Morning Tribune, 10 December 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 25 1 „< i:-|-|- rs.-vi i i i i i Morning Tribune Vol. 6— No. 267, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1941. Morning Tribune Wed m sday, December It, 1941.
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  • 245 1 Hong Kong, Dec. 9. KOWLOON, which yesterday had the exclusive attention of the raiders to-day < merged unscathed, most of the attacks being aimed at the inland while reliable reports indicate that at least one raider was shot down. Land operations have not vet developed, apart
    Reuter  -  245 words
    Reuter  -  939 words
  • 131 1 THE following commu- j nique was issued from the office of His Excellen- cy the High Commissioner for the Malay States, i Sir Shenton Thomas, yes- terday: "The High Commission- 1 er has been informed that 1 H.H. the Sultan of Kelan- I tan
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  • 773 1 San Francisco, Dec. 9. ARMY sources have confirmed that two squadrons of enemy planes of about 15 each crossed the Caliiornian coastline, west of San Jose during the night. Brigadier-General William Ryan, of the Interceptor Division Office, .said that a large number of unidentified planes
    Reuter  -  773 words
  • 80 1 The Mayor of Srit?sli Columbia, Mr. McMavin says: "The Japanese a>e off the Aleutian Islands and we expect them here at any time. The situation is serious." Declaring that there was every reason t<» believe that there would be an attack m the Pacific north-west. Air
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  • 274 1 Rangoon, Dec. 9. JAPAN has sealed her own doom, said the Governor or Bui ma, broadcasting to-m;ht from the Ranrion Radio. He added that by her own acts she had Drought war to the Pacific and such a blatant treacnery M she had idopted m
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 107 1 Chungking, Dec. 9.— Details of a military collaboration have already been discussed between China and other Powers, said Dr. Quo Tai-chi to a press conference here. China, he said, was acting on the principle of "one for all, and all for one." "Germany and Italy are not only
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 16 1 There was an air raid alarm m singapore last niuht which lasted for about ZO minutes.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 478 2 London, Dec. 9. WHE T me* comment n the new situation m the Far East, 1 says that the new enemy (Japan) has the bulk of his forces tied up m his thrust towards the Burma Road and his chiel objective at present is on
    Reuter  -  478 words
  • 215 2 Americans Rush To Join Navy New York, Dec. 9. CINCE 7.00 am a long line of men of all ages has been waiting outside the headquarters of the Third Naval District, anxious to join the Navy. A flushed Haval officer told Reuter that the only room to which they could
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 52 2 Washington. Dec. 9:— Only one representative. Miss Rankin, voted against the declaration of war compared with 50 representatives against the declaration of war with Germany m 1917, and angry hisses greeted her. Altogether there were 15 members ot" the House present who voted for War m
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 57 2 Mexico City, Dec. 9. -Senor Padilla, Mexican Foreign Minister, has informed Mr. Miura,; the Japanese Minister that relations between the two countries have been suspended. Mr. Miura replied that he had expected it. The Mexican Minister m Japan and Mr. Miura are to 'remain where they are owing to
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 48 2 London, Dec. 9.— An Air Ministry communique states: "Last Monday night, a small number of enemy aircraft flew over the coastal districts of north-east England* where bombs were dropped at a number of places. There were some casualties and damage, (which was nowhere extensive), mainly to houses." Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 58 2 Lima, Dec. 9: The Peruvian Government has notified the United States Ambassador of its solidarity with the United State* m accordance with the resolution of the Havana and Lima conferences, m which it agreed that an attack on any American nation by t nation of the
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 67 2 Washington, Dec. 9:— President vclt will deliver a radio address to the nation on all networks on Wednesday at 3.00 a.m. (G.M.T. According to the White c, i he President will make a more complete documentation' of the Japanese attack than baa yet been possible. President Roosevelt
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Article, Illustration
    61 2 (British Units in* the Malayan jungle undergo continuous and intensive training 1 especially m the art of con. cealment. I n this specialised warfare they have proved themselves ex- t r a o I'd i narily adept, and never; for one moment is their 'readi- 1 ness' relaxed. Photo shows
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  • 28 2 Chicago, Dec. 9— The Isolationist, exCol. Lindbergh, m a statement said: 'Our country has been attacked by force of arm# and by force of arms must rptnlmtp Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 43 2 Stockholm. Dec. 9. THE German people have now read m their papers a statement by the Nazi "Strcnfcth- p I hrough-Joy" Organisation that they have cared for I,soo.oooWounded soldiers since 1939— an indication of the German casualties m Russia.- Times
    The Times  -  43 words
  • 555 2 London, Dec T^HE necessity for increased production to Uftkc gocd Ihc expected jnip m the American supplies is the main theme m the British newspaper**' comment on the Churchill and Koosevelt speeches and the British and American declarations of war on Japan. Referring to
    Reuter  -  555 words
  • 175 2 REFERRING to the Japanese declaration of war on Britain and the United States, the News Chronicle says that nobody will ever with justice be able to argue that President Roosevelt missed any opportunity of maintaining peace m the area of the Pacific. far as is known.
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  • 495 3 Fierce Battle For Northern Malaya SEVERE fighting In the K'>ta Bahru area for the possession of the aerodrome there is one of the main features < i the Baltic of Northeni Malaya, which is proceeding with growing intensity, according to the latest official < o»nmiiniqi»e issued from Combined Headquarters, Singapore,
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  • 164 3 Chungking, Dec. 9. CHINESE confidence m a Democratic triumph" throughout the world has markedly increased withj Japan's entry into the war against the Democracies, which is generally regarded a.s a suicidal move for the Island Empire. The Japanese Emperor's Declaration of War was published m the Chinese
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 59 3 Washington, Dec. 9. FROM this moment we are engaged m a victory programme." says an announcement from thp Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, of which Vice-President Wallace is the chairman. It adds: "We can talk and act no longer m terms of defence programme. Victory Is our only
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 110 3 Batavia, Dec. 9.— A warning to the population against possible Filth Column action or an attempt to land Japanese air-borne troops has been issued by Lieu-tenant-Geneial H. ter Poorten. the Netherlands East Indies Commander-in-Chief. He urged the inhabitants to report to the authorities any
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 187 3 New York, Dec. 9. SAN Francisco bad its first air raid warning during the night. All clear was sounded after 70 minutes' "alert." The city with its entire Pacific Coast area was blacked out. There was a report that planes were approaching the City, but
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • Article, Illustration
    70 3 b A surest i mi ofg rmeoiieii 1 Venice is fivtn to this fpung Sovi t maclr..u I pinner by Hie I hood Of h i i C :i n <> 1' I- i lar <* d cape. But mediaeval- i Itn fades into ffin modi rnity wi!h his heavy
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  • 69 3 Addis Ababa, Dec. 9. A secret road, built by Royal Engineers with East African labour, caused the Italians' defeat at Gondai. it can now be revealed. The road was made on a 30 decree mountain slope, from which British forces were able to attack the Italians m
    Daily Telegraph  -  69 words
  • 407 3  -  Frank Oliver <Xv slightest doubt here M to the ultimate out-come of the war. A.s the Isolationists cease to be isolationists, it is rumoured that the '•America First" Committee is preparing to disband. The "F rht for Freedom" Committee, v.hich has been persistently fighting the'•America First"
    Reuter  -  407 words
  • 104 3 Greek- Japan Break London, Dec. 9. THE Greek Government have severed diplomatic relations with Japan and have instructed the Greek Minister m Tokio to» demand his passport, says the Royal Greek Legation m London, on Monday night. After Monday's special Greek Cabinet meeting, the Greek Premier cabled a message to
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 56 3 London, Dec. 9. The Air Ministry communique on Monday night states: "Our fighters, including bomb-carrying Hurricanes, have made sweeps over Northern France to-day. A factory was effectively bombed and several enemy fighters on the ground were damaged by gunfire Five enemy fighters were destroyed m air combats. Ten
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 THE SINGAPORE MUSICAL SOCIETY regrets that owing to the present situation the Orchestral Concert arranged f r Sunday, December 14th has had to he ,>ostponed. Money paid for seats already booked will be refunded 00 application to Messrs. John Little and Co.. Ltd.. after Dec. 15th.
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  • Domestic Occurrence
    • 53 4 MITOHELILr-THOMPSON. The eng&camorit la announced and the iu«irt&£e will shortly -take plact, between Jtanette Thompson, da«ehter of Mrs. C. J. Church of SiiiCP-Dore and the late Mr. F. G. Ttiocnpaon of Hongkong, and Captain Paul Balriwin Mitchell, The Do*jra Regiment, younger son of Mr. sind Mrs. S. P. Mitchell
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  • 407 4 CHUNGKING'S MESSAGE FOR MALAYAN CHINESE J^ STIRRING message to the Chinese of Malaya on the new alliance of Free China and the British Empire m the fight aeainst Japanese aggression has been issued by Mr. George Veh, publicity representative of the Chungking Government m Singapore. "The Allied war against Japanese
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  • 255 4 ALOR GAJAH GIVES $750 TO WAR FUND IN the course of his speech at the annual meeting, held yesterday, of Alor Gajah Rubber Estate Ltd., Mr. C. F. Smith said that the profit for the year amounted t o $40,688.81 which, with the balance brought forward frcm the previous year
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  • 59 4 THE annual conference I f the Methodist Church m Malaya will convene to-day at 4 p.m. at Wesley Church, Instr/d of 5 p.m as originally arranged. Delegates will be present fnm jail over Malaya aiy Sarawak Normally, thorp would be over °°0 delegates present. Evening programmes
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  • 80 4 rxPKRiENci m Singapore's first air raid has shown that persons brought to first aid posts, whether seriously hurt- or not, may be m urpent need qf clothing. An appeal la therefore rrade for gifts of clothing suitable for members of the Asiatic communities. Persons willing to make
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  • 442 4 build and any deformity of the body. While the bureau is dealing at present exclusively wi'h those killed m the last raid, arrangements have already been made by them by v/hich they will supply lists of wounded together wi f h all possible marks of identification,
    442 words
  • 181 4 yiSI-; Army is very short of nurses and the military authorities are appealing to all qualified nurses who are not now employed m nursing i duties many of them are en- gaged m household duties and some are doing: clerical J work to volunteer for ser-
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  • 37 4 THE special restrictions on the emigration of aliens from Malaya, published a few clays ago, have now been removed, and aliens wishing' to leave th<» country now nerd only comply with Hit ordinary procedure.
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  • 33 4 THE Postal Department notifies it is probable that th« Pan-American ("Clipper" > air mail service will be discontinued md advises the public not to post correspondence for the service until further notice.
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  • 104 4 War Savings Certificates SALES Of War Savings Certificates m Malaya In the 15 days from Nov. 19 to Dec. 4, amounted to over $291,000, brinßiiitt the total to $9,300,567. A further sum of $2,003,139 has been paid by the Colony to the Imperial Treasury Chest Oflicer, Malaya Command, Singapore. This
    104 words
  • 69 4 A.R.P. Sand For Householders AR R A N G EMENTS iye bein^; mad'r to distribute Band again, for use for A.X.P. purposes. to people living m congested arms of Singapore. Householders will be permitted to take 30 lb. of sand for use on each floor of their premises. Emphasis Is
    69 words
  • 62 4 Wpecial Itema In to-morrow's radio programme include Uie weekly film review, when recorded ixtracts from the week's films will be broadcast, at 7.30 p.m., a feature programme entitled "Shakespeare's 80 i from the studio at 8.45, a talk In the series "Inside Nazi Europe" relayed from London at 9.15;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 EYE EXAMINATIONS Eyeglasses, -ygy^ Exclusively. I I^IOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, AJU ADE BLDG., 'PHONE 3002 K. A. Thompson, Dr. ot Ocuiar Sciemc, 36 years' European Clinical Experience. Wanted WANTED immediately large residence about five bedrooms preferably Western District. Phcne Secretary 6476. AN OPPORTUNITY~TO^ACQUIRE JEWELLERY FOR WEDDING CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR
      277 words
    • 20 4 Tender Notice Tender Date of Closing Supply of Disinfectant of approved quality end British manufacture. 12 noon, 30 Dec. 1941.
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  • 941 5 H.L. HOPKIN'S LONDON LETTER jv A FORMER May- fair mannequin Jfr^ and actress, Biddy Carl cr, tfave the y^9Kf \\v>\ mm m the Lon- don area when a German bomber rv a c he (1 the outskirts of the city on Saturday night. She was one of a number of
    941 words
  • 323 5 MORNING TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10, 1941. OUT OF CONTROL CONTRARY to former expectations I chat Japan would adopt the line of I least resistance, she has now chosen to I initiate her attacks on strongly fortified I Democratic positions. I The attempted landing- m northern I Malaya coupled with air
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 126 5 They're finely equipped for this comfortless job Fighting two foes, the enemy and the sea, there is little of comfort m this service of Security. Then let us bring them one comfort at least that is on a par with their wonderful equipment. The Gillette one-piece razor. Here is an
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    • 17 5 CELLOPHANE Made m England CAN BE SUPPLIED FROM STOCK RAHAMIN PENHAS 117, Cecil Street, Singapore. APB 1
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  • 1209 6  - Singapore women have settled into their wartime auxiliary jobs VERA ARDMORE PEOPLE PLACES By THE first ni^ht of air raids on Singapore was full of excitement for Chow Hin Wan, sixteen years-old St. John's nurse, whose home was bombed. She was due to be on duty at her Air Raid
    1,209 words
  • 771 6 you'll stay beautiful IF... YOU <an be young only a short li lons as >°« will work for it It that makes you seem old or \oungpostal* and MgftttVf habit*. And Of your body; kl von think and ;u( i i 11 1 however old you ma\ Ik Remember that
    771 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 50 6 MHViiCV Eugene Oil Perms ym SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair W f»C I At Facial Treattnem Yibro Violet Raj Ozone Steamei Innoxa. Preparatior Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldg., 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419. Keautifully cut afternoon frock of cerise grey printed silk. Size 14. $39.—
      50 words
    • 17 6 Your favourite perfume duplicated perfumes j^^M. xour now jffl^B|^ own available 11, THE HtU Al»». X iM.r*-
      17 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
    157 7 in the habit ol lilting yo i head one side, like a sl«i'|»\ li makes yen look < i<l. afTei ted and union lligent Instead, I Mini load naturally, h you hold it upright, hut not rigidly, turning it gracefull} now and then, you will look youngei pretty
    157 words
  • 196 7 WHEN choosing your colours, don't be afraid of the vivid, brilliant shades. If they are right for you, they will enhance your loveliness. But to be right, they must also be of good quality. Emerald green, for instance. can look beautiful, or it can look shrill and
    196 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 68 7 "1 Under European ma nenl serving delicious Continental and American dishes I as well as real English homccooking. Our cellars have been restocked I O^ with finest mv^\d JK&UwK^} Continental -j.^ 2 g 2 Qrchard wi ne s an d n J s^ss Koad. liqueurs. jjj*j SFASFASFSA 1 n *-p
      68 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 621 8 m h m__p __________________________^__________H___________________B r *4f^m -*rv ___C^Vl 2 I P^ 4 B^X fa. JT M^^^' P*^^ \_____J L^ a^^ M ■■Ww£far^J>^OT«!X s IW^AIiIBBM^MBMB^PM*IWP"P**^ Situations Vacant MANUFACTURER requires Distributors for Baby Dolls. Apply P .0. 80x No j 95 Singapore. (No. iliM) WANTED young lady shop assistant Borne knowledge bookkeeping
      621 words
    • 649 8 Miscellaneous ARCHERY SETS. Shipment received. inspection Invited. "Unita." Telephone 4832. 29 Stamford Road. Singapore. I No. 255 M I RADIO Company of Singapore. Expi ri Servicemen from late Radio Servlc« Co.. of Malaya 1934 Ltd. Philco a Sprciilitv Add: 24, Prlnsep Street. Singapore. Phone. 3268. (No. 232 M. IP YOU
      649 words
    • 572 8 Educational PREMIER "INSTITUTION 44. Orchard Uond. Blngapore. Parent nit informed that vacancies exist lor itUenta from Primary I to Senior Cambridge and application for tiirtlmmt sbOUld br made early. (No. S3Bit) "new way 7 business school— Katong. Accountancy, Banking, Secretarial Tuition. By Member of In* L-nuon Association oi Accountants (No.
      572 words
    • 684 8 For Sale POR BALDNEBB, Hair-Fall use Caplllogon a. 80 cts. Chart &Co 29, Robin too Road. Blagapors (No. 237M> CHF\P SALE School Text Books 10, i :tot*c), Book -Binder. BIT <No. 2CBM) FOB f- LE: Cheap secondhand school books 70, Bras Basah U« ad BlnV. ipiH (N l r>M I
      684 words
    • 302 8 To Let I ntftable for BEuropean occupation Three bedtwo motor Quiet l callty Apply to: 51, Maxwell R 1 7.U (N0.25.iM) 1 LRICESTKR ROAD, Serangoon, 2 kitchen hiithroonii „ii, room TiH-ludiiiß Itghi ft water. Apply Within (No. 213 M) TWO PURNIBHED BEDROOIOI AT Bldeford Road, oil On ird Road, Bn
      302 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 69 8 On The Air LONDON GSV: 17.81 m;cs; 16.84 metres. (.SF: 15.14 mrs; 19.81 metres Prom 6.15 p.m. to 11.50 p.m. (.S!»: 11.75 mes; 25.53 metrea, tnuii 9.05 p.m. to 11.50 p.m. SINGAPORE IZHL 225 m. 1133 kcs. ZHP.I. 30.96 m. 9.69 mcs THP.2. 48.58 m. 6.175 mcs Z11T.3. 41.38 m.
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  • 267 9 SPORTS ACTIVITIES WILL BE AS USUAL r |«HKRK will DC no prohibition of public K'i*hcrin<rs m tht Colony sportsfielris and theatre halls at least, as yel and sports activities here may continue as m peacetime, the Tribune was informed by a hitfh ranking police official yesterday. It i.s understood that
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  • 185 9 Washington, December 9- For the flrtt time m the memory of the doorkeepers the House of Repir rntative visitors galleries were ovfrcrowded when the war vot« .is taken. Some foreign diplomats were forced to find seats on the floor because the diplomatic box
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 329 9 Boxer Contests Judgment Of Chief Justice unsuccessful claim for damages for breach of contract brought against the Happy World Ltd. by Mohamrd Fahmy, the Egyptian boxer, m July last,' came On appeal before the court of appeal yesterday when Fahmy contested the decision of Sir Percy McFlwainr. chief justice, who
    329 words
  • 46 9 Cairo. D'r Ervpt has scvorpd diplomatic relations with Japan This ftns annniinrod nftti a Cabimt meeting hvlil on Monday afternoon. The Japan ta« rcsi- <;, n i In E) ypi will be arrested or aeported and th lr property seized by thy? rubllc custodian Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 16 9 F<'drrnl Council martini tixt'd for D.'<- 11 baa been postponed to a ciut.' later m December.
    16 words
  • 41 9 tiif remaining days of the I ipoh winter racei have been cancelled. The bi£j sweeps will be drawn on Saturday at 5 p.m. at the premises of th»» Perak Turf Hub. Cash sweep bookings will be refunded. liiicMtcrrmiikl
    41 words
  • 82 9 PLEA FOR COMMUNAL UNITY Bombay, Dec. 8. piR Sultan Ahmad, Law Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, speaking at Bombay, urged Hindu and Muslim leaders to make a fresh attempt to come to a settlement. He pleaded for a policy of "give and take." The leaders of the two communities,
    82 words
  • 300 9 Japan On Road To Self- Destruction London, Dec.9. The British Press, m its first comments on Japan's newest violation of peace, is unanimous that the Japanese have started on the road to self-destruction. Its tone is calm and confident. Here are extracts: The Daily Telegraph says: In coupling this country
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  • 67 9 London, Dec. 9. (JUSSIA'S cruiser, the "Kirov", it getting a remita- tion like Britain's "Ark Royal". This unit of the Russian Baltij Fleet has been "sunk" several times by the German and Finnish propaganda departments, but Mo.-cow Radio reveals that the "Kirov" is -till afloat, undamaged, and
    67 words
  • 119 9 Rangoon, Dec. 9. BURMA to-day is a vital base for British air striking power in the Far East. Aircraft, supplies and personnel have been pouring into the country. The RA.F there is fully equipped to meet the Japanese. The decision to mass an air force in
    119 words
  • 179 9 Manila, Dec 9. J^KI'OHTS that Japanese parachutists have landed m Manila were emphatically denied at General Macurthur's headquarters here yesterday. was cutting telephone lines m the President Quezon has issued an V°*}, v area here, order limiting the withdrawals The raid lasted 15 minutes dur
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 45 9 New York, Dec. 9. JAPAN haa officially re- J q.r ud Thailand to join the New Order m East Asia and has guaranteed Thai- land's independence," says the Saigon Radio, q jo ted by the Xati; nal B o&dcasting Company. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 328 9 London, Dec. 9. HTHE initiative now appeal's to have definitely passed to the Russians on the central hector of the Eastern Front as well as along the Sea of Azov. Following the news, earlier m th(- day, that the Germans have been driven from
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 96 9 THE Singapore Local Defence Corp^ has been embodied by urder of the Colonial Secretary. AH members who have not yet received orders as to reporting for duty, or who have not yei reported are ordered by the commander M proceed at once to the Corps headquarters at Monk's
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  • 65 9 llexl«o City. Dec. 9:-The Japanese Minister has been handed his passport. Japanese funds m Mexico are frozen large number of Americans and Mcxi- > -ins besieged the American Embassy, seeking to enlist. The newspaper. Excelsor m an editorial en Monday, says that "we Mexicans must modify our pectator mentality.' 1
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 152 10 J Cor id enjoy 1. Ii m II Evcrybod needs one d,iys! TO-DAY < API IPL 3., 5 -6.,5-9,5 Maisic "operates" on Dr. KiUlare and certainly 'Slays' 1 the society snobs j ''"3LOHDC SCSnRS"iAiW'S \H SOCIETY HOW! i Do you Remember how you laughed at M DULCY?" 5 ...ANN SOTHERN
      152 words
    • 160 10 \l V I -\t.'*» .'I 11. .11.1 j?i-^T*-^» l I You can depend on tin TO-DAY 3 SHOWS AS USUAL SATURDAY SUNDAY A SHOWS wt'mJ^'W The YANKIiI: AClz FLYIIR OF THE R.A.F. UNIVERSAL WAR PICTORIAL NEWS BLA< KOIT lIWII V X I Ci I! T L V Commencing from \f
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 396 10 i AIR j^ i SINGAPORE ziil its m. m.< k c>. ZUP.I. M.M m. 9-69 mis ZHI» At.9l m. f.175 m'rs. y.lll'i. P -,s m. 7.23 mcs Xl NMING XCOY 85.21 mrtrcs (11.0 me s). FromH.Mpm. KWEIYANG VPSA 40 ft nutrcs I 5 St p m. to 1115 p.m.
      396 words

  • 479 11 Another S25,0G0 Gift To War Fund PROFIT oi $450,683.14 was made by Paji n Lira year ending Sept. 30, 1941, and shareholders will be ting a Tumi dividend of 16 per cent., making m all 25 per cent. for the year. At the annual general meeting of
    479 words
  • 125 11 AI.L four main theatres In Singapore changed their programmes last ni^ht. ALHAMHRA: "International Squadron, tell* ;i Btory Of exiled uees of thy X Ah Force, starring Ronald Beagan, Olyn Bradna, William Lundlgan, Joan Perrj and Reginald Denny. CAPITOL: "Malalc Wu A Lady," a comedy, with Ann Sothern In
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  • 218 11 Malayan Food Position Excellent THM stock position regarding foodstuffs generally Ls excellent, but, at the same time, the purchase of abnormal quantities of any particular food is to be disc our aged, states a communique from Uk Food Controller. Most Importers and dealers have, durum the last two years, cooperated
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  • 125 11 Washington, Die. o. The following ls the text ol the White House statement regard Lease-Lend: "Obviously Gei many did all viic could to push m Into the war. Ii was ihe German hop that ir the- United s and Japan c uld bo pu h( d
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 59 11 Monte Video, Dee. 9. —The National Defence Minister, Mr. Rolett, is understood to have informed the Unit"d States of Uruguay's solidarity m the present emergency. Mr. Rolett declared: "The Uruguayan Government la doing everything possible to complete preparations for the defence of the country, which will be placed
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 93 11 Moscow. Dec 9. ptOLONKI. LugUCt, of the Free Prefect) Air Force, Formerly ah- Attache at the French Embanj In Moscow Basra: "The Oertnan Air Force cannot afford its preteni losses The Russian production of w.ii- i > him- this equaued thai <• the British Cmpln
    93 words
  • 83 11 Chr.Tri.kins, Doc. 9:—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, Mr. Quo Tai Chi and other hi^'h Chinese Government officials have been conferring since dawn, but so far (here is no indication whether or not they will carry out the spokesman's .statement of last week that China would declare war on Japan if
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 42 11 Washington, Di>c. 9:— M. Lltvlnoff has presented his credentials and discussed tho whole war situation with President Rooaorelt, alter which he a&ld h»* ■wwfl Tinable ta make a statement regarding the chances of Rir a eo'.zxe. to war •ten lint Jocaxj Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 362 11 Indian News Pars Calcutta, Dec. 8. TALCUTTA civil de-| fence regulations' have been tightened) up owing to the wari with Japan. E&emp- tions to the lighting restrictions have been cancelled. Japanese nationals in India are being rounded up and a number have already been taken into cus- tody. Japanese busi-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 105 11 PAVILION TO-DAY i'.il 9.15 I /.^ixiA jWBKJWw < J*^ •'*r ■Jmttf X^l^mJ^mWr W^ 9 ow7ii|i '^VLJ&Sm^mw A v!^B%MPdCr^ O <^m^^m mm Mmt mm WmJ^^F mm m\ m M mm* CHEERY! FILLED WITH FUN!! FOR A GENUINE DIVERSION OF YOUR THOUGHTS, SEE 1 THIS COLUMBIA COMEDY. NEXT WEEK- ALII A 31
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  • 593 12  -  PATRICK CROSSE U»> Battle Headquarters of Bth Army,JDec. 9. IN a series of running fights m an area spreading 35 miles south-west of Tobruk, the German main tank forces appear to be withdrawing gradually. In various inconclusive engagements yesterday, Sunday, our tank guns knocked out
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  • 64 12 London, Dec. 9. FE following official statement is Issued m London: "The special Commissioner lor Sarawak m England is authorised by the Chief Secretary and Supreme Council of Sarawak, m the absence ol His Highness the Rajah of the State, that there is no truth whatever m ceitain
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 30 12 London, Dec. 9:— The National Broadcasting Company of America states that Congress pasaed President R-osevelfs request to declare war on Japan 25 minutes after the President had finished speaking. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 76 12 NEWS BREVITIES Moscow, Dec. S. HUGE German losses m five months of war was emphasised m an editorial m the newspaper Pravda. It says that the Germans have sustained 6.000.000 casualties; and lost over 15,003 tanks, 13.000 aircraft; 19,000 guns and also a vast number of automatic rifles. Tt stresses
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 63 12 Melbourne, Dec. 9. SIR John Latham, the first Australian Minister to Japan, In an intervi°w here to-day declared: "I repeated, ly told the Japanese Government that Australia would resist attacks on her territory or those m which she is vitally interested. Let us hope that when we havp won, the
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 25 12 London, Dec. 9. It is learned that one enemy bomber was destroyed off the north-west coast of England by British fighters this (Tuesday* morning. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 105 12 Londun. Dec. 9. rnllK hope that "R" for BlMril would A shortly be mUM to ttM AIiCD front urea f.vjjn- ., by Mr. Hore neii.-.h.., speaking iii London to-aay. Hi s.ilu m the .vxl-s strategy the same contemptible role h<iU been a. signed to Japan m Lin;
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 16 12 Vichy, Dec. Ihiitl (ma Honduras ..nv Uiclind \v;ir on Japm. uccording to messages reoelTCd here- Reuter
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  • 78 12 London, Dec. 9. THE Parliamentary Labour Party «t a special meeting to consider the 4 r attitude on the iorthcoming debate on the National Service Hil decided by a large majority to support it. The Bill gives the Government powers to conscript men and women for national
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 124 12 HOOVER'S STIRRING CALL FOR ACTION New York, Dec. 9. EX-President Hoover m a statement on the war .situation .said; "American soil has been treamsly attack* d by Japan. Our decision is clear, it has been forced upon us. We must light with everytning ure have. 1 have opposed the loiek'n
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 181 12 New Delhi, Dec. 9. INDIA is destined to play a vital role m the Japanese war for her troops form the majority of the garrison m Malaya and are already at grips with the Japanese invaders. For the past two years India has been sending a
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