Morning Tribune, 15 December 1948

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 11 1 MORNING Tribune o>o ,n,» S^ries^ WKDNKSDAV. DKCKMBKU 15. im Hri<( (>flts
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  • Article, Illustration
    257 1 Li Tsung'jen as I Ins ohcccssoy I mfrwiino Chiang Kai-shek dined m state m Nanking tonight with Paul nfc commission Administration director *nd high American ia i his !«-t hope for gaining the American aid which Madame Chiang XSh^ 1 ed rumours that he had resigned the Presidency of
    A.P.  -  257 words
  • 114 1 Minstrels' Soprano Is Blind Man Leading soprano stafM of the Chahaya Bulan Radio Minstreli of Malacca, arrived m Singapore yesterday. He to a man Tan En^ Ann years old. and blind. Tan not only Bißgl beautifully m a deceptive female voice: he also composes many of his own songs. He
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  • 92 1 INtfetrgf \i was J*" d in? his Y< Uirthday ~JV quiet at Ruck*2 sa^ "f <"ng;ratula*>nrt |to<| >\i>hfs for J^Jin from aUpaTts Jn th». birthday eve a gf lipH hy the 2 ?s *fton. said he *or, *'ibsUntial PHI sin, the'r last birthday fla^s were flown from pubUc
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  • 87 1 I»rincess EUrabeins four-weeks old baby bo>, who may one day ruwthe British Empire, will be christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury m Buckingham Faiaee this afternoon. An announcement frorr the Palace said he r vie* mill be In oMott^ star nioins on the nrsi Ooor. There ha* been
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 77 1 Uk A F Ten Hoope paid a monthly rent or »«i.oi/ M K fo f afirS nxSJd flat at Heeren Building, Orchard Road and collected $325 from two sub-tenants, tin Rent Conciliation Board was told yesterday. Thc Board Educed the rejt a month. mc.usiv, of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 133 2 Pathan Sentenced To Death THE Singapore Assize Couiti was tense yesterday when Mr Justice Jobling pronounced the death MINM ov a middleaged Pathan. Haxrat Noor. for tht murder of a young Chinese; bus conductor All those present stood m solemn Mlence for a moment when the Judge passed sen- t»
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  • 94 2 Man Without Card Considered Illegal Entrant C.I.D. Chief. Mr. E. V. Fow- ler. said yesterday afternoon that under the Emergency Regulations any person who is j liable for registration and »s| unable to produce his card is i presumed to have entered the Colony illegally unless he can prove otherwise.
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  • 24 2 TEN coloured cartoons are being shown at the Pavilion Theatre. Singapore at a specia! matinee fcr children at il. a.m. on Saturday
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  • 181 2 DSFDSFDS riDour ju njMuiiTs were killed m a recent air attack on a jungle camp m West Johore by Singapore-based Spitfires, Air Headquarters, Malaya, said last night. THE SALATION Army. Balostier Road Co:p will stagtf a Christmas pageant at the Oxley Road on December 11 at
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  • 278 2 Withtn five days of bcin^ handed a war office telegram stating that he was HIM at the bedside of his son lyin^ .ngerousJy ill at Kuala Lumpur of wound* i« at the hands of bandits. 57--year-oM Mr. Cyril Hawks\vorth of Church Gresley. Burton-On-Trei»t. ariveu m Ma
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  • 265 2 MYSTERY NOTE SENT TO JUDGE Generator Case:— k StfYSTERKH'S letter ad Iressed to the Judge «M handed to Mr. YMns. counse! lor the <tefe»ee by Mr. Justice Broun when the Generator \v»s resumed at the Assize Court jreoterdnv afternoon. Mr. Elias agreed wi h the Judge that the least
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  • 67 2 |M FNTION FUgkt I Sergeant John Kirk i ard, the mioatay wttnem m the Generator Caae < was made m the Assize i Coort >«»«*t rrtay. Kirkard J walked out of Ms MMet m V Cbangi and has not been seen ni«ire. I The D.F.P. Mr. Farrel. S
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  • 173 2 Siiid Counsel THE prosecution closed iU case m the two charges of offences under the Finance Regulations, preferred against the firm of Mont or Ltd.. m tho First District Court yesterday. Montor Ltd.. were alleged to have aJlowed the com missions they earned from two firnas m the United
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  • 29 2 J i a Tht ''-ason was »h»» gj th, boy h J K °h ».Mn K oft, g °t to propan ti, to io so i Sd I
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  • 11 2 by China Nat v iid the I ■;a.c. yi month
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  • 17 2 Over i v :c Senioi cJ *tuder.:,s and ::>~t-.»:J held i dinr. Ltl \m ni?lu. 1
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 39 2 RUCCLES J «M?^£S Z>t/«W/ r«Eff.7««rp«^7-l VtoHtl tO 'ts\ f TWITS TUB MS!\ y "'M $TAYtN<3 H£#E? H THIS S£ 9BTH H h¥a, M^fti fS I /i-c^ WOPAN If S t o^! BUCK RYAN I Ik^im %^c^^^^ Riif^T^^ i 1
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  • 172 3 I petrol is still limited ™d -njßje m the ration for *he first •hat all owners of private cars day, the basic ration will the current quarter by an isic ration. M'#orists can g?t rd supplementary petrol coupon/ trol Rationing Office from today vnsed their vehicles for the Ist
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  • 26 3 I I; ibing. '-'■<■ of IB I no%v NanH| a m '1 I- pro--fl H stufl B 1 I I R w itsoc B rectoi oi
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  • 115 3 Christmas Fair" Your Radio Fare r. rntinjf an ail-slur Chr.stmas I M ChftetaHM Fair" on Christ--9 thr pipe* :i.ul dr.imn of the Sf.- forth 9 i 1.\!.( A. Mil,. Votoe Chorus under th»> Bj-' 1 1^ "<'•''. Uhw Shau. I>j;in Foorman, n1 othff varlet3 iirtist.-s. and the first p»r!h- Radio
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  • 42 3 The Perak Malay Association has sent a cheque for £6. to the Malay Students* Association. Caiio towards the building: of a "Malay House" m the Egyptian capital. The total collected to date for the fund, is f'2so (Egyptian*.
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  • 57 3 MaUy-schoo. teachers can beo»e pectors of Malay schools, if the> have i qualifications. Mr. H. R. Cheesernaa nrtinng U of Education, Federation of Mala>a. saia view with Utusan Melayu m Kuala Lumpur. g r^-^ H t cui<t«t l«at#r efforts i' 1 ,1,,. devtlopmenJ ol X*"'
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  • 48 3 I MX. Kay CfcWM TtMg l«-.i N l*i l>«*i«l«*. fornerly >liss Eva Loh down th.' a".s!»- of the IfeU Ayer Methodist Church ftflM their wedding M Saturday. page boy is Master An Boon Kene. an I Urn flow r jjir« is his sister Boon C'hoo.
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  • 230 3 A PERMANENT Pilgrim Affairs OBeamlttee, lepietent ing the Federation and Sinja- pore, is likely to be sit up sometime next yeur to deal with pilgrimaeei to Mecca Inch* Darm BhaiMf. secretary of the Singapore Ma'ay Welfare Council told the Trihunt yesterday Foimat'.on of such a
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  • 51 3 MI T AR, Turs. Pottee toun«» bloo<i stains killing into the jungle after they had tm-d ;it bandit nng which tmbuahed then at the 2ist mile MumLenga Road yosterduy. Th«patrol was retivnlng to Muar after hiveetifSttag a rcfoti ol «hots fired m that area. There were no police
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  • 137 3 Indian To Teach Chinese Chinese SIXTEEN year-old Vicl 'J i:< win Urn nt t tfirl to ti ach CMMM m ChtaWM Mhod "Inn h» dlMttCfl tr->:n the Nunvan lirl Hmh Beted t' her nan training diM, n»-xt yi.u Her father kntendi to «-r»ii Sff t'» a I'nivcr. ity m ChiM
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 26 4 WoundtHl Nati malist MMbW ar* carried into the village of Pentun^rhien. nea" H«»iirhou. (luring the retreat m N orth C hina.
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  • 226 4 canton. Tues.— North and Center.. China refugees are estimated to oe entering Canton at the ratte ot rhtlly, by train alone. In addition to the many who come by air and sen Ample evidence of the mcrease m population is provided by crowded streets, hotels.
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 32 4 »>e\v lotK. lues. Two great '"ii.<vi StaCQ ai: iuuvv Pan American An ways and American Oversea? Airliner, ato to Mnalgamalc mtoordtag to a Joint statement issued by th«companies here. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 117 4 Jet Fighter Returns To S'pore S Xlr pVM De Ha\illand Vampire j«t--ftatn, iv hi c- /i thrilled Bangkok with two demonstration flights over the city during the Siain- I e*e Constitution oelebra- tions, is fixing back to base m Singapore today, I The Vampire's pilot, Flight Lieutenant Q. Francis who
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 30 4 Washington. Tues.— There' will be tower noupotl to plague long distance radio listener and communications companies m the next few years, the United States Naval Observatory forecast Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 349 4 Malay Curries A Speciality There romano's luinuus i.oncion rt\suiur\im vi me'i era has severed its last link with the dawn oi this century. Treasures belonging to Romano's m the Strand recently were up for sale. The restaurant, which numbered King Ed ward VII among its patrons, used to serve
    Reuter  -  349 words
  • 69 4 WASHINGTON Tues. Tnited State? Air Force H^:d--quarter-; bfVt denied a report that the Eighth Ait Force America.- vvorldrtaftlf l K)mber V r roup had beer, place on "rctdincil The groups headquarterat Fort Wo'th. Texa?. was reported to have announced Ukat cniy 2J pCf cent, of Its personnel
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 49 4 I s I ■M Ht> H*t that rM qwwtioo a< to what'S P°n to American M uommunisti or a coal ernment replac-d tB X hell UovernmenS A.-k. wht-ther jl Government conuinS cent Chinese I'ommuS help«l he replied we wo«M have fl the charaS n«-v\ Government bB dot.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 65 4 AMMAN' TVfctaM Abdullah's Paihamß mously approve l tfl 30.000* sqiu:v n;:lel Of 1 ufl tine. H .i-:ieH posul. drat made at I tine A- kb i .•'...•'>.- A fl I .fl conditi( nal oi ufl CXCH it by ;ofl mot 1 H A I .IB ifl Spok' :.-'.itfl ireek
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 4 L ily UH*3 "V
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 70 4 SUGGESTIONS^ FOR CHRISTMAS BOOKS Websters Internationa! Dictionary i•> Vni Wetetera. Collegiate !>l W7.50 Encyclopaedia Brttannica (Red. 2fi w 8 00 Also In Black Cloth VOta j7 °-00 Hutchinsons History of the War fM t/^ 63 00 Wyld. English Dictionary VotaJ 25 0-00 Nuttal.s, Od]lams lsS( l]s gj-,^^ 18.00 TYPEWRITERS Koyal
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  • 36 5 Bet-' B^ stab) M< Kbit that the ■t •::::> m n B'k achii He B/ i H the Bncatio:-. ■alav-. d mina< ■extent, there■political ieadBaliy responBhe mergence B^nnot stress By tttkmaliBm B% healthily B^netits t ■^•minority
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  • 313 5 1 wS X flfc k PC^M 1 Beport lion* Twinnii i Reds Behave Like Catoitalists (jRAGMKNTB of reports by war refugees from Tsinan indicate that the Communists, m complete poaaeatton of the first provincial capital inside China proper, are launching 1 a big propaganda campaign at
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 710 6  - RUSSIA LOSING GRIP ON EUROPEAN LABOUR LEON DENNEN By THE Kremlin is losing Its p on European labour for the first timr sJnc continent was lib* rat»*d The pro-Soviet World Federation ol Trade UfeMM appt.t^ t be on its way out The WFTU neve:- JMM been of much important ■I
    NEA  -  710 words
  • 405 6 I ANCIENT Japanese Dra- gons probabiy were Elephants, according to a small Nipponese Professor who spends most of his time digging bones Dr. Kenji Kiyono says that some of the "Dragon" bones m temples around here are elephant fkeltons and nothing else. In recent years, elephants
    U.P.  -  405 words
  • 249 6 7 QUESTIONS Fq ANTI-AGITATd Sir. Referring to the letter signed Anti Agitator which appeared m the Morning Tribune of the 9th inst. seems to me to be a deliberate attempt to foster agitation. Before he criticized the ACSU memorandum to the Governor, why did he not ask himself these
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 113 7 ■Jfu. j FA h MOT Oh —Field Marshal Vise •m h f Jf* i i-fi f/»<? m >t, ft mete presented f<> Mm Md f'u^fc' <r»d Motorcycle Show m London. J r FAMSRB TURN HABERDASHERS To JJJ* «J Mac* /mirfref m cJoffcwuj, tte Metropolitan jl£ ""t™* city government
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 48 7 |0R YOUR RADIO ENTERTAINMENT TODAY HtheV- Lu mcr nch -timo music UP- 1-^° P Ulh^ra. 1.30 -V eitv "In 1 Parade X^ P slmn mmc s Mmmarv Mlßynr. 8.20 mter■>^,r Usof the tunes H^' 94^ .J guested. 9.30 WC T 3 p "ind.stand" -The ■S iption f b^
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    • 59 7 A series of radio detective stories by the BBC. 10.00 Dance music broadcast from the Prinres Restaurant m Singapore, 11.00 Last News Summary Close Down. PROGRAMMES IN MALA 1 12 00 p.m. Programme Summary, 12.05 Bit*** 12.45 News m Malay. !■*> Close Down. 6 00 Programme Summary. 6.05 Popular Songs
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    • 19 7 zinc 7.30 Nows m MaU>. Close Down. RF.D NETWOKK Pro:; ITU-.1 mg Announcemu t J darin. 6.03 aon r
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    • 26 7 lma (WM«» J5 Am ,,v ?"Fun 4 Mirth" m 5 .45 N.'WS <■■>•> t e£■ Amoy. „;AMMES IN INDIAN Vt 5 o p p r g surr'n
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    • 69 7 PitM Sun. in. Ifl Tamil with Sign. Tune, 2 00 do* i^n 900 Openlßg Announc* nu-nt PfOf. Suniinary m Tamil with S.unaturv lun». 902 Ltoteners' favourite. 9 15 Timr Signal WtWi Tamil. W^ "gj U.JO Himliistain him lUW. >45 Homr N<>ws, 9 5. r > Mala villain Bin MU, 1010
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  • 135 8 FROM MOLTEN G S INTO BOTTLES Mihlnmrx has repmcm gkUSPlowtrs m the manufacture of glassware m nioq I FdOOry, the gkssMtmcr is still an essential member of the staff. !^M Dipping Im pipe into molten glass which is kept m a liquid state by a l,soo*dc I draws out some
    135 words

  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 131 10 i i^viiisivf to >ioß\i\t- Tiuni \>; < -^e.^.^t- S-^ ->ay nk!P yf II r -v t I AH'D TEACH EVRVONZX GOOSE CREASE f I .N. U Vo^f E SSi'" M-AR^wr S fei^l E C D mo^t T^o t K f RANK I "-»"f2^r SKfittwJJrZ-- &^Eu^^' -^'v:v-. a --£l| SOW WOULD
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  • 767 11 Mr rrn of the most I -ndelv used foods m the mMf bo served m from soup to of the most s of eating it is the meal with at I' am quality protom therefore when you .< dessert food v, :^iucc the
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  • 104 11 BREAKFAST: Baked ap pies, egg and bacon, bread and butter, coffee, milk. LUNCH Casserole 'of dried lima beans, onions and green peppers m cheese sauce whole wheat bread and butter, celery, ginger pears coffee. DINNER: Giapefruit. poached fillets of fish with mushrooms, parsley, potato balls, broccoli
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 55 11 C. K. TANG Pewter Ware Bali Heads Siamese Bracelets Silk Underwear CAKYEI) TEAKWOOD HRMTIRE ALL KINDS OF LINEN EMBROIDERIES River Valley Road, Singapore. Phone: 4025 OLD CLOTHES f» MADE NEW I by Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and invisible mending fASHINCTON DRY CLEANING CO. Road Tele phone *****1 Coi Pletion within 24
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 54 11 v MM »wo 1 9IAIIY 1 T ONIGHT at the Ad.-lr.hj 1 Roof Garden a fcjtoh I».«" being held m aid of the Orphan^ Fund. The dance organic by tho awaporj >w4 Board U an.wr to an •mneal from lx>n<ion for MS& and t i f displaced child.™ m Europe
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  • 5 12
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  • 382 12 A Kl.ll'LFl) little fellow with bug -eyes a«cl a uentle Lover-East-Side accent has decided to give Can (irant a run for his money. He is 'Weegee* who, until he turned actor, was acknowledged one of the world's best news pnotojjraphers. His real
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 206 12 M Please Note Tirr.< t iikiiixd RIO GRANDE tity tKßHttiinnl :^=^.r--^^ T^r" DCl^ N roNDmi nkp H: I gn L-. TOMORROW! I Sir Alexander Korda pfWtl hil prOdUCtiOll I of OSrAP WLPFS n *-ir on I MEN and MORA LS! "AN IDEAL HUSBAND" I m Color by Technicolor tad stA&Ting
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    • 144 12 LAM UAI* 11 a.m.; 1.45; 4 15. MS 4 resTCi laiifiroio H -> A^pr In r 9 ri califs isTTfiwiiiN I I UNASHAMED... AS ONLY TRUE LOVE TAXAS ONLY TRUE LOVKKS ARE Totnon-ii-.J I Best News on This Paoe!^ N I /^^^>^ -> I 0^ o 0^ 0 6 cam
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    • 31 12 GFDGDGFDGFD NOTICE Meet will be Ami.. lacca Btl day. sl«t lla:, Mmmend i^V 10', les. h the 1948. to S *r ti: NfOTICE IS GIVEN closci fro, DMeml ■W Ml
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  • 66 13 RENEW EXPORT CHECKS US TOLD |*5 ,M>nrt and ,v.r scarce *+M by I.S. mew Tom ll r l( w,d. export J fr i su..i.Al'ir.'onFVbru::u> The .mnounced on f united States i.OOO tons of rop-* Ltlsti plantations AP. orts of l ub^ r ast month to:of compared m October. The Ceylon
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  • 55 13 MONEY. Tu.v-R 11N *ia a*ain hoi iKn XN n ■ively at the S> dne> wool sales on M,.n<Ln un*n prios r.,^ ti XP j r teat an compare! V \ith last week. Britain nd th. > also urre active. Highest price paid f,,r greasy rnerim.
    U.P.  -  55 words
  • 25 13 P 1 PRETORIA. Tues The South African Treasury announced today that it hu bought US$lO,OOO,OOO for South African currency from the international Monetary Fun I.
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  • 690 13 igaport, Doc. 14. ■BftpOfft snare quotation bdiv" a* given by the Maipa •tretiolwnf Aswoolatloi vert as fellOP»«— At Ice 14 00 15.00 Aiex. Bnc* 1.90 2.00 Pref 2.77 1 2.85 P 3 40 I M. Trust* 7.50 8.50 17 9 18 6 P) 23 6 25/b
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  • 69 13 tended to The following Ewe ycstor-' <■■■ •lay's quotations: SAGO FLOI-R: L«ffl $18 Sarawak $15. Siak si SAGO SEED: TAPIOCA FLOUR Fair $2<» FLAKE TAPIOCA: $34 TAPIOCA SEED: $33 MEDIUM PEARL: $:n WHITE PEPPER Muntok $204. Sarawak $203. CLACK PEPPER: Lamrx.n--|lB4 GAMBIER (Round) 5130 Java (\\bv
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  • 130 13 SHANGHAI GOLD RUSH WORSENS SHANGHAI, I«.rs<| l> ._v| I;mi h;( j. s l(| r|Jsh Mid iin-.ih-<t(>ti tmlav. Millnvu betfeged authorised btnki to buy &0W and silvvr dollars. The sal, of gold bullion ftnd UfkSl but the (To^s showod no si K n.s of diminushinK'. «d rid squad.s lf« »Ow
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 43 13 «*n IUKK Thus B:r mosl rertnp earned tome reduct values At the iitth »c market wa« only Up to one point or to higher on balance. The market r e(1 1: regular *itn the composite averagr nniihlng unchamj. d Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 65 13 NEW YORK, Tues Crude rubber standard futures dosed 5 points higher on Monday Sales totalled tour points contract.. Offer w< re Dec. l'uo cents <rsi Crude rubbei number one rutures closed 80 t<> 3. r > points higher. Salts totalled r»2 contracts. Offers wen- March lit 15;
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 100 13 THE rubber market opened steady yesterday morning. Later m the day. prices slipped slightly but the market soon became firmer and closed more or less unchanged fiom tin morning's levels. Last month's nibbei import [figures into Malaya totalling 22.90. r tons w->re 2.f>Ot> ton i lower than
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 47 13 "A7V OLYMPIAD THE GLORY OF SPORT p-; ;U m. .[.i ,m Distribution CX>lor by Technicolor PATRONS KINDLY NOTE: 1 1 ti.i- New Print You trill Rlao the Hockey Final between I.VDIA ENGLAND AlhambrA TOMORROW! Jl/^LTHRILLER! \^£m '^W V^V^' CAME BACK ALIVE! >| .tlt'ufitticOli wJv "THE PHANTOM from C
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  • 129 14 LONDON. Tuen. Thr f«roH« <H>untr\ runniag «oa»on m Brftain Know jetting wrll into Mi »tri<it*. and th<Tf ar** indications that a*l lour home roontfie« nr;* inl<»n«lo»nK fTorf s. Fn^land hs»«» |)r'>Wrmt. On*' is th«* pr»»«tt*nt ;»i>slti<»n of tw«< >f her f -iiv ni.»*t runner*, C
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  • 359 14 I ALL SEATS SOLD OUT WITHIN HOUR OF DRAW I ONDOX, Tuesdny. The dratv far the third round of the !ui£ islj h.A. Cup hvs brought together those two famous North l^ondon chibs Arsen >i ond Toftenhum Hotspur for the first time m the history of
    Reuter  -  359 words
  • 104 14 They met to talk it over LOMK>X. Tuesday.— i f i^hsh Footba'! As»ocia- tion and football b-at'ii.- official* ti>da> mot representatives of the IMa>en» I n ion to discuss the grievances ot soever player*. There was an exchange of \ie\vs "ranginK over a number of matters" but no final derision
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 91 14 MELBOURNE. Tues VieLona beat Queensland by eight vickets m the Sheffield" ShieM lere today. Queensland, all out for 285 n reply to Victorias 43G. were dismissed for 227 m their second innings, leaving Victo:ia to get 77 m two hours. Victoria scored 79 for two to record
    Reuter; AAP  -  91 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 14 Madam.- Lieu Yuen Sian. principal of the Nanyang (Mr ls School speaking at a tea party held to celebrate (he School's victory at the Singapore Chinese Amateur Athletic Sports Meet held oxer the week-end.
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  • 82 14 MELBOURNE. Tues.-Joc-key w. R. Johnstone has no intention of riding his two months holiday m his nativt Australia. H e and hi wi'e are taking a holiday during the Frencn winter. In thf secuson just ended Johnstone created a worid iecord by winning seven important races m
    Reuter; AAP  -  82 words
  • 97 14 NEW YORK, Tuesday—The New Y ,,rk P™ editorially acclaimed the Yale fniv.-sit* team* election of a Negro capta.n v "prejudice, northern style". r > Ov^ m col even w>t pot. lh son. Hid ttl elected capta'.n tN a Negro but becaua brilliant btckfietd t,r who
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 24 14 The Anson Athletic Associa tion will hold a committt meeting at Wl A Nelson Road. a 4 p.m. on Thursday. December 16.'
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  • 118 14 1 1'. uiitw Roun-.l Of Urn F tion Cup natchf on January 8 Wtt a following BatUl lows Dinning Lutoa v West H mouth v Stockport. Bui ton. Gatc^lvivi I Newcastle v m v UiiasluUl. land. Derby York Notts Fwn Brentford v >' Torquay rC Tottenham.
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  • 66 14 Stranahan Sure Of Win Frank Stianahan. Wj*** pion. today pushed l lifting shoulder.- Into a manding portion at^ way mark «**ffis* golf tournamon. J»J of straight four undci thr P« The handsome McxiC tB British. Canndu.n 0 oJ amateur golf **"£<* cf today's back n^^^rt h is milliona.. I^JJJ plugs
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 118 14 NEW YORK, Tues.— Eddie Eas:an rrl n for IT* M day nifcht and claimed .he had »et a niW veiling around the world on commercial lth irfji V Eo^an, Chairman of the New^orK rin: Commission, arrived from Sa i Iram-iso. i^ r mm uir trip m
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 169 15 OXFORD PLAYS FINE GAME:ARMY BEAT SCC nne opportunism was res|H.nsible f,,r the lnnv\ hree goals to one victory over the S.<\( nhen Zl two t^s met on the S.C.C. „Adan X vest,rdav M Jicr X 0 SliPPer> Rr d> <he Kam<> )i>ni<l at a Particular mention should be of
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  • 405 15 tf>€ full result Hub match on Club course on rning: H. M Alexandei McKwan (Scr.i 0; r and S. A. Bea- T Aird (6) and V 7, 0; J. C DickC H Kent <8\ 0: r 15 and J. E. r. J. Fennie (8, (11). 0; C W.
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  • 42 15 JOHANNESBURG. Tuuv The match betveen Transvaal and th< M. C < c »nded m i i draw day, Trtnsvta] gcorj in g 560 all on: In their fids! .:i reply to the If. C C total ol 513 for 7 declared
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  • 53 15 However. Miller appears m about 30 picture, which Rugby Leagm offlcals consider "priceless antiqu< b II all MUler* photograph come down, the league wll have to removt photograpn; oi the Duke ol Glcuee6tei ami Ruab^. League president H. Flegg and memb- rs of tw Board
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 46 15 The Singapore A.lmiraily Locafstaff I n.on lost to S.naran three at badmint.m at tnc s< t!a B Ps court. Carpmao) Road Ahmad Beat Majrom Bin H; nm- and AlTToMbjrt WjlJ* and An w^a^nar.. Irom Hi. Siraji and t 13-13, 10-s^__3-l£v
    46 words
  • 111 15 NEW YORK Tues.— Last quarter rauies Dummy save* one dhision title m the National FVwtWl L?agu< to the Chicago Cardinals and the Ea w/n m th all-American conference to ttr Buff I Ms. i [nalfl beat the Chi df 11 24 to SI
    A.P.  -  111 words
  • 30 15 ne toiiowiai will Ir r"«<; >< A\ r XI »t soccer Hgamt Bou t,a,l <> rtts Club toour Siang, Joh: I f nin. Ro^rv Tan Took Ch: <^ a bin Simon.
    30 words
  • 5 15 tiaml I i
    5 words
  • 140 15 S'hai Net-Ball Team Due The Ta KUBg-PfcO, '< ra. V >askct-l>all tram from ttiawghal is due here from lava tomorrow by KLM >lan<- to play a Mffttl of natches against local rams. There Iff 13 plav»r hi. l our ofiiciais m tiv team Imnfr: Chao Vi Mim '(•ach; felm K<«.h\
    140 words
  • 98 15 Tribune Thomas Cup Fund l«U»s( contribution* to > th«- Tribune Uuhiihs (up S I uml: Th« l*rt'si<|, nt. R o I wrs sports Club, Singupun- $HM \ri.m> rnoiis cas*- of I Whisky N Th«* total nou stands Ml IMttJi. Th*> Fund uHI Im* krpt > (»|>«'n s«» lon& as th»-
    98 words
  • 116 15 Lindwall takes 8 for 124 Perth Turn. Nrw Bouth Walei <)'!• *tt& w< s t Australia. hoi* n by an Umtagi iinf L 9 run* H>-i!iv m a BMflteM Shield mat- West au.-ii.i!ki. dismissed for 241 m their ti!.-t innings yesterday m reply to th«> Ne* South Walt total of
    Reuter; AAP  -  116 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 51 16 J LIMIT NX» 'KKSKV T?«— >J£ I si? S^.«- V«5 S \ft-r rcadinc of hi* plight, more than oO peo S rontrib..t,d to the H.^kl of ,'itt. that poured ,nto hh. and the rent to March to rarrj him through the urn- j t»T." A.
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 251 16 I ONDON. Tue*.— l>r. Hu*h Dalton, former ChiuicrUor of the Exchequer io< b *V Ixmdon tribuns! probing; i»lle^ed corruption m Government rirdti tod th't RMMf St-nlev huJ f »»iowet! him into the street at their first mcetW|S offered him p post m a b'^ business
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • 139 16 U.K. gives 'houses for Mutton' S Mnov. rues. Mi. H V LloXl representative of A. >N lUwkffey Ltd.. who arrived r Sydney by air from Englan. recently, *aid that ho wouU offei Commcnwoalth and Stat Government 5.000 factory-mad. bond a year. He said tho houses arc c a'urmnium and arc
    Reuter; AAP  -  139 words
  • 342 16 TORIO, Tues.— A majority of Japan's law makers decided today to demand the resignation of the entire Yoshida cabinet because Finance Minister S;mroku Izumiyama made "drunken advances" towards two lady diet members last night. Mrs. Hatsuye Yamashita. 47--year-old diet member, one of Izumiyama's
    U.P.  -  342 words
  • 107 16 CAR MAKES DEBUT IN BALLROOM SYDNEY Tv AixraUan'i first masi-prodMtt motor-car, liv Men, had its ofticial detmt m New South Wal» Q btUrooa m Sydney Society big bastae* ar.l politician represented among the more than l.DOO official guest* s:ppei champagne cocktafli and nibbled lotetCT mayornaise iWNMrIM .c> v the car
    Reuter; AAP  -  107 words
  • 35 16 Marshall Splendid Secretary I Ifanhal] Kidney iperal was "getting l Walter Rvoa HospitalAmbassador Warren i Austin. U S. ci United Natlom -r< covering rapidly H operation md expect* to »»n the hospital i n AP
    AP  -  35 words
  • 30 16 LYNN. lOss«clius«tts.. nj < F or the *c<md W*jJ year LIFE .-/^au! Ned from salt- hew of a photograph of tuo women wading U> a pooj been sold. U.P.
    U.P.  -  30 words
  • 8 16 A large rf™^* tenth annual itWett
    8 words
  • 101 16 Americas cnampion i««v^ «iui o«0 T:inf at 20-1 on favourite, won easily the $MM>w dloap m San Bruno, CaUfornla, by Citation, by Bull Lea out of HydW"*" Hn d four one and a quarter mile* m two minutes tbre e-fi«l fifths seconds breaking the course record second.
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 327 16 I "COURVOISIER" I THE BRANDY OF NAPOLEON I Their Reputation is Universally Recognised I Thro lghout The World I 5 STANDARD QUALITIES I (1) COt RVOISIEK FINE CHAMPAGNE. j I NAPOLEON BRANDY, f I i The O'dest OognM Liqueur* I I it) COIRVOISIER VS.O.P. BRANDY I (The Bat Liqueur* 1
      327 words