Morning Tribune, 3 May 1948

Total Pages: 17
1 17 Morning Tribune
  • 28 1 MORNING TRIBUNE VOL. 1. NO. 747. (New Series) (10 OmU) MONDAY, MAY 1 1948. MORNING TRIBUNE VOL. 1. NO 747. (.Vfti' Script (10 C«if.s.) TUESDAY. MAY 4 1948
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  • 20 1 UNKNOWN-GRENADES UNKNOWN UNKNOWN J Binga--1 told th> day th it two pnu.iren arreafed irilA potfl r/ Ka bo«r Board 1
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  • 21 1 UNKNOWN SWETTENHAM STRIKE: NO CHANGE "Mn Reporter) May 2. I-ort 5 "»«>>»■«« in s ■■''< >r a r^ o '4 .';.^.t...,, y ltK
    21 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 Mr. Kriw*t ll#«vtn, Britain'«» Foreign Minister, who will .»lH*n t«nn«rrou% for,i K n affair* cleh«t«» In th* lloii^* of < omnions with ;'i> \t»*n-i\ IWfflpW *>1 BriIhiii's Klohal foreign pollr>
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  • 227 1 GREEK MINISTER DIES OF WOUNDS ■VTHCNS, >1:«v i. MarUal *h\\ \\a»> prot ' \««st«-r--4!a\ in Atlirn* dintrift, tlie I'-lopminesiis, CrHf and oth v r (JrVrk Mand* a Mv hours aftrr a k^mihcl^ aMack «.n >1. Ckrtote* Ladas, Qradi MiniNter «>f Iflrtlee, who was x^oumled in »h«' hta<l and
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 143 1 Palestine May Set World Aflame AMMAN, Transjordan* via Beirut May I. Palestine may be t h e spark whirh will set the whoie world aflame, warned Tn»nsjonl -i\\ King Abilull:*h in an interview with I nitecl Press Corres[Miiirieiit Sam Souri ttxlay. "Security ended", be saui uh.n the
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  • 67 1 POLIO CLAIMS 2 MORE LIVES: TOTAL CASES 33 Thr«>«* mure cases of infantile pa r>i U sis were reported to the medical authorities yesterday and two morn lives were claimed by the disease, bringing the total number of canes to 83 and the number of mortalities to 6. The three
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  • Article, Illustration
    85 1 WATER BUSES: A service of ivater-busrs is to be uumvurat'd ON the River Tluimvs this sumtner. Font launches, each carrying bohvtxn tS$ and HO pauengen uill provide a rVfMMf half-hourly service between Tower Bridge and Putney, uith thre" mtennedmtr stops. The cessels ici II fly a distinctive flat/ bearinu th<
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  • 113 1 >Kl "»""t km--11 injuring g f /-I that tfl "n hit "tot* o/ JJ 1 r flat- --^a. re reported thru and tuo ln>spitals icere filled with the injured. The tornado icus part of 1 (ftncral wUtd storvi uith heavy rairw and hail, which raustd extensive
    V.P.  -  113 words
  • 48 1 JERUSALEM, May 2. Britain has demanded that Arabs and Jews agree to tease fire In Jerusalem fror.i 4 p.m. today and threatened to turn hn forces loose against either bi«k which dared advance beyon* the positions they held in tlu Holy City at 4 p.m. yisterday.
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  • 76 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The second largest tonnage of cargoes to be handled in one single day since the liberation was recorded in the Singapore Harbour Board yesteniay. The figure was 10 500 tons. The largest tonnage was handled on April 4, 1946. Although that
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  • 178 1 Oswald Was Nervous.... He Went Home SIR OSWALD MOSLKV I«mI his first pout-war AntlC I'lnritiinist »l. muiist ration on May I, hut the op* ration (i/ylr.l out heejuise of How police sur\ •illancf and Horn** <>fti< r» filiations, Niiyn I nit ed l*res«. HI PRKWAIt Fascist leader's ragged columns melted
    178 words
  • 74 1 \V A K KFI KLD E nv,l a n 1), May 2. The Hon. John Cbcayn<\ brother of Baron Cullan of Ashbourne, married factory worker Anno Clayton yesterday alter working six months ;i* a vaU't to prove his worth as I man. "I always thought no
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 373 2 LONDON- British scientists, cxjxrimentmg unth a frightening element." have tiis< overed new chemical comixwnds whic h affect every phase of our lives. l he comnouncii uili Enable you to run y,.ui car i«t its lUcttmc «>n one nli-up «»i
    373 words
  • 197 2 BACK-PAY: J.C.S.A. READY TO ACT (Tribune Staff Reporter) KIALA Lt'MPL'R, May 2. The specially constituted Hark Pay Committee comprising two members each from th»- various Junior Officers' Associations has already covered considerable ground work colIreting and scrutinizing docu- nients relevant to the issue and ar-> now ready to proceed with
    197 words
  • 128 2 (From our own Reporter) KUALA LITMITR, May 2., Braving Uidem^pt weather. hundreds of air-minded people thronged the aerudrome yes- terday afternoon und were given the thrill of their lifetime, when one o f Britain's fastest jet-propelled fighter planes the "Vampire" gave a demonstration of superb
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 211 2 Shanghai May 2.- China's industrialisation la expected to take big step forward shortly with the disclosure that the Aloud Rayon Mil! a new local Chinese concern, la ready to begin operations after receiv- 1 Ing the fn^t consignment of h' lenient rayon machinery f rom the
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 217 2 Att lee Denounces Communists MiubtQi M: (■:>. .odnv MTjs«^] in^ip^tou* of tl^ tclcf,:am nf t:y*q t Utfc tho to'ci^r. p^iic o| (iovorni.ient they v.t:*. pei «'d to puppcri Thij wan\< jto hc iuly j,o the way Rumania and Czec!io«lo\'aki i Addrcs.sin.; ,1 Mny Day'ck I nionst ration of tiv Lai
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 76 2 Tlic Police aic offctin^' a reward of $500 for inforniatic; leading to the arrest of llmri* Tnuthu. 23-year-old male Tamil Hindu hawker living at Block "H" Room No. 6. Nelson Road Coolie Lines. The information may bo £iven at any time and at any place to the Assistant
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  • 52 2 PEIPING. May 2. General Tang En-po passed throug'i Peiping en route to Mukden, according to the Dewspapei Hsing Sheng Pao, which did not explain the purpose of the trip, rhe report said Tang En-po arrived Peiping "secretly" on A.pril 29 and proceeded to Chengteh yesteiday. en route o
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 562 2 RESPONSE TO SALVATION ARMY'S ANNUAL APPEAL ine following contiibutions to the Salvation Army annual appeal f Or fund,- (present total >i4,o8o» aie acknowledged: $500: -Sino-Biitish En^ine S22P Co Ml R F V/earne. WoO: Messrs. Malayan brew.-,.., s'poiv Harbour Bo<ird. $200: -Messrs. c. c wakoJeW Co. Lti Overseas Cheese Bank. Ltd..
    562 words

  • 1037 3 s:.i!in. B od on ■r J!< ■<! H "vamH mf B ..i'.i'tinfz B tomb ■> llgftU' l i irmB f the V comBtator B parade 30.000 I; leading; i 000 strong H'l,, thorn.' poace- Soviet W time in ature of ■fs'.'r atom /h--■or..
    Reuter  -  1,037 words
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  • 54 3 Theie were 37 deaths from tutwrcuhttJ for the week ending April 24. against 2<> in the previous week. Amongst notifi-. 1 V diseases. 9 cases of poliomylitis were repotted against 2 cases in the pievious week. There were IBS deaths in the Colony for the same
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  • 62 3 BRITAIN DEMANDS COMPENSATION Ixjndon. May 2. Hie British Government announced it had sent a note to the Soviet Union demanding full compensation for the crash of the British airship in Berlin in Aprii j, which cost 15 lives. The request was handed to Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov in
    U.P.  -  62 words
  • 207 3 The Government of the Federation of Malaya by a notification in UK Government Gazette has assumed control over the export of copra, coconut oil and coconuts to all destinations including UK Colony of Singapore. The Federation Government has been obliged to introduce this
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  • 208 3 vow Delhi MtV 1. Pi miit Jaw.iharlal Nchru. fiuiiarj Prilh^MlSster. said hire today that iltho^i he was "*,i i wrSfn" Pakistan was support fa rjktew usm-; ant.-m.crat "uns ln.l mountain artillery In Kashnwr. India did not want ■."r«t Involved in a conflict w ith Pakistan. H<«
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 254 3 Produce Markets Round -Up Copra cake mi food Market with quotations marked up towards the IP66fc-ead due. it i y repo r *cd. to lack of BUPfUef of rice bran Copra \va 'inn. The sa^o flour market continued to he steady and Lin^ fi improved to $17-7 8 on Sat
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  • 141 4 (Tribune Staff Report »*r) If Malaya ready for selfgovernment? This question have formed an interesting subject of debate t-etween two Singapore youth organisations at the Sociai Hall Of the Straits Chinese Methodist Church, Kampong Kapor Road, on Saturday night. The Straits Chinese Metho<list Youth Fellowship debated in
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  • 120 4 MOSCOW, May 2 Pakistan un.i the Soviet l T niou hav agreed to establish ('iplomatie relations, a report oy 7'ass, the official Soviet new? agency stated here today. The Tass message said that on April 13 in New York. Sir Mohammed Zafrullah Khan, Pakistan Minister of Poerlgn Affairs,
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 193 4 Nehru's Anti-Red Policy: Young Indians Complain LONDON, M;«> A num- »<«•! oi JTOUBg I n i i in Com munista, mostly win lenti celt brated May Day by complaining of the anii-C imunix poi;cv of the Nehru a.; 1 West Bengal Governments The complaint against the West Bengal Government MTU
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 4 Pit tine tikrn <it J.trni P*MT Fhuil'iui N*6N f*4 N-4 a>li/ Mr M-thtymi ChirtCsr 2-'»// Bharif) Madon, S A F.A. n<jht-vtn>i i* MM h *.sit,itin,i utth thr l.a I m Miliuan CJnntst qoalvunith
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  • 128 4 Professor To Probe Tibet's Secrets Of Healing BOMBAY. May 2 Dr. Giuseppe Tucci. Professor of the Religions and Professor of the Religions and Philosophy of India and the Far East at Rome University, who is leading an expedition across Um snowcapped Himalayas to Tibet, hopes to wrest from Tibetans some
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 50 4 China— Tokio Air Service SHANGHAI. May 2.— After protracted negotiations the Chim National Aviation Corporation is expected to inaugurate a regular air service between China and Tokyo sometime in the middle of May. it is reported. Before then a DC-4 survey plane will make a trial flight to Tokvo. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 64 4 MANILA. May I.— Secretary of Commerce and Industry Placino Mapa today set down 10 conditions that should govern the conduct of trade with Japan. Mr. Mapa said these conditions, based on the principle that such trade should not retard Philippine rehabilitation or slow it down. U will
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 41 4 Boston. May 2. Norman Makin. Australian Ambassador to tho United States and delegate to the United Na- tions, called foi a meeuag of i leaden of the Big Three nations to discuss international differences. U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 31 4 Springfield, Massachusetts, May 2. Col. Morris Burroll sti rted production on a i. w >o calibre raachinegun for t :.*.i planes, capable of ftrina a thousand shots. U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 89 4 Chinese Delegates In Red Areas PEIPING, May i.— The newspaper Hua Pei Jih Pao reported that seventy civiT and military officers, including some National Assembly delegates are stranded on the communist-held Shantung coast after the vessel Wanlee hit rocks and is still being detained at fungchen for political reindoctrinition. The
    U.P.  -  89 words
  • 54 4 Stalin 's Son Leads May Day Air Display Moscow. R,.d Kquaro I The Russian aimed f, minister spok.- as Mo<. began celebration of Mav I>a\ The broadcast said Stalin received a "tremendous ovation" a.s he mounted th,- K, d Squar. Reviewing Stand. An air display was 1. At 5 :nr
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 91 4 C.N. vs U.S. SHANGHAI. May 1— Blackmarket I'nited States dollar took a further upward Mrlng today amid persistent but urv confirmaMe rumours that Chi na's foreign exchange restrU tion will »)e relaxed shortly While Tnited .States dollarhit a now record of CNSBSO O(H> —a gam of CN$3O.OOO in U hours
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  • 28 4 'A!\ i Mi) i. i published abroad tfc 'iZ Army for..- frootia H« told Renter i>« no truth whataoem hi Port I deny it cate^ Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 242 4 MONDAY'S PUZZLE CORNI THESE variety puzzles M Dined. 21 /Ulendta should aftord you a lew move- Area measure ments of concentration 2 SCRAMBLQ i PRnsQWARn i>i"77T c SCRAMBLE mar.utacti 1. CROSSWORD 1 I ZZLE i an h;i Qt r m \\Zl5 14 SpII d 3 FISK SQtAHE 5 s~| I
      242 words

  • 754 5  -  VERA ARDMORE WITH it: Di* K I 1 r In mif u whom oni M At his Ptria v nbe bv throng prti lit and buyId v. leard to murmai ii- he I v begun the thirc 1 lUti I thA ill! Po:--id me D
    Tribune  -  754 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 CTORIA THEATRE- «n, m stu at 8 .4 5 B UTHE SPIRIT" n Is b N 'OKl COWARD ilil:r < PROGRAMMES $2. uukm^H Robinsons Tel. 5894 Ex. 4. w; K CUB COMEDY
      31 words
    • 74 5 a'l w ji^xr-ahundMift of Mri C^ '< rnn-, i(ui win* 4i!nnration— omv P*»- n Hi w.i fti(Wl I' hi (<. ilr i &,t it.^r.: Tl.blßO\r> 'he W M SmmiH ChnJuUc Trc-tmcor |_„,y Jpl raNci (■•rm, ■iiinfciH y^ U ii.Cilira! mirj'-lc c.f the <3jy ,^«,.1,c, u vo..^r i vcr, i^SL-^^-"
      74 words
    • 104 5 I X M C. K. TANG Pewter Ware Bali Heads Siamese Bracelets Silk Underwear CARVED TEAKWOOD FIKMTIRE I ALL KINDS OF LINEN EMBROIDERIES ETC, ETC.--241. River Valle.v Road. Singapore Phorv- 4025 m^^SL£xMM^M^KU^BmM^S^S'mMlW7ff^^^^^tKlX\ Once in Life -time Wedding Photograph to avoid disappointment consult The Largest Photo Studio in Malaya f^ P^
      104 words

  • 20 6 London Ao'ttts Rttan C"Un Turn* r Ltd Talhut Ii ys ft, ttmtim'i Lin* WjC 2 MONHAY. MAY liM*
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  • 38 6 Bagpipes Skirl For Newly Weds Cuptnin Malcolm Arthur C ampin 11 Stephen of l.v<\ Bn. Scnfnrth H<<ib!and>r, in j y bnde Miss Geraldine Mary Gunnell pictured leaving St. Andrru Catkednil strain* of l»tfjptpes on Fridn after thfn v<ifi\*\.
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  • 246 6 In discussing xhe function of universities, i be University Education Commission is of 'he opinion that they should turn out -rained workers for particular professions. Th<j function of all universities, despite their pretence »to turn out unworldly scholars interested only in f .he persuit of knowledge
    246 words
  • 174 6 r Particularly in colonial countries the university educated man can become isolated from life and struggle of his own people. Education can become a tool no* to enrich his community, biri bimself at the expense of vhe community. This isolation between vhe ''intellectuals" and the people is a
    174 words
  • 945 6  -  THOMAS ALDEGEUR REVISING CHINAS MAP By SHANGHAI. Support and strengthening of the United Nations as a medium for settling international problems is advocated as the keystone of Chinese foreign policy in a comprehensive plan prepared by the China Social and Economic Research Society of Peiping fo?
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 213 7 ||01%lM r w »xw* FRO ¥xn %xw k. if»if 1 —Britain is to make a 10-reel N lK '"fi, of the Olympic Games. It will beW u]rU u !rkJ within ten days of the comple»*<J to Hitler's film unit took six months *h 'm
    213 words
  • 139 7 UNKNOWN Soldiers In UNKNOWN «*t*n *eeks in a kkt in the American h g onouncemcni .;..< Russian? -day in the were searcn- ourhood for a Iwt Au j appawaHjf rest. .ails ueic arj. -htaded by <-'or- i ihasc of p p< onsylvantA, i I o f th 796th Military b".
    U.P.  -  139 words
  • 83 7 WASHINGTON, Apr 30. n» question before the House I \\> pi ts< iv» i Appropriaon> Oommitec is: "is liplick osscntial to 'Ouropoan re- kpublican committee memB say do, but idmwistratton Wai!" <;,-.■ yea And. there wi same disagrci ment over K 'argt amount of tobacco
    83 words
  • 37 7 1. The l '::"-it! en April r M votes to 21 revision of the I «ution to provide of NYUWT>t pvlng more oonStates «fSare Reuter 1 t t,oo ps fnyam lD iwing to a ac Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 180 7 U.K. LIVING ON CHARITY OF U.S. Churchill LOXiXJX May 1 M, Winston Ohm chill ycsterttay nminded the labour C.overnm.nt that it is living on the chariU of "the fVtaUil Capitalist fr.r enterprise Kate la th.- work! the rnito(J States/ Mr. Churchill ;md I^onl Woolton. Chairman of Party Organisation, addressed 5.000
    U.P.  -  180 words
  • 402 7 London. May 1. i'oday. for a few minutes. I felt rich is Doris Duke. Million pounds of diamonds sparkled before me. and in my hand, I clutched the world's largest uncut diamond as big as a hen's egg. writes United Press Correspondent in London.
    U.P.  -  402 words
  • 46 7 W Hamilton. M«ty 1. I'"" 1 Hoffman, Chief Kconoiuie Cooperation A<inunistiatoi announced today he h»d author is ad shipments of food, coal and other eoodn to fout European count, i.-s totalling U8113.W9. 000. Tin- a^ipmcota wnll lo Italy. Netherlands, France and Austria. U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 198 7 HOPES of CEASE FIRE ORDER TO ARABS, JEWS LAKK SUCCESS. May 1. There were hopes lit re today that the United Nations Trusteeship Council might be able to issue a definite cease-fire OT<ler to Aiabs and JflWl in th.> old city of Jerusalem. Thit, depended on the rapU«o. expected today,
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 286 7 textile industry sin, i it would eanpefe with CMmm textile*!,' Mr. CafcOt continued Now there li practicallv nothing the Japan* M can pro duoe which will ml oompeto with the nodi pi«>« need hy th< nations they alta-ked. Jap anese pi (Mints will
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • 166 7 New Delhi, May I. Testerday I had conversation with woman entombed underground tin oe months ago on the bank of the sacred .Jumna River, reports James Miehalls. writes the Now Delhi Correspondent of Pnited Middlc-aj;od Hindu widow kaluvati invested profits from hei small restaurant
    U.P.  -  166 words
  • 56 7 KKKLIN, May I. Th. British authorities announo ;l here today that they hav« raised their ban on barge traffic between the British and Soviet /.ones of d» rmanv because the Soviet authoriti* had jeleased the Ku^es thej held up on Apr. H>, elaunin^ that their
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 76 7 BOGOTA, May 1 Heir gates of the 21 flpuntrtai formally signed a charter of organization of the Am< rican states closing the Ninth I'HM-Ainen can Conference. Representative* il>o .sij, r nt<l a treaty for pracrful solution of international i.-ontrovorsli which was given the formal BUM of "I'reuty Of
    U.P.  -  76 words
  • 52 7 NANKING, \.ay i. AmiuVt ringing clicith of 'I^>ng Liv<the Chinese Republic,' China's first national assembly un<J» r th<> new con.stituti m came t" an incl at 10.50 .< in. QeoerftUoßlino nhiang K.n sh.k <:!ille«1 t.h»- senihly th<"gremtost •cWevem ml by the ChitU'sr people sincv the fotin«» Ins c»f
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 OLCABAIVCB 'BAUB BOOKS. STATIONERY. C HILJUREN S GAMES Novels half k below hall' prittf ■Children k Jiook» 20 r < to CO', discount j>iBh Paper, afffm ba i f priceg Serviettes, Crepe Paper, Children's Party Cards, Reporters' Ik Other Note Books, 26% Indexed I^ooks, discount. Note Paper, Envelopes, Pads, Buy
      65 words

  • 167 8 tu !e in th» bull* tin cf mic scientist* suggested today that iUMft fi'om possible* bomb attack- on the I'nited States could t« sharply reduced by building cluster* of small satellite U instead of adding big citu > Mr. Tracy H Avour. formei I !«-id«-nt (i
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 72 8 LONDON. May 1. Sir Olivei Goonetilloka. Minister of Home Affairs lor Oylon and Mr. J. R. Jaywardene. Ceylonrse Finance Minister, left London airport today for Ceylon after discussions with In*.- British Government on the economic relations of the two countries incluainp the position regarding Ccylon'l holding of
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 137 8 NO WAR— BUT... BRUSSELS, May 1. Socialist Premier Spaak today told a May Day crowi of 20.--000 that there was "absolutely no menance of a new war. Addressing the crowd from the balcony of the headquarters of the Belgian Socialist Party, Spaak said "it is no diplomatic statement when I
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  • 54 8 LONDON, Apr. 30. inaugurating the Government of India's photo-telegraphic ser- ViOC between London and Bombay, the Hi^h CommisBioner for India, V. K. Krishna Menon, said in a message to the Governor of Rom hay. Sir ICaharaj Singh: "The service knits our propie nnd life clos<i to the rest
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 57 8 7.15 a.m.— Robert Baffour befon leaving for the office, says tjoodbye to his family. 5.J5 «i.»». Robert Baffour's dap begins early uith a dtp in the sea and a few calhsth- nii turn* Tht y<>i<n<j<r generation. Patn^^J^l Edmund > rii/ht to I>H .i thur own
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  • 30 8 CANTON, May 1. The South China Regional Office of the US State Department's China Relief Mission today announced approval of two medical projects totalling more than 1'5565,000. U.P.
    U.P.  -  30 words
  • 161 8 SYDNEY. May 1 Th. tablishment in Australia of British and New Zealand rie fence staffs announced by John Dedman. Defence Minister. in a defence report to trv Australian Parliament on Thursday has been received here with enthusiasm. Some Australian observer?, however, are critical of tht
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 71 8 Peipine. May 2. A ipecid criminal court designed to rooi out suspected communist agents was inaugurated in P< pine as the Garrison Hea-i--quarters reiterated a warning to "undesirable elementsuniversities. Rumours that Gen. L; Tsuni. Jen's election to the vice-pro aidency will result in the iii*bandment of the Oeneralwsimo's
    U.P.  -  71 words
  • 40 8 TASIK MALAJA. May i.Because of continuous unresi Tasik Malaja region, wner roving bandits murdered schoolmaster last Sunday. Dutch authorities today creed that all inhabitants W the district must apply w "Good Conduct certificate with their village chiefs. U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 25 8 WASHINGTON, May 1 United States at the request of Yugoslavia is withdrawing only airplane assigned for I by the American embassy Belgrade. U.P.
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • 89 8 '■vmg to SI ph}i.S thi *t ftrt^H Chief Kwek'j M h H^aiaJ s 'h^l in Unw. S L; 11 f the Onj^W Togoland AfKrA to the ancer.ra' bo| mint, in time for J •'"it T. Baffour st(i rv. tobeborc.iH on M^ ihr.S Hiving passed *9 <Jold Cast he*uH freshman
    89 words
  • 84 8 COPEXGHAGE Hospital, who have eighteen days with; he would live Nurses \m perky squeal from I thought he had ban ami have fought n# to kepp the baby i was the tiniest baby in Denmark. weighia ana a half at birth ping to a pound b started gaining weij
    84 words
  • 29 8 HONGKONG There la no cW* 1 the impo'^J,! custom.- ann that eS^S mum or un a through Ho the autho tu reasonaW' h grant »cem* gold cdn
    29 words
  • 19 8 ROME. M n ja Uudi de but 4 hard to W^iJ filled j out wh< C U.P.
    U.P.  -  19 words

  • 18 9 I ti 1 1 1 ten Mi an n i glaw be it H i .He -1
    18 words
  • 10 9 l'Kai Jtrini ■Sbine nfenH Mia. kpar.. r i, P>
    10 words
  • Article, Illustration
    108 9 MI |i il r i* i K." I r.J-treJs Chou Vffg Lecnora < r.e<two son?. Robert ;n St. Marys hut one of thepo to take them to where a welcome I n from friends he the war he say?, he would the United States. rotations from Dr. lobfMOn of
    108 words
  • 150 9 May I.— Genera] ay, American military rnor u my, -tnttu to- v 6. Taasoyev reported to have I in Bremen on Kpr held by the Amei rities, the AmericanIt i erUn Radio said toauthoritiei in Berlin I rotestedtotheAmeigainrt the alleged disof Col. Tassovev V tor of the .Soviet
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 61 9 n Ta >' Fua irrest. irk, U i. ltors had arrest*'hite persons and a ™l«*r on harpeB of >tin K was neld in a church. Patrol- <**?y was statjon- JJjW «ti»ce on the l '.HcsajdhcwarnThis is tne co)or ihc w;»i te en°B the side." Taylor replied: Mr* anyuay" and
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 11 9 f*»i« /,rf tcrrfol statistics and hi/dnmt charts.
    11 words
  • 65 9 Berlin, May 1. 'ihe Rus i sians in Berlin today protest* <J to the Americans over the alleged disappearance of a Russian officer in Bremen af trine had visited the house of a. j United States officer "for a cup of tea." The protest, addressed toBfigadler O.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 52 9 Pondicherry, May 1. Thr French India representative assembly heie today rejected a proposal for immediate merging of French India nve towns of Pondicheny. Mahr Karikal, Yanan and Chandcrnagore with the Indian, union. It asked for the "right of self-determination" for dedeciding its future relationship with the dominion of
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 77 9 Lender May 1. The rcviio«i Angto-Transjordao treaty, which develops a i lit t mutual defence arrangements and 'ictrs -ioint defence board. was ratified by the British Government toaav -^<i came ..(> ioicc iminediatelv. Ihc treaty, the first between Britain anrl the A rah states to be brought up
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • 45 10 TOKIO. May 1. Fouiteen passengers were Injured yesterday when an outbound train from Tokio jumped thr tracks, the Japanese press imported. The failure of the driver to slow down at a sharp curve is said to have caused the accident. AAP Reuter
    AAP; Reuter  -  45 words
  • 42 10 JOGJAKARTA. May 1. Sutan Sjahrlr. who some months ago quit the Republican Socialist Party "Partai Sosialis" and formed a new party of his own. was removed from the list of the original party, according to an Antara report today. U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 50 10 Benelux UNKNOWN Committee UNKNOWN I'arr, t|^ the v, will th,- I unity ai(i lnclu SIJ ment that the iWj ir? Europ threats r Th m2L miiitar > >t tghl (j meeting;: r.. d fc Lord Wontjon: rt. J fi«U! the lelegatioi repot* J :alks t Prime Mir^ lu-nt a-:
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 123 10 London fei 1 nu-nt was died on C iterUng hni I here botw n tfa Ctyla i Ration i:• v, sir GoonetilUk Mi! itti Affairs, t! moowealth i\m announc t I "Ag-"- tcamt aie btnns: made ta a» goveinnio".- ,:j mont laid The itei i MM
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 44 10 WASHINGTON. «>.' Secretary DeW Fouestal said todtfW of sloe! were -^TP^J to bejfin the controijl mile Studj Ara b JJ"l Hut Iw issuiWWj Small BuslnesaQjJ further shipment!*] until the Committie^ notified. rt It ii esti-tiated V I eventual!} rf tons of U.P.
    U.P.  -  44 words
  • 16 10 WASHINGTON S3 nounc< Claii Wi Internal o:.. J**£J of the Chief > part meat U.P.
    U.P.  -  16 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 261 10 i < omits: Emissive <<» iUv Jin rninf* Tribune s "RUCCLES" /TROUBLES NlUff? OMti W"V /Ml* VWi \1 YOU. WQR-ITS OAILVA VGRW MWDS TWNiC V" SfADR^I, Sift- N ?»KDSOrAHa mR^ 'amvM-iSvsr )[Btioii;»JMDMR) nm*-'i wms\ aiw I sms grbai \ixadpans the W i saw a Goon' TKOUBIfS HfVF/f COM* \OMI MWWu'jr,
      261 words

  • 887 11  -  Jean Cameron A SIX-DAY SERIAL Hy Hie I'reston Discovers inal Mer Hoarding Houm* Key rrt Stnuaft I>oor— One leading Straight to Trouble! 1 1 ted to 1 i n aiec the hoy*h< n I oi. had m >>•* lru:n j Ih.y had i« quail? but their
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  • 60 11 NKW DELHI May 1. Although latest statistic? show a decline in steel production ir> India production riwiing the first two months of the cur-rent-year shows an improve ment over the average monthly production for the whole of la si year. Here are the la est available
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 60 11 BANGKOK, May L P'* Imier Phibul Sonfikhram today pledged himself to promote the welfare of Siam's working classes "as one of the Siamese labourers a member Oi your own rank." In a meMftge to May T>a> rally of about 50.000 people, the Premier urged workers to be
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 56 11 Washington. May I. «j; sident Truman's preM secretarv Mr. Charles Ross. t< «ia\ described as "utterly untrue and completely wuhout foundation" a report in the I n ted states pr<ss that the I'r^i.nt wns eoing to ask Congress a .special mefMg? mx. W« I tor limited shlpmcnta arm?
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 333 11 Soviets Make Film Of Methuselahs MOSCOW A hOtifi cirir npedttlon u to fhak ttx l T ki:i-n, and G'-i.rgij thi. tO Him til,- >trU|!i<lr i Soviet identlsta to prcterv nd «'.\t< nd human life. ihtv will take paeUne* 1 settlement! m Abkhas Ah. ri many o l th t inhabi
    Reuter  -  333 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 fc"^ S, 8.15 ft 9.15 p.m. F ping P°- Drama ever! Mer To Heaven" I TIER\i (ll!N U. VVILDE jJKASXE rRAIN 1 TE CHNICOLOR g gmi r Ut Smiling" "Mttii -(iiant L> —••15 p.m. r p< *rtHarbow" J. ll!:i I** pan. "It J Pm. ;%g i^Coast Gent
      47 words
    • 57 11 You can see she J>i|i J^g' Us€b Pepsodent J9^ You may think your teeth are white but Pcpsodcnt makes them whiter still There is Inum in Pcpsodcnt, the most efficient cleanser for teeth ever discovered. It make, teeth whiter because it removes all dullness and stains. And— Pcpsodcnt is the
      57 words

  • 729 12  -  BERNARD SLYDEL From J. Arthur Rank Studios By LONDON April 21. -Opening shots o: Cin*.*<uild \s recently completed "Oliver Twi3t" show Olivers mother iJo.v- j phm.» Stuart) strugg'tn^ through a thunderstorm towards a Parish Wor-thouse where her son is to be born. These scenes were shot
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 45 12 li' TO-DAY! I B p-m., 4.15., 6.30 9.15 I OF A PICTI'RE: f» If M/OE E. BROWN W^W (SHES A HOWL!) fggoT I "JQ/1A 7 OF QZ^l lK I —oI? V" ■V on wits ■Jmineow"n oi exlcJtion£»o lAI Hfl «u■ii r i h l! T
      45 words

  • 612 13 I Tinfields 8/9 9/li Hawanc Co*V 27/- 28/Ramang Tinfields «/10l 9/1 1! Reno-g C«.n. 20'- 27' Renonjr Tin *8 '6 39 6 Selayang 11/3 12 -c I Siamese 21 25/SmTI- II 12S. Kinta 17 18 3 Malayan .'l2 33/ S. Tronoh 18 19 Sungei Be>» 22 24/Sungei
    612 words
  • 69 13 Hongkong, May. 2. For the lust time in the colony's history woman was among tho candidates nominated by unofficial Justices of Peace for election of ;in unofficial member to the Legislative Council. Two names were lodged with the Government for ;i temporary, seat, one being
    69 words
  • 1115 13 MARKETS REACT TO FAVOURABLE INFLUENCES (From A Markrt (\nw> pondenti During an ♦v. ntful w. k considerable strength w.ishown on Malayan market? when o«'pr\iU>!< r•. t 1 mo>t favourably to fitmiassia Ul decisions on Wai Claims ami to the m.-asuie* taken to enforce the law on May Day Up country
    1,115 words
  • 161 13 LONDON, Apr. :*O. Dollar .stocks enjoyed a period of .i<tivity m the London Stock markets today. Canadian Pacific. International nickel and Brazil tractions were in small demand i and recorded half point gains. Most other sections were quietly firm. OUt-edged securities recorded rises of one-eighth as the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 35 13 —.PARTING— m I IS SUCH SWEET SORROW! I I 13th FINAL DA Y! I I LAST 4 SHOWS I p.m., 4.15., 6.80 !).l. r i| I "CHEMPAKA" I PHONE 690Q jj\ I 3 Ilt3»^. '«'«.>S»BBK«W!|
      35 words

  • 163 14 LONDON. |fr 1 The curtain canv down to-lay on ;i soccer seas, mi in«*vhirh Arsenal have shown the'r consistent superiority by "inning: the First Division c mpionship by n> fewer than even point?. They obtained r I points from their 42 games i
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 147 14 BYDNET MA. MAGISTRATE at ITHGOW (NEW smith CENTLY FINED A IGWER WITH M COSTS < R HAVING WORKED AFTFF THE COMPULSORY RE [RING AGE OP II Th»« miner, Jsmet McKlnney .t LJthgow, tunwd t;u on Man h I>* V. .11 Kvi'i«nr«' was n
    Reuter; AAP  -  147 words
  • 104 14 CHURCHILL DOWNS M I The K.ntueky Dfcrby Ml .n fcodftj bf Mi Wanm ght'i Citation. Th»- same owners 'V»al r.i»\n was second jin«l Mi BCB IVhitaker'i My EUqueM third. The rtOi fOI th!»'»'-year-nKis. run over one-an l-.'i-quaitei mile*, was worth $10-).0O0. the a inning ownei reectvint
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 84 14 MANILA. May 1: The Chinese Olympic football team tx:at Manila's All-Chinese selection by eight goals to zeto before i».000 spectators at the Riaal StH.lium tonight. The halftrme score wa. C-0. Playing: tor the most part in Manila s Chinese team territory the Chines Olympic team" thrilled
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 77 14 Playing at the St. Georges Road ground on Wednesday 3 Sub Depot beat the Commercial High School by two-one at football. The Depot dominated play, but their forwards missed a number of scoring opportunities. There was no scorin." in the first half of play. On the change
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  • 51 14 LONDON. May I.— No agreement has been reached on i the political future of Germany in the six-power talks now Koing on in London, a statement issued tonight by the Brij tish Foreign Office on behalf of the French. United States and i United Kingdom delegations i said.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 55 14 Adjournment speeches at Legislative Council meeting are to be permitted providing that each speech does not last more thin sevcn-and-a-halt Tiinute 5 unless tho president decides otherwise, and that only tight members are allowed to speak. This decision was reached after a prolonged debate on Standing Orders at Tuesdays meeting
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  • 68 14 The rubber market steady on Bit coverings fo;- i merits, coupled wit of sellers, business w as high as 4_M 9 No. 1 R.SS. fo.:> May. Price? quotoii ft! I were Buyei Seller? Cts CtNo. 1 Mav R.BJ 12 No 2 May FLS.S P'»". 41 No. 3 Mav
    68 words
  • 110 14 Davis Cup Win For Sweden, Ireland BARCELONA. May 2 Sweden won both singes mut- ches in the hist days play I the first found i\ iVi!) c U p match (European Bone) against Spain. Torsten Johanneson (SwedT's'T 2 e< lT CaSte a (Spain> Lennart Bergelin (Sweden) beat M. Soawest (Sniin)
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 56 14 SI'TTON COALFIELD i Warwickshire), May 1. Alan Helm, an Oxfoid University Blue, defeated Harley Roberts. a former Warwickshire cricketer, by two and one in the final of the English Amateur Golf championship over 36 holes today. Helm was three down at the 18th hole and was
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 43 14 MONTREAUX. May I.— Switzerland, beating Pakistan in the doubles today, gained a 2-1 lead in their first round Davis Cup tie. The Pakistan pair, M. Alam and Iftikhar Ahmed, were beaten by Max Albreecht and Hans Huonder 7-;"). 6-4. 6-4. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 132 14 NO DISSOLUTION OF ZAIBATSU Tokip, May 1. Oen. Douglas Mac Arthur. Supreme i Allied Commander in Japan, today cut by 60 per cent, the I list of Japanese companies scheduled for decentralisation. He announced the removal of 194 industrial and distributive companies from the list which originally designed 325 con-
    Reuter.  -  132 words
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 36 14 THE HO HONG S.S. CO. (1932) LTD. PASSAGE 8c FREIGHT SERVICES "HonK Staßg" w»iJ. Id P l-Kont; S'tou Woi 20 May mi*" faUiiibanK A PUdjtH' May •8#on« Thmjf" PMawknii S May ftaftf Int DjMHM 4 Mav
      36 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 356 14 PUZZLES l Answers to puzzlos Igl 1. Crossword Solm.un. c|al^|t| P|££[l g. ~owA I I B c" xtpTMjJLiII3i Fmld|sl |ilft!s|t[ 2. Made, Edam 3. ABberjack. Bullhead lin, Pike. Eei. Perch, i- n Shark. Shad. 4 We Ewe. Ewer, Newei PICTURF. X-WORD ACROSS. 1 Thi^We Masts. 8. Tap Barn 12. Fein
      356 words

  • 822 15 Bl DCTATOW th-shcxks late for Joh<>r\ ittd two put pa.i to the Southern ur applecart. But lot* M^hi Hid Chye Her- follows! lh)s with e bad *very rhance of equa!i.^np -anJ it. .i n trust- P ,n 2.000 i
    822 words
  • 44 15 jelling I at A.l- In- r ft ai 1 1 1 o a also hide Both the r. moved tween a a motor-car {load at terd ty. The and the DC th« wen ntoa moved to s Wag- 'P.m. 1 injurknocked
    44 words
  • 42 15 Philippines Vatican Vatican City, May 2. Vatican citcles said the rotuin to Rome next week of Monsignor Gu^lielmo Piani, apostolic delegate to the Philippines will probably result in a resumption of full diplomatic relations between Catholic Philippines and the Holv See. U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 9 15 pelaused ree of hemp fee-
    9 words
  • 309 15 Public US Apology To Reuters NEW YORK. May 2. Mr. George V. Allen. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs* at the Stptc Department, today publicly expressed regret to Reutets New.-- Agency for a leference he made to the oi<ranisation in a speech before th< Ametican Society of Editors in
    309 words
  • 402 15 Hradman SI, Miller Not Out 175 LEICESTER. MAY I THE \i STRAIJAN TOURISTS PILED IV 107 RUNS FOK fHE LOSS OF EIGHT WICKETS WHKN THEY MKT LEICESTERSHIRE ON SATI'R DAY Aft* i llrown had been bowled by Johnson foi 2ti, liaines and Miller £ot
    Reuter  -  402 words
  • 170 15 SEOUL, May, 2. Commun-ist-led Koreans today opened lull-scale guerrilla warfare on Cheju Island. They attacked one town for three hi. is, encircled three villages and murdered at seven peisons including four women. Police from American-occu-pied south Korea, who rushed to Cheju on Wednesday to
    U.P.  -  170 words
  • 37 15 St. rani Minnesota, May The North-west Airlines today sai<i it will rut pataengei fares >n routes in the Orieni bv ■j much IS 17 per <ml Oil May 10. U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 50 15 tLLETO (California), Mav The Navy announced today that tin- cruiser Salt Lake I Ity veteran of the Aleutians ti I the Pacific War will be troyed by gunfire during th? of May. 'iii »Wp v ai a target ai the Bikini teat, which made il radio- U.P.
    U.P.  -  50 words

  • 1860 16 Recs Beat SCC By Six Wickets The cricket match between the padang rivals tht Singapore Cricket Chn and the SingftpOK Recreation Hub played on ihe S.R.C. side of the padang yesterday, < ndc-d in a win by six picked for the Eurasians. Bright knock! of U
    1,860 words
  • 172 16 Displaying fine form throughout Togimjftll scored his fiist Oentury of the season yesterday and retired with 105 runs, thus enabling the Ceylonese Sports Club to icaliso the total of 290 runs and to defeat the R.A.F. Seletar by a comfoi table margin of 187 runs. Next highest
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 101 17 AUSTRALIA AND COLOUR BAR jfc Ma&y To Make Representations \usir:,li in Commissioner i n ■ff^JLn »n Saturday to make (l^ h N Government oonf'"" 1 1', X other matters, the White J^W and P"bHo react ion colour bar brought to f; ,:th th, refusal of r 1-mm t. allow the
    101 words
  • 71 17 JERUSALEM. May 3.-Bn-tish troops today were success fully imposing their truce or. embattled Jerusalem, an.l Government spokesman announced that reinforcements were on the way from Cyprus and Malta to keep the peace until the British surrender their mandate 12 days hence. Occasional single shots were rired
    71 words
  • 253 17 S'pore Chinese Reds To Call For Rejection Chiang's Election CHINESE LEFTIST organisations in Singapore art* to reject the election of Chiang Kai Shek as President of the Republic of China, at a meeting of representatives to be held this afternoon at two o'clock at the premises of the Singapore Seamen's
    253 words
  • 84 17 (Tribune Staff Reporter) H K Sundram's ambitior •o represent Singapore- at the World Olvmoies tc be new WJ London in July- not be realtw aftei all. tor at Singftpore AAA's committee netting hold at the B.RC. yesterday, it wis tedded that tb curly headed athlete
    84 words
  • 47 17 Three more cas»«H of polio were reported yenterday. The victims were one European adult and two < hinese children. This hringH the total of cases to date to 'id. One death occurred yesterday of a Chinese child. ThN wa.s a case previously reported.
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  • 90 17 Representatives of various unions of Singapore's coistal an'i marine workers with a total membership of about 20 000. met at 'he premises of the Singapore- F«teration--of Trade Unions on Sunday nitfht and resolved to rend a protest to the Singapore Harbour Board authorities against the Board'! action
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  • 35 17 CANBERRA Miv S Australia has made no approach to th<> United States nor totlie Internationa! Monetary Pun.J for a .iollar loan, Ifr. Chifley, the Australian I r«nn^r sai<i tol iv Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 115 17 Singaporeans Will See Sun's Eclipse On Sunday u J' eclipse n ng about n the ttreme end hi Ocean. glass, *>' ■B< suit, catcher* in r "'i Tokio. Mr j p m Johnston, <>f Wcuhingt ,n Dc co-ordi-nator for five National Oeograpk c Society Eclipse Obscrvutioyi Partie* in the Far
    115 words
  • 239 17 'STICK NO BILLS' WARNING (Tribune staff Reporter) In. mediate -.cti^n under thj Municipal A<ivertisenvnf Bylaws will be t*k«n against any advertising agency, firm or Individual who continues the practice of affixing notices. hand-tdlls, po.-ters and other forms of advertiseinesti to public tutkiintzs. private properties. Muniripal buildtnga, depots stores, brilges, etc.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 25 17 for Comfort <: tor beauty for Longer Wear JOHN WHITEg-{^ shoes rm<fvku->.,.-r. pall I l'"> >• <.'"■"■"'' v r r l*^ill!i^^l^^L^^^^^L^4 I k^ I fftl _J 111 a^^BßTTMfi^Tß^^^^
      25 words