Morning Tribune, 18 December 1941

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Morning Tribune
  • 24 1 I > < ,nt,) NETT SALES EXCEED 4,900 DAILY. Morning Tribune Vol. 6 So. 274. Thursday. December 18. 1941. Morning Tribune Thursday. Deeemto r Ik" 1941/
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  • 1370 1 26 ENEMY PLANES DOWNED IN LUZON THERE is reassuring news to-day from all theatres of war. An aircraft of the Royal Netherlands East Indes Air Force has scored a direct hit on an enemy destroyer which was shielding the Japanese landing: at Miri (British
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    • 257 1 London, Dor. 17. FIGHTING m the north-west and north-east against the Japanese invaders from Thailand is reported m the latest Singapore communique. Fresh Imperial troops, it is reported, are being- rushed to the Kedah front to relieve the tired men who have been ceaselessly m action for the
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  • 170 1 Cairo, Dec. 17.— A communique says: "Bad weather with heavy sand-storms during the last 24 hours temporarily slowed down the rate of advance, both oi our main forces .south-west of Gazala and our armoured forces operating west of that aiea. Despite these adverse contingencies, our piessure
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  • 149 1 I New Delhi, Dec. 17. IT i.s learnt that the Commander-in-Chief m India, Sir Archibald Wavell, has just comj pleted important discussions with Lieut-General Sir Charles Broad, the General Officer Conimanj ding the Eastern India Command, m connection i with the latest developments m
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  • 183 1 Chungking, Dec. 17. THE Japanese attack on Hawaii and British and American positions elsewhere, "proves beyond argument that this treachery was not a sudden or uncontrolled act, but was coldly planned, according to a schedule that required long and careful preparation," says a Chinese official statement
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  • 235 1 Japanese Find A Quisling In Thailand London, Dec. 17. BRITAIN regards Thailand as enemy occupied territory, and her Premier Luang: liipul Songgram, as Japanese "quisling." British circles indignantly recall that before Japan's perfidious attack on December 7, Luang Bipul had repeatedly given assurances that Thailand would be true t« it>
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  • 685 2 Gen. Chiang's Stirring Call To Chinese Nation Chungking:, I)«v. IT. "TIEN yeaiv of China's Struggle haw served to impress upon the world the full enormity and evil of Japanese acts (A agrgresßron. 'They have now rfiet with universal condemnation," declared Gen. Chiang Kai-shek m his inaugural upaeah before the ninth
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  • 100 2 R. A. F. Strikes London, Dec. 17. AN Air Ministry communique on Wednesday describing raids on Germany says: **T h c Naval Base at Wilh c 1 m s h a yen was attacked m force last nipht by aircraft of the Bomber Command. The town and docks were clearly
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  • 73 2 Train Loads Of German Wounded Now York Dec. 17. IJUMEROUS trains, hj 35 cans long, art arriving m Norway with great numbers of German wounded casualties from the Russian Front. The Nazis have requisitioned nearly all Norwegian hospitals. The authorities clear the vicinity ol railroad stations of all bystanders, including
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  • 123 2 Chungking, Dec. 16. THE general session of the ninth plenary .session Df the Kuomintang's Central Executive and Supervisory opened this morning, with President Chu Cheng of the Judicial Yuan m the chair. Both the morning and afternoon were devoted tv tho hearing of various reports, including those
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  • 127 2 Martial Law In Argentine i.iK'nos fates, Dec. 17. A STATE of siege was signed to "enable the Argentine Government to carry out its international obligations." The reasons for declaring martial Jaw throughout the Argentine are contained m a Government decree. The measure, it explains, will "strengthen the normal unify of
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  • 94 2 Washington, Dec 17. Dresident Roosevelt at his press conference yesterday disclosed the establishment cf :i Govern mental censorship. The Director of Censorship will bo Byron Price, the EJcecuthrte News Fdit' of the Associated Press. President Roosevelt pointed out that it would be a voluntary part of the
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  • 81 2 Washington Drc 17. OPEAKING to officials of the American o Federation of labour. Mr. William Green, the President, declared to-day. "We will never submit to leKlslation to rob the worker of his economic power, but whon the Government asks us to voluntarily relinquish that right, our answer
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  • 419 2 Schenfctai9 RadlOi n« c. I". VViiii the Internal crack-up quicklj approachlni tin bolUnc t, tin German iii«h Commana, it is known, has cancelled >!l leave lot ii. nd i" n the Eastern Front, for it ir ol tbeli contact with tho civilian population. Th- it
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    • 512 2 f»ffff»fff«- \«l sivr.troK* mim< irxi m Fiiv.s lit b) til(1 day and cai ''it after dark are ptwing a danger to Smpap Wlion garden refuse is burn this must be s o done that it will be Impossible for the fire to rekindle after dark. Householders should instruct their gardeners
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  • 526 3 French Ch arges Against Royal Navy Unfounded London, Dec. 17. AN official Admiralty communique issued last ni^ht states: "The Trench Admiralty has issued a communique that on Dec. the ntcwfff St. Denis, carrying foodstuffs for France nd flyinx the French flatf, was torpedoed m the vicinity of the Balearic Islands."
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  • 86 3 /i EN. Liv Chien-hsu, Vf the Governor of Fukien Province, feels concern lor the safety of the Malayan Chinese who are doing their bit m this war against aggression. In a cable addressed to the Singapore uninese Chamber of Commerce, Gen. Liv said: 'Since wai broke
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  • 101 3 To-morrow's Radio Programme SPECIAL items 15 to-mcrrow's radio piogi anime from Singapore include a lalk by Mrs. Lather Fairbairn m the sene.s •War-Time Cook/ at 12 45 p.m.; Music and muzzles from the Studio at 7.30 p.m.; a recital from the Studio by Claude tunnett and Bettina Spicer at 8.10
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  • 140 3 New York, Dec. 17. THE New York Herald Tribune" to-day comment! on 00l Knox's report upon the Japanese attai It ar] Harbour .says: rhe attack was a failure despite Japan's desp knock 1 tie Pacifii Fleet vi ol i fleei is still powerful. Not one
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  • 47 3 I d M I v..i- generally cc In I routine >IUI .'i lut! real a; et Includ tins and Trinidad olLa i eucs, while Home nils were slightly flrmei Brazilian bi wire dull. Indian Issur*- Wttt mainly ■tCftdv. Including Tnriin StnoV and Inriian Iron Reuter
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  • 58 3 (From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Wednesday. DUSINESS iii the share markets was a^'ain limited yesterday. Hong Fatts were done at 1- with further sellers at the price at the close, while there was small business m Kuchais. One hundred and three was bid for the 3 per cent.
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  • 113 3 London, Dec. 17. JAPANESE tactics In Burma aim at the capture oT the long tongue jutting out -south adjacent to Thailand, which forms the Isthmus of Kra, it is pointed out m London. By so doing, the Japanese will cat the
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  • Cable News From Down Under'
    • 83 4 Melbourne, Dec. 16. 1-riE purl ol Sydney bas been declared an area subject to the National Emergency Act. The Premier of New South Wulea (Mr. McKell) announced the creation ola co-ordinating operational plan for defence of the State. The New South Wales authorities have cancelled all special tram and steam
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    • 48 4 Everything possible was being done to maintain and, if necessary, reinforce Australia's air strength m the battle zone of Malaya, said the Minister for Air (Mr. I. S. Drakeford). Since the Japanese moves R.A.A.F. units had maintained an unbroken vigil over the approaches to Australia, and Austra-lian-controlled territory.
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    • 93 4 Kenneth Slessor, Official War Correspondent with the A.I.F. m the Middle East, m a delayed despatch from Cairo, says that the A.I.F. m the Middle East greeted the news of Japan's entry into the war with quiet confidence m the signs of Allied strength which they see around them, mixed
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    • 51 4 The Federal Cabinet has approved the Iirst advance for the 94T2 wheat crop at he rate of 3- a ushel, less freight dv bagged wheat,! nd 2s. lOd. a bushol less freight, for bulk wheat. involving o total payment of £21.000^000. Cabinet also approved advances totalling about 01.000.000 to barley
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    • 55 4 There was no present intention to send militia men t i serve at points outside Australia, other than Australian territories, said the Minister for Army (Mr. F. M. Fordc. There was no necessity to do so. There was a substantial reservoir of A t recruits in the Middle East, and
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    • 32 4 Final nlans for the evacuation of the civilian population of Darwin in the event of enemv raids have been prepared. and al] householders have received Instructions U to what they must do,
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    • 139 4 I Grand Thrilling Adventure I w/f/i Popular Stars! I i i*i iin lOPENINCI OPENINC TO DAY I 1 t->ml*M I tPM^I II a.m.- 2.30 5.30 Exciting drama of stolen '2c^W. I romance -and clashing wills! £s |^Hfe m A^h ROBERT YOUNG jf i IL®^ Maureen O'SULUVAN JT I B §Bi
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    • 122 4 TO-UAY :f rillMMOlWris I uam^mau, ALHAMBRA £^^^b^^ '►-T J^flV i A b'J?. colorful V W N^ -^*^SbT^^b^^b^b^ l 0 h floy Soi/'h "X^->^.^ A/n«ruon *oy C»r/i, f. V i*v*>*^ '^s* gouchoi, ooo^i, gofty. '^j{\\ T MAUREEN OHARA y JAMES ELLISON >^ ALBERTO VILA BUDDY EBSEN DIOSA COSTELLO ADI 6 red-hot
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  • 499 5 Moscow Resumes Normal Life Moscow, Dec. 17. l 'M( >SCOW spent its first Sunday since the shadow of the advancing German Armies was lifted, by carrying on normally. The streets were tilled by files oi" pedestrians including a fair number of soldiers on short leave, many women m skirted greatcoats
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  • 86 5 pXCKPT under tho authority ot written permit granted by proptMly constituted uuthority the pbotogrmpnlng, sketchInn, making plans, or other representation oi certain specified items, has been BBfcde prohibitory. Any aircraft or the wreckage thereof; ;my building, structure, vessel or other objeci damaged by enemy action or as res\ilt
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    • 44 5 Melbourne, Dec. 16. me Prime Minister (Mr. J. Curtim announced that under a new policy covering the reserved occupations list, even some men now employed at munitions factories, but who are not indispensable to war production, would cease to be exempt from military service.
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    • 26 5 Mr. F. M. Forde said that since the Labour Government took office, there had been a complete overhaul of Australia's coastal defences, particularly regarding anti-aircraft batteries.
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    • 32 5 The Minister for Home Security <Mr. H. P. Lazzarini> assured the public that the A.R.P. position was well m hand, and improving hourly. Civil and military authorities have prepared co-ordinated evacuation plans.
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    • 14 5 The Army has taken over Ascot and Doomben racecourses, m Queensland, as training camps.
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    • 13 5 All floodlit sports m Adelaide, includinu night trotting at Wayville. have been forbidden.
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  • 185 5 Chungking, Dec. 16. "THE Government's food administration has becii registering satisfactory progress," said Dr. Waug Shih-chieh m his capacity as the Government .spokesman during a piess conference. "Of the 12.000.000 shih tan (standard pk-ulsi ot rice to collected from Szechuan this year, nearly 10.000,000 shih tan have
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  • 267 5 USED SMOKE- SCREEN OF PEACE TO PREPARE FOR WAR Singapore Dec 17. yfIAT it would take the world twenty centuries to Uvt down the latest Japanese treachery of "preparir [01 war under the .smoke screen ol peace" was v contention ol one of the passengers ol an evacuee ship jvnicri
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  • 135 5 Spanish Boat Sunk By Germans I London, Dec. 17. AN Admiralty communique states: i "Details of the sinking of the Spanish ship Badalona, reported m yesterday's (Tuesday) Admiralty communique are now available. This ship was sunk by a German U-boat close to the Spanish coast. The Captain of the U-boat
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    • 304 5 Situations Vacant Vacancies exist at Naval Base, Singapore, for Chargemen of Shipwrights, Shipfltters and Joiner.s. Applicants must be British subjects of British parentage, should br ski] (t mechanics and be capable of taking full charge of a gang of 30 to 40 Asiatics. Further particulars from Chief Constructor, to whom
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    • 301 5 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE" Without Calomel And You'll Jump oat oi Bed m the Morning Full of Vim. The livt-r slM)iikl [Miur out two |K)unds of liquid bUe in:<i y<»ur bowel* daily. If this bile flowing freely, your f<>od aoetn'l diK^^t. Ii jii- 1 decayi m the bowels. Wirul
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  • Morning Tribune THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1941.
    • 295 6 rriHAII-AND'S treachery becomes more and more peritv' m East Asia. f n r No' doubt, Thailand owed much to Japan lor territorial acquisitions m Indo-China during the thET of the border dispute, but m repayment ot this "latitude." she need not have sunk so low as to I?
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  • 206 6 ALL Singapore English Government and aided schools will open their new school year on Jan. vary 12, as scheduled, the Morning Tribune learns officially. A decision to this effect was reached yes. terday following a meeting of all the heads of schoo Every precaution,
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  • 306 6 MAXIMUM FINE IMPOSED FOR LIGHTING OFFENCE AS a resull of action taken by the Military, two cases of failing: to observe lighting regulations during Tuesday night's alert were brought to the police courts. In one case shots were fired when two Indians, who had been flashing a light on a
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  • 242 6 Ruler Sets Fine Example To Subjects h LTHOUGH the Suitan of Johore is past 60 and has been m indifferent health m the last few years, the greatest crisis m the history of his State finds Sir Ibrahim setting a splendid example to his people. Since war came to Malaya
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  • 99 6 JOHANNA ROWELL, a Eurasian woman, who was recently sentenced to death at the Penana assizes for the murder of her fivr-year-ola adopted daughter Nancy Rowell, was successful m her appeal against sentence yesterday Sir Percy McElwaine, the Chief Justice. S.S., reduced the charge to one of
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  • 50 6 The Chinese Ladies Association has decided to contribute all its funds, which amount to about $4,000. to the recently inaugurated Malaya War Distress Fund. This decision was reached at v meeting of the Association held yesterday at Mrs. Tay Lian Teck f s residence.
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  • 103 6 SIX MONTHS' GAOL FOR LOOTER A FISH knife falling cut of the pocket of a labourer t who had been employed m j salvage work at the premis- 1 I cs of a Imi Id.if which had collapsed as a result of ene- my action resulted m the dis- 1
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  • 58 6 POUND guilty on a charge of buy- ing more than the amount of rice he was entitled to, Sim Huang Tiong wa.s fined $500. m default. two months' simple Imprisonment. According to the prosecution Sim bought 20 bags of rice (3,780 katties) on Dec. 9. He wa.s convicted
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    • 75 6 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, i^^JL Exclusively. \zzr THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG., 'PHONE 3002 R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years* European Clinical Experience. Under European management Mousse cte roie I serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecooking. Our cellars hare I been
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  • 316 7 Air Raid Trenches In Gardens "DEOPI.E who have gardens o 2 other .'vvailirtTlc— T/ac«s should consider diRBtng their own trenches f r use as shelters during air raids. Hrre are a few hints about siich trenches. First site the trench further aviv from the nearest building than the height of
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  • 176 7 Price Fixing For Controlled Commodities ATTENTION is invited to the Order by the Governor fixing prices to be charged for commodities at a level not exceeding prices charged ftf similar articles before the close of business on Dee 6, 1!>41. Any prison charging ;> price for any article <>r commodity
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  • Indian News Pars
    • 71 7 New Delhi Dec 16 THE Indian Red Crcxsi Organisation despatched In October more than 25,000 1 items of hospital requisites and war accessories, all contributed by Indian work parties for overseas troops Shortly, a weekly consignment of 1,000 parcels will j be sent to war prisoners in addition to the
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    • 45 7 Madras, Dec. 16. The Madras Government ha.s made a further grant of more than Rs.3 lakhs to the Madras Corpora- tion as part of the Government's share m expenditure on a reservoir scheme. A i loan of about Rs.s i lakhs has already been made.
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    • 31 7 New Delhi, Dec. 16. The Standing Financial Committee o* the Central Assembly has approved pioposals to continue i grants-in-aid for developing hand loom weaving, cereculture cottage and smalii scale woollen industries.
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    • 36 7 New Delhi, Dec. 16. The Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department has given its. 38.000 for war charities. Of this Rs. 10,000 i.s earmarked for the Indian Army Benevolent Fund, and another R5.8,000 for two ambulance cars.
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    • 18 7 New Delhi, Dec. 16. Haj Pilgrims who left Bombay m the first week of December have reached jraMah.
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  • 543 7  - Gift Of Mobile Canteen Lorraine Streeter -~m By riR.sT mobile canteen to fcx pre sented to 1 1 i' live Defence Servici s i>y a i Lvilian was handed over at 1.1 'M p.n. raay a' the Government offices by Mr. N. R. Mistn, whase it is. Mr Misiri lost
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  • 132 7 "Business As Usual" PRISCILLA LTD is ran;, on as usual at No. 5, Eu Court, (entrance m Hill street), but customers arc asked to note that business J hours during the present j emergency are from 9 a.m. I till 2 p.m. only. Those who t are unable to call
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 71 7 11. \i i is now tn t^^Jfj uniform. dm x. While women are bi'sy with war work Elizabeth Beauty Salon feels that it can do its bit by taking care of their beauty problem*. Every°"<* »Uft now economise both m time and money and Elizabeth Beaut) Salon .specialises m expert
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    • 93 7 is not a Wartime Bread, but an all time Bread Advt. of Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. c.s. z::.\ j^p> k Gift s<iekers! If tne k be sure of a welcome >g^fc reception— for Elizabeth /S*r A Jffyi Arden Preparations are &\g^& f^i^ the finest that money *@*W 0 can
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  • 223 8 Ankara Watching Nazi Moves Ankara, Dec. 17. I THE Turks are still calm I about the Bulgar situation. It is admitted that the Cier- man withdrawal in Russia may free many Divisions lor a use elsewhere, but the Turks are not worrying till thev have received concrete proof a of
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  • 93 8 British Destroyer Sinks U-Boat London, Dec. 17. AN Admiralty communique issued Wednesday noon st>3.tOS "The Italian U-boat Ammiraglio Carraciolo has been sunk m the Central Mediterranean by the destroyer Farndale (Commander S. H. Carlill of the Royal Navy). 'Fifty- three survivors have been taken prisoners of war. This U-boat left
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  • 134 8 Chungking, Dec. 17. SUSTAINED victories cf the Soviet Army bUh m the Moscow and Rostov areas have given rise to prc found satisfaction among the Chinese Government and people, said Dr. Wang Shih chieh, Minister for Publicity, at a press conference. Hitherto there has been a
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  • 77 8 Chungking, Dec. 17.— The Chinese troops m Eastem-Chekiang Province are besieging the Japanese garrison m the Mokanshan mountain resort, north-west of Hangchow. says a message to the official Chinese news agency, which adds that fighting has been going on round Mokanshan during the past week. At
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  • 210 8 Nazi Retreat From The Moscow Front Moscow. Dec. 17. THE paper Pravda reports that the Red Army troops on the Moscow front liberated 90 villages and are continuing their advance. Four German Infantry Divisions were opposed to the troops m the Kalinin sector which broke through heavily fortified German lines.
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  • 310 8 Batavia, Dec. 17. UNDER the heading "First Week," the Bandoeng paper Preanger Bode has published an editorial declaring, "It is fortunate that during the last months, such close contact took place between the Army Staffs of Singapore, Batavia, Bandoeng and Sydney. Thanks
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  • 35 8 Chungking, Dec. 17. Following rhe Japanese occupation of the Shanghai International Settlement, many Chinese ache tla have closed B protest against the order issued by the Japanese-sponsored regime to use only Japanese-edited school book* Reuter
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  • 72 8 bciienectady Radio, Doc. 17. ADOLF Hitler is heading for a possible breakdown. Turkish reports say. German sources say that the Fuehrer has been ordered by his 1 doctor to quit the front and go to Berchtesgaden for a rest.— (By Special Ca- ble>. Batavia Dec. 17. SOME of the
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  • 76 8 Stockholm. Dec. 17. QUISLINGS I i I i using a novel method to force Norwegians to listen to their propaganda, now that the people will not do it voluntarily. They lock up cinemas und dance-halls and then turn on the loud speakers. This I* done In many Norwegian
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  • 86 8 Stockholm. Dec. I<. NORWEGIANS listen In to news from England. Sweden, 1 and other free Btations, and circulate them, despite the Nazi decree against keeping radio sets i and punishment for "illegal listening." The police co-oper-ate ingeniously with the quislings to ferret out radio sets. Every
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  • 73 8 Schenectady Radio, Dec. 17. SCANDINAVIA i t suffering t h c worst winter m years and has brought the fighting m Finland almost to a standstill. Lakes and rivers are frozen solid. The average temperature m Finland is more than 25 degs. below zero but Sweden has reached
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    • 57 8 r A T TT A V 3 10 <UO 10 vy xjl X 11 X phone :uoo IT TOPS THE f Afflf^l RECORD IN /f^yf/^ LAUGHS AND /m//tftm 4 JOHN BARRYMORE fj^g j n FRANCES PARM C R IF Ami Paramount mm ?mm x British News J SAFETY FIRST— A.g.P.
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