Morning Tribune, 24 July 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 15 1 MORNING TRIBUNE IL. 1. NO. 73. S r -8) 10 CSNTS JjLV t 24, 1946.
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  • 655 1 Naval base chiefs to meet again today Retrenchment To Blame? (Tribune Stall Reporter) Ths biggest strike in S ngapore's history got u ider way y sterday when th remaining 3,000 Naval Bas( d ck a d men down;-- tool3 and joined 8,000 who s n ck work on Monday. There
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  • 164 1 LONDON, July 28: Angered by the disqualification of a dog which finished lecOnd, Mcttofl of the 30, <•()<) crowd wrecked Harringay Greyhound Stadium last night. The crowd invaded the track, B| haulted the officials and police, over turned the starting traps, nulled up the woodwork,
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  • 94 1 MADRAS, India, Julv 23. Six persons were wounded today when police opened fire 10 disperse a mo\r which set fire t 0 ten handloom fac- tories at the Kurur weaving centre near Triehinopoly in South India. Three of the weaving plants were dytroyed. The troubl e began
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  • 30 1 LONDON, July 23 Lieut-Gen. Kwei Yung-chin, head of th e Chinese military mission t Q the Alried Control Council fan Germany arrived In Berlin on Sunday.
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  • 41 1 LONDON, July 23.— Complete independence for a united Llby a and admission to th e Arab League wag demanded in a note sent to the Leapre bv the 'National Libyan Bloc* 1 of Tripoli. Rome Radio reported lasi night.
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  • 38 1 KENT. July 23— Britain's Labour Government has retained a seat- i* •h e by-el cction hero, it \va s announced early this morning. The Labour majority was 1.851 as against 11,763 In the last election.
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  • 339 1 London, July 23.— The Italian Army is to be reduced to a maximum of 250,000 men and 200 tanks under the provisions of the treaty between Italy and the Allied powers, Reuter learned today. The Italian navy will be cut to 2 battleships with main
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  • 1403 1 DEATH TOLL REACHES 93 Bomb Oiffra^c: Britain i<€*ly<.i~ts i\> WciNlriir^torr Gen. Cunningham Dashes Back To Jerusalem After Seeing The King Jem alem, July 23. The Palestine Government announced today that 93 person?, including 14 senior British and Palestine offiers. were killed outright under the "huge pile of debris" In the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 A FEW OF THF NEWLY v ny SWIMMING SOTTS ?ILK NICKERS r; ITALIAN SHIRT'Nrs TOOTAI T^ES ARRIVED ARTICLES <^™£ ETTE Pr J^l nvF J CIAN SlNirH's (Hun^K^oned) ES ™™™<- HAIR COI»IDS PLAST'C TOASTRACKS vj A N J> I <Vj r o For CHILDREN- kola bears baby rattles plastic com»s UWE
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    • 22 1 Page 1 News Inside CHINESE VOLUNTEERS' PETITION Fall Details page 2 $*****0 GJFT TO MEDICAL COLLEGE— Page 3 TEST CRICKET— Page 12
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  • 1062 2 IMPORTANT TALKS WITH i THE GOVERNOR TODAY (Tribune Staff Reporter) Grievances of Chinese Volunteers on the matcer of back-pay, pensions and the apparent lack of a definite scheme regarding financial compensation are sel out in a 57-page Memorandum drawn up by Chinese Volunteer officers and
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  • 130 2 MURDERED WOMAN HELD DAGGER Mystery surrounds the murder of an un dent fied Chinese woman about 50 years of age, who ivas found dead in a back lane of Geylang. In one hand she clutched a dagqer and on *ier person iv:re a purse containing $5.65, a gold ring and
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  • 136 2 "I am innocent: I have never stolen anything from anybody, shouted a middle-ag?d Cantonese woman. Wu San Mooi when a charge of robbers was explained to her in thp S?cnnd Polic Court yesterday. She was told that her case vould be postponed till the end of
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  • 91 2 Qjrclist Ismail bin Osrran WM ncrjuifted and disrhfir^od bv Mr. A Jack in the Relief Court yetterdiV ntiornin? of a rV»aro;p of havin.T in his po<s vision blr.rrlr IfMTt parts suspected to have been Umin Tlie spare par%\ claimed bv i^nihi!. vrre not returned to him. T
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  • 663 2 What Chinese Volunteers ask is that they be accorded full ngriis ana privileges as other members of ihe British Aimy wno have taken part in the war in matters of recognition, back-pay, rewards and other privileges. Tnis is the statement which appears
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  • 215 2 Ma lay a's Ju ng le Warfare School ILi; \l.\ LUMPUK, July 23: Bn 's latest bat< le i .-h* ol in 'He heart of the Malayan jungle M>out 20 miles- from Kuala Lumpur where I student* undergo the most strenuous forma <»f training ha- hot and cold water laid
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  • 81 2 PRAGUE. July 23. Thr United States and deohosknvtWa signed mi tgreemeni yesterday extending to Czochclnvikia M million U dollars credit lor purchas e of American raw cotton. The credit will be u>ed by the Czech textile mills on <h e United States Export-Import Bank, at
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 35 2 MANILA, July 22.— The Army relayed a radio duspatch from Baguio in northern Luzon saying that week's typhoon death roll has been raised to 16 with the discovery of three more bodies.
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  • 202 2 A Chinese, Seah Seek H»'njr, who mu committed by Magistrate. K M. Byrne on Monday for trial in th« Asiisei "ii charge of armed robbery with violence, was again produced in the Third Police Court tresterday, this time on a charge of armed robbery. Tho complainant,
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  • 100 2 WASHINGTON, July 23- -The U.S. State Department on Monday gave its instructions to General Joseph T. McNarney, th'3 American military commander in Germany, making it clear that the United States does not desire fl divided Germany. The instructions on which General McNarney based his proposal
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • 29 2 WASHINGTON. July 23. E»Kstdeni Truman hfts nominated Mr. James Dunn. United Stat<\ s Assistant Secretary of Stair. ;i> pew United States Amba>>ador to Italy
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  • 251 3 $150,000 GIFT TO MEDICAL COLLEGE Mr. LU w Kwoni? Hon of Kuala Lumpur has offered to donate $150,000 to the Kins Edward VII Collej oi Medicine, Singapore, to erp buate the name of his father, Mr. Liew Wcng Clier, (he well-known banker. This offer is contained 1 1 a letter
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  • 58 3 Lim Kwanu Siak (41), who chanied $3 instead of $2 for a ka.Hu of pork at Beach Road market on Monday afternoon. <> ?i fenced to four weeks' rigorctu Itnvr'sontnent by Second District Judge T(irl Thoon L'v vest rday l m wa* arrested
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  • 292 3 Three Japs condemned to hang Three of the seven Japanese wl,o were on trial in the Australian War Crimes Couri on chaigsi of lntiumane treatment of British and aAustralian PoW s and thereby causing the deaths of three at the Lien Kha n Camp, in French Indo-China, between April 15,
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  • 50 3 HoMrr; on July 16 of current li^t'nct from demonetised) notc s of th e French Franc Area should apply immediately to any Bank which is a member of the Malayan Fxchari^e Banks Association for information as to how such holdings may be encashed. Application! for encashment shouM bei
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  • 349 3 Of interest to many Malayans will be the Palembane and Sungei Gurong PoW Camp trial which is due to start at the No. 7 War Crimes Court in Anson Road before Lt. Col. Forsythe today. The accused number 24, amoim whom are
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  • 38 3 T.ONDON. Julv 23.— There were 217 murders in Burniq In the month of June the Hou So of Common* w»? Informed today. Incompleto reports from Rangoon Ktate that there orn 1.033 dtcoifles, oxcludinf? rho Mvitkvina distrirf.
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  • 101 3 A temporary increase in pennooi was notified by the Qorernmeni of India in May, 1 04 5 In view of this, the Colonial Government have also ■greed to I further increase over that previously notified, in the pensions of the pensioners of the Government of Bong Konjr and
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  • 230 3 RICKSHAW PULLERS WANT TO BECOME TRISHAW MEN S at! R< )ntr i .cn Holding 'he view that trUhaws an.' mor<> xtracticable than r ckshaws, officials ot the Rickshaw Association told me yesterday that 'hey arc asking for authorization to convert 3.000 rickshaw into trishaws* This was one reac\on to the
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  • 173 3 Dagger Revolver Robbery Five Chinese Ong Tang Lirn (19), Kob Yak Chum (22), Chu Swee Lan (22), Koh Bah (20) and Too Tai Cho 25 were yesterday committed to stand their trip] at the next Assizes on charge 1 of armed robbery. At a preliminary inquiry held In the Fourth
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  • 210 3 He had never interrogated or beaitn tue uriKnown Chinese, neither had lie instructed h.s warders Amnad and Lee to thrash him, Mani&am Thanipathy stated in a lengthy delence in the witness box at the Singapore Arizes yesttraay. inaiiapathy was charged w*th abutment of murder and abetment
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  • 43 3 TOKIO, July 22.— An Education Reform Bill embodying the United States Education Mission's suggestion for decentralizing the Japanese school cystem is scucuuku for prcleDtatkm to the Diet tomorrow. The plan would separate the schools from the Japanese Home Ministry.
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  • 52 3 CAIRO, July 22.— A meeting of hi«rh Government And police officials Mi the M'nistry of Interior in Cairo today, it is understood, considered taking 1 further measures against th > Misr el Fattat organisation to vhich belorped 11 Egyptians arrested today who confessed to taking part in recent
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  • 92 3 SENTRY COMMITTED TO ASSIZES An Indian sentry Jamna Das (21) wiis committed to stand his trial at the next Attil s on a charge of armed robbery, at the conclusion oi preliminary inquiry held D3fore Mr. StoiT yesterday. It is alleged that on the nigni June 1 he held up
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  • 267 3 How a party of Japane <\ members of an espionage unit in Singapore, who s night asylum in Keiron ngsang, a small island on* the coast of Sumatra jome time before the surrender killed two Ma l ay policemen by shooting, was alleged at
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  • 337 4 The Morning Tribune WEDNESDAY. JULY 24. 1946. First Class! The news that the Nazi Minister to Siam was re- j patriated from Singapore in first class accommodation by the Empress of Australia will not have surprised readers of the Tribune, accustomed as they are to reports of indulgent treatment towards
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  • 1442 4  - G.G. Paddies His Own Canve George G. Thomson |jy Public Rclaticiii Oilicer (jii a recent Broadcast) Likt a bird testing Its wings i Sunderiand plane taxied along th Johore Straits until it took ufi on its flighi. It was carrying Mr. Malcolm MacDonald. th<> Governor-General of Malaya ami his party
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  • 139 4 TOKYO. July 23: Jo&e P Laurel, president ol the Philippines puppel Government set up when ih, Japanese dominated those Islands, and reportedly charged with treason as result will be turned over to the ii'' w Philippine Government for trial at the request of President Manuel
    A.P.  -  139 words
  • 90 4 MEXICO CITY, July 13. —Mexico's claim to nine islands off the United States Pacific Coasi (i ht-in^ pre pitrod for presentation t<> Washing ton. Th» Islands Include Pnralones, ofl »San Francisco, the famous resort Island Of Santa Catalina. of! BanprO and also Santarosa* Santacruz, Santabarbara, Sannicolas
    A.P.  -  90 words
  • 40 4 MOSCOW, July 22.— Gpnerallssimo Stalin. Vya^heslav Molotov. Foreign Minister and other Soviet leaders watched a colourful four-hour physical culture parade and demonstration followed by a soccer match In? afternoon on the occasion Ol the Soviet Union's Day of Physical Culture.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 141, RIVER VALLKV ROAD. For all kinds of Eastern ATM and Crafts «j« rational Value at Minimum Cd»l B Auts B'tiutlfy your features with widest range of beauty products ftnugea, Compacts. Face Powders. 'Yearns, Lotions etc. Latest shipment tell at— E Allabux Co. 83. North Bridge Road. 8 port Book
      166 words
    • 155 5 I it's obtainable anywhere it's in— V Ekctricai United I'rading Co., 61, Sum/oid Uoad, bingapore. ii ii IS ANYTHING LLbLTKICAL, i'LEASE CONSULT US. Embroidery Otrtcl Importers of all kinds of Cmnese Hand-made fancy Goodb ((.ooftivroitL i b»*iuij Road (Rodney House;, Singapore. Flowers Lotus Flower Shop AT YOUR SERVICE Ariftcial Fresh
      155 words
    • 196 5 aieral Merchandise FOR ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS VISIT tl.lltC'G 5, Stamford Road, Singapore v.'rere a new shipment of pm-lan L-INNER SERVICE SETS and ALUMINIUM WARE may be inspected. Telephone 7563 Hair Dressers Larties Hair Ere&sers. Latest Pa&hlOQl and Manicure by Miss AnDa Majjoric* Aii ii Ladies Hair Dressing Saloon Formerly of
      196 words
    • 135 5 Men f Wear 111 A WASHINGTON BRAND SHIRTS (A Gent* Distinctive 4 Stylish ShlrU) Call at— E. ALLABUX CO., 92 North Bridge Road. Singapore. Music Store T.M.A. Music House, 61/53, Hlgn Btreet. Sicgapore. For PIANOS MUSIC RECORDS I Phone 7485 Gptictas, Regarding the eye sight Consult. New China Optical Co.
      135 words
    • 162 5 Marden Company Refrigerating Engineert B^, Orchard Road P. O. Box 755 Telegrams: "MARDE>" Singapore. Sanitary Contractors FONGHIi\(&Co v Ltd OfTice 6i, Wallich Street Phcne No. 7557. I Sanitary Electrical Ccntractw Building Repafren and Gen<*n Importers. Shoes SHOE CO., LTD BAT A GILDING. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD Silk Sim I NEH SILKS
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  • Article, Illustration
    405 6  -  Josephine Low man B Take A Look I love my friends. They are always attractive and entertain- 1 i»ijr and they hare the most de" lightiul and welcome habit of bringing forth bright and stimulating remarks just when I am low on copy ideas. The other day
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  • 135 6 London, July 22. No protest T "rom the Persian Government con erning the British warships reported to be lying off the south Persian coast has yet been received, the British Foreign Office spokesman -tated today. At the same time he denied re ports current In the last
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  • 57 6 NEWMARKET, July 22.— E Britt. tht Maharaja QaakWSZ of B da's jockey had a narrow from injury wh-n at with Fred Armstrong's team here .••.day. Britt was riding a two < i when, the girth broke throi him to the gr< und but b< to hold on
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 105 6 I Manila. July 22. An end to the bloody clashes between the Hukbalahaps and Philippines MP- was forseen by a high Government official but the Manila press did not share his optimism. While Interior Secretary Jose Zolueta announced prospect I of a peaceful settlement as "fen bright" the
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  • 98 6 Vatican Confirms Pope's Plea VATICAN CITY. July '2'2.— Vatt .-in authorities confirmed today that the Pope had requested the Polish Government not to cany out the death sentence on Arthur Greiser, former Gauleiter of Western Poland, found guilty of war crimes. Greiser wsj hanged in Fosnan yesterday The Nuncio. Moilsipnor
    A.P.  -  98 words
  • 80 6 Phone Call To Wife Costs Month's Gaol HAMBURG. July 23. -After rowing 20 days across the Bal- <ic in a three- foot square rubber dinghy from Germany to Denmark, a German soldier UHls arrested while telephoning u> :his Danish wfe. Albert Kruger married a Danish girl while he was with
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 118 6 Yellow River Project Shanghai, July 22.— An agreement aimed at completing l>y December th t > fad Yellow River relocation project Involving the rcplacement of dykes dynamited daring the war was reached 011 July 22 between Communist negotiator C'hou Kn-lai and T. S. Tsiang, Director General of th«Chinese relief work.
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  • 264 6 Thirty-three-year-old John Morgan Jenkins, cashiered from the R.A.F. last November after beiny, found guilty of looting from a farmhouse in Germany, has been acquitted at a second "trial" in Lon- do a. The disciplinary committee of the Law Society refused an application on behalf
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  • 226 6 RAID STAGED AT WIM BLEDON Baskets ol strawberries and peaches were laid out in an air-raid shelter behind the Wimbledon Food Office recently. Th'\y had been seized from barrows outside the Wimbiedon tennis ground by posse of food otlicers, watched by the police. They drove up in a Council lorry
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  • 124 6 A Piece Of Advice, By Shinwell A warning to demobbed men Who are Waiting for executive jobs or |o open shops and arc not taking productive work was given by Mr BhlnWell, Minister of Fuel and Power. "They will disc-over in due c Unfortunately. he said, "and 1 deplore it
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  • 157 6 WELLINGTON, July 22.- Mr. Water Nash, New Zealand Finance Minister, said today that whatever the final outcome of the British Cabi- S net Missions Visit to India, the Mission deserved the highest credit for the "most amazing achievement of its kind in history." Mr. Nash's
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 102 6 Simpler Visas Promised LONDON, July 23. British Foreign Bscretary Ernest Bevln i promised early action on Mnnj day towards simplifying, it' not abolishing, passports ana visas for persons who want to enter and leave the Uniud Kingdom. Speaking a' a holiday camp exhibition, Mr Bevin said he objected to all
    A.P.  -  102 words

  • 331 7 Tommies Complain Of "Belsen Express BRITISH OCCUPATION ZONK HQ. Air Mail) Travel L-onditions in Europe for BAOR men ar.d women are so bad tha! some soldiers are choosing to spend their leave in Ger many rather than endure the ordeal of the journ to Britain. I Officer*- complain that me
    Reuter  -  331 words
  • 167 7 Lipstick Smuggler In Liner Fined £500 A suggestion that an International organisation usinp liners' crews was smuggling silk stockings, lipstick And fountain pens into Britain from America, was made at Southampton police court by Mr. E. S. Allen, Chiei Preventive Officer. James Patrick Pallon, a teaman In the Queen Mary,
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  • 82 7 LONDON, July 23.- IV British Cabinet announced that it has authorised a Whit 0 Paper detailing evidence which the Government said linked Jewish leaders With Palestine violence. General Sir Alan Cunningham Palestine Hteh Commissioner. Conferred with n < 1 Kinu and wm Under Mood to have given
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 94 7 BOMBAY, July 22— R. S. Dange, loader, declared today on his return Inciian trade union and Communist from the International Trade Union Conference in Moscow: "The next wf,rld war will be a war between Democratic nnd anti-Democratic forces. The only question it when it v.ill break out.
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  • 47 7 FORT LOUIS, Mauritius, July 22. Sugar estate workeri who hav( been on itrike for tforo weeki re turned to work today pending th» decision of the arbitration board. The strike followed thr di-^ ..<■ i trade union official by the mm* Dager of Perney EsUte.— Reutei
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  • 190 7 A lurry driver whose 41-year-old wife was enticed away by a former Ensa manager was awarded £350 I with costs at Maidstone. Walter Leonard MuHinger 51 of Marine Square, Brighton, formerly Kent area manager for Knsa, waa sued by Arthur Frederick Church, Milton Street,
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  • 206 7 LONDON. July 22.— The Chiefs of Staff were pre- S sent when the British Call- net met this morning to discuss the Palestine situ- i atton as newt from Pales- i t tine toid of the blowing up *of the British military i headquarters. i S The High
    A.P.  -  206 words
  • 88 7 ISTANBUL. July 22.— Former premier Jelal Bayar accused President Inonu's Government of exercising "severe pressure" in an effort to in- fluence the outcome of the July 21 national elections. In a bitter formal statement B; asserted that many voters were dv s ven away from the polls
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  • 241 7 Mme SUN Wants U.S. TO QUIT CHINA SHANGHAI, July 23.— Madame Sun Yat-aen, widow China's revered revolutionary leader charged reactionanea with formenting war between the Tinted States and Russia and mred immediate withdrawal of American troopg and milr tary supplies from China. "The first flanii 1 of w<>rld coiifl;i^i<ition is
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  • 96 7 Dutch Buying Munitions From Siam? JOGJAKARTA, July 23.— The Indonesian News Agency Antara reported it learned from "informed circles" that the Dutch are endeavouring to strengthen their military forces in Java and Sumatra by ordering munitions through Siam~ Antara said the Dutch employed procurement through Siam as a result of
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  • 121 7 GKN. Joeepi "'Nanny, commander of the U.S. occupation son* lin Germany, today announced (according to Prankfori radio) that on July 1 the American occupation n Germany would enter an interme diate state between fall military enpation and occupation l>y police force Police troops, known as
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  • 75 7 TIENTSIN. July 22— Th c Chinese Communist Yenan radi o warned United otates Marine headquarters that its search in Communist territory for the seven marines kidnapped on July 13 was a violation of Chinese sovereignty. It said that unless the hunt was called off the marines must assume
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  • 85 7 SHANGHAI. July 22.--A *?roup of Chinese headed by writer Kuo Mo-io addressed an appeal to the United States protesting what it called "American contributions t o the cMI war in China." The appeal sent to the U.S. Secretary of State James Byrnes and other leaders said that
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  • 66 7 MALACCA, July K.— Mr. J. A. Brasier. Trade Union Adviser in M;ilay;i is to address the Clerical Union in Malacca when it meets on Saturday. Current prOblemi affecting the interests of all elerieal cmplOyee* will b« presented to t lie Adviser. At the meeting two representatives will
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  • 28 7 ROME. July 22.— A cyclone suddenly siormed ]«> rrght through thf Romangna region oi the Adriatic coast. Forty I people are go far reported missing.
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  • 123 7 WASHINGTON, July 23.— Diplomatic officials here expert the United States to show more cordial attitude towards the new Junta Government of Bolivia, than it displayed towards the Viellarroel repime which Junta overthrew. The State Department offieials said the situation in La Paza is still
    A.P.  -  123 words
  • 50 7 BRUSSELS, July 23. Belgian it likely to haw new Government within hours. Aft.-r a two-hour [on ob Monday afternoon, the liberal party decided to collaborate ir new left wing coalition gorenimeni which the Prince Regent a.-k--ed If. Paul Henri to form on Satur- day A P.
    A.P.  -  50 words

  • 206 8 President Hanged From Lamp Post LA PAZA, Bolivia, July 23.— Student and working j •lass insurgents were Monday controlling the Govern- j nent of Bolivia after four days of battle reported to lave cost 2,000 casualties in dead and wounded. In the fighting which ended
    A.P.  -  206 words
  • 103 8 Jewish Agency Condemns "Desperadoes" JERUSALEM, July 23.— The Jewish Agency issued a statement today condemning strongly the "gang of desperadoes" responsible for the bombexplosion at the King David Hotel, tvhich killed at least 50 persons. The Agency statement said that "the executive of the Jewish Agency and of the Jewish
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 138 8 Negroes Being Used To Suppress Registers BOMBAY. July 22 —The Bombay oflice of the Goa India; Congress Commit :ee stated today that the Portug-aese authorities m Ooa were using African Negro troops feo put down the passive resistance movement by the Goa Congress Committee. r ihe Goa Congress Committee i«
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  • 50 8 LONDON. July 22. The Governmt at-l I PSO] U a Party has carried K> provinces and the I figures indicate a certain victory for it in at least 28 out of the remaining 47 prcv the sf Sunday's general election in y. Anka'a Radio s'atid toSight. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 244 8 Unpredictables of the Undersea Atom Test Aboard the U.S.S. Ap- palachian, July 23.— When the world's fifth atom bomb 1 bursts beneath Bay on Thursday, scientists will be able to say whether in t the future coastal cities can i i be flooded by sub-surface J J atomic detonations
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  • 213 8 MALINO. Celebes, July bodying a federal plan for thB Dutch East Indies were day by delegates from the East Indie s except Java an Macassar m the Celebes. The resolu: ons w^re: First: All thr Dutch East Indies to form a single federation under
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 36 8 Puesdav. i the con- >n of his Pi day, Sir Ralph Btevenson, Ami i no conreraationa i n »1 Soni simo Chiang th< Bi it sh Oovei nmen( wi r fon uhe issue
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  • 363 8 Knife Battle In Bombay BOMBAY, July 23.— Bombay City tram and bus system ollicials announced yesterday stoning of vehicles and crippling of trolley wheels by rioting strikers threatened to halt completely the public transporta tion service. Rock throwing is also re- ported at steamship clocks. Workers anci others fought with
    A.P.  -  363 words
  • 39 8 Burbank, California. July 22. The and only Jet-propelled pla Japane ever the fir -i tim c at the Lockhi •<! The pli e wag called ihe '•Shushui" ai built for Japanese Naw. This plane Down but ombat.
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  • 152 8 Singapore, Tuesday Considerable damage w■ s caused in the Operating Theatre situated in the main Administrative Block of the General Hospital due to a short circuit, his morning. The fire brigade received n •<\l! from he h< spital at 12.52 a.m., and on arrival found the
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  • 123 8 Singapore, Tuesday Six Chinese, three of whom Were armed uith pistols, pulled )tt" a daring daybreak robberj t' house in Cairnhili Roadi it G o'clock this morning. They jot away wi h $1,500 and jewelti ry worth 3 t,«»oo. It is believed «^ha' the mm
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  • 25 8 Washington. July 23. President Truman yesterday s < nt to the the nomination of dam. C Dtinn t° be Ambassador 10 II A.P.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 163 9 THEMSI i&g^&i KILLED, WB\ I Paul K.-ih HCU/.S! vii^^ Roy Stuan 4H^^^VV TO SHAMBUj! W kf| THE HERO RESTS f 1 S Z Sakali :> SHOWS DAILY Such. *»ic »1 a.m.— p.m.— 4.15— 6 30—9.15 p m. eye-witness to disto sing DS US '■'4* «5 -nurdcr. 1 i^l M MOW/
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    • 233 9 P**l&K»ll!Stl*2lt«»l** d d into j I ni the rod Cani were <a.i.<i into action 10 disperse crowd esti- no persons Iho (fathered In front of the city hall demanding jobs- The police said the crowd "menaced" the chief of Civilian 'police, A. P. LOS ANGELES, July 23 —Jam. Rooserelt, eldest
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    • 225 9 iLlLiarllalLJ Ai"l < KN re\: 6909. 1 1 Weira ana I S^^Wondrous cjsyona I Battle Of The Century Mil J&/^^i j HUGO'S IMMORTAL Wu^\ >S MTiHT ON I THE HUNCHBACK IA victor hucos TH£ j ENTERTAINMENT f KSTIvS pAWE I f Wit.Hflfasrc/thousjnJs,induJin.? For Those Who Sir Cedric Har^icke Thomas MitcbeH
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  • 115 10 LONDON STOCK E XCHANGE I There n small oHerii Oiltedi d Securities resulting in occasional losses, oi I sixteenth. M Bents in the industrials; market inclined to favour buyers but in no case wa s there anv great pressur e to gsJL Early on Breweries los t ground but some
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 29 10 KURE,. Japan, July 22.— Workmen I *oday began unloading 16,000 tons of grain from vessels which brought the shipment of food requisitioned In the United States.
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  • 65 10 Timely Blow Struck Hie first olou at political disorders in Bu has been struck by Acting Goven Sir Henry Knight, by banning the Communist Party, says an editorial in today's Conservative Yorkshire Post. "Despite enormous difficulties," added the Yorkshire Post, "the Government do much praiseworthy work and the clcar duty
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  • 356 10 A Close Shave, B^it LONDON, July 22.— Playing without their star batsman, Yorkshire, pre-war champions, narrowly escaped defeat at the hands of Worcestershire, the match ending in two days with the Yorkshiremen just winning by one wicket. Stars of the match were Yorkshire's Coxon, who
    Reuter  -  356 words
  • 123 10 Today\ soccer match ;it |hc Jftlta Besar Stadium will be between the Malays Mid the Kianj; Wirele>s .vtation. These side- have met race before, and the Malays, (biding an "A" team, were soundly beaten. This time the Malays will field their full side and mean t<> STenge their
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  • 270 10 A record entry, which Leat all pre-war records, has been received for the all-Singapore 1946 table tennis championships. Chief int' rest in the championships is tho inter-club league event, which has attracted 19 affiliated clubs and associations, among them a European tram, which is
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  • 391 10 Home Soccer Season Begins In Sept. Morgan) LONDON, July be starting in Ccotland In Month and In England in six time when another rush of transfers Is anticipated. Many clubs have notified their shareholders at their annual meetings i\ all efforts would b3 mad" o increase the Btrength of the
    391 words
  • 50 10 HAPPY KNIGHT OUT OF ST. LEGER LONDON. July 22 -Sir William Cooke, owner of the ".000 Guineas winner. Hanny Knight, says his colt will not **un In the st Leger. Ht said: "I re Use he would not stay the distance so there is no sense in starting him Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
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    • 88 10 NOW SHOWINf. 9 i^F" y\ I Hi j i— v Vpk BsSBBBIS^BBB^iK^^^ Love Stones u^^flnfflßß^S&|| To TL P^BiHy Rose's^ft SIX To ri,j,: fcJ^iSttO^ Ana Kj tamo. |.^>t georgeseaton illliJ V^^ WILLIAM PERLBERG SATURDAY A! MIDNIGHT Screens Most Daring Love Story ti A Tl Ml t L df lhnlls! n~jz K
      88 words

  • 85 11 N'auheim, Germany. July 23.—Captain Joseph A. Robertson lost his F gal battle to escape trial on charges of aiding and authorising cruelty to American soldier prisoners in Lichfield I England I detention a mp, but won a three-day pos ponement lei him seek additional d
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 41 11 WASHINGTON. July 23. Umed| States *tll &**e a record harvest both wheat and maize Estimates up to Juiv 15 showed thai wheat crop of 1,132.*****0 bushels of wheat was likely— compared with la>t year's record crop of bushels.
    41 words
  • 170 11 PENANG. TUCS -The ollowing are handicap., for thr lirst day "of the Penang Turf Club on Saturday, J;ily 27: Horse*, Class. 1 Div. 1. 5'- fUTS.— I Jessanne 10.08. The Elk 9.10, Krishna 8.05, Bull Tol 8.01, Teponf? 8.00. Horses, Class 1, Div. 2, s'l. fan.— T!ie
    170 words
  • 47 11 CO-OPERATIVE THRIF T SOCIETY MEETING Members of The Singapore Mercantile Co-Opermtive thrift and Ur<n\ SocicV.v Ltd. are reminded that the sixteenth Annual General Medtilif will take place on Thursday, July 25, at f>.:H> p.m. at the Co-Operative Socie&ea Department, 6ih lloor, Pullerton BttiMing. Refreshments will i>e ierved.
    47 words
  • 193 11 Last Eight In French Tennis Paris, July 22. As the result Of today's play in the French lawn tennis championships at Roland Harros Stadium here there are three Frenchmen, two Americans, two Czechoslovakians and One Yugoslav in the last eight. The Wimbledon champion Yvon Petra had a comfortable three-set victory,
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 145 11 NEW YORK, July 22.— Stocks opened irregular and quiet. Selected industrials, minings, oils and chemicals displayed advancing tendencies during the morning but numerous issues, including foods, rails and wetstocks suffered more from lack of bids than any real pressure. Price changes of more than one point
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 99 11 Tlie following passengers arrived by B.O.A.C. Q.E.A. on July 21. From U.K.— Major H. F. Faster. Lady Trcdecar. Miss Epps. P O J. R. Duncan. P-O. H. Stag. Sg\ J. Diehie. £gt. J. button. Sgt. I. Evans. Sut. O. Knight. Sgt. O. Shipman. Sue A. Vaiurhan. From
    99 words
  • 282 11 MP Told Why Ships Leave UK Empty The question why ships were allowed to l ave British pons tor Singapore with empty cargo space in view of the importance of export trade and the fact that Singapore merchants found great difficulty in obtaining shipping space for goods was asked in
    Reuter  -  282 words

  • 860 12 -..^•.^•j« Sdll^ Hotta'd! ENGLAND Ist INNINGS VVashbrook c Himlelkar I. Mankad r >2 Hutton c Mushtaq All h Mankad 67 Compton lliw. Amarnath HI Hammond h Amarnath 69 Hardstaff e Merchant b Amarnath r >
    860 words
  • 365 12 Pataudi 's Worst Mistake? tB y Ia a r\(, c\ in s tontines MA N Cli ES TEIi, July 23. There were hop 8 V< Uerday of an Indian victory in the %e& ond Test but they disappear eU tvfu n s U for o runs* Wiiy did Hi s
    Reuter  -  365 words
  • 43 12 The J«-wi>h Community hew today proclaimed a "period of mourning" between 6 p.m. and midnight UxU) for victims of the bombing. All Arab shops were doted anil Arab truuic baited between noon ftnd 5 p.m. today as a "prOteal strike" against the (.utra^o.
    43 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements