New Nation, 25 October 1971

Total Pages: 16
1 16 New Nation
  • 17 1 NEW NATION SINGAPORE Monday evening, October 25, 1971 No. 240 Price 15 cents SINGAPORE MONDAY. OCTOBER 25
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  • 13 1 Police reported 51 traffic accidents yesterday. Three of them were serious.
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  • 91 1 Teheran, Monday. Two giant oil tankers collided in the Persian Gulf on Saturday night killing 15 people, the Abadan evening newspaper, Kayhan, reported yesterday. Both were sailing under Greek registration. According to the newsKper, one of the tankers d just taken on a fresh load of
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  • 31 1 Teheran, Monday.— The total official cost of Iran's 2,500 th anniversary celebrations held earlier this month was US$l6.6 million, one of the Shah of Iran's court ministers said yesterday.
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  • 53 1 LATE NEWS Mr. M. Marappan, 33, lost four fingers this morning when his right hand was caught in a powder grinding machine in his Tanjong Pagar Road shop. He was grinding rice in the machine. He was taken to Outram General Hospital where his condition is reported to
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  • 541 1  -  Request to Stock Exchange after 'misleading' news headline By Anil Bhatia The Stock Exchange of Singapore and Malaysia today suspended dealings in Haw Par Brothers International shares. This followed a request from an executive director of the company that "the headlines on a newspaper story
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  • 623 1  -  I hope to meet Mao, says champ By Abby Tan Like all first time visitors to China, the three women members of the Singapore pingpong team to the AfroAsian tournament in Peking are bubbling with excitement with some set ideas on what they want to see
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  • 200 1 Reuter Rome, Monday More than 50 million Italian yesterday started filling in an 18page census form which has raised a storm of protest, especially over one question asking them where they were the previous night. The question has been described as an unjustified
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 201 1 United Press International Belgrade, Monday Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, is expected to discuss the prospects of better economic relations when he meets Yugoslav officials here later today. Government sources said the talks Mr. Lee will have with Yugoslav's Prime Minister,
    United Press International  -  201 words
  • 62 1 T eh e r an, Monday.— Thirteen people were killed and 32 seriously injured when a coach and lorry came into collision on Saturday night about 60 miles northeast of Teheran, according to authoritative reports here yesterday. Hie accident occurred on the Teheran-Caspian Sea coast highway.
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  • 34 1 The body of a boatman was fished out from the Telok Ayer Basin last night The boatman identifleaas Kundandan, 35, was walking to a lifhter when he slipped and fell.
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  • 272 1  -  By P.N. Balji Police officers and the rank-and-file members of the force expressed differing views on the warning from acting Assistant Commissioner, Mr. V. N. Ratna Singam, to stay away from the Singapore Turf Club. One inspector told New (Nation: "It is very unfair. After
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 f H f MONEY WORDS JACKPOT YOU FOR YOUR •fi 1 1 I .■II CONTEST IN PAGE 5 FOR TODAY'S ACTIVE GENERATION SWISS PRECISION Wear a Rotary. Tough, rugged, waterproof and automatic with quick change daydate calendar. Swiss made. Sole Agents: LIEN WAH WATCH DEALER North Singapore, 1. Tel: A
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    • 23 1 Get up and go with VIMTO the r fruit flavour drink! the LION |uip tf twpiwin nrftr firfc« J.N. NICHOLS (VIMTO) LTD., ENGLAND.
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  • 89 2 It's the waiting in the wings that tests the Iron nerve of these young musicians. There was 56 of them yesterday at the Cultural Centre taking part in a music competition organised by the Singapore Music Teachers' Association. One by one at the rate
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  • 37 2 The Whampoa Branch of the People's Action Party will organise a Toe Kwon Do class beginning next Monday. Residents of Whampoa constituency are invited to participate. Details are available from Block 5, Jalan Tenteram.
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  • 336 2 Singapore is fast becoming a centre for trade exhibitions. The British Industrial Exhibition is now on. Next Friday, the Soviet Union will advertise its wares ranging from fancy jewellery to heavy machinery for a fortnight at the Great World Amusement Park. And next
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  • 142 2 United Press International Kuching, Monday Police smashed a gangland hideout on Saturday when they raided a building In the centre of Kuching. Police Commissioner, Mr. Hamdan, said a dozen assorted weapons Including, daggers, knives, parangs and scythe were sized. Five people were arrested.
    United Press International  -  142 words
  • 63 2 The Adult Education Board will hold a 13-week course on the general paper of the URSM. Diploma, starting on November 14. The course will be conducted by Mr. Peter Chiang. x The fee for the course is $6O. Each weekly session will be for three hours. Candidates
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  • 48 2 The Citizens Consultative' Committee members, associations, schools, ftaops and hawkers' representatives of Sembawang constituency will meet on Wednesday at Chong Pang Village Community Centre fto discuss a tree planting campaign. x The Member of Parliament for Sembawang, Mr. Teo Bng Slong, will attend the meeting.
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  • 222 2 A Common wealth academician today urged tertiary Institutions here to groom students for their role in nation building. Sir Hugh Springer, secre-tary-general of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, said this could be done if closer liaison was maintained between professional associations and
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  • 67 2 Dame Margot Fonteyn and the Australian Ballet will perform inSingapore at the National Theatre on November 2 and 3. They will be performing extracts from many ballets as part of the International Festival organised by Donald Moore from October 26 to November 3. Also participating in the festival
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  • 26 2 The Singapore Institute of Management's four-day course on Capital Expenditure Decision begins today. Professor Hou Kok Kee of Nanyang University is conducting the course.
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  • 204 2 Reuter Manila, Monday An institute to train broadcasting staff is to be set up in Kuala Lumpur by the Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU). Delegates to the union's general assembly said that the establishment of the centre was the main decision of the five-day conference. They
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 107 2 The United Bus Company today started a new service, No. 126 running from St. Michael's Estate to Neil Road through Chinatown. The buses will operate at 10-minute Intervals and the maximum fare is 30 cents. The buses will start from Jalan Aman, to Jalan Bahagla, Kim
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  • 26 2 The prize-winning posters In the competition to keep Serangoon Gardens pollutlon free will be exhibited at Plantation Avenue Community Centre today and tomorrows
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  • 31 2 Jakarta, Monday.— Hollywood comedian Danny Kaye arrived here yesterday for a four-day visit to a film on Indonesian children cm behalf of the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF). V'
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  • 137 2 Three local pharmacists will attend the first Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association Conference in Melbourne next year. The President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Koh Bok will attend the conrSl«K e M a CPA council member. Another local delegate wW be selected soon. Applications are now
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  • 33 2 -JS* Chinese YMCA will gart a 15-session course on German on N ®J«ttbe r 4 at 7.15 pjn. i*** course Is $4O lor members and $45 for non-meafbers. V
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 122 2 At the cinema Lido: Sunflower—l.3o, 4, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. Capitol: Duel of Fists (Mand.)—l.3o, 4, 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. Bex: The Black and White Swordsmen (Mand.) —1.30, 4, 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. Sky: The Black and White Swordsmen (Mand.) -1-1.45, 4, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. Boxy: The Black and
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    • 829 2 $lB,OOO to be won now! ■□BGinß a nnnnnn a nnnn □nonsG nnnnncE annul □□□□d nnnnmnn DEiann nantDEEn nnnn □□BEG nncnnnn EEED □□□□□E DEOQM a □□□□□□ld ■3EEBOE IDQDDBB HEDDonlnnnnEO bdiihbblo □□mcnHD ID m □EQDD □□BO ID D BBBiui □DBB No entrant submitted a solution which corresponded in all respects with the
      829 words

  • 283 3 15,000 attend anti-pollution display KEEP SINGAPORE POLLUTION FREE More than 15,000 people visited the twoweek Keep Singapore Pollution Free exhibition at the Singapore Conference Hall. Selected exhibits are now being taken to six community centres in the outlying areas of the Republic. The Ministry of Health
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  • 119 3 Residents of a block of flats in Kim Pong Road rushed out of their beds early this morning when they heard shouts of "fire" and found smoke in their rooms. Several items of furniture and a cobbler's ware placed below the staircase of
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  • 42 3 About 40 people suspected of bookmaking were picked up at the Singapore Turf Ciub during the weekend races. This brings the number of people rounaed up to more than 2,000 since the crackdown on bookies began in July.
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  • 127 3 A parade of minis, midis and maxis provided the finishing touches to an interesting luncheon of the Singapore Jayceettes at Baffles Village during the weekend. The fashion show, which featured dresses bj a local designer, was the highlight of the Jayceettesf first gettogether. Since the
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  • 614 3 A young boy's interest in stamps led to a gift from his father, and today, 20 years later, it may be worth a small fortune. The gift was an envelope, complete with stamp (a penny red) and the signature of the sender, and the
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  • 197 3 The younger generation is now looking towards community growth and prosperity as a means to improving the quality of life of the individual. This is the view of Mr. Rene M a he a u, DirectorGeneral of UNESCO. Everywhere, people are beginning to regard development as something
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 396 4 nrerson Conducted by Ruth Moses. Tel: *****1 ALL THE grace and elegance oi British busin ess diplomacy was there at the cocktail reception of GKN, Britain's biggest engineering group, at the Shangri-la, last week. Among those present were the British
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    • 284 4 What other newspapers are saying: THE FATE OF NATIONAL SCHOOLS: It has been found that there are a large number of parents who prefer to send their children to national-type schools. This preference has made national schools appear to be second-class. Those who send their children to national
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    • 755 4 SHIPPING MONOPOLY SHOULD BE BROKEN: Singapore is a trading and processing centre. It is therefore obvious that shipping rates have a direct influence on the competitive position of the raw materials and industrial products exported from Singapore to international markets. A number of western shipping conferences,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 210 4 The "Universal" will do your toughest floor-cleaning jobs better, faster and cheaper than an army i of cleaners. The "Universal" suction u polishes and sweeps 6,000 sq. ft. of floor in just one hour. And makes a thorough job of it, too. j Like removing grease and dirt that's been
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  • 288 5 IN THE U.N. Reuter New York, Monday The United Nations Secretary General, U Thant, marked the 26th anniversary yesterday of the promulgation of the UN Charter by acknowledging that the world body had "fallen short of expectations." But it could claim, he said,
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 125 5 New York, Monday The United Nations yesterday presented the 95-year-old cellist Pablo Casals with its highest honour, the UN peace medal. The medal was presented by UN Secretary-General U Thant during a special UN Day concert in the General Assembly chamber at which
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  • 124 5 Paris, Monday Pablo Picasso is 90 today and, while the world heaps praise on the head of its most prolific artist, mystery surrounds Just how he intends to celebrate the occasion. The Spanish-born Picasso lives quietly with his wife and his art in a two-tower-ed Chateau
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 757 5 It's style on the line HERE'S AN EASY-TO- ENTER COMPETITION FOR NEW NATION READERS w* *V t'C, k C ■BPta wm,i Make Deltaphone the second phone in your home When you add an extension phone... make it a Deltaphone. The Deltaphone is a British Design-Award product pf International Telephone and
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    • 963 6  -  Bringing up their children in a new way of life By Ivan Lim In farming communities where the son invariably follows his father's footsteps, it is always difficult to break tradition. In Sarimbun village, off 18f m.s. Lim Chu Kang Road, vegetable farmers are trying to do just
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    • 481 6  -  INDONESIA From Fakir Singh "Our bona fides are doubted. But we could easily pass any examination testing our political innocence and national loy a 11 y," lamented a leading Chinese citizen who owns a thriving travel agency in Medan. Although Medan is 60 per cent Chinese
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    • 548 6  -  From Robert Kaylor The Indian Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, left yesterday on a tour of six Western countries at a time when India faces the possibility of military conflict on borders and strains in some of its imDortant foreign ties. Overshadowing
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    • 825 6  -  PLANS FOR TAKING ON A WIDER ROLE By Betty Lau Yesterday was United Nations Day the 26th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The United Nations Association of Singapore, which has Just wound up a fortnight of activities to commemorate this
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 81 6 Chocolat MADE IN SWITZERLAND N u N <c t=vA K. o Iflf^v^ kMONN^ i v> SHRIRO ■•a* iiaitit Hornblower Goes to Sea Horatio Hornblower is the best-known and best-loved sailor in modern fiction. This is the story of his life, from the inexperienced midshipman to the dauntless Captain who almost
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  • 406 7 Reuter Saigon, Monday Massive relief operations are being rushed through to help thousands of typhoon victims in South Vietnam's five northern provinces, where at least 31 people died and 33 were injured in Saturday's storm havoc. Typoon Hester tore a 100-mile
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 44 7 Helmeted student demonstrators turn their flags towards police road blocks at the start of a protest march following the anti-war day rally in Tokyo's Hibiya Park. The radicals sporadically clashed with police but were driven back by police tear-gas bombs.
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  • 122 7 Reuter Istanbul, Monday Britain's Queen Elizabeth yesterday visited the fabulous harem of the Ottoman Sultans at Istanbul's Topkapi Palace and sat in the glittering sofa room to listen to a recital of 17th-century Turkish love songs. Accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Anne,
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 118 7 Honolulu, Monday A mongrel who travelled 30,000 miles, while trapped five days deep inside a giant 747 Jumbo jet was eating dog food instead of electrical wire yesterday after his discovery by repair crews. Bandit, a two-year-old belonging to the James Tribon family, nudged
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  • 306 7 Reuter Toronto, Monday Toronto police carried out raids on 18 houses yesterday in the city area and seized a large number of weapons after getting a tip-off that an assassination attempt would be made on the visiting Soviet Prime Minister, Mr. Alexei Kosygin.
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 142 7 Johannesburg, Monday South African police yesterGay made dawn raids on people connected with student and religious bodies in at least five cities. Documents and private papers were seized. The raids took place in Durban, Pietermarltzburg. Orahamstown, Port Eliza- beth and East London all in South Africa's
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  • 343 7 But Indian troops still at border Reuter New Delhi, Monday Indian troops were yesterday still massed along the borders with Pakistan but the departure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for a three-week tour of Western Europe and the United States seems to have quietened
    Reuter  -  343 words
  • 111 7 Belfast, Monday Police said they shot and killed one of three people who planted a bomb in a Belfast night club last night, the seventh fatality of a weekend of escalating violence in Northern Ireland. Police opened fire after two men and a woman
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  • 173 7 Reuter Hong Kong, Monday Chinese acting Foreign Minister, Mr. Chi Peng-fei, has accused South Africa of encroaching upon Zambian territory and assured the Zambians of his country's support, the New China News Agency reported today. He was speaking in Peking last night, at
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 150 7 Reuter Cairo, Monday War Minister, Mr. Mohamed Sadek, told Egyptian frontline troops that the Soviet Union is determined to help Egypt in its approaching battle to liberate Israeli occupied territory, it was reported yesterday. Addressing air defence units at the Suez Canal front, the
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 186 7 Reuter Los Angeles, Monday A seance to contact the spirit of horror film actor Bela Lugosi highlighted the first annual witchcraft and sorcery convention here yesterday.x A darkened room of the luxury hotel where the three-day convention is being held was turned Into a seance parlour for
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 102 7 11l !_1 Ii ft j !4 a M* 4 »sJIJ f j i I! 11 nil: t:;;: ;:.t 11 :i i« I; 1111 V lII' i 7^ a rrt $lO to LONDON! or to any other part of the world 8 under our Exclusive TRAVEL NOW, PAY LATER Plan NO
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  • 427 8 The Republic has been on notice for a long, long time that the regional entrepot trade which has until recently been the most important source of its livelihood is bound to decline. By the same logic which underlays Singapore's own recent progress, neighbouring countries
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  • 100 8 I j jJrAr.jir} by ISPY Asians through Aussiedental eyes! My friends had to laugh the other day when an Australian girl told this story: Some 10 years ago, when her uncle was preparing to come to Singapore with an Australian trade mission, he was Instructed to
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  • 1048 8  -  ALEX JOSEY In the United States some people refer to the Kingdom of Japan as "Japan Inc." They say that Japan's spectacular e c on o ml c growth over the past 25 years can easily be explained: Japanese
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  • Letters
    • 636 8  -  HUANG HSING PENG May I through the courtesy of your column comment on an aspect of a recent speech, by Mr. Devan Nair to make a point on Christian spirituality. He warned against looking to spiritual solutions for political, social and economic problems. In the developing
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    • 87 8 I would like to request the authorities concerned to seriously study the proposed sites for staging Chinese wayangs. More often than not, the wayang stages are approved on the wrong sites. I would like to know whether or not the following factors are considered before the sites
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    • 201 8 The system of promotion in one or two statutory boards In Singapore leaves much to be desired. The poor, hardworking and competent Junior officers (who do an honest day's work for: an honest day's wage) are often by-passed or overlooked during promotion exercises, although they are
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    • 95 8 I write in appreciation of all the staff of Ward 33, Tan Tock Seng Hospital (doctors, sisters, male/female nurses, attendants on day-and-night duty) for their kind hospitality to me when I was there. From the day I was admitted to the day I was discharged, I could
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 Write to The Editor, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, GPO, Singapore, 1. n I Unbrako SOCKET CAP SCREWS Manufactured from high grade alloy steel, precision heat treated to maximum hardness without brittleness. SOCKET SET SCREWS KNURLED-CUP POINT HEXAGON WRENCHES D NEWS FOR ELDERLY MAN! WANT TO BE ACTIVE AND ENERGETIC
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 1914 9  -  But Singapore investors are the best among foreigners, says an official From V.K. CHIN Developing countries which are attempting to industrialise often fall prey to Krai corporate practices at the hands of unscrupulous foreign Arms and individuals. Without the necessary technical knowhow and
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  • 1502 9 Text of speech by the Minister for Home Affairs, Dr. Wong Lin Ken, at the Y's Men's Club installation dinner last week. Drug addiction has become a subject of public concern in the past few weeks. It Is in our national Interests that
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  • 489 10  -  EDUCATION Students forum today takes you to Anthony Road Girls' School where Pang Guek Cheng interview: six students. Pang Guek Cheng DA VINA CHOW, 12: I would like to be a teacher, because I think it Is a very Interesting job. I
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  • 699 10  -  CAREERS By Patrick de Souza Wootf-carving Is on the threshold of a new era in the Republic with the growth of wood-carving factories geared to the international market. Years ago wood-carving was only a family concern, geared mainly to the needs of
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  • 292 10 LOOKING BACK One of the earliest music schools to be set up in the Republic made use of highly professional music teachers from Germany. They were Jews and had been driven from Germany because of anti-Jewish feeling which was running high in the country
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  • 367 10 THE PIONEERS Are the pioneer industries in the Republic too highly protected? This is one of the questions now being considered in a research project at the Economic Research Centre. The research project carried out by a junior research fellow at the centre,
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    • 959 11  -  NALLA TAN For some time I've been toying with the idea of raising the subject of toilets. Toilets would hardly be considered a subject for after dinner conversation, but considering how well both Clochmerle and Portnoy's Complaint have gone down from open book racks, I
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    • 193 11  -  NEW RANGE IN THE MARKET NOW Presented fay Mary Lee The blazer look is bock—to make a young lady look smart and welldressed as well as to keep her warm In an air-con-ditioned office. They come in wide collars and lapels and pockets with or
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    • 418 11 It is always an advantage to have living room furniture which is easily moveable if you are the sort who constantly likes to redecorate. Living room furniture should also look solid but solidity and mobility are a rare combination. Although you can always get
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    • 322 11 Washington Post Washington, Monday Women on birth control pills run a six times greater risk of getting blood clots after an operation or an accident than women who are not on the Pill, a team of Johns Hopkins University
      Washington Post  -  322 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 167 11 ROBINSON'S kl EVENT LAST WEEK This is your opportunity to buy beautiful furnishing materials, furniture, lamps, carpets and household linens at unbeatable values. USUAL SPECIAL PRICE OFFER English Reversible Jacquard Rugs. Fringed Ends 51"x 79" Genuine Alpine Lambskin Rugs English washable cotton TumbleTwist Rugs. Available in 10 popular shades 22
      167 words

  • 1219 12  -  Gliding in Toyota's luxurious Crown MOTORING WITH JIM WATKINS Comfort, easy driving I called Into Borneo Motors to see if I could prise a Cellcla out of Ang Watt, the Toyota super-salesman. I have been anxious to get one to test for some weeks bat the
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  • 681 12 SHARES GAME BY CHARTEXUS j MONEY j We had a brief look In the last article on the modus-operandi of the takeover artist. The story, of course, has further chapters, some of them quite exciting. Let us take a look' at some of
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  • 1156 12  -  motor cycling WITH LEE CHIU SAN There is a class of purists in the motorcycling world who think that the only machines worth riding are big four stroke twins, affectionately known as "big bangers." These purists say that there Is something special about riding a big
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 166 12 CAN T AFFORD CAR AIRCONDITIONING? Think Again! in fact car airconditioning can cost as little as SI 50 a year' It you're oci a tight budget you prob:ibly drive a small car ARA s Jupiter II would suit you li NOW. CONSIDER THE STATISTICS COST (including installation) 950 Average Pariod
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    • 158 12 for CAR AIR-CONDITIONERS from America's manufacturer. 24 months' or 24,000 miles warranty A Call us today! Eastern Auto Air-Conditioning Service 76 Lorong L, Telok Kurau Road, Singapore 15. Telephone: *****6. *****4 KATONG P.O. BOX 86. for Great Sound Select Your Programme Straight Away! Repeat Your Favourite Programme as long as
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  • SPORT 1
    • 294 13 Follow the horses marked with a Bombus, who was slowly away, moved up to the leaders at the home turn and hit the front at the distance with Isabelle closing in. Isabelle shot past Bombus a furlong out for an easy win. Eavesdropper led past the
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    • 753 13 IPOH ROUND-UP By Scrutineer Jot Permata Kuching n down as a horse to follow. It won't be long before he comes up with a win very likely in his next start. The three-year-old ran an attractive race at Ipoh on Saturday with a fast
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    • 1421 13  -  passing shots Desmond Oon The finals of the 1971 Singapore Lawn Tennis Association Grasscourt Championships were played off in fine weather on the SRC lawn courts last week. It was a good tournament in terms of the num. ber of participants. At least dozen of the men
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    • 77 14 ABOVE: Cyclists line up for the start of yesterday's Tour of Singapore. LEFT: Inche Shaari Tadin, President of the Singapore Amateur Cycling Association and Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Culture, decorates Korea's Kwon Jung Hyun for winning the gruelling 100km "Tour of Singapore" in 2hr 31min 6.01sec yesterday. Kwon
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    • 468 14  -  By M. Param A blistering spell of spin attack by Robinson (5-32), and fabulous batting by Harry Lucas (47 n.0.) and Leon Prevatt (46), gave Combined Royal Air Force a convincing seven-wic-ket win over Ceylon Sports Club in a friendly cricket match at Balestier
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    • 80 14 Bombay, Monday. —On the third day of the first big match here of the *****2 Indian cricket season Test batsman G. R. Vishwanath slammed a century in the rest of India's second Innings in their match against Bombay, holders of the Ranjl trophy, India's main domestic competition.
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    • 210 14 New Delhi, Monday Indonesian Christian Hadinata clinched the men's title, beating Jorgan Mortensan of Denmark 15-12, 15-1 in the Rajasthan International badminton tournament at Jaipur yesterday. The 21-year-old student from Indonesia had the full house thrilled by his skilful and tremendous power game. He beat the Danish
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    • 40 14 Reuter Rugby Leapt Tour Match Wakefield 12 New Zealand 23. League Matches Bradford 40 Hunslet 11; Peatherstone 8 Leigh 5; Huyton 6 Workington 7; Salford 17 Hull 7 Warrington 9 Swinton 21. Rugby Union Clontarf 12 London 27.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 235 15 London, Monday Jo Siffert, the Swiss Grand Prix driver, died when his BRM car crashed and was engulfed in flames during a Formula One Race at Brands Hatch yesterday. The 35-year-old ace, who started favourite, was striving to get on terms with the leaders when
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    • 107 15 London, Monday. Jack Brabham, three times world motor racing champion, came briefly out of retirement today—and WOh a race here staged in his honour. The 45-year-old Australian led for all but a mile of the 10-lap saloon car race. Then he refused to accept the "Jack
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    • 92 15 Auckland, Monday Canada defeated Australia yesterday to win the Commonwealth amateur golf tournament here with an unbeaten record. Australia finished runn-ers-up. and Britain, who gained their only win of the competition when beating New Zealand yesterday, were third. In yesterday's play, postponed from Saturday because of
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    • 76 15 Munich, Monday. The Presiaent of the West German Olympic committee, Mr. Wiiii Daume, yesterday, denied reports that his committee had invited Red China to the 1972 Olympics In Munich. Mr. Daume said there had been no change in the situation since the International Olympic Committee
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    • 46 15 Tokyo, Monday—The Balpounded out 13 hits including three home runs to defeat the Japanese champion, Yomiuri Giants, 8-2 in a goodwill game here yesterdayIt was the second straight victory for the American League pennant winner in their 18-game tour of Japan. a
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    • 158 15 London, Monday. George Best, tne Irish soccer international, and Engiana's Francis Lee, wno eacn scored a goai on Saturoay, head the latest list of English First Division scorers, basea on League ana League Cup goais. Leaders in the four Englisn Divisions: Division One George Best
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    • 123 15 London, Monday American Tom Gorman, 1971 Wimbledon semi-finalist, scored a comfortable 6-3, 6-4 victory over British Davis Cup player Gerald Battrick in the first round of the 20,000 sterling Embassy Open tennis championships here yesterday. In other first-round matches, Paris-based Australian Bob Carmichael edged out South
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    • 102 15 Buenos Aires, Monday. Chess genuius Bobby Fischer of the United States virtually clinched the final candidates match here yesterday by defeating former World champion Tigran Petrosian of the Soviet Union for the third straight time. The victory, the fourth in eight games, gave the American an almost
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    • 109 15 New York, Monday.— How the United Press International top major college football tenia fared over the weekend: Nebraska beat Oklahoma State 41-13; Oklahoma beat State 75-21; Michigan beat Minnesota 35-7; Als hams beat Houston 34-20; Aaborn beat Clemoon 35-13; Notre Dame lost to Southern California 28-14; Penn
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    • 353 15 London, Monday Jo Siffert's death in a blazing BRM during the International Formula One race at Brands Hatch yesterday was a tragic final chapter of a rags-to-riches story rare in motor-racing. He had a humble beginning, born 35 years ago the eldest son of a
      United Press International radio picture.  -  353 words
    • 122 15 Melbourne, Monday Champion Victorian jockey Roy Higgins last night said that the fate of the A 5102,000 Melbourne Cup on November 2 hinges on four-year-old gelding Gay Icarus and the weather. "Gay Icarus is a champion, but the whole complexion of the Cup could
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    • 294 15  -  By Lim Kee Chan Four top local boxers will feature in the first Singapore Armed Forces inter-formation finals to be held at the Gay World tonight at 7.30 p.m. They are: bantamweight Cyril Jerris; featherweights— Brian Isaac and Lim Peh Hee and lightweight— Ismail Darus.
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    • 171 15 New York, Monday Billy Casper snapped a 14-month victory slump with a final round 68 yesterday to win the US$l5O,OOO Kaiser international open by four strokes with a record 72-hole score of 19 under par 267. It was the 45th career victory for Casper, but his
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 371 14 (?@~^<}<]-=,&<?+=?],]{?]:!%<=&< ANNOUNCEMENT 10TH STOREY just shifted to 203, MocPherson Rood, Singapore 13. Enquiries ring Michoel Ton *****. DEATH LIONG HOCK possed away peacefully 23/10/71 leaving behind sons, daughters, daughters-in-law, sons-in-taw, grandchildren, great grandchildren to mourn his loss. Cortege leaves Singapore Casket. Tuesday 26/10/71 2.30 p.m. Service at St. Matthew's Church
      371 words
    • 315 14 LADIES HAIRDRESSING TINTING, PERMS, Expert London Trained Hairstylist! BEAUTIWAVES Solon 19, Jolon SoudaraKu, Singapore 15. Phone: *****3. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT FOR SALI IMMEDIATELY, complete Ludwig Drumset, silver, $1,300/-. Instalments available. Cases extra. Contact *****2 Horry Ramos, 28, Jolon Lebot Ddun, Seletar Hill, S'pore 28. PHOTOGRAPHY WE BUY, Sell Trade-in for used/
      315 words
    • 159 14 NEW CAR DIRECTORY Wh ere you can buy your next new car in Singapore CHAMPION MOTORS pte. ltd, 304 Orchard Rood, Singapore 9, Tel: 3753)1. CITY MOTORS (S) PTI. LTD.. 28 Cavenogh Road, Singopore 9 Tels *****6/*****3 -o CONTINENTAL MOTORS PTI. LTD., 50/52 Bencoolen St., S'pore 7. Tel: *****7 CHEVROLET
      159 words
    • 85 14 1-3 NGEE ANN BUUXNG SMGAPORE 9 TEL 3W422 CHAMPION MOTORS (S) PTE. LTD. T°i! !y&?. Ro 1 Sineopo e SUBARU TAN LEE HKNG CO. '42, Lavender Street, S'pore. 12 Tel: *****7/***** Showroom: ***** GOAN HOI CO. (M> LTD.. 14 Hill St.. S pore 6 Tel: *****/9 TOYOT BORNEO MOTORS (S)
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 454 14 NEW NATION CROSSWORD 8 Addresses for G. I.'s 9 Sheep. 10 Small mouselike mammal. 11 Poker payment. 12 Three hundred: Rom. 13 Hooded organization. 21 Hoot. 22 Tenfold. 23 City in Alabama. 24 Fashionably: 3 woras. 25 Relatives of the Roosevelts. 28 Shoulder ornament. 29 Cracker. 30 Had a litting:
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 339 15 p .Cat ill*| MtN iius NEW NATION MONEYWORD3 J' L MONDAY FILL IN MISSING LEnERS ACROSS -C«t «IM| MM l>M) CLUES FOR J-1 1. Small or do mental piece of material used at table. 2. talent can sometimes odd sett to a variety show. 3. It's slightly larger than a
      339 words

  • Back Page MONDAY
    • 623 16  -  Question: Do you want to be pampered? By Abby Tan The hotel industry here is in a fairly tight spotlit seems. Apart from the problem of occupancy, which we will leave to the economists to argue about, the question of service (the
      623 words
    • 61 16 Sally Tan, 16, is a dreamer. But she doesn't believe in building castles in the air. "I love to daydream but only on things that are very down to earth," she said. Working as a hostess in a local hotel, Sally likes to dream and plan for
      Picture by Steven Lee.  -  61 words
    • 88 16 A letter addressed to "Tennessee's Greatest Governor" arrived at the Tennessee State capital In Nashville. It was delivered to Governor Wlnfield Dunn. The Governor forwarded It unopened to his predecessor, Mr. Buford Ellington. But modesty Is a twoway street, so Mr. Ellington returned the letter, still unopened, with
      88 words
    • 333 16  -  By Pang Cheng Lian in Peking The Civil Aviation and Administration of China (CAAC) probably has the most simple—and, very likely, the most practical air hostess uniform in the world. Like the 700 million other Chinese, the two hostesses and steward who
      333 words
    • 236 16 Much has been said about the habits of tourists the freewheeling and highspending Americans, the fussy British and the incommunicado Japanese, if you don't speak their language. What about the Russians? A handful of shops that cater for them admit they are a different breed of tourist.
      236 words
    • 176 16 Campaigns to persuade smokers of the health hazards of cigarettes have been run by so many governments that one would expect the smoking habit to have faded out by now. But it is not easy to give upeven if a smoker's
      176 words
    • 63 16 AH FOOK: Don't forget you have a date with me this Saturday. I will come on my scooter and pick you up at your home at 7 p.m. sharp. MEI LIN: If you are using a scooter, you can forget the date. Travelling on a scooter means wearing
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 456 16 1 i* i 5 Siagapsrt 3.00 Opening and General Hospital 3.20 For the Family (T) 3.55 A Diary of Events in Singapore This Week (T) 4.00 It's Happening in Singapore (T) 4.15 Days of Our Lives 4.55 Close 6.00 Opening and Charlie Chaplin Comedy Theatre 6.30 News in Brief 6.35
      456 words
    • 64 16 SHORT RIBS -THE huns WAVE KIPNAPED THE UEEIs/, SIRE.' i 101 m t* a SNIFFY s B rrw by George Fett ANDY CAPP s? v; m m mi m m wean i SQMETHIN 1 NICE TO'ER WHEN SHE COMES IN ANYTHING DS S«TOP TH4TTFUPPIN*SULKIST../ 1 I! a a taicuw ajiu
      64 words
    • 346 16 Trust your lucky star IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are not destined to come upon any pot of gold without a high expenditure of time, energy, talent, and a modicum of good fortune. TOMORROW... SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Take the aggressive approach toward your work. ine fulfilment of
      346 words