsraeli .Jet planes, artillery and armoured vehicles struck into Lebanon for the third day yesterday. Military sources said the three-day operation was the biggest Israeli offensive agalnqt Lebanon since the 1967 war. Syrian anti-aircraft guns opened fire on Israeli Phantom and
    United Press International  -  137 words
  • 27 1 Canberra, Monday. The only woman member of the Indonesian Supreme. Advisory Council, Madam M. Soebadlo. Is making an official nine-day visit to AurtrtU*. mrttof today.
    27 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 185 1 msiiit TOQBV 6 Crrrjpf, on in dcv pmn; countries PAf.F 7 V> c tco n£ w,»fi of offensive. HAC I 8 No w Nation on fh Nix'on Chou communique L 9 Communist > in u'fi Ea .t Asia PACES 111/ Supplement on Insurance and P rsonal Investment. PAGE IS: Deir
      185 words
    • 95 1 Tokjo shock Pace 5. Music to wake you, put you to sleep, •nd a dock to give you the time of day. With alarm as wall. That's wrfiat each of the new range of Sanyo digital dock radios will do for you. •Superbly designed and incorporated with advanced technical features,
      95 words

  • 639 2  -  Set high standards, says inspector By Sunny Wee The promotion of industrial safety Is a tripartite effort of the government, employers and workers, says Mr. Pang Butno, the Labour Ministry's chief inspector of factories. He said: "Legislation may be passed to set the minimum standard
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  • 209 2  -  By Violet Oon a competent, the Adelaide Wind Quintet did not give a particularly outstanding performance at the Teachers' Training College auditorium Yesterday evening. This was most probably due to the stifling afternoon heat which made It difficult for the audience and, I
    209 words
  • 36 2 The University of Singapore School of Postgraduate Medical Studies will hold an eight-week full-time course in advanced medicine from April 17 to prepare graduates for the Master of Medicine (Internal Medicine) and the MRACP examinations.
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  • 512 2  -  But overtime row may be settled By Francis Rozario The 3000-strong Public Dally Rated Electrical Workers' Union last night empowered its central council to take legal action against the Public Utilities Board to recover about $200,000 In alleged Overtime payments ror its mebers. The
    512 words
  • 236 2  -  By P.N. Balji Britten Norman's multi-million dollar aircraft plan project here is now in the final stages of negotiations with the Commonwealth Development Corporation anxious to provide financial aid. Mr. Desmond Norman, a founder of the British aircraft company, slipped into Singapore' last
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  • 76 2 Captain J1 m Lawson, padre of the Royal Highland Fusiliers based In Nee Soon, was seriously Injured when his car was Involved In an accident with a lorry at Upper Thomson Road yesterday afternoon. He was admitted to the ANZUK Hospital In Changi and Is on
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  • 498 2  -  Views on FEFC crisis By Patrick de Souza Demands made by the Malaysian national shipping line and Singapore's Neptune Orient Lane for a better deal In the Far Eastern Freight Conference might have been favourably received If the timing had been better, one industry source said.
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  • 55 2 The Adult Education Board will conduct a course on the teaching branch of the L-R-S.M. Diploma to prepare piano candidates for the practical and viva voce examination this year. The 15-week course will begin on March 12 at the Cultural Centre, from 4.30 pjn. to 7.30
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  • 122 2 The Science Teachers' Association of Singapore has received about 35 applications from its members for two studv awards in the United States. The course is the fifth the association has organised annually since 1968. It is being sponsored by the Asia Foundation in Singapore and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 577 2 NOTICE CHAPTEB 19» (PAWNBBOKEBS) Unredeemed Pledged Goods A Jewellery (ran the feUewtn* Pawnbroker*' Shops Lam Joon Stone (Chop Bcm Feh) No. 135 Mew Bridge Road. Bo Yen tee (Chop Heng Fatt) Yeng Kee No. 255 South Bridge Rood. Scow Kton (Nub Choong Pawnshop Lid.) No. 287 South Bridge Rood. Lam
      577 words
    • 187 2 TAN OPTICAL HOUSE NEW PLASTIC SPECTACLE LENSES FOR WIDER FIELD OF ¥IEW—LIGHT IN WEIGHT AND UNBREAKABLE—IDEAL FOR SPORTS, CATARACT LENSES, ETC. Consult Mr. K. L. TAN, F. B. O. A., F.S.M.C. (Eng.) Mr. S. A. TAN, D. Opt., M. 8.0.A. (Eng.) 38-A, Orchard Road, Siigapore-9. Tel: 349T7. (Ntxt To Mac
      187 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 334 2 Woman wins f*€ HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW SINGAPORE? Last Wednesday's quiz photograph showed the top of a pillar at the Chartered Bank building In Battery Road. The first prize of $15 goes to Miss Lorna Leong Loo Ling, a clerk, of North Bridge Road. Hers was the first correct
      334 words

  • 636 3 PAP men listen to constituents' problems cabinet ministers, one minister of state, a parliamentary and a political secretary yesterday went calling on their constituents. In what appeared to be the most Intensive recent effort by MPs from the ruling party to "get to know"
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  • 32 3 Dr. Augustine Tan, chairman of National Pror ductivity Centre, will open a two-day seminar on Management information and accounting for profit Improvement at the NPC premises' in Jurong on March 1.
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  • 45 3 Members of the Methodist Girls' School Alumnae Association are organising a walkathon on March 17 at 7.30 a.m, in a bid to raise $20,000. Proceeds will be siren to the Singapore Leprosy Relief Association and the Singapore Association for the Deaf.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 135 3 weather Temperatures in world cities yesterday: Kuala Lumpur 30-23 C Hong Kong 11-10 C Bangkok 33-19 C Seoul Tokyo Manila Naha Paris 1-minus 5C 10-1 C 32-21 C 14-13 C 13-3 C New York 2-mlnus 2C Moscow 2-mlnus lOC San Francisco 18-8 C Singapore Singapore's weather forecast from 1 p.m.
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    • 130 3 At the cinema Capitol: The Cowboys 1.15, 4. 6.45, 9.30 pjn. Cathay: Suzle 1.30, 4, 6.30, 9.30 pjn. Globe: Five Mercenaries In Armour 1.43. 4. 7. 9.15 p.m. Imperial: The Vengeance Of A Snow Girl (Mandarin) 115, 7.15. 9.30 pjn. Juronc Drive-In: The Desperate Chase (Mandarin) 7, 9.30 pjn. Lido:
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  • In Person
    • 506 4 Conducted by Ruth Moses, Tel: *****1 THE 21 technicians who turned up for the Swiss Club ceremony certainly did not get a ticking off. Instead they were congratulated for helping to wind ud the watch Industry In Singapore and make It tick.
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    • 285 4 What other newspapers are saying: JAWI SCRIPT: It seems that the Jawl script has been getting wide attention lately. Members of the public, educationalists, Muslim religious councils of the various states, and even UMNO itself have urged the government to give more attention to the teaching of the
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    • 551 4 NIXON'S VISIT TO CHINA: President Nixon's arrival in Peking and unscheduled one-hour meeting with Chairman Mao Tse-tung the same day shows the Importance attached by the two countries to the visit and their sincerity to seek concord amid differences. The same Inclination was reflected in the speeches
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    • 263 4 SINO AMERICAN TALKS: The peace-loving people In the world are all hoping that the outcome of the present Sino-American summit meeting being held In Peking will ease world tension and bring peace to mankind. Even Pope Paul prayed for the success of President Nixon's visit to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 63 4 PLANNING FOR YOUR NEXT SALES MEETING 1 >: sf i il: 8f: f MM if Situated in the hedrt of the city. The Function Room of Metropole Hotel is available for all purposes Cocktail, Tea Party, Conference, etc Very reasonable rate and can accommodate up to 10 0 persons. Enquiries:
      63 words

  • 376 5 'Enormous victory for Peking* United Press International New York, Monday The joint communique Issued on President Nixon week long China talks "surprised" officials in Taiwan yesterday and came as a "profound shock" to the Japanese. But most western European diplomats considered It a realistic attemDt
    United Press International  -  376 words
  • 327 5 United Press International Tokyo, Monday. United States Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Marabou Green, visits Tokyo today In the first stop of a ninenation tour to explain President Nixon's new China policy to America's Asian allies. His arrival finds Japan hot in debate over
    United Press International  -  327 words
  • 57 5 San Francisco, Monday An estimated 350,000 people paraded through the streets of Chinatown here on Saturday night to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Rat. Tens of thousands of fireworks were set off as a giant model of a rat was paraded. The traditional golden dragon also
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  • 56 5 Geneva, Monday The United Nations SecretaryGeneral, Mr. Kurt Waldheim yesterday reviewed Middle East development with the- UN peace envoy. Mr. Gunnar Jarring. Mr. Waldheim said that his own talks here with Dr. Jarring would determine how and where the latter would develop his mission which follows a Security
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  • 55 5 Georgetown, Monday.— Abdul Malik (Michael X), the former black power leader, wanted over a double murder, is being hunted in the Guyana jungle. Guyana police say they have closed all exit routes and are confident they have Malik trapped as they fan out in a
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  • 43 5 Hong Kong, Monday. People In Honan, Anhwei, Kiangsu and Shantung provinces are building sluices and other water control projects in a stepped-up drive to harness the Hual River, one of China's major waterways, the New China News Agency reported today.
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  • Article, Illustration
    86 5 Hundreds of people, in their holiday best, swarmed into the Istana grounds yesterday—left —when it was open to the public for 10 hours. In gay and carefree mood they came to take advantage of the opportunity they missed on Chinese New Year day when it was closed because
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  • 332 5 Reuter London, Monday The British Prime Minister, Mr. Edward HeattC in a nation wide broadcast last night at the end of the seven-week miners' strike, warned that Britain faced two great challenges—lnflation, and a threat to its traditional way of life. Violence, or threats of
    Reuter  -  332 words
  • 241 5 United Press International New York, Monday. Men and women students at the University of Michigan will share the same rooms in an off-campus experiment that started during the weekend. The co-op house has 84 resident students, 29 of whom are joining in the experiment of males and females
    United Press International  -  241 words
  • 138 5 New York, Monday. A 30-foot (10m) wave of water and mud that smashed through a flood-swollen West Virginia dam killed at least 50 people and left 284 missing, Governor Arch Moore reported yesterday at the scene of the disaster. After three days of heavy rain, the
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  • 42 5 Sydney, Monday The chairman of the Israeli Liberal Party, Mr. Yosef Saplr died in the Wolper Jewish Hospital here last night. Mr. Saplr, who was 70, was visiting Australia with the Israeli parliamentary delegation which arrived last Thursday.
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  • 113 5 Lahore, Monday The Governor of the Punjab, Mr. Mustapha Khan, has warned striking Pakistani policemen here that If they failed to surrender their arms and ammunition within 24 hours, they would be punished under martial law regulations which icarry a maximum .of 14 years In jaiL
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  • 42 5 Manila, Monday. President Marcos yesterday announced a massive development programme starting with the immediate establishment of Israeli-type cooperatives, for troubled Mindanao in southern Philippines. The cooperatives will serve as the main structure for the agro-industrial development of the country.
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  • 185 5 Reuter Cairo, Monday—Three of five Iraqis arrested here after an assassination attempt against a leading Iraqi political refugee in Cairo are security men working for the Baghdad Government, it was reported yesterday. The men were arrested on Saturday night after an attempt to
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 28 5 Manila, Monday—A mental patient ran amok, killing a hospital attendant and seriously Injuring two other patients at the government's national mental hospital in suburban Mandaluyong.
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  • 102 5 Manila, Monday Four youths aged between 13 and 19 years and a 26-year-old man were killed and six others were seriously wounded yesterday when a keg of dynamite exploded at Gigaquit in Surlgao Del Norte province in southern Philippines. Police said the dynamite was touched
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 358 5 The miracle salesmen in Right now there are salesmen all over the world putting to profitable use the principles contained in The MIRACLE SALES GUIDE. In 9 encyclopedic sections*, it sets forth hundreds upon hundreds of outstandingly effective selling techniques. It puts at the salesman's disposal an overpowering array of
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    • 560 6  -  Prom George McArthur Los Angeles Times CAMBODIA About 22 months ago when the Indo-Chlna war engulfed the hapless Cambodians, their decrepit government machinery was unable to cope with the dally crisis, let alone plan for the future. The slipshod habits and naive hopes of those
      Los Angeles Times  -  560 words
    • 1218 6 Aim is to build a broad indigenous middle class S-E ASIA The interesting proposition that the elimination of corruption should not rate a high priority in the process of economic growth in the developing world was put forward by Dr. Soerjono WiriJodiatmodje of the University
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    • 721 6  -  Move to settle war debt to encourage trade and investment From Ronald Koven USSR The Soviet Union has told the United States that it Is willing to reopen negotiations which have been suspended for 12 years on repayment of the outstanding Soviet Second World War
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    • 539 6  -  From Bernardino Ronguillo PHILIPPINES Even before President Nixon left on his Peking visit, President Marcos announced that the Philippines would establish trade relations with China. This will obviously be followed by the opening of diplomatic relations with Peking. Mr. Marcos had already sent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 393 7 w i, 7 Broadcast warning New Nation Foreign Service Saigon, Monday j» 'it 1 said during the weekend that its forces were ready for an offensive in the immediate future" aimed at defeating President Nixon's Vietnamisatlon programme and forcing the Americans out of Indo-China.
    New Nation Foreign Service  -  393 words
  • 158 7 Reuter Washington, Monday. President Nixon and his leading Democrat opponent, Senator Edmund Muskie, are still running neck and neck in the race for the* presidential election in November, according to the latest Gallup public opinion poll. The poll, published in the Washington Post
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 7 Eleven-year-old lan Crighton and his Instructor, Mr. Llm Hee Hiong, give a Judo demonstration to 300 people at the Singapore International School. It was part of the martial arts display held as part of the school's festival of arts which ended yesterday. Lan is a member of the
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  • 247 7 Reuter Madrid, Monday. Britain's Foreign Secretary, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, arrived here yesterday to angry chants of "Gibraltar is Spanish" and Nazi-style salutes. The dispute over Britain's Rock colony will be the major item in talks with his Spanish counterpart, Mr. Gregorio Lopez' Bravo, during
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 66 7 Venice, Monday Police have recovered 17 modvn paintings worth $l.B million stolen from 72-year-old American m 1111 o nalress Peggy Guggenheim last December, but the thieves escaped In a launch heading for the open sea. Police surprised the thieves as they were loading the paintings, together with
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  • 405 7 Reuter Budapest, Monday. Richard Burton yesterday divulged the well-kept secret of what he gave his wife Liz Taylor for her 40th birthday a huge carved diamond inscribed with a promise of everlasting love. "I would like to have bought the Taj Mahal--
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • 157 7 Washington, Monday. Consumer protector, Mr. Ralph Nader, yesterday announced plans to form an army of retired professional people across the United States to help bttng about constructive social changes. Mr. Nader, scourge of big business and of makers of faulty products who has recently
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  • 277 7 Reuter Belfast, Monday.—Shots were fired yesterday at army helicopters hovering near the scene of a protest march in Londonderry—the first mass demonstration in the city since "Bloody Sunday" exactly a month ago. The army said a total of five single shots were fired at
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 99 7 Reuter Tokyo, Monday.—A daylong rescue operation failed to find any trace of skiers thought to be trapped under an avalanche In Nlkko, and police said It appeared no one was in fact burled. At one time rescue workers believed up to 20 skiers were caught
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 84 7 Reuter London, Monday. A BCottish, Schoolboy, Tommy Nicol, has been awarded a gold medal for the bravest deed of 1971. the Royal Humane Society announced today. Last March, when only 13, Tommy dived 30 ft (10m) into a water filled quarry at Aberdeen despite hidden rocks and
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 69 7 Salisbury, Monday. A government appointed judicial tribunal convenes here today for a secret review of the security police case against Miss Judith Todd, the 28-year-old antisettlement campaigner held in detention for alleged complicity in black nationalist violence here last month. But the hearing, held in camera,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 185 7 JCONOMIC ruONT TO ONOON A mw YORK TWICS WIBKLV Hong kntig/Kow loon (Macau) S Dill $Bl5 Dally Departure Waagli i iag (Macau)/Bangkok -8 Days $BO5 Daily Departure Baaglwfc/BoagEkoag (Macau) 3 Days IMB Dally Departure Taiwan Hongkong Bangkok 13/11 Days $lB7O. $l2BO Above Tour Depart:—' 1/8, 10/8, 81/8. 1/4. 2/4. 8/4,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 285 7 NEW NATION CROSSWORD ACBOBB 1 Store up. Facial expression. 10 Driver. 14 Squander. 15 Btaple food. 16 First-class. 17 Bay window. 18 Type of paper. 30 Strenuous game. 2a Small and delicate. 23 Scene of popular musical. 24 Aaron Burr's daughter. 25 Ship: Poet. 28 Gratifying reverie. 32 HOrae. 33
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  • 436 8 This is great news. The summit that has Just ended in Peking marks a historic beginning towards peace and stability in Asia and beyond. The world's most populous nation and its most powerful have put two decades of bitter confrontation behind them and have agreed to
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  • 150 8 *\wYifiEsrDrsf^ by ISPY So comparatively cheap have air fares become that the German Ambassador, Dr. Wiihelm Loer. I learn, Is spending his local leave In Germany, in the town of Werl (population 30,000) where he was born. But this is also a very special occasion because Werl
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  • 1146 8  -  ALEX JOSEY Reading Professor Erikson's book, Gandhi's Truth, I was again reminded that there are many Interpretations of truth. A French philosopher defined truth as a word which expresses, as it really is, the speaker's thought,
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  • Letters
    • 489 8  -  ARTHUR YAP I was not present at the opening of the Refugee Relief Action art exhibition to hear Mr. William Wllletts' address, but I have since come across a copy of this speech. I am glad to have read It even though, recorded for posterity, is Mr.
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    • 323 8  -  K.H. LOO With regard to the InterConstltutency Soccer Tournament. I would like to raise a query to the organis ers (one which I am sure many potential and ex-soc-cer players would also be Interested to know about). As a resident of Queenstown, I did not have
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    • 59 8  -  AG. DSP YEOW YEW TOONG Public Relations Officer, Singapore Police Force. Singapore, 2. I refer tb the letter When Motorist Wu Stopped by Peter Tlo (NN, Peb. 19). Would the writer please furnish more details on this case to the Offlcer-ln-Charge, Traffic Police, Mr. Nlaz Mohd Shah (Telephone
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    • 132 8 It was through your paper that I, a pre-U student, first heard of the novel China Affair by Mr. Klrpal Singh, a local law graduate. Being a keen follower of local books, I managed to obtain a copy and have recently finished reading it. The
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    • 91 8  -  CHE KING TING I refer to the letter from Leolim (NN, Feb. IIV entitled, Bouquet For Postmen. I would like to thank the writer for his kind compliments and appreciation of the services rendered by the Postal Services Department He is assured that the department will endeavour
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 Write to The Editor, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, GPO, Singapore, 1. Symbol of Hospitality At Hotel New Hongkong, no effort it spved to make your vWt happy and memorable. Our girts are friendly and eager to please. Our service, impeccable. Come and be served superb hot snacks at our
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

    • 998 9  -  From V. K. Chin t The government is sure of one thing—the Reds will never become a serious military threat again, in its present campaign against the communist .'terrorists along the Malay-sian-Thai border. 1 As a country which has successfully put down an armed communist
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    • 2039 9  -  From Manit Jeer Thai government troops are currently undertaking the largest suppression campaign against communist Insurgents In north Thailand in an attempt to smash their strongholds. The'' campaign was lairachM in the wake of greatly, intensified communist activities in the* area, tohlch saw at
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    • 459 9 By a StaO Writer After being somnolent for several years, the Communist insurgency is neatlng up again, quite signlflcant- ly in Thailand and in a minor way in Malaysia. During the month of January alone, nearly a 100 Thai soldiers and policemen lost their lives
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    • 185 9  -  FROM JACK FOISIE Living up to the Nixon doctrine and bettering in it, Mr. Bey Bill, director of the US Agency for International Development in Bangkok, is steadily drying up counter-in-surgency assistance to Thailand, althoagh the insurgency is admittedly growing. In doing so he has encountered
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    • 929 10  -  By Violet Oon Few people are probably aware that Singapore has moved further ahead than most other countries in school music education at primary school level. The revised school music syllabus of 1971 includes class lessons in instrumental music and creative activity in the
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    • 481 10  -  Violet Oon The Singapore International School held Its first Festival of the Arts over the week-end only one and a half terms after the school opened. The school put up a complete programme in the visual and performing arts which made It a
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    • 611 10 Pang Guek Cheng interviews Secondary Four science students from Fairfield Methodist Girls' School Lee Woon Kun. 16: I dont think there should be a total-ban-on crackers, since these are intimately connected with Chinese traditions and customs. Certainly, precautions should be taken to see that young
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    • 381 10 THE WORLD OF TOmORROUJ UPI New York, Monday Altruism.-is it real or found only in dictionaries? It does exist, according to Dr. D.O. Hebb, a psychologist at McOill University in Quebec. He dismisses as "a doctrinaire argument" that altruism in the true sense cannot exist, that
      UPI  -  381 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 112 10 TTK International Training Centre THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SECRETARIAL LANGUAGE TRAINING IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA The I.T.C. Private Secretary's Certificate has long been recognised as Singapore's leading qualification for Private Secretaries. I.T.C. provides a one year full-time course of professional training leading to the I.T.C. examination as well as the L.C.C. Private
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    • 1121 11  -  ...THROUGH UNIT TRUSTS By Tan Cher Soon Direct participation and involvement in the economic development of Singapore by the average Singapo--rean are possible through the institutions of unit trusts and finance companies. While unit trust serves as a channel for aU Individuals. particularly those who have little knowledge,
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    • 486 11  -  SMA plans own private scheme P. N. BALJI The lucrative insurance business is beginning to gain a foothold in the field of medicine in Singapore. The Singapore Medical Association Is now drawing up plans to Introduce its own private insurance scheme. Last month the association
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    • 604 12  -  Small number insure their homes against hazards By P. N. Balji Insurance companies in Singapore are perplexed by ;the small number of people who Insure their homes against hazards like fire, floods and other rides. y However/ with promotional ana publicity activities.
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    • 578 12  -  Pakir Singh In the insurance world, the name of Gamini S. Korala at once conjures up images of a man who has climbed to the top of the ladder of success. And success has come to Gamini through sheer hard work and a dedication
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    • 1127 13 GIMMICKS GALORE TCS. Easy credit facilities haye generated so much affluence and sophistication of products and fashion in every household these days. Q 5 "Buy-now, pay later" slogans smd gimmicks are flying high all over the consumers market in Singapore. Every durable product has an Involved
      — TCS.  -  1,127 words
    • 541 13  -  S.W. For most people their first encounter with Insurance is when they are about to buy a motor-car or motorcycle. Only then do they know the valuable services that an insurance company can provide, not only for the motor-vehicle but for the individual as well.
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    • 947 14 Facilities geared to create jobs, boost growth here Banking in Singapore is experiencing the most exciting and challenging era in its 125-year-old history. From the time the first bank was established here in 1846, banking facilities have improved by leaps and bounds making the
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    • 242 14 Push, patience and preseverance. These are the three Ps that have contributed to Mr. Richard Tan's success in the insurance business. From the time he joined the Great Eastern Life Assurance Co. Ltd., he has steadily gone up the ladder of
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    • 1305 15 SERVICE INDUSTRY MOST LUCRATIVE TCS In ttye growing economy ito t Singapore, there ig no limit to the opporfunitles in investment, whether it is a massive in-flow of capital or the ordinary man/4 on the street trying his luck on the local stock market. Back in
      TCS  -  1,305 words
    • 538 15  -  SUNNY WEE No one can predict when a family may suddenly find itself robbed of its sole breadwinner. Unless the breadwinner of the family takes out a life insurance policy or has been setting aside part of his monthly income over the past years to
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    • 532 16  -  'A step in the right direction* By P.N. Balji The government's plan to set up a motor insurance bureau similar to the one in Malaysia Is a step in the right direction. This is the consensus of motor insurance companies here.
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    • 437 16 The race in which the Republic is lagging Singapore has still a long way to go before it can surpass Tokyo, Manila and Hong Kong in the insurance race. This is the opinion of Mr. Ng Cheng Kwee, who i has spent more than seven years
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    • 946 17 THEY PROVIDE MANAGEMENT EXPERTISE Top management echelon with good expertise in the decisionmaking process are catalysts to the growth of the individual industrial company and the industrial development of the country as a whole. Management expertise have been upgraded and Improved since Singapore
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    • 578 17  -  By Sunny Wee Under the protective mantle of Insurance, ships sail, planes fly and transport moves, men work, homes and factories are built, and loss or damage is made good and distress is relieved. Before we go into the various forma
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 632 11 Where else can you achieve this sort of return on your money? 30-93% per annum Singapore Growth Hind Units This is what those investors who bought Singapore Growth Fund Units at $l.OO as a long-term investment during the initial offer period at the beginning of August 1969 have obtained for
      632 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 290 12 lie's a bright child JS&L'. will he get the future he deserves? Without you, your son's life would never Wthc same. B*rt at least you can ensure that, should you die, your family will still be able to live irt rfcasontfble comfort and enjoy some of the things you had
      290 words
    • 94 12 Ub- Jic*it ciAi/ukst- U>£. i£- 13 4i|fical*: *3ucJi at l uCtaMg ibUu 08 sJictuA-fw CLndL |?eflfQ °T 'fllVouok -3« uJftits -flu- poi/tt! U)«- j <4,t a«i, o#L u'tfk. 'fluL job Irfl3u/*UKB- U)h*s*- swoica. 15 iJfiat vjelis ~fju- <S*a£ o| «3er«*c«_ M)e_ Iciu. to "rfuiJc. u>e.V«_ tetn h«4A. Sirica- \r\ouo6~ nit.
      94 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 435 13 1 4. L A Investment Conference 72 Singapore Equity investment Is o mo|or contributor to the economic growth of o country. Decision makers-—this is your conference. You must take up the challenges of the new economic awakening of the Asian giant. it you have a desire for knowledge and Information
      435 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 404 14 Bring your dream house down to earth FINANCE (S) LTD Head Office: 72 74, Market Street, Singapore 1. Tel: *****6/*****5/*****0 Branch Office: 11, Amber Mansions. Orchard Road, S'pore 9. Tel: *****/***** Some things seem beyond most of us. Things like modern .household gadgets, a* car or even a home. That's
      404 words
    • 50 14 Ever had a close call? Sine* 1792, wi'n Iwpt mora of nior* tricky financial rituotioa cm throw a switch «t. situetiom Hmh yon »rs Sr •Tfctfi eur jtb. Insuring you or your business against tfce perils of tHe unexpected. if torti Afltrica, Raffles Quay, P.O. B« 227, Singapore, Tel: 73«3t.
      50 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 423 15 It is; always a pleasure to make announcements about one's Business activities, particularly if there is something: pleasurable to say, and we at M. M. G. are no exception. IT'S A PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE that our Special Private Car Insurance Scheme for Members of the Automobile Association of Singapore is
      423 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 160 16 INVESTMENT r HOUSING LOAN J EDUCATIONAL HIRE PURCHASE Call in today and have a talk with us ATTRACTIVE INTEREST FOR FIXED DEPOSITS: UNITED NATIONAL FINANCE (S) LTD. (WHOLLY OWNED BY UNITED MALAYAN BANKING CORPN. BERHAD.) Head Office: 64, South Bridge Roed, Singapore I.Tel: ***** (2 lines) 403, Circuit Road, Block
      160 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 208 17 i--Every SKUIOO of a Poiicytiolderls Interest ine ureat eastern Life is invested in Government Securities Securities of Government and Semi-Government Bodies $2,770 Debentures, Stocks and Shares $4,330 !IPr i f/i i \n. Real Estate Mortgage and Policy Loans 5350 $1,140 !W II mmii GREAT EASTERN TAKES CARE OF YOU FOR
      208 words

    • 432 18  -  Presented by Mary Lee Cosmetics play an Important role in giving a woman confidence to face the social demands of her working or private life. Vanity to in idiosyncrasy present In meet people, and since a woman's social role is, to various extents, to
      432 words
    • 813 18  -  NALLA TAN What are people doing to themselves today, driving themselves so hard, that by the time the end of each day comes they can hardly think straight? They are tired, short and sharp, everybody else gets in their way, and they are Just bandies of
      813 words
    • 287 18 Dear Ros, I am a teenager and I find that life Is not worth living. It is only routine. Every day from dawn to dusk I have to slog for some money to supplement the family's income. In the evening I read the papers and watch TV
      287 words
    • 34 18 Dear Roa, Can you please let me know what day It waa on March 10, 1952? JULIE Dear Julie, It waa a Monday. And Monday's child is fair of face. Lucky yon!
      34 words
    • 285 18 Dear Rob, I am 20 and I am always worried about my father. For many years he has been suffering from headaches which become severe whenever someone In the family upset*, him. When we ask him to go to the doctor he Just refuses and takes a.headache,
      285 words
    • 310 18 I was very much in love with a man who is bald and I feel very embarrassed to be with him in public. My parents and all my friends advise me to forget him as they say his baldness is attributable to his having
      310 words
    • 133 18 Daar Roa, I am 20 and suffering from pimples. I applied pimple cream every night night and they healed but It leaves fcrown spots on my face. Please tell me how to get rid of these ugly spots left by the pimples. PATRICK Dear Patrick, No
      133 words
    • 127 18 Dear Ros, Do you agree with me that love is evil? Please say that you do because I have a feeling that the most evil things in the world are love and money. LARRY Dear Larry, No, I don'v agree. In fact I couldn't agree
      127 words
    • 133 18 Dear Ros, I am In love with a girl who Is my neighbour. My parents are longing to see us engaged but everyttme I ask her she says that It Is still too early. Does this prove that ahe doesn't love me? LEE Dear Lee, No, I
      133 words
    • 126 18 Dear Ros. Can you please help me. Can you tell me how to ride a bicycle. I have tried so many times, but each time it was a failure. Is it due to. my body being overweight? If so what must I do? WORRIED TEENAGER. Dear
      126 words
    • 265 18 Dear Roc, A boy that I really love left me because I am further ahead in my career than he. Although he loves me ne feels Inferior. I have to admit that once I cared very much about pride. He comes from a divorced family and
      265 words
    • 234 18 .Dear Ros, I'm an 18-year-old girl and I am finding life very hard. I'm friendly and pleasant looking and I am willing to talk and make friends, but people of both sexes ignore me. I attend daily classes at a commercial school but after school lam
      234 words
    • 155 18 Dear Bos, I am very Interested in friendly correspondence. Everytime I receive the the first letters they all say that they are willing to correspond with me. I reply without delay but I never get any further replies. Please tell me why. FRUSTRATED Dear Frustrated, I'm sure you
      155 words
    • 128 18 Dear Ros, I am 19 years of age and Mt 2in tall, but I weigh only 86 lb. So you can imagine how skinny I am. The trouble is I have very poor eating habits, I Just don't feel hungry. What can I do? MISS H. Dear
      128 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 45 18 CONSULT NEW NATION'S SHOPPING 6UINE A wide range of products end services ere feetured in the Shopping Guide every Tuesday, Friday Saturday to make your shopping an easy and pleasurable one. WISE BUYER CONSULT NEW NATION'S SHOPPING GUIDE WISE BUYER CONSULT NEW NATION'S SHOPPING GUIDE
      45 words
    • 53 18 NEW NATION, LOCKED BAG 15. GPO, SINGAPORE 1. Address your letters to: Dear Ros, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, GPO, Singapore I. You mast five your full name and address. Include a pseudonym if you do not want your name published. No phone calls and no personal correspondence and please
      53 words

  • 1196 19  -  wmsmm THE HOLDEN PREMIER WITH JIM WATKINS The road was slipping past silently and smoothly. I relaxed in the big soft seat and glanced down at the speedometer. I didn't fall out of the seat in surprise, but, had it been smaller, I might well have
    1,196 words
  • 659 19 FINANCIAL GAME BY CHARTEXUS MONEY How much scientific method Is possible in the profitable selection of equities? Or is it all flair, art and luck? The truth must surely lie, as usual, somewhere in the middle of these two
    659 words
  • 466 19  -  MOTOR CYCLING WITH LEE CHIU SAN I never knew how fast a bike could go until I climbed on a Kawasaki Mach m. I had a really wild weekend. I thought that I would test a machine
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 233 19 1 I m- V *?s«■ X '>• mm mm mm siThe Rugged, Racy Winner Of The Gruelling 720 mile North Malaysian Rally 1972 The wildcat wins again. The Mini 1275GT, duven by ace drivers Dickie Arblaster and Douglas Chua, defeated all other corners from Asia and Europe in the North
      233 words

  • 867 20 By Scrutineer Kekaseh Ku showed he Is going to be hard to keep out of the winner's list in the coming months by running a good third to Thank You n in the Class Four Division One 7f at Bukit Timah yesterday. The
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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  • 239 21 Manila, Monday—Burly Japanese pro Hideyo Sugimoto took the lead yesterday in the race for the San Miguel US$5OOO prize which will go to the top players in the nine-tourna-ment Asian golf circuit The 34-year-old Sugimoto won the 1972 Philippine Open to gain 25 points. Runner-up Hsieh
    239 words
  • 169 21 New York. Monday. Rangy Tom Weiskopf holed a 20-foot eaele putt and a 15-footer for a birdie on the last four holes yesterday to win the U5552,000 first prize In the Jackie Gleason Inverrary golf classic the richest tournament of the year at Fort
    169 words
  • 301 21 Kuala Lumpur, Monday. Malaysia yesterday decided against sending delegates to attend an emergency meeting of the Table Tennis Federation of Asia at Bangkok from Friday to Sunday. It also decided unanimously not to compete In the Asian championships in India in September. These decisions were taken
    301 words
  • 46 21 Perth, Monday John Inverarity, the West Australian captain, steered his team towards a first Inntags lead over South Australia In their Sheffield Shield match here yesterday. Inverarity hit 87 as Western Australia replied with 223 for three wickets to South Australia's 225.
    46 words
  • 103 21 St. John's, Antigua, Monday. The Leeward Islands set the touring New Zealand cricketers a victory target of 151 in 20 overs on the third and day of their match here. After New Zealand had been dismissed for 204 39 runs behind the Islands the
    103 words
  • 29 21 Birmingham, Monday. Alex wigging, 22-year-old Irish champion, won the world professional snooker championship here last night, defeating Britain's John Spencer, the holder, by 37 frames to 31.
    29 words
  • 817 21  -  passing SIMMS Desmond Oon Tennis has been played in Singapore since colonial days. But the game has all along been associated with exclusive clubs like the Tanglin Club. Singapore Cricket Club, Swiss Club and the Dutch Club. Only In recent years have schools taken to
    817 words
  • 81 21 New York, Monday. Top-seeded Stan Smith of the US wore down giantkiller Juan Gisbert of Spain 4-6, 7-5, 6-4, 6-1 yesterday to win the US$3O,OOO Clean Air tennis classic. Gisbert, a 29-year-old Barcelona lawyer, came Into the competition both unseeded and unheralded, but he put
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 28 21 n l! Place the 1000 th classified advertisement in NEW NATION during February win a free dinner for three at the HOTEL SUMMIT For further details ring *****8
      28 words
    • 502 21 r ILAS^H PHONE *****8 DEATH MRS. SUZANNA JOSEPHINE KLYNE, widow of the late Mr. J. F. Klyne, passed away peacefully at the General Hospital at 9 p.m., Sunday 27 Feb., 1972. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. AT YOUR SERVICE PRESIDENT PRIVATE INVESTIGATION 27-B President Building, Serangoon Rood. Undertake Escort-duties,
      502 words
    • 415 21 JEAN'S SALON for Turkish both/ SWedish massoge, fociol, monicure, hoirtinting. 29-B, Tonglin Rood, *****7. FLEMINGO MASSAGE SALON. 248C-5, Orchord Rood, offers the best. *****1. SHOPPING GUIDE SEE THE SHOPPING GUIDE AT HOME PLAN'YOUR SHOPPING ON PAGE 10 EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. TRAVEL GUIDE INTERNATIONAL CHARTER FLIGHTS CENTRE London Brussels New
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
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  • Back Page MONDAY
    • 47 22 AH FOOK: It looks like Mr Nixon's visit to Peking could well be the start of a new era. MEI LIN: It's only words at this stage. I think it will be some time before we know whether this first step will lead to more.
      47 words
    • Article, Illustration
      37 22 ABOVE: Premier Chou En-lai and President Nixon at the state dinner stand to attention during national anthems; under the American flag. BELOW: The Great Wall highlight of the Nixon sightseeing programme. UPI special colour pix
      UPI special colour pix  -  37 words
    • 230 22 There is one China expert who still has not been interviewed about President Nixon's trip to Peking. We hasten to correct that oversight by calling in Dr. William Shakespeare, professor of Sinological Clarification at the Stratford Institute of Far Eastern Elucidation. Q. Do
      230 words
    • 105 22 Today is Monday, February 28, the 59th day of 1972 with 307 to follow. THE MOON: Full. THE MORNING STAR: Jupiter. THE EVENING STARS: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: In 1849, the first shipload of gold-seekers arrived in San Francisco for the California gold
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 88 22 thelVkfe of Families-Everywhere '1 r. ■M •C I «>• M 9 1.-JhshOL I'D I r f WZ t TT~~ to. rx RBife* f«Si r-V >\ 1 s \r A «^aa*aßcx«... *feW**v "Jr *%s •MM, NEVERFROST IMPERIAL TWENTY WITH GIANT 282 lb. FREEZER ran '< i *v V NEVER-FROST DELUXE FIFTEEN
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 426 22 5 Sisgspsrs 3.00 Opening and Where the Heart la 3.20 For the Family (T) 3.45 A Diary of Events In Singapore This Week (T) 3.50 It's Happening In Singapore (T —Rpt) 4.10 Days of Our Lives 4.50 Close 6.05 Opening and Charlie Chaplin Comedy Theatre 6.30 News In Brief 6.35
      426 words
    • 540 22 Trust your lucky star IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are a responsible person who thrives on the excellent performance of duty. You enjoy a challenge, readily accept what others might call the burdens of life—those confrontations that have to do with career, children, success, failure, and so on.
      540 words