Morning Tribune, 13 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 16 1 Morning Tribune Vol. 6— -No. 244, Thursday, November U, 1941. Morning Tribune Friday, November 14, iWI
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  • 348 1 London, Nov. 12. MORE hints and scraps of evidence from the Continent make it clearer that Hitler plans, or at any rate hopes to issue a "European victory declaration" before long, writes The Times dip- 1 lomutic correspondent, who adds: "The declaration would be made to
    Reuter  -  348 words
  • 96 1 Tokyo, Nov. 12. The Yomiuri's Shanghai correspondent reports that Chungking is planning to establish Kiueral heado.ii alters m Kunming for the defence of southwestern China, m the near future. The correspondent adds, the decision was reached at a Kweljraat conference of Chungking officials including the War Minister Ho
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 259 1 London, Nov. 12. THE Times' Washington correspondent says that the United States House Representatives is said to be so divided on the question of the Neutra- lity Legislation passed by the Senate to permit the arming of United States S merchantmen and their use
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 263 1 London, Nov. 12. pHE Red Army units defending the approaches to Moscow continue to strengthen their defences, according- to the Moscow radio m a survey of the position on the central sector of the front, and minor enemy groups which have been trying to wedge
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  • 294 1 4 Tokyo, Nov. 12. I I SPECIAL meet- mi; of the Japanese Cabinet will be held to- j morrow afternoon. v According to the Domei news agen- cy it will "decide i on and approve" i J the eneeches to be made by the Prime Minister, General
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  • 809 1 CHURCHILL REVEALS AMAZING DROP IN BRITISH SEA LOSSES London, Nov. 12. pitlME Minister Churchill speaking m the House of Commons said that if war against U-boats and enemy aircraft continues to prosper, the freedom powers will possess m 1943 large quantities of ships permitting overseas operating which now is utterly
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  • 258 2 "Uncertain Japanese Reaction To Speech ffOKf €X»M3mKXT OH 111 l ItrillM Tokyo, Nov. 12. IAPANESE opinion, both private and in the press, shows uncertainty in interpreting Mr. J Churchill's reference to Japan in his Mansion House speech. Private circles £f"r a desire to influence the Japanese-American discussions, while wellinformed quarters
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  • 107 2 Washington, Nov. 12. ANY Japanese peace proposal that really meant peace for the Pacific and "decent treatment" for the Chinese would not be rejected by President Roosevelt, said Senator Tom Connally, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee •'I feel sure the President wants peace
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  • 136 2 Sydney, Nov. 12. THE Sydney Daily Telegraph, m urging a common Pacific bloc, says that if one is attacked all will fight until Japan is starved and thrashed to defeat. "We can do that and still show appreciation of Japan's problems, and hope that a peaceful Japan will
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  • 188 2 Chungking:, Nov. 12. EXCITEMENT run* hiffh amonpt Chinese circles m Chun^kin? fillowing Mr. Churchill's declaration that Britain would declare war against Japan within the hour if Japan is involved m a war with the United States. The statement is particularly welcome because Japan is concentrating troops m
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 181 2 Ankara, Nov. 12. Turkey is very interested m Mr. Churchill's statement that Britain has now reached air equality with Germany. The claims, if made by any other statesman, would not have been believed, but the Turks who admire Mr. Churchill's realism and passion for truth, accept the statement
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 288 2 INDIAN PRESS LAUD PREMIER Bombay, Nov. 12. THE Indian Press hails Mr. Churchill's blunt warning to Japan and his reference to China. The Bombay Chronicle says: "We would like to think that it was a hint to the United States m the negotiations now proceeding m Washington that the interests
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 207 2 Melbourne, Nov. 11. Mr. R. G. Menzies, until a few months ago Prime Minister of Australia, declined to comment on the suggestion of two U.S.A. columnists that he might replace Lord Halifax as British Ambassador at Washington. Mr. Leslie Blackwell, a South African M.P.. has arrived m
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  • 82 2 Make The Night "A Friend" Canberra, Nov. 12. GEN. Sir Tho- mas Blarney, S Deputy Com- 5 mander m I Chief m the I Middle Fast,; told the cadets at the Royal Military College J at Buntroon to- day. "make the Sniff h t your I friend." Ni^ht train- ing,
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  • 60 2 Melbourne, Nov. 11. "Recruiting week opened m all States yesterday. The Minister for the Army (Mr. Forde), m a national broadcast, said that more men must volunteer for the A.I.P. There could be no avoiding individual responsibility. A direct personal issue was facing all thost? eligible to join. He believed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 Piles Curbed m It) Minutes Don't let itchitif?, bleeding, Internal or protruding Piles sap your vitality, ruin your nerves, and drive you crazy with pain Chinaroid the recant discovery of an American physician ntops the pain m 15 minutes so you can walk, ride, work and enjoy life In comfort,
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    • 297 2 Situation Vacant ROYAL AIR FORCE. Vacancies will shortly arise with the Royal Air Force In the business area of Singapore for the employment of British European ladies for <a> general clerical duties and b as typists. 2. Rate of pay will be $100 per month rising to $125 per month
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  • 420 3 Finnish Reply To U.S. Ready Berlin, Nov. l'lTHE Ftauush Government s answer to the United States ■orandum was handed by the Finnish Foreign MUjteUr M Tanner to the United States Minister. Mr. Schoenfeld, last night, says Helsinki telegram to the official German News A e THE FINNISH GOVERNMENT DECLINED TO
    Reuter  -  420 words
  • 146 3 Madras. Nov. 11. MR. H.V. HOUSON. Reforms Commissioner, is now m Madras, Interviewing leading public men m order to ascertain their views on Constitutional quest ions. By Radio. Melbourne, Nov. 11. Before attending the War Cabinet Council Meeting, Gen.; Sir Thomas Blarney aid that a colossal bask still faced
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  • 189 3 tvUKING the course ol the meeting yesterday oi the 1/ Cameiun Highlands Society, a letter was read rrom a member iv-arding the closing of a mail bag about midday at Tanah Rata to catch the day man to Kuala Lumpur. ta The secretary reported that thus
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  • 129 3 London, Nov. 12. HOW hard it is for German troops to find shelter from the Rusvan Winter m the scorched earth is described by a German front reporter bioadcasting from Deutschlandsender. PV pnine He said- "Now hours have passed. It is evening and a village
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  • 134 3 New Red Commander Reported In Crimea I London, Nov. 12. I i Till; Daily BzfUdM Stockholm correspondent m a j message published to-day, say that tne Russians I have (ailed Admiral Kuznetsov to take over the Miprcme commnnd m the Crimea. Ihe BicwifC states: "With the German tanks and shock
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 74 3 Hong Kong Wives Not To Return London, Nov. 12. IHE women and children who were compulsoiily evacuated frcm Hong Kong last year are not allcwed to return at present. This was stated to Mr. William Oallacher m the House of Commons by the Under-Secretary for the Colonies who quoted a
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 40 3 London, Nov. 12 The Observer. stressIng the naval successes in the Metilter- I lam-an, savs: "The broken morale of the I Italian sailors has made It possible to I transfer large British squadrons to the Indian Ocean and Pacific." Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 »^^S^HbHbHHB^ %Smnffw fiVE^fi' m■ I m B^^^B BB^ b] B^h YJ AH BVAVAVfIWAVAVAVAHJ H| r oB BbßbHV' *f »r _B_B_B_BMB| BB^ fiVi V^^SMHP"^ v ?JT IJP^P^^ jBHC v \JK A i '4»-B J bbbW V 5 VBM# V- v 'ft «lr *'">^\ If 3? "!H\ V"''^' ♦'^fV rf. V 4tv\
      66 words

  • 118 4 N.E.I. Vast 'Warehouse' For S'pore I THE Netherlands East Indies as a "va«st warehouse" for Singapore, was the theme elaborated by Mr B s. van Deinse, agent of the X.P.M.. m a speech at the dinner meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club last night, when he emphaSStLm 6 the Straits
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  • 123 4 MALAYAN CHINESE WARMLY THANKED 0\ behal! vi" His Majesty's Government I ■hall be flad if you will convey to the eemmlflec of the China Relief Fund an expression of my warm appreciation of the spirit which prompted them t< organise their 'Aid to Britain' Week and of the fine response
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  • 98 4 EDIBLE birds' nests and dried fish were produced as exhibits m the third police court m a case m which Teo Yew Lan (52), was charged with fraudulent possession of the nests and fish which he had reason to believe to be stolen, and with offering a constable
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  • 176 4 BREVITIES FROM THE COURTS I.MIRTHALINGAM, a taxi driver, was yesterday fined $25 and had his licence suspended for a month for driving without due care for the safety of others. He admitted two previous convictions for rash driving and negligent driving. WYED Mohamed bin S. M. Jonit was i yesterday
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  • 56 4 Bombay. Nov. 11. MR. S. Satyamurthy to-day stressed that non-violence was ineffective m meeting j foreign aggression. He I saw no chance of a free India defending herself without adeiquate means. He has obtained Mi. Gandhi's permission ;lo express his views !on Congress policy and has requested him to allow
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  • 266 4 Malay Sailor Earns Citation tor Bravery London. Nov. 12. A BRITISH merchant ship captain has told how a Malay and a Jamaican, members of his crew, saved the lives of 13 sailors struggling m the sea. "We were standing by another ship which had been torpedoed at 3 n.m.," he
    British Wireless  -  266 words
  • 101 4 'pHE body of an unknown Hallam woman was found haiißliiK from the branch of a tree m the grounds of Government House on the afternoon of Nov. 8 by an Indian, John Sullivan, attached to the domestic staff. At the Inquest yesterday afternoon, Sullivan stated that he
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  • 106 4 0 rpWO ni'Mj Lini Knm Hftng (24) and Chow Kwitnn (40 1. appeared m the third police court on charge* In ronnecMon with tin- alleged theft of four gellons of benzine belonging the War Department from camp m Singapore. Llm K!:i« HiiiK. stated to havr been employed
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  • 23 4 rpHK Nam Wuh Qtrls' Bcbool will hr h^ldlni; a Mbool exhibition from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m each day on Saturday and Sunday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 154 4 Asthma Cause Killed m 24, Hours Thanks to oie discovery of an American physician, It now Is possible to get rid of those terrible spells of choking, Rasping, cnu^ning and wheezing Asthma by killing the true cause which \a fJerms m the blood. No nioro burning of powders, no mortf
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  • Article, Illustration
    931 5 H.L. OPKIN' LONDON! ER London, Oct. 7. TOPICAL of the enthusiasm for all things Russian was the magnificent reception given by a crowded audience at the Savoy Theatre yesterday evening to the opening performance of the Russian opera and ballet season. Mussorgsky's "Sorotchlnstl Fair" was the offering, and
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  • 311 5 MORNING TRIBUNE THURSDAY. NOV. 13, 1941. SOVIET DEFIANCE 1 "fl-iE celebrations of the Soviet forces m the famous Red Square m commemoration of the 24th. anniversary of the Russian Revolution can be regarded as an act m utter defiance of the Nazi threat to Moscow. Despite interruption of the ceremony
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 wttfjm^Q ciucoseTdßose fpiyMaianti The following delicious varieties are frS^K MIXED FRUIT DROPS Ifc- ...I'llgC LEMON BARLEY r ..v^^N •BARLEY MINT BRICKS r#^C^ t BARLEY SUGAR ili I :lr X Acn> DLSCS /^jf %sffits*m IV lODIZED BUTTERSCOTCH Itl •LEMON, GLYCERINE jJJvj j^iGScEarf' A HONEYCOMBS UP' o****0 |J CHERRY COUGH BRICKS 1$
      91 words
    • 24 5 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, Exclusively. \;p^ THOMPSON OPTICAL CQ. ARCADE BLDG., THONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience.
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    • 807 6 "Back To School" Scheme Popular With Services QERVICEMEN are keen students O as the King's School extension classes have proved. Started several months ago, these classes are for members of any of the three Services who want to go in for higher education, and apparently lots of them do for
      807 words
    • 207 6 SINGAPORE gave generously on Poppy j Day last Tuesday and m the city area a hundred and fifty women helpers sola noDoy badges and emblems, under the direc- {ion ol Mrs. A. H. Dickinson, who was m charge of sales. Sales to the three services at the
      207 words
    • Article, Illustration
      43 6 ft Happy group taken at the# T birthday party of Miss Ivy Lawson last week. (Left to i ri^ht) Misses E. Etkinson, Ivy i Lawson, C. Lawson and L. J Aeiria. Miss Ivy Lawson w a St. John Ambulance and Home Nursing trainee.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 113 6 WAVESCT Eugene Oil SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair FACIAL racial Treatment Vibro Violet Ray Oiont Steamer lnnoza. Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bid*., 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419. I (HKTS \M) PHONE 3335 PRISCIIIALtd. HAS RECEIVED AFTERNOON DRESSES 5 Eii COURT FIRST FLOOR I ENTRANCE
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 53 6 Mickey By Wall Mo use Disney II t 'TIQQUE COUSIN MADBLINC?? BUT I TJIOUwii y SEE, MADELINE IS *gSgrt™s WAS MILUCENT \\N 6 l L T ->KX>SE< I RE LLY A SQCU> Bl' *a?Lj^^/ THW S JUST THc N/\IMt oHt I cvcm ir cup iq MV L~^ -J ME WJTHi—^-^
      53 words

  • Article, Illustration
    640 7 plan your clothes? hide figure defects? choose fabrics and designs? SECRET number one of smart dressing is knowing how to plan your wardrobe and how to shop t o the best advantage. You may not have much money to spend, but you can look perfectly turned -out
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  • 158 7 THE waistline is an im- portant feature of the i home-made dress as if it is j wrongly placed it completely i spoils the whole effect. This 1 Is a matter of individual figure proportions and is best to be judged by yourself. If you are long-waisted,
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  • 333 7 do's don'ts for travellers DO have one or more bags for flat things 5 and one for bulky items like shoes; and do have 2 a small bag for overnight things and for last- minute articles. 5 DON'T pack so that you have to sit on your 5 bags at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 189 7 HEADLINE news at PKISCILLA LTD (No. 5, Eu Court, entrance S In Hil'-streeU, is that a large new shipment of American! afternoon and evening frocks has arrived this week. .and out- 5 standing among the very lovely new models it contains are wash- able formats m which the twin print
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    • 30 7 The New Zealand Butter that never fails to please. Nourishing, appetising, delicious and full of vital vitamins. PHONE 5376 FIVE LINEI C.S. 139A -Adi?*, o/ Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 585 8 DHGJ Situations Vacant WANTF^) typist fresh from commer- clal school/ Apply Box BCO c',o Malay ft Tribune. Slngipore. (No. 901 L) WANTED Eurasian or Chinese woman lor hovsework. Apply b37-A Bedo,; Rd.. Singapore. (No. 870 L) WANTSD- Upcountry distributors for < Toys. For full range $Bj-. For particulars apply IMPORTERS
      585 words
    • 649 8 Wanted ,V ANTED: Small second-hand Camera, ;ood and condition, Replies to >, Cairmilll Road, Singapore. (No. 867 L) A'ANTED a two, three roomed bunga,ow In 2nd, 3rd or 4th Avenue. Buklt rimah. Please state price and particulars to Box 875 cio Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 891 L) ADVERTISER has
      649 words
    • 697 8 RLMINGTON portable typewriter Mid 1 1 medium Ward-Robe Trunk English made, both t?oud condition. A;:>!y I Box No. 896, Malaya Tribune, Siugn- pore. (No. MIL) 1 FOB SALE: Australian White Birch i LMywood- about 7.000 «q. It. x 3' x 3 16' and 15,000 sq. ft. (6 x 3 1
      697 words
    • 590 8 <■ iMB Morris U HP. Saloon. i 500 B< I 887 <• >> Malaya Ti Ibune, pore (No. W3LJ I'GRD VH Deluxe Sa*OOn, 20,00') tiles, W»d tyres. Condition Lke new hroughout Bargain |2,300|-. Write Sox BW. Malaya Tribune-, Singapore. (No. UJOL) roR BALI Fiat, Manrelette Saloon late 193!) modal. Four
      590 words
    • 379 8 Educational n;->t: tutor required. Apply Box c o Mala] i 1 rlbune, Singapon (No. 871 L) DANCING bring! ft wealth of fun, you will love it when you Learn. Dancing's meant foi everyone, why not make it concern "The Ariitocrat" School vi Ballroom Dancing, :s<>2A, Lavender Street, Btngapore. (No. 932
      379 words

  • 458 9 Europeans Easy Win In Annual Women's Hockey FAR and away the superior team m almost every department of the game, t'he European women scored an overwhelming victory over the Rest when they teat them by four goals to nil m the annual Poppy Day Fund hockey match on the B.C.G.
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  • 68 9 Bombay. Nov. 12. rplfi: ISumbay Raroda and United Provinces cricket associations won their first -round fixtures m the inter-provin-cial tournament for the Ranfi Trophy on first innings results. Th< results wore Bombay 462. Western Indi;i States [)5, following on 167 for 5; Baroda 312 nnd 257 for 6.
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  • 65 9 THE Medical College Union beat the Royal Army Ordnance CprpvS by three goals to nil m a hockey match at Sepoy Lines yesterday. The College led by one goal to nil at the interval, the goal being scored by Hon Wing. In the second session, the College
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    • 34 9 Melbourne, Nov. 11. I The R.A.A.F. ToI mahawk Fighter I Squadron has shot 'down 79 planes In 5 its first year m the Middle East, with loss of only 15 planes and 6 pilots.
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    • 37 9 Chaplain Rex Dakers, a Melbourne Methodist Minister, is now m a German prison camp, because he remained with his I party of doomed A.I.F. men m Crete, rather than escape I with the rest of the Battalion.
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  • 318 9 F spite of playing what was virtually a second string, the S.RC. defeated the Gordon Highlanders at hockey yesterday on their ground by four goals to one. The match was unexciting, and only m the last few minutes of the game did both sides
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  • 1231 9 N«-«-«m«l ■>«> Ol* Si 11 «i» |»«»r«' lts»r«'S Til XIK I I major upsets, the highest of which was $85. were provided at yesterday's races at Bukit Timah. the second day of the Singapore Turf Clubs winter m<ui^ The horses who upset were Westenra
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 88 9 NOMINAL CAPITAL: $40,000,000 ISSUED PAID UP CAPITAL: $10,000,000 BRANCHES throughout Malaya, Burma. South China and Netherlands East Indies. AGENTS CORRESPONDENTS m all principal cities of the World. BANKING TRANSACTIONS of every description undertaken. MMtm "SNOW WHITE" CLEANING AT PARIS CO. DRY CLEANERS 28, COLEMAN ST. 'Phone 6MJL Under BRITISH management
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 58 9 Sports Diary TO-DAY HOCKEY: S.C.C. v S.C.R.C, S.C.C; Indian Association v Punjab Regiment, Balestier; Indian General Hospital v R.A.M.C, Hospital ground. RUGBY: Loyals v RE (Changi), Gillman; Medical College v R.A.M.C, College. TENNIS: S.C.R.C. tournament. Tide Table HIGH TIDES. TO-DAY: 5.20 p.m., 7.3 ft.; 4.42 p.m., p.m.. 7.4 ft. TO-MORROW:
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  • 350 10 NEWS FROM INDIA Madras. Nov. 11. MADRAS has sent a further Rs. 400,000 tx) the Air Ministry to buy aircraft for the Madras Squadron. The Presidency has now contributed a total of on P crore 46 lakhs.— By Radio. New Delhi. Nov. 11. rE Polish Red Cross Expedition from India
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 181 10 LAUGH A CHOW 111 ,i thy ICioioiss lAploils !flr. A Mrs. Hll\ M\\l 1 Imagine BILL POWELL madly In love with MYRNA LOY After marriage Was that why they said he was "CRAZY?" It's ANOTHER of those UNBEATABLE M.G.M. Comedy Hits presented at Malaya's Favourite Theatre |capitoll 3L^ shows 3.15
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    • 84 10 THREATS OF WAR ARE I HEARD EVERYWHERE! 0 0 iy'^ jH^^l FIRST FULL-LENGTH FEATURE Produced by The OPENING TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. I ALHAMBRAJHEATRE i A D I O^ KET^^ lA# *t^M SSfj TTa ires,: J^-iv* II 'ri L£ E LTi ilaal 3» 3 I •3b "A STIRRING DOCUMENT"
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  • 368 11 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne, Nov. 11. THE main feature o Armistice Da: i celebrations was thi opening by the Gov ernor-General (Lon Gowrie > of th< £300,000 National Wa: Memorial at Canber ra. The ceremon: was witnessed b: 5,000 people, wh( journeyed from al parts of the Common
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  • 68 11 T'OUND ruilty of murdering a compm- triot. -hua Thai Yeng. a middle-aged Chinese ol the labourer class was yesterday sentenced to death by Mr. Justice Worley. The offence wu committed m a shophouse at Jalan Sultan on the afternoon of June 2* when Ah Chin— the murdered
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  • 73 11 A. G. B. PAKIR won the open junior single* event of the s.C.R.C. open invttati«n Uhb tenalc tournament when he defeated One Chew Bee in the final yesterday, 6-3, 6-2. Results c f other ties were "A" staglea handicap Tan Puay Choo beat Ro«irio 6-3.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 BY SPECIAL. REQUEST! SATUROA V at MIDNIGHT At i 2 oclock ALIIAMIf HA Of REELS WILL BE SCREENED IN ITS ENTIRETY. V^B-JOHN CARROLL NEXT WEEK AIM AMJ BUA. First time togiher m their funniest comedy- romance! TO-NIGHT TEA DANSANT AFTER-DINNER DANCE 7.30 p.m.— 9.00 p.m. V 9.30 p.m. Midnight SATURDAY'S
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    • 212 11 AViLIU II 3.15-6.15 9.15 Ajrpi A'f" All m one picture! RUDY VALLFF OUT JHL ann miller AND ROSEMARY LANE DANCE, 'jT^i JOAN MERRILL LAUGH, 8^ The THREE STOOGES Aiirrni jfeßßßi^^&a nll/fiAKI/ LAnt bbk. '^Bi Story by C'on«r j i^^K Sc»««n p'ov by *T^^ S jk D!f«f»#d b, iONEY SaikOW A^^^k
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  • 462 12 Little Change On Moscow Front: Pressure On Tula London. Nov. 13. IN the battle for Moscow the most serious fighting is still in the region of the bigcoal-min- nV town of Tula 100 miles south of the city. The Germans are said to be bringing up hipr rUprves after having
    Reuter  -  462 words
  • 46 12 Japanese Told To Evacuate Kuan tan ALL Japanese residents m Kuantan, the Pahang I port, have been ordered to evacuate within two weeks 2 from yesterday, according to S the Singapore Herald, the a Japanese-owned English news- paper, quoted by the London 2 radio last night.
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  • 241 12 ONE of the most interesting bits of news to come out of Manchuria recently is the report that Japan's puppet government there has been forced to conscript women and children to work m the coal mines declared David Easton over Singapore radio last night. "The decision
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  • 137 12 i USy Valentine Harvey, Reutci Parliamentary (or respondent I London, Nov. 13. THE first speeches m to-day's resumed debate m the House of Commons indicated that Mr. Churchill has the full backing Ol Parliament m his conduct ot the war. It will not cause surprise if
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  • 32 12 QvieUii. Nov. 13: Contributions to tne W-ir Fnnfi up to tin- end of September stood at nearly Rs. 3,3G,000 while over Rs 1. GOO .000 baa been Invested in de'.emf loans Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 104 12 i New York, I Nov. 13. TH E Boston Globe states S that Dorothy Thompson, the" American journ-j j alist, has filed a 3 suit for divorce against her hus- Z band. Mr. Sin. I I clair Lewis, the J 5 author, on thej I grounds
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  • 42 12 Melbourne, Nov. 13. Mr. W: C. Taylor, aged 32. a Sydney lawyer and senior vice-present of the Now South Wales executive of the Australian Labour Party, has been appointed a member of the Commonwealth Bank Board. He is easily its youngest member.
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  • 293 12 All!****. In \«'v* lork New York, Nov. 13. I SHALL go back with my faith m the triumph of the cause of Democracy sustaintd by the knowledge of the great forces on our side.'' declared Mr. C. K. Attlee, Lord Privy Seal, and delegate to
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • In Brief
    • 38 12 New York, Nov. 13.—The <;reek Consul-General announced that King Cleorpe of (ireece is expected m the I ni ted States late m November for seven*l weeks' viiit. during which ht is expected to confer with I'rer-ident Roosevelt. Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 46 12 MOBCOW, Nov. 13.—Large Italian forces have been routed by the Russians In the Ukraine. The Red Armies let the Italians come m deeply with their tanks and infantry. Then, doting In behind them, the Russians attacked. The Italians threw down their weapons and ran. Special Cable
      Special Cable  -  46 words
    • 31 12 Ottawa. Nov. 13—Canada's wartime production of planes amounts 'on.228, announced Ml CD. How-.'. Minister of Muniti ins, m the House of Commons. In addition, 2,243 have been assembled In Ottawa. Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 81 12 Ottawa, Nov. IS.— Senator Arthur Meii ban hai announced 1ms acceptance of the leadership ol t te Con ervatlve '.u-ty. and lms Immediately declared foi .1 "compulsory selective r.Kv over the whole field <<i the war." In a forma] statement senator Meignan declared tiimsell to ba In favour <>i the
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 51 12 BhaBghal, Nov. IB. The authorities in S 1 'ii^h.ii have issued warning of Hie last ihanrr <<> w. ltd far «'\a< nation on Nov. IS. \lth«»tii;li the e\art (i>:ui -s of vacupps are not availabl*". it is understood that then is steady stream of registrations, mainly women and (Mild-
      Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 46 12 CLAUDETTE COLBERT RAY MILLAND BRIAN AHERNE IN j H^BBMfcfcj-^ •Xvi'X*.'-*'-''' t a PARAMOUNT'S Para mount's New Road to Joy, Laughter and Thrilling Romance CATHAY iiK Extra Morning Matinee at 11 o'clock Br i^fek^*^l^r^^^^w ,j9 i^p u.\vii i \\i) "HOLD BACK THE DAWN" H A PARAMOUNT WCTPRB
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    • 6 12 M PIAN!:" I FUND SCORE: J
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