Morning Tribune, 12 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 28 1 I NKTT HAI.KH I: X i. i i i ■.<>., i»\ i i Morning Tribune Vol. I) No. 243, Wednesday, November 12, 1941. Morning Tribune Thursday, November 13, l
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  • 172 1 London, Nov. 11. prRTHER action by British submarines in the Mediterranean has resulted in four enemy supply or troop ships and two sailing ships being sunk, says Reuter. An armed merchantman and two supply ships were seriously damaged, presumably in the same action. An Italian destroyer,
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  • 170 1 JAPAN WAS WILLING TO QUIT CHINA, ISOLATIONIST SAYS Nen York, \»>v. 1 1 A( <>j:i>i\<« to a Washington tele- ti'.im the Isolationist Senator Tftft, told newspapermen that he had Information that President Koosevelt had rejected definite rapprochement proposals by Japan, because the Japanese refused to promise not (o attack Vladivostok.
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 244 1 BRITAIN, U.S. OUT-PRODUCING AXIS COMBINE New York, Nov. 11. A:\IEIUCAN and British aeroplane manufacturers, according to Mr. Wendell Willkie, are now out- producing Germany and all its controlled nations, and in a year Anglo-American output will be thrice that of the Germans. Mr. Willkie made this statement in a shortwave
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 54 1 Moscow, Nov. 11. /GERMAN prisoners' V? on the Moscow iront say that the physical condition and the morale of the uerman troops is states a' supplementary Soviet communique. The Germans' uni- 1 forms are too light to protect them from the cold which has become severe in the
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 138 1 Berlin, Nov. 11. ADMIRAL PLATON, the Vichy Minister of Colonies on his arrival in France back from Djibouti stated: "The Governor of Djibouti declared himself willing to give up the port and railway of Djibouti for supplying troops in Abyssinia and the transport of refugees on condition
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 277 1 THAI PREMIER DENIES ANTI-JAPANESE TURN Bangkok, Nov. 11. Al'K watch-word is "Lose your life rather than lose your honour/' said Thailand's Premier, Marshal Luang Pibul Songgram, when he was interviewed by a reporter of the Bangkok Chronicle. The interview is the climax to a series of Thai official denhls in
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 556 1 London, Nov. 11. WHILE the Germans claim that Nazi and Rumanian troops are pushing on towards Sevastopol and Kerch, Moscow radio states that fierce battles are in progress in the Donetz Basin and around the outer defences of Moscow, the main struggle being for
    Reuter  -  556 words
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  • 79 2 JAPANESE PUSH FAILURE Kiangsi Base. Nov. 10. ENEMY troops in northern Kiangsi made several unsuccessful attempts on Chingan and the last desperate attempt was made on Nov. b, when the Japanese, after gathering their remnants totalling over 1,000, started a vigorous attack on the Chingan City, but was frustrated after|
    Central News  -  79 words
  • 57 2 Italians Report More Raids Rome, Nov. 11. BRINDISI aad Naples were again raided by the R.A.F.. states an Italian high eomnwtnd communique. Two British planes are claimed to have been shot down. The death roll in the previous attack has increased from 40 to 96 and the total of wounded
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 159 2 Joint Anglo- U.S. Far East Plan Established London, Nov. 11. T*HE News Chronicle's special Singapore correspondent says that he is able to say, on the indisputable authority of a non-British informant, that the "plan for joint action by Britai' and the Uniied States in the face of any new Far
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 159 2 Washington. Nov. 11. PRESIDENT Roos-evelt stated: "We must take immediate steps to absorb a large amouat of purchasing power through additional taxes and incidentally to pay cash ftr the greater part of our defence production President Roosevelt made this remark in an exchange of letters
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 86 2 London. Nov. 11. THE Nazis are suspected o£ usin^ French ships for travelling from th e Far East, and pacing themselves oft as French or neutral subjects, writes the Daily Telegraph's naval correspondent. Often they have been signed on as members of a crew. Thij/may
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  • 99 2 Loyang, Nov. 10. JAPANESE troops awaiting reinforcements inside «!< Chungmow city were attacked by Chinese forces at dawn on Sunday, when a column of Chinese vanguard swarmed into th e city from the West Gate, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. Japanese foices maintaining their
    Central News  -  99 words
  • 164 2 30 U.S. SHIPS REACH SUEZ MONTHLY London. Nov. 11. AMERICAN air and Eahk experts are performing a host of essential, technical jobs, all along Britain's 1, 800-mile Middle Eastern front, according to Winston Burdett, the Columbia Broadcasting System's correspondent. broadcasting from Ankara. They are helping to assemble American planes, and
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 166 2 Washington. Nov. 11. THE National Defence Mediation Board Iras recommended against a union shop in the captive coal-mine;;, by a vote of nine to two. (A captive mine is one cwned by parent coinpaniei;i The Board has' recommended the United Mineworkers of America and the operators
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 73 2 Washington, Nov. 11. PRESIDENT Roosevelt^ statement on the possibility of th e United States withdrawing her marines from Chirta Is understood in official Washington circles to bo an adroit move to strengthen America's bafgatntag power in the coming talks with Mr Saburo Kurusu. It
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  • 63 2 Nov It While Shanghai ODBtInUM u> -«pf»o«ta.t* cm the effect their MTlthdrftwul will have on the I nter nation al settlement, the Unifed Stnt«'.s Marines In SiMtfighal osl^bmt^d the l««th anniversary of ttw toxtndixig of the US Mnrlo« Corps vtAterdajr with a traclc
    Reuter  -  63 words
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  • 737 3 Church ill's Blunt Words No Surprise To Washington lUA« lIO>. UnnilM IO I»MI >tll II S S|>| I4 II London, Nov. 1 1. STATING that the fact that Mr. Churchill's Mansion House speech dealt so largely on the Far East caused no surprise in the United States, The Times' Washington
    Reuter  -  737 words
  • 109 3 Sydney. Nov. 11. MR. Churchill's warning to Japan is featured in th-> Australian pres;> and received with een^ral satisfaction. Ti*e Sydney Sun leader says that the implication of a full Ar.»»loAmevvan alliance cannot be ecapMaintaining that Britain Is strong enough to send powerful naval units to the
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 75 3 ChunKkinK. Nov. 11: Work on the demarcation of the northern frontier be'ween China and Burma will start on Jan. 1 wnen a Sino-British commission is expected to visit the area, according to a Chinese despatch from Kunminß. Simultaneously, boundary posts will be prpet^'i along the southern
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 42 3 Chungking. Nov. 11 Dr. Quo Tai-chl. the Foreign Minister, reviewed the international -filiation yesterday morning at the joint "eekly memorial service at the OsNUHDnt fuiditorhim at which were also present President Lin Sen, Generalissimo Chin ml: Kai-shek and 200 others. Central News
    Central News  -  42 words
  • 121 3 Johannesburg. Nov. 11. -Demonstration of South Africa's financial stability, and willingness to subscribe to war efforts has been made in response to the new loan issues. Mr. Hofmeyer, Union Minister of Finance said that of £32,000.000 obtained, the public subscribed £-24,000,000. (Special Cablet. Vichy, Nov. 11.— Twenty-three soldiers
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 117 3 New York, Nov. 11. MR. CHURCHILL'S blunt warning to Japan is reported with great prominence in the United States newspapers to-day. The New York Herald- Tribune. Washington Times Herald and Washington Post all publish the full text. In a leader the Herald-Tribune expresses pleasure at
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 172 3 Churchill "Enjoyed Himself Tokyo, Nov. 11. MR. Koh Ishii, the Japanese Government spokesman, commenting to-day, on Mr. Churchill's statement that Britain would declare war on Japan "within the hour" if hostilities broke out between the United States and Japan, declared: "It would have been surprising if he had said otherwise.'*
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 117 3 "British Bulldog To Fight" Shanghai, v, Nov. 11. PRIME Minis- ter Chur- thills Mansion House speech, was splashed below huge ban- nerlkies in all i the pro-Chung- king: Chinese newspapers, and? it was unani- V mo us I. v applauded by the I Chinese business people who 1 interpret it
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 114 3 Warning To Tokyo Main Purpose London, Nov. 11. fHURCHILL'S warning to Japan and his announcement that the R.A.F. is at least equal in size to the Luftwaffe, and his uncompromising attitude towards any peace offensive from Nazi Germany, are warmly welcomed in the British Press this morning. "One m°.in purpose
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 55 3 Ottawa. Nov 11. "YfR CHURCHILL has delivered what >s virtually an ultimatum to the* Government," declares the Montreal Gazette, commenting on Mr. Churchill's speech a* Mansion House. The Vancouver Province says: "We don't want war with Japan, but there Is r.n end to appeasement. There is an end to
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 72 3 Shanghai. Nov. 11: Four offices, one a* Lashio and three others at points along the Burma Road, will short'y be established by the American Anti-Malarial dission which rrcentlv arrived in China to combat malaria, according to the local Chinese press. It is added that a
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 Iw//- favourite perfume duplicated 24 JTi Refill perfumes j^^L your available bollJcs 11, THI ARCADE, Under BRITISH management BLACK Ml nr rpff but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecooking. Our cellars have g been restocked I Q^ ■M finest V»* >V /IXa^TUO co.u.«>t«J Te|
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  • 318 4 I inmn n imi i' mi RJM I i fh« Alhumbr* > I miMi :<■ BrroJ ..i hla runniest, "H I vv •:...:ii. Hui I urblcti I AUuunbra last night is ;i tide-splitting The Story, nitfier thin, spins round fi.<adventures ol hmkcr witli his society crazy wife and
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  • 84 4 T EE KWOK PENG, who had leld a clean driving licence for the last 18 years, drove his car into a traffic lamp signal, uprooting it from its concrete base He appeared before Mr. C. H. Whitton. .n the district traffic court, yesterday on a summons charge
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  • 545 4 More Malay D.O's Needed For Johore f\NLY by appointing more Malay district officers could Government really establish contact with kampong dwellers and the rural areas, declared Mr. D. G. A. Fraser, speaking at the adjournment of the Johore State Council meeting held vesterclav at the Dew an, Jflhore Bahru. According
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  • 122 4 Further Hearing In Murder Case "PVIDENCt was recorded at the assizes yesterd<ij in the murdr-r case in which a middle-aped Teochew labourer, Chua Thai Yons stands charged with intenionally causing the death of a compaLriot. Ah Chin, by stabbing him with a Knife in a shophouse at Jalan Sultan on
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  • 46 4 gTATED to have enticed away a married woman from a house In Bukit Pasoh Read, Yap Fong (28), appeared before Mr. H. E. Klngdon. the third magistrate, yesteroay. The case wa s postponed for mention OD Nov. 12, and police bail was extended.
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  • 33 4 I TVThe Postal Department advises that no j air mails from the United Kingdom etc were received by the eastbound British Overseas Airways Corpoi atlon flying boat which arrived In Singapore yesterday afternoon.
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  • 68 4 Aw Boon Haw Arrives In Chungking An 800l Haw, well known Singa pore industrialist, arrived a Chungking l> plane via Rangoon at 5.1( p.m. on IMon day. He was mei at the aiipor by the representatives o G e n e r alissimc Chiang Kai shek. Gen. Wu Te-chen, D
    Central News  -  68 words
  • 94 4 Melbourne, Nov. 11. The D F C has been awarded to Flight-Lieut. D.E. Cremin, an Australian dsrnng with the R.A.F. In the Middle East. Queensland is supplying giants for the R.A.A.F. Last month six volunteers were nver six feet high, and yesterday live men, also over six feet, were
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  • 76 4 pAN American Airways* 'Philippine" Clipper which arrived yesterday evenInp broimht with it bug« mall and elnht pass* risers lor Singapore. Four U B. Army oAo«S, a US. Naval blßcer, Mi Robert Bueil, connected with MM Hinh Commission' is oiiice In Manila, Mr. Peter Hftllberg, Swedish Consul from Honolulu
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  • 264 4 GIVING evidence in a traffic case yesterday, Mr. John R.A. Bidwell, manager of the General Transport Company, said that his taxi diivers refused to go out during a blackout because, "when they were passed by A.R.P. wardens, they were stopped oy the police and vice versa."
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  • 171 4 Tenth Man Charged For Alleged Rioting ALLEGED to have l>- t n concerned In a riot stated to have taken place on the night of Oct. 20 at the junction of In Ton^ Son Street and Park Road, Ton;; Bee Seng 1 19) appeared with a bandaged head in the
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  • 295 4 AT the close of the case for the prosecution In a x trial in th 0 district traffic court yesterday, the charge of causing hurt by a negligent act which was preferred against Kunjo was reduced to one of negligent driving. Kunjo is an omnibus driver
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 429 4 A BRIGHT IDEA! It's a bright idea to use QUIKKO Metal Polish when your brass, copper and silver needs a bright lasting polish for QLIKKO acts like magic, is totally free from acids and leaves no smell or taste on food utensils. QUIKKO TOLISH BRITISH and best of British! Sole
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    • 150 4 Motor Vehicles FOR SALE, late 193« Vauxhaul 14. Excellent condition, and appcamiice, 25 M.P.O. Quick sale essential, $1,200'- or nearest. Call, 4- S p .in. 221, Teluk BlanKah Road, Keppel Harbour, Singapore. (No. 937L) Public Xoiiro Singapore Municipality HHBMI TENDERS are now lnvltod for the following materials or service. For
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 589 5 DASF Situations Vacant WANTED typist fresh from commercial school. Apply Box 8&0 c,o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 901L) WANTED— Eurasian or Chinese woman ior housework. Apply 537-A Bedok Rd., Biiigapore. (No. 870L) WANTED: Upcountry distributors for Toys For full range samples send $8 For particulars apply IMPORTERS 324 Victoria otreet.
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    • 666 5 Wanted WANTED: Small second-hand Camera. goo<i make and condition. Replies to 6, Cairnhill Road, Singapore. (No. 867L) WANTED a two. three roomed bungalow In 2nd, 3rd or 4th Avenue, Buklt Timah. Please state price and particulars to Box 875 c|o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 891L) ADVERTISER has stocks Australian j
      666 words
    • 661 5 FORMULAS and RECIPES for making 3t) different local products now in demand throughoul Malaya cither of Which might l<'iHi one to wealth and fortune. Price $5'- only M. Trader A Co., 28. Robinson Road. Singapore. (No. 843L! "KELLER" plnno Ex condition $400, Baby's Cradle $30 and B;tth-Tub $10, Elec: Incubator
      661 words
    • 570 5 I ITIW it i uxuj loua Saloon, Bunshine Roof, 1935. Magnificent cur. :2.400 Cfl h .V Ins.. Mid. Apply Gow. 4/8 Bast Coast Road, Singapore (No 918L) UM MOTOR GARAGE for Hlllmun Minx. 10 h.p. saloon, Just recondil toned, taxed inul Insured 1942 $750,PenbM Road. Singapore oil Lavender St.. TetaplMMM
      570 words
    • 363 5 Educational JAPAI itoi required. Apply Box i Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 871L) HALLROOM DANCING: Sitting In a cosy chair, soms Folks think Is well ■.pent it laure. Othen visit us and learn, that ifimlPi lives greater pleasure. "Tin- Aristocrat" School of Ballroom Dancing, 302A, Lavender St. Blngapci-e. (No. 85f>L> WAIKIKI
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  • 415 6 Morning Tribune Special Race Chart Till; following is Hie specially compiled Riiiilr for to-day's Bini»p©rt races, the geesttd <>;>> <»i the Singapore Turf Club's winter meeting: ~~K~U'K ONE: Horsos, CUM Div. 4— G Furv 0(1 tl swelter^" 4y 9.00 No recent form and wt against 002 <}u«'lh'<' Ii x'i improved
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  • 687 6 (H V -MAt > < B >,.'^ tator IMci- II\PI-V SAL RM« sPIN VOOL i SETsiTSr Hue 3: THANKS Race I: MKAsi iu. Thp 5 t nd I)eV ii Hac«- I: HAKI'O llarno lu IXLSSEF Kuc.,: (iRKKNHOWAUI. Race MOONWIN Moonuin Race ♦>: I r11r.1.11 Kiho inilliriK Sands ESS... «m»\iv\k
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  • 57 6 The followhiK the Singapore Civilians' team to meet the Royal Air Force in a War Fund match on Tuesday next on the I.C.C. Padang: V. N. Pillai; Cecil Wong, O. L. Scott; P. (iupta. W.J. Peel leapt.). K. Thillainatlian; SK. Sundram, Ra/alli. Sheikh Hussein, M.C. Elliott, Tahar.
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  • 59 6 of play in the first session during which no goals were registered. The ground was not conducive to good hockey, but nevertheless play was interesting enough. Exchanges were fairly even in the first half when the defences of both sides dominated over the forwards. Pillai and Hussein, the respective goalkeepers
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  • 216 6 DOMINATING the exchanges in the se-j rond half, the Singapore Colts scored a creditable victory over the S.CR.C. by two coals to nil. wheq they met in a hockey match at Hong Lim Green yesterThere was no score in the first half. The exchanges
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  • 19 6 6 "open mixed doubles: Nellie EtOberi Chli beat Mrs. Turner «n1 I. 3. Abbett H-:{. 6-3.
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  • 44 6 Melbourne. Nov. 11. OEATONIC, imported from Eimland by S L t, 1 T lute Mrs. S. O. Wood. hM bNB •old for 1.000 guineas to Mr. L. BBMI. ot Sdney! Mr, Wood died before the horse raced In Au-»tr.wi;i.
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  • 75 6 mHE foUowlni have qualified tor I women'i Keppel cup. Mid the drr« for the ttnt round, whi.-h mutt b« plajed off cm or befON Nov. 21 has resulted M "'M'r' p BUR W Mrs. H. K. Rocigers. \\W 3 w Busaell w Mm. C. bmith. M J
    75 words
  • 293 6 Civilians Score 3-1 Win Over Police AFTER a rather dull lirst half, th<- hockey match between the Singapore Civilians' .junior eleven and the Police developed into a keen tussle in which the Civilians emerged victors by three goals to one. A feature of the game was the rapid succession of
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  • 363 6 fiONTINI'ALLY throwing their opponents I out of gear by their quick moving teI n. Minus tackling the R.A.F. i K.iH.imo defeated an S.C.C. rugby team by 14 points (a goal, a penalty goal and two tries) to nil when they met on the Padang
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 339 6 Pimples and Bad Skin Fought in Jft 24 Hours If W% fIHUHWnftIR! EiVeTople you are disease*. Itching burmnß a»d A K«w Discovery Nhcoderm is an ointment, but different on tne se cond day. All the red disfiguring from any ointment you have ever seen or blotches and scaly skin disappeared
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 59 6 HOCKEY: Women's annual Poppy Day match. S.C.C; S.R.C. v Indian Army. SRC; Medical College v R.A.0.C., Sepoy Lines; Naval Police v Sappers and Minors, Naval Base; Knalsa Association v Indian General Hatpttal. Khalsa ground. TPJNNIS: SC..R.C. tournament. HKiH TIDKS TO-DAY: 4.08 am.. 7.4 ft.; 3.26 p.m., 7.8 it. I TO-MORROW:
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  • 673 7 TEEN-AGE BEAUTY PUZZLERS pOSTUKE, complexion and I colour are the three biggest pitfalls oi leen-age gififl and ueglect oi the first two problems may in time lead to serious consequences. The remedy itscli. however, is very simple. Pint you must have a sincere desire lor improvement, piu.s the determination to
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  • 120 7 y figure li^e. learn to keep S help you, but before starting Z Ight stance. To do so, stand 3 ice your right hand on your 5 p the muscles (being careful, ress them in then put your tail and press the muscles in. 3 for a moment or two.
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  • 72 7 Jumpers Jerkins There's a hint of the medieval in this up- to date jerkin which Martha O'Driscoll (11KO Radio) selected for dinner wear It's made of| pink wool jcr- j sey, is sleeveless and buttons on over a long i black c r e p e frock styled in the
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  • 133 7 Hints From Helen's Beauty Box DOUBLE CHINS seldom attack the thin woman, but the plump one needs to be on her guard i against them once she has passed thirty. Vigorous slapping with a pad of cotton dipped in astringent skin tonic should keep them at bay. DANDRUFF is reduced
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 93 7 lIGAX'S SCHOOL. NEXT HALF TERM Commences on THURSDAY 13th NOVEMBER 1941. SENIOR SCHOOL JUNIOR SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN NURSERY SCHOOL PUPILS ACCEPTED DURING TERM AT PRO-RATA FEES. 300,302, ORCHARD ROAD. TEL. 7323. Capitol Theatre Monday, Dec. 15th at 9.15 p.m. M.G.M's production of GOODBYE MR. CHIPS Starring Robert Donat and Creer Carson
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 40 7 Xj PI I T V~Mfln VI m M I'D LIKE TO INTRODUCE MY U| I I \X^T T> Mll •rPMT'Z 1 At7 COUSiN FROM THc CITV. 1/7/N I. ii\\\ VyOUXLBE' fen CELINE MOUSE! TQ I>Y-.- (SURPRISED.' j Q/^ 1 S^f-
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  • 953 8  - gay prints, smart hats, at first race meeting Vera Ardmore (placcA I jHEY say that every Australian in I Singapore had a flutter on the Melbourne Cup the other day and it seemed that every member of the A. IF. in Singapore on Saturday was at Bukit Timah for the
    953 words
  • 116 8 hips baek. please! IF you want to cultivate a lovelj m your hips back: exercises will any of them, you must get the ri& with feet slightly apart, then plai tummy and lift up Kever, not to pr< hand on your t )ld thi.s stance with hancL still ir Practise
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 94 8 WAVESCT Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair lActai Facial Treatment Vtbro Violet Ray Otoitt Steamer Innoxa. Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419. l^^^jE s Fji'^y <^. i^^^^^ K^:Sly!>j^^iv t -x^ •■>*■■-• .^^B 1 a -Si-.'! '—^^B^^^' Vi-Lactogen is
      94 words
    • 22 8 YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Beautifully cut evening gown of burnished gold taffeta relieved by three enormous carmine velvet poppies. y\ Imported: Only $35.75
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    • 5 8 Ulickey Mouse By Walt Disney
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 31 8 1 4j-r^f HONEST, MICKEY^ YOU'RE NOT MM?... L. < Bjr.. BOT\ tI ll^fe^^S rAj^TEg I'VE BEEN SO N S\T ABOUT y^ forget it, kid! If J EVERYTHIN6'S JUST LIKE IT J\ 7
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  • Article, Illustration
    939 9 LONDON I LETTER London. (Jet. 6. ORD Marchwood of Penang and Marchwood, who is trying to get an inquiry into conditions in the Merchant Navy, has his critics admittedly quite friendly critics among those he is trying to help. The general manager of the Officers (Merchant Navy> Federation
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  • 313 9 MORNING TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, NOV, 12. 1941. A PREMIER'S WARNING J HE news to-day centres on the Far East more vividly following Mr. Churchill's dramatic final warning to Japan not to pursue the path of aggression farther. Telegrams indicate that a Japanese push into Thailand is the most likely outcome of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 521 9 Heart Trouble Dangers Due to High Blood Pressure Cause Many Dangerous Symplon* Check These Symptom* /^AJj|giliL With Your Condiiieti (I^MHprciT" Before li Is Too Laie kSkEEp The liven of thousands, yen, millions of men mid fHfllk^^J^QfS^lllffVfl women throughout the world nre_endangered by a W'"M"ig < MJC#s^lffVtfl mysterious disease calPrd High
      521 words
    • 25 9 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, Exclusively. \^r THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 1, ARCADE BLDG., THONE 3002. \l. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience.
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  • 357 10 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne Nov. 11. THE death has occurred ol Dr. Wilfrid Kent Hughes, consulting; surgeon to the Children's Hospital and the Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and father 01 Lieut.-Col. W.S. Kent Hughes, of the A.1. F.. Malaya. The Prime Minister (Mr. Curtin) announced that Government proposals
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 149 10 VISII.II l» 1 IS 11 0 %V l» H 11 0 \IIi: II I 11 1 >l S 1: 1. V1 S HO All Si: LAI 4. HIM.! It's ANOTHER of those UNBEATABLE M.ti.M. Comedy Hits presented at Malaya's Favourite Theatre 1 CAPITOL 3 U D Z SH WS 1
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  • 353 11 NEWS FROM INDIA New Delhi, Nov. 10. MANY Haj pilgrims have arrived atj Bombay and Karachi and three ships have been booked up. Pilgrims are advised not to leave their, homes until further sailings are announced so that they may not have to wait unnecessarily at the ports. There will
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  • 134 11 <.<M)i» should bm wlJuind on the S.( C r.wlanj; to-day, when the annual women's Popp\ Day hockey mat< h is played brtuivn the. S.C.C uonii'ii and the Rest. The Europeans' team aTe a stronger composition this year than thfy have ever been before, with weli
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  • 165 11 New York, Nov. 11. If the next Armistice Day is to be a final one, cur peace aims must be as carefully formulated as our war aims," writes the New York Times in a leading article today. "Our war aims require relentless pressure Against the
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 92 11 Melbourne, Nov. 11. FXLLOWFIELD. opening batsman in the Northern District team at Sydney, broke Victor Trumper's 44-year-old record ©n Saturday, when he scored his fifth century in succession, makinff 135 against Mosman. j Cho^wyn (Randwick) made 153 against Marrickville. O'Reilly took 7 Western Suburbs wickets
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  • 62 11 A RRE6TET) with 4.000 cigarette* on which duty had not bevn paid. In his possession, Yeow Chwee Chew aippearpd before Mr Kennrth M Byrne in the fourth police court yesterday morning. Wow wft"! convicted after be admitted the chatiff of possession of dutiable tohacco, but sentence was stayed
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  • 112 11 REFKRENCE to a donation of fl.OO* in.ide to the Services Club is made in the annual report of the committee of the Royal Singapore Golf Club for the year ended Sept. 30, just Issued. Tlr* Club Is In a verv satisfactory position financially, according to
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  • 54 11 pLEADING guilty to a charge of fraudu- lent possession of ten packets of Alls, Khallk Khan (40). an Indian, waas hned $10. in default a months simple impii>onmcnt. by Mr. H. E. Kingdon, the third rraKistrate. Khulik Khan was arro>>ted with the nails in his possession in Upper
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  • 55 11 TO-MORKUW, Ncv. 13. is the anniver- sary o; Robert Louis Stevenson, the famous Scottish author. A programme in honour of the event will be broadcast from Singapore at 8. 15 p. in This Item will be preceded by a film r»«vie-w iit 730 p.m.. when the M.B.C. Critic
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  • 32 11 A TRAVEL talk entitled "Our Next Door Neighbours" was broadcast to schools yesterday by Mr. R. H. Scott. The talk described a trip made up the Burma Road.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 302 11 />yi c k o oi; r v e ster n a y Jfl BM^V TM urttv'i n i iIiiBTBBM fa n i" ■'«BKi 5? aS HBV A \XBHC HBroff/'^BM^^' to^ '''^TPJPi 'VCRBJwv '-'CSHF y*PWP! .^B^E^^k BBBk. j» v jlv^ o-.jjfcO^Br *^SNBfli^_v^- JV-" BBH Bk3?X. y^* v^SwiS'''''' Am i^^p^filß r« ~v
      302 words
    • 64 11 TWO GREA T STARS (Academy Award Winners both) Make Screen History AGAIN in the Remarkable Sequel to their famous Original Triumph I MIDNIGHT PREMIERE SATURDAY NICHT CAPITOL General Screening NEXT WEEK .^»v v V» a JT,I j 'ill A i i I *<Jit& F^^B o*n Hit* mm i«vet V«« I
      64 words

  • 561 12 London. Nov. 12. Tin battle for the rate 3 of the Caucasus is in full swing, The usual German nincor movement is beine attempted. The southern claw stretches through the Crimea U^airKerch which Vies on I narrow stretch of water separating
    Reuter  -  561 words
  • 685 12 (FROM PAGE 1) is nnaing lt very difficult to rfinrorce. or even to supply, his armies on the African shore. The last convoy sunk was va luable one and Its total destruction, together with the devastation being wrought by otir submarines in the Mediterranean are certainly very much
    Reuter  -  685 words
  • 119 12 LAST night, an official radio commentator broadcasting from Bangkok, appealed to Thais to be on the watch Bfafaft fifth columnists, stated the Singapore Station last night. The Government, he said, has not considered the evacuation of the population from any city or place, but
    119 words
  • 216 12 London, Nov. 12. A SWEDISH correspondent in Berlin gives the following picture of life at Hitler's headquarters. According to the Stockholm correspondent of the Daily Telegraph the description is gleaned from trusted followers who personally visited the Fuehrer's headquarters. Hitler's home is a well camouflaged
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 154 12 London, Nov. IS. The Daily Tek h iaph's Storkholm correspondent says that the Polish Army of 100,000 has joinvel Marshal Tim<v<.h-uko's it-serve uakl on the Don defence line.- Reuter Vichy, Nov. 12. A policeman m Zagreb, the Crotian capital was .shot yesteiday and two other policemen were injured
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 286 12 MORE ALLIED POWER IN MIDDLE EAST Cairo, Nov. 12. THE Allied Air Forces in the Middle East will soon be greatly strengthened. A Free French Squadron which has just completed training will be moving up to the Western Desert almost immediately to take its place alongside the R.A.F., the South
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 317 12 "SKYLARK" (At the Cathay) rnHERE is much skylarking in the Ca- thay's new production which is a worthy successor to "Arise My Love," featuring the same players and deserving a more attractive title. While the story has a serious vein, the film itself presents Claudette Colbert, Ray Milland and Brian
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    • 8 12 ■l i r i PLAfSfI FUND S( ORI
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