New Nation, 21 July 1971

Total Pages: 16
1 16 New Nation
  • 15 1 NEW NATION SINGAPORE Wednesday evening, July 21, 1971 No. 158 Price 15 cents NEW NATION
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  • 231 1 Real estate brokers report that the rate of Increase in prices of properties has levelled off. but owners' prices are still extremely high. This was the consensus of house agents asked to comment today on the "super-fabulous" prices in the property market. They
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  • 37 1 LATE NEWS Bast i a, Wednesday.— Members of a nudist camp and hundreds of evacuated tourists hoped to resume their holidays early today as fire-fighters in Eastern Corsica brought raging forest fires under control.
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  • 168 1 Steady conditions again prevailed in the stock market this morning, and some brisk trading was noted in selective counters. Buying support in Far East Levingston saw the share taken up three cents to $2.41 against closing price yesterday of $2.38. Haw Par was traded from 52.48 to
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  • 226 1 Reuter Jakarta. Wednesday The governmentbacked Sekbar Golkar has announced a new central leadership and a 17-man council of army generals and civilian cabinet ministers that will lay down its future policy. The governing council headed by Sultan Hamengku Buwono, comprises five civilian cabinet ministers,
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 42 1 Jakarta, Wednesday Indonesia's top ranking badminton player Rudy Hartono will star in a film titled "The death of an angel." Hartono. four times winner of the All-England Championship, will start his film role next month in West Java.
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  • 629 1  -  Total US pullout more urgent in Chou's view than normalising US-China relations From Jean Leclerc Agence France Presse du Saglon Peking, Wednesday The Chinese Prime Minister, Mr. Chou Enlai. said yesterday that total US withdrawal from Indo-Chlna was more urgent than the call
    Agence France Presse  -  629 words
  • 323 1  -  By Winston Sng You fly as man always dreamed of flying. Free as a bird, you can snuggle up under the refreshing coolness of a lovely white cloud, swoop out into the sparkling sunshine or cruise from cloud to cloud
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  • 178 1 Reuter Tokyo, Wednesday Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato said today he was ready to visit Peking for talks on normalisation of SinoJapanese relations, including the possibility of Japan recognising Peking, if problems of the past were solved. He told a parliamentary budget committee meeting he believed President
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 v7!7*C3 OUR ROADS Police reported 56 accidents yesterday. Seven were serious and two fatal. ,v <t€ The bank for ad-big and smal We are glad we are the strongest and largest local Bank in Malaysia and Singapore. Because this means we can serve you with the greatest safety and effectiveness.
      82 words
    • 33 1 plus our other all-Boeing flights, get you there 18 times a week and back 18 times a week—- H A great way to fly Call your Travel Agent or MSA at 911 911
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  • 279 2 Sembawang will expand service operation to oil-search industry A big local shipyard will soon enter into a $2O million Joint venture with an American firm to further expand its operations into the oil exploration industry. This is the result of negotiations between Sembawang Shipyard
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  • 157 2 President Sheares will speak at the opening of the second session of the Parliament today at 6.30 p.m. The Inner Wheel Club of Singapore will hold its installation dinner at the Adelphi Hotel at eight tonight. President-elect of the club, Mrs. Amina Jumabhoy, will
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  • 446 2  -  By Patrick de Souza The need for a student counselling centre was stressed at a forum at the University of Singapore yesterday. Dr. Chew Beng Keng, president of the Kesatuan Akademis an academic staff association said student counselling could come under
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  • 32 2 Moscow, Wednesday A Leningrad court has sentenced a woman factory clerk to 15 years' Jail for embezzling over 14,000 roubles by claiming wages for fictitious employees, a Soviet newspaper reported yesterday.
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  • 137 2 The ultra modern $5.5 million building of the former St. John's School will be officially handed over to the management of the Singapore International School on August 3. Mr. Roy Bennett, chairman of the school's board of governors, said this today. "It
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  • 57 2 Conakry. Wednesday Guinea's President Sekou Toure has announced the arrest of three former high-ranking government officials as part of his campaign to crush an alleged fifth column movement inside the country. President Toure accused the three of having received huge sums of money from France and
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  • 43 2 Frankfurt, West Germany, Wednesday Seven people—including four children aged between one and 12—died early yesterday when a barge loading petrol exploded and caught fire, sending flames shooting to three other nearby barges moored in the Frankfurt suburb of Raunheim.
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  • 39 2 A forum on Journalism as a Career, organised by the Christian Brothers Old Boys' Association (Youth Section), and St. Joseph's Institution outdance and Placement Bureau, will be held at the school's hall on July 30 at 2 p.m.
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  • 248 2 The Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers (SASAR) may soon have its own premises at Shelford Road off Bukit Timah. It is understood that the association has acquired the premises at Bukit Timah and submitted renovation plans to the government for approval. At
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  • 240 2 An American teacher of retarded children has handed out a big bouquet of praise for local efforts in helping handicapped chillren. Mrs. Beatrice Holme, one of tne 28 American educators, social workers and psychologists who attended a one -day seminar here, saio: "I think
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  • 194 2 The Traffic Police will remove any vehicle found parked along Connaught Drive and the Empress Place car parks after 3 p.m. and in High Street after 4 p.m. today. A police spokesman said today that owners of such vehicles will have to pay "haulage charges"
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  • 36 2 Munich, Wednesday Police yesterday announced discovery of a cache of 2251b. of morphine, opium and hashish with an estimated black market value of one million marks (about £113,000) —near the main Munich police station.
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  • 185 2 Twenty members of the Singapore Adventurers' Club will "rough it out" on a 500-mile bus trip to Kota Bahru during the August holidays. Except for the bus which will transport them from one place to another, the members will sleep, rest
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  • 87 2 Algiers, Wednesday. China is to send experts and equipment to Algeria to carry out a hydraulic development programme in the northern areas of Aures and Salda under an agreement signed here yesterday. The official Algerie Presse Service news agency said the financing of the programme would
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  • 251 2 More than 600 people have completed courses on mushroom cultivation since they were introduced in March last year. The Primary Production Department will begin its last two courses on mushroom cultivation next month. So far, more than 100 application forms have been distributed. A
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  • 28 2 Jakarta, Wednesday Military authorities in Jakarta have arrested eight suspected Communists—two of them civilian officials of the Defence and Security Ministry—a military spokesman said yesterday.
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  • 31 2 Rome, Wednesday An estimated 350.000 workers yesterday staged a twonour strike in Rome and its province to protest against rising unemployment and alleged government slowness in implementing social reforms.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 73 2 Far A Wonderful T1ME,..,. LONGINES ULTRA CHRON THE FIRST WORD IN MODERN TIME-KEEPING RECORD A PRODUCT OF THE LONGINES GROUP SEIKO MODERN MASTERS OF TIME LANKA JEWELLERS (The House For Ceylon Gems) 20, BATTERY FOAD, SINGAPORE-1. TELEPHONE: *****. elliit'oim to please your palate before nite-out «> V sjs Thp place
      73 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 64 2 Weather I J Singapore Weather forecast from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Fair. The weather for the 24 hours to 8 a.m. today: Max. temp. 88.8. Min. temp. 73.4. Total rainfall for the month to date 4.43 in. Total raindays for the month to date —lO. Hours of sunshine—ll.4o. TIDES
      64 words
    • 99 2 At the cinema Lido: Goldflnger—l.4s, 4. 6.30. 9.15. Capitol: The Last Valley 1.30, 4, 6.45. Rex: The Patriotic Heroine (Mandarin) 1.45, 4. 6.30. 9.30. Sky: The Patriotic Heroine (Mandarin) 1.45. 4. 6.30. 9.15. Roxy: The Patriotic Heroine (Mandarin) 1.45. 4.15, 't State: Revenge of Ringo 1.45, 4. 7, 9.30. Globe:
      99 words

  • 221 3 Alor Star. Wednesday Work on Kedah's multi-million dollar sugar-cane project, expected to develop into one of the biggest industries in the country, is expected to start soon. The project will entail the development of 10,000 acres of forest reserve at Padang Sanai,
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  • 90 3 A forum on "Intellectuals: Architects of a developing society" will be held tomorrow at 7.15 p.m. at the King Edward VII Hall, Outram Road general hospital. Speakers at the forum organised by the Freshmen Orientation Committee, University of Singapore, Include Dr. Augustine Tan, MP and senior
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  • 310 3 Staff overpaid $lBB,OOO, says hotel The Food Drinks and Allied Workers' Union will meet the Hotel Malaysia's management this afternoon to discuss the hotel's claim that it overpaid to workers $lBB,OOO in allowances between last October and March. The management wrote to the
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  • 295 3 The Minister of State for Labour, Mr. Sia Kah Hul, is confident that the dispute over four months' bonus between the OverseaChinese Banking Corporation and the Singapore Bank Employees' Union can be amicably settled. He told New Nation today that he had received the bank's version
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  • 399 3 Ipoh, Wednesday With the consumer movement gaining momentum in the country, an appeal was made here last night for a special section to be set up in the Prime Minister's Department to deal with consumer matters. The new section can safeguard
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  • 71 3 Caracas, Wednesday The only survivor from a helicopter which crashed in flames after a mid-air collision plunged into a lagoon where he was immediately attacked by deadly piranha fish, it was revealed yesterday. Beven people died in the crash. Rafael Marval Silva, an Air
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  • 102 3 A high-ranking customs officer has been dismissed following an inquiry into his financial affairs. New Nation was told that the officer's financial background had been under Investigation for more than a year after reports that he had been living beyond his means. The officer
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  • 51 3 Another batch of national servicemen was called up today for full-time military service. The youths from various constituencies assembled at seven community centres this morning when they were given official send-off parties. Some Members of Parliament, officials of management committees and families of the youths also
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  • 114 3 Seventeen year old Caroline Dennis (above) has no records to her name but she is proud to be the second youngest "Young American" in town today. She was beaten to first place in the 38-member singing group by 16-year old Larry Pedersen, who joined last
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  • 217 3 The camping department of the Chinese YMCA is organising a series of outdoor holiday activities for all ages from August 10 to 21. One of the programmes is an adventure survival camp which will be held on Pulau Tekong Besar from August 16 to
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  • 29 3 Ja k a rta. Wednesday— Four people were killed and nine injured when a bus overturned and caught fire in a Jakarta street, police said today.
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  • 171 3 Kuching, Wednesday Sarawak experienced a substantial increase In the exports and reexports of petroleum during the first four months of this year. Valued at $106.6 million it gave Sarawak a favourable trade balance of $24.7 million for the first four months of
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  • 28 3 New Delhi, Wednesday The Soviet Union will supply four cargo ships worth 180 million rupees (Ss73 million) to India under a contract signed here yesterday.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 232 3 Like fantastic power; contoured comfort and built-in safety Crash padding on facia, etc. Shatter-proof' vanity Breakaway rear mirror view mirror Fused electrical system (7 fuses) Padded sun visors Non-lift windscreen Protected fuel tank M c "V r m Sr. 2/ m I*^ m m m fi K€r- £3 c i
      232 words

    • 423 4  -  Five of its members are Reds By Gerard Loughran United Press International Beirut, Wednesday Sudan's new military bosses have set up a left leaning revolutionary council to rule Africa's biggest nation following a bloodless coup which toppled President Jaafar Nimeiri from power.
      United Press International  -  423 words
    • 336 4 Reuter Colombo, Wednesday The Ceylonese, Prime Minister, Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike, said yesterday that 1200 people were killed in the bloody insurrection led by the extreme leftwing People's Liberation Front earlier this year. Issuing the first official list of casualties since the uprising against
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 164 4 Reuter Moscow, Wednesday The Russian federal supreme court has rejected appeals against sentence by nine Soviet Jews convicted of antiSoviet activities in Leningrad last May. The appeal, heard in the absence of the accused a normal Soviet practice in such cases lasted for
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 100 4 Reuter New York, Wednesday Mr. A.M. Rosenthal, managing editor of the New York Times, said the newspaper received about 8000 letters, mostly favourable commenting on the newspaper's publication of the so-called Pentagon papers. "The mail has been running heavily in favour of the Times position,"
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 101 4 Dr. Lee off to see the Queen V It was a most formal occasion—a visit to Buckingham Palace. So it called for all the trimmings. Top hat, tails and a horse-drawn carriage. Singapore's new High Commissioner to Britain, Dr. Lee Yong Leng, was off to
      101 words
    • 224 4 Reuter London, Wednesday A gigantic buying spree started in Britain yesterday as prices came tumbling down only hours after the government had slashed sales tax and swept away all credit restrictions. But In the financial world some economists were cautioning that a buying bonanza might encourage
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 59 4 Tokyo, Wednesday The prototype of Japan's first domestically-developed supersonic aircraft successfully completed its maiden test flight in Komaki, yesterday. The aircraft—first of the projected two prototypes of the XT-2 supersonic Jet trainer being developed for the Japanese Air Self-De-fence Force—took off from the central Japanese airport
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    • 98 4 United Press International Lahore, Wednesday Mr. Zulfikar All Bhutto, chairman of the/People's Party, yesterday charged that a "military bureaucracy combination" is trying to block the setting up of a civilian government through intimidation. Mr. Bhutto warned President Yahya Khan against "further procrastination" and expressed hopes Mr.
      United Press International  -  98 words
    • 355 4 United Press International Moscow, Wednesday The Soviet Union yesterday issued its first status report on the Salyut orbital station since the Soyuz 11 deaths and Indicated it is fit to receive another crew at any time. "All the on-board systems of the station are
      United Press International  -  355 words
    • 33 4 Hong Kong, Wednesday— An Algerian government delegation flew into Shanghai yesterday for a friendly visit to China at the invitation of the Chinese government, the New China News Agency reported today.
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    • 359 5 New Nation Foreign Service Taipeh, Wednesday The Nationalist Chinese Foreign Ministry said last night Presi- dent Niton has sent a personal letter to President Chiang Kai-shek assuring Taiwan the United States will continue to honour its defence treaty commitments despite his planned
      New Nation Foreign Service  -  359 words
    • 609 5 Wilson rebukes pro-market speakers Reuter London, Wednesday The Common Market split in Britain's opposition Labour Party widened yesterday after a forthnight promarket declaration by Mr. Roy Jenkins, the party's deputy leader. Mr. Jenkins' stand immediately brought a rebuke from his party leader,
      Reuter  -  609 words
    • 131 5 Reuter Tokyo, Wednesday The Australian Labour Party leader, Mr. Gough Whitlam, promised the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Eisaku Sato, yesterday that an Australian Labour government would do all in its power to moderate Chinese fears and misunderstanding about Japan. Mr. Whitlam and Mr. Sato spent
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 38 5 Athens, Wednesday—Mrs. Helen! Vlachos, the selfexiled Oreek publisher, has been deprived of her Greek nationality for her alleged activities against the military supported regime, Under-secretary of Press and Propaganda, George Georgalas, said here last night.
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    • 198 5 Reuter Damascus, Wednesday Syria yesterday accused Jordanian troops of shelling a Syrian border town and nearby villages and withdrew its military delegation from Jordan in protest against the attitude of King Hussein's government to the Palestinian commandos. An official source in Damascus said the Syrian
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 192 5 United Press International Sydney, Wednesday Qantas, Australia's only international airline, will go ahead with its plan to start a Jumbo jet service between Sydney and San Francisco in September, despite a United States Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) ban on the service. A Qantas spokesman said
      United Press International  -  192 words
    • 42 5 Islamabad, Wednesday— A two-member official trade delegation left for Budapest yesterday to conclude a commodity exchange agreement with the Hungarian government for 1971-72. During the flight, the aircraft reached a speed of 460 knots and an altitude of 20,000 ft
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    • 42 5 The Hague, Wednesday— The body of Talitha deny, 20-year-old wife of Paul Getty, Junior, who died in Rome on July 11, was buried in Wassenaar yesterday alongside her mother. Mrs. Getty died in a Rome clinic apparently from barbiturate poisoning.
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    • 30 5 Paris, Wednesday—Richard Crowell, 14, of the United States, diven into the sea In Calais In an attempt to beoome the youngest person ever to swim the English Channel.
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    • 235 5 United Press International New York, Wednesday Police have established a link between the Carlo Gambino mafia "family" and Jerome Johnson, the man who gunned down reputed mafia leader Joseph Colombo, detective chief Albert Seedman said yesterday. Seedman said Johnson, who was shot dead
      United Press International  -  235 words
    • 31 5 Hong Kong, Wednesday —About 500 workers of the world's longest immersed tube tunnel crossing Hong Kong Harbour, went on strike yesterday over the sacking of one of their colleagues.
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    • 21 5 Moscow, Wednesday—The Soviet Union yesterday announced the launching of the 429 th unmanned research satellite In its Cosmos series.
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    • 111 5 Reuter Glasgow, Wednesday Prince Charles, 22-year-old heir to the British throne yesterday flew 'through the sound barrier for the first time in a Phantom jet fighter. He was accompanied by the commander of a Phantom squadron at the Leuchars alrbase in Eastern Scotland. Prince
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 295 5 Reuter Saigon, Wednesday Communist gunners have shattered the three week old war lull in northern South Vietnam, but elsewhere In the country the uneasy calm continued. The Saigon high command said North Vietnamese gunners slammed more than 50 rounds of mortar and rocket shells against
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 126 5 Manila, Wednesday More than 200 delegates and observers from 43 countries will meet in Manila from tomorrow for a world anti Communist conference focused on President Nixon's forthcoming trip to Mainland China. The meeting, at which President Marcos will make the opening address, will
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    • 261 5 Reuter Prague, Wednesday Emil Zatopek, Czechoslovakia Olympic gold medal winner, has been Quoted as saying he was now sorry he was "one of those wild ones" who supported reforms in the country and opposed the Warsaw Pact invasion of 1968. Zatopek, now 49. was emoted
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 214 5 Reuter Sao Paulo, Wednesday Police have solved the mystery of the ambush killing of a professional gunman near Recife last February who kept his victims' ears in a box of salt as souvenirs. Acting on the tip of a former accomplice, known only by the nickname of
      Reuter  -  214 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 128 5 a r r 1 0 i A on 5 mms «s StJ Ml* m: cnsnl hampers to be PRIZES: Ist Prize: 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: 4th Prize: 25 sth Prizes 100 6th Prizes 100 7th Prizes 150 Bth Prizes 300 9th Prizes $5,000/- (ask $2,500/- Cash 1,250/- Cash r assorted
      128 words

    • 1043 6  -  Flexibility is the name of the international relations game the Chinese Communists are playing in getting President Nixon to agree to visit Peking; but this is no reason to believe their basic goals have changed. STANLEY KARNOW reports from Washington. STANLEY KARNOW Washington Post By inviting
      Washington Post  -  1,043 words
    • 908 6  -  THE WEST REMAINS OPTIMISTIC ABOUT A SETTLEMENT BY THE BIG FOUR, BUT... From John M. Goshko Despite persistent Press reports of an imminent breakthrough, the hope that the Four-Power Berlin talks wil produce an agreement remains precisely that a hope.
      908 words
    • 457 6  -  Britain has maintained diplomatic relations with China through years of bickering, and has been among the first to acclaim the Nixon visit From Noel Hawken Since the Korean war ended, Britain has always been careful to keep on-side as much as possible with Red
      457 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 *T!* Wl\ 44 l T i Tape Recorders with Compatible, Flexible, Professional Features s v rrti h i rfp fci Engfah 'Teryteoe'/Worsted Whatever your size, shape or build you've an excellent chance of finding a perfectly fitting suit from our superb new range of ready-to-wear. PRICE $69.50 EXCLUSIVE TO ROBINSON':
      54 words
    • 49 6 m I Imatior, drink I x Drink it straight from the fridge. Or on the rocks. Whichever way you have it, the new Carnation Chocolate drink is delicious A real cfiocolatey drink for you and your family Have it today. Buy the other famous Carnation product, today. i Slender
      49 words

    • 1443 7  - No place like home in Jurong What is it like to live in Jurong Town? Are the social amenities adequate? Are there enough schools and hospitals, and do housewives find it easy to do their shopping and marketing? These are some of the questions IVAN LIM answers in a twopart
      1,443 words
    • The Voice of the Press
      • 175 7 What other newspapers are saying: An extensive survey on Incomes of industrial workers is to be launched this year by university students perhaps during their terminal vacation in October. A periodic survey on incomes of the population is necessary especially in a rapidly developing country like Singapore. Such
        175 words
      • 132 7 President Nixon's announcement of his accept- ance of an invitation to visit China before next May is the most gratifying and heartening news in the current developments of the world situation. In reviewing US external policy last year, President Nixon declared that he would work towards a
        132 words
      • 154 7 The Malaysian Government's new replanting scheme which will cost $450 million will enable 600,000 acres of old rubber trees to be replanted within five years. With regard to processing facilities, the Government will construct a number of modern rubber processing plants to be managed by the Malaysian Rubber
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      • 224 7 It will be many months before President Nixon makes the trip to China. During this period, a number of events may occur which may well draw both China and the US into a dispute. These will be a touchstone to prove Nixon's consistency. The most outstanding
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      • 166 7 Voters born after the war have shown the highest rate of absenteeism in recent national elections. "Iliis apathy is due to distrust of politics and a sense of alienation. The youth seem to have no alteratives but to pursue private joys or to demand direct democracy. We hope
        166 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 85 7 Healthy hair needs Pantene vitamin care Your hair needs vitamins To keep your Refreshes it and keeps it healthy Makes icalp healthy and free of dandruff your hair easier to groom, your hair looking strong, vital and clean Start your hair on the health routine And to help prevent it
      85 words

  • 365 8 Premier Lee Kuan Yew perhaps spoke for many Asian leaders when, addressing a meeting here on Monday, he struck a note of caution in his assessment of the new trends in SinoUS relations. As expected, he welcomed the new initiative taken by both Peking and
    365 words
    • 79 8 The long-drawn battle for an art gallery appears to be coming to an end, with only a "little" matter of maintenance to be sorted out.* The Finance Ministry is still reluctant to foot the bill. But for those who have contributed towards this project, waiting must
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    • 144 8 Lord Thomson of Fleet Street, the British newspaper magnate, who now owns the controlling shares of Thailand's two leading English language dailies, the Bangkok Post and the Bangkok World, is reported to be working on several new ambitious pxans to expand his operation in Thailand. One move is
      144 words
    • 61 8 The US Embassy here will gain one more Chinese language expert when Bob Nichols joins the mission as Its new press officer, replacing Burtt McKee who is retiring from diplomatic service. Nichols who speaks and reads Mandarin is coming here from the US Embassy in Taiwan, accompanied by
      61 words
    • 83 8 Since all political parties in Indonesia have their own newspapers, it surprises nobody that Sekber Golkar should be having its own. In the short space of a few months, Golkar has already acquired El Bahar and Berita Yudha, set up by the late General Mohammed Yanl and
      83 words
  • 1181 8  -  DICK WILSON I first joined the ranks of the coin-col-lectors (or numismatists, as they rather affectedly call themselves) about five years ago. On a visit to the small English town of Rye and browsing at
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  • Letters
    • 188 8  -  DAVID LOKE The disclosure by President Nixon that he will visit China before May has immediately caused speculation as to the effects it will have on South-East Asia. As is normal, there will be an over-reaction and the view that a peace and stability Is in
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    • 178 8  -  LIM LIAN FOOK I'm wondering if RTS can help me by providing an explanation to this problem: I've found quite a bit of interference even In clear weather with the stereo reception of programmes and I put it down to my having a poor radio
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    • 160 8  -  S.G. BLAKE Hundreds of readers must have welcomed the exposure by Li Po in the food and drinks column of the inadequacy of the rest houses at Segamat and Seremban in not supplying bottles of wine. This position obtains too at Pontian and Batu Pahat. For many
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    • 130 8  -  L.C. CHUA It is refreshing to see Dr. Goh Keng Swee come round to a point of view long held by many others but whose warnings on the consequences of the rat race had previously been dismissed. Dr. Goh must admit that his policies have substantially
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    • 121 8  -  FOO HUAT LEE Singaporeans band together in times of national need. The water shortage problem proves this. I was proud to be a Singaporean when the water consumption was near the 90 million gallon level, but ashamed when it went up to the 100 million gallon
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    • 132 8  -  S. M. PILLA I have always followed with great interest Edgar Koh's column, Sight and Sound. He gives us invaluable information and I And it much easier to remember my favourite programmes these days. I am wondering if he can do the same for radio programmes
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 141 8 "-=>,@*)`((^>]}[_{+@*&?/}|_|[`\ Snug Denture Cushione fit plates snugly without paste or powder. It forms a soft, resilient lining that keeps dentures firm and comfortable. Cushions tender gums so you can bite harder and chew better. S hl U^ e U t Ur f.£! JS r i ns are eas to us
      141 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 2671 9  -  Sir William Goode looks back Sir William Goode, Singapore's last colonial Governor (from 1957 to 1959), was a colonial official in Singapore before the war." On the fall of Singapore he was a PoW and worked on the Burma death railway. In 1953 he returned to Singapore
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    • 728 10  -  Growing demand for surgeons in urban and rural areas By Patrick de Souza Dentists do not treat teeth only, but people with teeth, says a local dental surgeon. She made this distinction recently to show that dentists needed to be genuinely concerned with helping the people who come
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    • 261 10 The University of Singapore can provide the national leadership of the future, if we are to judge by the outcome of a recent students' debate at the university. In one of the heats of Uie Democratic Socialist C.ub Inter Faculty Debates for 1971, the Arts
      261 words
    • 380 10 An all-round education is an important factor in the shaping of future leaders, according to Dr. Tan Eng Liang, director of research at Zuellig Mills. Dr. Tan, an old boy of Raffles Institution who was awarded a Rhodes scholarship in 1961, said recently:
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    • 302 10 Dame Margot Fonteyn and Garth Welch have been practising two hours a day for the last two weeks at London's Ballet School in preparation for the extended tour of Australia, Singapore and Manila later this month. Immediately before going to Australia Dame
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  • 544 10 EDUCATION STUDENTS FORUM today takes you to the International Training Centre where Elizabeth Choo interviews students taking a private secretaries' course. Here is what they say on what makes a good secretary. ROSALIND WONG, 20: I feel that a secretary should be sensitive to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 151 10 Solzhenitsyn. like Oleg Kostoglotov, the central character of this novel, went in the mid-1950s from concentration camp to cancer ward and later recovered. The British publication of 'Cancer Ward' in l l >oB confirmed him as Russia's greatest living novelist although it has never been openly pubhshed in the Soviet
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    • 147 11 We're giving you the latest news play it young and pretty in ginghams with a new slant on denim. Catch the beat; of checks they're all set to bounce for this season. it, girls, there's more to come. This is only a plot
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    • 329 11  -  SOLANGE BERTRAND There's nothing new about the current rage for vitamins. Ever since they were discovered there have been recurrent periods when anxious health seekers swore by them as cure-all. The current fad was probably launched by the wide publicity given to
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    • 403 11  -  CaU for more money for By Toni Wiseman Today, the Inner Wheel Club of Singapore will celebrate the installation of Mrs. Amina Jumabhoy as its president. The installation ceremony will take place at a dinner for the members and their husbands. The Inner Wheel Club membership Is
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    • 880 11  -  MEN WRITTEN OFF AS COLD IN OFFICE COULD BE MOST PASSIONATE OUTSIDE By Trish Sheppard "I knew straight away that he was no good, don't ask me why, I just knew. I can always tell what people are like the nrst time I meet them
      880 words
    • 303 11  -  By Elizabeth Choo For over 20 years, Ken Shaw has been in the fashion business and It has never failed to fascinate him." "Not especially w£ien the tempo is so terrific." said Ken who is on a week's stop-over to bring new Ideas to his
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 55 11 GIFT PROBLEMS? CONSULT NEW NATION'S SHOPPING GUIDE A K v m 11 v. 3H *>• /*> *> A wide selection of products and shopping ideas are featured every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in our Shopping Guide to help you solve your gift problems. You need not trudge from store to
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  • NEW NATION'S Finance and business
    • 411 12 MINISTER PLEASED BY COMMON VIEW Reuter Jakarta, Wednesday Members of the Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have reached a common view on present and future releases from the American rubber stockpile, Indonesian Trade Minister Dr. Sumitro Djojohadlkusumo said yesterday. "I am
      Reuter  -  411 words
    • 304 12 World-Wide (Shipping) Limited of Hong Kong, of which the shipping magnate Mr. Y.K. Pao Is the managing director, has placed another block order for six more supertankers with Japanese shipbuilders. Totalling about 1.5 million deadweight tons at an aggregate cost of $7.5
      304 words
    • 103 12 KUCHINO, Wed.— Sarawak recorded a favourable trade balance of $24,700,000 for the first four months of this year compared with a $1,200,000 deficit for the same period last year. The Statistics Department said that total exports amountMi to for the £!K, u *2: AprU P® -0 while
      103 words
    • 133 12 Bcechsmi. the British pharmaeceutlca! firm that Is puttmaceutical flrni that Is putttag up a $24 million plant In Jurong, has announced reriaed Plans to Increase the output of Replant by 15 per cant and to •mptoy 70 mora workers. •The hfcher demand ta South But Asia
      133 words
    • 1177 12 TRENDS AND MOVES IN THE MAJOR STOCK EXCHANGE COUNTERS 1979-1971 1 wk. 4 wk*. Stock doting Price last Dhrtd P/E TurnHigh Low •to SffO Bayers Sellers sale Yield Ratio Over industrials 3.63 1.68 1.97 1.82 Allied Chocolate 1.98 1.95 6.4N 14.1 4 1.90 0.841 1.44 1.40 Ben
      1,177 words
    • 140 12 UPI London, Wednesday More than £25 million was lopped off the market value of the Rank Organisation yesterday on the announcement of disappointing half-year results. Pre-tax profits of the cinema, dance hall, TV and electronics group went up by some £1.7 million
      UPI  -  140 words
    • 204 12 UPI ISLAMABAD, Wednesday.— The gap between per capita income in But and west Pakistan new wider in the five year* between 1965 and 1970, a government economic study showed yesterday. The disparity was one of the principal reasons behind the independence movement in Bast Pakistan, which
      UPI  -  204 words
    • 243 12 Allied Cbta 33 Alcoa 57 Am Brand* 43% Am Can 36 Am Motors AT ft T 45% A ft P 17V, Anaconda 18% Avon Pd Beth Steel 22% Boeing a 17% Caterp Trac 48% Chrysler 28% Coca-Cola 103% Control Data 56% Corn Ol Wks i«3 Dow Chem
      243 words
    • 103 12 Wednesday Bovril, whose meat extract products mostly come from cattle bred In Argentina, was yesterday merged with the, Rowntree-Macklntosh confectionery giant. A joint announcement by the two companies said agreement had been reached for Rowntrees to take Bovril into Its group. It is costing them about
      103 words
    • 186 12 United Press International New York, Wednesday Stocks finished higher in moderate trading yesterday. Wan Street was inspired by some better than -ex pec ted second quarter cor porate earnings, and a government report tnat housing starts continued to rise in June. Mr. Fieo
      United Press International  -  186 words
    • 374 12 Reuter London, Wednesday Banks and instalment credit shares were moving up again on the stock market at the opening yesterday. The city was optimistic that the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Anthony Barber, had done the right thine to get the
      Reuter  -  374 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 84 12 ASEAN NATIONS AGREE ON ALTERNATE MARKETS FOR RUBBER %/l Wl£Y nsi. SMGAPOHf.9 TEI ***** For delectable food and excellent service Cockpit Hotel is the gourmet's paradise. 3 J rietV o* Ch, 'O °Of. V>N u' 1 *9* vav> doO« s CO° U° e s\a c\oO r* e CO' 14 On
      84 words
    • 142 12 TRADERS OPTIMISTIC TORIES HAVE 'DONE RIGHT THING' International social scienc* journal The first part of each issue presents an authoritative international conspectus of recent scholarship on important topics, such as modern methods in criminology science and technology as development factors; the sociai science press; sociai functions of educationr multidisciplinary, problem-focused
      142 words

    • 551 13  -  FOCUS ON SOCCER Report: Sonny Yap Port of Singapore's footballers are setting their sights on a magnificent treble when they compete in the fourth Inter-Port Soccer Tournament to be held at Kuching in Sarawak, starting on July 31. In the biennial series, held among sportsmen from South
      Pictures: Brian Culley  -  551 words
    • 1181 14  -  SOCCER SCENE WITH JEFFREY LOW Have you ever spared a thought for our football referees? That they go about doing their job unflinchingly? Amid vocal abuse, physical violence and a popularity poll that marks almost nil? If you have not, then you can be considered
      1,181 words
    • 220 14 Revised fixtures for the Second Schools International (all matches at Jalan Besar): Groupings for Under 18: Group A India, Taiwan, Brunei. Indonesia, Hong Kong; Group B Cambodia. Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia. Under 15 Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. July 24: Under 15 Thai vs Malaysia (3 p.m.); Under
      220 words
    • 199 14 Defending champions Raffles Institution will again start favourites when they clash with St. Andrew's in the second leg of their annual Kiwi Cup rugger competition at RI ground today at 5 p.m. The home ground return match will add further advantage to Raffles first
      199 words
    • 57 14 Hong Kong, Wednesday— A Hong Kong schools' football team will leave for Singapore tomorrow to take part in the 2nd Singapore Schools' International competition from July 24 to 31.1 Eleven Asian nations will take part in the competition. They include, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan,
      57 words
    • 151 14 The Singapore Karate Association will send a team of five exponents to compete in a friendly tournament at Medan on August 13 and 14. They are blackbelters Bay Oh Lam (second dan), Loh Kong Wing (first dan), Chan Wah Hay (first dan), Tan Kim
      151 words
    • 139 14 Mr. Choi Hong Hi, the founder and president of the International Tae-Kwon-Do Federation will confer honorary fourth degree black belts on Mr. Chan Chee Seng and Dr. Fong Kim Heng at a reception at the Oasis theatre and night club on FYiday at 7.30 p.m.
      139 words
    • 1121 15 -:Blue Peter's stable round-up Leading trainer Mansor Matban has entered a strong team for the Penang July/August meeting and should consolidate his position. 4 Pick of his horses is undoubtedly Thunderer. This Pakistan n five year old has won his last three starts impressively, including
      1,121 words
    • 95 15 Lee Wei Cheng (second from right) of Chinese High leads the sprinters (above) in Heat Five of the Boys "A" division 100m race in the Schools National athletic meet at Farrer Park yesterday. On Lee's left is Wong Kang Juat of NJC. Others are Baharuddin Soedi (448) of Pasir Panjang
      95 words
    • 120 15 Canberra, Wednesday A seven-foot (2.1 metre) barbed wire fence and about 750 police will guard the touring South African Rugby Union team when it plays the Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.) at Canberra's Manuka Oval today. The barbed wire two miles (three kms) of it—was put up
      120 words
    • 105 15 First round results of the Insurance Institute of Singapore's Chinese and English chess championships are:— Chinese Choo Tuck Meng bt. William Wong; Andrew Goh bt. Ma this Hah; Liew Sing Hun bt. Poo Cheng Tong; Henry Chong bt. Peter Lee; Joseph Goh bt. Peter Chow and Yeow
      105 words
    • 55 15 Sydney, Wednesday—The Indian squash team In Sydney on their way to the World championships in New Zealand, went down to a New South Wales side here last night. The Indian players, with only two hours' sleep after landing in Sydney earlier yesterday, failed to win a match
      55 words
    • 34 15 Tokyo. Wednesday—* World Boxing Association (WBA) flyweight champion M&sao Ohba will meet WBA No. 10 contender Tony Moreno of San Antonio, Texas in a non-title 10-round bout in Tokyo on August 19.
      34 words
    • 235 15 From Blue Peter in Penan; Taiwan Princess did a smart gallop on a good track at Penang this morning. Ridden by Moses Lee, Taiwan Princess strode out fluently over 3f in 39 4/5. A winner over 6f at Bukit Timah last month, Taiwan Princess is
      235 words
    • 224 15 WORLD OF SPORT London, Wednesday Top-seeded Australian Evonne Goolagong displayed the form that won her the Wimbledon title with a crushing 6-1, 6-3 victory over American Kris Kemmer to reach the semi-finals of the Green Shield lawn tennis tournament at Leicester yesterday. The brilliant 19-year-old part
      224 words
    • 111 15 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L PCT. GB Pittsburgh 62 32 .060 Chicago 50 43 .538 114 New York 48 43 .527 1*4 St Louis 49 45 .521 13 Philadelphia 41 54 .432 214 Montreal 37 57 .394 25 AMERICA LEAGUE W L PCT. GB San Franc. 58
      111 words
    • 119 15 London, Wednesday. Popular Lu Liang Huan of Taiwan, wno in two weeks finished as runner-up to Lee Trevino in the British Open and then won the French Open golf championship, has moved into joint third place in the European order of merit points
      119 words
    • 158 15 The latest results and draws for the Insurance Institute of Singapore's table tennis championships are.— Patrick Tham bt Yeoh Sing Soo 21-15, 21-15; Teo Up Moh bt Jimmy Cheoek 21-17, 22-20. Ist round results of the Ladies Singles Roberta Pang bt Wee Choo Neo 21-10, 18-21, 21-19;
      158 words
    • 747 15 London, Wednesday India will delay the announcement of their team for the first cricket Test against England, which begins today. Lieutenant Colonel R.A.T. Adikhari, tne Inaian team manager, said yestercay: "Tne team will not be selected until tomorrow morning, after we have seen the pitch
      747 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 454 14 $<~?;'=|]+\?{)*@+`".&){},@\+${~ ACCOMMODATION VACANT LUXURIOUSLY FULLY FURNISHID semi detoched bungalow 19. Jalan Sedap Singapore 15. 3 airconditioned bedrooms, one servants room. Rent $BOO/-. Telephone *****5. Singapore. DISTRICT 16 2-STOREY TERRACt house, furnished $4OO/-, unfurnished $320/-. Rent or Sale. Ring (Singapore) *****9 Mr. Lim. ROOM TO L*Y at 2*4 m.s. Thomson Rood.
      454 words
    • 261 14 POSITION VACANT REPUTABLE INTERNATIONAL COMPANY requires intelligent young ladies to help promote some trendy products. Apply P.O. Box 3007 Singapore. IP YOU'RE PREPARED TO PUT IN A LOT OP HARD WORK. WE'RE PREPARED TO FINANCE YOU TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Selling books to schools here and abroad. An exclusive
      261 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
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    • 253 14 NEW NATION CROSSWORD; 4 I HIIII HUB nannann mmmm >»■ 9 Boundary post. 10 Early Christian. 1 11 Turkish regiment. 12 Not possible: 2 words. 13 Not closed. 21 Slant. 22 Avouch. 25 Extent. 26 Jabberwocky. 27 Forestall. 28 SalL 29 Wiggly. 30 Broker. 31 Slight trace. 32 Register. 34
      253 words

  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 596 15 Cut aloft* lettrf i.*r< NEW NATION j WEDNESDAY MONEYWORDS V' i Cat Nt lit pia witk atker cuius Pastiag lastractiaas appear kelew Naae (Mr./Mrs./Mrts). FILL IN ml. LETTERS ACROSS i CLUES I BELOW. -C»t <i««f astir# ims «J CLUES FOR V-3 1. Word expressive of grief. 4. Form of unormed
      596 words

  • Back Page WEDNESDAY
    • 420 16 Vernon Craig, a homegrown American fakir will try this week to break the world record for lying on a bed of nails. Craig, 39, will stretch out on a bed of nails in Wooster, Ohio, tomorrow wriggle his back a couple of times
      420 words
    • 333 16  -  The fee is $2 a seat By Sunny Wee A group of smalltime businessmen in Marine Parade are cashing in on courting couples who are out to find a little peace and quiet not-too-far from the sea. They are hiring out to
      333 words
    • 161 16 Twenty-five-year-old East London housewife Ann Barne.t stands to win $3OO if she can keep her mouth shut for four days. That is spell of golden silence demanded by husband John, a 28-year-old salesman, in return for the money. He has bet Ann
      161 words
    • 51 16 AH FOOK: The government should insist that all imported electrical appliances have a standard colour code for the wires. It's so much safer. MEI LIN: I'm shocked you are making such a rational statement for once. I'm with you this time. What do YOU think? Write to the
      51 words
    • 63 16 Hostess Maria Yong, 18, is the only girl worklog at Hyatt's Hugo Grill. So it's only natural that she should feel a bit pampered by her all-male colleagues. On her part she pampers her guests. And looking at her one is confident that she's capable
      Picture by Ali Yusoff  -  63 words
    • 163 16 Seventeen month old Lee Goult likes nothing better than to sit in his pram and smoke his cherrywood pipe. But no cigarettes for Lee, who prefers to smoke a pipe. He likes nothing better than to 101 l back in his pram, suck on his cherrywood
      163 words
    • 243 16 Jimmie Davis, the folk singing former Governor of Louisiana and a probable candidate again this year, wrote a college master's thesis claiming a Negro's intelligence is determined by the amount of white blood In his veins. Davis wrote the 16-page thesis in 1928 at Louisiana
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 337 16 5 Siagapara 3.00 Opening and Housewives' Matinee 3.35 For the Family (C) 4.05 A Diary of Events in Singapore This Week,- (C) 4.10 Days Of Our Lives 4.50 Close. 6.00 Opening and Huckleberry Hound 6.30 News in Brief 6.35 What Others Say (E) 6.50 Science Report 7.10 Alfred Hitchcock 7.40
      337 words
    • 69 16 SHORT RIBS A NEW DIPLOMAT. By Frank O'Neal rt m w M m 33 Wm MJ w iIL m i m m J in 9 I vtTAT SNIFFY by George Fett VfA ABSOLUTELY WHACXECM KID -1 THINK I'LL GET s "7 MESELF STRAIGHT UP ABOUT MV > 600b NIGHT <
      69 words
    • 372 16 Trust your lucky star IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are a highly Independent Individual who combines great personal sympathy with the kind of aggressiveness that, were it not for that sympathy, would alienate you rather than endear you to your friends. You know how to mix determination with
      372 words