Morning Tribune, 18 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 16 1 Morning Tribune Vol. ft— No. 245, Tuesday, November 18, 1941. Morning Tribune Tuesday, Noyembei IK. imii
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  • 167 1 Bangkok. Nov. 17. AX exchange of gunfire between the Thai police and French Gendarmerie on the Thailand-lndo-China frontier resulted m four Thai police men being wounded and one Indo-Chinese gendarme being killed. several wounded being captured, reports Srikrung. The incident occurred on
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 415 1 London, Nov. 17. THE Germans claim to have captured Kerch the last Russian stronghold between the Crimea and the Caucasus, but there is no confirmation or any indication m the Russian communique or messages from the Soviet front to support this 43 though the Russians do
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 338 1 Moscow. Nov. 17. troops advanced several miles on the Karelian front, capturing a number of important localities after attacking the Germans on their Hank, according to Pravda's war correspondent at the front. The correspondent reports that during the last fortnight. German attacks m the Kestenga
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  • 269 1 Moscow, Nov. 17. [EVERYWHERE the German advance has been stopped and our unijs are rounterattacking" says the Moscow radio this morning, reviewing the position on the Moscow front. The German drive to capture the Moscow road from Kalinin has been stopped, according to this report which
    Reuter  -  269 words
  • 76 1 Bangkok. Nov. 17. JT is true that Germany appears to have the upper hand a f present, but history tells us that Britain has never been beaten by any country, says the influential Varasab. Voicing its conviction that Germany cannot win the war. the paper
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  • 92 1 Must Pursue Policy With Prudence Tokyo. Not. 17. I "THE government must carry 2 out its national policy 2 with prudence," declares the 2 preamble to a Bill submitted as a matter of urgency to the House of Peers to-day m con- nection with the new measure 2 ato achieve
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  • 850 1 JAPAN'S 3-POINT PEACE AIM i',KN. TO.H) ADDUV^SV^ DIVYT Tokyo, Nov. 17. JAPAN "has come to face a serious situa tion where she must literally decid her course for generations to come,' declared the Japanese Prime Minister General To jo, addressing a joint meeting of the Upper and Lower Houses of
    Reuter  -  850 words
  • 109 1 London, Nov. 17. Teams from Singapore, Horu Kong and Shanghai competed m the overseas .303 postal rifle shooting match, the results of whirh are just announced by the National Rifle Association. Hong Kong finished third for the Duke of Gloucester's challenge cup with an aggregate 1069 points, the Straits Settlement's
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  • 619 2 CANADIAN TROOPS IN HONG KONG BAFFLER FOR JAPAN First the Australians arrivin". m Singapore, thru tho British and Indian *> arriving m Iraq, now the Canadian troops amvini; m Hong Bong. ainly they present a remarkable series of coincidences. Both to our friends and enemies they should provide a fruitful
    Reuter  -  619 words
  • 104 2 Hong Kong, Nov.. 17. THE Hong Kong Telegraph, m to-day's editorial, says: "Delightedly and gratefully Hong Kone bids welcome to the Canadians No more reassuring moye could be made than the transfer of these fully- trained, well-equipped, troops to the colony, and Hong Kong remains the
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 87 2 Hong Kong, Nov. 17. S INDICATIVE of sympathetic attitude of the Portuguese nationals m Macao toward j China's cause, Mr. Pedro Jese Lobo, Chief of the Taxation i Department of the Macao Ciovermnent, subscribed to S SI OO,OOO worth of Chinese war i bonds,
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  • 322 2 Washington, Nov. 17. THE United States Navy Department, following the announcement that a United States cruiser at dawn, on Nov. 6, sighted a merchantship Hying the United States colours with the United States flag displayed on either side oi her hulLand on deck, now adds
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  • 73 2 Lisbor. Now 17. AM more than satisfied with whut I J saw and heard In the United State* and Canaria." declared Mr. Attlee. Lord Privy Seal, who we.s the suest last night ot the British Ambassador, at rhe Britisn Embassy. Mr. Attlee. who had tourod many United States factories, Canadian
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 342 2 How Goebbels 'Sank Ark Royal In 1939 AN authentic account of how the German Propaganda Ministry "sank" the Ark Royal In September, 1939, was broadcast from London yesterday by a well-known American journalist. William Bayles, who has spent the last eight years m Geimany ami personally knew Lieut. Franck, the
    British Wireless  -  342 words
  • 118 2 Reuter Cairo, Nov. 17.— Heavy duststorms are reported from the Western Desert. Today's communique from British headquarters says that "at Tobruk and m the frontier area, a heavy duststorm during yesterday interferred with all activities both air and ground.' New Delhi, Nov. 16. THE All-li.dia Muslim League
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  • 81 2 London, Nov. 17. rTHE deaths are announced of two distinguished soldiers m retirement namely Lieut. -Oen. Sir Henry Puller Maitland Wilson, father of the Libyan campaigner. Gen. Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, and Brig-Gen Sir Arthur Long. Lieut-Gen Wilson saw service m India. South Africa and, during the
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  • 64 2 Bombay, Ncv. 17:— The Viceroy** Gold Medal for the best cadet of the year undergoing training on b-card the Indian mercantile marine traiuing ship, DufTerin, goes to Senior Cadet Captain K. S. Shahabuddin, who has been elected winner by the cadets of the
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  • 63 2 Rangoon. Nov. 17: -The Burma Government hoe exempted goods consigned to the Oovemment or China, for transit through Burma, from all Burma import duties m excess of Ra. 10 per ton. The order is enforceable from Sept. 3, 1941. Lease-Lend goods to China are already free from all transit duties,
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  • 189 2 TURKISH STEAMER'S TEN TRIPS TO GREECE London, Nov. 17. THE Turkish steamer Kurtulush is expected to re. turn to Istanbul to-day, having completed the second of 10 journeys to Athens for which purpose she has been chartered, taking provisions from Turkey to Greece," says The London Times to-day. The cargo,
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    • 97 2 READ THESE PRESS NOTICES!!! Sparkling with humour, 'Lot's Wife' proved a smash-hit for Singapore audiences when it was presented by the 'Birds of Passage' to a crowded house" The Singapore Free Press 41 'Lot's Wife' an excellent Show." Sunday Tribune 44 'Lot's Wife' is a winner. Forget all about the
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  • 152 3 2 Years Ago Nazis Struck In Prague London, Nov. IT. "FT is just t\vo years since the Nazis m Prague struck -I the first blow m the deliberate campaign to destroy cultured life m conquered ('/.echo. Slovakia," recalls the Daily Telegraph m a leader to-day. The famous university of Prague
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  • 433 3 London, Nov. 17. "THE choice for Japan," is the title of the edi--1 torial m the Daily Telegraph, the choice being that of peace with Britain and America, or downfall. The Japanese .special envoy, it says, has reached Washington, the Japanese Diet has heard
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  • 113 3 NEWS BREVITIES New Delhi, Nov. 16. KING Edward VII rupees and eight anna pieces will not be legal tender after May 31. 1942. The Government intends to replace such coinage, thus savins unnecessary use of silver and discouraging counterfeiting. By Radio. Melbourne, Nov. 17. THE Postmaster-Gen-eral (Senator Ashley) announced that
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  • 681 3 London, Nov. 17. THE German Government have lately escorted a group of neutral correspondents through occupied Russia, writes The Times diplomatic correspondent who describes their dispatches as the first independent picture of what life is like there. The correspondent continues: "The German policy
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  • 93 3 Canberra. Nov. 17. "THE danger to Australia m the Pacific is very very great," stated the Prime Minister, Mr. John Cnrtin, to-day. "No Australian knows when we may be called upon to defend ourselves," he said. Mr. Curtin added that Australia did not wish for war
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  • 68 3 shanghai, Xov. 17, T»HE Inited States Conrnil-ftemfnli has frstieti a notice that 260 berths are available' aboarcl two American ibvrv next week for Americans d*sirinff to evacuate to afnrila. M«- emphasised it the same time that the Ibriper evacuation advice is stOI applicable to non-essential Americans.
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 35 3 Canberra. Xov. 17. The Prime Minister, Mr. John -iii-tin. has announced that the Wai Cabinet had decided to incropse the flow of air observers to be trained m Canada :iiy 25 per cent, monthly.- Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 MAKE A DATE, LET EVERYTHING ELSE WAIT! OPENING TO-DAY i 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. ALBAMBBA COME TO-DAY for the swellest fun your entertainment money can buy! Their first roaring hit togetherl^^ Pm^Bß^B^^ .^BBk£v a. ai jh BS-' 'JBBkn^. H Bf-; Ba' :;iMJ K'.^lißi r <*^nBl Bf -j Bl :>^S w
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  • 83 4 Sawmillers Returning To Work To-day TWELVE Singapore sawmills j which have been silent for 19 days as a result of their 1,500 employees going on I strike are resuming work to- j day. After many fruitless at- tempts at negotiation, the i employees have agreed to allow Mr. Tan Kah
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  • 328 4 HOLDING that the owner was; entitled to an order for immediate possession of the house, Mr. Justice A. K. a'Backett Terrell m the high court yesterday upheld an order of the Rent Assessment Board granting permission to a landlord to eject a tenant. The parties were
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  • 75 4 pHE recruiting board of the Malay Re- which has visited Kedah. ?rnang. I ornk and Selangor In th<? jurs-> of rt« nf»>»<t Nw- will travel up 'np East Coast this week. The t'>ur will l-nlsn m Negri Scmbilaii and Mal:u\:;> rarly m Dt^cembpr. The Btfl C<MMt itinerary is as follows
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  • 406 4 Lorry's Mad Career Described To Judge THE mad career of a lorry driven by a soldier was described m the district court yesterday, and m the course of the hearing an elderly Chinese woman who persisted m saying that the lorry which caused the death of her husband was driven
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  • 299 4 Alleged Loss Of Expectation Of Life JUDGMENT was reserved by Mr. Justice Worley m the high court yesterday m a suit for loss of expectation of life, said to be the first case of its kind since the Privy Council set up a new principle for assessment of damages m
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  • 401 4 BREVITIES FROM THE COURTS a CHINA cup drop Ah.)ing on a, con crete floor" was thi simile used yesterday by Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore coro ncr. to describe what happened to Rajan gam 32, employee the Hume Pipe Co.. Bukit Timah, when he fractured his skull by a
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  • 274 4 R io t At Pulau Brani A lleged I PP EARING yesterday on three charges before Mr. Conrad Mdham, n?e district judge, were nine Malay members of the Koyal irtillery and Royal Engineers, snd the ehargei were: (1) rioting at Pul-.iu Brani, (2) causing hurl to a Malay signaller of
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  • 147 4 OAIHiHT n d-handed In the act of stealiii'.: ClOthM from the traffic constables tirades durtni ;> black-out pncttott Singh, a Blkt) constable was MB* need to three montho' rigorous fnipricnment yesterday. AcrordiriK to the evidence "hf-n during he trial h« fore Mr. H. K. Klnßdon, tJie
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  • 127 4 AS a result of complaints u> the jjublir, tIM nnii-vlce branch has taken aetlon 'n Syed A wl Road, and ywtOTdftf vvni nen were sentenced to a moijth's rlnoroas imprisonment each for Importuning for mmoral nrrposes In tliat area. The men, Sek Moy Kioa. Oiir Taiif?
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  • 21 4 L'URTHER troops, consisting of re:nforaMMntg for varlo\is Indian unlis m Malaya, arrived In Singapore yesterday. The voysiKe from Indln was uneventful.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 511 4 THE ll II H STR \i l\\ GOLD MINING COMPANI LIMIT! l> (Incor] land' HOTTCS Of DEC! ARATION Ol THIRD INTERIM DIVIDEND. NOTICE is hereby given that a Third Interim Dividend of three pence p.r share for the financial year ending 31st March. 1042,. has been declared by tho Directors
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    • 5 4 T^?^^» B •j J' ""jS^^^^^^Bß^^^^B^^J^Mß^M
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    • 162 4 Rich, Red Blood Builds Weight If you aro Thin, Underweight, losing Energy. Tired .-ill the time, nave ;i Pale, Sallow Complexion, suffer from skin BlemI riii. Circles under the Kyes, ;iiui lack that mysterious magnetic force called "it" you are /un-down and neffl th"<' new discovery of a Hollywood, California,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 118 4 To-morrow's Radio Items A SHORT talk In the scrlea "The Kltchen Ficnt.' fiTtng advice on mar I;- ting, together with food prices and food ri>ntrol announcements, will oe broadcast :roni SliiM'Pore a( 7.55 am. to-morrow, •id at 1.V45 p.m., O. H. Addison will contribute a talk on purdening. At 7.30
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  • 874 5 London, Oct. 12. 1^ London, where, large-minded toleriiinv similar t<> that n Malaya, \w find it hard to believe that conditions m Wales arc such as reliable report has them to be. Bui it has to be appreciated tha f In Wales chapel lolk can be
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  • 323 5 MORNING TRIBUNE TUESDAY, NOV. 18, 1941. STILL-BORN }$E are told that Hitler is about to launch another peace offensive. But it died before it was born. Mr. Churchill killed it, saving it from the pains of its delivery. However, if deception is the Nazi aim, Hitler may still produce the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 LOSS OF PROFITS INSURANCE South British Insurance Co., Ltd. TeL 5926 2. '/imayson Green I* RR /iND i i^ w 7 i /i /f f a? rt^ T rf.t i4O Warms 2*s
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    • 26 5 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, *4@Zoj£ Exclusively. \g^ THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. t, ARCADE BLDG., THONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience.
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  • 1048 6  - Lancashire comedy for coming revue. VERA ARDMORE PLACES ByHM Cast <>» lot Wife" which W playing' at tnc Victoria Theatre at the moment. Back row, left to right:— David Gregg. Chris Holmyard, Wilfrid Pearson and Arnold Nassim Front row, left to right:— Betty Aiken, Jane Burne, Rhoda Kitts and Pearl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 WftVESIT Eugene Oil\ Perms To suit the texture of your hair facial I Facial Treatment Vibro Violet R*J tfioic Steamer Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol BWf 159 North BHdc^Boad, TeL 4419. TT _*_g^^^*_^E^^^pp— S— s_S_ SS—^p_^_ S— S— J cnapeaux EXCLUSIVE miILinERV BnO RCCESSORIES RWFf LES HBTU HRO»-___. SinGRPORE
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    • 23 6 BATTEfIY'ROAD JL iJL PHONE: 4085 HERSHELLE Tweed Suits and Three Pieces (few only) just received. BHHHaMHMMH^^ MaM^ H^ HaMU^ Mast f r MMHH^ii^
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 681 7 SAVE on SUGAR by USING DRIED FRUITS DESIDES being valuable on acv count of the iron they contain, raisins are plentiful and v amenable m price, all of which are good reasons why they should ibe used liberally m puddings and cakes. An added advantage is i their high sugar
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  • 424 7 Recipes To Cut Out Keep BAKED ONIONS— MUSHROOM STUFFING 4 large onions, i/ 2 cup sliced dried or tinned mushrooms, IV2 tablespoons butter, V 2 cup soft bread crumbs, 1\' 2 tablespoons milk. 1 cup grated cheese, salt, pepper. Prepare and cook dried mushrooms, peel onions and parboil them In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 189 7 COCOA TASTES BETTER when the cocoa, sugar and salt are 1 mixed well with water and then boiled for five to ten minutes before adding- the scalded milk, and heating all together. WHEN A SPONGE CAKE is turned upside down m the pan to cool, it clings to the sides
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    • 119 7 WSi^H :S^J .-.-.•.■.-.v.-.-.\ •-•'•^sXaS^^H x-: ■■-*-"•"■"■•>: jKbmE3 B^^. ''^blb^B^Bblb^^^^^^^^^^^^ i|i| r VM DINF APPLE HAMS V Only jaeiected I r H»ca» *fj e d»l Ctt*" I So* 1 for four hoor coM I tot *^L^2i» tolcft I water and then completely cover nroduoM** 1 we l I th Ham wilh
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 616 8 fdsfdf Situations Vacant VACANCY filled, applicants thanked. Box. No. 816. (No. 97(M WANTKD: A Book-keeper, apply to 742, North Bridge Road, Singapore (No. yooLi) WANTED Salesman canvasser, libera] commission and $25!- allowance. Good prospects for the right man. AppU 54, Sumbawa Road, Singapore. (No 926 L ENGINE driver for Estate
      616 words
    • 604 8 Miscellaneous SERVIci COMFORT Guaranteed Stay at New Asia Hotel, 2 Peck bean Street, Singapore. Modern Sanitation. Elate Moderate. Phone 4978, Proprietor A'ong Vee Kuan. (No. 791 L) 3ELANGOR RACES: "Capt. Argus" complete selections each per race $srefunded if less than three winners; three selections $2-, one "CERTAINTY" $3-, por day.
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    • 602 8 Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to sell your car? Phone 5088. Singapore. Cash paid. (No. 676H) WANTED: 8-10 HP Car Reply Box yoo c o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 946 L) FOR QUICK SALE Norton Motorcyle. Good running condition. Cheap. Boon —Phone 3053, Singapore. (No. 960 L) QUICK SALE. 1937
      602 words
    • 612 8 for BALI ah tn Uan White Bird) Plywood about 7,000 sq it. (6 1 x 3' x 3|16") and 15.000 sq. ft. <f>' x :r r .32") for Immediate delivery. Box 001 c|o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 945 L) PIANOS For Sale. hire, tuning, repairing <fe rebuilding, workmanship guaranteed Wr
      612 words
    • 349 8 'ENANu ZHJ Ml (OJI rnctrcs> Fran v:io •> •<• Kl am From BJi p.m. t<» IJt p.m. KUNMING XCOV tSJti mrlrrs (11.0 mo M From X.2U p.m. KWEIYANG M'SA 49.0 nut res From 5.50 p.m. to 11.11 Pm. SAN FRANCISCO KOEI 9M9 kr s (31.02 mt'trcs) From 7JI I>.m. M
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  • 299 9 Only Goal Gives Club Win HOLDING a slight superiority m the attack, the S.C.C. just managed to defeat the Malay Regiment at hockey on the Padang- yesterday by an only goal which they scored a lew minutes after the resumption. The Regiment
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  • 71 9 TO-DAY Hockey Po«1 Office v I'it- man's CoHefe, Post Office ground; S.C.R.C. v Combined 5 Schools, Hnng S Lim Green; Singapore Civi- Mans v Royal Air Force (m aid of War Fund), S.C.C. S Rugby: Police I v St. Andrew's I Old Boys, Depot; I Medical College v
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  • 290 9 IN a very one-sided hockey game played on their ground yesterday, the V.M.C.A. beat the 11 X (Pulau Brani) by seven goals to one. The winners were superior m every department of the game and the Sappers were only dangerous once— vfhen
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  • 200 9 Melbourne, Nov. 16. IN first-j;rade cricket at Sydney, Glebe defeati-d Cumberland. Paddington d. Manly, R .ndwick d. Marrickville, Balmain d North Sydney. Mosman d. Northern District, Cordon d. Waverley, St. George d Westerri Suburbs. O'Reilly took 6 for 28 and Kis for St. f;eon?c. McCabe and
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  • 377 9 £O1 LOWING were results of ties m the 8.C. 8.C. open invitation lawn tennis tournament played at Hong Lim Green yesterday: Open mixed doubles: Mrs. Nassim .md Chua Choon Leong beat Low Kee Pow and Mrs. Rowley-Conwy 3 6, 6—4, G-3. Open
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  • 141 9 Indian Cricket Team To Visit Ceylon Bombay* Nov. 17. j i Indian crtehet team will b> ristting Ceylon m March n< m n .1 'our lasting from Mar. z to r. ■•0. F(-nr (jxinrrs have been arranged, two of which will hi' against tw<» different sides of the Ceyhra Crle-
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  • 310 9 JN 'a hockey game where C. Rayney's ha t- trick m the second half proved to be the match-winner, the Singapore Hornets defeated a Singapore Recreation Club team by four goals to two. The Hornets were down 2 o at one stage of the
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  • 25 9 TN thr final of the Vade Cup played at the Singapore Golf Club. T. O. Hamlyn beat E M. Moffatt 6 and 3.
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  • 350 9 131 Entries For Seiarsgor Races M entries r< reived from i l.i lone*, 121 h«>r>os and poni. have, h- fii I'litpred for the Selan I'uri Chi I) winter ■MCtlßf, whirl begins on Saturday, Nov. >?, and I contlnneii on Wednesday, \<.v. 2r. .m the following Saturday, \n< 29. The good
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  • 206 9 Samory Promoted To Class One DV virtue of a win registered m the last 1J event of the final day's races while carrying 8.13, Samory has been promoted to class one from class two horses, according to the latest classification of horses and ponies' list just issued by the Straits
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  • 15 9 411 rug'iy fixtures of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club for this season have been cancelled.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 59 9 Under BRITISH management m SUGGEST t nPF DF VOLAUXE ESCALOPE V*> XV SPAGHETTI lUnir m delicious spaghetti. .^l. chicken nestling in^ei but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecookiVf. Our cellars have g been restocked %L +j* *m W ith finest V—^ /IX4>rUO continental T
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  • 370 10 INDIA NEWS Lucknow, Nov. 16. wir Maurice Hallet, Governor oi the U.P., to-day criticised t,he hostile attitude Ul .some quartern to tho British Government's policy on the Indian Constitutional Question. It had been made clear, he said, that Great Bi itain was pledged to grant Dominion Status as early a.s
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    • 77 10 Safeguard. YOUR VALUABLE? Our Strong Rooms arc your Protection. It is impossible for an individual to provide for his valued possessions the safety that is afforded by our vaults where we have safe boxes of various sizes for hire at moderate rates. > HIRERS themselves hold the KEYS and ONLY
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  • 659 11 Melbourne, Nov. 17. rE death has occurred of Russell Henry Watson, 48, former Australian amateur middle distance running champion. He was probably the best halfmile runner seen m Australia, and served m the last war. The Australian Minister to Japan (Sir John Latham) was met
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  • 171 11 Women's Hockey THE Selangor women's hockey team will be visiting Singapore on Saturday, Dec. 6, to play the Singapore XI at the Girls* Sports Club ground. Prices of admission will be 60 cents and 25 cents for chairs and 10 cents standing room,
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  • 104 11 AT the second annual general meeting of the Singapore Tmction Company 8. C held recently, the following were ilected office-bearers for the ensuing year President. Mr. G Marshall (re-elected); vice-presidents Mr. A R. Cameron (reo'ectcd;; Mr. W. Milroy ire-elected*; hon. secretary Mr. Ong Mah Soh; asst.
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  • 95 11 Bhopal, Nov. 17. THE Bhopal Red Crescent Society, started by the Begum of Bhopal, is organising a special war week to be inaugurated on Dec. 3 by the Begum. Besides collecting funds to provide comforts for Indian troops "broad, which is its obiect, the Society
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 55 11 ANOTHER hockey match m aid of the War Fund will be played to-day, when the Singapore Civilians meet the Royal Air Force on the Padaag. The Civilians are fieldlnß a junior side, but nevertheless, should provide good opposition for the Airmen. The ground will be enclosed, and the
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    • 138 11 Asthma Cause Killed m 24 Hop Thanks to the discovery of an American physician, it now is possible to get rid of those terrible spells of choking, gasping, cougning and wheezing Asthma by killing the true cause which is Germs m the blood. No. more burning of powders, no mor«
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 306 12 Communists Hear Chiang's Address To Peoples Council Chungking, Nov. 17. THE time for the liquidation of the China Incident is between now and next Sprinp, declared General Chiang Kai-shek in his opening address to National Peoples Political Council whose opening ceremony this morning was particularly significant with the attendance of
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  • 185 12 3 Stories From Canberra Canberra, Nov. 17. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Curtin, announced that the Australian £100.000,000 cash and conversion War Loan have been most successful While final figures are uncomplete it is known that the £30,000.000 caih section has been over -subscri bed Mr. Curtin commented that the German
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 20 12 London, Nov. 17. Britain had another raid free night on Sunday, says the Air Ministry announcing nothing to report.- Reuter
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  • 76 12 s Birmingham (Alabama), Nov. 17. rpHK Woodward Iron Company > 1 to-day announced that one i blast furnace was shut down due i tu the walk-out of cokr miners at i midnight. The Company, which is one of the United States major indepcn- j dent
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  • 210 12 Washington, Nov. 16. NEGOTIATIONS for the settle1* inent cf the tTnited States coal dispute ended lale to-ni£ht without an agreement After conferring with the owners, Mr. John L. Lewis, President ■if the United Mineworkers Union, indicated that the 53,000 workers in the so-called
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 98 12 Coal production in mines supplying America's largest steel companies was at a standstill to-day. Dm I'uited Mine Workers' 1'iiicin which is part of the has defied President Ruoseveit's declar;iti«>n that coal "must" be mined. The White House thii£ far has been silent pending a formal notification. Negotiations had
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 142 12 ANXIETY OVER BEAVERBROOK'S HEALTH London. Nov. 17. ALTHOUGH the Prime Minister recently stated in the House of Commons speech that he did not intend to make any changes in the personnel of the government, there is nevertheless alwavs the possibility of enforced changes arising I from illness. Lord Beaverbrook's health
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 244 12 \Vashi.)f,t(>n. >.ov. 17.—Mr. KuruMi, accompanied by the JapiMN Ambassador, Admiral Nomura, arrived at the State Depart meat a4. J.:$0 this afternoon. It was indicate*! that both wore IW<m President Uoosevelt Inter. Both seemed reluctant to discus* any aspect of the situation. Reuter Cairo. Nov. 17. Poland's Prime Minister,
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 162 12 Cairo, Nov. 17. THE R.A.F. supplementary Middle communique yesterday says: 'Maryland bomber -aircraft of the South African Air Force successfully attacked aerodromes at Gazala and Tmiiui on Saturday the landing ground being .subjected to two raids. At Tmimi. in the first raid, at least five enemy
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  • 98 12 London, Nov. 17. qeneral weyganp arrived at Vichy m order to report to Marshal Petain i<v,ardin i 4 hia recent consultations with the late General HunUiger ;md also to consider Hunt/i^er'* .successor. Circles in touch with Vichy believe that the German-, want Weynand's appointment us War Minister with
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  • 80 12 Tokyo. Nov. 17. JAPAN'S economic structure remains unshaken and la fully ready to cope with the future, declared Finance Minister Kaya in the House of Representative! to-day. Since 1930 more than 4tf,0i)0,000.<)00 yen including 2;i.U00.O0O.O0O for military exptmos had been met by the national treasury. As evidence
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 158 12 Washington, Nov. 17. The conversation between Mr t'ordell Mull, .Admiral Nomura and Mr. Kurusii lasted 23 minutes. When leaving Mr. Hull's office to no to the White House, all three declined to •M.<Ur< any statement to the press. Reuter. Washington, Nov. 17. Mr. Lewis sent a letter to
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 55 12 Canberra, Nov. 17. PRIME Minister Curtin received today, the Netherlands East Indies Economic Mission. He announced afterwards that he promised practical support for their request that Australia should increase her exports to the N.E.I. He agreed in principle with the N.E.I, representation though there were various
    Reuter  -  55 words
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