Morning Tribune, 5 August 1948

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
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  • 196 1 BANDIT MURDERS ANOTHER PLANTER KILLERS, active m the Kulim area of Kedah, have claimed yet another European planter as a victim m their latest attack. At about 2 p.m. yesterday, while Mr. Barnham, Manager of Bukit Sidim Estate, was lying down reading a newspaper after tiffin, a Chinese, dressed m
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  • 35 1 >. r which tomchmt a mmmm* >■ lINVf tO June ii J itJafjm l U t«m. > forM Goivrn- I I Kaston Z sctuduitd to „rs Malay- "Ajfikesi mbbi '""< b^ i pjjj^ *0* '-""<*""•
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  • 122 1 BERLIN. Aug. 4.— Lt Sir Brian Robertsoi Brit Commander m Germany was called suddenly to London today for Foreign Oflta consultations, believed to U' with the Moscow negotiations. The Russians meanwhile continued harrassing tactics of arresting four police officers, including one woman, from the
    U.P.  -  122 words
  • 102 1 JERUSALEM. Aug 4 Meoahea Beigen, the 37-; year-old Polish born leader ot Irgun Zvai Leumi came from underground list night I make a spectacular fl si appeannee her e before 3.000 'en m Zion Square, Jeru- salem's main centn The m%t want Ul Palestine during the
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  • 19 1 cia^ ElUaUth -^thl 41 hr thfS a n nut,i up of me Tow er Mdut Reuter
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  • 7 1 .•^AMI-TON' ■w adventure Reuter
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  • 87 1 4 Certain Offices m Malacca Street received quite a jolt •'>rday. when a Corporal armed uith a Sten gun and '!<< -mpanied by three policenu n rushed m enquiring if there was anything wrong. Office after office was visited Nil no one admitted having called up the Police
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  • 111 1 London, Aug. 4.— Argentina was concerned m a protest walkout" today for the second tune m the Olympic fencing. tulvio Galimi, the country's presentative m the men's HvKiual toil semi-final, went the dressing room and de"ln,'d to fight any more after a fciston had been given against
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 206 1 PERAK. Monday. A police party Allowing up the air attack by Spitfires on bandit hideouts m South Perak yesteVaay apprehended two Chinese who surrendered without being challenged. The police party found a hut near the river m which were approximately 100 lbs. j
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  • 83 1 SIGNAL FROM LOST PLANE PARIS, Aug. 4. A signal has been picked up from the missing giant French seaplane, the French Press Agency reported from Dakar. The signal had been picked up by the French frigate Leverrier, according to unconfirmed report m Dakar, the Agency said. News of the message
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 117 1 VICE-ADMIRAL C. H. L. WOODHOUSE, C.8., C-in-C.. East Indies, who served as a Lreutenant m H.MS. Malaya during her first commission 'n 1916-18 arrives today on board the RMS. Norfolk accompanied by Mrs. Woodhousc. They will remain m Singapore for four days and then fly to
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  • 37 1 NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Rosika Schwtmmer. 70. first woman ambassador m history who was appointed Hungarian minister to Switzerland, and one of the leading candidates for the 1948 Nobel Peace Prize, died here today.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 110 1 Mr. John Thivy. Representa- live of the Government of India m Malaya, returned to th* Colony by air yesterday after consultations with his j Government m New Delhi. One of the matters discussed was the position of Indian j nationals m Malaya m rela- j tion
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  • 448 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday.—An official Police report received this morning stato* that a battle is progressing \n the Sungei Kemeras Area about three miles north of Pulai in South Kelantan. Enemv forces which -tart* 'I the engagement yesterday arc entrenched and are holding up the
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  • 138 1 INNISKILLINGS LAND "ITCHING TO FIGHT REDS" A full battalion of the Royal Inniskillings, comprising about 600 officers and men, disembarked yesterday morning from the troopship Lancashire, j itching to go into action against the insurgents. They arrived here from Hongkong. First of the reinforcements' to land was the pipe and
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  • 16 1 An Indian baby girl lias been notified as a case of infantile paralysis.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 267 2 Will Benefit Malaya Says Stutchbury Ml A I>. Stutchhiiry. Xe X __..__nou' s*u<i yesUrdav that fuXVys^n or?a combing J! f.on, hud eunency a, Malaya. M; Siutchhuiy was coin meating on suggestions made <<itain sections of the textii. trade m Singapore that the textile
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  • 240 2 A Chinese, Liew Kee. who was tried at the Singapore AsgiSfl Court "esterday with committing gang robbery, with five others at store belonging to the Royal Naval Base Wireless Station at WofWlatids on December 13 last, was sentenced to six yea is' rigorous imprisonment,
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  • 186 2 Gandhiji Memorial Fund Below if the fourth list of donation! to the Gandhi ji Memorial Fund, Singapore, which hah nissed the $100,000 mark Amount already acknowledged 92,708.52 Malaya Siam Trading Co.. 2.000.00 Phoola Singh Co., 1,001.00 Malayan Impex Co., 1,000.00 S M'-liamed o"» baker 501.00 NHherland India Commercial Bank, N.V.
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  • 51 2 l_le\ i i id nnil t boult r ol High i omml. lonei the Federation <»r Malaya, Bli Alec Newbeuit arrived In Singapore by air on Monday to j<»ui her faun i m Kuala Lumpur. NMrteult arrived m a X.L.M. Constellation aircraft on her
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  • 67 2 (From Our Own Reporter) KUALA LUMPUR, Wednes- day. Orders for the banish- ment of 95 people have been approved m July. This is the highest total for any one month so far issued. Three hundred and thirteen banishment orders have been L approved during the period
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  • 146 2 A further all-round record decrease m crime m Singapore w "P l red during July. There was, however only a slight S a .J of extortion report!, being 24 for July, a.s compared with 1.1 m Jmic. i mr, i robbi in-, which
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  • 104 2 A Chinese, Lee Yu Kee. was produced before the Seventh Police Court Magistrate, Mr. A. G. Shears, charged with voluntarily causing hurt to and robbing a person named Lim Tua Lye. It was stated that the alleged robbery took place at about 3 a.m. on July 7,
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  • 119 2 Over 100 guests and members of the Methodist Church gathered at a farewell tea party to Rev. Theodore R. Doraisamy at Wesley Church on Tuesday. Rev. Theodore R. Doraisamy will leave by the Norman Lykes for America for a one year's study on education and religious education at
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  • 474 2 CACGKT m a police ambush while attempt an armed gang robbery, young Javanese was ah ot just as he attempted a dastardly knite attack officer. This man's death formed the subject of an inquiry before the City's Acting Coronei. Mr. Choor
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  • 122 2 Members of the Singapore Dentists' Association celebrated "Chinese Dentists' Day" yesterday wjth a dinner party at Cecil Cafe, Finlayson Green. The President of the Association. Mr. Cheu Yhee Mm said during the course of his speech that the Chinese National Dental Research Association had made Aug.
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  • 109 2 (Tribune Szaff Reporter) Two Danish children, who flew unescorted from Copenhagen to Ipoh to meet their parents, will leave Singapore this morning on their return journey. They are Per and Ruth Ivcrscn aged 11 and 9 years respectively. The children left Denmark over two months ago
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  • 87 2 Appearing before Mr. Oehli rs, Third Police Court Magistral a dance hostess Jemie Tham Fong Fun, was ye!terd!)! charged with committing criminal breach of trust. She was allowed bail of $500 m one surety. It was alleged that the accused committed the oftence when entrusted
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  • 135 2 Mr. Chen Shou £00. a Chi- nese artist, who will be exhibiting his work a f Robinson Co. from Aug. 6-12, entertained representatives of the Press with a light dinner at ihe Universal Hotel yesterday. His exhibition will consist of paintings which he mati" while h
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  • 25 2 The CommJ Mi. Malcolm W Mr. William C held a oocJ-tail da> evening m various delegateLiaison Officers Meetmg at the Cathay Bubdmterday morning.
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  • 552 3 a£an*wei to unV pun.shniont but un Dof truth he ltt what news Scept when ■J" >nvenation ffrtK| the -fiJfc report with v urnd TV. j I corf to th- wtricttO! bevor- tiona: r,.. fa state 01 t t matb i of and 1.c.;.
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  • 26 3 MILK IMPORT ON QUOTA BASIS J omened con £> J* J*" hard »wim fr JUI no* Cl nat«* r A s hnp t n k &AA--'rV" F^tf^fts.
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  • 137 3 HOSPITAL DRESSER GAVE INJECTI ONS, FINED $250 A (.eneral Hospital dresser, SV. Tr* ng: Bt S the t.rda ICe C Urt dw ves- w.thou_ a _r of uk[n P-tuionerr^tLm; med,cal fin*?* Kg*? Su«ty*and was *W2LS dofault thr <* th CeS ln Tr,__ "S c°mroeeivej Sec «<>n. C.I.D. that t °h
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 3 A ru.our/ul ceir.nonir teas seen at the Singapore wharves /cstevihiy when the Royal ln.nsktllin<jx arrived on^ the troopship Lancashut /,cm onghonij. The P\pe,s and urums >j the battaAon stepped ashore and then piped the regimental colour party ashor*. /Yioujw pictures show the ce fmomti iit progress.
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  • 194 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A well-known Singapore headmistress. Sister m*. Columban of hie Cavern oi the Holy Infant Jesus, diea last Tuesdty night. Sister St. Columban had a teaching career m Malaya ot ipent as Headmistress of the over 50 years, 30
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  • 155 3 IMPORTED RICE WITHOUT PERMIT. FINED $150 Brazilian rice, said to nave been bought off a steamer for $40, was produced m the Second District Court yesterday when a Chinese, Goh Sim Poo, was arraigned on a charge of Importing r.ce without a permit. Fie was found guilty and was fined
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  • 108 3 The Chinese trade mission, jvhlcli passed through Singapoie taro months ago, on its .eturn trip to Hongkong from has now decided to postpone the trade exnibition s of Hongkong manufactured products oiiginahy planned for Malaya and othe r Countries of Soum-East Asia. A source close
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  • 86 3 Dr. H. Amstutz revealed n the course of his speech at a recent tea party that there will be no more Crusade WC Christ Scholarships. These scholarship, created through "enerous donations by Methodists for the purpose of rebuilding the world alter the war, had benifltted many Malayan
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    11 4 th* C mmm Mm Tnh n rehire- MB* J^jgj IMtm yeiterday.
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  • 147 4 London. Aug. i The PoUsb Government, In ;i note relOSSnd here. th" latest m an exchange between Britain >;m<l Poland on On many, believed thai concerted action of the four occupying powers Is the "proper guarantee for an I equitable settlement of the i German
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 124 4 ip The Hindu Government Sei- vantS will observe and cele- brats the "BnthurthT Day aftei New Moon propitious for tho worship of Lord GsneshS occiii ing this month at the Bros Senpaga Vtnayagar Tern- pie, 19, Ceylon Road, Katong, on Sunday August B, IMS, i I com 4.30
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  • 62 4 Mr. M. M. Thomas one of the secretaries of the World Student Christian Federation will be arriving m Singapore on Aug. 12 to discuss plans with local representatives of the Student's Christian Movement regarding the proposed Conference for Asian leaders at Kandy between Dec. 20 and Jan. 4,
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 4 Shortly after disembarking from the troopship, the men were take* t their temporary quarters. Picture shows those who were first to board A ing a helping hand to their mates. mmvr~" m ff* fe
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  • 274 4 (Tribune Staff Reporter) For the first time m Malayan educational hist.,r\ „n \|>. Mala>a Malay Students Organisation will be fafti fthaftfe designed to raise the educational standard Malay, Malay arts and culture, and represent the int.r. st- th whole Malay student population m Malay,
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 4 7 n !B!!fy Oberon, portrait the leading characters ij kilu > thriller, "Berlin Express.
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  • 117 4 New York. Aug. 4. Sir Homi Mody, a director of Tata Industries, has found that there is a widespread friendship for India m the United States, but little knowledge about the new dominion. Sir Homi has spent the last two months m America H<
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 R^ VI WON SUNDAY ll A.M. phone oqo^ PrpfffSl— Mi Of Specially Selected All Colour Cartoons. GIVE THE KIDDIES A TREAT. Reserved Seats I'pstairs $1.00 In reserved Seats Stalls 75 BOOK VOI R SEATS EARLY AND COLLECT TEN MPOJTEg BEFORE STARTING TIME.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 270 4 ON YOUR RADIO TODAY BLUE NETWORK MALAY ENGLISH PROGRAMMES |> O in 12 noon to 2 p.m. Radiated on 483 metre* In the medium wave Imnd and 7200 kc/wsc In the 41 metre band From 2 p.m. to 3 n.m. Radiated on 485 metres *nly. From 8 p.m. to 6
      270 words
    • 139 4 ouncemont PTOf S» mm W in Tamil with Signature TUB* 117 Tamil song. V***"** i'amil 1.30 Tamil film hits. 14ft KL. Saigal. 2.00 Close Down. 6.00 Signature Tune, Opening Announcement Piog Jammr Summa.y in Mandarin 6.03 Mandaiin Selection* 6 30 Story telling in Amoy. >.w Mandarin by Air < Wessons
      139 words

  • 790 5 Around The Town WITH VERA ARDMORE Mary A- i ;i 3_r. a JSft.ww the font t^r to Trousdeil. was locking m a blue and white P*W mode] whir* hL QHp V-_eekli_ d a length mT\l^ new *«^w___^ hat veiling M n T floW^sand ■"■5 tl-c u_! cmnamon COan°veU.n/» tc S:cu
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 111 aORENCEI s, fF V U S h adv!^ to overi ofv _T a A Ppointm^ts SINGAPr^^ ORCHARD ROAD,
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    • 387 6 !j In his broadcast three I weeks ago, the Commis- sioner General promised tnat he wouiq on a future i occassion tell us more about th c Communist t plan to capture power by I armed insurrection m Malaya. On Tuesday night the C-G kept his promise, though
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  • 1359 6  - The Optimist Puts In A Word PEDAGOGUE POLITICS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE By I i i World Affairs MY DEAR X La* wee* I took ths liberty ol reproducing on this page the */l«wi you expressed on th« prospect <>t riemocracy In Aaia Blw t I have not receirod :i tettei
    1,359 words
  • 593 6 BERLIN, There are today more than 85,000 Jewish displaced persons m the Amen pan-OCCUpied zone of Germany alone They are being cared for by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, (AJJDC), the largest voluntary relief and rehabilitation agency operating on the continent today. Although the year
    593 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 MA I A V .1 a MR WAYS III) aTr cargo I ROM s|N(,\l'OKI IO KhI- IVr %*> BATAVlit NM |\|iMI(\\(i MI.I»W S\K.O\ BANGKOK U[ \NIIIY DISrolNT OF 2',', ON CONMOWMENTB OVER r K1I.« <S I"" I'- I RATES TO U^ OTHER I. E8T1 N AT ION IN THE WOULD
      63 words

      REUTER  -  157 words
    • 124 7 HE CLAIMED F OR DAMAGED PANTS AND GOVT. PAID G.H B i I 0 t*« I i j I A I /rom Mr. I u I w j r I G I j M pr 0/ ffc N i i; i lam ts i i 0/. 1 if I I
      Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  124 words
    • 7 7 ..-A' o co-* I
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    • 260 7 Nizam's Dynasty -'Monument And Symbol Of Treachery' NEW DELHI. August 3. To suggest that Hyderabad is fighting the battle of Islam is not only to ignore the hard facts of history and throw dust m the eyes of the world but to belittle the principles of Islam which stands foi
      260 words
    • 70 7 ALT A TO CUT ALLOWANCES SYDNEY, Aug 3 The New South Wales Lawn Ten nis Association will oppose S "JJJ to reduce the expense iUowanees of players ,n the v7 rd,,a chanipiouartipi when fh ""^n Is raised at JJ Australia mooting on Aug. Firunre committee of ALTA has suggested that
      Reuter; AAP  -  70 words
    • 180 7 DEMILITA RISATION OF HOLY CITY WILL NEED 3,000 MEN Alexandria, Au_ s if *y d H 3O( mon to JenisiipnV demtliUrl nation WJ according to Mr. I. .nos Rtjj, offlcer arrived h^ ***"***te, thalfaL J 1^ 0 yesterday M* With Arab Naders, ill that U toth a agreod m receiver:
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 185 7 SYDNEY. Aug. 3. When I "Darkie," the horse to draw his fruit cart around the district |of Bankstown. a suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, was j stoien, Eddie Horton. returned soldier, aged 33. decided that he would pull the cart himself
      Reuter; AAP  -  185 words
    • 40 7 Manila, Aug. 4. Mayor Manuel de la Fuonte recommended the closing of about 400 business establishment including stores, factories, rer.aurants and hotels delinquent m payment of municipal 'ieonct fees. The recommendation w.'.s made m a eoniruuniosttoa to tho city treasurer.
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    • 85 7 Washington. Aug. 3. State I Department official? said they I were hopeful the official report |on the first face-to-face talk between Stalin and a United States diplomat m over a year will be m their hands at any moment. But they made it clear that if any
      85 words
    • 83 7 Shangnai. Aug. 4. ECA food shipments to China topped the 58.000 ton mark with the arrival yesterday of about 9,000 long* tons of rice from Bangkok, according to an official a.-- nouncement by ECA. Two ►ther shipments of rice totaling 4.100 tons are now en! route to Shanghai.
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    • 68 7 St. Johns. Aug. 3. Fina igares today m the Newfound .nd referendum showed tha. .8.400 voters were for confederation witn Canada anc. nit .gainst. Canada announced on Sarirday that she was Wiping to ,o ahead with arrangeiuents .or Ncwfoji'.d'a-id a emery ''to he confederation as
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • Article, Illustration
      27 7 Am Another strikin<j picr tare pose by ESTHER T+ S WILLIAMS m 'Bathing L Beauty which is now i uemg screened at the 1 S A'_v Theatre.
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    • 82 7 SHANGHAI. Aug. 4. Chinese reports from Nanking, quoting foreign office sources, said that Ch na. the United States and Britain will soon extend formal recognition to the south Korean Republic under President Sygman Rhee. The reports also claimed that China hopes for
      U.P.  -  82 words
    • 75 7 MYSTERIOUS MISSION i p w Loafs Biuien-. major »i Sj*'.S 1 i ConrmitU > I S I ed B'attm, Hew m and an* i tpo -oi 1 3 (q i m.w a > ious j :s lo lla\ t .ru Comwi 1 j.s/ r .j'or sa dI" leas on "co
      U.P.  -  75 words

  • 35 8 Thi Hmint M Them Ah Y> *I. (G.S.C. Photograph). Another scene from the sketch "Spirit of Chap-Ji-Ki". It shores the Lady {Mr. Lawrence Lee) with the fortune teller Mr. Khoo Teng Eng
    Mr. Khoo Teng Eng  -  35 words
  • 127 8 International Music Drama Festival TWO months before the opening of the International Festival of Music and Drama ■I Edinburgh (August 22 September 12) the Lord Provost of Edinburgh has announced th:d success for this years' Festival is already assured The total revenue value Of all the performances to he given
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  • 41 8 Paris, Aug. 3. The AirFrance announced seven American B-29 superfortresses will join m the search on Wednesday for a Latecoere 631 flying boat which disappeared m the south Atlantic on Sunday with r»'2 poisons aboard. U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 196 8 SHANGHAI. Aug. 4. A Nationalist report quoted Yen Ghla Kan, Secretary General of the Executive Yuan's Council flor American aid to (!hina, aa voicing hopes that the China aid administration will support the Chinese Government's objective of "minimizing new note
    U.P.  -  196 words
  • 109 8 CATHOL VARIETY YOUTH ONCERT Cathol] I getli A;ueH I rl.i-e r (H hoxl Mj .'M Of llgi M. oicoH take .pi time, will nutkel OCCagl -.;<•;•■ Che:- K.»u(jTetH and spirit oil directed py \\M the programm^B three dunce nufl W. H. Mosbeß rious scenes a9 petting toYMV Club; the pat^on
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  • 94 8 Sydney, Aun. 3. Th* i mistake of an apparent- ly cricket-conscious let- ter sorter m Leeds, I England, just before the i Fourth Test match began there, brought an S unexpected letter to thi t Victorian Railways head- J quarters. Spencer Street, recently. i The letter
    AAP; Reuter  -  94 words
  • 60 8 Manila. Aug.] cause and effect of this story is voimciimtal While the chief the of the Ph Republic, Don Qutrino, W J known to SS J /rom W°s H ifS also fsdi Ml oqaallH too**, „r become J'" Camber Oaa blood donor f« loaS e«*i!fl 0 f the Philipl"'"
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 "n iV s« wu j ■t nial OnVe tw Boland. Second British 0« of British H J sion to S who has IG.S.C. Fhot °<iraph\ •ketch caßed
    28 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 m _> a a Man Zan The ideal Ointment for blind, itching and aching piles. Man Zan gives instant relief. The Hygienic Applicator enables you to reach the affected part kr easily, and without messiness. k\ >^_^^HK^^^BT^^K»^T^^^^ B _BT^T^s*W»^^^"*^^^^s|B k v^i.^^j^Jiit jj i l ii( ji 1 1 j« n
      60 words

  • 69 9 P.I. RULE OUT MARRIAGES BY PROXY i 1- i is i "ti re. ord M j i low. i "g in_ i i i m *l i Me Philip- -,r allowed I i r, r fA< iaroac- mem i i j mo r sa«car: j i <>': uta Ui- npl\jin>i
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 72 9 ihington, Aug. 3. A ormer Cbmmunist today namd thre< one-time leading Now tealers as members of a prenu Communist underground k-hos« aim was to get the Reds m the Federal payroll for spiooage purposes, Wl itl Chambers, nreently a senior editor of Time nagazine, told the
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  • 279 9 LONDON, Aug. 3. Sixty thousand spectators lowest attendant so far— leaving Wembley stadium tonight were eagerly discussing the action of British Olympic officials m dropping Reg Harris, the world's cycl i sprint champion and a British hope of a Gold Medal. He was dropped from the
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • Article, Illustration
    80 9 MIRACLE STORY (G.S.C. Photograph), graph). A scene from the sketch ±r r Mirmch nf the HW/F wvif* e*> r/wJ directed by turin<t MISS MARGA- I RET C H E E, with >4M*<8Kd. C. O A G i L4U'/2EA r CE LEi? and I /f//oo r£.vc esg him- S MtUf. Ahi.vp
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  • 20 9 .Mrs. Margaret Goho thanks all friends for their letters of condolence and expressions of goodwill taring mm sane bereavement.
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  • 34 9 Mercantile Institution £_>!♦, Queen Street, Phone 237 Study m your spar** time: Shorthand: (Pitman an Gregg) Book-Keeping: fci! rnen;ary and Advaiiee. _'r.t lical English: Bleiiiatiiry, Intermediate and .Advain-#» Mathematics: coaches for any public exam.
    34 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 34 9 I TB m m^l THE PEN w/d Jpk ALL THE GOOD {mM points fmm a rrmtitim* btilt JWjf^J ttllf mjiarv*ttm&. tm f'^K m ___r m mf' ov '-.My #t»»1« *•'<**• _<_. __P r __r____l R/li '"J
      34 words

  • 75 10 ANTI -INFLATION BIL WASHINGTON, Aug S Republ i hi i» .nil i s announce* plain lo push through Cong 'he "anl I Inflal ion" Mil v. huh would clamp contrail on credjt, bul Ignore all the real oi Ti uman'i pi opoaali Th' inn would raosivs war i ll str
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 125 10 WASHINGTON, Aug S. ci Idem Ti uman proposed Congress today a $4 300,--00.000 excess profit tax which one ot its congressional POUSOI s ai j was (i« gned t proteci ihe public ito m "p acetlme profiteers." Representative John Dingle (Democrat, Michigan) who said
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 74 10 Manila, Aug. 4. President Qui nno created a commission on social amelioration which would undertake the execution Of the new government programme for improvement of the lot of the peasants. The Commission is composed of eight members headed by Welfare Commissioner', Mrs. Vsureion Peres. Quirino told the new
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 136 10 The Colonial Office is to I appoint Develooment Liaison i Officers for each of the maior I Co'onial regions. Their duties* will be to maintain the c'osest touch between the Colonial Office and the Colonial Governj -r»er.ts on all aspects of economic developments. Th« officers
    136 words
  • 112 10 Hambur- fl Qansaa w0.... JWrn had remain* d zone of Germ 'fl believed fl munist propaj fl subjected to m fl ing women on Tuesday Urn Three hun.N _W* women, the fli prisoners to i fl from Russia 1 many last v. fl women car,..
    112 words
  • 74 10 ALEXANDRIA A_| 3 United Nations mcd 1 Count Police Bernadi .v, rived here today to ciii the Palestine refuge pro and th t demUltariutU Jerusalem. George Barnes, the mi i tor's press Officer, said C Bernadotte and his part; sited 30.000 Arab rtfUfl Ramallah. nin^ mllei i of Jerusalem.
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 80 10 Dayton. (Oh.oi. M~ I National Guards I Sherman tanks. bay* tear gas to break "P that surged up U" .strikebound UriJsUJ pany pstft or, T uesd fog when some ot v mm began to work „i l td ß The crowd. some 400 men and v von fl h^d
    U.P.  -  80 words
  • 20 10 fl h -c Archbishop I nil -_-_-_fl SJ£s* Pan I h Socaal V fl ISeoul^oiU .1 'Republic on A
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 315 10 |r_MMii«lMl—ii' To The MomingTribnn H i jm^" fCoU lJftl y tk s _^V l« RESOLUTION SHOUIO m\V mmmm ~A kITT V r~\A,Vl\ A /> > W-/^' < }MWa xty*,*! mm such \S^Qmm^\^MjmM. "BELINDA" v. m fl v. T~^ c og^T -rue "<__ I r "u/uu it /v_>r' If: B I
      315 words

  • 163 11 4 African '"and <uVpaion of the Vrt poisoning W« J „etitwa> reported Sbctai commlartou ,nto dii turbancv. „,1 March v inch brok, parts of tne Burrouacli Oow >m; cUvity of any mm* lid. »rl from pollpropagaatti, si often ioscure. Another "political"
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 26 11 COST OF FEEDING FREES PRISONERS HER mrm j JJ! i cZt at I „..</ n°' fv T j toaata i «J*l f" i glutei -'I asa I
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  • 125 11 Shanghai. Aug. 4 Ten? of thousands of safety box holders ir. Shanghai banks JfCSU rday conttuued runs on hanks emptying strongholds an ing away fortunes ;n brief cases, paper bags and pockets, as a wildcat rumour persisted that tip government would
    U.P.  -  125 words
  • 113 11 fcSfhok, Aug 4. hund.d graduates and students of the University of Moral and Pol'hca Science held a nasi d'-monstration against new government re&ulatiow teouirJ WS graduates to enroll .fool ewne before they can admitted to tho bar IMPS graduates and stuients interpreted
    U.P.  -  113 words
  • 40 11 $65 MILLION LOAN FOR U.N. HQRS. WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. The House of Representatives rj Affairs Committee approved the bill authorizing, $6. -million loan tc the United j Nations for the construction: of a permanent headauarters ID New York. U P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 28 11 Albuquer .^le. (New Mexico). Aug. .°>. Ernie Pyle. who died reporting the war. was honoured throughout New Mexico when Thomas Mabry proclaim:d the Scripps-Howard correspondent's birthday as a memorial.
    28 words
  • 47 11 MANILA. Aug. 3.- -Visiting Shanghai footballers m a farewe« appearance at Rizal Sta'lumlast night crushed the Manila stars five to zero. This marked the visitors' eighth vie or> m nine games. The visitors are scheduled to fly to Shanghai this morning- U.P.
    U.P.  -  47 words
  • 191 11 Selina MuHer of' m T Miss I 26-ve_i___? of s >'dney. al x weeKs° f h^ nhCm Land Ij "^win vth dS an lved n sk «'trnes fn. „ore. ,0re than 20 »»«ny Llo l P a nti and j w > Udter-colour studies
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 33 11 BRUCE BESNETT.j uho shares star billing with Ann Sheridan and I Ktnt Smith m "Nora j Prentiss", ihe Warner Bios. hit. which opens at ihe Rex shortly. j
    33 words
  • 121 11 VANCOUVER. Au?. 3 The:, Vancouver News Herald report- 1 ed today that dangerou- $T Russian mines were menacing British Columbia shipping. The newspaper quoted fishermen as saying that numerousboating mines were being en- j countered off the west coast of Vancouver. .i The Canadian Navy is
    U.P.  -  121 words
  • 55 11 PETPINO. Aug. 4. -A large Communist concentration com I plete with artillery, armoured j cars and sapper units equipped with ladders for scaling city walls was said to be massed at Mancheng, only ten miles northwest of Paoting. poised for another attack on Hopei j provincial
    55 words
  • 32 11 DAPPER KEN T^ SMITH appears my* Warner's new melodrama "Nora Prentiss" which i opens at the Rex Theatre shortly. He co-stars with Ann Sheridan and Bruce L rennet. J
    32 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 36 11 »«*Bt_M ofiuT l ,;i. N 1 "NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE' <*n (W. ri "R 52S*f^*_r*. GI.OBI. U1 kl H «KLI) UI Don (jÜbo HORLI) T «*n_J h (J ;«t bon UA TIL_L n ua h|lli ifia^i
      36 words
      32 words

  • 273 12 Filipinos Trailing Behind Chines And American Traders MANILA, Aug. 3. The Bureau of Census and Statistics recently disclosed figures to show Filipino participation m the foreign trade of this country. Filipino share has until lately been m the minority, the official figures reveal. Local traders have been trailing behind Chinese
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 229 12 ECA Mission's Work Nearly Completed WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. Charlea Stillman, director of Iks Economic Co-operation Administration Mission investigating proposed reconstruction pro- cts m China, expects to return to China within a week after making a preliminary reprr: at E.C.A. headquarters here. He said today the mission work would prohablj' be
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 87 12 "Air Lifts" Exceed Expectations BERLIN, Aug. 4- Planes jf the Anglo-American air lift which have exceeded all early expectations m supplying Rus-sian-blockaded Berlin with food will be joined today by the first of 40 freight aircraft chartered by the British Government from civilian airlines. The new reciuits to the vast
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 92 12 UK MEAT CRISIS London, Aug. 3. Official British quarters today were examining possible raperc'ussions on Britain's positio following a reported cut of Argentine shipments. While the Ministry of Food officials wore withholding comment until more definite information is available, part of the British press opened an allout attack blaming the
    U.P.  -  92 words
  • 68 12 New York. Aug. 3. Slow trading continued awaiting the outcome Of ths Kumli" talis and anti-int'.ationary legislation. Prices maittlv continued to move fractionally either side of Monday's closings. Selective steels and motors maintained minor gain.; while 1 coppers developed a mix-^d trend following price advance: by
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 206 12 IM r A Til A V |,|ION;: A I HAI 7* d. K IVinp. MIL NOI sK lOR (OMI OKI' 7* d. X T. -mp. LAST DAY! W_VmW_ W^3mfA_j_ I'MmL^*" _r£_\ mmMm Don iinrme fMlff LATfSR (-MMOM KRITISII NEWS. OPENING ________X OLYMPIC OAMES. Mm rt *m^ m m I TOMORROW!
      206 words
    • 54 12 we _> ._-/< 11 /or Every Wmiß-Koi __F I M '•fl ___la^_l i E IE Splendour Grandeut OF TRADITIONAL SPORTS CEREMONIfI OF BONNIE SCOTLAND LAVISH FEASTS KILTED BAGPIPERS 9 ___w W m____________\_______\___________________________W jM Ha__a__^a_k*j*""*^ pi rFiXI VASTLY IMPROVED 1 Ll^ -^d r TODAY! 5 SHOWS j 11 a.m., 2 i>.m.,
      54 words

  • 645 13 ddeeerrde ,3.00 I*M Cons. T»n Smelter-;,.;, Fft >' ''O'^'^lOOO' 10.25 Pref- r ?g 2.75 1 GOP*" Goodwood Pa:^_. i;i Hottl Great E a:<tern oq 52.00 w U^nn, ".00 •MO "Sgh 28.00 »^0 H^^ ,1065 I.OSO xd jj, Dec. irj 300 M B r.wtnes 22.00 W Mala/an C
    645 words
  • 24 13 SHARES HIGHER ion 1 Was m ainPassid iS"!^ and business iSrehTKlh C U ters at trials both m tin s and however> were ne
    24 words
  • Finance And Commerce
    • 46 13 The rubber market was I steady but quiet yesterday. Closing prices were: Buyers. Sellers. No 1 Aug RS.S. 48^ 48S No. 2 Aug RS.S. 47 47 No 3 Aug. R S.S. 42? s 43 V_ OD. 474 47 _> Jan.-Mar. 46» 2 46.. Tone: Steady.
      46 words
    • 157 13 British Rule In Tanganyika Criticised LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 4 The Trusteeship Council criticised British rule m Tanganyika m a report issued here today. Harsh Russian and Mexican criticisms were rejected, but as it was adopted th* report noted that no electoral system is under consideration and expresses the view that
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 100 13 Sydney. Aug. 4— Shannon's win* m the Gold Cup at Hollywood Park on July 17. lifted his total winnings to £53.284/ 10. which puts him m second place among the greatest stake winners of Australia and New Zealand. He supplants Amounis (£48.--297). who held second place to Phar
      Reuter; AAP  -  100 words
    • 68 13 Tokyo, Aug. 4 Thirty-six interpreters 12 American and 24 Japanese will be isolated for the next six weeks while they translate the verdicts and sentences on General Hideki Tojo. former Japanese Premier, and 24 other major war crime suspects, who have been on trial for
      Reuter; AAP  -  68 words
    • 57 13 NANKING, Aug. 4.—Sixtyfive years-old General Yasutsugu Okamura, one-time Ja- j panese Commander-in-Chief m China, whose whereabouts have beta a secret since the end of the war, will soon face a Nank- J ing war crimes tribunal charg- j ed with condoning atrocities against Chinese civilians by
      Reuter; AAP  -  57 words
    • 167 13 Siak sagoflour, supplier of which came m yesterday. w_.. bought up at the previous ford of $17 There was no arrival of Lingga sagoflour. Copra continued to s Aim maiKtt with oil millers pailuiclm difficulty ir. getting I supplies of thll commodity. The coffee bean mark however,
      167 words
    • 52 13 E. Hamble Rondo-Glenearn 38/9 Orestes 36/7 Calchas 33/4 Sirdhana Christer Salen 31/2 Sstvanax 17/8 H. Silver light 10/20 Ferncape 23/4 Pres. Buchanan 25/6 Santa Clara Victory Ferdinand A. Sikox 27, 8 Taybank 29/30 Lancashire 15/16 Relau 14 Atreus 12/13 Glenartney 10/11 Benares 6/7 Fervethoe 4/5 Katong 3 Giam
      52 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 91 13 w Air-Conditioned* Thone 4042 R'ja jf TODAY! W X 2—4.15—6.30—9.15 Come on m, the show's tine! •"TOHMICOUR/^n BRAND __\_f^_\Z J /^fc\ PRINT 3tV C^ti9^l\ \P«/ W.U.AMS. XVn* S* I SKEITON! I \j«jtfs f __J darlings I *^^^fc^ :*V^ HF wot.r w 4 Mv ***z£r*¥ ComivaH &A <Jj|f A# .f^T^T t
      91 words

  • Article, Illustration
    44 14 An Mcmimn n, flu Ditnmioj I LaSfUS wilrh SSflSO— th* B CC. and the Rover* BporH Clnh Th> EOC. pin w r not to th*- S_fl with lis hmd first The match ended m a In, kit win lor th*i Rners hy 2 1
    44 words
  • 326 14 How a receipt for the use of :i room m a hotel led to a divorce suit, was disclosed m the Singapore High Court yesterday when Munel Anna Wylie petitioned the court for S dissolution sf her maru age with her husband. Mr.
    326 words
  • 140 14 m the return friendly badmjnton match between the Sunnyside" Hl*. and the "FlorencV l!T at the form Sf's courts, the "Sunnyside B.P, won the match by six games to one v Results, "Sunnyside" players mentioned first, are:SIN(;LBS:~ A. A Rahman beat Tan Thoo Mong, 15 6,
    140 words
  • 47 14 THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS" Mrs. "Rie" von Kilsensiiema. < member of the Singanorr .odge Theosophical Society vili address the Society at 6.30 \m. today on "The Secret ol Happiness." This will he Mv, "Rie" von '•-iisensti.rn_ s farewell lectin. as she is sailing for Australia on Aug. 12.
    47 words
  • 52 14 Beirut. Aug. 3. The New Lebanese Government of Kiao El Solh. weathering a storm of criticism for past handling ;of Palestine and home affairs, today r e cc i v c 1 I a Parliamentary vote of I jQUmmtuCv uy oi vote_ io five, vvith 13
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 267 14 LONDON, Aug. 3.—The most spectacular sailing of th'> nrst races of the Olympic yachting R?gatta :n the Devonshire waters of today was m the Firefly 12-foot dinghy class where J. J. M. Herbulot of France, after lying third from the last, came up to win a
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 233 14 HARRINGAY ARFNA, Autr In the last s.cond pla> ttle five foot two inch E Le_ m one hamlet! hook shot nd won a thrilling Olymp,< uskeM. .11 tournament ganuor China over Korea. 49 to 48 China was behind 20 to 17 tt half time and
    U.P.  -  233 words
  • 101 14 In a friendly return badminton match played at the S.H.A.U. Rail on Friday last the Shell Sports Club beat the Swift Badminton Party by 1 games to 2. Results (Shell first):- Ar- lirur Lee lost to Low Poh Hye l 7-15. 9-15; Heng Siak Tiang beat
    101 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 14 HI-KICKING A midfieldmcident m the 2%?°tfoeLeaaue soccer match between Rovers and the SL l^ ers were lucky to win by the odd goal i* tnr
    25 words
  • 283 14 INTER CLUB GOLF TIES The following ar, i... I times for the Intei club <■._%% Match between ji, Roy*] jqH hore International Club nd th| Island Club tomon^* <j| Ra'ya Puasa) ov.-r t..e I Ami Course. The first name. pa to start from the first TV. *.nl the second from
    283 words
  • 72 14 (From Our Own Importer) IPOH. Wednesday. -A total of 189 horses belonging to Cla* ses three and four have entered for the Perak Turf Clan race* which will be iieid on Aug. 14, 18 and 21. In view of the heavy entries the Committee has
    72 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 76 14 THE HO HONG S.S. CO. (1932) LTD. Incorporated In Singapore. 65,. CIH UA mmmm PHONE *****5 PASSAGE FREIGHT SERVICE T* lIONUKONQ, SWATOW. AMOY. PENANG ft RANGOON. P AI.K.IHANO A IMAVtltl "Hong mmmm 0 Sail* For Rangoon Aug. 17 Hang Ann- Mi For Pat. whan* ft Pladjo. Mig. 7 lion* Soon"
      76 words

  • 315 15 LOSERS FIELD DEPLETED XI I „-n-TES FOR FEBt». Cc no_ WJgFwK* the R f^" IH_ With at: LIS H Ferguson dashed out <r» .1 of end to jnSVmTlSm] g" wh.oh found the ncr of the s uiod „X? minutes rrom half f me a
    315 words
  • 135 15 iiaya. hsdmini n C Thonas Cup ti to be" m Bofeinber. lanwhiie thi Selectors lilted 15 players who Ihe **ed whether or Ihe) a. p epan j i > Ihe trip to the Uniti I dom io Decern be:, it led. or io -he final wlecl per, an
    135 words
  • 346 15 m 0 n Rq)(irter) X r:_ Au^^S2 4i. he won «n thr I cc Probably W2s* getting kC^«iiftha°t ikr i tai *fn vtt A M -^-tir oF JOHjoffi?*? aMa 8 Lords] tt*_., added -'ratorv 8 the a hay "XI. A""
    346 words
  • 157 15 PLAYERS DISAGREE WITH REF: WALK OFF FIELD Ferterday*! Div. name i I•t i S< rangoon Associassd Hatk'nruu at the CYMA grrmml sadad abruptly when both teams were st** "nlknia off the Jit Id a it IS Ue% before tune and be- thi r< ftret had sninalhd th* t When this
    157 words
  • 670 15 Below is the card for tomorrow's races at Penang. the third day of the Penang Turf Club August Etank Hun lay meeting, together with the records of the last three runs of the candidates. Scratchings and order of running will be announced after acceptances close
    670 words
  • 59 15 The Malay Settlement B 0& Club at Jalan Eunos w..: stage a Show on Saturday a: 8.30 p.m. In aid of the Clu'o Fund. The show wi'.l com..-: of a Malay staff pla>'- Mates dances, kronchongs a nd comics. It will be held under patronage of Mr
    59 words
  • 21 15 The Kampon^ Bahru Football Club will hold Its annual general meeting at the Club premises on Sunday Aug. 8 at p.m.
    21 words
  • 187 15 The following will play cricket for th. Indian Association against Johore Cricket Club on Friday, at 11.00 a.m. on the Khalsa Association ground Ft. Sitharam (Captain), Gorbex Singh. Kuldip Singh. R. Bhupalan. Rudh Singh, Ram Piara C. Popatlal. M. Rasiklal. R. V. Singam. Thangathurai. Mohamed Shah,
    187 words
  • 119 15 The Cable and Wireless Sports Club and the S.H.R Auxiliary Police will meet m a friendly badminton encounter of two men's singles and three men's doubles on Sunday at the S.V.C. Drill Hall commencing at 4.00 p.m. The following will be the line-up of the respective teams:— C.
    119 words

  • 535 16 |f Bl •ll ll that i>lo*t po i'' 1 m tii.' coming „v On< way oi"' t. ri< would be to el thoroaghni i la the plani lag ol rice land throughoul th< ar.ii thoroughnea Is th. we< ding it landing
    535 words
  • 107 16 a it. Omar, ol Selangor, broke the Malayan 50- miles record etabliihed by Kwa chin Ewec last year hy two minutes aad ten seconds. when he w<>n the cycllni championship helj owet the Lake (Jar dens circuit m Kuala Lumpur His time wai, 2 hours
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  • 78 16 Persons m legitimate possession of arms or ammuntion will not be permitted to dispose of them by private treaty. II thi y wish to sell they may do so through licensed dialer, after consultation with the police. The police will refuse all application for
    78 words
  • 221 16 Mr. L. Cresson. Chairman of the Appeal Committee, on Tuesday, called a meeeting of 13 Trade Unionists m the Municipal Council Chamber to appeal ior their support for the United Nations Appeal for Children. The appeal, he said, was to meet the urgent
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  • 27 16 RANGOON, Aug. L— The 1.460-ton Burmese frigate Mayu has been sent to Bassein, m the Irawaddy delta, to quell Communist disturbances, local press reports said coday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 191 16 The Food Control Departm epresentatives of the rice an that their request for 1 ;ale of rationed commodities h Financial Secretary for consid Representative., of the Chinese ice Retailers' Association, the 'oochow Commercial Guild, •a Sundry Goods Dealers' As>ciation and the Grovery Mer.ants'
    191 words
  • 64 16 BIRMINGHAM, Aug. 4: Warwickshire batted first when their match with the Australians began here today m dull and overcast weather, with an easy paced wicket. The lunch-time score was. Warwickshire 41 for 3 (Taylor c McCool b Lixton 10, Thompson c McCool b Lexton 17, J. Ord
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 341 16 The latest r.suiu r^ at the time of K tn u p were: r LONDON, A W Grut. 34->... J artillery ofh< er. t five-event Olympic Z {pentathlon v t J W Point,, -two a below the prevl p In achieving tl I gives him th, ,J J
    Reuter  -  341 words
  • 50 16 Shanghai. Aug. 4. The tish Admiralty has decWJ close down the British rtj naval office here following tlement of all outsUd claims against the AdrjU arising from the w.u. b learned today. In future! blems affecting the KoyjM m Shanghai will he nan- J the Naval Attache In N >
    50 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements