Morning Tribune, 6 June 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 14 1 MORNING TRIBUNE VOL. 1. No. 32 (New Series) 10 CENTS THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 1946.
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  • 164 1 EPSOM, June s.— The j Derby was won by Airborne, with Gulf Stream second and Radiotherapy third. Won by one length: two lengths between second and third. White Jjicket was fourth. There were 17 runners. Gulf Stream, the hope of 82-year-old Lord Derby, who was bidding lot his
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 258 1 MALAYA'S GOC SAYS CRITICS 'UNJUST' (From Our Own Correspondent >• KUALA LUMPUR, June 5. Replying to what he described as "a campaign against the presence of the Army in Malaya" LieutGeneral Sir Frank Messervy (General Officer Commanding, Malaya) told a press conference today that the campaign was the result of
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  • 25 1 PEIPING, June s.— The arrest of 23 Chinese charged with military activity under the Japanese puppe* grovernment was announced here to A. P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 215 1 MANCHURIA TRUCE AGREEMENT TODA Y NANKING, JUNE 5.-THE SINO-AMERICAN UNITY COMMITTEE OF THREE WIL? TOMORROW SIGN AN AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR A 15-DAY TRUCE IN MANCHURIA. This follows a series of lenpthy talks with both Government and Communist representatives, by General Marshall, P-esident Truman's envoy. He had a five-hour talk yesterday
    A.P.  -  215 words
  • 134 1 55 DEAD, 200 HURT IN HOTEL FIRE Chicago, June* 5— A spec'acular fire here swept through the 23-storey La Salle Hotel in the early hours of this morning. The number of deaths so far known is officially sa'ed to b-fifty-five with abou; two hundred injured. Many of the hotel guests
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  • 53 1 ISTANBUL, June 5. Casualties in the Saturday earthquake in eastern Turkey are daily increasing. Tht latest official figures are 1,200 killed and 300 injured. Thirty-five villages have bean almost entirely destroyed, while 1,800 houses have collapsed, rendering 2,000 people homeless. Aid is belr.^ brought to them
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 48 1 TOKIO. Juno i.— The Yokoharn: Provost Marshal's Office has announced the arrest of an American soldi* i on a charge of killing u Japanese civilian with a groase-gun. His mo live was said to b« the victim's watcn was allegedly Bold later for 300 yen
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  • 129 1 San Fnanoisco, June 5. A chaplain who endured torture of fire, electricity and beatings, is the only' sururvior of 1,265 prisoners who were detained in a camp in Java. John G. Breman, 41, of California, now back in his native land after 10 years, wan
    A.P.  -  129 words
  • 89 1 DAYTON, OHIO. June 5. U.S. Army A'ir force engineers today talked of future speeds of 1,500 miles per hour for military aircraft, in announcing a new type of jet engine and the start of work on a floet of jet bombers and fighters. An official announcement
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 31 1 SHANGHAI. June s.— Thirty-four Japanese accused of atrocities at Japanese war prisoners camps in Formosa are being shipped aboard two British destroyers to Hongkong tor trial. A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
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  • 453 2 'Parasite' Promises To Leave Country Two men, described by Mr. Justice Hilbcry ils the most loathsome form of parasite from which modern society can suffer, were sentenced at the Old Bailey to terms of penal servitude for blackmailing an Army officer, called throughout the trial "Capt. X." The judge appealed
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  • 502 2 ASPERG, Germany Hitler hated three thingshorses, hunting and professional diplomats. These less publicized hatreds of the Fuehrer, who also disliked both Jews and Communists, were revealed by the six-foot-three SS Standartenfuehrer and Nazi diplomat Gustav Adolf von Halem, who was once ViceMarshal of the Berlin
    A.P.  -  502 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 2 Six reasons why the RKO R dio Picture, "George White's S.andals" has had such a successful run at {he Alhambra. High steppers all
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  • 124 2 LONDON. June 4.—Moscow is a city of mourning today with large crowds marching 10 pay last respects to their beloved former President whose body lies in state in the Hall of Columns. Red flags and photos of Kalinin edged wih black are hoisted on all buildings.
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 63 2 TOKK), June 4.—The Japanese < abinet has officially set the opening of the next Diet session for June 20, and has announced that representa tives of all parties will meet tomorrow to discuss drafting a constitution, which is expected to be the main item along with the budget. Cabinet members
    A.P.  -  63 words

  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 323 3 Clues:- Try This AMERICAN ,In horse's 32— Type semis Ufl _Vk mm/ I I I_T 1 ll ■rn uth r j I_-ME^F^_l C_l wW I^rMBJJr 4 Titles 33 Where we s— Pea shell slide G A merry 18— No place like L7— Unescorted occupation 12— A constellation 34— Drug source
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  • 50 3 Called "Arabesque," an evening frock in hand-painted nylon by Worth, is one of the many striking models designed by leading British designers to capture the valuable export trade to help put Br tnin on her feet. The dress is out with a very full skirt, full decotli^?.
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  • 134 3 BAT AVI A, June 4. An influential Dutch source said to-day that it is expected negotiations between the Dutch and Indonesians now will definitely enter their final stage but "an ultimate settlement is not yet in sight." Ho said Prime Minister Sutan Sharir must
    A.P.  -  134 words
  • 117 3 JOHANNESBURG. Recently a man drove his automobile from London to the South African Cape (using the sea only across the English Channel and the Straits of Gibraltar) in 31 days and 22 hours. He travelled along the new African highway from Algiers to Capetown, much of
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 83 3 Franco Says: UNO Violating Charter WASHINGTON. Juno s.— Tho Franco Government on Tuesday, in a statement released by the Spanish Embassy, said the Security Council subcommittee's report on Spain was an obvious intervention in the internal affairs of Spain. The statement said the report WU not a report but a
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 323 3 Head Waiters Are V.I.P. In Hollywood HOLLYWOOD— Not all the important people in Hollywood are listed in the movie credits. Almost as exalted as any producer are the head waiters, those polished gentlemen who ca n give one a ringside table or a seat next to the dirty dishes. To
    A.P.  -  323 words
  • 107 3 JAP SILK FOR U.K. i.'indon. Jut\t> 3. in reply t<> a nuostion In the House of Commons i was stated on behalf of the Board of Trade that 17,000,000 lbs. of raw silk mifrht be available from Japan in the next 12 months, of which 6 per cent, would be
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 128 3 LUNEBERG, Germany, June 5. A secret rjyalist army has been discovered operating in Europe, carrying guas and ammunition through Germany to Yugoslavia, British authorities disclosed here On Tuesday. The subversive Yugoslav movement Was dnccted by 40 generals of the Royal Yugoslav Army Whose camp was near
    A.P.  -  128 words

  • 312 4 Singapore Parade To Be Biggest Ever Inspection By ■Car, Carders By Bcigltj Singapore's parade in honour of the King's birthday on June 13 will be so big that the Governor, representing ths King, will carry out his inspection from his car, and the G.0.C., Singapore District (Major-General C. H. Cox)
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  • 216 4 (Tribune Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, June 5. Lack of clothes continues to be a major problem in the life of this town. Sartorial deficiencies of the citizens prevent Kuala Lumpur from living up to its official description as the capital of the Malayan Union. There is to be a
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  • 110 4 Unknown Airman To Lead V-Day Mass Flight LONDON, June 4.— An unknown warrior of the air will plot the Battle of Britain Hurricane fighter which is to lead the mass flight of nearly 300 RAF. planes on Victory Day. The Air Ministry an. nounced that the pilot an officer who
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 46 4 WASHINGTON, June 4.- Retroactive promotions and subsistence pay for all Navy, Marine and Coast Guard personnel held as prisoners during the War WoilM be permitted by a bill passed by the House of Representatives lod if and forwarded to President Truman for signature. A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 235 4 NANKING, June s.— Gen. George Marshall held lengthy conferences with Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek and Chou En-lai, in a new attempt to find a peace formula. The meetings failed to develop any special optimism. The Communists doubted the chances of an early agreement. Gen. Marshall conferred
    Associated Press  -  235 words
  • 41 4 DURBAN, June 4.— South Africa's Indian community will hold a day of passive resistance on Juno 13 in protest against the Asiatic Land enure and Indian Representation Bill which became law yesterday. There are about *****0 Indians in the Union. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 130 4 American Conscription Bill Passed WASHINGTON, June, 4. -The U.S. Senate Toted 54 to 36 to make 18 and 19-yarr-old Americans subject to Conscription. The vote \;as taken afu- r Republican Senator Guniey said their induction Into the services Was necessary if fathers and other soldiers with cm r 18 months
    A.P.  -  130 words
  • 34 4 PEIPING, June s.— The newspaper Sllih Cl*kh Jih Pao report* <1 that Li Yu-/uan, the 19-year-ol<l Concubine- of Henry Pu Yi, th'j puppet Emptrpr of Manchukio, was mcited in Changchun by Government forces. A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 126 4 BANGKOK, June 5. American and British military observers emplaned yesterday for Nongkhai and anticipated several weeks' stiv in the area of the recent French-Siamese border incident. The American Legation said the Siamese Government had requested that observers be sent to "survey the scene of the recent
    A.P.  -  126 words
  • 158 4 SECO Considers Spain Case Today NEW YORK, June s.— The United Nations subcommittee investigating Spain declared the exclusion of Franco Spain from the United Nations makes the effective control of atomic energy and armaments impossible. The mb^COMWitt— recommended that Spain bo considered for United Nations membership if France is re
    A.P.  -  158 words
  • 47 4 BAT AVI A, June 4.- The Indonesian Republic shonly will begin circulating its own paper currency, the Republican newspaper "Merdeka" states. "Merdeka" said the currency has been printed and is be'ng withheld only until currency regulations can be drawn up. Associated Press
    Associated Press  -  47 words
  • 229 4 London, Juno 4.— Mr. Barber Morrison, Lord President i.f th Council, told the Imperial Press ori fercnce dtltgltel here today tii. war had drought such changes in tin financial and material resources <,! tIM 'Onimonwoalth and Empire thai the post-war structure of trad. MUt
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 99 4 ABOARD THE MOUNT MC KINLEY OFF BIKINI ATOLL. June, 4. Indicative of the increasing worry ')Ver radio activity from toe aiomic bomb blast s the U.S. government's action in removing ail inhabitants from another island in the Marshall group. The latest eradiation involving 100 men, women and chttdrea
    A.P.  -  99 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 161 5 Jh& SinqapoJia Shop* Arts Curios C. K. TANG 241, RIVER VALLEY ROAD, SINGAPORE. S.S. For all kinds of Eastern Arts and Crafts. Exceptional Value at Minimum Cost. Beauty Aids Beautify your features with widest range of beauty products Rouges, Compacts, Pace Powders, Creams, Lotions etc. Latest shipment Call at— E.
      161 words
    • 147 5 Flowers Lotus Flower Shop AT YOUR SERVICE Artificial Fresh Flowers, Presentation Baskets, Boquets, Sprays, Wreaths, Home Car Decorations, Etc. 239, Orchard Road Singapore. Food Provisions BUN BEE CO. Provisions, Wines, Spirits, Greengrocers. Cold Storage Suppliers. 11] 113, Beach Road. Singapore. TELEPHONE No. 6460 General Merchandise FOR ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS VISIT
      147 words
    • 133 5 Optician Regarding the eye sight Consult: New China Optical Co. 71. High Street, Singapore. Phone 3786. Photographer SINGA PHOTO STUDIO 64, High Street. SINGAPORE. Indoor and Outdoor Photographers Readers' Union How much do you pay for your books? Save your money. Join RU. RU choices are priced at $2. to
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  • 291 5 Malaria Hampers Rice Production RANGOON, June 3.— Malaria and dacoits are two Of the principal factors affecting attempts to increase the cultivat on of rice in the Irrawaddy delta, states an official who has just returned from an extensive tour of the area. "Thousands of lives Will th lost and*
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 82 5 CHURCHMEN DEMAND TARKIO, Missouri, June 4. A spokesman at the Hosing session of the United States United Presbyterian Assembly demanded that the U.S. government withhold all grain from the vianufatturc of alcoholic beverages, except for medical needs, for the duration of the world food shortage.
    AP  -  82 words
  • 220 5 Congress Can Veto U.S. Loan To Soviets WASHINGTON, June 4.— American foreign loan tran-sac-lions have now reached the point where Congress will have a chance to ratify or veto a 1,000,000,000 dollar credit to Russia, if the administration approves of such a loan. The issue will develop on an imii
    A.P.  -  220 words
  • 46 5 WASHINGTON, June 4.— The U.S. Census Bureau repotted the value of meat products exported Under UNRRA's program .In.pprd to $6,000,000 (US.) in March from $52,000,000 in January and $18,000,000 :i February. The total of UNRRA exports rose to $107,000,000 in March from $91,000,000 in February. A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 218 5 Siam's Boy King To Return To Switzerland BANGKOK, June 5.— Siam's 20-year-old King Ananda Mahidol tentatively plans to emplane from Bangkok on June 13 for America and Europe. The Foreign Office sai.l the monarch probably will stay a wi-ek or ten days in the United States. He is en route
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • 375 6 The Morning Tribune THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 1946. Murders In Egypt The British Government the Labour Government has been stung to protest against the attitude of the Egyptian Government towards the murder of two British military policemen. The Egyptian Prime Minister, Sidky Pasha, has adopted the stand that anti-British attacks have
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  • 1071 6  -  IVOR B. N. EVANS, The finCematfonal tyutlook of Britain's scientists was emphasised at a recent London conference which discussed by British author and journalist who specialises in scientific subjects. Ten years ago such a confer, ence of scientists as was recently held at the Beaver Hall.
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  • 109 6 ELECTED TO DIET ON FALSE QUALIFICATIONS OSAKA, Japan, June 4 A young Japainst- Woman who W;is recently elected to the Diet an«l who is now on trial for tlleged falsification of her education reCOrd told the District Court here that she claimed to have ■ttended college because of "the dream-like
    A.P.  -  109 words
  • 77 6 Film Star Collaborator Sentenced PARIS. June s—Beautiful5 Beautiful French Him sar Oorlnne Luchaire. 25-year-old daughter of an executed pro-German extremist, was sentenced to "national disgrace" on Tuesday on charges of collabora ion. She wa s found guilty of intimacy with German and Italian officers during the war. Miss Luchaire, who
    Associated Press  -  77 words
  • 36 6 WASHINGTON, June 5— The Senate Finance Committee approved a bill providing ior the relief of Philippine war Veterans and dependents. The measure is ft Companion to a similar measure before the House of Representatives. A. P.
    A.P.  -  36 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 173 7 At The Worlds GLOBE G.W. I Daily. :i 7 918 pin TWO GIRLS A SAILOR' Van .Johnson June Allyson Gloria Dt-Haven LIDO N.W (Daily: 3—7—9.30 p.m.) "SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT" Opening To-morrow "RANCHO GRANDE" (Gene Autry> SKY G.W. 'Daily: 7 p.m. 915 p.m.) "BLONDIE PLAYS CUPID" and "PRISONER'S FUGITIVE CAMP"
      173 words
    • 221 7 Phone 3400 NOW SHOWING 11 a.m., 2.00, 4.30, 7.30 9.30 p.m. So matter what the weather forecast this week is the stars are always out at the Cathay Cinema! In Paramount's star-studded, gigantic musical comedy hitl "Kiar ftpainglccl lllivHiiii" Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, Blng Crosby and Betty Hutton and other
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 411 7 Radio Programme RADIO MALAYA Rl L lOO- 1200 hr«.) Malay Schools Broadcast ever) Tuesday, Thursday anrJ Saturday. 0900- 1 OHO his. Bafllsk Schools Broadcast every Monday. 1100-1200 hrs. Bafllsk SchooiS Broadcast Wednesday and Friday. 1200-1400 hrs.) 300 metres in the medium wave band and 7.22 megacycles per second in the
      411 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 207 8 jk3MiJ&E ntMZwar i!Vfrri€:ii:« World-Famed Classic Is More THRILLS /WlOOl NIOHTS/J— r- i rf t m tl i. Wild R o m °"'c' \~-*}t*BZLm+. ColoLirfui I o-Uay I nan It t, f y Adventure' y>m. MaSm^ Ell D I Forbidden Excitements' rf>r •if **^[^rSi ver Has Been! ygaS Wfimjfkd DAILY Five
      207 words
    • 219 8 A| 1] lUn I) t 5 UKi SHOWS DAILY LHAM B R A u^l*-+-**-*i* BOOK NOW! Tel. 6909. TARGET I Oil I O-M4,1l I This Picture Stops at nothing! It strips HITLER bare of his pretensions; it shows that his was not the voice of a God, but the voice
      219 words

  • 103 9 They Took A Tip From 400 B.C. Basing their research o I the suggestion that "when in doubt go back to the ancients for an idea", a South African firm managed to produce neatly designed furniture wrought from malleable iron after studying the iron utensil.; and furniture made in Egypt
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  • 353 9 Threat To Woman CafeOwner A 21 -year old Chinese. Kwan Cheng Wah, was convic ed and sentenced to four months' ri in the Fourth Police Court ytsterday for attemp ing to ex'ort money from the proprietress of the Mount Blanc Cafe, Lim Ah Moy. The accused wrote a le ter
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  • 221 9 A packet of opium, opium pipes ftnd lamps were produced in the Relief Court yesterday, when t*o Chinese were each sentenced to I unp month's rigorous imprisonment i for smoking opium in a private den In North Bridge Road and of possessing opium A.S.P. Grose of the
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  • 34 9 DUMB BLONDE: "So I said to him, 'Give me a ring sometime, my number's in the book. You don't know my name? That's in the book, too/ Men are so silly."
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  • 402 9 An impressive record of constructive achievement lies behind the Royal Engineers and the Royal Indian Engineers of Malaya Command. British and Indian soldiers have already done much to put Malaya back on its feet and remedy the general deterioration of public services resulting
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  • 130 9 5 A.M. WALK WITH COW— GAOLED A man leading a cow along the streets of Singapore is a commonplace event but a man with a milking cow walking along Jaian Besar at 5 a.m. in the morning needs some explaining. So thought a Police Corporal on the morning of Feb.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • 283 10 LOST 6 DAYS IN CAMERONS JUNGLE After six days of wandering lost through heavily jungled mountains near the Cameron Highlands leave centre, an R.A.F. officer, Flying-Officer William Leslie Mclachlan (of 37 Derwent Road, Palmers Green, London) has been found by two Sakai hillmen. Mclachlan had been missing since the morning
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  • 93 10 Revised vegetables and fish prices will come into effect tomorrow as follows:— Long Beans 20 cents a katty Bean Sprouts (Soya Bean) 23 Brinjals. white or green 25 Brinjals purple 20 Chillies, red 60 Chillies, green 40 Colocasia 18 Cucumber 25 Gourd (bottle > 14
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  • 83 10 Jeeps Here For Commercial Use (Tribune Staff Reporter). The first jeep s for commercial use in Malaya have arrived. The consignment of 100 jt'eps and a number of motor-cycles, are for use hroughou- Malaya by MAREOC (the Malayan Rubber Estate Owners' Company). It is believed the jeep s have come
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  • 130 10 Australian Liaison Officer Mr. Henry Stokes, a senior officer of the Australian Department of External Affairs, has been appointed Australian Political Liaison Officer to be attached to Lord Killearn's Office, the Tribune understands. In addition, he will be political adviser to the Australian Commissioner for Malaya, Mr. Claude Massey. Mr.
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  • 43 10 RANGOON, June s.— Dock labour- en. here today called off their strike viien the port authorities assured them that their grievances would be redressed. They had gone on i strike yesterday because of dissatisfaction with their food rations.— i Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 67 10 The Dental Clinic at the General Hospital is now open for treatment of patients. The treatment centres at Kandang Kerbau and Tan Teck Seng Hospitals will be closed down The treatment available for the time being will be much less than that afforded in peace
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  • 139 10 EUROPEAN ACCUSED FOR 1ST ASSIZES The first official ceremony since the surrender, to mark the opening of Assizes will be held at the Supreme Court next Wednesday at JO I a.m. The Chief Justice of Singa pore, Mr. Justice Murray Aynsley will preside. The Judges will march in prf>ce a
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  • 92 10 At the end of a lengthy inquiry in the Fifth "Police court yesterday ar» Indian soldier Akram b. Ayat Mo named was committed to stand his trial at the next Assizes on a charge of raping a Cantonese girl. Leong Yin Cheng, at the Botanical Gardens on the
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  • 164 10 "Extortion is a very mean kind of offence It is such a despicable mme"' remarked the First District Judge Mr. Storr when he passed sentence of twelve months' rigorous imprisonment ot» two Chinese, Lee Len (30) and Lam Say (29), who admitted receiving $10 from
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  • 82 10 For possessing 10 lbs. of opium, a 55-year old Cantonese Han Ah Teck was sentenced to six months' r.i. in the Third Police Court yesterday. A Customs patrol boat on rounds in the roads saw the accused |hurriedly take a parcel into his cabin when
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  • 404 10 For what was characterised by the American Prosecutor as "a case of wilful, wanton murder, the type of murder so shocking as to make civilized people all over the world cringe," two Japanese Kempeitai officials, 2nd./Lt. Tsugio Kawahata and Sgt./MaJ. Murakami Isao, were
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  • 229 10 General Hospital Civilian Again From June 12 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The General Hospital will re-open for the reception of civilian patients on June 12 after an interval of four years and four months. The facilities afforded will be on a strictly limited scale at first, but after the initial opening
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  • 403 11  - Good Victory For Indians Lcary Constantino (By FG H H H HH H G HGHGGFF SOUTHAMPTON, June 4.— Dismissing: Hampshire's last three men for only two runs at Southampton today then hitting off 210 in three hours 45 minutes, India gained a fine six wickets victory two hours before the
    Reuter  -  403 words
  • 250 11 LONDON, June 4 Dismissing Sussex for 35 runs in their first innings the lowest score to date Glamorgan won their fixture at Horsham by an innings and 103 runs in two days. Between them, Matthews and Judge captured all the Sussex wickets for a total of 31
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 52 11 Tho Recs drew with Pillay's Xi in a hockey match at Thompson Road yesterday. The Rees opened scoring in tfte first half and the equaliser came from Victor John who was plftfiftf ri^ht half for Pillay's XI, early ;n the second half. Play was not of a
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  • 81 11 WASHINGTON. June s.— The U.S Senate voted pay increases for unlisted men today, boosting privates pny from $50 (U.S.) monthly to fib Other raises were: Corporals, $t'O from $66; Serjeants, $100 from $78. The mensure was proposed by S«nn tors LnFollette and Johnson. Corresponding: pay Increases
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 17 11 T/ISBON. June 5. Dr. Antonio Salazar, 57-year-old Prime Minister •>f Portugal, is seriously ill Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 157 11 Army Beat Malays 3-0 Showing marked improvement on their outing against the Chinese Athletic last Sunday, an Army XI beat the Malays 3—o at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. In spite of the margin of defeat, the Malays played well and the game produced some good soccer. The first half
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  • 118 11 AMSTERDAM, June s.— Germany and Japan are to be barred from membership in the International Amateur Wrestling Federation, while membership applications from Italy and Austria will be handled by thj next world Olympic congress in AWR decided at its congress in Amsterdam on Tuesday. A Swedish resolution to
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • 76 11 LONDON, June 4.— When asked »n the House of Commons whether the Cabinet Mission had obtained guarantees that any independent government of India would honour the obligations of its present government regarding pensions, Mr. Arthur Henderson, Under Secretary for India, replied: "No, Sir. But theae and other
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 127 11 EMBASSY DOORMAN WAS S PY MONTREAL. June 5 —The Russian directors of the alleged espionage network In Canada, placed a gradual** electrical engnieer in a job as h doorman at the Soviet EmbaSsv m Ottawa in their search for Canadian and American wartime scientific secrets, it was testified at the
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 47 11 LONDON, June 4.—British heavyweight champion Bruce Woodcock defeated Freddie Mills, British lightweight champion, on points in a 12-round battle before a crowd of 10,700 at Harringay Arena. Woodcock scaled 191 pounds and Mills 181 pounds. On the same card, Ernie Roderick beat Kondiri on points.
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  • 41 11 CAIRO. June s.— The Egyptaln Senate, after a four-hour secret session, has approved the policy of the Egyptian delegation which is negotiating with the British Government on the future status of Egypt and the evacuation of British troops.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 138 11 PENANG As a further step towards smashing crime along the water-front, a radio launch patrol has been introduced here. Manned by Army and Civil Police, the radio launch works round the clock. It is fast and can receive and transmit messages from and to
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  • 421 11 Joe Louis To Meet Conn In Fortnight NEW YORK. The promised postwar boom in American sports that began even before the war was over is destined to include an all-time Mgh in boxing gate receipts. With the heavy weight championship battle between Joe Louis and Billy Conn just a fortnight
    Associated Press  -  421 words

  • 590 12 any suggestion the Army was ''lavishly housed." Pointing to his own establishment, he said he had staying with him under the same roof six other officers one married couple, six British other ranks, and 20 Indian other ranks excluding servants. He said that if an instance could be placed before
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  • 276 12 "Open Conflict In Java Not Likely" Says Mount batten LONDON, June 5. Admiral Mountbattcn, who has arrived in London for the Victory parade, told a press conference today he did not expect any organised warfare between Indonesian patriots and Dutch forces, if there was any trouble between the two over
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 83 12 A Hokkien was found lying dead on Braddell Road, on Tuesday night by police radio patrols. Closer examination revealed he had been shot through the rijrht side of his chest. Some money was found on his body. Amonfc 11 other cases that racio patrofs
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  • 102 12 WEST POINT, New York. Juno The largest graduating class in the history of the U.S. Mililarv Academy 875 cadets received seconJ lieutenant's commissions yesterday. Secretary of War Patterson in a speech at the ceremonies said: "Sharp criticism of everything th» Army did in waging the war is
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 144 12 PARIS, June s.— France's three major parties remain silent on the question of who will head the new government but impartial observers believe a Socialist will be chosen. There is little likelihood ihii the MRP, which becam 3 France's strongest party in Sunday's election, will
    A.P.  -  144 words
  • 23 12 WARSAW. June s.— The Government has announced that 500,000 Germans have been expelled from Polish territory since March 1 A. P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 166 12 COURT DENIES APPLICATION FOR TOJO TOKK). June 5. Another defence attempt to prevent the Allied trial of Japan's war leaders has met a quick death. Mr- David F. Smith, counsel for Foreign Minister Hirota, says the Chief Justice Sir William Webb c* the International Military has denied his application
    A.P.  -  166 words
  • 93 12 I SCOW, June s.— Despite th" of drought to the rich grain he food and rehabilitation posiis better in the Ukraine than flo-Russia. This was the im)n of foreign correspondents oday returned to Moscow from visits to the U.N.R.R.A. misoperating in these two of
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 38 12 AUCKLAND. New Zealand, Juno, 4. The death on Tuesday of a newly born infant from tetanus a.srribed to spores in talcum powdoi brought the total of deaths from this cause in New Zealand to six.
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  • 152 12 GERMAN ATOM EXPERTS IN SPAIN Mexico City. Juno 5. Spain has all the elements necessary for th( manufacure of the atomic bomb, including minerals and technicians, said Doctor Jose Giral. Prime Minis er of the Spanish Republican Governmen: -in-Exile-Five top-rank German techni cians entered Spain in May 1945 and "whatever
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 127 12 NEW U.S. LOAN TO CHINA Washington, June 5. The Chinese Ambassador to the United Stntes, Mr. Wei Tanminjr, conferred with U. S. Secretary of State James Hyrnes after which he he exnected an additional American loan would be made to China soon. Mr. Wei said: "Only I few detail remain
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 41 12 LUNKBKRG. Germany. Juno r >. The British Military Government here has disclosed that 3. r > former Hitler youth leaders, described as members of the new Nazi secret un derjrround movement, have been arraigned on charges of subversi /<* activity. A. P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
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