Morning Tribune, 15 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 18 1 fdfdf Morning Tribune Vol. 6— No. 246, Saturday, November 15, 1941. Morning Tribune Monday, November 17, 15)4 1
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  • 190 1 Japanese Ready For Yunnan Push Chun. 'kis. rill Chin* i thi -i ipane ;e In Indo'liin.i were busily making p epara ions for an attack on Yunnan. While it was not possible bo wra lid tiic tune of the Japanese it 'ack, he believed that there would be Important developments
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 936 1 Moscow, Nov. 14. troops have forced the Germans to evacuate a number of villages in the Tula sector of the Moscow front. While the Red Army continued to hit back at the enemy on the Moscow and Leningrad fronts, the Germans claim to be
    Reuter  -  936 words
  • 91 1 Russians Using Cavalry I Stockholm, Nov. 14. S THE Germans are reported I here to have concentrated I i large quantities of war ma- S terial and very large numbers of aircraft for operations in the Crimea. Meanwhile, on the other I fronts, the Germans are I maintaining 1 absolute
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 203 1 London, Nov. 14. OIUTAIN'S famous aircraft- carrier the Ark Royal, "sunk" half a dozen times in Goebbels' imagination, has been, after two years of spirited action in the Mediterranean and elsewhere, torpedoed by a U-boat, and while in tow went to the bottom of the
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  • 182 1 Istanbul, Nov. 14. THE Gestapo in Rumania Is now the largest organisation of German secret police in any country except the Reich. In exchange occupied France is employing hundreds of former Rumanian Iron Guardis ts. Guardists, turned Gestapo agents, are denouncing hundreds of their once personal and
    Special Cable  -  182 words
  • 23 1 New York, Nov. 14. All to-day's New York morning papers say that President Roosevelt is ready to take control of the coal-mines Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 483 1 I Tokyo, Nov. 14. t THE nature of the special Diet session, opening 1 1 to-morrow, is indicated by the Cabinet deci- sion to-day, requesting 3,800,000,000 yen additional military appropriations, besides 515,000,000 in general account, both for the re- maining four months, of the current
    Reuter  -  483 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 101 2 JAPANESE MASS TR OOPS IN CANTON AREA Hong Kong. Nov. 14. THE Pearl River was closed yesterday and >vill be re-opened to-morrow— owing to "military 1 necessity declared a Japanese Consulate official in Hong Kong. It is learned locally that there have been mass Japanese reinforcements, including tanks, artillery and
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 93 2 Detroit. Nov. 14. MR. Hillman. Co Director cf the Office of Production Manage ♦ment announces that the War Department, within a few days, wiU t>e placing orders fcr 54,000 motor -vehicles trucks, ambulances etc.. at a cost oi $200,000 000 as a pav tial
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 129 2 NEWS BREVITIES Melbourne. Nov. 14. The price of petrol j Is up a penny a gallon, matches have risen 2 1 I >d. B packet of a dozen. Broadcasting from Chungking, the Australian Minister to China »Sir Frederic Eggleston> said that friendly relations between Australia and China could be extended
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  • 233 2 London, Nov. 14. HER bomb racks and wiog ablaze, a Wellington bomber heading for home was, for two hours, a naming target ior German anti-aircraft gunners last .Friday night during the "toe" raid on Germany. Illuminated by her own mcen- i diaries, with
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 70 2 Soviets Reject Jap. Protest London. Nov. 14. j A Tokyo mes- sage says that the Russians have rejected J the Japanese J protest over tht sinking of the j Kebi Mat u It I is stated thai < the Russian Am- < bassador i n Tokyo has pointed out that
    London Radio  -  70 words
  • 63 2 Gratifying Says Willkie New York, Nov. 14. rkECLARING that Mthe passage of the Neutrality Act Revision bill was gratifying, Mr. Wendell Willkie. in a statement said that the close vote 'gave a false impression of the true sentiments of America toward the policy of aggressive aid for the Democracy, and
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 36 2 Melbourne, Nov. 14. The death has occurred in London of Mr. Charles B. Fairfax, 82, eldest son of the late Sir James «i vt ux, who was one of the proprietors of the "Sydney Morning Herald."
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  • 272 2 Russians Sink 5 Nazi Transports London. Nov. 14. THE Soviet night communique states: '-Between Nov. 56. our <h\ns in the Birentz Sea sank two enemy transports of a total displacement of 9.000 tons and In the Baltic Sea, three enemy transports cf a total displacement of 13,000 tons." On the
    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 26 2 Lahore, Nov 14— The Punjab Education Department has pres<«ntrd a clu'fpie for Rs. 220,000 to the Qovernor us a rotltribution to tlie War Purposes Fund Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 35 2 I W^WCIIT AT 9.30 I VICTORIA THEATRE "The Birds of Passage" Present "LOT'S WIFE" This year's most amusing Comedy I IN AID OF The Lord Mayor's Chinese Air Raid Funds Usual Prices Booking at Little's
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  • 334 3 Rapid expansion Of U.S. War Activity Seen Washington, Nov. 14. A GENERAL and rapid expansion of American activity along the sea and air routes to Britain is expected in authoritative quarters to follow the revision of the Neutrality Act. The Secretary of the Navy, Col. Knox, on Thursday night strdhgfy
    Reuter  -  334 words
  • 212 3 New York, Nov. 14. "fcDR'S foreign policy faces the greatest test in the House to-day Roosevelt foreign policy faces defeat," proclaimed the earlier afternoon's headlines as the Neutrality Vote was awaited throughout the nation with tense interest. But yesterday's late evening papers bear huge two-incn streamers:
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 79 3 oyaney. nuv. it. THE amendments to the United States Neutrality Act were hulled with delight by Australia. The Sydney Sun in a leading article says, the small majority was not due to any sudden resurgence of isolationism but merely to the political side cvirrents: Passage of the fateful
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 214 3 New York, Nov. 14. BECAUSE of what happened in the House of Representatives yesterday e verv i American is en- j titled to hold his head high- er," declared a leader in the j New York Times. "True the i margin of vie- tory was
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 119 3 London, Nov. 14. THERE are many indications tliat Hitler Ls worried most of all by the prospect of war on two fronts and is trying to find ways to deceive British vigilance, and offer Britain separate peace nego'Vitler is tryinp, to save himself from inevitable
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 86 3 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, itf^^jt Exclusively. \^^r THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG., PHONE 3002. K. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. I OVERSEA- 1 I CHINESE! Undertakes banking; transactions of every description. Places at your disposal the multifarious services of its institution with branches all
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    • 238 3 IT HAS COME AT .LAS 77 I THE MALAY FILM SEEN AND HIGHLY -ACCLAIMED BY 250,000 PEOPLE IN JAVA! ALL-MALAYAN I >lII»\I4,HT Pltl >11l ICI TO-NIGHT (Geylang) (New World Park) I 12 m.n. sharp. 12.30. jl m| 1 1 r> i\ I > Ir» j I Z7 /r^ Iff Bfff^jJffffl
      238 words

  • 988 4  - "Lot's Wife", Opening To-night is A Winner Vera Ardmore P«*o|»l«' and plan** WENT along to the Victoria Theatre last night to see "Lot's Wife" with the usual feeli,ng that one must make allowances for amateur productions and stayed to feel with a glow that here was a play to be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 WAVESCT Eugene Oil SHAMPOO To suit the texture of Facial Treatment Vibro Violet Ray Oione Steamer Innoxa. Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf n 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419. THE MODERN WAY TO LOVELJNESS&€*J&K> AtC&^PREPAR A TIONS Never is a woman so confident, so supreme as when she
      86 words
    • 47 4 Under BRITISH management WB SUGGEST GBAS DOUBLE SAUTE LYONNAISE but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecookin^ Our cellars have been restocked I Ql with finest V^^ MJ7LG>rl>O ConHnenea T e I 282 Orchard wines and I n j s^ss I Koad.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 814 5 Morning Tribune Special Race Chart Till: following is tlie specially compiled (UMM lor to-day's races, the final day of the SlngapMC winter meeting: RACE ONK: ftrw, CM* 2, Mv. 4. 1 Furs. o o Flying Column 8y 900 Ignore wt. follow this time. o Ofinnih 19 11 Still to show
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  • 116 5 (By "Mac") (By "Spectator") R;ire 1: PLYING COI.I'MN Kaee 1: SHI'N Dover i ivirm Column Rare >.: (UK I 1.1 St. Race 2: IWVItKUKM I'erak Courtling R.ue 3: MKASIJRF Race 3: MFASLRK Scotty Blue Peter Race 4: (i)l l(il\(. Knee 4: AVANT TOUT Avant Tout Contango Rare :>: KKMKMBKR
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  • 57 5 FE following will represent the Indian Youth League in a friendly volley-ball match against the Railway Youths United Club on Sunday, at 5.00 p.m. at the league's court. Turtoc'han Singh. Bhagat Sinp;h, Dadar Singh. Lachman Singh. Marimuthu. S. Thirumany. M. Naravanasamy, Murußaian and K.R. Ramanatnan. Reserves: Y. Senppol,
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  • 709 5 Medicos Provide Shock For Raffles College A him ii at I lut*»r- t 01lt k h llorkr\ Score 2-1 Win In Great Game: "Freshie" Nets Match-Winner £ONKOUNDING all critics, Medical College, after being down one-nil at one stage of play, defeated the hitherto unbeaten Raffles College by two goals to
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  • 63 5 THF Singapore Hornets won a comfortable victory over the S.C.C. second strinu b\ four soal.s to one in a hotkey match played on the Padang yesterday. The exchanges were fairly even in the first 15 minutes, both sides attacking la turn. I Scorers for the winners were
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  • 56 5 B Y wlnnin yesterday, Medical College scored their first success since 1935. Up to that year they had won four games out of si*, the other two having been drawn. So far. Raffles College have won three times. The series was started in l'>3o. In all, four
    56 words
  • 63 5 ONLY three ties were decided yesterday tn the S.C.RC. Invitation tennis tournament. The following are the results: Men's doubles handicap: John Llm and Yap Ah Chutin (scr.) beat Nathan and Strickland (—l5) 6-2. 0-6. 6-4 Men's singles handicap: Sean Keng Slew (—l5 3) beat William Tan (—.3) 6-4. 4-6, 6-4
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 J^E^^H BBjißß^Bg^yi^Bß^2Ssßs?9Mytfe»^^^^* !^< s^^^BB^BM^^^ BBJ Bt^BßS^ W ILII 1 1 1 C TfBH Bl <Ca»^i^iiii^^^SS SUPER 1 100% GRIP! SILENCE! SAFETY! MILEAGE! COMFORT!
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 163 5 SPORTS DIARY TO-DAY RUGBY: Royal Air Force v Highland Brigade, Jalan Besar Stadium; British Army v Johore, Johore Bahru; B.CC v A.I.F. XV, Padang. HOCKEY: Singapore Khalsa Association l Coast Regiment, Khalsa Association ground; Indian Association v Indlar. General Hospital, Balestier. TENNIS. S.C.R.C. tournament. TURF: Singapore races, last day, Bukit
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  • 1465 6 DETECTIVE'S SHOOTING JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE HOLDING that Yap Koh Soon a member of the Royal Auxiliary Medical Corps, who was shot dead at Eu Tong Sen Street on the night of Oct. 20 w as one of a crowd of men assaulting or intending to assault a detective, the jury sitting
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  • 165 6 CHARGED under a section of the Singapore Traction Company Ordinance, Kunjo, an omnibus driver, was yesterday fined $100, in default, three months' simple imprisonment, for negligent driving. Kunjo. vho was defended by Mr. T. W. Ong, originally stood his trial on a charge of causing hurt
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  • 51 6 THE next "Clipper" with mails from Europe, America, Pacific and the Philippine Islands is expected to arrive in Singapore to-day. The latest time of posting at the General Post Office, Singapore, to connect with mails for the above mentioned countries o n the return flight, will be noon
    51 words
  • 214 6 WITH Christmas just five weeks av/ay, the Australian Red Cross Society in Malaya and the Singapore Marine Hostel are completing arrangements to make the occasion a memorable one for the men under their charge. It will be so arranged that none of the troops, no matter where they
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  • 557 6 FOLLOWING the announcement yesterday thai the Army tock over two and the Navy one of th Singapore sawmills affected by tin* present strike, it is stated that the striking employees Piter having agreed to the appointment of a Government tribunal to arrive at B
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  • 156 6 Chungking Broadcast To Singapore SIK Archibald Clark Kerr, Briti-h Ambassador to China, Will appear on Chungking Inter national B r o adcasting Station \s first goodwill programme to Malaya at 9.05 p.m. (Chung--1 king time) to- morrow and the M.B.C. will relay the pro- gramme from the local sta- tion.
    Central News  -  156 words
  • 42 6 Melbourne, Nov. 14. The Prime Minister (Mr. Curtin) said that Sir Bertram Stevers, Australian Representative on the Eastern Group Supplv Council at Delhi, had not been recalled. Cabinet merely asked the Minister for Supply, (Mr. Beasley) to report on the whole question.
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  • 252 6 Nctice is herebv niven that the Annual General Meeting of in Members Of the Singapore Cricket Club will bo held in the Club on Thursday, 27th November. 1941. i\l 6.30 p.m. BUSINESS. 1. To receive, and if approved, adopt the Report and Accounts for the pericd
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 359 6 1 Trade Bargains OPTICAL When you need glasses, see K. F. Chong. No bluff, Careful test before glasses given. Charges moderate. Office The United Pharmacy. MEDICAL ALL-IN-ONE INHALANT sprinkled on handkerchief and inhaled, protects you from cold and influ- enza, a certain cure. Get it from The United Pharmacy. I
      359 words

  • 1534 7 If you have a problem, send it to Helen, our home expert, who answers readers' queries in this page every Saturday. Address your letter to her c/o Morning Tribune, Anson Road, Singapore, enclosing correspondence coupon. IN TAILORED STYLE "I want to have a tailored dress made
    1,534 words
  • 77 7 IN order to facilitate the sending of queries to Helen, she has arranged with the Tribune Press Town Office, No. 9, The Arcade, Singapore, to deliver these direct to the. Morning Tribune, thus eliminating the need for you to l>uy a stamp. Jusii put your query into
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 52 7 Correspondence Coupon Morning Tribune, Nov. 15. This coupon must be enclosed with j every quco sent. f THE BOYAI SAKIRV BAKCS PlUg BMIP IWO CAMS m Wt' B^' X iWiiii'i^i «B v :y v^ 'i^S^- '9 mm x «HBB%, -^^d^B^m PHONE 5376 FIVE LINES <" 173A Ad^'. of Singapore Cold
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 572 8 Situations Vacant WANTED. Competent clerk, only those holding Senior Cambridge Certificate need apply to Box No. 907 co Malaya Tribune, Singapore. WANTED typist fresh from commercial school. Apply Box 880 c|o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 901L) WANT -TO: "CORNER HOUSE" requires immediately five experienced house boys must produce Doctor's Certificate.
      572 words
    • 437 8 Miscellaneous IC-TACS RACEGUIDE, November ■tie, :or Singapore Races. Absolutely in the market. Limited copies (No. 793L) ERVICE COMPORT Guaranteed tay at New Asia Hotel. 2 Peck Scan treet. Singapore. Modern Sanitation. Late Moderate. Phone 4973. Proprletoi Vong V'ee Kuiin. (No. 791L) rOU KNOW Magic. If Not Learn naglo from expert
      437 words
    • 577 8 Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to Ml] fOOX car? Phone 5088. Singapore. Cash paid. (No. 67GH) quick sale Morris Commercial 2 Tons Lorry. Pleas* apply telephone No. 4CO>, Singapore. (No. i)O3L) WANTED: 8-10 HP. Car Reply Box 900 c u Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 94GL) WANTRD A SMALL CAR: Box
      577 words
    • 696 8 For Sale FOR BALI One D <-• tetner Duplicating Machine in perfect condition. P <) Box J,'M. Sin (No. 911L) D. T. Llm'a HERB TONIC for OLD AOB. A general tonic to purify and enrich the blood and strengthen th< whole system. D. T. Li:u <v Company, 353, Noith in
      696 words
    • 123 8 ii a ty ol Iclei ,ii i 1 < i« t > be cleared at specially reduoed prloai Clearance Bale now on at L. M Uanrrji < hi 248, Orchard Road, •pi. .i ippoalto < (rmnge Road). 'No 953L) NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. Established by Royal Charter A.D. 1824. (Netherlands Trading
      123 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 220 8 On The Air LONDON CSV: 17.81 m|cs; 16.84 metres. C.SF: 15.14 m|cs; 19.81 metres t-rnnx g.U p.m. to 11.50 p.m GSI): 11.75 m'cs; 25.53 metre* From 9.05 p.m. to 11.50 p.m. (SINGAPORE ZHL 225 m. 1333 k|c«. ZHP.I. 30.96 m. 9.69 mlcs ZHP.2. 48.58 m. 6.175 m|cs /HP.3. 41.38 m.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1014 9 LONDON LETTER London, Oct. 9. UERE is a side- litfht on the in-come-tax situation. Secrets of their family budgets are 'now being laid before income-tax inspectors by thousands of "whiU- collar" workers who are Htaggered by the amount of the assessments they received the ether <lay. Thoy take
    1,014 words
  • 328 9 MORNING TRIBUNE SATURDAY, NOV. 15, 1941. ORANGES LEMONS ]tfE are not disposed to believe the story that Japan "has offered to quit China except for five principal cities/' in order that she may use all available forces for an invasion of Siberia, as revealed by Senator Taft in the course
    328 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 87 9 I Sflft ffi[^&& iB^BBBpBBBBE.^^K ?!v2 JSJ^s B9 B» «^v*w.. %l a& lwSB i^fl9 j^^^^^flfttt'*' ■'**"*i* h^^^hHbj^bhS|B^LßSh BdcdJiif^B^ h I J| Ifw fli *«^^^ta. n&^r Kmß :|^^K^Ll=^ -II Hlw IVY SOLE AGENTS: SINGAPORE-JOHORE-MALACCA-NEGRISEMBILAN Agents: SELANGOR PAHANG. J3S Warins 5b l^mmmmmlAmm^m^^—- -Y2 t *^~vW& \j\ r^, tt?tt?^tP?1 1 Mi lIIIIXS PIIILP LIXE.
      87 words
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  • 332 10 New Delhi. Nov. 13. THE Council of State elected four members to the Defence of India Consultative Committee. They are Pundit H.N. Kunzru. Sardar Buta Singh. Sir A. P. Patro and Mr. V.V. Kalikar By Radio. New Delhi, Nov. 13. WIR Purchotamdas Thakurda-s, chairman of the Imperial
    332 words
  • 81 10 MOI igi tmme i rom the Sin ■ft t«l <>t :he M.iic he tei Reglmeni .•t 12 30 p.ifl "Dodo" t the jiiaiio in Another "lfusiral Cocktail" at l i). r p m a church ol England service from the studio, conducted by the Her. .J. 0
    81 words
  • 29 10 A cbeciuf fur $6,758.89 hns been deposited nt ttM Chartered Bunk, Singapore, a? i result of the War Fund dance held at Mr. Joe David's house on Sept 6
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 123 10 I EASILY THE -GOLD IIP" WINNER in The BIG 'LAUGH -STAKES' of the year! 4 Shows To-day and To-morrow 3.." -^r 9J 1 CAPITOL I j I t/ifc/ POWELL "Jn^y^ —^X ■nM-Mlwl^^Pffl PIC Till Shjf/r' OAIi •> MCK J* jV PATRICK -CARSON >fH> fiorwctlATlS -Skint ylUCKMM 1 Bill Powell has
      123 words
    • 113 10 TO-DAY TO-MORROW II AM. I A LH AM BRA BisnetfsT£l PrULL IENGTH FEATURE CC^ J^ v IN TECHNICOLOR -XW /<>*« inocchio j "MARCH of TIME at its best. An exceptionally forceful and stirring picture which none should miss. 1 j —MALAYA TRIBUNE TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 &> 9.15 ALHAMBRA BANNED NAZI
      113 words

  • 320 11 S.C.C. Beaten In Padang Rugby \i i mum in p.i^s out when itraight imi Mould have taken tlit-ni lhtmii;li. proved t«> be tiit- undoing of the s.< c. in iiit'jr russet match against the it (,»(-.m) cm the Padang yesterday, n<< hilt lost by tight points (.1 i;oa1 and irv
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  • 259 11 Sima Takes Unpopular Title Nod JEERS and boos greeted the announcement that Battling Sim a, the Filipino, won on points against Nai Phol, the Thailander. after a 15-3 minute round contest at the Happy World, for the lightweight championship of Singapore and the challenge belt. The title was vacated by
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  • 348 11 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne. Nov. 14. C^EN. Sir Thomas Blarney. Deputy Commander-in-Chiei. Middle East, revealed that the A. IF. would fight together as an army corps in future Middle East campaigns. "We want no repetition of one force fighting in Greece and another In Libya,'' he said. "Better
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 67 11 '•"tiwie: oot for rhtthvF"^ WHY is \t i THE "TOPS" IN TOWN? FIRST 2 REASONS x^^^B» i y II I II 1 i \v %lIIT 17 REASON r /f^^k ALLEN JENKINS Ij^ |ff^BL SUBSIDIARY |hKmP' CURLEY MIRANDA, ESQ., (centre) HAS BEEN RAISING THE ROOF NIGHTLY. firofitißiW" a m xis I
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  • 186 12 Japan Worried Over Threat To Thailand! kyo, Nov. JAPAN la watching with grave concern the threat to Thailand's neutrality frcm third powers in view of the fact that anything happening to disrupt the east Asia co-prosperity sphere would directly affect Japan's southern life line, the Chugai Shogyo declared in this
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 50 12 Bangkok, Nov. 16. Full instructions were given last night by the Bangkok radio to the Thai public on how to combat fires and deal with incendiary bombs in rase of air raids. Special emphasis was laid on the need to construct more air raid shelters wherever possible Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 352 12 Japan "Sitting On Frence, Plans Move" London, Nov. 1(>. FOLLOWING an analysis of the immediate problems of tinFar East, showing how Japan's aggressive policy during the last few years had directed her sympathies towards the Dictator Powers a writer in the Sunday Times says, 'Sitting on the fence calculating her
    Reuter  -  352 words
  • 225 12 Kurusu To See If U.S. Is Bluffing Washington, Nov. 16. MR. Kurusu arrived yesterday. He declared to the Press: "I icalise the difficulty of my task but I think I still have some chance to make a success of my mission." The Japanese Ambassador, Admiral Nomura, and officials of the
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 85 12 T"\EANS Malty Opera staged mtortelnlng Hindustani play entitled "Soordas" at the Happy World last ni 'ht. Inche Dean and Miss Tijah playing the principal roles. There was largt audience in support of the Poppy Day Fund effort. The now was under the patronage of i Ton. Mr. S. W. Jones.
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  • 58 12 ,'KRNON JONES HILDA at the Hospital after a brief illness, on Sunday 16th November, 1941, in her 46th year. Beloved wife of Hugh Vernon Jones and beloved mother of Freddie. Rexie and Carl Ebert, of •HEURTA CASTELLANA," Windsor Drive. CHANGI. Funeral at Bidadari at 5 p.m. Monday the 17th
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  • 227 12 j-juiiuun, nuv. iv. pERMAN propaganda is throwing out three now lines of Argument, each of which betrays an interesting motive, states The Observer's diplomatic correspondent. The Mist notion of an impending pence offer from Germany to be issued from the Vienna Conference of New Europe
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 128 12 Sydney. Nov. 16. "THE time is desperately short and the danger is grave and terribly real," said Mr. F. M. Forde, Army Minister, in a broadcast to-day on the occasion of Australia's national day of prayer. "There is a of danger* in the wind," he
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 78 12 M London, Nov. 16. R. F. GORDON SMITH, a Puisne Judge of the Straits Settlements, has been appointed Chief Justice of Palestine in succession to Sir Hairy Trusted ivho was recently appointed Chief Justice to the Federated Malay States, says a Colonial Office announcement. Mr.
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 52 12 Chungking, Nov. 15. It is reported that the South-vest Transportation Company, the largest .government operated trucking concern plying along the Burma Road and the ■south-west highways, of which Mr. T. L. Soon*; is general manager, will be .uspended soon and a new company will be formed under a different name
    Central News  -  52 words
  • 18 12 Lahore, Nov. 14. THE Punjab Assembly begins its next session in Lahore on Dec. I.— By Radio
    Radio  -  18 words
  • 82 12 Lahore, Nov. 11. WQUADRON Leader Hogg, secretary oi the Provincial Boy Scouts Association, said that young Punjabis were keenly interested In the proposal for an Air Scouts organisation. He said he hoped that before the end of the year Air Scouts would form a regular branch of the Scouting Association
    Radio  -  82 words
  • 132 12 New York, Nov. 16. NEW York City practised air raid drill yesteiday with wailing sirens and smoking flares to indi cate that Union Square was being hypothetically bombed. Wardens and auxiliary firemen extinguished simulated fires and rushed thousands of persons to shelters, while Red
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 Positively Last 3 Slumvs To-tla; A FINE TEAM OF STARS in a GREAT PICTURE! CLAUDETTE COLBERT RAY MILLAND BRIAN AHERNE in Paramount's New Comedy Special "SKYLARK" WITH BINME BARNES MONA BARRIE And Paramount British News P ATH AY 3 15-6 15-9 1 I V^ II 111 A X PHONE 3400
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