Morning Tribune, 25 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 16 1 Morning Tribune V(J. 6— No. 254, Tuesday, November 25, 1941. Morning Tribune Tuesday, November 25, 1941--1
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  • 574 1 GAMBUT, BIG NAZI CENTRE FOR SUPPLIES CAPTURES London, Nov. 24. 4 BRITISH forces from Tobruk are consolidating their advance and New Zealand troops are pushing westwards from Bardia, have captured Gambut, important \xis supply centre more than half-way along the road o Tobruk. To-day's Middle East communique which gave this
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  • 178 1 London. Not. 24. COMMENTING on the latest reports from Libya, v authoritative quarters m London observed to-day that the Imperial troops face a resolute enemy, well commanded, who is fighting very desperately. It is extremely difficuft to give any clear picture of what is
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  • 206 1 Chungking, Nov. 24. CHINA is kept continuously informed as to Washington negotiations and the United States, Britain, China and N.E.I, is m complete accord, declared Mr Wang Shih-chieh, Minister of Information m this aiternoon's Press conference when he re-emphasised China's confidence m the United States.
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  • 30 1 London, Nov. 24. THE death has occurred of Lieut e-nart-Cclonei Charles Archer, late of the Portical Department of the Government of India and Revenue Commissioner for Baluchistan, aged 81. Reuter
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  • 97 1 Stockholm, Nov. 24. THE Libyan battle now over-shaaows the Russian war, even m Berlin, though the Germans admit no loose* whatsoever In North Africa and adopt a tone of forced cheerfulness regarding the battle. The Italian propaganda, following suit, even goes so far as to say, "the British
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  • 91 1 Canberra, Nov. 24. PRIME Minister John Curtin questioned regarding the status of Sir Earle Page, stated to-day he had received cablegrams from both Mr. Churchill and Sir Earlc Page expressing satisfaction with the present irransements Mr Curtin added that Sir Earle attended the War
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  • 75 1 Sydney Nov 24 —"The Libyan battle will have tremendous Vonsequen rs." declared General Blarney, the Deputy Australian Commander-in-Chief Middle East, m a speech here "It will certainly affect Turkey who is now uncertain about what future lies before her and it will affect the whole position for the Floet right
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  • 148 1 New York, Nov. 24. MR. HANSON BALDWIN, the Military Correspondent of the New York Times considers that the British have already won important victories m Libya and sees little comfort m the present developments for the Germans. The Herald-Tribune's leading article expresses satisfaction at the
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  • 509 1 Moscow, Nov. 24. A 60-KILOMETRE advance was claimed m a special noailcust by the Moscow radio this morning, describing a Soiet counter-offensive on the Southern front, west of Rostov, luring the last three days. The Soviet Information Bureau nnouncement reads: "As the re;ult of a counter-offensive
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  • 198 1 (By Maurice Lovell, Reuters Special Correspondent) Kuibishev, Nov. 24. THE battle for Moscow has now extended to the whole Moscow front and is going day; and night. In their present drive the Germans have thrown m even larger force than In October, but m the meantime Rir sian
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  • 137 1 Cairo, Nov. 24. nplIE estimate that 15,000 Axis prisoners are already taken is current m Cairo, but hitherto it has been impossible to confirm this from authoritative sources. It is observed, however, that m the count of a brittle it is impossible to accurately count prisoners who are slowly
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  • 302 2  - GREAT ARMOURED FIRE-PO WER CLASH Martin Herlihy (By Cairo Nov. 24. WHILE detailed reports from the battlefield are lacking, the general position m the Western Desert is becoming clearer. The Libyan fighting, as the Prime Minister said, is like a naval battle with isolated units of varying sizes moving over
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  • 130 2 Homes For Homeless U.S. Pledge Baltimore, Nov. 24. rE pledge that the United States, after the war, wild join with other governments m nndin? permanent homes m new lands for the millions made homeless by oppression and conquest was made here last night by Mr. Sunnier Welles, the United States
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  • 99 2 TOBRUK— EPIC OF THE WAR New York, Wcv. 24. •THE siege ot Tobruk will rank 1 with Dunkirk as one of the epic stories of this v/ar," declares the New York Times. It adds: "It appears to be ending now a? the dogged garriscn lights its way to the British
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  • 335 2 London, Nov. 24. most of the many reports concerning the French German negotiations on the subject of North Africa arc premature, it is certain that Hitler has been pressing Marshal Petain very hard and has made at least three specific demands, states The Time's
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  • 50 2 New York, Nov. 24: Tho weather bureau at the La Guard ia Airport to-day stopped issuing transAtlantic weather forecasts to the public. Reporters wore not allowed to enter the forecast room. It is suggested that these reports might help U-boats m checking the movements of convoys. Reuter
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  • 157 2 Axis E mphasises Its Difficulties London, Nov. 24. A<N admission that it was impossible to foresee how the battle m Libya would develop was made by the Rome radio this morning. At the same time the difficulties of the Axis forces were emphasised. The announcer explained that the Axis troops
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  • 115 2 A«^~~ London, Nov. 24. ERODROMES m Prance- from which German bombers operate against Britain were attacked by Fighter Command planes during last night say* the Air Ministry nev/s service. Pilots flew American-built Havocs and used a mixture of instantaneous and delayed action bombs. At one aerodrome landing
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  • 114 2 Ankara, Nov. 24. THE Germans have issued a decree m Belgrade threatening sentences of forced labour m the coal mines for anyone using more electricity than allowed under the recently introduced rationing scheme. Anyone intentionally contravening the restrictions will be sentenced to death. The electric current
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  • 78 2 Melbourne, Nov. 24. The Samson Brooke irrigation dam, near Waroona, West Australia, which can hold 1,800 million gallons, and is serving a big dairying industry, has been officially opened. Rev. J. Hearn, S.J., aged 87. one of the oldest Jesuit priests m Australia, has died. He was a chaplain
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  • 247 2 Pacific Peace New Zealand Desire Wellington. Nov. 24. "TO-DAY m the Pacific we do 1 not want war,** said the Prime Minister, Mr. Fraser. at a state luncheon m honour of Mr. A. Duff Cooper. "We want to live m peace with every nation. "New Zealand m its entirety accepted
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 130 2 i.jPVL^SS^B v STARINA Cycles are precision built m M^ England. The Standard Model de Luxe is m >\ illustrated. Sports Models are also available. MEW W\V Despite their high class British finish \M \/77 A/ lit STARINA Cycles are not high priced! Mm* of V HI Yham C<y M /V'
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  • 388 3 Complete Confidence In British Desert Victory London, Nov. 24. /TIIK magnificent progress of the Imperial forces m the Libyan de^it continues to monopolise the front papes of London nawflpaptn which agree that the great tank battle now m full blast is likely to reach its climax m the course of
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  • 126 3 Cairo, Nov. 24. "A SHAMBLES of men and vehicles" was an R.A.F. fighter pilot's description of the El AdemAcronia Road after Saturday's attack on seven miles of enemy transport which was reported In yesterday >■ R.A.F. communique. During the first raid, carried out at noon by
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  • 97 3 Washington Talks Reach Deadlock Tokio, Nov. 24. AN admission that difficullies Rave arisen m the Washington talks was made by the Domei Agency this mornin" quoting wellinformed observers m Tokio but it was pointed out that such difficulties were expected and tlvH therefore, it was believed that efforts for a
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  • 187 3 Hong Kong, (By Airmail). HONG Kong people recently had a Burma Road "IV. ver". They had heard much about the Burma Road and its importance m the defence of China and the Democracies. But except those who bad journeyed into China over the Road,
    Central News  -  187 words
  • 100 3 Hanava, Nov. 24. PE greatest labour demonstra tion Cuba has ever seen took place yesterday when, m a parade lasting more than five hcurs. 125,000 workers marched to the Presidential palace demanding that the President, Gen Batista, should signify open support for the coun I tries fighting
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  • 81 3 Monck ton's New Duties Cairo. Nov. 24. &JR Walter Monckton, who nas iak<n up new du.ies m Caa'o, will be charged with the C> ordination and direction of the information services and of political w.ii tare m. the Middle Ea«:. He vill be a member of the Middle List War
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  • 119 3 London, Nov. 24. ADMIRAL PLATON, the Vichy Secretary of State for the Colonies, who arrived at Porto Novo, the Provisional capital of Dahomey on Sunday m the course of a tour of inspection through French North Africa, later went on to Lome, the capital of
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  • 126 3 THAILAND, knowing the clanger of Axis fifth columnI ists, would use the Russian "scorched-earth" policy, if invaded. In a radio talk, "Duty of Thais m Wartime, Thailand's Ministry of the Interior has announced: "In case of war, the public should observe the following rules: "(1) The
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  • 72 3 Shanghai. Nov. 24.— The Evening Post expresses surprise at the extent of the fanfare announcing the opening of the Libya offensive and says the British put themselves into the position either of making important advances or "'eating humble pie." Anything short of driving the Axis troops out of the Mediterranean
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  • 156 3 Cable News From 'Down Under' Melbourne, Nov. 24. rE country home at Mount Macedon of Mr. R. G. Menzies, M.P., a former Prime Minister, was destroyed by fire Saturday night, c house was unoccupied at the time. In a final appeal to Australians to intensify the war effort, Gen. Sir
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  • 53 3 London, Nov. 24 AN Air Ministry and Ministry of Home Security communique states: "Early last night th*re was slight enemy activity, mainly over the south-vest coast of England. A small number of persons were injured and a few houses were slightly damaged. Two enemy aircraft were
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  • 18 3 Ottawa, Nov. 24.— The new commander of the Canadian Second Division is Lieut. -Gen. Henry Odium D.S.O Reuter
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  • 108 3 "Evacuation Week" In Shanghai Shanghai, Nov. 24. "EVACUATION WEEK' was ushered m to-day with a heavy round of farewell parties to the hundreds of Britishers and Americans leaving Shanghai between Tuesday and Saturday. Highlight of these functions wL'l be a luncheon to Colonel Samuel L. Howard, commander of the United
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 86 3 ANNOUNCEMENT For the convenience of our patrons, we hereby announce that commencing from 20th November, 1941, our Department Stores m High Street, Orchard Road and also Sunco Furniture Department m Victoria Street will be open continuously from 8.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m, I AURORA LTD. Under European management m SUGGEST
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  • 1494 4 GAVE $5,000 BRIBE TO LOCAL POLICE OFFICER l IM KEAT LEONG. a former Selangor state footballer, was convicted and sentenced to lour L months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. J. L. McFall, the district judge, yesterday morning on a charge of corruptly giving $5 000 to Mr. E. V. Fowkr, acting
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  • 158 4 rE two nieces of Tan Kirn Neo, a wealthy woman now dead, aie opposing m the Singapore high court the grant of letters of administration for her estate to Ong Teng Hock, a local detective, on the ground that Ong Ls not
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  • 217 4 BREVITIES FROM THE COURTS ON payment of $1 compensation to Retnam, a cyclist, a lorry driver named Tan Guan Chua was acquitted on a charge of colliding with Retnam while driving his lorry negligently. Tan said that the accident was due to Retnam, looking at some women on the side
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  • 263 4 EMPLOYER WON'T TESTI F Y TO CHARACTER I CERTAINLY will not do it If I am challenged by the Deputy Public Prosecutor I shall give my reasons," said Mr. H. E. Kingdon. the third magistrate, when told that he must order at least a day's simple imprisonment to a Chinese
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  • 176 4 Mr. Jefferson Dies In Perils Mi;. J. W. Jefferson, who was mainly responsible for the popularisation of physical training m Malaya, died at Hangar, I'erlis, on Saturday. He was Inspector of Schools m that state. Mr. Jefferson, who was for many years the Director of physical education, S.S. a~d F.M.S.,
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  • 116 4 QN liis pleading guilty t o n charge of offcrlni? bribe of 10 rents to a consMMt who had arrested him on suspicion, wan A (,'hal, a fisherman, was yesterday fined $io-i n default 15 days simple Imprisonment -by Mr. H. E KlnKdon. It was
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  • 155 4 I ADY Ibrahim yesterday presented the prizes at the annual prize distribution of the Sultan Ibrahim Girls' School. Johore Bahru. The inter-house shield was won by UnKku Aminah house. The following is a list of the prize winHasiyah binte Rat>hld (English)- Puvainesweri general progress); Arnlnah blnte
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  • 108 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Ku;ila Lumpur, Monday. rpiiK defence In the n« oin» it than cam barm t«>-riav Mid the accused.! Kiioo 800 Thy. denied having uny knowledge ol i <■ iwlndle He admitted thai whoever conducted the iwlndle 1 1 i i have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, tf****^f Exclusively. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG., 'PHONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. NoAsthma Two ytarg ago J. Richards, Hamilton, Ont., Canada/ was m bed with Asthma. Had lost 40 pounds weight, suffered coughing, choking and strangling every
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 158 4 To-morrow's Radio J^ FEATURE programme entitled "English Earth will be broadcast from the Singapore station of the m.e-c. at 730 p.m. to-morrow The programme consists of extracts from well -known writers on the English scene, with Ronrr" and music by English composers. It Is a new edition of "This England."
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  • 934 5 London, Oct. 19. DISCUSSION has been going on as to the origin of the Royal Air Force motto "Per ardua at astra," so well known throughout the British Empire. Exact translation is difficult, but it indicates "difficult and lonely climb over steep places to the starry
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  • 306 5 MORNING TRIBUNE TUESDAY NOV 25, 1941. WAR OF ATTRITION RUSSIA lias repeatedly requested Great Britain to declare war on Finland, Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria for actively assisting the Germans on the Eastern Front. Likewise, China has been urging that the liquidation of Japan— the weakest link m the Axis chain
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 27 5 /i y«ir MOTORCAR >//y w»»^ South British Insurance Co., Ltd. TeL 5926 2, Finlayson Green i Mature AUSTRALIAN f BRANDY k"#^J i^lH.'S?"' i^_l ME-€P' 140 Warms i*s
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  • 1408 6  - Young Patients Plan Fete For Patriotic Fund VERA ARDMORE PEOPLE PLACES By ideas»hoH bill s< sisalilr and slides, hoop-la, and other sideshows and m addition to their part songs, will sing negro spirituals. Each of the forty-seven children will contribute something to the afternoon's Un*. The girls nave been knitting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 WRVISCT Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of fACIftl fMtW Treatment Oime Btwuner Pitparmtion I Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf n 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 441», chapeaux EXCLUSIVE miILinERV fIRO RCCEJSORIES RRFFIES HOTEL RflO s=== nnni nmnti p-t I SinORPORE -T11.650* Jl/^r ARRIVED ORIGINAL MODEL HATS.
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    • 17 6 BATTERY^OAO JLXX PHDNE:4D^ 5 A small selection of Tweed Suits, Wool Lisle Jumpers and Cardigans just received.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 35 6 PI tIN X 1 Anderson C Ay I ITW^linrl I sure, you can learn l '1L > I II rt TO JUGGLE --HERE,TRY i C^t==^fci IT, WHILE I WMTON/^N M bJW N^ CUSTOMER /y^p (ffl j
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  • 839 7 Soups That Nourish Sustain SOUPS, when made Jiom noo.t meat .stock to wnicu dried pulses such as beans, peas or lentiis. have been added, ftru definitely rich m food value and shou'd. therefore, figure prominently on the menu, especially when there are growing children, to consider The pulses are rich
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  • 229 7 Beef Dumplings Are Sure To Please I AS every good housewife S knows, it is the attrac- tive appearance and good I flavour of a dish that makes it a favourite with the family, however Inexpensive it may be. Beef dumplings, made with minced steak, come out of the oven
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 READ THIS extract from an Official Medical Report on THE NEW VITAMIN Bj BREAD rice polishings consist of the germ and outer layers of the rice grain, removed during the polishing process, and they contain valuable quantities of easily digested protein and essential mineral salts, together with considerable quantities of
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 533 8 AASDF Situations Vacant I VACANCY filled, applicants thanked.; Box No. 895. Singapore. (No. 85M) j WANTED experienced man to make I disinfectant. Apply Box 950 c'.o Malay a j Tribune. Singapore. (No. 34M) WANTED District Agents for Con- 1 densed Milk. Appl> Box 955 c,o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (N0.55M) WANTED
      533 words
    • 635 8 Miscellaneous i MAGICTAN for Christmas Children and Party Dr. Lcutz, 128 Bencoolen Street, Singapore. (No. 31M) LET "Old Capital," 31. Stamford Road, solve your Christmt-.i problems. Special reductions. (No. 50M) SERVICE COMFORT Guaranteed Stay at New Asia Hotel. 2 Peck Scan Street. Singapore. Modern Sanitation. Rate Moderate. Phone 4973. Proprietoi
      635 words
    • 618 8 Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to sell your car? Phone 5088. Singapore. Cash paid. (No. 67 6H) QUICK SALE. 1936 Morris Eight tourer $900;-. Apply 285 River Valley Road. Singapore. (No. 83M) WANTED: 8-H.P. Car, Reply Box 954 c|o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 58M) SALE. 1937 Morris Eight Four doors
      618 words
    • 652 8 For Sale FOR Immediate Sale. Two Standard Typewrit' s. Apply 54, Boncoolen Street. Singapore (No. 56M) ONE foot-bellows folding Harmonium, "excellent tone. Inspection 6, Rose L.uic, Singapore. (No. 14Mi FOR SALE News Agency "Jusiness as going c* ncern, for partleulare apply to Post Box 303, Kuala Lumpur. (No. 995 L)
      652 words
    • 463 8 MALAY LESSONS ghftO by Maluy Editor twice weekly, 1 bow each, at vmir n Mif or mine, $15- p.m. M. Trader. 28 Robinson Ruad, Singapore. (No. lOMi KNROTi NOW! No Extra Fee. Tuition Until Successful. CambrMfe, Matricvilutio -i. Mathematics, Bookkeeplns, Shorthand, Accouatuncy. Secretarial. Journalism, Story Writing, Surveying. Building Construct ion
      463 words

  • 209 9 Tin; fourth war fund match arranged by the Singapore Hockej Association will hv played at trie S C.C. paOang to-day, when I the Singapore (ivilians, undefeated so far, meet the British Army and Nav> m a return niatclh. The Civilians won the first encounter narrowly, by
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  • 688 9 THE following is the card of events for to-morrow's Kuala Lumpur races, the second day of the Selangor winter meet: HOKSKS— CLASS .'-DIV. 3—6 FURS. 1 0 0 RADIANT 5y 9.00 3 12 COURTING 5y 8.13 C 0 4 DRIFT ON 7y 8.12 LOYAL LAD 4y 8.11
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  • 318 9 UNABLE to settle down to their usual play until it was too late, Raffles College sustained their second hockey defeat of the season when they went down to the Singapore Hornets by five goals to three m a match played
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  • 145 9 London. Nov. 24. ACillK.Vr world -with" comb-out of boxing talent to Hud supreme champions at all weights, thus taking advantage <>f hnpro\ed physical fitness which is certain to be attained by military training, is mikMSted by the boxing reporter m the London Star. Be uggests
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 160 9 Juniors Beat Seniors In College Hockey IN the annual Medical College match at Sepoy Lines yesterday, Juniors, who this >e;ir have six of the College first team hockey players, defeated Seniors by the odd goal m three. Hon Wlru'.. who scored the team's winning goal In the recent Inter-collet match,
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  • 388 9 THE Combined Brother Schools met with heavy defeat at 1 the hands of a strong SRC. second team yesterday when they lost by ten goals to one m a hockey match on C While the game proved too one-sided to be interesting, the schoolboys at
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  • 74 9 ENTRIES are invited for the Indian Youth League l-i (Singapore), volley ball, table-tennis (championship and handicap), football and badminton (senior and junior sections) 1941 tournaments, from members of the League. The tournaments will commence after Dec. iv. Cups and medals will be presented to the winners d
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 193 9 Gain 5 Lbs. In 7 Days Don't be discouraged if you are weak, underweight, tired out. sickly unable to gain an ounce of flesh or strength no matter what you eat. A California physician, m prescribing for and treating the Cinema Stars of Hollywood, has discovered a secret method of
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 99 9 Sports Diary TO-DAY Hockey: Sin. gapore Civilians v Army and Navy, S. C. C. (War Fund game) S.C.R.C. v P.W.D., S.C.K. C; Khalsa Association v Dutch Club, Khalsa Association ground; Naval Police II v R.A.O.C, Naval Base; Post Office v Indian General Hospital, Postals' ground; Indians v R.A.M.C, Balestier. Rugby:
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  • 352 10 India's News Pars Cuttack, Nov. 23. ORISSA is Lo have a new Ministry. The Maharajah of Parlakimedi, Pundit G. Misra and Maulvi Abdus Subhan Khan will be sworn m as Ministers to-morrow morning. The Governor has revoked the proclamation under Section 93 of the Government of India Act of 1935,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 197 10 /wo AV I/ FA VOURITES IN I I RIOIOUS COMED\ front I the FAMOUS NOVEL BY deVERE I I S TA CPO OLE l| 3.1 5 IT 6.1 5 ».15 [You'll have TWICE as MUCH FUN seeing I KAY FRANCIS get into "DOUBLE"I HUSBAND TROUBLE with BRIAN AHERNE! I You'll
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    • 166 10 1 l/c.'S/ is/r;/ 'AIDING AGGREGATIOh (>/ WILD \\/\l\l j THRILLS EVER SHOWN! TO-DAY 3.15, 6.1J A 9.1J p.m. ALHAMBRA A STAMPEDE oF^^ i SCREEN SENSATIONS! W THREE tremendous > '^J^BB j ALL THE MIGHTItST THRILLS J I or a uriTiMC of adventure B 111 v#o the most astounding aggrega- m'"
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  • 118 11 Moscow. Nov. 24. A SPANISH "Blue Division 1 has been sent to the Leningrad front to compensate for the tremendous losses of the German troops there, says a supplement to the Soviet midnight communique. "In its very first engagement, the Spanish division sustained tremendous losses. "Cur
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  • 447 11 Violent Battle At Rostov London, Nov. £4. yiOLENT street lighting is taking place at Rostov on the Don, according to the latest news from Moscow. The Russians now admit that the Germans have broken through their defences at Rostov. The latest German High Oem mand communique merely claims a "new
    Reuter  -  447 words
  • 78 11 Tokio. N:v. 23. THE majority of Sunday mornin? Japanese newspapers give prominence to the consultations m Washington between Mr. Cordell Hull and the diplomatic representatives of the British Empire, China and the Dutch East Indies. Many observers here take the ▼lew that the talks m
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  • 37 11 London, Nov. 24. ADMIRAL Darlan's closest collaborator m matters pertaining- to the Navy, Admiral Auphan, has arrived m Vichy from Algiers, according to the Paris Radio. Admiral Auphan had been visiting North Africa.- Reuter
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  • 44 11 Shanghai, Nov. 24. •THE Panamanian freighter Santa Inez is reported to be m a pre carious position after grounding off Woosung when bound from Shanghai to Manila. Owinpr to heavy seas, salvage vessels have hitherto been unable to approach the vessel. Reuter
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  • 57 11 Lahore, Nov. 23: A cricket match between the Governor's Eleven and the Punjab University m aid of the war fund realised the sum of 7,000 rupees and resulted m a win for the latter by two wickets. The scores: University 20. 158 for 8, Governors Eleven 219, Amarnath
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  • 51 11 Mr. and Mrs. Tay Kirn Tie gave dinner at their residence at Ist Avenr:o. Ijufclt Timah, last night on the occasion of the marriage of their second son Mr Tay Tuan 81ang to Miss Chua Beng Choo. third daughter of Madam Choo Kirn Kleu and the late Mr. Chua Boom
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  • 226 11 British Tanks Are Powerful MOSCOW Radio is praising the British tanks now fighting alongside Soviet machines. This is how an announcer put it: "When the motorised column advances i along the snowy road I to the front, the cen-j tre of attraction is the British tanks, with powerful motors running
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  • 258 11 PLAYING better hockey, the V M C A. score* a 1 well deserved 2-nil win over an S C.C. team when they met on the padang yesterday. A feature of the game was the splendid play put up by both Pillai, and Boas,
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  • 124 11 (lium Our Own Correspondent) London 1 1 MIRY WRAGG, 39 years of age, who joined the Royal ArtUlery as a Kiinner last July, is champion jockey. Sin re lie joined up he has been able to ride at 21 meetings out of a possible 31.
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  • 197 11 England's Fifth Win Over Wales (From Our Own Correspondent) London Oct. 26 WALES put up a plucky fight against England yesterday m the International socc«r match Biased m Birmingham, the horn* team winning by only 12-1. This was England's fiftk victory over Wales since the start of the war Hagan
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  • 79 11 THE Singapore Cabaret Hostesses Association celebrated its second anniversary last night at the New World. To mark the occasion, the Association gave a concert to a crowded audience. The famous Liong Sisters of the Shanghai screen were responsible for the production of a play entitled.
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  • 78 11 Moscow. Not. M. THE Soviet has introduced a special tax on bachelors and childless couples, according to the Moscow radio this morning. m n^ The liability covers men from 20 to 50 and women from 20 to 45. Those serving hi the forces, itudents, pensioners and people
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  • 151 12 JAP. TROOPS MOVING TO SOUTH INDOCHINA that Japan's next move is likely to nese forces had rounded up the •Chungking agents" in Northern French Indo-China some time ago. be dependent on fresh international developments. Four hundred and one Japanese < evacuees from the Netherlands East Indies arrived m Kobe yesterday.
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  • 136 12 Tokyo, Nov. 24. ADDRESSING a special conA ference of Prefectural Governors, General Tojo, Japanese Prime Minister, re-emphasised that the Government has completed all plans for any eventuality m a situation which finds the Japanese Empire at the cross-road of rise or fall. The Nichi Nichi reports from
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  • 164 12 i Tokyo, Nov. 24. i I THE British treatment of the 1 3,000 Japanese residents of Malaya has been extremely I stringent since the British freezing of Japanese assets, 9 jeopardising interests which the Japanese have built up after several decades of work. J Mr. Ken Tsurumi, the
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  • 204 12 Berlin, Nov. 24.— Count Ciano, the Italian Foreign Minister, and liLs suite arrived here' this morning for a meetin? of European statesmen. He was received by Dr. Funk, the German Economics Minister, the Italian Ambassador in Berlin and others. Later the Cierman official news affency announced that Count
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  • 134 12 Cairo, Nov. 24. Besides heavily strafing the enemy the R.A.F. yesterday destroyed 18 enemy aircraft in Libya and three at Malta for the loss of 13 British planes, it is officially announced. Eladem Elgobi Road was hea?ily bombed, as well as motor transport and personnel. Petrol dumps in
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 370 12 THE C.-in-C, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, accompajiied by Lady Brooke-Poip-ham, who arrived by flying boat on Sunday, was present at the i>ala film premiere of "Major Barbara" at the Cathay last night. Other heads of the Services wore also present, the C.-in-C. China
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  • 80 12 Tokyo, Nov. 24. ■THE TOKYO Nichi 1 Nichi Shimbun reports from Saigon that the United States Consulate 1 Building in Saigon was demolished by an explosion on Sunday. The cause of the explosion is not announced. The districts around the Consulate are roped off and all
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 121 12 Chungking, Nov. 22. THE second People's Political Council, which has been in lafMkHl since Nov. 17, possesses several features of improvement as compared with the first council. Firstly, while the iirst council has only 200 members, the second council has I 240, thus making wider representation possible. Secondly,
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