Morning Tribune, 19 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 17 1 I Morning Tribune \oi. tt— No. 249. Wednesday, November li>, 1011. Morning Tribune Wcdnesdmy, November If). IH4I.
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  • 494 1 London, Nov. 18. THE German invaders are now within sight of the Caucasus and although the Russians have not admitted the German claim to have captured the whole of the Eastern part of the Crimea, all i indications suggest that the Germans are
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  • 225 1 Stockholm. Nov. 18. FRESH confirmation that the New Order merely signifies German domination of Europe even after the war is provided by a report of a speech at Cologne by the German Commissar m Holland, Seyssinquart. making it clear that Holland can
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • Article, Illustration
    113 1 i 1 Berlin. Nov. 18. J pOLLOWING on consultations with Marshal Petain, and S r Admiral Darlan, <;eneral Weygand will return to Algiers 5 this week. It is understood that nomination of a successor ■to General Iluntziger has been put off. A number of 2 generals are under consideration for
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 165 1 London, Nov. 18. THE German troops are suffering severely from cold m the central sector of the eastern front, accordin« to information received m London. Very few are equipped for the winter campaign. A number of them have been found frozen to death. Many were wearing
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 482 1 TOKYO PASSES ANTI-U.S. RESOLUTION that the seriousness 01 the Pacint crisis allows no ground for optimism regarding the Washington talks, reports Reuter. The agency adds that the Japanese Government is watching the developments with intense interest. The situation is such that time must not be wasted m long drawn out
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  • 34 1 Wellington, Nov. 18.— A New Zealand Press delegation will visit Britain in the Spring at the invitation of the Minister of Information, Mr. Brendan Bracken, announced thp Prime Minister. Mr. Peter Fraser, to-day.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 36 1 Rome. Nov. 18. An Italian communique states: 'Naples was raided last night m successive waves but the material damage was not serious. The communique states that on tho Gondar front local enemy attacks were foiled. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 110 1 Jap. Troops Reported Moved South London, Nov. 18. AS British and American naval forces assemble m the Par East, the Japanese land and air forces, concentrated m north Indo-China, are reported to be moving south and west towards the frontier of Thailand, writes the Daily Telegraph's diplomatic correspondent. Reports reaching
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 110 1 Hanoi, Nov. 18. \|R. YOSHIZAWA, the head of the Japanese mission to Indo-China, paid his first official visit to the GovernorGeneral, Admiral Decoux. this afternoon. The meeting, which took place at 4 30 p.m., was a full dress affair designed to establish contact between the
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 920 2 Britain, U.S. Prepared For A Showdown w a- mas ■< %^^l'lf^' London. Nov. 18. THE tone of the London Press comment on Mr. Kfirasu's mission to Washington is set by The Times' leader. "Gen Tojo's Diet speech will certainly do nothing to smooth his emissary's task. The picture drawn by
    Reuter  -  920 words
  • 178 2 JAPAN ONLY WILL MAKE F.E. WAR Manchester, Nov. 18. rIE speeches by the Premier and Fo/eign Minister of Japan officially confirm what was already known and show how near Japan is to entering a Far Lastern war, says the Manchester Guardian. No one will take war to any other part
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 106 2 New Delhi, Nov. 18. '4 T a civil defence conference at A New Delhi yesterday, Mr. J. Raghavendre Rao, a member for civil defence on the Viceroy's recently expanded Executive Council, expressed regret that m the crisis through which India's destinies were passing, responsible ministers
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 95 2 Tokyo. Nov. 18. rpHE assertion In the paper Nlchi Nichl that Japanese-American talks are hopeless unions the United States censes all assistance to Chungking probably represents the majority of Japanese opinion, the spokesman told correspondents this morning However, he remained cautious on the governments
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 77 2 Wellington. Nov 18- -In .searching the house of a dead recluse, a lawyer found bundles of bank note* and silver and copper coins ill envelopes, tins and other receptacles all over the house. The dead man was 83-year-old Joseph Partinpton. proprietor of New Zealand's only winddriven flour null at Auckland
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 25 2 Melbourne. Nov. 17. The New South Wales Government is planning a £1,000.000 housing programme for munitions workers m localities where new defence plants are centred.
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  • 64 2 Filipino Reservists To Report Manila, Nov. 18. 1 «l is reported J here that < an undisclosed jj number of the I Philippines ar- my reservists have been or. dered to report to camps with a view to being embodied into the United States Far Eastern Army. these reservists, who
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 158 2 Toki:, Nov. 18. IAPAN has now laid down her J cards and is Vwaitinp, America's next move," says the Japan Times and Advertiser, m a leading article on Gen. T jo's and Mr. 'logo's speeches It adds that the most important Issue to that the American
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 213 2 Mexico Surp ised At Nazis' Retort Mexico City, Nor. 18. FE Government viewed with positive surprise" the German reaction to the Note sent to Berlin by various Latin-American countries, including: Mexico, according to the official Foreign Office Spokesman. The Mexican Minister m Berlin, General Ascarate. was requested by the German
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 152 2 Melbourne, now. 10. The Vatican Rauio yesterday broadcast i request for the result oi me Melbourne Cup. for Australians who are prisoners of war m Italy. The intor mation was sent. Mr. J. C Watson, Australia's first Labour Prime Minister, and chairman of the National Roads and Motorists' Association,
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  • 110 2 Kweiling, Nov. 18. IF the Japanese attack Yunnan Province they will probably launch, simultaneously, offensives 'on the nth west from Canton, according to Chinese well-inform-ed circles her& The Japanese forces m Canton, it Is believed, may push north- .ird al n^; the railway towards £naokwan. and other
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 I TO-NIGHT AT 9.30 "BIRDS OF PASSACE" present "LOT'S WIFE" This Year's Most Sparkling Comedy SPECIAL PRIt ES $2, $1. sOcts. IN AID OF THE LORD MAYOR'S CHINESE AIR RAID RELIEF FUNDS. I Victoria Theatre Book Now at Little's
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  • 442 3 ROOSEVELT LOSING PATIENCE OVER MINE SITUATION Washington, Nov. 18. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT is reported ready to exert the full power of the U.S. Government to get coal production resumed. Persons close to the White House said that the President is convinced the time would come for the government to put into
    Reuter  -  442 words
  • 61 3 Madrid, Nov. 18. ACCORDING to the Berlin corres- pondent of the Alcazar, the Wilhelmstrasse describes Von j Papen's interview, published m the paper Vanguardia, as "apocryphal" "to our and everyone's surprise". The Variguajrdia said that its correspondent was presented to the Cterman Ambassador at a reception given by the Spanish
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 98 3 Civil Defence Conference Starts i New Delhi, Nov. 17. THE Civil Defence Conference of the Central and Provincial Government's Representatives began m New Delhi tnis morning. Mr. E. Raghavendra Rao, Civil Defence Member, said: I "The European War is rapidly approaching our frontiers. It is essential to complete our planning
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 3 \yL Heavy guns)l» 'T being moved ttw a new firing: position near a I river some- i where along J the far flung i front, accord- i I ing to the So- S viet caption ac- i c oin p a ii ying i this photo raS dioed to New
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  • 116 3 Balbao (Panama Canal Zone), Nov. 18. rE United States 15th Naval District ordered its patrols tc be on the alert yesterday, after receipt of reports that a British operated Jugo-Slav ship had been i attacked m the Pacific, apparently by an Axis raider. Officers of
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 146 3 NEW AMERICAN AGREEMENT WITH BRITAIN Washington, Nov. 18. MR. Henry Morgenthau, United States Secretary of the Treasury, t: day confirmed that the '1 reasury was discussing a recip Tccal agreement with Britain. He said that Mr. John L. Sullivan, the Under Secretary, was handling the discussions. The plan, it is
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 111 3 London, Nov. 18. THE owners of certain U .S .A. securities who have P l^* their holdings at the disposal dt the Treasury, are asked to avail themselves «cf the opportunity to rell them outright, the Bank ot England announces. The securities will be
    British Wireless  -  111 words
  • 85 3 London. Nov. 18. THE Guild of the undergraduates of Liverpool University has passed a resolution paying homage to executed Czechoslovak students who were, the first to give the signal for the mass resistance against the Nazi oppressors m the Autumn of 1939. They declared Nov. 17 to be
    British Wireless  -  85 words
  • 460 3 (Special Cable) London, Nov. 18. A SPONTANEOUS reaction of the Youth of the World to persecution was a feature of International Student Day celebrations, which were he4d on Sunday m every Continent from Chungking and Moscow to Costa Rica and Havana, not forgetting Oxford and Cambridge.
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  • 124 3 NAZI AIR ACE UDET KILLED Berlin, Nov. 18. THE sudden death of the German air ace, General Udet. m a flying accident on Nov. 17 is announced by the official German news agency. It is rumoured that he committed suicide. General I'clet was recently reported to have fallen from grace
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 i Under BRITISH management but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English honiecockin^ Our cellars have j been restocked Q^ with finest m*^t *\JCaJW\^> Continental 2g2 Qrchard wines an d ni 5-555 Koad. liqueurs. J j JJ
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  • 206 4 Government Takes Over Power Plant (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. THE electric generators at t'ame--1 ron Highlands are being en- 1 larged, the electrical installation now having been taken over by the Government. So said Mr. C. C. Brown, British Resident, Pahang, when asking for appropriations m the
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  • 116 4 J)IN Roku Kei (68), a Formosa^ from v rubber estate m Eatu Pahat. who obtained permit from the Johcre pol'cr to come into Singapore m order that he might leave for Japan by the Asaria Maru. was fined $10. R'n wa s convicted by Mr. H. E.
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  • 111 4 AN application for a stay of execution for 14 days— pending the filing of a n-tice of appeal and the disposal o! the appeal In the matter m which Mr. Yeo Chiang Swee, the owner of a house m Orange Grove R~ad. obtained an order from
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  • 247 4 Straits Squadron Scores UFH£N the] »ar;;pst COH- Ungcni <;i k.a.f. I bombers that J I* id yet been sent over Ger- I iniiiiy OB a sin- J gle nighti v.iour»,ht haTOC among Nazi objectives :>onie I ti:ne ago, ihe "Straits Setll.*I ment; SquudI ron participatI id m the raid. 1
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  • 221 4 BY the time neighbours had intervened m the fight, Kam Foong Kam, a woman, had bitten the finger of another woman, Chee Ah Won <4ii», wno lUDaequently died m the General Hospital on Nov. 0, death being due to septicaemia. At tne inquest
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  • 99 4 I port uaing abusive language to two police ronrtshki %t North Bridge Road on Monciiy night, a 19-year-old Chinese. Kwa Chin Sute. m fined $10 m default, ten days' imprisonment by Mr. Conrad Oldhani. the second magistrate, yesterday morning. It was stated that the two Constables stopped the accu. eil
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  • 448 4 Revocation of Offer To Sell Mine Share IVf R. Justice Worley yesterday entered judgment with costs L on the higher scale m favour of Mr. Ho Chin Siew, a tin miner, who sued Mr. Aaron Manasseh a local commission agent and land owner, for the specific performance of an alleged
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  • 66 4 rpHE wedding of Capt.J. J. van BftllMV 1 of X.L.M.. Royal Dutch Air L;n«--, tnd Miss Ans Versluys of Bat;ivM. r.»>k place at the Wesley Methodist Church. Canning Rise, yfsterday evening. Comm. Te Roller of X.L.M. w^s the 1 b> st man. and Mr. M. A. Dellaert.
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  • 151 4 AT the resumed inquest yesterday int tho death ti Omar bin Mohammed Yassim. who d'ed while under an anaesthetic. adi^'nsUied preparatory to an operation the coroner absolved the doctcis of all blamo. Ynsuin whs 42-v» t) p-«)ld "Seranu" employed at the Naval Base and riif'd
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 504 4 I*iil?fU* JVo ticies Tut it\in iisr;,\ i\n GOLD MINING rmirwv LIMITED tlhcorporated m Queensland). NOTICE OF DECLARATION" OB THIRD INTERIM DIVIDEND. NOTICE is hereby given that a Third DUerim Dividend of three pence p^r share for the financial year ending 31st March, 1942. has been declared by the Directors of
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    • 590 4 Public Notice Singapore Municipality TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Room. TENDER Date of Closing Jupply of Standard High Pressure Copper Tubes. 4 p.m. 5 January 1942. Erection of Emergency Observation Wards etc. at Mlddleton Hospital. Moulmein Rond. (Deposit $50).
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  • 924 5 H.L. HOPKIN'S LONDON LETTER London, Oct. 13. a> Ti'"^ Market" _^fcLy constantly heard m (CjHwL Britain these days. JKHMIt refers to the oby^^^Rf taiiiin.-- of rationed y*~^\ w^hl* by underhand means. Unscrupulous people who know devious ways of finding what they want can yv.t plenty, and make large profits. Sometimes
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  • 307 5 MORNING TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1941. NEW CHINA MOVE is growing evidence that th< Japanese are about to attempt a move m South China, and according to Chinese reports, the offensive will be timed to a general onslaught m Honan, Hupeh, Yunnan and Kwangtung provinces, m order to put into
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 237 5 Dissolve Ugly Fal The New (incma Way Week 25 Lbs. a Month fe^^^^^>^fel^B lt%fS Make This One-Week "^W^^» W— Guaranteed Test K&mS&f) ment m your figure and the fact that you JIM o«mft?jH^^ra fofl an years younprer. Then if you •f tho pystem As a result, good polid flesh tinue
      237 words
    • 162 5 Heart Trouble Cawed by High BM Pressure If you have paii. i around the heart, palpitati n, dizi. ness, headaches at top and Sack of he d a.:.d above eyes, shortness of ireath, feel nervy, c? Buffer from poor 3le: >, loss of memcry and energy, indigesfon, worry nd fear,
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  • 890 6  - Servicemen apprecia te Sunday shows VERA ARDMORE r people PLACES £\i- ha ii and tiie performers s n ed the mosphere and looked as though they thoroughly enjoyed prancing about the stage. Wray Gibson was there to play popular tunes on the accoideon and it was a farewell performance for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 WAVESCT Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair w racial Treatment Vibro Violet Bay Oione Steamer Innoxa, preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 441», Your favourite perfume duplicated perfumes your now 4 ll^F om available mrylPrjffV^SM bottles 11, THE ARCADE,
      51 words
    • 73 6 A V* ■'.''.-''•'••yjJUr j s&Ftt>sq V *■"*•*> M OLi >^ &St^9 •'■•^j^Bß 1 Vi-Lactogen is the dried milk of healthy cows, with the 1 chief milk ingredients, protein, fot and carbohydrate. 1 adjusted to the approximate proportions of human 1 milk. That is why Vi-Lactogen is the next best thing.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 36 6 HENRY By Carl Anderson I TOrv Y l I s-s. gumdrops vy^ yy bUY TO ick?l dm A4 |wanti 1 n^^k Jtj&\ r~ -V y 4%L. rC I I Copr'mi; ic,^, i>t»ture« Synjlcjtt. Inc'' World ngburwrvrd
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  • 827 7 Look after your eyes J STIES are m most cases caused by bad blood, but some people are particularly prone to them. A good preventive measure m this case is to smear a little pure vaseline round the eyes at night before going to bed. When a stye does occur,
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  • 353 7 S IF you want your hair to look v particularly soft and shiny, or if you are a blonde, the yolk J of an egg added to a bland soap shampoo will help considerably i to keep your hair light. To prepare the shampoo lightly
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 142 7 FOR SPECI \L VFTERNOON 1 bi \i iii n, i. y c:i;t i i Oi k of 1 1111 VERY-NEW SHADOW-SHOW MATERIAL, IN STRAWBERRY FINK WITH A LEAF DESIGN OF COPPER BEADS. >O PRICE 539 PH^22JK33Bj33B^l32CCS^ba.^b^BmQSll^^^D^qQi^H Capitol Theatre] Monday, Dec. 15th at 9.15 p.m. 1 M.G.Ms production of GOODBYE MR.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 28 7 ""TT^CZI IUL fYOUILDO, >ft)UNG y > /OJ r— rr J/yy \m\ \riAN/-nL PAY YOU >/ >^ tp^ 7// WHMEVER YOU'RE^/ X '-V^ 1 t J— l— __J—^— li^_^_J L^^^^^^^-i^^a^J'-^fc.--—-......- v. >■ i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 601 8 fdsf Situations Vacant VACANCY filled, applicants thanked. Box. No. 816. (No. 970 L) 1 I WANTH.D: A Book-keeper, apply to 742, I North Bridge Road, Singapore. (No. 988 L) t WANTED AGENTS California Sardine < $12|- p-r case. Apply Importers 324 1 Victoria Street, Singapore. (No. 980 L) t WANTED
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    • 600 8 Miscellaneous iERVICE COMFORT Guaranteed stay at New Asia Hotel. 2 Peck Seah street. Singapore. Modern Sanitation. late Moderate. Phone 4975. Proprletoi Vong V'ee Kuan. (No. 791 L) SELANGOR RACES: "Capt. Argua" complete selections each per race $s|•efunded if less than three winners; ;hree selections $2|-. one "CERTAINTY" &3-. per day.
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    • 602 8 Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to sell your car? Phone 5088, Singapore. Cash paid. (No. 676H) WANTED: 8-10 H.P. Car. Reply Box )00 c o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 946 L) FOR QUICK SALE Norton Motorcyle. 3ood running condition. Cheap. Boon —Phone 3053. Singapore. (No. 960 L) FOR SALE. Austin
      602 words
    • 607 8 >i(.ii 1 and: R RAJ PI B wit i, Com] mtter, si eed 1 0 300 o! a iecond, In almost urn 1 condition, r Smith, Room 2, Goodwood I'ark Hotel, Singapore (No. 2MI FOR S>.LE Tan-ad pram with mattresBJMI canopy I3OJ-; Kiirrlkot with stand playpen 5' X 4" $B'-.
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    • 377 8 /ii i (i n me i (4tJt Him) I rum 1M a .in. to S 10 a.m. From I N p.m. to 9.00 p.m. KUNMING XGOY 25.21 metres (11.0 me s) From 8.20 p.m. KWEIYANG VPSA 49.0 metres From 5.50 p.m. to 11.15 p.m. SAN FRANCISCO KOII !».tt7t) kr s
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  • 449 9 Malaya Will Have AnotherHeavy Racing Year 67 Days Allotted For 1942 4 MOTIIFR heavy years racing m Malaya is promised next season, when accordAVng to the racing fixtures for 1042 just issued by the Straits Racing Association. 67 days of will start on January 1 with the continuation of this
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  • 354 9 Singapore Tourney To Be Held In Late December Amateur Boxing f\WING to unavoidable r'rcumstanres the llns;apors Amateur. Boring upon < 'hanipionships f<»r 1941 ennnot now be held until the I liirtl week of December. Th- Happy World bOllßf arena is fully hi (iked ivring tin- first two weeks of !)<•(»
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  • 196 9 FKIF.NDI.Y badminton enro-inJer consisting of thrt'e women's singles, three women's doubles, and three mixed doubles will be played off «n Sunda>, at 2 15 pm, between the Men id.ile Had mini. „i iMrtv and the Sphinx Badminton Party at the latter's tourt The two teams will be
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  • 95 9 Hospital Win 5-2 MEETING the P.W.D. yesterday, the Indian General Hospital II won by five goals to two after their opponents had opened the scoring. The half-time score was 3-2 In the Hos- pital's favour. Scorers for the Hospital were Gulzara Singh, Sectu, Washington, Tirke and Ramzam. '■•HE annual Married
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  • 278 9 rpUK following are the handicaps of 1 all nine events for Saturdays races at Kuala Lumpur, the opening day of the Selansor Turf Club's winter meeting: KOBSP«: CtaM 2. Divn. 1: 5 burs. KUlC'l Ctamblt 9.00 Waetere 807 Edna Star 8.13 Newzy 8.06 Victory 8.11 Cool
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  • 382 9 /MM>n understanding among \J their forwards, coupled with a defence that seldom faltered, enabled the Singapore Civilians to score a convincing victory by five goals to nil over the K.A.F. m a hockey match played m aid of the War Fund on
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  • 68 9 'pilF' following will represent the 1 Chartered Bank Sports Club at oadminton against the L'seful Lads Bad- minton Party m .1 friendly encounter on Sunday at the Happy World covered stadium, commencing at 7 p.m.: J. Tullie. Augustine Chin. M. A. Lanße. Lim Teok Chen?, Franris
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  • 122 9 S Hong Kong, 17. r -yjK. W CHOY, Chinese D»Hi i < IP playet and Mr. Phillip Harm mi. one of the trading ama- 1 lean m America, arrived m Hong I Kong dining the week-end on a Far East tennis tour to raise
    Central News  -  122 words
  • 465 9 II7HEN one of the uprights of the Fort Canninc jjoal collapsed soon after a trx had been scored against them, the fallen nost held up by players In order that the kirk for the extra points '•oii'rl he t.ilcen this was one of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 135 9 Foot Itck Cauct KilHin4Dai» Pain and Itching f Stopped m j^^/fM x A 7 *sMtfWiim M §Smmm mmmm Jour A'"' l"o l.list"rs break and run skin soft, clear. an<l smooth. SS ZXZ SSr.yffiS ISJrZI Guaranteed Tesi bleed? If you suffer from these fo*>t p lP t Nixoderm from' your chemist
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 78 9 STO jr I SPORTS I DIARY TO-DAY Hockey: Se-. cond teams' S inter college j S match, Raffles T College ground; m S.R.C. v Loyals, S S.R.C.; Women's trial. S.C.C j Tennis: S. C. ;R. C. tourna- j ment. I a Rugby: Loyals v Coast Regi- ment, Changi. Tide Table
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  • 355 10 Cable News from 'Down Under' I Melbourne, Nov. 17. lljiv. W. A. Chafiey, Independent member for Tamwurth m the New South Wales Legislative Assembly, has enlisted m the A.I.F. He was successor m the seat to his father, the late Mr. Frank Chaffey, a former Chief Secretary of New South
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 206 10 MORE LAUGHS THAN YOU HAVE i HAD IN MONTHS! TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 8c 9.15 A L II A >l B R A Their first roaring hit together! WF%%Bk > j ßa jr'u Wm B K T .rv B K^i -•Jx^jwgQPigQCO j^BBH B K' -a v f^T^-T/ieyVe Together J* gP% fc^jj^^B
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  • 361 11 NEWS FROM INDIA New Delhi, Nov. 17. THE Central Assembly accepted a non -official resolution on the Indo-Ceylon draft agreement. It recommends that Indians who have' been m Ceylon withIn a specified period before the date of! the agreement should have freedom of entry into Ceylon; that no regional or
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  • 132 11 J A WALKING race from Johore r Bahru to Singapore for the Hodges Cup will be held on Sunday I i morning, Dec. 14, at 7 a.m. The route of the race will be: V start from the Johtore end of the Causeway, alonjr the Causeway. J
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  • 128 11 L-ndon, Nov. 18. IHE Board of Trade announces that they have made an order prohibiting from Nov. 21, except under licence, the expert of blankets containing more than 15 per cent wool by weight. But for the United States, Philippines, Argentine, Paraguay. Uruguay, Canada, Newfoundland,
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 367 11 "WEN OF BOYS TOWN" (At the Capitol) THTS is a wdrttty successor to the first picture In which both Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney are the main actors. They give moving performances though the plot is apt to be on the sloppy side. Withal, the picture is very
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  • 122 11 A CHINESE ricksha puller was found dead on the road at the junction of Niven Road and Wilkie Road. Singapore, yesterday afternoon. There were no external iniuries and death was believed to be due to heart failure. The ambulance took the man to hospital. At the
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  • 23 11 Sydney. Nov. 18— The death has taken place of the first Labour Prime Minister of Australia. Mr. John Christian Wat- ton.— I Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 NOTICE TO IMPORTERS. Attention la Invited to the newly ed i Notification 8 704 cancelling formei orders Prohibiting or Restricting imports Into the Colony and reissuing a Consolidated Order. 2 The effect i.s that from countries m Schedule I the import of goods specified m Schedule II is Prohibited, and
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 76 11 To-morrow's Radio hems rpO-MORLiOWS experimental broadcast 1 to schools at 11.40 a.m. will take the •orm of a dramatisation of the life of David Livingstone Other special Items m to-morrow's radio programme are the v-pekly fllr. ievlew at 7.30 p.m.. with recorded extracts from the weeks films; •>ther or Byran
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  • 255 12 New Thai Appointments: Three Foreigners Arrested BANGKOK, NOV. IS. FOLLOWING ON A ROYAL DECREE ISSUED LAST FRHUV CREATING A SUPREME COMMAND FOR THE THAI LAND ARMED FORCES. TWO FURTHER ROYAL NOTIFICATIONS WERE OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED TONIGHT. With immediate effect the nrst notification appoints as the supreme commander, Field Marshal Luang Pibul
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 71 12 New Delhi, Nov. 18. jtfEARLY 16.000 tons of wheat and large quantities of sugar, tea, fruit and provisions were sent! to Iran from India between Aug. 25 and Oct. 29, staed the government spokesman at a Council of State. He added that roughly 400 to 500 Indian and British-protected subjects
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 156 12 London, Nov. 18.-ReplyinK m the House of Commons to Mr. Robert Morrison, who declared that men of the Ro\al Navy serving m the Far East had not been Home since the outbreak of the war the Parliamentary Financial Secretary of the Admiralty said, although every endeavour had been
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  • 114 12 London. Nov. 18. THE Ministry of Food announce that they have entered into an agreement with the Canadian Wheat Board, to purchase a further 120 million bushels of Canadian wheat. In May this year, a similar quantity of wheat was bought by the Ministry from Canada,
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 24 12 London, Xov. 18. More Canadian troops with a contingent of airmen trained under the Empire Training Scheme m i Canada arrived m Britain to-day.
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  • 148 12 Sydney. Nov. 18. I A" LETTER signed "The other S 99 per cent.," published. by the Sydney Herald, disso- I ciates the Hong Kong evacuee writers "From the very small percentage of moaners who, by their expressed views, have 1 caused us much embarrass- S
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 167 12 Ankara, Nov. 18. THE Turkish Press, including the; pro-German Asvriefkar, strongly attacks the recent speech of the Vice-President of the Bulgarian Sobranje < Parliament > m which he referred to: "Bulgarian territories to the South of Bulgaria not yet occupied by the Bulgarian armies
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 189 12 I ondon Nov 18. The Chinese Ambassador r.ave a luncheon In honour ol Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Eden and Mr. and Mrs Amery to-day. Other |UMtl Included the BOVfct r.nri Amrriciin AmbftWUlon, Earl and CountCM Lytton. :md Sir Alexander and Lady Cadot*an Reuter Canberra. Nov. 18.— Prime Minister
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 101 12 NO U.S. EXPEDITIONARY FORCE REPUBLICANS I Washington. Nov. 18. NO American expeditionary force abroad" may be the pledge of Republican candidates for the House of Representatives next November, if America is not m the war. Senator Taft told newsmen. He declared that the close Congressional votes on foreign policy issues
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 151 12 London, Nov. 18. IT is confirmed m London to-day, says Reuter's diplomatic correspondent, that the Government of Iraq has decided to break off relations with the Government of Japan and with the Vichy Government. The role played by the representatives of the two Governments
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 73 12 Wellington, Nov. 18. TWO hundred women will shortly be selected for service In the Middle East with the New Zealand forces Irne1 r ne unit will be called the New Zealand Women's War Service Auxiliary (Overseas Hospital Division. The Prime Minister. Mr. Peter Fraser. announcing
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 186 12 CHINESE WELCOME FOR CA NADIANS IN HONG KONG Hong Kong, Nov. 18. THE arrival of the Canadians here is heartily welcomed by the local Chinese Press which unanimously interprets the move as proof of Britain's determination to defe-nd her Far Eastern possessions to the utmost. In paying a high tribute
    Reuter  -  186 words
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