Morning Tribune, 11 October 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 10 1 MORNING TRIBUNE (New Series) 10 CENTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1946
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  • 699 1 Convictions Quashed As First Batch Reach Ipoh Prison Camp ''STILL SATISFIED CHARGE WAS JUSTIFIED" SAYS WAR MINISTER The conviction of 2 13 paratroopers of the loth Parachute Battalion, Ctii Airborne Regiment, who were tried by court martial in K 1 u a ng, Johore, last
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  • 164 1 I 0: -Mr. Ernest Bevin, the British and leader of the British delegation, Human ian treaty to the Paris Conl( Id "I want to see the Danube as I commerce, as free as the sea where ixi all natijns move freely and peaceperlty to
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  • 119 1 Russians Say Hirohito Approved Siberia Attack Tokio. Oct. 10. -The Soviet prosecution at the War Crimes Tribunal for the Far East today submitted evidence to show that Emperor Hirohito saw and approved Japan's secret 1935 plan for an attack on Sibera. Colonel Rosenblit, the Sov:et prosecutor, presented an affidavit by
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 1 ennQ deft) and FJess when the sentences Nuremberg were being read.
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  • 93 1 The s< v. n ftCCUMd paratrooper Who bfQkc camp MM night in v.. of food in Kluang town While th* court martial trial was on are re--1 ort«d tO hav»- been summ;inly ifitd and s<nt»ncod to 14 days' cb. On.' of them, PiivaU- W.
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  • 94 1 Chiang Restores Military Conscription NANKING, Oft. 10— DMQrdart China today tMtfff«d ttw 35th An niversary of tho birth of th<- R< jnjb lie as Generalissimo Chiang Kat-»hek restored military conscription. Tlip ui)»xp» 't<d announcement of a draft w..s back in k*'#»pinß with tht mood of thu- day. Th«r»' fIOUOI, not
    A.P.  -  94 words
  • 63 1 Tokio, Oct. 10. Tokio otwi paper strike < i nd r d to day. The nal onwide newspapei and radl I strike started tost Trid'^y to fi ipp rt the walkout t!t »l (> em] the neWkpape Yomiurj :<■ b protest against th» ol 31 edMortaf
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 103 2 Th~ cas<* for the prosecution ae*inst fivv R.A.S.C. men accused of d 1 retaining stolen pro ]»>riy was continued yesterday in the Berond District Court. Th> five MOMt4 w<-<- L/cpl. Dollah b Dalil, Pte. I^a: Thmm, Pt«-. Ong Ten* San. Pt.- Turn Clung Ho, and PU-
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  • 306 2 New Admissions To Raffles Medical (Tribune Stall' Reporter) Singapore's two Colleges, the Raffles College and the King Edward VII College of Medicine yesterday admitted fresh students for the first time since the outbreak of the Pacific War five years ago. Raffles ColU'tff was also
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  • 179 2 The first post-war hatch of students numbering 102, amongst whom were 18 Scholarship and Exhibition students, Wll admitted into the King Kdward VII College of Medicine yesterday. Scholarship students who arrived in Singapore from various parts of Malaya arc hai Kam Chuen of Tftiplng, Ng Ail Lye
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  • 308 2 Victory Savings Certificates valued at $15 each will be on sale shortly in Singapore. A Bill providing authority to borrow $10,000,000 through issue of these certificate! was passed at yesterday's meeting of the Advisory Council. It is proposed to invest the funds derived in
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  • 120 2 Government has approved $80,197 fur fur ishing the students' dining ana" re<nation roonii> at the Kin^r K<iward VII Medical College and a ffl|njaer $10,^75 wa.s aUo approved io>r furniture and fittings in the Denial Clinic, according to figure* tabled at yesterday's \dvisory Council meeting.
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  • 186 2 Free Primary Education Plan In Malayan Union Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 10. -A scheme for free primary education covering a si K-year course in English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil is now under consideration by the Government, I learned from reliable sources. This forms part of the future educational policy of the
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  • 306 2 MR. CREECH-JONE SENDS MESSAGE TO SINGAPORE "We are living in an age of grea deni] I human history, a formative period in which o I and new ideas wield ever- increasing Influence J lives and destinies of man'*- so runs a teleWil greetings sent to the people of Singapore by
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  • 34 2 STUTTGART, Oct. 9. Lt.General Lucius Clay today urged Gorman officials in the United States occupation zone to prevent boarding of food by German farmers and to strengthen the execution of de-nazification laws. A. P.
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  • 139 2 Escape Bid FroM Court An escape bid was made J terday, by a young fr M James Shanley, prior to ixj ing a police truck, which i to convey him to Outram l^H Gaol, from the police cm compound. Shanley made a dash frosH ground floor of the police co^H
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  • 104 2 Two armed robberies ok I 7 o 'clock in the morning the other at 7 o'clock in I night, on Wednesday, were«| ported to the police. I The morninu jobbery m place in Albert Street when J armed Chinese got away A $150 and jewellery worth H In the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 572 3 "$200,000 For Captain" M entioned In Corruption Charges Chinese Claim Trial In "$2-Miilion Case" I As a result of investigations conducted by the police into a case in which ad been stated goods worth $2,000,000 were concerned, ten charges were prerred yesterday, against three Chinese, Lim Cheng Hoe, Tan Kee
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  • 91 3 NEW RURAL BOARD MEMBERS The Singapore Rural Board low has s x unofficial m' mb r suing, four of whom w re w I:omcd into office by Mr. C. W. A. Sennett who presided at pesteriay's meeting. The four appointed were Mr. T. E. Andrew-. Inche Daud b n Vlohamed
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  • 60 3 ANTI-TIGER DRIVE ifa ontfent) LOR STAR, Oct. 4. H to Gajah Mati H having become p| tly, v\th in tie, the Assistant K't!,. Officer and the* VcteriM rtfanised a' ft The inhabitant MB" .:d to report ai.y loss cr B-' loss coats or cattle j^B owirg such a ve- ti
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  • 29 3 THE WAR DAMAGE CLAIMS COMMISSION Is the organisa)t the Wai Damage Claims Secretary Mr. Blacker, MCS; two Deputy taries, Mr. d. Brennan in tnd Mr. David Wong lala Lumpur.
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  • 216 3 BELLENGER EXPLAINS RANK REDUCTIONS >N, Oct. 9.— Answering questions in the imons, Mr. Bellenger, the War Minister, i 4 h the contraction of the forces, a very 1 »er of temporary appointments, carrying have been and were being dispensed consequence manv officers in the three ser- obliged to relinquish their
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 61 3 NANKING, Oct. 9:— Lady Cripps, President of the United Aid China Fund arrived in Nanking this afternoon and was welcomed by Madame Chiang Kai-shek, British Ambassador Sir Ralph Stevenjon, Mr. Attiee's special representative to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Lieut -General Carton Pewiart and High Chinese Government officials.
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  • 213 3 A strong case for allocation of extra rice to mandores who he said were also doing heavy labour work was put forward by Mr. H. W. E. Whitehouse, Executive Engineer (Rural), speaking a l a meeting of the Rural Board yesterday. Mr. Whitehouse pointed
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  • 115 3 (a tho York airrrafl r. d bito tho sea f -ff Pena on Sunday afternoon wert issued last nijrht as follows: Captain: Fli^ht-Lt. (ourtenay. < rew: P.i<*' Officer John*, F!yinjf Officer Armstrong, Warra > Ofleti llnv. ki s. Fiipht-Lt. MePhor^on, ntljXlH Murphy. Pass^nsrerH:
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  • 437 3 OUTRAM ROAD PRISON CASE ENDS One of the sordid chapter* of the Japanese administration of prisons in Singapore, ended yesterday with the conclusion of the trial of 44 Japanese personnel of the Military Section of the Outrum Road Prison on atrocity charges airatnst
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  • 336 4 Morning Tribune FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1946 The Acquitted Nazis When me Nuremberg fibunal acquitted Sehacht, ron rapen uiiu k riizsciie was from Germany that Ghere came the bitterest criticism of all. Ana il is Germany and the Germans ;vho now demand that diey be tried again. The legal position is
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  • 1210 4  - association of British malaya meets H. L. Hopkin OUR LETTER FROM LONDON By FLEET-STREET, Oct. 1. It was like a gala day in Old Hometown Week at the Waldorf Hotel when the Association ol British Malaya held its annual meeting. Th re was a far larger gathering than I had
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  • 72 4 Ba prkok, (> mJn E. of No, I 'Hsmissed the criminal I brought by the P U I against Lieu'em, t S-,r* I dhachavana and Nai 1 1 krai Proprietor ad ji Sahaparb The two defendants i* i^connection with a re^ t Inquiry i ifo the King
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  • 79 4 MONTREAL, Oct. M* and Indian delegate, at International Labour Organ: ion Conference here have 7* tested at the granting of Six out of 16 government's jn the governing body to a European states. Mr. Phadka (India) decia 1 that millions of worker* i dia want a "fair voice ins
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  • 92 4 SAN PRAKCISrO, Oct. -I "eremony observing the Itt d versary of the **onn<lincr of tbel -.ese Republic "ill ho hold f od« he statue of the 'at" Dr. h'M Sen. in San Praneiw I A wreath do -nt'^ by the Ja?fl prrowors of San Frarx'isw be
    A.P.  -  92 words
  • 57 4 PARIS, Oct. 9 '-The PreatW inet today discussed the s<W_ win* scandal" and a-t-rnW" \ta this statement: n>ent unanimously wishes mf truggle against the b!ack*». all its forms, and I rffair now being inve>tigat«o» I essly pursued without H partial or persons. H Highly-placed politicia K#
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 168 5 c. K. TANG I RIVER VALLEY ROAD, V SINGAPORE, S.S. J^ll kir.ds of Eastern Arts and Crafts. And Value at Minimum Cost. Various type* o> products. i L^ O l 'BismureUe Gift Bcti' Hp7 Wedding Presents, cto. I II ALLA BUX CO., Berth Bridge Road, Singapore. H[Adeipbi Hotel Building) I
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    • 174 5 j If it's obtainable anywhere it's in \~fho $inqnfinho $hnhA Dispensary HEALTH and VITALITY Why suffer GENERAL DEBILITY when a wide range of TONICS are now available CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL 51/53, Victoria Street Electrical United Trading Co v 61, Stamford Road, Singapore. IF IT IS ANYTHING ELECTRICAL, PLEASE CONSULT US
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    • 208 5 litiir Brcster* Ladlea Hair oressers, Latest 'ashions and Manicure by MiM Anna 3faj<>ric Ann Ladles Hair Dressing Baloon Formerly of Maison Galaxy and Maison Interlandl. Heeren Building, Orchard Road. Ihui THE TAVERN Up-to-date Hotel In a Quiet and Cool Locality. Rooms: Luxuriously Furnished Bar: All kinds of Ist Class liquors
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    • 131 5 trltiSL \lOff T\MA Music House, Cl/6S, 1 -:p* Vtrttt, eintapcre. For PLftJtoa. Muaio BJTOOBDB. TnoxM 74f11. Jptiiwr Regarding the eyesight Consult: New China Optical Co. 71, *rr* Btrtet, Bingaport. Phoc« I.? I Photographer Singa Photo Studio 14, Hlgb Btrett, C^QAPORI. Indw<.r *3* Oatdoor Photcgrspheri Pianm USED PIANOS BY FAMOUS MAKERS
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    • 164 5 Sanitary Ccnfraim* FONCHIN Co., Lto Office 64, Wallich Street Phone No. 7557. Sanitary fc Electrical Contract* Building Repairers and Q«n«rt Import «r§. SHOE CO., LTD. BATA BUILDING NORTH BRLDOI ROAD SUk Sli*& NEW SILKS in New Designs At Mclwani 9 s Expert. Ladles Dreaszoaken. 62, North Bridge Rd. Ttlr. 7911
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  • 294 6 TOKYO, Oct. 9.— Japa propaganda designed to instil in Japanese nationals Japan's right to control East Asia was Introduced by the Russian prosecution before the Internationa] Military Tribunal for the Far East to-day. Over ttrenaotu defence oblections, the Russians placed in evid'-nc" ttoerptf from
    A.P.  -  294 words
  • 208 6 Soviet Has An Eye On Ryukyus LONDON, Ort. Ij— Th* claim to Kyukyu islands v.hi<h United Statfti diplorrjatir quarters ar<« expcctittj Kovift Union will niake v.'ouid. if successful, h*lp the Russian) to put e strategic stranglehold on Japan. The Ryukyu group forms a .< r'u-. yi stepping stones from Japa
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  • 52 6 BATAVIA, Oct. 9.— lndonesian journalists from the Republicanheld territories of Java who are at present visiting Batavia and some members of the Republ can intrrmimm IVlm s'rv vv* to be entertained to lunch by the Commission-General at the t .ifutennnt Go u rio o Qi c residence
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  • 89 6 PARIS WITHOUT BROTHELS PARIS, Oct. B.— Paris is Without brothels for the i fir ume for generations. Midnight Sunday was the Lithe Limit for closing them fixed by law last April N The law makes illegal i no., uiug organised prosti- tut ion, but also soliciting ''by sign, gesture, word
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  • 147 6 U.S. Atom Plan Generous And Just Baruch NEW YORK, Oct. 9. Mr. Bernard M. Baruch. in an important re-statement of atomic policy, on Tuesday stoutly upheld the American plan for controlling atomic energy as "gener--OUB and just," and indirectly lashed at the former U.S. Commerce Secretary, Mr. Henry Wallace, for
    A.P.  -  147 words
  • 395 6 Dorman Smith Predicts More Trouble In Burma LONDON, Oct. 9.— Sir Reginald Dorrnan v former Governor of Burma, told a meeting of Jh Royal Empire Society in London to-day that he worried about the next phase in the British gramme for Burma which was to ret> or Prc ß definite
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  • 197 6 Chinese In Republican Cabinet BATAVIA. Oct. 9 .-The M Chinese daily. Sin Po, comment^B on the appointment of Ta n Pa Gqfl as a member of the Rtpul'.iaß Cabinet writ* "I* is a mistake I regard the appointment as a P.fl publican propaganda itQlt. The Republicans are a ■-an of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 175 6 LI^L AIIXFK exclusive in malaya to the morning tribimm Greater Odds HaUi No Man By M AfiTONE WHO SEI I a MiRRORr-AM'LL LOOK AT I I G-GREAT SCOTT f^\ S/GH.'- i-V AH V'ARNT SECH A If ACCORD'NG TO THE LAW OF MAHSELF. r MEBBE AH IS J IT CAN HAPPEN
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  • 476 7 (Our Own Reporter) K iMiupOT, Wednesday. Rice and rubber were the main themes of several speeches made by unoilicia! members on motions for adjournment at, the Malayan Advisory Council today. Mr. S. B. Palmer set the ball rolling wi h a charge of betrayal
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  • 460 7  -  Henry Gris 0 Uy wood Gossip By< rMornng Tribune >rres. in Hollywood. OLLYWCOD.— A mong all rlywood stars a newcomer to J e capital hold 3 an easy ftrcl oi i> 'ing this year's most raphed screen actress. B. name is V:veca Lindfors.
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  • 257 7 VAN MOOK STRUCK BY GOOD WILL PANGKAL PINANG, Oct. 0 Lieut. Gov.-Gen. Dr. vai Mook who returned here after attending the first session of the Dutch-In-dcnesian DtgOtiAtfOßl at Batavia in reply to various speakers at the conference this noming stated he was struck by the goodwill shown throughout th«* toafelf
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  • 68 7 SHANGHAI. Oct 0 Romittances o China lrom overseas Chinese during AiiKU t doubled Iht July figure, r- m lung the total of CN $8,000,000,--00. acoordim H*ti»l t.s-d y tbi Bank of China. Of this sum atjout hall came from ChiJMM r. IdiQf n v.i'- '>us pnrt%
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  • 189 7 INDIAN INDUSTRIALIST OFF TO UK I Oct. 8.-The Int: Ist, Haji Mossa fc Of the Par foi Indian MerI Ration, left La tonight for I oncluston of his h business trip to I J*g is a former P -Working ComE All-India Muslim fc leaving that I for opening This company
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  • 19 7 COW, Oct 9 Senora Dolor Ibnrruri. l«r In v "la hMhw amontf I Inition*] V. Federation. Reuter
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  • 39 7 Pretoria, ot. 9- -Gkatral .Is, Prim«« II of S< Ail icm, today tffu -<i ri he synodal commi sion of th«- I> h h asking him I i on bthalf of Um Nuremberg war crimes Reuter
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  • 1131 8 VERA AROMORE'S GOSSIP COLUMN Bagpipes At A Party To those of us who thrill to tb ikirl the bagpipes, TaeSdajr's ill P artv given by Brigadier Bandars and the omeers A th 6th Infantrj Brigade h.q. was a red-letter evenIng. Evf n the hardened SusImpres* d by the pipers of
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  • Article, Illustration
    385 8  -  Josephine Lowman By Without Grease It is well-known that rich greasy foods put on fat quicker than anything else. You will find these are rul.s you should follow, anyway, for thrift and best health. Rich, greasy foods are not easily digested and baked and broiled foods are
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  • 50 8 IK China Trade BHANOHAI, C I Boyce, head of the B Mission to Chr, told today that th- M appointed to M problems racing C I Ot them into tl between Britain and I Sir Leslie poi United Stat- 1 most prominent W* litdtiOD of China. qw.stion of U M
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  • 53 9 RANGOON, Oct. 9:— Dr. Ba Maw, heart of the Japanese -sponsored government of Burma during tho war. uho returned to Rangoon in August after his release under amnesty by the British authorities in Tokyo, may represent Burma at the forthco.ning War Reparations Commi.-. sion
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 122 9 f tstHemmgway ONE MAN IN THE tLD CAPABLE O^ Wl\ r *i If\ -i «*Aii* vfi APT! VA A ll\ O w Ia vI I X S P I R I N G '"aa£ia^Ssfe«i J^^L >~ v i "> »v n I I 1 i^J Q 1-% ii in tin
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    • 145 9 CATHAY PHONE 3400 11 a.m. 2, 4.15, 6.30, 9.30 p.m OPENING TODAY: 0 TALLUIAH CHAftIES J BANKHEAD COBURN T ANN* WIUIAM BAXTER EYTHE I^^WYAI SCANDAL iJq j I -.^VINCENT PRICE f Directed by Ono PREMINGER Produced by ERNST lUBITSCH S ATURDAY MIDNIGHT Double Tenth Anniversary. Fhifi is your real chance
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    • 230 9 Opening Today At The [|QN^^) 4 Shows 1.30 I 6.30 !)..*0 p.m. COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF FORGET YOUR TROUBLES lIFRF'S THE YEAR'S GR \NDEST COMEDY! Mmiy 'THE MORE THE MERRIER 7 has a ViUGgr **^ijf \ihLt <3i m. 7uß~. •■•i v u i» ■f l w '«9m7 U'MiiLt' Also Special
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  • 423 10 One hundred thousand Chinese packed Jalan Besar Stadium and Fairer Park yesterday to celebrate the Double Tenth anniversary. A» Jalan BtMf there was a ma«B drill of KfcoOl rh: Mr.-n while a I ii 'ayod ieloctio°?a« At Farrcr Park. I ioa of co'ourfui
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  • 71 10 LONDON, Oct. 9.— The fiaht be* ween Freddie Mills, British cruiser-weight champion, and Joe Baksi, American heavyweigttf, jixed /or ttarnngay on Oct. 22 may be postponed owing to the death of Baksis inuiner last night. Baksi was due to leave for England today. In the event of
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  • 117 10 BATAVIA, Oct. 10.— It is now learned the export trade will be returned to free enterprise when 'Nigico" (Netherlands) Indies Government Import and Export Organisation) is liquidated on Nov. 1. Exporting, however, will be subject to the rules laid down by the foreign exchange
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  • 50 10 RUBBER POSITION IN SOUTH BORNEO BATAVIA, Oct. 9.-The rubber position in South Borneo has improved in recent months with total native production during at 75 per cent of August 19:J9 total. Ruber estates on the Island of Banka total 32,292 hectares of 13.000,000 trees of which 9,000,000 are tappable.
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  • 16 10 Owing to the "Double Tenth" Chinese aNtional Holiday, there was no produce market yesterday.
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  • 91 10 de Havilland Misadventure Verdict WHITRTABLE. Kent. Oct. 9.— Capt Geoffrey do Havilland. nowa Brlti3h test pilot who ws killrd during I 1 f'ai *.\9hi in a iV H iv"llDnH Jet-Diane on September 27 wag d ac rrib°d «n ta^ntst here today as a "very fine English rentlemau who had piven
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  • 28 10 RAMBT7RO, Oct. I.— dot-mans in thn RHtish 7r>n^ havo so fn»- ro^pivrd 70.n0n relief parrolr— onrh oont^nin<r flbout 40 lb. of food— from UK Unitod Stat^ Relief Orprwiy.9.Horn
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  • 23 10 i ATPXANDPTA. fVt. 9_tt,i An n B Htmefni, tho Mufv of J«rtmaWfi] trd,.v raUrri on Ismail Ridkv Paslia! tho Egyptian Prime Minister hcrf
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  • 352 10 TRADE UNIONIST DEMAND MORE LOCAL ELECTION (Tribune Staff Reporter) 1 At the conclusion of the first annua conference of the Singapore Federation n^l Unions, it was resolved to appeal f v 1 to lift the restriction on free trade Th^ lasted four days. n c °WeiJ It was also resolved
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  • 61 10 LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE LONDON, Oct. 9-Th.J markets assumed a m mal appearance but E,f not widespread. &m showed a fairly 1 -i iiec gams and Horn T*' made slow but steady w^K Kaffirs although I^* the lowest remained sannß uneasy and other mining rM Gilt-edged Securities dSB slightly. Oils >howed
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  • 43 10 NEW YORK. Oct. 9.-ui pired rallying efforts in theiß iiour soon brought revivaH pressure including uncovered stop-loss orders and the $m market entered a new low, shoß ing broad-lront losses of upl nearly five points. 1 Closed week.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 78 10 Honi; Koßfi Ort. 10. —A <»M holiday whs declared h Her? 1 nnd Chinese aid British fl ITI flown from build -i" in relebns of China's Natlo the "Double Ten f h." A bip reception by the nioner of Poreigrn Affairs in S« China will
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 106 10 —NEW WORLD PARK TEL. 2535- I Watch for the "GALA NIGHTS" from 10th I 13th, Oct., Chinese 4t Double Tenth" Celebration. 11th A Special Flcor Show I by kind permission of C. S. F. The Brothers. I 12th Ancient Chinese Sword and Bpear n H by Miss frene Wo»i (EXTENSION
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 280 10 Try This AMERICAN ,1 V ANSWER TO Crossword Puzzle O V *Z t«sr- gpffl Pill l-Plump 84— Seed cover R;E;?:A!l |Ri A i iSCIEit Billiard shot Ift-Plot "CfAjtilSiA IT Y ■rMa^OlO -Suitable 3C--A fish dVIASHc A/ Ellin ffS_T -V-Chlll 87- epirltual [E[N -»-Cook 38-Command)n(j S Ylßjl [AgfAlßlß EiA'R'S 14-Chii.a n
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  • 200 11 Royal Scots win by only goal IKygi Scots 1. 96<j I.W.T. 0. Royal Scots just managed to beat the 969 ter Transport by the only goal in a keenly game of soccer at Jalan Besar yesterday of the Army elimination matches, and Kilified to enter the semi-finals for the L
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  • 120 11 Cesarewitch Final Acceptors 19.— The 30 final weight* and jockeys r< witch to be run over irter at Newmari October > arts Brideland) Pipo the jckey I Reynard K.P.H. Smith) Delv including seven h I -.o jockey) Gusty Wrag Star Lover pounds extra < harlea Smirke) TTansport (8/10 Tommy WesV
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  • 145 11 Base P.O. 3; S.R.C. 3. J er ma'.ch between the Army Base Post ne S.R.C, on the S.R.C. ground yestersulted in a draw, both sides scoring was keenly d and the exbrisk in both in the assome extent in the nscs score
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  • 224 11 Twenty community radio sets will shortly b e installed in the rural districts for the benefit of villagers, while 30 loudspeakers will be put in at key points in the city area. This was disclosed by Mr. G. O. Thomson, Public Relations Officer, invited
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  • 119 11 (Our Financial Correspondent) Rubber shares continued to be inquired for yesterday with Nyalas again done at 62| cts. A number of small buying orders for Kempas. Indragiris. Bentas and Tambalak^ were al±o reported. Tin shares, on the other hand, continued to be offered in London at cheaper
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  • 126 11 2 More Food Control Clerks Sentenced Two more convictions against Pood Control clerks wore recorded in the Special District Court yesterday, thr ftCCOMd being convicted of corruptly accepting money to show favour regarding renewal of ration cards. Wong Kut Wan, attached to the sub-branch at Victoria School, was convicted and
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  • 34 11 The monthly committee meeting of t.hc Merrytime Badminton Party will he held on Sunday, at 11.15 a.m., at the residence, of Mr. Gan Poh Yew, No. 52, Loronp 2U, Gey- 1 lnrirr
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  • 28 11 PARIS, Oct. 10:—- Cicn. d<- Gaulle h,\ hv v.i^hod "ardently that i Fr<-n<-h people f*j*C< thi pi 'r cl n,u confutation in the Oct. IS referendum. A. P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 407 11 (By Our Financial Reporter) The announcement yesterday that all international controls over the allocation of natural rubber would be removed as from Jan. 1 next year, was welcomed by most sections of the rubber trade here, "It is a good thing," a prominent European rubber
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  • 85 11 Criminal Trespass Charge A Tamil, Kandasamy, and three Chinese, N& Hong, Yap Ah Gong and Tan Tee, claimed trial yesterday in the Fourth Magistrate's Court to a charge of committing criminal trespass by entering a Japanese prison hospital camp at Nee Soon during the early hours of the morning of
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  • 73 11 The J.C.S.A. will meet the following teams In friendly soccer games:— 699 V.A.W. R.E.M.E. on Saturday, at Prince Edward Road; St. Joseph's Institution on Monday, at the School Ground. The J.C.S.A. teams will be chosen from the following: Teck Phuan, Balasingam, W. Hendroff, P. Ross, Ramasamy, Lim Swang.
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  • 273 11 Teo Chin Boon (26), gun before, wanted to se like by snatching, again* owner, a .45 revolver fror of the Tan Jong Pagar P( ensuing struggle, a round and it struck Teo in the Teo was brought to Tan Tock Seng Hospital where he died
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  • NIBs.....
    • 57 12 STILWELL CRITICALLY ILL .SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 10— Gen ral Jompt StilwHl, Commander of th«- Unit.d States Sixth Army In t-an Francisco, and formerly Oomnntl n, Chief of United States ground Tories m India, Burma and China, Is critically ill here Horn a liver condition believed to have been contracted in
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 38 12 BEIRUT. On 10.— The Lebanese c»os rnmeni will send fcn '■>'■' pro! the United states Gov •mment ■faio Pi d<-nt Tninmn'i st;it<-m< iit urging inunediat* P;il« stini-, Bftrdi E! Mul!a, the L'Piim« Minister told the Reuter
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    • 37 12 LONDON Oct. 10.— The War Offi L.-nt -(Icncral William Morgan to i Ice ovei duti< C >mmander of i)< Btafl in Wa hington o dm nbei "i the Joint stall n from Pield Lord W of HM7.
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    • 9 12 10 I [mo d Coi the f: Executive < om-
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    • 20 12 I OKD Q Otorgi ird d in one it v in •rhicfc made hw tw^ f ndon borouffb of Bt
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  • 182 12 Washington, Oct 10. -Diplomatic sour dav the US lias sent a ne vV nob to Russia, nrmSS her oppiwition to Joint soviet-Turkish defence in the Dardanelles. Moscow has been pressing Turkey tor joint dh fence of the straits and for direct Ankara-Moscow
    A.P.  -  182 words
  • 131 12 Tanks Guard Rome Cabinet Meeting ROME. Oct. 10, Strong reinforcements of steei-helmeted Italian troop- and police, alert to pi event a repetition ol Thursday's bloody noting, guarded the approaches to the Vimiiml' Palace as the Italian Cabinet met in an attempt to solve the atenlng labour crisis. During the night,
    A.P.  -  131 words
  • 46 12 WASHINGTON, Oct. 9-The Bureau of Agricultural Economic forecasts national income at $175,000,000,000 for 1947, an Increase Of $10,000,000,000 over 194G estimates. This record level inco me payments of individuals is expected to result irom higher industrial production, higher wage rates and full employment.
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  • 120 12 'That Wicked Man Churchill' Bevan 1/jXDON, Oct. 10. Aneunn Minister of Health, reft to Winston Churchill, Britain s war-time Premier as "that wicked man" in a speech here last night. Mr Bevan, who was replying to Churchill's attack on him last Saturday, said: "When people ask me to remember his
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 31 12 LONDON. Oct. 9.- Sir John Colville, Governor of Bombay wit li his wife and daughter were guests today at a formal party at the new hostel for Indian students here.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 51 12 New Delhi. Oct. 8. -Standing crops are not likely to suffer any Loss this year a s no further Invasion ol locusts is expected during this season although conditions in many desert areas are suitabl for breeding, acr cording to the Latest report on l' eusi situation.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 209 12 R USSIANS WANT HIROHITO TRIED tokio, or. 9.— Although the Russian prosecutl m al the International War Tribunal for the Far East does not propose the Immediate arrest and trial of the ip< ror as a war criminal, the opening Russian statemeni admitted hy the Tribunal on Tuesday makes it
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 118 12 Tug-boa t Crew A rrested BANGKOK, Oct. 8. The story of the tug-boat "Chale" which was Uikt>n out without permission to tow some rice junks as far a- Singapore while on a test run by her captain and crew, was brought up again at a press conference, given by the
    118 words
  • 40 12 LONDON, Oct. 9. Princess El in beth, heir to the British thrcifc today b talked and -hot n stag in fch( tort urrounding the Scottisl highland he me of the brother-in-law <•: 'he B iti h Qi ec i A. P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 634 12 (By Sydney Gampell, Reut r's LONDON, Oct. B.— Tut International Tin I ence starting in London today is expccu c; I the week-end. Its occasion is the expiry I national tin regulation agreement at tl 1 The latter which was essentially a produci i for regulating
    634 words
  • 88 12 A royal proclama n wasr?J H on Tuesday mi W Besar, Al >r Star. K dah,M m ino- the cert monl B| between Y. T. M. TunkuH I dah eldest daught r oi Sultan Badlislvjh ol Kedah y T M. Tunku Abdul W second son
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