Morning Tribune, 28 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 17 1 <^^^^^^^^^^^T?^^^^^^^^Tt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Morning Tribune Vol. tf— No. 257, Friday, November 28, 1941. Morning Tribune Friday, November 28, 1941
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  • 658 1 Cairo, Nov. 27. A Cairo communique reports that the relieving forces have joined forces from Tobruk and that Bir El Hamid has been captured. It is also reported officially that New Zealand troops supported by tanks recaptured Sidi Rezegh on Tuesday night.
    Reuter  -  658 words
  • 487 1 U.S.- Japan Talks Fail To End With Peace Formula Washington, Nov. 27. IT is learned authoritatively that the United States and Japan failed to find a formula for the peaceful settlement of differences, and war or peace m the Far East may hinge on Japan's next move. While there has
    Reuter  -  487 words
  • 178 1 Ti bo carry on the war ol 1 1 ince until the recovery oi LivPour North-eastern Provinces was the resolution unanimously passed at the ceremony .narking the adjournment of the People's Political Council which took place yesterday. Addressing the attendance, Generalissimo referred to various
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  • 174 1  -  MASSE Y ANDERSON AT SEA ABOARD BRITISH TRITISER. NOV. 27. B.V A strong Eastern Mediterranean Cruiser Squadron with supporting destroyers has carried out a most extensive sweep of the notorious 150 miles wide "bomb alley" between the coasts of Cyrenaica and Crete. The sweep covered over
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 92 1 New York, Nov. 27. THE Tokyo radio was heard by the National Broad- j casting Company here last night to say that Japan had lost every hope of a peaceful outcome of J the Washington talks between Mr. Cordell Hull and Mr. Kurusu, the special Japanese emissary.
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 47 1 Bangkok, Nov. 27 A spy scare is apparently exercising the minds of vernacular newspapers which to-day report fifth column activities m widely separated parts of the kingdom, including the frontier province. They particularly draw attention to wireless transmitters m possession of fifth columnists In south Thailand. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 634 1 Threat To Red Capital Increases London, Nov. 27. THE Germans are slowly drawing closer to Moscow, the most serious thrust along the Moscow highway is along Volokolamsk where the Germans are smashing back the defence with six tank and five invantry divisions. The situation at Volokolamsk has become worse m
    Reuter  -  634 words
  • 75 1 Moscow, Nov. 27. THE Germans are hurrying huge forces into action m the Volokolamsk sector, north-west of Moscow, where the situation has "become aggravated m the past 24 hours," according to Investia's correspondent at the front. "Nevertheless, the result of the tremen- dous offensive," undertaken with the whole might of
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 262 2 "CHR ONIC B USINESS" Of Defence Law Clear London, Nov. 27. frihUai. says The Times m a leader to-day. As a result of the aerate iuc House should have gained a clear understanding of the dilemma of the Executive, and the Government a better appreciation of the anxieties of the
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 170 2 London, Nov 27. CINGAPORE 'the heart of 0 the British Empire" and Malaya and other parts of the Far East are being: defended by troops from the United Kingdom, India, Canada and Australia, said Sir Earle Page, spe cial Australian Ministerial delegate > m London. u«»,-. < i
    British Wireless  -  170 words
  • 32 2 Canberra, Nov. 27. nR H. V. Evat the CmnmonU wealth Minister of T xlern f "ffairs declared m the House of was the "only c-mon sense dip lomatic method.' Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 19 2 London Nov. 27: Bombs were causing slight damage but no •One enemy aircraft which came over was destroyed."- Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 71 2 15 Fi eld Marshal Luang J lb :J^^ policy o£ mier 01 Thailand reaffirmed Iha lam£ P neutrality according U> Uje of oth e r aa^sS^SS? M Malaya as Thailand's relations witt i the oeraoc nces from japan. He. said I ««t h e ha
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  • 13 2 Calcutta N«v. 37.-M. Litvinoff has left Calcutta for Kan,™ and Singaporejn^outeJLo^ Amenca, Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 354 2  -  Alaric Jacob (WITH A BRITISH ARMOURED DIVISION SOUTH-EAST OF TOBRIK.) (By Monday. Nov. 24 (Delayed). 4 desperate unsuccesslui A tank counterattack which the Axis launched on Sunday cost them heavy losses. The light which began after lunch ended before sundown after a supply troup from
    Reuter  -  354 words
  • Article, Illustration
    84 2 Tfce London Pmmbiw Transport Board are issuing ci»lM*n **i* f» masks, as used by CWI Defence workers, t» tbeir bus drivers and coadttctors (men and woawsn). 21,000 have been bought and are bein* distributed at the rate of 1.200 per week. Photo shows. B|» drivers and conductretresses are
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  • 30 2 NO JAPANESE FRONTIER LAPSE, BANGKOK SAYS Bangkok. Nov. 26. •THERE has never been any Japagainst »»>e d«W« e r pl 6 Colummsts and uif*^^, ulk rhWn^fjve a-y the eaunagents- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 102 2 Tientsin, Nov. 27. A RELAXATION of export regulations is indicated by the following announcement to exporters issued by the Yokohama Specie Bank's Exchange Contract departm At tS the request of the' Federal Reserve Bank of China, we hereby notify you that the export of local produce
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 !S IpSMhJ <*^^^--^ -'iifl'hMTiij P«H"lJi i|j r 1 i I 1 \X/lfril IflC w^ i| J vt 111 I v 5B B irsr n U H!^ 1 1 Pr* H II lOOfo I GRIP! SILENCE! I SAFETY! MILEAGE! I COMFORT! I
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  • 900 3 Taxi dancer not credible witness, counsel submits "TIIERE is evidence on record and, on her own showing, Mary Chow is not a witness to be relied on." said Mr. K. K. O'Connor yesterday during the course of the hearing m which S. A. Dawood, a young Indian ship chandler, is
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  • 33 3 jyiANY Singapore motorists and lorry- owners are evidently not yet awaro that petrol coupons for December can be obtained m advance. These coupons are now e\ailab.e at the Petrol Rationing Office.
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  • 256 3 News Briefs FATALLY injured when a boulder pinned him to the ground during a fall of rock and rubble just after noon on Nov. '2l, Lee Tser Onn, a 26-year-old workman employed m Bukit Timah, died short, lv after. Death wa^ due to shock and haemorrhage from multiple injuries, it
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  • 25 3 Melbourne* Nov. 27. A Melbourne woman to-day received her meat wrapped m a newspaper dated Aug. 2, 1914, reporting Germany's declaration of war on Russia.
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  • 176 3 "NG GIM IT" SHARE CASE JUDGMENT i 1 it. in Our <)u n X i> »i I<t Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. WHAT has come t< be known as the "Nf Oim It" share swindle case came to an end m Ue Selangor assize; to-day when Sir Herbert Trusted, the chief justice,
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  • 172 3 HEAD-ON CRASH AGAINST TREE U/iikn Staff Sergeant Thrw, of the K.A.o.c appeared m court yesterday on a summons charge <>t negligent driving, it was stated that alter an accident involving a private car— the military car driven by Thew left the road and crashed head on against a tree on
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  • 208 3 gIR Shenton Thomas— in his diuil capacity as Governor of the Straits Settlements and Hi^h Commissioner of 'he Federated Malay States has received two cables from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, on behalf of the British Minister for Aircraft Production, Lieut.-Col. Moore
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  • 232 3 London, N'v. 27. BOTH the Daily M^il and tht Yorkshire Post warn In editorials to-day that Libya will be I long and hard fight. The Daily Mail says that excessive optimism is as inappripria^' as excessive pctttmism. "We are fighting a strong, detcri mined and resourceful enemy.
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 89 3 rpHE third annual parents' day and x privp Hiving of the Monk's Hill School was licld itt the School hall yesterday "verting when the prizes were given away by Mrs. J. D. Joseph The distribution f>f prizes wtis preceded by the concert m which the raildren of the school uave
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  • 126 3 MRS. van Eck Poppe contested the allegation that her dogs were ferocious when, m answer te a summons charge, she appeared yesterday m the fifth court for allegedly having "negligently suffered .two ferocious dogs without muzzles to be at large m the vicinity of Caldeoctt Hill
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 347 3 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, dgi* ir Exclusively. \y^^ N THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG., PHONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. High Blood Pressure Dangerous to Hear; Thousands of men and women past 40 face the dangers of heart trouble and paralysis because
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    • 20 3 SINGAPORE Lsland will be subject to a blackout from 6 p.m. on Dec. 17 to 6 a.m. on Dec. 19.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 91 3 To-morrow's Radio A SHORT talk m the series "The Kit- rhen Front. Rivlni( advice on marketin«. togetner with food prices and food control announcoments, will be broadcast from the Singapore station at 7.55 am. To-morrow Other it«n»s later m the day are th» i ondon relay. "Cafflng the British Forces
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  • 299 4  - Rommel Takes Advantage Of Desert Respite Patrick Crosse (By Reuter's Corespondent at the Eighth Army's Battle Headquarters; WITH the suspension of the hve-day tank engagement on ww British left flank of Tobruk, the Eight Army is deforming its forces and gathering reinforcements while General Rommel is using the respite to
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 4 This picture, taken at a camp m Southern England, shows the intense training through which these modern soldiers pass before being absorbed into the Service bat- talions. For four months the young Guardsmen are hard at work, swimming m fait kit, scaling walls, leaping ditches, and generally learning the inirioacies
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  • 73 4 TOE General Officer Commanding, Malaya, Lieut-Gen. A.E. Percival, C.8., D.5.0., 0.8. E., M.C., has left on a brief visit to Sarawak where bx vrtfl inspect the troops stationed there This announcement is trie first m. decatton that British troops of the Malaya command ate m Sarawak/ Renter states. Previously Sarawak
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  • 63 4 j New York, Nov. 27. ISOLATIONISM which denies the concept of the world as a family of nations is contrary to the Christian gospel, says a statement I issued here yesterday by a group !of 33 Episcopal bishops, clergy and laymenr It calls for every step necessary Ito accomplish the
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 130 4 Chungking. Nov. 27. SIGNS of uneasiness and nervousness which were clearly noticeable among Chinese circles immediately before and after the opening of the Washing, ton talks are now definitely giving way to a feeling of confidence and optimism since the Chinese are becoming convinced, first
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 106 4 London. Nov 26. THE Nazis are not delivering the goods they promised to neutral countries they cannot. Goeteborgs (Sweden; Handels Och Bjofarta Tidningen says, German firms are failing to deliver steel .trticles. locks, and metal (Utingi "Swedish firms," says the paper, 'have now cancelled their orders
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  • 921 4 Tanks In Libya -How Battles Are Fought 11 |F you are to get a rough idea of how these great tank battles are being fought m Libya you must remember one main principle; it is this it does not matter where the opposing units meet, whether it's m our territory
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 176 4 BRING OUT THE FULL BRILLIANCY OF YOUR HAIR Your hair is not only one of your chief assets, but its tidiness and richness is used by many to indicate your character. Orderly, well cared for hair, shows •martness and personal pride and ability. Join the many, who rely •n SILVIKRIN
      176 words
    • 105 4 Eczema Itch Killed m 7 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny rfearoa and ports where gt-rms hide and caus»> terrible Itchlltf, Cfaikingr, Kczenm. Peeline Burning, Acne,, liingworm, l»s..ri Blackh- ;ids. Pimples, Foot lt«h and oth. r blemish- s. Ordinary krea'tmetlta give on'y temporary relief because they do not
      105 words

  • 907 5  - colourful art show is latest War Fund effort VERA ARDMORE PEOPLE PLACES By Ballerinas For To-Morrow's Revue I Girls who will dance m to-morrow's Revuette at the Victoria^ Theatre m aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. It is being pre- sented by the Business and Professional Girl's Club of the
    907 words
  • 276 5 WHEN THEY OUT-OF- PLAY DOORS... BECAUSE exposure to the sun is your child's insurance against rickets, outdoor life and sun-bathing are greatly to be recommended. But. where sun bathing is concerned, «^o slow at first, and never give the sunbath whrn the sun is at its hottest, or after
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  • 181 5 Fancy Dress Party CHRISTMAS parties for the chilVf dren are mounting up. The latest to be organised is a fancy dress affair to be held at the Adelphi Roof Garden on Monday Dec. 22, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Mrs. Vyncr Gomez and Mrs. Ci. Le Mercier arc the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 I Eugene Oil I To suit tht ucui I new twatwim Ttlm» Violet B^ rnfwntion I Elizabeth Saloon H guropoui Operators H Capitol mdf lit North^ Bridge Road, H Tel. 4419. I X»M A S SVL E i ]W[| 2 pcs Shirts Fancy $1.00 jV 1 doz Handkerchiefs $0.60 H
      133 words
    • 17 5 Your favourite perfume duplicated 24 XI Refill perfumes your now own available PrpfTr^iH 11, THE ARCADE, S'por^
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1012 6 BAD HABITS In Children main 1 1/ for mot furs A BABY has no bad habits Baby's habits may be considered bad because mother doesn't like them or because mother has not been able, or has neglected to train the child In a baby under one year of age, there
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 82 6 FOB YOIK ALMOOTGROWN I 1 EVENING VrOCK OF TILIP I PINK TAFFETA WITH MATCHING j HAS APPLIQUED FLORAL DESIGN Under European management j les famous, cook fish a na i serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecookingOur cellars have been restocked t 9f A* MA
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 544 7 cvcv Situations Vacant VACANCY filled, applicants thanked. Box No. 895. Singapore. (No. 85M) WANTED one dark-room experienced j photographic printer, 6, Calrnhlll Road. Singapore. (No. 100 M) WANTED- Fitter capable of handling) Lathe and Refrigerator work. Apply I P.O. Box No. 176. Singapore. (No 70M> AGENTS wanted for CHOCOMILK andi
      544 words
    • 525 7 Miscellaneous MAGICTAN for Christmas Children and Party Dr. Leutz, 128 Bencooleu Street. Singapore. (No. 81M) LET "Old Capital," 31, Stamford Road, solve your Christmas problems. Special reductions. (No. 50M) SERVICE COMFORT Guaranteed Stay at New Asia Hotel. 2 Peck Scan Street, Singapore. Modern Sanitation. Rate Moderate. Phone 4975, Proprletoi lig
      525 words
    • 569 7 Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to sell your car? Phone 5088, Singapore. Cash paid. QUICK SALE. 1936 Morris Eight tourer »900-. Apply 285 River Valley Road. Singapore. (No. 83M) FOR SALE Morris "8" 1938 tourer perfect condition $1,300- apply 63. Klyne Street. Kuala Lumcur. Phone 3553. No 61M > FOR
      569 words
    • 454 7 For Sale gHaSS SHOW-CASE FOR SALE Apply Malay* Publishing House (No. 124 M) FOR SiLE. Automatic Storage Water Heater 230 Volts AC. current. Price $75. Brlnkmann Co. 15. Grange Road. Singapore. (Nc. 87M) S\LE Tennis Badminton Rackets ail l)cl<>w cost. Prlc-s $1.15; $<> JO. 6. CairnhUl Road. Bfnpapore. (No. 101
      454 words
    • 497 7 Property For Sale k< >k Immediate Mdc :t acrM sc-a-sido land m the dining village ol Telok gwhMig Penang Suitable for villa or lanatorla. Apply 20 Ayor Itam. 1 Penan (No. 84M) i FOR SALE: Freehold land with bun«alow at Jalan Kembangan, 2-4 bedrooms garage, the rool and water, outside
      497 words

  • 461 8 COMBINED COLLEGES' EASY WIN OVER S.C.C. AFTER holding on gamely against the persistent attacks by their opponents m the first half, when they managed to share a goal each, the S.C.C. were completely outplayed m the second session and eventually lost their hockey fixture against the Combined Colleges by five
    461 words
  • 289 8 Till: following arc the handicap* for t«-morrow f s races, the final day of the Selangor Turf Club> u inter meet: Hone* CUm f" rs AO ROIBTIBKR 5'J; NEWZY I DISTINGUISHED CANTON J-" RELEASE J-^ MEASURE STUART TARTAN CONTANGO 2'nA SCOTT V eremiah trumpeter j,-" BLUE PETER
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  • 124 8 THE annual Scotland v The Rest rugby match will be played on Saturday at the Padang, kick-off at 5 p.m. The following are the teams for the match: Scotland: McGubbin; Capt. Mathieson, PO Angus, L. A. C. Duff, S Ldr. Pearson; 2ndLt.
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  • 427 8 Annual General Meeting Of S.C.Q A STATEMENT that the members of the Club had individually contributed a sum of $2,114.71, and also that the Club, out of its funds, had promised to pay a sum of $50 a month, until further notice, towards
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  • 424 8 Great Rally By Chinese Wins Them Water Polo Shield FOR the second time, the Chinese Swimming Club won the water-polo shield presented by the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association, when they defeated the Royal Air Force by four goals to three after a thrilling encounter yesterday, m the replay to decide
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  • 213 8 MRS. FORTIN AGAIN OUTSTANDING IN WOMEN'S TRIAL POOR ground at the Girls' Sports Club was not conducive to good hockey yesterday when the second trial to choose the Singapore women's team to meet Selangor was held. Form was difficult to judge, m a garr.<~ which was goalless, but perhaps the
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  • 46 8 THE Tamil Brotherhood Association w- t be meeting a team from the R.A.F. Kallang. m a friendly game of soccer the Parrer Park on Saturday: The Brotherhood's team will be sejec Rajagop,;^ Mauian. Sintha. Ponnuswamy. Jj™*;^ Rajah Kassim. Munlandy. Krliaii*»waxn?|^ Thamby and Sinniah.
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  • 59 8 One of his best performances was first place m the New Zealand 50-mile junior championship last year m a field of 50 riders Bobby has won races from live to 50 miles. jLP II A M PION. Tv cyclist with j only one leg. \is 19-year-old t
    59 words

  • Article, Illustration
    895 9  -  H.L. HOPKIN'S London, Oct. 22. THE sensational naming of the Duke of Bedford m the House of Commons has led the public to wonder what exactly the Duke has been doing. Mr. Morrison, speaking wit/a n«at fervour, said: "There is one noble lord whom I have not TO
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  • 302 9 MORNING TRIBUNE FRIDAY, NOV. 28, 1941. PITIFUL ITALY AS R.A.F. raids on vital Italian towns and cities increase m tempo, Mussolini becomes strangely reticent. Perhaps he realises that empty boasts unaccompanied by substantial achievements no longer have any stimulating effecton the sagging morale of the Italian nation. A casual review
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 [far eastern music school I S No. 1 A, KIRK TERRACE S MALAYA'S PREMIER SCHOOL OF MUSIC THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF TUITION. KINDERGARTEN (From age 4) to DIPLOMAS J ENROL ANYTIME. PHONE 2323. BRANCHES AGENCIES TIUIOUGHOUT THE WORLD. South British Insurance Co., Ltd. XeL 592« 2, Finlayson Green A Regular
      110 words
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  • 160 10 -I'll! vi.i, i I i!t it. h hi lam m (I. Royal Sir I md Kep pel «..-.i <int) playi (i .11 K> ,'i" i < -oil rliil) on Wednesday, resull i i w" for Hit- Royal Singapore Goll < mi»i ni» b> i-> Detail) 'i M
    160 words
  • 347 10 India's News Pars Madras, Nov. 26. |\R. Pattabhi Sitha- ramayya, President of the Andhra Provincial Congress Committee, has returned to Madras after meeting Mr. Gandhi. He said the meetings of the AllIndia Congress Working Committee m the near future were "not mere probabilities, but certainties."— By Radio. Peshawar, Nov. 26.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 239 10 The ONE BIC LAUGH SHOW IN TOWN. TWO GREAT FAVOURITES IN A RIOTOUS COMEDY from the FAMOUS NOVEL BY 11. dc VERE STAC PO OLE IriDITAI TO-DAY 3.15-6.15 1 1 1. API I OL and 9,5 I They LOOKED alike but didn't make LOVt dike! AHERNE FRANCIS I %m? Tk
      239 words
    • 113 10 3-i5 6-is ALHAMBRA J^«^?BpM^^^J^yfrtm I SING TlilTaTllVr™ P*3 II All THE MtSHTtIST THIRLS FIOM XSf '<^^m*mmsfi2»2B^^mZF%x NIS nansT snows V I also WALT DISNEY'S I X^^ \Jl^| Technicolour short Mk the FIRE CHffiF> featuring DONALD DUCK V_'"" r "Universal Newsreel" 3rd MIDNIGHT SCREENING TO-MORROW NIGHT At 12 Sharp AMI \>|im\
      113 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 51 10 Njmm is lli«m*> m i» I V mca 1.C.8 i- n Indian H Khi md. i h M Andnv. < >l(i Mi.. l i MlliTIDE TABLE HIGH TIDI S TO-DAY. 6.56 am, 7 8 ft. 7.06 p m., 7 3 ft. TO-MORROW: 7.50 a.m., 8 ft; 8 20 p.m..
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  • 343 11 Cable News From 'Down Under' Melbourne, Nov. 27. QUIZ' sessions for soldiers will be a feature of military camp life m Australia, says Mr J. D. G. Medley, Vice-Chancellor of Melbourne University, who is chairman of the Australian Services Educa- I tlon Council. He proposes to establish about 40 educational
    343 words
  • 549 11 FMGHTI entries from elan I horses and 29 from class two ponies have hern rrroiv«»d for the forthcoming I|><>li rates. The following arc the entries from class 3 hoi PONIES CtASS TWO AU the^e ponies have been entered for both the six furlongs and lout furlongs straight, excepting
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 31 11 HE GOT THE GANG, 0.X.? WHO? The Malay Detective SEE HOW HE DID IT TO-MORROW MIDNICHT at the QUEENS SUN (Geylang) and (New World) 12 m.n. sharp. 12.30. AMALIA J I
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    • 99 11 3.i5 -6.15 9.i5 TWfJMMam 69 3 11 a.m. To-morrow Sunday. m (il Two Grand Stars In Columbia's Most Timely Production Which Takes You RIGHT Into The IT.S.l T .S. SENATE Ik vwpt^--^ '^^^V* '9 R/^H Ih^ feJ^^S •< :jm J9B|flHu^&4°*9ft' OUT OF THE WORLD'S MOST EXCITING CAPITAL WHIRLS ONE OF
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  • 261 12 R.A.F. STRIKES HARD AT ENEMY COLUMNS Cairo, Nov. 27. AN R.A.F. Middle East communique reports "further effective raids on concentrations of enemy tanks, armoured fighting vehicles and motor transport m the battle area of Libya were carried out by our bomber aircraft yesterday. In the neighbourhood of El Adam and
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 157 12 London, Nov. 27. WRITING to-day on von Ribbentrop's speech to the "Congress of Quislings," the Daily Telegraph recalls that Ribbent.op m 1939 described the Russian Pact us a "firm and irrevocable foundation on which both,. States woul: 1 build," and adds: "It must be a
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 75 12 Istanbul, Nov. 27. THE Rumanians are saying they are not responsible for the war against Russia and that they want it to stop. Then they can stab Hungary. According to the special correspondent of Vecko Journalen, the Rumanians declare: "We want our forests back. What's Odessa
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  • 218 12 Manila, Nov. 27. The United States Military Chiefs held hurried conferences to-day with President Quezon and Mr. Sayre, United States High Commissioner for the Philippines, following upon news from Washington that the Far East talks had reached a deadlock. The officials warned reporters that "anything mi hi happen
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 181 12 Bangkok, Nov. 27. Two hours before Premier went on the air to-night, Bangkok radio announced that the Japanese Minister, Mr. Futami, saw the Premier this morn"ir und that the interview lasted over an hour.- (See page 3). Reuter London, Nov. 27. Collection of clothiiiK and blankets m Holland
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 139 12 Melbourne, Nov. 27. Tne Federal Government does not contemplate legal proceedings following the report of the Royal Commissioner on the use of the secret fund. Pilot Officer Eric Magor Champion, a South Australian weight-lifter, is reported missing m the Western Desert. Mr. John L. Savage, a world authority on
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  • 147 12 COMPULSORY WAR WORK BRITAIN'S AIM THE British Government has come to the conclusion that at the present stage of the war, the time for appeals to the people to perform national service is past and compulsion must be used to secure the maximum war effort. Proposals of the Government for
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 90 12 GEORGE BERNARD SHAW'S CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT! MAJOIt BARBARA WENDY HILLER REX HARRISON ROBERT MORLEY artists \l J BoW. audacious, witty, humorous 'Major Barbara' "is an out- ..<y /^f standing triumph for Shaw and J^\^&~\ Pascal > FREE PRESS. til \^S DIRECTED BY ST l^) GABRIEL PASCAL CATHAY n Y otA 1n
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    • 6 12 "CTEfsf T-/\ PLANE" FUND SCOItt 12
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