Morning Tribune, 3 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Morning Tribune
  • 16 1 Niw Series, Vol. l. No. 3 Pr.ce 10 Cents MORNING TRIBUNE SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1946.
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  • 197 1 Byrnes Urges Evacuation Of Italy Paris Talks PARIS, May 2.— United States Secretary of State James Byrnes has reportedly urged Foreign Ministers lo reduce Allied occupation forces m Austria immediately and to plan a simui lani'ous Allied evacuation of Italy and Austria. A qualified source said that Mr. Byrnes asked
    A.P.  -  197 words
  • 284 1 LONDON, May 2. The proposal when Mr. Ernest Bevin took back to Paris for the future of the Ruhr and Rhneland are reliably believed. Reuter's diplomatic correspondent said today, to consist of two alternative plans. Britain is apparently suggest ng that the Ruhr industries should
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 A recent picture of the Duchess of Kent, taken at a school function where a number of children receded prizes from her. Picture shows the Duchess distributing the prizes.
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    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 390 1 Important conferences to stimulate the flow of rice from Siam to countries m South-east Asia were held m the past few days m Bangkok between tne Siamese Government and Lord Kiilearn, Special Commissioner, S-E Asia. In a statement issued shortly before his departure from Bangkok for
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  • 163 1 UNO SUB -COMMITTEE PROBING FRANCO CASE NEW YORK, May 2.— The United Nations sub-com-mittee investigating the Spanish question opened the way for the receipt of evidence from the Franco regime, should it desire a hearing, by announcing on Thursday that they would welcome information from any sources. After the first
    A.P.  -  163 words
  • 47 1 TOKYO. May 2.— Chief Prosecutor Joseph B. Keenan said today that he would ask seDarate arraignment at a later date for two Internatlonall war crimes suspects who are presently en route from Bangkok and Siam. They are former General .Seihiro lupaki and Heitaro Kimura A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 145 1 Second Firing Squad Execution This Morning The second Japanese genera! sentenced by the Singapore war crimes court to face the firing squad is scheduled to be executed This Morning Major-Gen. Itzuki Tosho, chief accused m the big Car N cobar atrocity case, who was condemned to death on March 26
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  • 33 1 TOKYO, May 2.— Shigenori Togo, the former foreign minister, and one of the 28 indicted Japanese war criminals, enterpri Sugamo prison today, ending his house arrest permitted by poor health so far A.P.
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  • 77 1 Jap Naval Harakiri Ordered TOKIO, May 2.— The Japane* government was q.vcn until April 30 1947 to destroy the Imperial Navy i major combatant ships which Un ted States military forces failed to sink, j sa^d a Supreme All ed CommandPacific, memorandum to the Japanese Headquarters mid that it s
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 In Other Pages War Crimes Cases Page 2 Tojo Breaks Silence Page 3 Features Pa 0 e 4 Sultans Will Meet Governor Page 5 Entertainment "What's on Today" Page 6 Outsider Wins 2,000 Guineas Page 7 Soldier Robs Bank Page 8
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  • 89 2 Jap Denies Beating Victim "Severely" The war crimes case in whicn Per:y Officer Yoshinobu Takayanani stands charged with illtreating and beating to death an Indian civilian of Port Blair reached its final stage yesterday, when the defence case closed after a witness called by the accused had given his evidence.
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  • 79 2 H.K. C onstitution To Be Revised LOUDEN, MC7 2. The constitut on of the British Crown Colony of Hong ji)Uk revised on a more liberal I r fM »ca M possible. The Colonial Secretary. Mr. George Hail, said m the House of Commons yesterday that the British Government was considering
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 105 2 Intimidated Complainant, Warned The case m which Wong Lai Kwi Was charged with accepting illeer^l gratification cam.- up m the First Court again yesteraay. The case wns first m.nnoned on April 25 when Wong was released on $500 bail. When the case came up yesterday, the prosecution alleged that the
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  • 87 2 Tr:bune Correspondent > PENANG, May 1. Traffic was jammed between 11 a.m. and noon today when a gigantic procession, about 20,000 strong, wended ts way through Penang's man thoroughfares m cele bration of Labour Day. At a rally held at the Wembley Park earlier m the day.
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  • 423 2 TWO important ordinances one temporarily restricting the powers of civil co urts and the other extending the life of the Rent Assessment (Additional Powers) Proclamation enforced during the period of military administration were read and approved at yesterday's first open session of the Singapore Advisory
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  • 117 2 WASHINGTON, May 2.— An optimistic report on the prospects of the United States fulfilling her short and long term wheat export commitment was given by the United States Secretary for Agriculture. Mr. Clinton Anderson, at a press conference here last night. It was stated here to-night
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 86 2 The hon. general secretary, Mr. S. M. Ortaga, desires to communicate with former members of the above Newton Rocklites Sports Party in order to revive the sportin? activities of the "Rocklites'" after a lapse of 4 years. Members are asked to communicate with either Mr. S. M. Ortega, c o
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  • 280 2 Sgt.-Maior Yoshiknwa Taira. commandant of Kran.l Hospital Camp b"tween May 1044 and August 1945. was yesterday sentenced to four y an 1 rlporous imprisonment when he was found guilty on an amended charge of ill-treatinp Allied POWs. The charge was amended by the court
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  • 154 2 "Killed By Enemy Action" I "Death by enemy action" was the verdict returned by the Coroner at the inquiry into the death over four years ago of Dr. V. H. Norris, a medical officer m the Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Dr. Norris was found dead
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  • 107 2 Dutch Community Will Celebrate Liberation Day The liberation of the Netherlandr on May 5 last year, is beng commemorated by the Hollanders all ovei the world by thanksgiving and celebration. In the Netherlands thanksgiving services will be held in all churches and market places of towns and villages and a
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  • 34 2 BERLIN. May 1.— Marshal of the R.A.F. Sir Sholto Douglas arrived by air at Berlin this afternoon to take over from Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery as Chief of the British i Occupation Force.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 198 2 IPOH. Apr. 29.— Reading like a macabre tale from the pen rf Edgar Allan Pot, comes a strange story from the lonely village of Matang, Jelutong, two miles from Bagan Serai where the bodies of a Malay woman and her small child were found to
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  • 278 2 RiCE HOARDING A Chinese woman, Ang Clung No (5.3). and Tan Kirn Sia (21) were se it ncetf ti imprisonment as well asfined m the Fourt'i Cciurt yesterday when they were found guilty of hoarding 15 pit uls of rice In a house In
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  • 123 2 Six officers and eighteen auxil aries of the WAC's former Malayans have just reached Kuala Lumpur to take jobs at Malaya Command H.Q. Two of the girls. Corporal T. French and Sergeant H Dc Souza, have the r homes m the town and have
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  • 354 3 TOJO BREAKS SILENCE TOKYO. May 2-— Hideki Tojo, Japan's wartime Premier, bntk" a long silence yesterday t<» declare Japan fought a "War of self -protection* 1 anil promised that his defence at the War Crimes trial would include the fall slon oi his part
    A.P.  -  354 words
  • 304 3 WASHINGTON, May 1.- In creased How of goods leaving Indian ports for the United States and moving from American factories for India is foreshadowed by the Uniied States Department of Commerce m an exclusive statement t > Renter. The statement said: "India's jute, mica, carpets,
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 60 3 LONDON. May 2— The Swedish Crown Prince Qtvtaf Adolf and the Crown Prince«s Louise mtc scheduled to fly to London on Friday for R vri* of fo'ir weeks II was learned! aufio-it^tivch on Wcdnrsdav. The Rovii couple will st'iv uith tii M r-< ivonesc: of Milford Haven at Kr^sinpton Tb"
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 218 3 25-Year-Oid Lawsuit Before Privy Council LONDON. May I.— ln a panelLed room m the House of Lords today, the closing stages of a Lawsuit which began m India 25 years ago were foughi out bel the Privy Council to decide the ownership of an estate producing two lakhs rupees annually.
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 368 3 Successful applications for bail were made before Mr. K. M. Byrne, m the third court, for two police inspectors. Piers Prosper Webb ami Oliver Ignatius Carvelh?), 14 detectives and Hussein bin Ali AlsagofT, who were among the group of police and prison
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  • 183 3 New Bretton Woods Appointments LONDON, May I.— Two ol Britain's three appointments to Brecon Woods Institutions an unexpected, namely Chancellor of the Exchequt r Hugh Dalton, himself to succeed Lord Keynes as British Governor, and Sir Percy James Grigg (Churchill's War Minister) as British Director of the Bretuw Woods Bank.
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 257 3 WASHINGTON, May lndian officials hero are rously protesting at the Combined Pood Hoard proa which would drastic a I 3 cot the allotment of 500*000 tons of wheat they are seeking for May. it is i i tied authoritatively. Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao. Indian representative
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 115 3 Future Of Ruhr Rhineland LONDON, May 2.— An authoritative source said last night that the British Commonwealth Prime Ministers are opposed to a French proposal for the separation of the Ruhr and the Rhineland from Germany, preferring that the areas should be run by a public corporation, pre- ferably administered
    A.P.  -  115 words
  • 20 3 WASHINGTON. May I.— lndia, phina and Europe including u.N.R.R.A. countries will get some 115,000,000 pounds of dried skimmed milk. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 349 3 20 MILLION VICTORY CARDENS U.S. TARGET WASHINGTON. May I.— The Jfftonnl Garden Conference of the U.S Department of Auriculture ended o hrer-d;iy meeting with a recommen lattan for a new nat'onal goal a X nillion victory garden* In 194 G. r than was reaciitci n ctny year of the war
    U.S.I.S.  -  349 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 227 3 NOTICE. MUNICIPALITY OF STORE REVISED RATES FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY. It is notified that with effect from May 1946, meter readings, j the rates for supply of Electrical Energy will be m accor-! dance with the following rev sed Schedule of Tariffs: Schedi le of Tariffs for the Supply
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  • 353 4 The Morning Tribune FRIDAY. MAY 3. 1946. Pusillanimity T-he united Nations Organisation Security Council iius handled tiie bpanisn question witn tne same Urmaiiy as was caspiayea by its defunct predecessor, Lhe L.eague of Nation s Assembly, and v can omy be nopea that the consequences will not De equally aisastrous.
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    • 1972 4  - Democracy AND The Press J. Lansdale Hodson Tale Of A Secret Coded Cable By British novelist and war correspondent. i .1. tiai oi „i and i Coin;. and i; Imagine wh an lm i tor the newspaper Press is m that democracy, a Press fr< riticise tin* Oovernmem to i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 your optical requireDAH SIN has exactly fflciency and my. Dali Sin O| 1 House I North Bridge Road, Singapore. Proprietor P. S. Dzing, O.D. Former General Manager of n si iical house Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 193 5 ay h h U..1 I ftr I .ni and stage is n w< pt. L, > o c rvative M ol Parliament and leadlnR crl i on plan who la expected in Kuala Lumpur within two or three days. A grand welcome Lb being arranged.
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  • 100 5 Johore Sultan Predicts Trouble Here LONDON, May Thc S a,t 0) Johon described the British icfceme for the Malayan Union as an -'outright" annexation of the nine Malayan stulcs and predicted mere is -bound to be trouble." Visiting London in his first holiday since Johores liberation from the Japanese, thc
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • 216 5 GAMMANS TO MEET SULTANS FENANG. May 2— Capt. L. D. Oommans, Conservative M.P., said last night he was "proposing to return to Malaya for a few weeks to discuss the Sultans and the leaders of all communities the proposed constitutional changes to which strong objection has been taken." Gnminans.
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  • 151 5 Sir Ben Open Anti-Waste Campaign LONDON. May I.— The campaign to underline Britain's battle for bread was opeinKl today when Sir Ben Smith, Minister of Food, expressed the warning that the British food position has to be made darker still. Opening the anti-waste campaign. Sir Ben Smith said: "In todays
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 272 5 LONDON, May 2— The final phase Of a 25-year-old legal battle for an Indian estate unfolded on Wednesday before the Privy Council here, the highest judicial authority m the British Empire. The estate is claimed by a "dead Rajah who says he was
    A.P.  -  272 words
  • 129 5 PENANG. May 1. In thp near future the British Association of Straits Merchants would be taking over trood-; brouuht into Penang states Lt. Col. J. N. Gibbons. Officer-ln-Charge. Northern Supply Area H.-aclquarters. He further said that certain firms would take over certain categories of eoods. the
    129 words
  • 42 5 Photo: —Photo, taken at the v v n c, ttiowi (left to right —Sir Pethick'Lawrence, Comgreu Pr< lulaiia Abdul FttUnn A \tr. Asaf ah (Congreu leader), Mr. Alexander mcar the wall > a:'d S: r Stafford Cripps (foreground). P.O.G I.
    P.O.G.I.  -  42 words
  • 404 5 In opposition to the separation of the Colony of Singapore from the Malayan Union whicli became an accomplished fact with the coming into force of the Singapore Colony Order-in- Council, 1946, the Malayan Democratic Union, has submitted a memorandum to the Governors of Singapore and
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  • 164 5 Java's Rice Gift For India Near Realisation BATAVIA, May I.— A despatch from Noel Buckley, Reuter's Correspondent states that the effort of Dr. Sumn Sjahrr, Indonesian "Prime Minister," to cement the ii«-s with India by a gift of half a mill on tons of javas rice to help avert India's
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 124 5 LISBON, May 2.— Norway should have a greater export and import bus ness with Portugal than at piesent Axel Thingvol told the newspaper "Diatio Lisboa" m an interview on Wednesday. Th-ngvol is the Commercial Attache at the Norwegian Legation m Lisbon He stressed "Norway was the number
    A.P.  -  124 words
  • 32 5 JERUSALEM. Mav 1- An attemorj to blow up a British destroyer lo Haifa harbour was toiled b\ tha dlsoovery of kitbaff with explosive* m the mess of the destroyer Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 138 5 New A ttack On Union -By Soviets! Allied ng tod I to her and cj am rcma.ned without effect U vas added. Dontributei to (ho "New Times" an article which declared thai Japanese reactionaries. I I the parliament as the result of the premature elections, "are trying with ;'ll Paidst
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 152 5 BELFAST, May I.— As dawn broke over the Irish Sea to-day, three lifeboats were alongside the 7 600-ton troopship Georgetown- Victory which was holed m two places when she went aground at the entrance to Strangford Lough a few miles south of Belfast, shortly after midnight.
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 142 5 BERKLEY, Calif., May 2.— A iraehint' which may bt- able to smash neutrons and protons, and possibly produce subneuclear energy far surpassing that of atom bombs, was unveiled at the University of California after being kept a long secret, writes Rennie Taylor, Associated Press
    A.P.  -  142 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 192 6 AMUSEMENT NOTICES TO-DA V 4 SHOWS 1.30 4 6.30 9.30 p.m. i ■:-JPM gg; BBS "*^B MERLE I- BBk' IA M 111. unliULlvO iHl^iAla^ LAIRD AfJ v with I W iLMk I SIR CEDRIC HARDWiCKE IV SARA ALLGOOD P I Aubrey Mather p Directed by JOHN BRAHM ffl Produced by
      192 words
    • 116 6 At_Jle_ Worlds GLOBE G.W. Daily. 3 p.m. 7—9.30 p.m. 'CAPTAIN KJDD" With Charles Laughton of the King of Pirates. Midnight (11.30) To-morrow •THE RETURN OF THE FROG* (Gordon Barker) LIDO N.W. (Daily: 3 7—9.30 p.m.) U.S. Marines meet Mr. Jap! "GUNG HO" Midnight (11.30) To-morrow 'YOU'LL NEVER GET RICH' SKY
      116 words
    • 122 6 A a «>7kvv OPJSNING TO-DW H A IViKK A 11 1.15 S.SO 6.15 0.15 LnAMDft/i TE 6909 TO-MORROW EXCITING as y° u v <" >' TOGETHER ;i .v (>li Vl wanted them! ERROL ANN FLYNN SHERIDAN IN "EDGE CF DARKNESS" Phone j* mmm w DAILY 3400 V^ A I MA
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 228 6 Singapore Radio RED NETWORK from nooi to 2 p.m. and 6.30 to 11 p.m. or 325 metres from noon to 2 p.m lon 4.825 mcs/sec m 61 metn bana and from 7.45 to 9.30 p.m jon 4.78 mac/sec m 61 mefcrt band. CHINESE noon to 1.15 p.m fn<ws m Hokkien
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  • 285 7 HAPPY KNIGHT NOW A DERBY FAVOURITE NEWIYI\KKET, May I.— History repeated itself m the Two Thousand Guineas to-day, when the 28-1 outsider Happy Kn'ffht, owned by Sir William Cooke, ran away with the first classic race of thr, 1945 season. >>i < uiu was
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 193 7 HONGKONG, May 1.--Tho rent nu ket m Hontkong has reached new heißhts, and Hongkong businessmen Who ai'v thinking of bringing their luailus buck have now ben warned by tin- Administration that it M virtually helpless m the face of an acute housing shortage. The CMMM population
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 86 7 (Tribun. Correspondent) FENANG. May I.— ln the case m which C. M. Sunder.ij, police inspector before and during the Japanese occupation, W;is charK«d With voluntarily causing hurt to Haroun, former sub-ins-pector of police, the accused was acquitted and discharged without defence bdng called at the Relief Court
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  • 88 7 YOKOHAMA, May 2— The attacß on two American soldiers beaten by a Japanese crowd at Kamata on Sunday was "not serious from a broad viewpoint" said Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger. the Eighth Army Commander today. He said that it was an isolated cast and
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 109 7 In Sinpapore on his way from London to China today l s Mr. Hsiao Ch'ien. London correspondent of the Ta Kung Pao. the influcn tal independent daily published simultaneously at Chtmgk Of, Shanghai and Tientsin. Mr. Us ao left Hong Kong for Europe on the
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  • 143 7 V ASHINGTON, May 2.— Mr. Clinton P. Anderson. United States Secretary for Agriculture, announced last night that his department has arranged to ship 150,000 bales of controlled cotton to the American zone of Germany. Negotiations were :ilso under way for a shipment of cotton to the
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  • 107 7 EGYPTIAN ARMY OCCUPIES UNIVERSITY ALEXANDRIA. May 2.— The Egyp tian Arm:' at midn'ght last night oc cupied Farouk el Awal Un versity following two days' rioting .n which fc«JC policemen were killfd and 28 n vrcd Troops worn called out yesterday evening to clear the university, and aft-i making 18
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 202 7 Kite-Flying "Menace To Public Safety" (Tribune Correspondent) PENANG, May l.—Kite-flying in streets has become such a menace to public safety of late, that the authorities are taking Steps to prjhibit this practice. Captain Luscombe of the Traffic Branch told the Tribune that one of the steps will be the giving
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  • 105 7 BERLIN. May 2 Maj.-Gen. Walter Keating, assuming the commano of the American army garrison here. I mmcdiately demanded his staff to halt 1 demonstrations of affect on m public between American soldiers and German girls. Keating also told all officers m the United States Berlin
    A.P.  -  105 words
  • 58 7 Table Tennis Charnponship Prel nvnary rounds of the EngUsn Open Table Tennis Champ.onsh ps have begun at Blime Grove Baths, hheijiicrds Eui>h. London Tne f^hav> ■pionships are sponsored by the Enylish Table Tennis Assocaton. P.cture shows three of the French wcmen competitors from Paris, wearing brief shorts. Left to right,
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  • 85 7 SAN FRANCISCO, May 2 The aircraft carrier "Saratoga" departed from Honolulu en route for the Bikini atoll test. She carried a crew of 600 compared with her wartime complement of 3,200. Some of her veterans felt that since "the Japanese could not sink us the atom
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 35 7 BREAK WITH SPAIN DEMANDED HAVANA, Cuba. May 2.— Workers, numbering 150.000. paraded through) the streets of Havana for nine hours m May Day demonstrations and demanded a rupture of diplomat. c relations with Snain.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 31 7 The Maxfli Badminton Party will meet the Sportllght team at a friendly match at 3 p.m. on Sunday, May, at ihe Sportlight court, Sirat Road, off Upper Serangoon Road.
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  • 60 7 LONDON. May I.— Rugby league results: Castleford 7. Barrow 12. Hunslet 10. Liverpool Stanley 10. Salford 11. Widnes 7. Football results: League North Leeds 3, Bradford 1. Middlesbrough 3. Stocke C ty 1. Newcastle 1. Barnsley 1. League 111 South Cup semi-final (replay) Queens Park Rangers 0. Bournemouth
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  • 112 7 SAN FRANCISCO, May 2.—William Johnston, one of the most famous lawn tennis players of all time, has died here from heart failure. Johnston, aged 52, was playing tennis on an asphalt court at an early age, and long before he was 21 was among the title-holders m
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  • 132 7 LONDON. May .2— P. Gupta, manager of the All-India cricketers, who will open their Engl sh tour on Saturday with a match nt Worcester asra rut Worcestershire said today that the team would not be chosen until just before the match. "We have managed to
    A.P.  -  132 words
  • 99 7 A rugby mcrtch ;ind a soccer game have been arranged to be played ;his month in aid of the St. Dunstan's Fund. The soccer match will be played between the 3rd Division and the R.A.F on Monday next, while on Saturday (May 11), the Armv will meet the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 220 8 Tried To Transfer $16,000 To England KITAIA LVM?IR, May I.— A Britis'.i srlaier who stale eight bars of go!d from a bark m Saerabaya, brought them to Malaya and sold thrm ta merchants here, his b?en a^restci becare h^ t»ied to transfer
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  • 204 8 NFW YORK, M*y 2. The spokesman for the China Medical Board said that efforts are being made to ensure the earliest poss'b'.e reopening of itv Union Medical College at Peiping which was taken over by the Japan se occupation forces m 1941 However, it was Indicated un-
    A.P.  -  204 words
  • 115 8 Austria's Plea Rejected PARIS, May 2.— Soviet Foreign Minister M. Molotov and U.S. Secretary of State James Byrnes clashed m the question of the future Allied control of Italy as the Foreign Ministers' Council rejected Austria's pita for the re:urn of Southern Tyrol by Italy. A qualified conference observer said
    A.P.  -  115 words
  • 35 8 SYDNEY, May I.— Two hundred dr.vers of Sydney meat wagons stopped work today m sympathy with 90.000 New South Wales meat workers whosf strike called on Monday "threatens to affect Australian food shipments o Britain.
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  • 113 8 MANILA, May 2.— As Manual; Roxas prepared to assume the presidency oi the Pfiilippines, his supporters gave attention -o what may be che number on 3 problem cf ;fte new administralion—armed guerillas of Central Luzon. Roxas has promised t o disarm rhe guerLlas "m the kindliest way
    A.P.  -  113 words
  • 45 8 NEW YOfiK May I.—A1 A number of stock leaders were higher m the ear'y quiei market. Improved at the opening were the American Telephone, Pennsylvan railway, Un ted States Steel. Un'red States Rubber and Westlnghouse. Republ c Sipel and the Great Northern were preferred. A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 43 8 Hatoya ma New Jap Premier TOKYO, May 2—Well-inform-ed sources rxpec.ed Ichiro Haoyama. President of the Liberal Par;y, to rece ye Imperial com;n nd to form tru- next government, the Kyodo News Agency reported. These sources said that Baron Shidehara has recommended Hafoyama. A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 203 8 With the object of surveying trad« conditions m Hong Kong and Southern China, the President of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of! Commerce, Mr. Lien Ying-chow is leaving Singapore today on an inspection tour of these regions. Mr. Lien will investigate both conditions
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  • 79 8 Indonesia Debate In Dutch Lower Chamber THE HAGUE, May I.—Professor J. Logemann, Netherlands Minister for Overseas Territories, will make a statement m the i^ower Chamber tomorrow on the Dutch Government's conduct of affairs concern ng Indonesia. A debate on ihe whole matter will be held m the Lower Chamber next
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  • 56 8 YOKOHAMA, May 2—Admiral Lord Fraser, commander-in-chief of the British Pacific Fleet is to visit the Tokio, Yokahama area for six days beginning on May 5. He will confer with General Mac Arthur and visit Nikko resort, north of Tokio, with Lt.-Gen. Foben L.
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • Article, Illustration
    81 8 For the first time since 1519 three girls came first, second and third n the Kipling Cotes Di-'oy or n Y< rkshirc Wolds. The raw, join >>,-'"j m length through lour parishes, na^ been run yearly for 42? years. Odi, feature of the race s that the n; nner picks
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  • 444 8 PALESTINE RECOMMENDATIONS NEW YORK, May 2.— The recommendations of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine have placed the British Government m a difficult position, to say the least, writes Associutei Press News Ana'yst DeWttt Mack nz c. Britain dous not have to follow the
    A.P.  -  444 words
  • 190 8 SPRINGFIELD, KENTUCKY, May 2.— Mrs. Emma Clarissa Clement, when informed that she has been chosen the American 'Mother of the Year" said that she was "so overjoyed that I couldn't say anything at first. "I am very proud of the honour for
    A.P.  -  190 words
  • 135 8 SAN FRANCISCO, May 2— Nearly 40 Indonpp nn s"an-»pn staged a noont me nl^k^t i o t -> t -.trpt "n 'n fry* of ,th- off-v» H'J'd'npr hnns'ng the Netherlands Con««iiJntf» on May 2. Thoy d^tribu^d bn^Pfs n«kne tlif public to help ihem "stay In America until
    A.P.  -  135 words
  • 30 8 PARIS. May I.— Pour Frenchmen were kP.I.-d :ind 10 others serimslv wounded m an affray h«'u pen Frenchman and IndoChinese at Tonejking according to thp France Presse Agency today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words