Morning Tribune, 27 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 29 1 t«-n«- > Nirrr walks i<:x<"»-. i:i> i .«»<><» daii v Morning Tribune Vol.6— No. 256, Thursday, November 27, 1941. NHTTT SAIIs KX<I I I.AOOIMII T Morning Tribune Thursday, November 27, 1941.'
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  • 329 1 i London, Nov. 26. i\S the Russian front the Soviet forces are v still hard pressed m the second great Ger- j I man onslaught on Moscow. me heaviest Hunting seems to be m the north- west and south-east of the capital In the direction of
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  • 142 1 Nazis Big Offensive Will Fail Kuibishev, Nov. 26. "THE German offensive launched against Moscow on Oct. Z with a great deal of noisy propaganda has failed completely one can safely say that the new offensive which started on Nov. lti will also fail," declared 31. Lozovsky, the Soviet official spokesman
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 82 1 Canberra, Nov. 26. THE Australian Cabinet has agreed with General Blarney that it is desirable that m all future Middle East engagements, Australian Imperial Forces shoud "fight as a unified corps instead of operating as units on different sectors of the front," declared Mr.-
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 39 1 LIT VINOFF ON WAY TO SINGAPORE London, Nov. .'<;. ]y|. LITVINOFF. new Soviet Amh^ »-»f'(u (•> the T "ni««rl S».it"s left Habbaniyeh aerodrome m Iraq, yesterday, by British plane for Singapore. He was accompanied g by his staff and wife.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 289 1 London, Nov. 26. "y HAVE expressed to M. LitX vinoff mv own deep personal regret for a misunderstanding for which I accept full responsibility," said Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, answering questions m the House of Commons regarding the newly appointed Soviet
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 642 1 CLIMAX NEAR IN LIBYA WAR London, Nov. 26. jyEW Zealanders, headed by tanks, have joined with South African and British troops m the Sidi; Jalo has been captured by British and South African forces co-operating with Indian troops. These are the highlights of the news from the Libyan front to-day.
    Reuter  -  642 words
  • 12 1 Black line m. rlicates the approximate front line m Libya.
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  • 100 1 GONDAR Successes Continue Londoft, Mot. M. JT is learned aatfc«rtt»:»ti*ely that the British Threes m Fast Africa adranefay from J the north. west haw «ut the road from Gondar It Pebra Tabor at Zaijadi. The garrison at Wtam Aber was isolated, and after fceary fighting, was captured Kov. 1 21.
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 116 1 Rome Claims 2 Generals Captured Rome, Nov. 26. THE claim that the Imperial Forces encircled to the South of Sidi Rezegh, have been annihilated is made this morning, by the Rome radio. It is stated that amoii£ the prisoners, numbering more than 5,000; there is m addition to General Sperling,
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 76 1 New York, Nov. 29. THE British offensive m Libya 1 continues to make "headline" news, both m the American Press and over the radio. The Press is unwilling to predict the outcome but many see the campaign as potentially a turning point of the war. There is much speculation on
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  • 1333 2 JAPAN BLEEDING INDO-CHINA DRY gINGAPORE Radio last night carried a report from New York that the Franco-Japanese agreement made m May this year drives Japan the power te exercise complete economic domination of Indo-China. The report is based on previously unpublished documents and it suggests that this domination will become
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  • 128 2 U.S. Rail Strike Looms Washington, Nov. 23. pRESIDENT Roosevelt has an--1 nunced that the railway dispute vhich threatens to result m a strike by 1,250.000 railwaymen on Dec. 7, has been referred back to the Fact Finding Board which has been asked to report on Dec. 1. The same board,
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 83 2 Shanghai, Nov. 26. THE United State Far Eastern Arm; authorities m Manili have officially dis closed their intentior to begin minelayini operations aroum the fortified island: at the approaches U Manila Bay soim time next month, say* Domei News Agencj from Manila. It If added
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • Article, Illustration
    77 2 h Forestry units of Australia and New Zealand took part m an "Axemen's Carnival" m the West of Fnglaml, which consisted of various wood-chop-ping and sawing competitions. I'hotn shows: Sapper 11. Malkin of Melbourne, Australia, give« the final blow that takes the tier top off m the "felling a trrc
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  • 17 2 Melbourne, Nov. 26. Mackay is the best war savings city m Queensland, averaging nearly £4 a head.
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  • 153 2 Hmr ,4 ,r. Rangoon, Nov. 26. OW completely Rangoon and all the frontiers and vital areas of Burma are protected against possible air raiders was indicated by the officer commanding Burma's Observer Corps, Major R.O. Taylor at a special conference of area commanders of
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 101 2 NAZI AIRMEN 'S ESCAPE INQUIRY London, Nov. 26. IT is learned la London to-day that an official enquiry" will by held into an incident m which two German airmen who had escaped from a British prison camp, obtained possession of an aeroplane m order, apparently, to set 'out for Germany.
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 47 2 QN the authority of the Renr Admiral, Miili.ya. certain areas off the south oast of Johore. m the cistern approacheH to Singapore, have been rlosed to shipping by mines. Ves^ls entorinK the dangerous |TMI will do so nt their own risk nnd peril.
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  • 32 2 Berlin, Nov. 26.— The Vichy Air Minister, Gen. Btrgerrt. has arrived at Casablanca from Rabat, Morocco, states a Vichy dispatch. Gen. Bergeret is en a tour of inspection m North Africa.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 212 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, tf'^^J' Exdusively. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG., 'PHONE 3002 R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. Asthma Germs Killed m 3 Minutes Choking, gasping, wheezing Asthma an^ bronchitis poiscxn your system, ruin your fh^n^c an f f 7 cake n >
      212 words
    • 42 2 The Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. beg to announce that their PENANG SUB-BRANCH at the corner of PENANG ROAD and CAMPBELL STREET I PENANG. will be open for business on Monday, Ist December, 1941. (Post Box No. 28 ft* Telephone No. 4371 Mastett.
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  • 399 3 FEAST OF SEVEN QUISLINGS OVER London, Nov. 26. "T'HK feast of the seven quislings is over," says the Daily Mail m a lender, adding "We should make a mistake if we dismissed as of no importance the show m which they just played their creaking parts. It is the opening
    Reuter  -  399 words
  • 279 3 3 Stories Of An Earthquake New York, Nov. 26. THE epicentre of the violent earth, quake east from New York, Which some .seismologists .said was the greatest ever recorded on fchetr instruments, ha.s nut been determined Dr. Frederick P-u^h, of the' American Museum oi Natural History, said it might pos.ibly
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 124 3 Washington, Nov. 25. "W E have no tinie t0 wastl wp can not. M ;it norm*) times, alt and •vait for composition of differences betvet n exoftlojer and worker by any method ilvit rests solely upon the test of strength ••Fiance tried that ami
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 76 3 Melbourne, Nov. 26. The Minister for Munitions (Mr. Makin* said that the armaments munitions now being displayed m Melbourne Town Hall were a cross section of a production feat without parallel m Australian industry. The Australian Jockey Club committee has announced that licensed jockeys and apprentices must not write
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 3 When they are not farming or attending classes, the boys of Lingfield ScliooJ, Surrey, march along smartly for Physical Training. The boys and girls of this school grow wheat, keep pigs and poultry. and do other agricultural work towards the war effort.
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  • 314 3 London. Nov. 26. Tiie real dimensions of the newest German assault on Moscow, made m a desperate effort to satisfy the need for Winter quarters, are apparent m the statement by the Moscow Radio that half of Germany's tank divisions are engaged on this front. Some
    Stalinogorsk; Reuter  -  314 words
  • 146 3 PROF. JEAN ESCARA, the well-known French authority on civil law and former legal adviser to the Chinese Government, is now visiting Singapore on his way to Chungking where he expects to gather iirst-hand information on modern China at war and at work. Professor Escara arrived
    Central News  -  146 words
  • 138 3 London, Nov. 26. •rHE British Government have especially noted Finland's adherence to the Anti-Comintern Pack says The Times' diplomatic correspondent to-day. He adds, "Words count for little against deeds, but by her words Finland has committed herself more openly to the invasion of
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 109 3 Majority Nazi Tanks Now In Moscow Battle Moscow, Nov. 26. jyjORE than half of all the German tank divisions are operating around Moscow, according to a Moscow Radio broadcast to the Red Army. The result of this ''fierce and bloody battle will determine the future of the capital, it was
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  • 57 3 O D. Gallagher, Dally Express War correspondent, will give a background picture of tank fighting m the Libyan desert m a news talk to be broadcast from Singapore at 10.05 to-night. Mr. Gallagher will also tell something of what he has «een of the British armoured
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 "SNOW WHITE" CLEANING AT PARIS CO. DRY CLEANERS 28, COLEMAN ST. 'Phone 6045. Under European management j veau. .-wuce piquante T JX b ..gather dish. serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecooking. Our cellars have j been restocked Q^ B^ continental Tej I 2 82
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  • 453 4 DOMESTIC SCIENCE FOR MALAY GIRLS EDUCATION <>i the Malay girl is an innovation of the last 15 yean or so m the Colony and the Malay States, and year by* year the demand for female education has increased, until all available accommodation is now filled to overflowing. Many girls attend
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  • 106 4 rpHE case was mentioned In court yesterA day and postponed for mention to Jan. 7 next year when a date for hearing will be fixed— ln which Abdul Wahid Aljalany is charged with publication In the Arab newspaper. "Alakhabar Almosawarah". of a certain imputation defaming Syed Ahmad bin
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  • 180 4 China Malaya Closely Linked Tin; inter-dependence «»f Malaya and < nina m matters of defence and the necessity fer cooperation between them were two points raised by Mr. Liv Wei-ehJh, director of the Overseas Affair, Board of the Kuoniinlang, at a dinner m honour of the Malayan Mission to Chungking.
    Central News  -  180 words
  • 458 4 THE Royal Air Force, whose dazzling feats evoke the praise of the world's press, has achieved such a great measure of success because of the rigid selection and training of its personnel and also because oi the co-operation that exists m all its branches.
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  • 240 4 FOR riding a bicycle negligently by cutting across the road, thus forcing a car proceeding m the same direction to collide against him from behind, Sinniah. a lascar employed m the Singapore Harbour Board, was yesterday fined $10. As a result of the accident Sinniah went to hospital
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  • 41 4 A VERDICT of found dead was returned by the 3!ngapdre coroner yc:;Urday on Suleiman bin Othman, a 12 year-old boy whosf remains were discovered by a party of Indian oldie's on Mount Washington on Oct. 21.
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  • 284 4 M.i J.i B»l l».i i \t ihe .iUi.i\ > j j n keynot< oi !<■ nard wror* 1 i intellect and n belllon m Mnjoi I irbara, aa In hla other plays, lnt< IK I iiui rebelll a stand out a milt. The picture, which Qabrte] PmmU w\
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  • 212 4 \llt. 11. W. T. Foßden, patron of the 11 An/. ir Club and doner of the Clubhouse, was yesterday, on the «*ve ot h's departure on have, the recipient <»f a silver cigarette box presented by members of the Australian and New Zealand forces
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  • 239 4 rpWO cn.»es vintl* r tlie P-ipcr Control Ordinance, were neard 1.1 the llftli court yesterday and convictions were secured m both. In Hrn first cue Ahmad bin Haji Abdul kiahman. proprietor 01 MM Ahmad Press. J.Uiiii Sultan, pleaded guilty to three summons charge*: (1;. falling to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 601 4 Public Notice Singapore Municipality TENDERS TENDHRS are now Invited for the folItwing materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Room. TENDER Date of Closing Ripply of Standard High i-ressure Copper Tubes. 4 p.m. 5 January 1942. #ii" Dlv of 3.000 to 5.000 Galvd. Nightsoft Pails during 1942. iz liuuu,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 85 4 Radio Programme OPECIAL ltrms m to-morrow's radio pro^ramnx' inrludf turther talk 'ri th« series "War-Timo Cook," RivitiK aflvlco on dirtrtics and economic wiar-time eoofctry, at 12.45 p.m.; a variety prngrainiM at 7.30 pm.: another edition r f "In Port TO-day," programme of interVtewi with nn iiiljits Of Singapore's moving population,
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  • Article, Illustration
    819 5  -  H.L. HOPKIN'S London, Oct. 21. -I SOW ETIMES wonder whether unconsciously we are being affected by the totalitarian philosophy which cares nothing for human personality, and whether the continued spectacle of suffering may not be dimming the pity and compassion which normally we feel." Thus spoke the Bishop
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  • 320 5 MORNING TRIBUNE THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 1941. LIBYA CAMPAIGN IN the present battle m Libya we have little information concerning the relative strength of the contending forces, but we have been told that during the months preceding the British offensive both sides prepared extensively for a trial of strength. The fact
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 i^— m——^ a—a— LOSS OF PROFITS INSURANCE South British Insurance Co., Ltd. Xei. 598* 2 Finlayson Green GLUCOSE DEXTROSE ;^^^,«^^PP The following delicious varieties are available m large and small bottles: r^^^H mixed fruit drops -J'J.^ LEMON BARLEY fi^ T BARLEY MINT BRICKS i^:iCVV'\ •BARLEY SUGAR WM^^M ACID DISCS i\
      114 words
    • 131 5 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEWithout Calomel And You'll Jump out of Bed m the Morning Full of Vim. The liver should pour out two pounds of luiuid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not.llowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It ju*t decay 9 m the bowels. Wind
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  • 992 6  - Lady Brooke-Popham's Work For Blitzed Children VERA ARDMORE and BY PASSING through Singapore on her way home after performing a mission of mercy m Kenya is Lady Brooke -Popham. charming wife of the Commander-in-Chief. Far East. She went to Kenya to find foster parents for blitzed babies who have been
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 This is a lovely lady! I 4^ v I! For Christmas her husband is giving her I a gift book of beauty vouchers from the I Elizabeth Beauty Salon. I For these vouchers she will receive expert facials, shampoos, sets, manicures etc. to I guard and accentuate her beauty. I
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 254 7 these hats are "tops" AFTER many batten (or semi-hatless) years, Singa pore women are becoming more and more alive to the fact that hats provide Wi<perfect finish to any ensemble and that they can make even the simplest washing frock look chic and soignee. In this they have, perhaps, been
    254 words
  • 276 7 ALTOUGH black still heads the list m shoe colours, blue shows signs or moving up to first place whilr tan-to-brown shades are assuming a new and important position Natural and wheat shades m fabrics, and saddle colours m leathers threaten also to cut into the
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  • 129 7 FLARING, vivid colour cha racterises one of tht smartest of the many lovelj evening models newly received by PRISCILLA LTD. No. 5, Eu Court, entrance m Hili Street; an effective siJk gown, printed very vividly m blue, green and white on pillar-box red. Made with a sleeveless bra
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  • 528 7 SHOE styles flatter your feet Faille combines with matching navy patent m this trim court shoe with V toe opening. The bow is a four-square looping of the faille AN amazing number of men will tell you they consider a women's shoes the most important part oi her appeal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1236 8 < i~»_^ —^i^i^^^ _^^^^^>. cvcvcv Situations Vacant Miscellaneous VACANCY filled applicants thanked. MAGICTAN for Christmas Children and I Box" No 895 Singapore. (No. 85M) Party Dr. Lcutz, 123 Bencoolen Street, I Singapore. (No. 81M) WANTED one dark-room experienced T>^t™r«nhio printer. 6. rßirnhtll i.vt "OW C«r>t«l" 31. Stamford Road. C Road"
      1,236 words
    • 655 8 Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to sell your car? Phone 5088, Singapore. Cash paid. (No 67 6H) 3UICK SALE. 1936 Morris Bight tourer -!)00 Apply 285 River Valley Boad, Ungapore. (No. 83M) VANTED: 8-H P. Car, Reply Box 954 :o Mulaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 53M) KOR SALE: 1937 Norton 500
      655 words
    • 618 8 cvc it >i; QUICK \i B .l: hmv n< ords, l baby's cot A i ir i !onl Ineni wi Ighl would exonc m English wt.). Apply iiox No. !>s(> co Malaya Tribune, Smtfton (No. 53M) PANCREAL-N baa cured Diabetes permanently. Don't dread th< diseasx any more. No injection, no
      618 words
    • 342 8 Financial Ah temponui loan 00O|- for shlpmeni fooda m Oodown d pcurity. Apply Boa Mo 010 cfo Malaya Tribune. Sln^apon (No. 110M1 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. Establi.shod by Royal Charter A.D. 1824. (Netherlands Trading Society i BANKERS Paid Up Capital f. 40,030,000 Reserve Fund f. 12,000,000 London l orrespondents NATIONAL PROVINCIAL
      342 words

  • 575 9 MAINTAINING the terrific pace set by their opponents m the initial stages of the game, an S.C.C. Rugby team scored a well deserved win against the Loyals m a return encounter at Ciillman yesterday. The Club won by 6 points (two tries) to nil.
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  • 184 9 DV liis elimination of Tan Puay Choo, whom he beat m straight sets of 6 2, 6 2 yesterday evening, Yong Loong thong will meet Lim Hee Chin m the final of the men's open singles event of the SCR C. open
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  • 955 9 Pharaoh's Folly Provides Only Surprise *H«««*ii«l lftai> OW fcVivitlit l.«mi|ti«r 1\ WITH the exception of Pharaoh's Folly's $58 dividend m the fifth event, yesterday's races at Kuala Lumpur, the second day of the Selangor winter meet, again provided small dividends, the highest other than that paid by Pharaoh's Folly being
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 234 9 SWI/WMING GALA FOR BOYS GIRLS ONLY •V SWIMMING «»la open only to l>o\s and |Mi will b« held by the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association mi Saturday, January 3, at the Singapore Swimming Club. The championships will be divided into four groups, for boys under 18 and under 12 and for
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  • 350 10 India's News Pars WIR John Arthur Herbert, Bengal Governor, said at the Decca University Convocation "To-day we are faced Vith a picture of guns pointed towards India. Our main task Ls to put them out of action and prevent attack on this country, which has known peace for more than
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 232 10 I The ONF BIG LAI 'C» f SHOW /N TOWN! I TWO GREAT FAVOUR/TiS /A 1 RIOTOUS COM ID) //vw/ the FAMOUS NOVEL BY 11. de VERE STACPOOLE |"7rrzrii~in to-day 3.15-6.15 t AIM ■QL and 9,5 oh, mku) ai/ke-but didn't make LOVI alike! P**»* BRIAN I^AY 1 JL**. AHERNE FRANCIS
      232 words
    • 121 10 THE MOST THRU I INC ANIMAL 1 PICTURE EVER MADE! 3-i5, 6-i5 9 15 ALHAMBRA All HIS SREATEST SNOWS V aho WALT DISNEY'S Jj \//5 lechnicolour short Jfe&T "THE FIRE CHIEF" \J^. featuring DONALD DUCK C--^ ft I'MVEItSAL NEWS SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT Already shoun to 2 packed houses DON'T MISS
      121 words

  • 359 11 Cable News From 'Down Under' Melbourne, Nov. 26. GiJiN. Sir Thomas T Blarney said m Sydney tnat other troops were fresher than the Australians who had been used m all the Middle East campaigns, and were now being rested while garrisoning Syria. But the Australians were ready, and could easily
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 302 11 LAST DAY TO-DAY l» aii'V l\ 3 .,5 6-15 9-«5 x%^ ia^tiO^ I THE SEASON'S GRANDEST COMEDY SHOW! I priscilu .UNE^wswtaiaiaPm' THOMAS ..MIICHELL Wf m I "'^nirklMlC MADPAII WILLIAM LUNDIGAN Jk l/LliniO McImIHUHII Dir^tedbyLLOYD BACON '^B i lIMI A WARNER BROS.— '^T^^^^H i Al AN HA I X Fir«t N.dood
      302 words
    • 108 11 JV -j^mMMM, MMW^^^^^Mt fir nm v t* k w i ■■—ri r "*~^%n\ 'Hn ii- ftl i6n\P" p JK ,9 IUL Jmmm\ §ossip tolu ;< jB HhW -W^MMMMMMM I hI ■^F^'' '^^H fibril inTl'b uw MMMMr W MMMMMMMMM. Heort-throbs with |iM J- M l m m mm^^ the brave beat
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 66 11 SPORTS DIARY TO-DAY HOCKEY: Women's trial. Ci.S.C. grouivt; SCC. v Combined CoJh-ges. S.C.C Polico v Manchester Reylmcnt. Taiißtttt; Hornotfi v R.A.O.C Alexandm: N. .1 Police v Coast Batlerr. Chanel. RUOBT: Medical Collegi. v H:\./\.i>\. cJi pof Lin"s TKNMs 8.C. 8.C. tournament. HK.H TIDtS TO-DAY: 5 .4«» a i 7.8 ft:
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  • 374 12 JAPANESE HOPES OF ABCD SPLIT DASHED London, Nov. 26. "WHATEVER hopes Japan may entertain of dividing the United States from the other governments of the ABCI) group havo been completely dashed by the recent events m Washington," says The Times m a leader. "For good reasons the State Department has
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  • 27 12 New York, Nov. 26.— The U.S. Army has two units of shock troops similar to the British Commandos. New York WABC Radio has announced. (By Special Cable).
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  • 238 12 London, Nov. 26. DREMIER Tojo was received by the Emperor of Japan to-day, following reports that the Japanese-American negotiations m Washington now nearing the final phase might result m a temporary pact of limited scope. The Emperor received the Premier and Foreign Minister, respectively, at 1.30 p.m.
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  • 369 12 Tokyo, Nov. 26. THE Domei News Agency learns 1 that Dr. Ernst Wendler, ousted Nazi Minister to Bolivia; who has been appointed Minister to Thailand, left Nagasaki on Tuesday en route to Bangkok. It adds that it is likely that Germany and Thailand will raise their
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 81 12 I/3ndon, Nov. 26. THE King has approved of a re--1 commendation that any person to whom the British Empire Medal has been cr may be awarded may, on all occasions when such us^ is customary, place, after his or her name, the betters "8.E.M." This includes recipients of the Medal
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 156 12 New York. Nov. 26.— Laurence Steuinardt. the United States Ambassador to Rrssia arrived here aboard the Capetown Clipper early to-day. The Clipper was completing the return half of a 19.961 -mile flight m trying out the new Leopoldville-New York route Reuter Sydney, Nov. 26.— Mr. Duff C ooper
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 126 12 London, Nov. 26. NEUTRAL diplomatic circles dOM to the Vichy Government expect the American Ambassador, Admiral Leahy will shortly present a note outlining the American Government's reaction to the circumstances governing General Wey^and's retirement, .says the Daily Telegraph's diplomatic correspondent to-day. The American State
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 153 12 Ankara, Nov. 2G. THE Hermann Goering Works is reported to be one of the three trusts responsible for the carrying out of the heavy industry provisions of Germany's trade agreement with Turkey. Semi-finished .stee products would be supplied by the Goering Works.
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 404 12 LONI JN, Nov. 26.-"The docks at Cher, bourg and Brest were heavily attacked last night, by a smail but powerful force of aircraft of the Bomber Command," says an Air Ministry communique. "None of these aircraft is missing. One aircraft of the Coastal Command is miss,
    Reuter  -  404 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 GEORGE BERNARD SHAW'S CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT! MAJOR BAKBAIIA WENDY HILLER REX HARRISON UNTTFD ROBERT MORLEY ARTISTS. I/ jf Bald, audacious, witty, humorous _/^> 'Major Barbara' is an out\k j&'f^ standing 1 triumph for Shaw and I>ascal FREE PRESS. DI^FCIEDBY '«^i-j GABRIEL PASCAL A- CATHAY \OTF SPECIAI 11 a.m, S.lO, 6.10. <110
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    • 4 12 "CENfT-A-PLANC" FUND SCOFtE 12
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