Morning Tribune, 24 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 14 1 Morning Tribune Vol. 6— No. 253, Monday, November 24, 1941. Morning Tribune S3 ft.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1195 1 CAPUZZO AND SIDI OMAR NUOVO FALL KAIIUIA: The sharp fall of Bardia to British forces is as much as surprise to i the British reading public as the sudden commence, ment of the new campaign five days ago, for Bardia, I as described by Leonard Mosley, Allied Newspaper
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  • 497 1 Moscow, Nov. 23. rIE Germans have penetrated the southern defences at Rostov and fighting is going on m the streets of the city, states the Soviet news agency, quoting a correspondent of the Red Star. Fighting is particularly violent at the railway station. The uermans
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  • 112 1 CYRENAICAN COAST BOMBARDED London, Nov. 23. ORITISH cruiser squadrons nightly continue to fling six-inch salvoes into enemy coastal positions and supply dumps. With a British submarine and light units taking care of the central Mediterranean route, a powerful Eastern Mediterranean fleet is playing a watchdog role along the whole Cyrenaican
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  • 397 1 (By Martin Herlihy) Cairo, Nov. 23. THE battle in Libya is still going very well for the British. The opinion is expressed that the battle may last another two, three of four days. Tbeiv have been big: tank casualties but the enemy's losses have been much larger
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  • 140 1 (By Martin Herlihy, Reuter's Chief Correspondent) I Cairo, Nov. 23. I THE main battle in the Libyan offensive was joined on Friday I afternoon, 45 miles west of Capuzzo. I The Germans have made three m separate attacks and each time they were beaten back with
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  • 248 2 JAPAN ON BRINK OF FATEFUL DECISION •'THE crippling effect of the Anglo-American and Dutch blockade is forcing Japan to the 1 brink of fateful decisions." says the director of news services with the Government in Burma. A press communique to-day adds In tine actions as being the outcome of her
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  • 232 2 London, Not. 23. T'HE danger which may loom up any moment in the Far Easi, was mentioned by Mr. A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, speaking at Bristol, yesterday. He said: I still feel it dillicult to believe there are not still many
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  • 143 2 Bangkok, Nov. 23. PENERAL mobilisation of Thalia land's entire resources on a wartime basis is foreshadowed by the well-informed vernacular, the Suwannabhum, which expects that the Government will introduce an emergency measure with this aim at the current, session of
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  • 63 2 Melbourne, Nov. 22. Mr. C. L. Badcock is returning to live in his home state, Tasmania, depriving South Australian^ cricket of a leading batsman. The battle flag of H.M.S. York, sunk during the evacuation of Crete, has been presented to the petty officers' mess of the| Brisbane Naval
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  • 65 2 Three ßritish Warships Call At American Ports Washington, Nov. 23. THE Navy Department has announced the arrival of three additional British warships at United States ports. They are the destroyers Ramsey and Burwell at Boston and a corvette at Charleston <South Carolina) bringing to a total of 40 the number
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  • 162 2 Washington, Nov. 23. THE immediate return to work of the strikers in both the captive and the commercial mines has been recommended by the United States Mineworkers Policy Committee, pending reference to the Board of Arbitration of the captive mines controversy. Thus President Roosevelt's proposal is
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  • 120 2 "Beau Geste" Dead 5 London, Nov. 23. THE death took 1 place y ester- j S day of Major P. Z C. Wren, author of "Beau Geste," a t Amerley, Gloucestershire, used 56. m Major Wren j was one of the I most pictures- que soldier au- J S thors.
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  • 115 2 New York, Nov. 23. THE aero-enginc output of the United States is now 5,000 per month, which would be capable of generating 4.400.000 horse power. This intormation is Riven In the Journal of Commerce which says: "Production has been advancing so rapidly that it has overtaken
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  • 215 2 NAZIS CAUGHT WITH THEIR TROUSERS OFF (By .Martin Ilrrlihv, Renter's hii-i" x > i respondent in Egypt). Cairo. Nov. 23. iirHILE the result of the battle ft between heavy steelclad units 9 still eagerly awaited, it is clear from reports from the fmnt. that the Germans were taken ccmplc- iy
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  • 148 2 Chungking, Nov. 23. WITH crack Chinese and Japanese troops confronting each other on the Indo-China-Yunnan border the Far Eastern situation continues tense. Chinese circles here are sceptical concerning the outcome of the I Washington conversations, pointing out that the passing by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 Wanted WANTED one bungalow, suitable lor boarduig house. Apply S'ilva, 65, Baffalo Road, Singapore. DEATH. At the General Hospital, Singapore, John Chee Kong Fah, late of A.P.C. transhipment department, passed away at 3.30 p.m. on November 23rd. 1941. Funeral will take place to-day (Monday) at 4 p.m. from 453E, East
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    • 122 2 SINGAPORE COASTAL EVACUATION SCHEME REGISTRATION CENTRES. Registration centres for persons wishing to go to the Government evacuation camps will be open as follows: FAST (OAST. Tuesday, Nov. 25 JOO CiflAT DISTRICT:— Roxy Cinema and Siglap Market. Friday, Nov. 28 GEYLANG DISTRICT:— Evacuation Headquarters (next to Geylang Police Station*, and Stamford
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  • 327 3 (By <i«-n. Sir Hubert Hough, Reuters Military Commentator). London, Nov. 23. T AST light's Cairo communique, though expressed m extremely measured terms gives us very definite news of nur victories m Cyrenaioa. There is no question hut that the word victory is fully justified by the
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  • 144 3 Washington, Nov. 23. THE White House has heard that Germany is planning a conference promising; some 'highsounding formula of economic rehabilitation and the restoration of independence for all European nations," according to an an muincement. The White House/says that England is excluded from
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  • 95 3 New York, Nov. 23. FE President of the Standard Oil Company of Hew Jer.sey Mr W. Farish, on behalf of all the oil companies has issued a statement condemning the United States Mexican oil agreement as "vague ana am if" gave no hint of future action
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  • 77 3 Berlin, Nov. 2'A. MOELDERS, who I 111 was one of the most celebrated of I the German air ace f j has met his death S during a service I I flight in a Courier J plane. The airman, who J j was 28 years of
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  • 442 3 WEYGAND DISMISSAL STEP IN GERMAN PLAN London, Nov. 23. IT is now made clear that the dismissal of General Weyganu was merely one step m Germany's plan to seize French North Africa, states the Observer's diplomatic correspondent to-*day. The report, he continues, now current that Marshal Petain and Admiral Darlan
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  • 130 3 (By Frank Oliver Washington, Nov. 23. THE strong reaction of the State Department m Washington, to the dismissal of Gen. Weygand from his post of Vichy Delegate-General In Africa, does not mean early recognition of Gen de Gaulle by the United States, m the view
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  • 343 3 KURUSU-HULL TALKS "UP AGAINST SNAG" Washington, Nov. I\. rPHE T.S. Secretary of Slate, Mr. Cordell Hull held a conference yesterday with the British Ambassador (Lord Halifax), and the Australian and Dutch Ministers (Mr. K. 6. Casey and M. Loudon), according to a State Department announcement. The purpose of the conference
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  • 52 3 Shanghai, Nov. 23. AFTER waiting several days to *e& if some survivors have managed to reach inland of the Yangtze delta, Japanese shipping officials sung, within 40 miles of Shanghai. Salvage ships have ruahed to the spot but failed to find any trace of the
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  • 719 4 FRENZIED GERMAN BID TO BEAT REDS COLD dfgdfs (By Maurice Lovell) Kuibishev. Nov. 23. T*HE German drive against Moscow, which began two days ago and seems to be a last despairing effort before the heaviest Winter weather sets in, has not succeeded in breaking through the Russian defences and has
    Reuter  -  719 words
  • 146 4 INHABITANTS of the East Cccust i and West Coast evacuation I areas of Singapore Is-and, who wish to go to the Government camps m the event of an evacuation order being announced, will have their last opportunity to register this week. An official notice published m
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  • 58 4 T*HE next "Clipper" with mails x from Europe, America, the Pacfic and the Philippine Islands is expected to arrive In Singapore on Wednesday, Nov. 26. The latest time of posting* at the General Post Office. Singapore, to connect with mails for the above-mention-ed places on the return flight,
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  • 27 4 TiHE Postal Department advises that an air mail from the United Kingdom arrived yesterday evening and a general delivery will be made at 8.15 a.m. tlii.s morning.
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  • 695 4 SERVICES BRE V ITIES By "Übique" V FURTHER details are now available regarding V I th u King>s Schoul x '™> Party dar.-e and V v nim show in aid of their Services' Building v X «.o At fl u, e lormer function Julius Fisher and his V Scrambled Yeggs"
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  • 120 4 Chungking, Nov 23 DEDOUF3LEr efforts by the Chinese Government to brin f about closer collaboration among antiaggression powers are urged by tiie National Peoples Political Council m a long list of recommendations submitted to the Government. The Council expressed satisfaction that during the
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  • 24 4 Sturgeon Hay (Wtsoon*in), No* 23.— The flnl naval retael to bo built In Win ::< ii ytt t« be built Reuter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 289 4 Public Xt»ticcs GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Chairman, Singapore Rural Board, up to nocn on 4th December, 1941, for the following:— Supply and delivery of 480 tons cf Asphalt 3040 Penetration to the Rural Board Depot, 9V 4 mile Bukit Timah Road, Singapore. Specification
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  • Article, Illustration
    892 5 London, Oct. 17. 11/1 A A Al.i*. s were critical of the increases m Service allowances when they were debated m the House o f Commons yesterday. The scheme, with its complicated adjustments, was described as patchwork. There was a strong leeling m favoUi of larger allowances pen
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  • 366 5 \yHILE the German advance m the I northern and central sectors of the I Eastern Front has been effectively check- I ed, the danger m the south has increased I m consequence of the Nazi drive towards I the Caucasus where Marshal
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 ESTABLISHED 1872 South British Insurance Co., Ltd. I'el. 5926 t, Finlayson Green U.. 'r* (P?^*^-' ?M f *t vi i I <.-. m. T JM i -■■l 4 »>■>.. 1 j t N,. I A I>J i I! rr-P' v i A\ |l i B^Hby .^^fl^F- >■""■■• *'•'**>' vXv 1
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 6 Qlga White, Princess Balroubadour m the R.A.F. (Par East) Command Welfare PantoS jnim« "Aladdin" which begins its season at m the Victoria Theatre on January 6at 9.15 p.m.
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  • 1029 6  - Chine se Artist..... And Cultural Plan VERA ARDMORE I I I I I ■if He has studied m Paris and other continental art centres, and also lived m Rangoon, China and Malaya. At one time he Was Art Editor of a paper m China which is referred to as the
    1,029 words
  • 361 6 AmiiMaii WHEN you buy .stockings, you'll save mo rifh| weight and the right size. A ver stand the punishment of all-day wear, and tain stockings thai look sheer although acl h ird-wearing. As to .^ize, remember th slightly small for you the strain on the i
    361 words
  • 558 6 New ways With old BEDROOMS Renovation •>> t»<r old fashioned indronm can »>»■ carried »>nt j I successfully »f nr\% Soft Inniisliims arc provided :m<> Ufce i furniture cut down to resemble iii< kiremmlliMd pieces «»t ti»-<i.i\ Lefl is a t > pit a 1 bedroom too Old t<> be
    558 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 79 6 WAVISCT Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair w f AC I 41 I racial Treatment Vibro Violet Raj Oso a c Steamei tauraa. Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419. FOR YOUR ALMOST GROWN UP DAUGHTER EVENING FROCK OF
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 248 7 TIPS WORTH TAKING... GOOD SANDWICH FIL- S LING. grate a ten-cent bar of chocolate and add to it ground nuts, chopped and shelled. Put m a jam jar, cover and shake well. Then keep m the refrigerator and use as required. Pro- vided that you chop the nuts instead, of
    248 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 Under EUROPEAN management 1 FILLBTOT**» POTATOES MI SHROOMS AM) )1A but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecookinp. Our cellars have g been restocked UL .rt<h finest A4lAW connnentaj TeJ 282 Orchard wines and D~~J C7cc Koad. liqueurs. JJJJ I costs no more than Royal
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 555 8 gdfgsdfgsdffdgsdfgf Situations Vacant I WANTK.D: A Book-keeper, apply to 742. North Bridge Road, Singapore. WANTED experienced man to make| disinfectant. Apply Box 950 c|o Malaya I Tribune. Singapore. (No. 34M)| WANTED District Agents for Condensed Milk. Apply Box 955 c|o Mala-, ya Tribune, Singapore. (N0.55M) WANTED: Fitter capable of handling
      555 words
    • 674 8 Miscellaneous LET "Old Capital." 31. Stamford Road, j Mire y>>ur Christmas problems. Special reductions. (No. 50M) SERVICE COMFORT Guaranteed Stay at New Asia Hotel. 2 Peck Seah I Street. Singapore. Modern Sanitation. Rate Moderate. Phone 4975, Proprietoi Wong I'M Kuan. (No. 791 L) DIAL 3136— D. SILBERMAN (General Contractor) for
      674 words
    • 582 8 Motor Vehicles 1 DO YOU WANT to Rell your car? Phone 5088, Singapore. Cash paid (No 67 6H) WANTED: B-HP. Car, Reply Box 954 co Miilnya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 58M) SALE. 1937 Morris Eight Four doors Saloon. Apply 285 River Valley Road, WOLSLEY Saloon 15.7 H.P. Good condition. What offers.
      582 words
    • 643 8 For Sale FOR Immediate Sale. Two Standard Typewriters. Apply r >i. Bencoolen Street, Singapore. < No 56M) ONE fOCt-bellOWl folding Hurmonium. bJKOellent tone. Inspection fi. Rose Lane, Singapore. (No. 14M» FOR SALR News Agency Business as going C( nccrn, lor particulars upply to Pom Box 303, Kuala Lumpur. (No. 995L)
      643 words
    • 445 8 ENROL now! No Extra Pee. Tuition Until Successful Cambridge, Matrl- ■ui.stio i, Mathematics, Uookkeepins, rthand, Accountancy, Secretarial. Journalism, Btory Writing, Surveying. Building Construction rOrsreeera' Engineering: Electrical, Mechanical, Motor. Radio, Wireless. Write: Bennett College Representative, P.O. Box 108. Blngftp ••<■. (No. 30M) ST. THOMAS INSTITUTE. Joo Chlat Place L.O.C. VM2 jixams
      445 words

  • 164 9 at I Lumpur Sand piELDING i tif.ivit-i p.ick and backed by a fast set of threequarters, the SelMgOf Asiatics became Southern finalists m the AH Blues' rushy competition, beating the Negri-Sem-ttiian All Blues here to-day by 18 points (two goals and two r drop goals) to
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  • 405 9 Royal Air Force Swamp Football Assn., Wi n Seven- Two I X 4.1 ISII AND SCOTTISH SOCCER i London, Nov. 22. WARTIME football has been responsible for many interesting incidents and to-day's programme is no exception Blackburn Rovers were short of a player and a broadcast S.O.fc. to the spectators
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • 109 9 rpllE women's monthly medal com--1 petition of the Garrison Golf Club, played at Tannin on Tuesday and Wednesday resulted m a tie between Mrs. Morris and Mrs. McVittic with a return of one up. In accordance with the conditions, Mrs. Morris was declared winner on the
    109 words
  • 336 9 C.S.C. BEAT COAST REGIMENT 3-NIL ¥N an exciting and fast same of hockey played on the 1 Ceylon SporN Club k round yesterday the C.S.I, beat the Cm* Regiment by three R«als to nil. The C B C. dominated exchange! In the first half and scored two goal! In this
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 93 9 i Sports Diary j TO-DAY jj Hockey: S.C C V V.M.C.A., S.C.C.; j Medical College v R.A.F. (Tengah),j| I Sepoy Lines; Kaf- j fles College v A.C.S., Oldham j Hall; Raffles Col- I lege v Hornets, J Bukit Timah; i S.R.C. v Combined Schools, S.R.C; Police v R.E., De- j
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  • 364 10 NEWS FROM INDIA New Delhi. Nov. 21. THE first United States Commissioner to India, Mr Wilson, to-day handed to the Viceroy his letter of appointment from President Roosevelt, thus forging a new link m India's relations "with the United States. He was presented to the Vice- j roy by Mr.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 151 10 I! Positively I AST DAY of this brilliant sequel to "BOYS TOWN" IT WILL BE YOUR LOSS IF VOl MISS SEEING IT! r— "j II S W& i flat :^^K 4ft H n worthy sequel to its famous predecessor "BOYS TOWN" Latest CINESOITNP NEWS including "THE MELBOURNE CUP" and "ARRIVAL
      151 words
    • 180 10 Positively Last 3 Shows j TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 I A L A M It R A i \^o^^m l'«m .J .>... i A NEW WARNER BROS SUCCESS with STUART ERWIN EUGENE PAUETTE JACK CARSON GEORGE TOBIAS HARBY DAVENPORT rj[jj§\ C«r«cl«d by WILLIAM KEIGHLEY »<■-••• *•> e» t*l«m a n*
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  • 257 11 Italians Surrender East Of Lake Tana Nairobi, Xov. £5. A JOINT communique issued by the Command and Air Headquarters on Nov. 22 states: "Strong enemy positions at Kulkaber and Ferroaber east of Lake Tana were heavily attacked on November 21 and the Italians surrendered at 2 p.m. Our ground attacks
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  • 272 11 London, Not. 22. H following air the English and Scottish football results: LONDON LEAGUE Aldershot 5, Brighton 1 Arsenal 4, Queens Park Rangers 1 Charlton 3, Fulham 3 Chelsea 1, Tottenham 1 Orient 0, Portsmouth 4 Reading 2, Millwall 1 Watford 1, Brentford 6 West Ham
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  • 231 11 IN the S.C.R.C invitation lawn tennis tournament, only one tic was derided yesterday, while three other* were left unfinished owing; to failing light. Following are the results: Men's singles handicap (semi-final): Tan Puay Choo beat Heng Song Chiang 3_6. 6—4. 6— 3. "B" doubles handicap: Lin Ka-Ten*
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  • 21 11 Mlks I B. Siinonsen und A. G. Dorm won the R.SG.C. November mixed tourhomes with a net score of 35 112.
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  • 138 11 London, Nov. 22. RUGBY football results are as follows: London District 26, London antiaircraft 12. Guy Hospital 6, Metropolitan Police 11. London Ho.spital 11, Royal Air Force 0. Rosslyn Park 6, Army 16. Aldershot Services 29, St. Bart. Hospital 11. Cambridge University 16, St. Mary's Hospital 7. Cheltenham
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  • 327 11 Cable News from 'Down Under' Nov. 22. THE Minister for the Army (Mr. Forde> said that the defence or! Australia 'envisaged adequate and effective defence, up to Cape York, and even New Quinea. The Commander-in-Chief, Home Forcei>, (Major-Gen. Sir Iveni Mackay) had made 1 helpful suggestions regarding the defence, j
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  • 95 11 A 12-YEAR old Chinese boy had a narrow escape from drowning while bathing In the sea off Beach Road, Singapore, yesterday afternoon. He had been m water for sometime and some boatmen who saw him m difficulties hastened to his rescue. The boy was pulled
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  • 94 11 CPECIAL items in to-day's ra'Uo programme include- Singapore Music Hall at 7.30 p.m.; a detective story called "A Fine Crop of Hair" in which listeners are invited t o "spot the murderer," at 815* and No. 30 in the London series "The Stones Cry Out," dealing with
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  • 261 11 rpHK Post Office scored an easy Yictory 1 over the Dutch Clab at hockey yes* terday, winning by four goals to one. Outstanding player in the front line for the Postals was Pinto, their centre-fot-ward, who netted three goals for bis side. The Postals fielded
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 590 12 Press Told Of Libyan Push 36 Hours Before Offensive (By Alaric Jacob, Reuters correspondent with th* British Troops advancing into Libya) v J London, Nov. 23. 'TENTLEMEN lam taking you into* my confidence. At dawn on Tuesday we will advance m Libya at selected places from the sea down to
    Reuter  -  590 words
    • 63 12 Canberra, Nov. 23. Prime Minister Curtin to-day denied the suggestions that the change of government m Australia had been followed by hitches m the Lease-Lend negotiations with the United States. The United States had not asked the Commonwealth to guarantee not to expand or establish new industries m Australia because
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    • 105 12 Wellington, Nov. 23. Mr. Duff Cooper said there was not the slightest chance of the Pin run Road being again closed for the supply of war materials to China i m rc;»lv to a question when interviewed at Christ church on Sunday. Reuter. Cairo. Nov. 23. An official report states
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    • 32 12 The London radio this morning stated I that strong British reinforcement have been pouring into Syria and Palestine during the past few months. Powerful and well-equipped armies stand ready for any emergency.
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  • 131 12 Washington, Nov. 23. President Roosevelt has approved legislation authorising the Navy Department to construct or acquire at least 300 small vessels for use as minesweeper* or for other work m harboujrs. Reuter. New York. Nov. 23— The American Field Service has disclosed iliat 124 volunteers sailed recently to
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  • 73 12 Destiny Of Man Hangs On War London, Nov. 23. WE are fighting a holy war and on i its outcome hangs the whole destiny of man," said the Chief Rabbi, Dr. J. H. Hertz, addressing Jewish troops to-day. A new philosophy had arisen, he said, which treated men with contempt
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  • Washington Talks Continue
    • 55 12 Washington, Nov. 23. I MR. Cordell Hull, Admiral Nomura and Mr. Kurusu conferred for three hours m Mr. Hull's apartment last night and dispersed at 11.00 p.m. A State Department official to-day reported that no specially new developments had occurred and that further meetings were expected during this week. The
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 86 12 New York, Nov. 23. BRITAIN'S Libya offensive, designed to destroy the Axis armies m North Africa, is off to a smashing good start," says the New York Post. "It is heart-lifting to believe that the Nazis and Fascists for once re forced to cope with an unorthodox and baffling attack."
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 146 12 TO-DAY AT I 3 P.M. and 5 P.M. ONLY OWING TO 'MAJOR BARBARA' PREMIERE TO-NIGHT AT 9.00 P.M. Paramount^ Outstanding Love Story Of 1941 "HOLD BACK THE DAWN" STARRING CHARLES BOYER OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND PAULETTE GODDARD Fascinating and Thrilling In Its Theme! CATHAY 'PHONE 3400 T O-XIGIIT AT 0.00 P. M.
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    • 2 12 mmmmmmmmimammmmm i
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