Morning Tribune, 5 January 1948

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 12 1 MORNING TRIBUNE '^aaaan^^^ k i*s > 10 CENTS. H MONPAV. lAK. 8 I**
    12 words
  • 1736 1 GOVERNOR' S USE OF VETO NOT REACH OF PLEDGE, SAYS G-G Full Soccer Results j PAGE U) FUTURE LEGISLA TIVE COUNCILS WILL BE LIKE PARLIAMENTS The Governor-General, m a broadcast speech last night from Radio Malaya, denied that the Governors' use of their "veto" power to foist income tax m
    1,736 words
  • 812 1 I Loos, la* 4.— the MESE PRESIDENT. SAO kTHAIR. TOPAf ALI\S PEOPLE ALL OVER WORLD WITHOUT A If EXCEPTION- TO IMt HEAR BTRMVS [•.ration or INDFIESCE. declaiation. re. d by the El at ihe CJUSIUaaBIt >iy immediately after the of the Republic's Mat more than 1000 words, ihave attained
    Reuter; U.P  -  812 words
  • 56 1 RANGOON. Jan. The Parliament of the new Burma Union, which today achieved tsvI dependence, ratified today the > Angle Burmese treaty, signed m I London en Oct. n last by the British Prtme Minuter, «Y. Clement Attlee and Thnkm Km, the Burmese Premier. The Burmese Communist Party opposed
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 32 1 Owing to a change of plans, the Secretary of State for Air, Mr. Arthur Hemieraon, X.C.. MP., will not now pay hia proposed vjait to Air Command. Far East.
    32 words
  • 20 1 Stal in Ill -Cancer? s tt Jan > J? 1 'esdin* -^ues °*n 'hat »Ji« •"aaoned i was ...■>■:. I! to Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 1 Photo Two wrongs may not make right, but three misses ran make a hit and €S f l8 nhove rertamlv made a hit at the XAAF1 party last week They are three of Xexc World Cabaret who helped to mike the party one of the brightest of th« K»0fc Malayan
    Supply pix  -  52 words

  • 419 2 i oiTOON lan I s sl jl '•raj npw. t aaaicdsi of Urn i !n-<|tn i. d. < awed at sas i,mn:a iiifiriiendrnt'C t< la-br^ tioiis m l/.ndn i toda> lh il M M^ Rratain'i h'»p«s thai Burma would k»
    Reuter  -  419 words
  • 90 2 Swedish Match Co. For Rumania BUCHAREST, Jan. 3. The j Rumanian state has taken over the factories and depots of the Swedish Match Co., m Rumania. i* was learned today, under the decision of the Bucharest tribunal which cancelled the 1929 apree- ment between the Rumanian Government and the company
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 158 2 THE WORLD SALUTES NEW BURMA NEW DKLHI. Jan. 4 Ceieinooial dnana beat out India s aalutc to the New Bui ma here t lay when V Win. Burma's fiist aillUsasadiTT to India, hoisted h'S (i untiys red and blue star-spani:-Isd ftaV' at a ceremony attended b\ Earl Mount batten. Governor
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 163 2 LOffDOff, Jan •> The Km« and QuaaS have glvtfl I load tO i h«- domestic fuel economy cam* palgn launched by eat Ministry; <>t Fuel and I'owei Notioai signed *»v SJIi Plera U ,;ii afaatei of the Household, ha* boas pm up m Bsetnagham Palace
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 110 2 "Crucial Stage" In Indonesia Negotiations Botam* Jan. Ms*a>i*4ieai I betaa, the Dutch and Republieaa aides over In toneaia, which l kad boen going 1(1| tl>ll W(vk •ailar I'm ed Nations sponsoras p, note movina quickly tov 1 a mil Mage, i\ u U s n>uol ly learned i., re i
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 92 2 SOUTHAMPTON, Jan. 3. Mi Philip Nad Baker, Secretary foi British Commonwealth Relations, left m the Queea gaasaaotk today heading a Brttlah dalegaUon to the Security Council meeting of I the Uaateaj Nations, which will disCuaa the question of India and HSkiatatl troubiea over Kashmir accompanying Mr. Noel
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 220 2 WASHINGTON. Jan. 4— Greet- I ings from the people of the United j Slates to the new Independent Burma were conveyed in a mess- a<re from Mr. Robert Lovett, Unit- pel Slates Acting Secretary of State, to U So Nyun. Burmese Ambassador here, on the occasion of the flag hoisting
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 130 2 t I LONDON. Jan. 4. Indian. I Burmese, Chinese and Afrcan I workers gathered .n London 'last night to celebrate Burma's new Independence. Chowdry Akbar Khan. President of the Indian Workers Association of London, which organised the celebration, said: "All freedom loving people of Asia welcome the birth of the
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 891 2 Lendcv van c— as snnshire rtresj J J n on tneir gay Hearers a^d colourful costumes, hundred, cl Burmese patriots tofctner *Ath prominent world figures celebrated today the transfer o! poals to Burma m London at a ceremony m wnich Burma's first Ambassador. Maunp I
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  • 73 2 Honolulu. Jan. 4.— Hairy ges. President of the CIO national Longshoremen's Warehousemen's Union si I Union would back Henry t as presidential candidate. Bridges arrived Honolu. participate m discuss i ,tfl wages for pineapple foritt termed Wallace moveraj i "good thing." He said I ILWU members had a voting
    U.P  -  73 words
  • 34 2 NEW DELHI, Jan. 3 1 used tear gas to diaperse mm who wanted to take forciWJBJ esaion of houses vacated t»yPJ lems m the old city today _8J arresta were made. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 91 2 RlNfiAfOM MINK I,'AI, %*> A KMOTUM STOCK tm is i»8. NOTICE Ii he eby riven that the Transfer Booka ol the ab m Stock will be closed tram St h tc nth January 1848, both d ivs elusive, tor the preparation of Interest Warrants m respect 0 j hteresl doe
      91 words

  • 439 3 I. rt MaaJ Minister. Mr. Clement TON Jai I Russia w,th pursuing a policy Sfiw *^^nattons of Europe -with a new form t£«* "l'c onomic and strategic. ILrialisni Atta* L '[l B^aataoe. the vol lowed -j J LMgiea libertJa sad Z rtvak
    Reuter  -  439 words
  • 47 3 Irilitary P- licemm. SftM gtd to have btvn round ssion of a 38 revolver rounds oj aaunonltion, rested at Oillman Barrtfveß o'clock veatfrQing. formation received loo* ladhavan of the lan. ar Police Station raided ccupted by the Militar i and found the revolammunit:cr. h:dd n ifl
    47 words
  • 67 3 Ifcnua". dinner ol ::ie FriKonpanion sis elation Id at the Associat ion's f IB Krw Market Road on y night. bentatives of forty local pons were present, and N 81 inpredatlon wer. W tht Vice-President o! g, Mr Lm Chiap Heng ests. I fee man associations nted were the
    67 words
  • 268 3 (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH— At the first annual general meeting of the Perak Hydro Employees' Union held at the Kinta Indian Association, a resolution requesting the management of the Company to consider an allowance for employees worsting alt Chenderoh was unanimously passed. The meeting was
    268 words
  • 117 3 Penance For Act Of Thief Hinekley. Jan 3 Canon Christopher Tut T#r. Vicar of Hirkley. Leices enf.rire, who is dong an act of penance for the thief who took parcels intended for poor children m Eurone from a Christmas tree outside Paris Church, refuses to disclose the na'ure of the
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 69 3 SOUTHAMPTON. Jan. 4. About 1.200 British Army personnel, who reached Southampton from the Far East today m the troopship Dilwara, will be out of the Army today. They are going to centres at Aldershot and York for demobilisation The Dilwara carried 2.100 service men and
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 44 3 VANCOUVER. Jan. 3. Arms valued at $1,200,000 left here for China today m the 204-ton Canadata vessel Okanagan after an 11-day dispute between shipowners, the Federal Uafcour Department and the Canadian Seamen a i Union had been settled last night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 159 3 Food Hourding Investigation MOfcfcCAMfeE, Jan. 3.— Roger Rose, town clerk of Morecamoe) and rteyattanx Uacaanlre, who ia the town** eaecutive food officer, issued a statement referring to investigation* carried out by the Ministry of Food officials into stocks of food held by certain hotela m the resort. "Many of the
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 35 3 WASHINGTON, Jan. 3;— four detachments of marines were ordered into troubled Mediterranean. Some high quarters viewed it as a demonstration of American support for the com-munist-threatened Greek and Ttaliap Government. U.P
    U.P  -  35 words
  • 16 3 te£^- Vt a^e-rnan lei xal S .f the n« /'^«^xl iss > nnt '-c dollars.a Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 115 3 Armed Robberies In Singapore Three minor robberies occurred m Singapore over the weekend On Saturday morning., a Chinese living at Kampong Bahru was held up m his home by two Chinese armed with pistols. The robbers got away with 5137 m cash. Yesterday morning a Chinese iving at Mandai. m
    115 words
  • 408 3 British Armoured Cars In Action: Fighting Flares Up In Palestine JERUSALEM. Jan 4 —British armoured cars went into action with machineguns m Jeruaalem last night to restore order after a day of intermittent shooting and bombing between Jews and Arabs m the old walled city. Tear gas and smoke bombs
    Reuter  -  408 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 I WOUr-P YOU TAK»E \\\\\M\ INTO YOUR HOME- j /^SWP MAPI? NFW! ii mL hy Dry cleaningt Dyri 3 LJiLWr and invisible Mending jtlVm at the WASHINGTON DRY CUANINC CO. 412. Orchard Rd. Telephone *****.... Singapore. I Completion within 24 hours including Collection and Delivery >mmUmmmm\mmmmmmM^mmmmmwmmmmmmmwi''mmmmmmmmmm^Mm^MM^mv^mmmmmmmm9^^^
      46 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
    45 4 Loi'ht Laaala (hri.tian h<)h nit- >•' MGM actress. v h n u taken a v//»x ttunlar hit m tht film "Green Dolphin Street" with Luna Turner. Van Heflin and Richard Hart, uhn are co-starred m this powerful and d raw a tic love sUtru.
    45 words
  • 416 4 LONDON. Jan. 4 Some time this month a ship will leave! aport n Britain on voyage w dch is regard^ here M symbol.r of Britain's progress to ln ,ustrial recovery, i No well-dressed men and woir» m will crowd he, .ails as she teams ant
    Reuter  -  416 words
  • 207 4 Teheran. Jan. 3. Mr. \-M Eden Britain's wartime l 'fl Secretary, after lunching Premier. Ibrahim HakinuH Cabinet Ministers an.l Teheran'a famous archaeofl museum, called on Shah M<fl mcd Reza Pahlevi yestenhyM Mr. Eden said "I can I repeat again there is nu pofl object m my
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 135 4 HONGKONG. Jan. 4. ard Matti, one of the aurvivc the sinking of the Danish i 1 vessel KINA m the Philip Chrismas typhoon, today toll story of how he cheated dea He said his parents and br Kenneth were with eleven pa gers and crew m No. 1 lifeboa
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 1948 SCHOOL YEAR OPENS TODAY Knrol now f„ r a Ml ,sie Hasses and fc«|. N( M Kil «l«''Karten Classes W.B, EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL 1 kikk TlftaUCl SHBHEffi^H'j WBaßDffißßßn^BMWTM^^^aajjjijMiiiii^^--, PJSJSJ I^Uwßaaafl KqulLeX^
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 333 4 [Monday Puzzle Com THIS variety set of puzzles will r;ve you many moments of enjoyment Time yourself on your tpeed for this column. 1. CROSSWORD PI'ZZLE |U p R 1 |s B 7 I mT TIT ,5 «4- i 5 j ji9 'co n B s I 1 I 5=
      333 words

  • 1870 5 Mr. J. ARTHUR RANK ANSWERS HIS CRITICS Speech by Mr. J Arthur J Rark at an txtraordin- ay (itneral Me; tint; of Odeon Theatrfs Ltd. at i the Dorchester Hotel. Park > j lane. 1.0->^ m. WX on I Friday, the l?t!i cf De- i j remhe-. 1*»47. aaaaafl All
    1,870 words
  • 91 5 JERSEY. Jan. 3. Thieves who stole £S,OOO wor h of jewellery from the villa of 85-year-old Dowager Lady Trent m Jersey failed 'O notice m the sanr i Com a box containing v;ther t;erms wor h £23,000. including r. i'l.nOO diamond nrr. Amonjr he stolen property w a
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 69 5 FAMAdJSTA, CYPRUS. Jan. 3. Disembarkation of the 7,750 passengers of the Pan York. one of he two ships which arrived here ye^'erday with an estimated* 15,000 Jewish illegal immigrants diver* ed from Palestine, was expected to be complete 1 yesterday. The Par York Baal so far
    69 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 nwm tod 'cannot 'enjoy I life ii you are not teelin* tm to the mark. H ti sou Are suffering ll R rroni indigestion, flatu- |&s*fl lance, dyspepsia or aour Ir^fJ.* acid stomach here ia Na^lPJ instant relief from tour Uis. After the first nose o< De Witts Antacid frontier
      118 words

  • Article, Illustration
    58 6 Picture by ;< Crawford, lovely British star under contract to the J Arthu Rank Organisation Men* (i </<>od rforiZ o; her strictl,. limited spare time at the country esUite of Ravens,, r .mm W„„ Hampshire, which > owned by her uncle. Mr John Hcwttt. Here she ha^ With "Sallu"
    J. Arthur Rank Organisation  -  58 words
    • 258 6 ih<. old flag of Burnt, consisting of a peacock superimposed upon the Union Jack, was yesterday replaced by the flag of the sovereign Republic of Burma-a white star representing Burma, and four smallei stars representing the minority states. To some this change of Hags might mean
      258 words
    • 142 6 i' ia inevitable that the extinction of alien rule should unleash new and powerful forces avhich sometimes threaten to destroy the new state. But strong and wise leaders, provided they have a real understanding of these new social forces, can harness them for constructive ends. Hitherto the Burmese
      142 words
  • 824 6  -  Gordon Schaffer By 1 A little -noticed milestone has last been passed m Britain, The; National Arbitration Tribunal set up m the Dunkirk days to i avoid strikes, has issued its onethousandth award. For seven yeans, through years of unprece- dented industrial change, with enormous
    824 words
  • 251 6 It teen* to me that the pro- b ems of Asia are also the problema of the world, and their i satiafactory solution will go fa" [toward promoting world security Si 630 There we see a «>nJ se ra cos and religions, a j conflict
    251 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 838 7  -  VERA ARDMORE WITH H |n The New J B fl fl-' I I:. a^KTaW ChrUtmti r 1 Br.t Iri- Pre.v L' d ■B aaV -k H r.^k ng Sng Bun High If I attraction at the Ca■v- by HarTj Hact■r.d p -rt 1" < band r Bourse
    838 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 122 8 MONO KONl, Jan. .1 It II lean-d many weic trapped VtKfl u dl.u.stiou« fir«* swept Macao wuterfront Late on N«-w Tetr'l nlKht. destroying six luunchts. tw(» Junks as well m the wh.irl, eaMtag lotl fstirnat'Tl at sovf-ml liundred tbOUMim HoOg Kong toUftrs. Reporti
    U.P  -  122 words
  • 90 8 Phot oft i a phi. P/jotograp/i^. Photograph). I h, W J Virker* lhr*ctoi „i M'dical Rervice*, addresse* tht nath'-nnq which was present at th> distribution ol </""/''</""/ Certificate* to 30 nursis and 3K hospital assistants at tht General^Jk H0vj,,!.,) nn Fndnu hi I On
    Tribune  -  90 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 8 Mrs. J iv /'fciii i toi/SSr/Cs?*, Ct,a« i,i„ „T'' CT ''m
    11 words
  • 106 8 Oil Tie-Up In Manila ti A n NI H A Jan 3- A coitplete Mann oi| busin^ m ™'""a is threatened with a w*-out today workers Vacuum rT Sny and SoC( ">v vacu um company and a DrobjM. strike of California TeS Oil Company employees th'v wmri forni T exas
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 87 8 LONDON, Jan 2 charged his wife, twcd a £328 cheque -three n The wife. Marjorie dington (London), sj] was stated that further larceny would be prefe ti was stated that the riage did not begin mi n a a fat way. on account of difference m ages. Within two
    87 words
  • 46 8 LONDON. Jan 3 Police cars were called to the scene hen rival gangs fought with knives ln a cafe m Kingsway. near Crydon airport A man was taken by ambulance to nosMtakwith wounds m his head. JjkjULntlvr man was detailed H police.
    46 words
  • 64 8 LONDON. Jan 3. T. nate women for ever and to the rest of his life fishing i ming and lolling In the sup Tahiti atoll was the resoluti George Brent. 43. thrice-md Irish-born film star until y day. Yesterday he waa marred the fourth time, to Janet M 27,
    64 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 8 The new twin screw t>n> t<m M has been completed for thmM Eastern Service. The wrirM "Sirdhana" which was lom M 1
    25 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 I 11 'SP am T,P TOP TECHNICOLOR 1 1I f I oli TERI AINMENT FROM THE COMINQI MAN WHO GAVE YOU "BEST J YEARS OI OUR LIVES" \'OANNY KAYC9 FUNNIEST every sense out of this world!' A&r*^ w\ V Ak\ M\ -tm IB i Jr^ ML a V J
      93 words

  • 30 9 ,f seventy Mi lne his name on Dot-square. WJ; 0 w >:reet. and m >ry. uttering an«i nto a C c the cheques torn Roberts" bo:.k Lkdie. was a
    30 words
  • 81 9 Jan 2 -An expio ajrajg, Cumberland, ■anec factory to man was killed and jured was stated at it the (setoff today ■j caused when the was killed, put 8 lortar shell m a vice ted to strew oil the a of "death venture" ot James o: Addion Street,
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 9 Ferwawti,,. MBit, who M {l (st >^ of tht Peace WJ^Year Honours
    11 words
  • Article, Illustration
    3 9 (<:;/;» au Par
    3 words
  • 32 9 Photograph). A view of the Pharmaceutical. Ptrfumefy and Confectionery Departments at PiUpatricsfs, Singapore* new refrigerated ft od store which was opened to the public last week. Tribune
    Tribune  -  32 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 9 Photograph) Mr and Mrs. Stanhy D. JJo-fil nft*r their wedding at the Church of St. Joseph* in Victoria S f rtct. on Saturday. The bride HMU fonmrly Miss Marts Fran- Tribune
    Tribune  -  31 words
  • 178 9 LONDON, Jan. 3. Becauae childless Mrs. Edward Stowell felt frustrated without something to lavish her affection on, a Judge has allowed her to keep her dog, though the Stowells' landlords objected. Mr. Stowell was summoned at Brentford t Biddlesex) County Court
    178 words
  • 93 9 (Photograph by graph by Photograph). S taken after the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Daiid Evans m yore last week. Left to right Miss Nancy Teo. bridesthe bride {formerly Miss Eileen Chua of Batu Gajah), the and the beafman, Mr. H. H. Oillott. of the KABC- Lloyd Studio
    Lloyd Studio; Tribune; Studio de Luxe  -  93 words
  • 58 9 LONDON, Jan. 3.— Seat belts saved the five passengers from hitting the roof when a British Overaeas Airways Viking from Amsterdam tipped up on its nose after landing at Northolt Airport. •'For some reason not yet known the Viking left the runway and
    58 words
  • 187 9 LONDON. Jan. 3. A charge of causing bodily harm to this wife with intent to murder by exploding a grenade was preferred at Xortn London against 41*-year-ol<d Albert Gilbert, a builder arvj decorator, of Alsen-road, Ho! lowa v. Mr. K. S. Lewis, prosecuting. sai,j
    187 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 32 9 i i Pictures for the Home pine reproductions of Old and Modern Masters, beautifully framed. j r at prices from I 6-00 35-00 THE PRINT CORNER Roneo Building 104. ROBINSON ROAD. SINGAPORE.
      32 words

  • 78 10 I LONDON. Jan. 3.— A mother |*f 10 children ac clay pip** I without ill effects on her health Idtttina: each of her pregnancies, I ha British medica! journal re- ported yesterday. T< is 36-year-olc WOfIMB cor. Mime i Co.i .ia dishes when site I ran out
    78 words
  • 98 10 BRITAIN IRAQ LONDON. Jan. 3 Taj -J Minister of Iraq. M Baji a. Jabur. ia expected to arrive^M on Jan. 7 to discuss w,th V British Government the „.J of the Anglo-Iraq TreatyV which Britain terminate! herafl date m 1930. V The British Foreign Secr«w i Mr. X: nest Bevin.
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 111 10 RED PROBE FOR PANAMA WASHINGTON, Jan 3 J Pranell Thomas, of N the Republican Congress] an m 1947 directed the series d vestlgatlons about alleged .'mists m Hollywood, said yei lay that the House of R :^y r.ves Committee on un-Am« Activities, of which he is d man. would make
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 125 10 LONDON. Jan. 3. InteraJ t > ty s stock markets was -A in the commencement of :heH British Transport gtock terrH which were 3 per cent l9lH VJSS. Active trading tookM v.\th the opening level of 9?j|H after some fluctuation this M closed at 97 3/4 in a qujeter
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 54 10 PRAGUE. Jan B Death occurred on j Year's day of R'fl Bechyne. 68, MWisterM deputy Premier m 4 pre-war cabinets and M time Social Democ^fl leader. During tlu '^B Bechyne was a mem&^H the Parliament of J Czechoslovak GowrMa^B m exile and editor i j contributor for the
    U.P  -  54 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 184 10 lironVir^l"^;. ,he W««fS "SUNSHINE FALLS" /miUJmllw irc^ UwlwWt* AT TOP SPEED UP A /i^ THEIR FIANCE GiTUATON. WHCU YOJ. J4rf M,^^« /l I ON TMBR PRONT VT AWAY gß/Hl /AG A MOTORIST, r^T EACH OTWfcK^/ i R)GHT 1 v^^^f g [vaMjmmcm^ iJBi£l- /\across the road.. J \l .|g|jj I 11
      184 words

  • 1056 11  -  Thomas Mack A SIX-DA V SERIAL By I, wherein Sieve Kenton Suddenly Finds Himself Under j a Arrest _A\.staken for 'Silk' Anders, the Bank Robber! I- HMs attention between the :t u Ken on he held fo jded m his Window an /^reading, a -^ecllye Xltbs^:
    1,056 words
  • 177 11 Union Removes Price Cont rol Of Cigarettes I™m Ur Own Reporter) S? vta r'^ umry S iU^^eaand the forpoatUoa regarding .utiles U 80und an ■Mfefrosa the P a eta* tro! Department. Malayan Union A pent s of the well -known brands and the Prtce Control Department have co-operate*! m order
    177 words
  • 69 11 POOLE, DORSET. Jan. 4. A British Overseas Airwaya Corporaj tion flying boat which should have left Police Marine Airport for I Karachi on Frkr&y morning with j 15 passengers will now not leave I until Monday morning. First, bad weather delayed the departure for 24 hours,
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 191 11 LONDON, Jan. 3 -The British Communist Party, yesteraay offered a 3->tar plan to put Britain back on its he; but said recov-r; would be impossible without a new Labour Govemineni Pr»rty of th? Left. The programme .ai.'ed ro: iirahinf of the armed forces from
    U.P  -  191 words
  • 129 11 OTTAWA. Js-i. 3.— New cont**ac fcr Gi 'adian fOoi sapplies fcr Britain— smaller quantities at higher prices. were anncunced here yesterday by Mr. J. C. Gardiner, Caiadian Minis- f er of Agriculture, who said there was a "real bepe" Canada j would be able to
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 26 11 Bsav-J an 6.15 and 9IS nm BBfaterf' tk«ii pm. I DRUMS CF Madman on the 1 tea Bapters J n Nations! hcThriU a! Rrl- 1:> PM
      26 words
    • 73 11 ithe water of "life j Super-aerated, ftesh IW i n -94 Am I A*M WmVf M Ba\ jfj IP km aal aY aal LaV A| PfVT\vJ .5 >> JI aaaaaaaaaaaaaWmteEJaraßNaaaaaaaaaa! B BBaKaM Wjfl. Bf 1 ll»w^^<%yl wa H»*^fc-^ ncer^^ jfli BY i if w vBBBBBBBBWJe 'v::>^ -v^*vis™ -j wfl ■BET"
      73 words

  • 634 12 Gangster Shot Dead By CID Chi ef After Chase I ,Kr,m Our Own Reporter) K...-iLurr.pu:. Jan. 4. An in I nesi into tn* feat* oi Cluni Khoon. ilkltd to be "«Wel i hier and trigger nun Of tn. m L fttlf of the -Malayan ChtlKtt Peoples Sol IB-fence C r|M
    634 words
  • 58 12 s h TV YCR X Jan 3 --Marajall < aeaidy, execothre Seen hary ,<> the American Jockey ;;a,l that tm dub £5 s^aesL r ,,01N0 Au^ralia's ,vt ft» Club moiu^Si h•- i for [<h«. > n Proposal bj aav< trea ibiimea-i istraiiau r*rin« rw rijr am,
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 100 12 SYDNEY. Jan. 3 TV aB wice^aful uae m Austral* new drug Streptomyi m bj I treatment of tuber- tis is reported from Sydney .^H The successful t;. H case ia confirmed by the sfl Director-General of Heaith/H Moms, and the British Mefl Aasociation spokesman.
    100 words
  • 45 12 Flood s In Hungary Budapest. Jan. 2. Tr ifl River floodeti several villas an estimaVl 60.0^' > I under water in n<>!th-ea^ Hungary on the Russian bofl the Ajrriculture Ministiy anncH e.i today. I In the villages of Ts/.abetsB houses were <lwtroyed. the rounc«ment said.— U.P
    U.P  -  45 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 179 12 K/Tw'iCi ~i7AViLiQfj r paam romantic biackmaii SVS> i«*l<#l CttrSMNI MrfiNAiar'SNlßlET TIMF.f t'sLmm W auiiitoiii Mfconws naiit ai«woi? iOM«sa«j 134 f yU m MW .ootiioiur»aoa-f.o. wsan TO.,(mK(m-MA(K ii rWUs3 K^^ T S lOsm of The Fine* tetkmiemwn Pimm Produced a 1 j,- (.real Krii'in I."! DEBORAH KERR WW I Ak^Hßa SABU
      179 words
    • 149 12 aa. n a» .fl fIS flflk <flf |B^B I *mXX.t^^**^ ay I fl A Paramount Picture Stanfl jU^J BETTY JOHN I 18/ HUTTON /6'A/j I <J|t^t >ot;iz c/?y.7 I JT YOUU CHEER 'I'M r«{OTCl^lO-MOIMIO>j EDMUND LOWE m I "THE SQUEAKER' Adapted from the Novel by EDGAR WALLACE I fyly\ SHOWING'
      149 words

  • 1040 13 Sha res Op en The Year In Brisk Fashion a ct < thr °i d n r\* Z dais ol con ,nd crosstol d-> h the new with >**** b u<in-s. B*l da> through«€lTZ '^appoint ver optimistic r contemplatu 3 II V n the sterling ha h>n the Bolivian \23
    1,040 words
  • 173 13 Sydn y Gampeli. Reuter*s Ragadal Editor. on. Jan. 3.-Th e British T yesterday raised its loans to municipalities air local government aui one ball per cent. c -or loans for more than iwnichhai been 2u per 2 be tares per cent. May roUowi yesterday's issue f ay nationalisation atock
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 68 13 RUBBER TOUCHES 45cts On higher advices from New York the market opened strong and business was clone at 45 for No. 1 Jan. Subsequently good selling forced th e prices down to 44S for No. 1 Jan. Then forward positions are as follows. JM. 43* buyers 43$ sellers. AJ 42*
    68 words
  • 676 13 'From Vernon Morgan. Reuters Sports Editor). LONDON. Jan. 4— During the' coming year th c British sporting public is going to be on trial. II It be true that sportsmanship and character of nations are internationally gauged by the behaviour of their sportsmen
    Reuter  -  676 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 375 13 Attractive Afternoon Frocks i&l Beautiful Evening Gowns .jB V CT 10% DISCOUNT. J| ll Ik Shanghai Modern Tailoring J|^H|t 10 BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE N ft ladies ow n material Phone 82C8J. IKfl l^j made to order JB^^^^^BP NO\-DRIP PUAL V SQUASH DISPENSER aB s.' t L^a^a^a^L^L^L^I -v. I Tim On^nn
      375 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 122 13 PwwJe* (Answers to puzzles on page 4>. 1. Crossword puzzle solution: I o!e|8 t" lalr T 9 S|s A L WO A T I —4 I— J O I I L ALA |s!\\ A I I [S D E R |3 T 5 A R|P!g|T j \U\6 a|m|a r v
      122 words

  • 513 14 vomm 1. s Ihi an ippnrl Blrm nghan. a/er> d i« aa/hJie Arsenal had I the odd P l,v ...<:• 6 ted El I U I icnoci a ii ri ung 1 1 I i hard i bal I .f! ajtei i'- U ittentl »n
    Reuter  -  513 words
  • 179 14 The YnonK Yuon:- Club Of Kuala Lumpui Selang r Chum ploa vajii participate m friendly tub matched again-t local teami at th« Qreat World U m; Jan 8 to J. <n 10 rV 'IV Mi'tiL at 8 p in ii'»
    179 words
  • 231 14 Thi SC.R.C. hockey teams fcr this w,ek are as follows: Tuesday. Jan. 6: Hockey League fixture against the Ceyi Ion Shorts Club at the Police Depot ground (Thomson Road> it 5 p.m. The following players i are requested to turn up and b>- on the firld
    231 words
  • 83 14 The sSmgapore Municipal Service Union will meet the Chinese Youth Service Association at Table-'lYnnls tomorrow at the SMSU premises, 27 TyrwhUt Road, tomorrow. Seven men* singles will b, played beginning at 730 p.m. The following will represent the SMSU: Leo w Cher Young (captain).
    83 words
  • 62 14 An sSC.F.A. team will tour! Medan on January 20 and play' four matches tht re. one o' which 1 will be charity match for the I benefit f the M>dan Chinese Refugees' Fund I ihe team has not yet been ■elected but the names will
    62 words
  • 714 14 In a thrilling tible-tennis en„ntei between Malayan srara. the Smgapoie State Team regis-. v narrow 4-3 victory over the N rth Malayan Team at the Oreat World on Saturday night. A large crowd saw Singapore) hj|.l the fort against the form id 1 thle Nbrth Malayan Team which had
    714 words
  • 189 14 LOS ANGELES, ajBa\_3-j i harden, 30, ol el, went into me ond round of the XJbilio.iniO Angelas open Golt to.nuji w;th a shm one-stroke leaoj I .eteran Ben Hogan rk-rshe i/ennsylvan.a and a negro comer to the profession^ 1 n i BUI Spillev ol Los
    U.P  -  189 words
  • 61 14 HASTINGS. Jan. 3.-1^ sl round in the premier section tween two London player* Goiombek. British cna m l and C H. Alexancjer. champion and 1»46 wi r n f tVe Hastings tx>urnarrm-^ rnternational Chess Tournafl at Hastings t-nded in a ow. A. Pairhurst. CHasgow. Sir George Thomas. U>ndon.
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 69 14 Tk« H9 Hong Steamship Co. (1932) U (Incorporated l n S:nt;apnrc^ PASSENGER I RFjr.HT SERVICES For Hon; Komj. Swaiow Si Amoy ss 'WONG .Si.WCi" IMh Tan. For li.oigooti via Penan.?. •J K\Ml!N|N<;' s HRPONf. fan £88af. lan. •or PHtßgfUlit and Pladjo* H.V KFI.WTAN fit*, .fan. I OR DJAMHT ■> fhC
      69 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 82 14 OX YOI II K.\|||O TODAY 1 12 00 2 00 urn on mot o b f*: t0 7 45 from mentary: "WorM Affairs" -M 8.00 11.00 p. m n 225 metres s^TURnVv l2 n «°n ProRranime JM on the mWlon, WiV? band ie^ T^ L s R t^I- 12.05 Malay
      82 words

  • 818 15 3 Still Lucky For Manchester: Arsenal For tu nate To Win I HOME FOOTBML ROUNDUP [DON. Jar. 1 1 oil n««« rn,t< T, minut.- throw* tfSaS! *«*m*4 am\ tm BffaaaiH ftifaaMam tmTSA c 52 for r.e\i _»v enavlila* .iTI sis t.i Evrss as uatatt taan alaaM tn* m were perhaps
    Reuter  -  818 words
  • 152 15 Ike To Write War Memoirs WASHINGTON, Jan. 3i General Eisenhower 18 considering handsome offers to write his wartime memoirs under a lump sum payment plan that would legally permit him to avoid, the i hravy taxes, the army disclosed J today. The Supreme Commander cl the Western Allies Second World
    U.P  -  152 words
  • 75 15 Tote Business Increase NDOX. Jar. 3 Ihe gross ver last year o! the totalioparatcd by the Racee Benin* Control Board nted la £21.133.774 comuith £14.789.125 m 1946. ttatriautalaV turplm lor aaaaal ol racing breeding tterißari idence, however. I Bsßtly to be Bote than £328.000 nuaaV available m ange.s m rnethodj
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 6 15 York laa i farmer mr
    6 words
  • 58 15 Pi t Disaster Fund Wound Up ET HILBR A F I ear-ohi 4;„" n > The "r'. W Pit hil P ife an MethUbrM 3o »om^ S,!;,n one of J er 2 SuJH^ b Y the m 9 m m n plt m S(> p- he 'elief S*«taB beneficiary: 1
    58 words
  • 36 15 NEW YORK. Jan. 2.— Dr. P P. Piliai. India's permanent representative to the United Nations, has received his Government's complaint against Pakistan regarding the fighting in Kashmir for submission to the Security Council Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 53 15 China Political Party In Burma RAaSGOON. Jan. 3 The China Democratic League. Chinas third largest political party, today established its Burma branch m Rangoon's Chinatown and selected a committee of seven local Chinese businessmen and journalists Tne brancn will co-ordinate its activities with the Party's overseas offices m other South-East
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 28 15 HAMBURG. Jan. 2 Eight hundred and sixty displaced per1 sons sailed from Bremerhaven to- day aboard the s.s. General Strugis en route to Canada. U.P
    U.P  -  28 words
  • 77 15 Nan t-; v n 4 -Promot*2 Jgor sai d he had it f st ag:np th( PGS 'Hwfc^.-atch *«cott m Phii. j adelphia next June. "Louis is very well pleased I with my offer." Taylor announci cd. i However, the Promoter refus- ed to
    U.P  -  77 words
  • 571 15 (From Vernon Morgan. Reuter's Sports Editor. TWICKENHAM Jan 3— Playing faster and more open football the Australians triumphed m the internationnl Rugby Union mate., with England 11 points (one goal and two irwf>) to zero, after an extremely hard /ought battle before more tlian 65,000
    Reuter  -  571 words
  • 98 15 Empire Title Fight LoNDON, Jan. 3— The British middleweight champion Vince Hawkins has been matched with Bos Murphy. New Zealand title holder, for the vacant Empire title at the Royal Albert Hall, London on Jan. 26. Murphy has had anyone fight m Britain. He gave polished performance knock.--out Jamaican Roy
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 106 15 Ihe Singapore Recreation Clob w*N be represented t>y the following against $ne Singapore Chinese Recreation CJufc on Wednesday at the ftfl.C. ground: R. Rozaria; 3. Scfreerder, James de Scuza; Clfr. L*W*on, Cdr. Oxford. F. Nororma; W. N_ Moore, C. Campbell, JI. van Schoonbeck. J. .Stanley, (Xix, WarprJck. Reserves:
    U.P  -  106 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 42 16 ANCHORAGE, Alaska. Jan 4 A United States A ,m.v Mi" 0 sin... v missing ■vice Monday with ni«^ s afa ;i ,d un nine men It took off on a wrathtw spot. n the **J to the Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 84 16 HAMBURG. Jan. 3. -A new i mass grave estimated to hold 2.000 bodies was uncovered yesterday at the Belsen camp. According to a camp source this is the eighth muss grave disccver- ed m Belsen Camp since the end Of the war. When Biitish trocps first
    U.P  -  84 words
  • 108 16 Washington, Jan. 4. -The ited States programme for ergency winter relief for FT Italy and Austria got und formally 34 days atter the line set by Secretary of Mr. George C. Marshall. and the United States sifl Rome the agreed terms of initial share of American ance unde r
    U.P  -  108 words
  • 36 16 LONDON. Jan. 3. Mi J nald James Bowker. at pfl High Commissioner for the M Kingdom m Rangoon, lias I appointed Britain's first AB sador to the union of BitraaßJ was officially announce! heß Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 27 16 t%W<M£~ ST mi mm nilbsa ,i*m [V^'Cj 8a8fil!lft1 1 -a. tr^i>^l I'l i Mm P Bsj|g^Bj# BFBr W* P"\««W m\\lim" ejS SAT/5F £D Wl M,u B^ R
      27 words
    • 52 16 fr Yes. tailoring is a V vX A "*> f "eater job than foiafl VyFlv &3| At least, we're doing 'I £s^s<" SSk^ year s 8)1 experience he ß jnfJLi '"^VV) WE CAN ADD TO 4 Xjffy x v# >/ WARDROBE AT t V (t_s_v jji^ MOPES ATE COST! _J_!__/
      52 words