Morning Tribune, 20 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 10 1 MORNING TRIBUNE Vol. 6— No. 250, Thursday, November 20, 1941.
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  • 95 1 Tokyo, Nov. 19. I IOOKING forward to end the China Incident, General J i■* To jo told Lower House yesterday that Japan's post- i j war foreign policy would concentrate every effort on the 5 East Asia prosperity sphere m the conviction that it
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 205 1 THE recent arrival of four Japanese cruisers m Saigon, French Indo-China, indicates increased pressure upon Thailand, it was stated m London yesterday. There appears to be no particular reason for the movement except as a demonstration and as a type of
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  • 79 1 London. Nov. 19.— "1t is, I trust, already clear to all concerned that an attack on th« Burma Road would create a jjrave situation." declared the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, replying to a question m the House of Commons. Mr. Noel Baker then asked whether Mr. Fden was aware
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 123 1 -If the Japanese want peace, let them stop their aggression and get out of China. America will not acquiesce m any so-called New Order built on bones nnri washed flank. of the Soviet defence line o f th« Kalinin front, according to the official Soviet
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  • 180 1 No Dep ression In R ussian Capital Cairo, Nov. 19. SIR WALTER MONCKTON, and Mr. Laurence Steinhardt, the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union, arrived here by air this morning. "I found no sign of worry or depression m Kuibishev; only patience, perseverance and a determination to win the
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 375 1 Lone Survivor Of 31 Saved Tells Amazing Sea Story London, Nov. 19. OUT of 31 men who got away m a lifeboat after their merchant ship was tornedoed m the Atlantic, the only survivor to reach the land was Richard Hamilton Ayres, the second mate of the ship. Last night
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 299 1 US. Mine Strike Still Spreading Washington, Nov. 19. THE coal strike is extending, a©* cording to the Vice-President-. Mr. William Blizzard, of the United Mineworkers District 17, who state® that he has reports that morej "commercial" miners are joininft m sympathy with the coal walk» out, a message from Charleston..
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 111 1 New York, Nov. 19.— Leading Army men, m charge of the preparations tor the occupation of the mines, express the opinion that if the soldiers are ordered into the mines, 75 per cent, of the strikers will return voluntarily, on patriotic grounds, and that the other 25 per cent, will
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 768 1 NAZIS PROBE CENTER DEFENCES FOR INLET „«'jr«v >' nnikst k s liorrli 1 aken London, Not. 19. I UEAVY fighting m the central sector of the Eastern Front suggest* that the Germans are trying to find a weak spot m the defences and apparently renewing their offensive m the Donetz
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  • 82 2 A lorry driver employed by. the War Department, Lim Kinp; Hing (24) wns sentenced to six months' rigorous imnrLsonment for stealing four gallons of benzine from a camp m Singapore. As he had previous convictions, Lim was also ordered to serve a period of six months' police
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  • 77 2 Reykjavik, Nov. 19. THE three main political parties m Iceland have agreed to continue the former Coalition Government, with the same Ministers, it is announced m the (Iceland Parliament). The government resigned when the Cabinet disagreed on a bill brought m by the Progressive Party
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 37 2 Ottawa, Nov. 19. CENIOR defence officers here are keenly interested m General Sir Alan Brooke's appointment as Chief of the Imperial General Staff and have expressed satisfaction with his promotion and the choice of his successor. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 256 2 Burma Rd. Seen As Potential Route For American Troops Washington, Nov. 19. H^IIOUGH the Burma Road has been considered an avenue of aid to China, it is rapidly being transformed into a military and strategic highway for the United States, according to a report appearing on Wednesday m the well-informed
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 187 2 "TARGET FOR TO-NIGHT" and "THE CASE OF THE FRIGHTENED LADY" (At the Pavilion) A PROGRAMME of exceptional intereHt. where a double feature, one of the great RAF productions, "Target for Tonlcht," and the other Edgar Wallace's fine thriller. "The Case Of The Frightened Lady" is being shown at
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  • 99 2 WYMBOLLSING the friendly Sino-British relations. permission has been granted by the local autn rities to the China Relief Fund Committee of Singapore to remit $1,600,000 (Straits) to China for relief purposes. This amount is part of the total $3,000,000 now deposited m local Chinese banks. Meanwhile,
    Central News  -  99 words
  • 73 2 Canada Will Back U.S. In Pacific Ottawa, Nov. 19. CANADA will undoubtedly range herself by the side of the United Kingdom and the United Stairs m the event of war m the Pacific, it was authoritatively stated here to-day. The arrival of the Canadian troops m Hong Kong, it is
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 470 2 London Nov. If). JIIE vast scope and speed of total war impose a strain which makes it wise to set an age limit on the tenure of every military command, says the Daily Telegraph, m a leader on the changes m the Army chiefs.
    Reuter  -  470 words
  • 202 2 NEWS BREVITIES ([elbourne. Nov. 19. An armour-piercing allet invented by [r. C. R. Campbell, L the Home Guard t Millicent, South ustralia has been ibmitted- to Army eadquarters. Residents of Yurgo township. 120 miles from Adelaide, are being plagued by swarms of bees, which have lodged m houses, the school,
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  • 54 2 pAKARIS.'MY (40). who admit tod having In his possession rrcords and ■taking .slips of h rhap-Jl-kl lottery, wiuj sentenced to n. month's rigorous lmprlMonmont '-esterday on a charpp of ssistliiT tn carrylnK on the lottery. It Ml :tated th:it PukarLsamy wan •rreaUd with the documents In his pos■MMioq at a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 535 2 !TifJt KAi it m sra.ii.MJJ VU fl> MINING ((MIIMW lIVIHI.O. m. Tri m Queensian< NOTICE THIRD INTERIM DIVIDEND. NOTICE Is hereby given that a Third Interim Dividend o! three pence per share for the financial year ending Slst March, lina. na been dtclarcd by the Directors ol the Company m
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    • 238 2 Arthritis Agony The amazing new discovery Rumend banishes the pains of Arthritis, Rheumatism. Lumbago, Neuritis and Sciatica like magic In 30 minutes after the first 4<«*, pains disappear, and In a few days this marvelous medicine dissolves and removes the body poisons and Uric Acid that are the cause of
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  • 763 3 r(By Reuter's Special Correspondent) London, Nov. 19. WITH the efforts now being made to solve the Indian political deadlock. Gandhi has not made things easier by stating that the release of political prisoners will make no difference to the policy according
    Reuter  -  763 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 3 r* "Scorche d±, Earth" policy^ i m effect: So- J viet troops, ac- I cording to the German ap- proved caption with this pho- to, set the huge granaries on l fire before re- i treating from this Ukrainean town and these i inhabitants are rescuing what J supplies they
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  • 66 3 London, Nov^ 19. ENEMY activity over Britain was again slight last night, according to an Air Ministry communique, which states: 'In the early part of last night a few enemy aircraft dropped bombs at points on the East Anglian coast and m SouinEasf England These caused
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 109 3 A sequel to on accident at the Junction of Bencoolen Street and Middle Road when two cars collided and one of them overturned on Oct. 25, was heard !n the traffic court yesterday when Major W. C. Day and Tai Ah Tlwim. drivers of the two cars
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  • 136 3 - Without Calomel And You'll Jump oat of Bed m the Morning Full of Vim. Tin Inn should pour out two pounds of li-jiiiri bile into your bowdl daily. If liiis bile is not Rowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays m the bowelv.
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  • 53 3 London. Nov. 19. THE Italian high command communique announces that the R.A.F. raided Naples and Brindisi last night, according to Rome. An Air Ministry communique issued to-day says: "Docks at Brest were bombed m the course of re"onnflissanre at dusk by aircraft of tho tjomber Command i^.st
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 211 3 (Special Cable) Kuibishev, Nov. 19. OUILDINGS m Nazi-held Kiev are death traps for the enemy. When a German artillery colonel was directing the fire of his guns from a balcony m a Kiev citadel, several tons of dynamite suddenly blew up m that part
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  • 68 3 Tokyo, Nov. 19. TWENTY peisons were killed and over 60 injured m 1 a train collision 15 kilometres north of Tokyo this morning. A fairly stronp, earthquake shook the western hall of Japan at 1.47 a.m. this morninc. Telephone and electric light services were
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 275 3 Germans Claim Contact With Rostov Railway London, Nov. 18. r*LATMIN(I to have reached the railway running north from Rostov, on the Don, and so able to prevent oil and other supplies from reaching Moscow from South Russia, the Germans have launched a new thrust South of Moscow and, since
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 192 4 Civil Suit Over Wealthy Estate QNG Teck Hock, a Singapore detective, yesterday m the high court applied for letters of administration to the estate of H wealthy Chinese woman who died m 1939. The application was opposed by two neices of deceased. Deceased's estate m Saigon was stated to be
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  • 72 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 19. T IM Peng Lan. chief clerk, Bristol Estate. J Kuang, was shot and later died m "hospital shortly after admission yesterday. It Is stated that a Chinese contractor •of the same estate gave himself up to ttie police
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  • 112 4 •pHE Controller of Foreign Exchange. Ma- toy a, announces that persons carrying on the business of handling remittances to China from Chinese m Malaya for the Mipport of their families resident there Should apply for a letter of authority from the Financial Secretary or his deputy if
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  • 72 4 Singapcrr. Wednesday: Tins Ah Lee <28> against whom allegations of gross Indecency towards two boys were made, appeared before Mr. H. E. Kingdon m the third police court. Thm offences were stated to have been committed m a house m Alison Road at 5-30 a.m. en Oct. 28.
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  • 86 4 OINGAPORE householders should begin collecting now for the further salvage drive to be conducted for four days Friday to Monday, Dec 5 to 8. Materials required (and they can all be put to immediate use) are newspapers books, magazines, clean scrap paper, bottles, clean tins with close-fitting
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  • 86 4 p ECAUSE he collided Into the back of a taxi as he was forced to swerve owing to an oncoming car whrn about to overtake the taxi. Sgt. L. T. Roberts of the Military Police, was fined $25 on a charge oi negligent riding while on a
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  • 83 4 A further talk m the series -War-Time Cook giving advice on dietics and eco?rnm th War tlme w»l be given from the Singapore station at 12.45 pm to-morrow. other special items m tomorrow s programme are: Half an hour of Variety, with Puzzle Corner No. 8, at 7 30 &£L
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  • 34 4 Mr O. G. Gallagher, war correspondent of the London Daily Express, will give the broadcast news talk after the news at ten o clock to-night. Mr. Gallagher has just returned from a trip up-country
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  • 121 4 XI LLE I) by pieces of flying rock during blasting operations at a quarry at the tenth milestone, Bukit Timah, on the night of Nov. 8, a labourer, Chew Mm, was stated to have had 10 years blasting experience. The inquest was held by the Singapore
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  • 63 4 A CHARGE of fermenting intoxicating liquor, 810 gallons of fermented rice, without a licence, m a kamponp; at the BV2 milestone, Yeo Chu Kang Road, on Tuesday morning, was preferred against Chns Siang Tong, a Teochew, m the Singapore fourth court yesterday morning. Chnn claimed trial and the
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  • 176 4 THREE shop-kee^rs, two Chinese women and a «^u man> were flned b y Mr. L. C. Goh, the Singapore fifth magistrate, yesterday morning, when they pleaded guilty to offences under the lighting restriction regulations during the blackout on Oct. 28 Chuan Ah Lin, licensee
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  • 85 4 UECAUSE he collided into the back of a taxi as aj he was forced to .swerve owing to an oncoming car when about to overtake the taxi, Si-'t. L.T Roberts of the Military Police, was fined $25 on a charge of negligent riding while on a
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  • 833 4 "Ng Gim It" Trial Opens At K. L. (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. K'HOO 800 THYE, stated to have been involved m the "Nk Gim It" share swindle of 1927, when a number of sharebrokers all over Maiaya lost a total of nearly $117,000, by buying forgod share
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  • 79 4 THE latest addition to the public address system m Singapore, oprratrd by the Department of Information and Public ty, is a loudspeaker on Boat Quay, from which the evening news broadcasts of the ML B.C. m Cantonese and Hokkien are relayed, together wi'h the accompanying Chinese
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 93 4 STARINA BICYCLES ARC BRITISH to the last bolt! Buying British means buying the best! STARINA Cycles are man u factured to the tiaditional standards of British crafts marLship, precision made from the finest British steel. STARINA Cycles are available m both Sports and Standard models and are sold at particularly
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    • 48 4 AIVNOI TIV€E MEIVT For the convenience of our patrons, we hereby announce that commencing from 20th November, 1941, our Department Stores m High Street, Orchard Road and also Sunco Furniture Department m Victoria Street will be open continuously from 8.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. I AURORA LTD. j
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  • Article, Illustration
    833 5 London, ()i-t 11. iY|ANY <>i us have wished at times that we could answer biick to the radio and make the announcer hear us. It can be done, it seems; but, of course, you need your <>v\n transmitting station and all sorts of gadgets m order to do
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  • 306 5 MORNING TRIBUNE THURSDAY. NOV. 20, 1941. THE U. S. STRIKES gTHIKES and lock-outs as a rule are the result of economic problems arising out of disputes between Capital and Labour. In times of prosperity, the strike weapon is often resorted to for the betterment of working conditions, while m periods
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 UNIMPEACHABLE SECURITY South British Insurance Co., Ltd. XeL 5926 S, Finlayson Green f^nnrTQHfftftfflftffTM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^y^ -v JjW BMP 1 J^p° r -vj^^&r*^ SOLE AGENTS: SINGAPORE- JOHORE-MALACCA-NEGRI SEMBILAN Agents: SELANGOR PAHANG. 13* Warms 6b
      31 words
    • 25 5 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, Exclusively. \s^' THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG., 'PHONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience.
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  • 160 6 rixjii following an haadleapi t«»r four events for tlir second day of the ■•iMfOr winter rtCMi HORSTS Class I Divn. 3: 6 Furs. Radiant 9.00 Nicotine 8.10 Courtlnc 8.13 Contango 809 Drift On 8.12 Moonwln 8.07 Loyal Lad 8.11 Given Howard 8.05 ■1 Camarilla 8.10 Flying Columr
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  • 124 6 A.I.F. TEAM FOR SAT URDAY'S RUGBY WHAT should prove to be one of the finest rugby matches of this season should be witnessed at J<ilan Besar Stadium on Satuiday, when the Australian Imperial Forces fifteen meet the British Army m a return match. The British Army lost the first game
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  • 92 6 Los Angeles, Nov. 19. THE world featherweight boxing championship changed hands when Jackie Wilson outpointed Richie Lemos over 12 rounds. Letnof won the title last July when he knocked out Pete Scalzo, the holder. Wilson, a former amateur star, lost only one of his 51
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 31 6 FE hockey match between the V.M.C.A. and the Netherlands Hockey Club fixed to be played at the V.M.C.A. ground yesterday was cancelled as the Club team was unable to turn up.
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  • 111 6 Raffles Win Second Teams' Match Against Medical College IN a "second elevens" intercollege hockey encounter, the first of its kind to be held, the Raffles College juniors avenged the surprise defeat sustained by their seniors when they beat the Medical College junior combination by three goals to nil at Bukit
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  • 151 6 Replays To Decide Water Polo League Championships EXCEPTIONALLY keen is the competition m this year's Singapore Amateur Swimming Association water polo league, and m both divisions of the league, replays will have to be held to decide the champions. The first division replay v/ill be held on Thursday. Nov. 27,
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  • 17 6 EDDIE SCARF retained the Australian heavyweight championship by a points win against Leo Jensen at Sydney Stadium.
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  • 31 6 Melbourne, Nov. 19. SID BARNES, a Test batsman, has announced his retirement from first-class cricket for the duration of the war, because he is engaged upon aeroplane construction.
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  • 305 6 ONE of the finest matches m the S.C.R.C. open invitation lawn tennis tournament was seen yesterday, when Yong Loong Chong, one time Singapore champion, just managed to beat Robert Chia, fast-ris-ing youngster, to the next round of the men's open singles championship. Robert Cnia, playing extremely
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  • 473 6 IN a trial game to select a women's team to meet the Selangor women's hockey side here next month, Colours and Whites drew one-all on the S.C.C. padang yesterday. The game did not rise to expectations, although several players impressed individually.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 80 6 Sports Diary i TO-DAY Hockey: S.C.C. i v Ceylon Sports Club, S.C.C; A.C.S. v R.A.- S.C. and R.I.A.S S.C, Oldham Hall. Tennis: S.C.- R.C tourna- ment, S.C.R.C. i courts. j Tide Table j i HIGH TIDES S i To-day: 11.01 V a.m., 9 9 ft. To morrow: i 12.10 a.m.,
      80 words

  • 348 7 SHOES OF MANY COLOURS. They can look most attractive if chosen deliberately to brighten a dull dress. On the other hand, if worn indiscriminately, they will give you a patchy appearance. Match them to your, hand-bag, your hat trimming or lapel ornament. .but not to all
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  • 188 7 FASHION FLASHES APART from the really lovely formals that arrived last week at PRISCILLA LTD. (No. 5. Eu Court, entrance m Hill Street i, this shop also received some extremely tempting short-length afternoon dresses m the same shipment. Smart late 1941 designs, these include an attractive twin-print model m which
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  • 657 7 HERES TO A YOUNG LOVELY SLIM WAIST PORSETRY themes this year mv- elude more natural lines. The exaggerated nipped-in waist, the hyper- pointed bust on their way out last year are now definitely taboo. Corsetry will follow the natural lines of the figure but with a difference. Since there is
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  • 142 7 corset questionaire t> Wnmi la tii»- minimum ftambei <»T foundation garments you x»t«»uiti u-.wr kn ynui wmxdrob A *>} Eton <»H«n should jroar foundation In laundered mid where do >uu find the best laundering directions? A: Every two weeks or oftener if the I weather is very hot. Follow Laundering
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 559 8 asfstgf Situations Vacant VACANCY filled, applicants thanked. 808. No. 816. 970 L) WANTED: A Book-keeper, apply to 742, Korth Bridge Road. Singapore. (No. 988 L) WANTED AGENTS California Sardine $121- p^r case. Apply Importers, 324. Victoria Street, Singapore. (No. 980 L) WANTED experienced man to make disinfectant. Apply Box 950
      559 words
    • 514 8 Miscellaneous SERVICE COMFORT Guaranteed Stay at New Asia Hotel. 2 Peck Scan Street. Singapore. Modern Sanitation. Rate Moderate. Phone 4978, Proprietor Wong V'ee Kuan. (No. 791 L) SELANGOR RACES: "Capt. Argus" complete selections each per race $s|refunded If less than three winners; three selections $2!-, one "CERTAINTY" $3|-, per day.
      514 words
    • 696 8 Motor Vehicles i DO YOU WANT to sell your car? Phone 5088, Singapore. Cash paid. (No. 676H) FOR QUICK SALE Norton Motorcyle. Good running condition. Cheap. Boon —Phone 3053, Singapore. (No. 960 L) FOR SALE. Austin "10 1 1938 model saloon car and B.S.A. Sports car. 1936 model. Apply to
      696 words
    • 694 8 I VOIGHTLANDER REFLEX (AMKRA wiiu Compeer shutter, speed to 30(i ot second, m almost new condition, $(i 5.-. Smith. Room 2, Goodwood Park Hotel, Singapore (No. 2M» FOR S/.LE Tatisad pram with nmttresand Cftnopy $30,-; Karrlkot witli stand playpen 5' x 4" $8!~. Box No 933 c,'o Malaya Trlbun<\ Singapore.
      694 words
    • 409 8 Educational "NEW WAY" BUSnOGBfI SCHOOL, Katoim Secretarial accountancy coaciiii; by a member ol the London Association ol Accountante. iNu. y93L) HAWAIIAN Guitar lenoni by Harry Martin* Leader Royal Hawaiian! New tuning no books, own method. 178 Cnrpinael Road, Blngapon (No. 954 L) LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO EASILY AND CORRECTLY.
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  • 1291 9  - Dance committee's hard work for patriotic causes Vera Ardmore affdsg zdsfdtgd Wedding Group picture taken at the marriage of Miss Mary Chen and Mr. Ivan Chater on Monday. Left to right; Mrs. C. F. J. Ess (matron-of-honour), and small son Gordon, Mr. C. F. J. Ess, Mrs. Tanner, Mr. R.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 126 9 X WAVifcr Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair W Facial Treatment Vibro Violet Ray Otone Steamer Innoza. Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419. PHONE 3335 PRISCILLA Ltd. HAS RECEIVED BRASSIERS SIZES, 33, 34, 36 5 Eu COUI&T FIRST
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 32 9 HENRY Anderson i /There's our new chair^ s* \s4 HENRY- NOW TRY NOTTO dL. JqA V' yWEAR (T OUT TOO SOON/ J J Coyr IWI, Kjnf feaiww SywAcw I WorlJ njhn rr*r«
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  • 355 10 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne, Nov. 19. fiENERAL Sir ThoVI mas Blarney attended meetings of the Advisory War Council and the War Cabinet, after which the Minister for the Army (Mr. Forde) said that developments expected to follow General Blarney's visit were an increase m the armoured strength of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 293 10 [good wine needs no bush (as the Straits Times' critic says) And this rare film which transcends far above the common fare of the screen, does not require recommending. (unquote.) SO WE MEREL Y SAY 'DON'T MISS IT!" 1 capitol L™;»^;,J 14 SHOWS TO-MORROW, SATURDAY I SUNDAY at II A.M.
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    • 210 10 The only big laugh show m town TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 AjyULAJIfBRA Their first roaring hit together! \^d^FV4 1 A NEW WARNER BROS SUCCESS with STUART ERWW EUGENE PALLETTE JACK CARSON GEORGE TOBIAS HARRY DAVENPORT rjjjgj Oirectn by WILLIAM KEIGHLEY %c'»*» e>» J» -i > *nd Fhil.p G Lpitato »•<**<
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  • 215 11 INDIA NEWS New Delhi. Nov. 18. Further sailings have been arranged for Haj pilgrims, from Bombay m the last week of November and the first week of December, and from Karachi m the first week Ol December. Additional sailings will be arranged later as nesary.—By Radio. New Delhi, Nov. 18.
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  • 133 11 TRIED TO BRIBE OFFICER A HAWKER, Ns Ah Lye, v/as lined $30, m default one month's rigorous imprisonment, m the Singapore tifth court yesterday naming when he pleaded guilty to a charge ol" otter ins an illegal pratification of 20 cents to a police constable at Pattani Street on Tuesday.
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  • 65 11 FOO Meng Seng, a 25-year-old Hylam .-.ppenre'l b»tore Mr. K. >*. Byrne m »he fourth court this morning when he claimed uiul to a charge of theft of ten pounds of butter, valued at $10. from an Airmen's mess yesterday. It was nt&ted that Foo wa.s attached to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 841 11 t Notice to Merchants exporting;] i;im il> to i; 'publican < lima (indud iiik National anil International Settfcunsttia and Concessions i»> China). With effect fiom the liith day of November, 1941. al] outward Declarations presented to the import and Export Ofllea m respect of the export of goeds from Malaya
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  • 672 12 Decision For Full World War In Japan 's Hands London, Nov. 20. lAPAN to-day is m a position U determine whether the existing state of war £*"■*■> J Axis and the Allies is to be extended to a world struggle, says the Daily Telegraph d.ploWat To^oZp'lng't profit from the warlike
    Reuter  -  672 words
  • 101 12 Bangkok, Nov. zu. uriTH the expected arrival 3n of the ex-Japanese j S spokesman, Mr. Koh Ishii, j 5 as Counsellor, the diplomatic j 3 staff at the Japanese Em- j bassy m Bangkok will num- ber exactly 40. 1 This Is four times
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 173 12 Highlights Of The News London, Nov. 20. jy|R. KURUSU is reported to have received fresh instructions from Tokyo which Mill be the basis of his resumed talks with Mr. Cordell Hull to-day. MR. ANTHONY EDEN, at a luncheon m London to-day, stated that the British Government was fully backing the
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  • 90 12 Canberra, Nov. 20. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Curtin, has indicated that the Australian Government has no intention of accepting proposals involving military conscription for overseas service. "The number of men now serving m the Australian land, sea and air forces on voluntary principles," he told a
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 59 12 Vichy: G*>n. luin has been appointed C.-Ib-Ch North \fric\i.— Reuter. Londoi l-'iMi has hi"«n sunk la t'< (Ii" Ark Royal. This is almost rertai to har« takOT p.irt m the attack Mi :i .lirm't-rarrier. Reut< r. V Ington: The State Dept. has anI the U.S. revitwiiii; rhc entirf
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 103 12 I Y'HI IJ-: the Japanese Diet yester- day ran through a dozen bills m preparation for war m the Pacific, and Mr. Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State, resumed talks with the Japanese envoy, Kurusu. J more Australian reinforcements arrived m Singapore. The new contingent included
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  • 256 12 NEWS BREVITIES Melbourne, Nov. 20. The Minister for the Army (Mr. Forde) said that suggestions by the Corauiander m Chief, Home Forces (Sir lven Mackay) for improvements i n home training would be acted upon immediately. Sir Iven'g report recommends n o revolutionary changes. Development of comprehensive army-air cooperation is
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  • Morning Tribune
    • 6 12 Morning Tribune Friday, November 21, 1941.
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    • 74 12 Kweilin, Nov. 20. WHILE Japanese aircraft have been unu.suaUy active. bombing tile (Chinese airfields m Fukien, Chekiang, Anhwei, Kiangsi, Kwangtung and Kwangsi provinces, heavy Chinese reinforcements are pouring southward into Kunming to meet any possible Japanese drive to cut the Burma Road, including crack
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    • Page 12 Advertisements