Morning Tribune, 10 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 10 1 Morning Tribune Vol. 6 No. 241, Monday, November 10, 1941.
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  • 176 1 Hitler Calls Stalin Companion Of Judas London, Nov. 9. TIN Bremen radio's account of Hitler's speech to the j "Old Guard" at Munich con- I j tains a comparison of Stalin" with Judas and claims that S t.tiOO.OOO Russians have been" 5 taken prisoner. Of all the peoples mobilised by
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  • 397 1 London, Nov. *>. DENBWED liinls of Hitler's plan for stabilising (he eastern front, far calling a European conference, for announcing the establishment oi a 'new order' and far, thereupon, inviting Britain either lo accept an accomplished fact or to take Europe b\ assault are
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  • 324 1 ALLIES, U.S. WILL BREAK HITLERISM London, Nov. 9. BKI 1 V Russia and the United States will together begin to break Hitlerism when they begin to produce, writes Mr. J.L. Garvin m the Observer. Then, and not before. The soul of the Russian leader's speecti, he says, is contained m
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  • 150 1 foi ihe i i Stab a m t lie opinion oi the New York Times. "While the Unit* d Btatea hai been discussing the repeal or dra tic Amendment (^i thy Neutrality Act. the Nazis have .settled the islie U)v us," it say.s. "They nave
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  • 853 1 I Moscow Defenders Also Hit Back LONDON, NOV. 9. SOVIET COUNTER-ATTACKS BOTH ON THE LENINGRAD AND MOSCOW F ;ONTS ARE FEATURES OF THE LATEST REPORTS FROM THE EAS7ERN THEATRE OF WAR. While at Leningrad the Russians gaincfl some ground, on the Moscow front the Rel
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  • 89 1 Germans Plough Airfields Ankara, Nov. 9. IN order to clear the rain -bogged airfields on the eastern front, the Germans are resorting to the use of tractors tc plough up the surface layers of mud, according to observers from Russia. > The Germans are unable to lay new concrete runways
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  • 39 1 Lisbon, Nov. 10 Conditions of trading and the market prices lor wolfram and tin have been emulated by a new povnnment department, it lofficially announced. The department will watch the supplies of these metals to prevent wartime .speculation. Reuter
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  • 146 1 W. Germany Again RAF Target London, Nov. 9. ESSEN was among the towns attacked by the R.A.F. m Germany last night. An Air Ministry communique says "Essen and other industrial towns m western Germany were strongly attacked last night bjr aircraft of the Bomber Coumand. "At Essen, heavy explosions were
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  • 202 1 In the last six months Bomber Command aircraft from home bases have dropped more than 1 20,000 tons of bombs on Germany and German objectives m the occupied territory. Also a heavy weight of bombs has been dropped by. Coastal Command aircraft. The total does not
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  • 54 1 London, Nov. 9. It is officially announced that nine enemy supply ships were sunk m the Central Mediterranean by British naval forces. One Italian destroyer was also sunk. A tenth enemy supply ship was set afire and is considered a total loss. British forces suffered no casual,
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  • 353 2  - Possible Course Of Japanese Strategy Brian R. Connell By Hanoi, Nov. 9. T HAVE just returned from an extensive tour hy motor car of the northern areas of Indo-China's frontier with China, embracing Kangson, Dongdanjr and Caobang, and I am able to state categorically that there are absolutely no unusual
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  • 62 2 KIONG CHOON GUAN— Of the General Post Office passed away peacefully at the General Hospital on the Bth instant at the age of 41. He leaves behind an aged mother, his wife, one son and one brother (Kiong Beng Hong). The funeral will take place to-day at Bukit Brown,
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  • 24 2 de ALWIS— At his residence. 76, Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday, aged 82, A. A. G. de Alwis (Gelis Appu>. Funeral on Wednesday.
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  • 66 2 Hanoi. Nov. t. MR. Kenkichi Yoshizawa, special Japanese envoy to Indo-China with the rank of Ambassador, anived m Haiphong yesterday morning aboard the Kokuriu Maru, accompanied by a numerous suite. He wae welcomed by the Secre-tary-General, m the name of the Governor-Ganeral (Admiral Decoux>. who is at
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  • 63 2 La Guardia Appeals To Women Washington. Nov. 9. MAYOR L a Guardia of New York m his capacity of Civil Defence Direc- I tor appealed I here for 3,090.000 women volunteers to help carry out I a home defence programme. "We i must lo^s no I time," the Mayor
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  • 90 2 Czech Gang Members Killed Berlin, Nov. 9. TWENTY members of a "Czech gang" which was discovered by the secret police iii Vienna were shot on Nov. 6, according to ah announcement by the S.S. leader and chief of the German police, says the official German news agency. The announcement adds
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  • 66 2 New Delhi, Nov. 9. IT li announced that 184 prisoners out of those who recently commenced a hunger strike m Deoli jail have now abandoned the strike Forty-six of those detained are still hunger-striking. The strike is intended as a protest against the general conditions of,
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  • 177 2  - Th ro ugh Convoys Thought Imminent Frank Oliver (By Washington, Nov 9. 'FHE United States' decision to establish a naval base m Iceland has at once stirred up conjecture here that an extension of American naval patrols and convoy escorts all the Way to Britain is imminent. The appointment of
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  • 135 2 Washington, Nov 9. A DMINISTRATIOX leaders have decided to press for a direct and final House of Representative" vote on t lie Senate's amendments to the Neutrality Bill not later than Thursday. Mr. Sam Rayburn. Speaker of the House, after conferring with Mr. McCormack,
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  • 217 2 300 R.A.F. PLANES OVER CONTINENT London, Nov. 9. A FTEK making its heaviest raid on Germany on Friday night, the R.A.F. followed with one ol its heaviest offensives agtiinst targets m the occupied territory m daylight yesterday. At least 300 fighters were engaged m operations at one time. These included
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  • 102 2 New York, Nov. 9. ACCORDING to a Washinglon telegram quoting an "excellent authority," plans are well advanced for an early concerted action by Britain and the United States to strengthen thfir potitiQll m the Far East. Further, the program m v t> ipparently to he put
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  • 28 2 Vichy, Nov. 9.— A British piano rame dov.n at Savi^ny about 3 a.m yesterday, reports the official French news agency. Three airmen, it states, were taken prisoner. Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 (SAWMILL §TRIKE Manifesto Xo. 2 (Issued by the Sawmillers' Association.) On November 3rd. 1941, m the Straits Times, and on Xo™ mb 4th 1941. m the Singapore Free Press, the Morning Tribune and th« Malaya Tribune, the Sawmillers' Association published manifesto giving to the public the bar* facts relating to
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    • 109 2 STARINA BICYCLES ARE BRITISH to the last bolt! Buying British means buying the best! STARINA Cycles are manufactured to the traditional standards of British craftsmanship, precision madf from the finest British .steel. STARINA Cycle.s air available In both Sports and Standard models and arc sold at particularly comp< titive prices.
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  • 723 3 BEAVERBROOK EXHORTS BRITISH WAR WORKERS Manchester, Nor. 0. IN a public discussion with workers from the north of England factories, Lord lieaverorook hammered out the problems of war production at a meeting here yesterday. The delegates from the Trades Councils m the sevtn northern counties attended. In the speech opening
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  • 263 3 (A Military Survey by Annalist) London, Nov. 9. QOVIET Russian enterprise on the Moscow front and German progress m the Crimea are the predominant notes m the statements issued by both sides during the last 24 hours. German commentators blame the Russian weather for having halted
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  • 56 3 Beirut, Nov. 9. /ieneral Laverack, Vf commanding the Australian lorn. Syria has been placed temporarily m charge o) the Australian Imperial Forces In the' Middle Bast, olficially announced' here. He will act during the absence of General Sir John Blarney. who has left Australia to confer
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  • 119 3 No Victory Until "We Fight"— Gen. Blamey, Nov. 0. GEM SIR JOHN HMMBY, who is m charge of the Australian forces m the Middle Fast arrived here to-day from Singapore for the defence talks 31 C »J&Ttbat "we are not going to win the war until we Ire and
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  • 58 3 Timoshenko Reviews Red Troops London, Nov. 9. E Moscow radio describes how Mar-stial Timosher.ko reviewed the Red Army units at the great October Revolution celebration meetinj? m Voronezh. He addressed a meeting of 100.000 people amid ieat enthusiasm. The troops which paraded were armed with the very latest o 1
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  • 45 3 Melbourne, Nov. 7. The department of the Army reveals that forgetful diggers have failed to claim nearly 60,000 medals won m the last war. including 17 military medals, 25,162 British war medals and 27.397 victory medals. All these are lying at Canberra r waiting owners.
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  • 70 3 Naval Hunt Racing London, Nov. 8. THE Naval Hunt ra- cinq begun at Nottingham, where large neicts. aggregating 130 runn< re, augured well for d successful Mason. The chasing record is 149) runners at Worcester last April. R. B. C. Hobbs. the most successiul trainer at the last ;ison. won
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 > J^B |rnn kh «O<»* XX J nTlff/J /fJJifjj ((tilfjJ 'f i£9^^R comfort and dash. As always, Pontiac gives you your J^ *^C choice of everything from low price to luxury— the widest iff j J J S~) /Jf/3 M /M ff f^ choice offered by any motor-car manufacturer to-day.
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  • 468 4 THE TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 213) In exercise of the powers conferred ucon him by Section 4 of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance. the Chief Police Officer, Singapore, hereby makes the following regulations for relieving congestion and facilitating traffic at a public function, namely, Armistice Service at the Cenotaph. Connaught Drive.
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  • 245 4 Melbourne, Nov. 7. Jilt t! ton, ivinm 'in' Melbourne Clip, state.-; that the horse v/iIJ bgiven a spell till the Autumn engagements. Mr. G. W. Holland,' president of the Return Soldiers League' of Victoria, says that the fact that nonAustralian troops are now wearing the slouch hat does not
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  • 287 4 A Cairo, Nov. 9. l Tripoli tombs were dropped m a petrol depot area and n.echanised vehicles set on fire, states an R.A.F. communique. Direct hits on the Juliana Mole and on searchlight positions were obtained at Benghazi during the night of Nov. 56, while
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  • 109 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Sunday. IfUALA LUMPUR residents saw realistic air raid displays this morning when aeroplanes attacked jthe town and dropped ccloured parachutes representing different kinds of bombs. I The raids provided good practice for A.R.P. wardens and units of the ambulance section,
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  • 102 4 THE Controller of Foreign Ex--1 change m Malaya has relaxed normally rigid rules m order that Christmas gifts may be sent to persons living m countries outside the sterling area, including Canada and the United States. During the present month and December, residents of Malaya
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  • 56 4 THE next 'Clipper- with mail,; from Europe. America the Pacific, and the Philippine Islands to now expected to arrive m Singapore on Tuesday, Nov n rhe latest time of posting at the General Post Offire. Singapore to connect with mails for the abovementioned countries on the return No!
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  • 615 4 SINGAPORE REMEMBERS DEAD OF THE LAST WAR **FIIEY shall grow not old. as we that ire left gro* old: "Age <hal! not weary (hem, nor the years condemn. 44 At the going down of the sun and m the morning, "We will remember them." This solemn commendation, of those who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 95 4 Singapore Municipality II M1IKS w invited r t be f< lowmg materials or service For parti•Ulars MS IfunlClpal Tender Room. TENDER Date oi Closing 6up.#ly 01 Bread <te Eggs_^ to Mlddleton Hospital. Moulmcin Road, during 1942. 12 noon, 1 December, 1941. Supply of Liquid Chlorine for the period 1,1,42 to
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    • 172 4 Situation Vacant WANTFD immediately SHIP'S DOCTOR. Conditions and particulars pica.* apply kp.m. Singapore. Sailing m the ccurse uf this week. EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, tf&!^*t Exclusively. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. I, ARCADE BUM. 'PHONF 3002. 11. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. Pstablished by
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  • Article, Illustration
    917 5  - LONDON LETTER H.L. HOPKIN'S London, Oct. 3. QFTEN if is said that the man with brains and no money has practically no chance of letting into Parliament m the Conservative interest. And if he wants to be I Labour M.P. he has to be a retired trade union official. The
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  • 303 5 MORNING TRIBUNE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1941. "PEACE FORMULA" WASHINGTON reports that Mr. Saburu Kurusu, special Japanese adviser to Admiral Nomura, is bringing with him "a peace formula" already approved by the Emperor of Japan, and the Japanese Press, almost unanimously, interprets the Kurusu mission as "the last chance" given to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 BRANCHES AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Soutfc British Insurance Co M Ltd. TeL 59M 2, Finlayson Green Under BRITISH management WE SLJCG£Sr Fto rentine succulent ham but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecooking. Our cellars have f been restocked I jU| j^ with finest \AJ
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    • 120 5 Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids. Your body cleans out excess Acids ana poisonous wastes m your blood thru 9 million tiny delicate Kidney tubes or filters. If Poisons m the Kidneys or Bladder make you suffer from Getting Up Nights. Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles Under Eyes, 1 Backache. Aching Joints,
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  • 48 6 "Run, Rabbit, Run Three little bunnies who danced to the tune "Run. Rabbit, Run," m the show which Sybil Vyner Gomez and Marie Le Mercier presented at the Victoria Theatre for the second time on Saturday night. Left to right Daphne Moran, Constance Nicholas and Mariette de Souza.
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  • 591 6 India's War Effort Described By Lady Stevens LADY Stevens, wife of the Australian representative to the Eastern Group Supply Council m Delhi, passed through Singapore a day or so ago on her way to Aus tralia with her attractive daughter Lorna. She is returning to her homeland after five months
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  • 971 6  - UNKNOWN ORIGINAL... design your own fabrics VERA ARDMORE r PEOPLE B, ii \.\ii\ nix i s soit M I IM I \\O>II vices Entertainments Committee for "farming: out" and it would be excellent if the whole downstairs section of the theatre could be filled m this way. Premiere will benefit
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 VST *"9 WAVESCT £i/£## Or/ Perms SHftMtOO 7b Ji/i > rfc texture of your hair tACI At ft* ft* IfUMII ■Mum. Elizabeth Ettropcan OpermUrs Capitol BWf 15S North Bridge Boa*, Tel. 4419. -Ueimvf), Kubinskm s Pasteurised Face Cream— To give your skin alluring softness and smoothness. It is a marvellous
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 236 7 COOK POTATOES m their skins. Not only does this save time and money, but it enables you to extract the highest food value from them. If baked, the potatoes may be eaten, skin and all, with butter, pepper and salt; If steamed or boiled, the thin outer skin
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 90 7 V YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Beautifully cut evening gown of burnished gold taffeta relieved by three enormous carmine velvet poppies. I S\ Imported: Only $35.75 J Your favourite perfume duplicated I 24 A"l Refill J perfumes \^Am I^. Wf I available botlles I 11, THE ARCADE, ypf [I mm mmm \wL
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 48 7 1/ r'M sorry \(ohm! rwAS *]C pardon mi... 1 ihrl 30T YOO WERE > HEVfeR SO L.. >7 MAY I vf LJ UJfl BOUND TO GET HUMILIATED f J I ICOME \H% S* p nij r^Li k. \s T /w^fftt lj ild 1 i i* i V .r ii
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 598 8 Agn on sogn son sogn ong aKSJ SO Situations Vacant BMART Girl Typist— Telephone-Opera-tor Singapore Commercial Co. Amber Mansions. Phone 7103. (No. 840 L) WANTED Distributors for Powered Milk and Barley. Apply Box 852 c!o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 837 b) WANTED typist fresh from commercial school. Apply Box 880
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    • 642 8 Wanted WANTED furnished house, two bedrooms, near bus route. Box 846 co Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 829 L) WANTED: Small second-hand Camera, good make and condition, Replies to 6, Cairnnill Road, Singapore. (No. 867 L) WANTED Pedigree Puppy, preferably Labrador, Spaniel or Seallyham. Also I good make new or secondhand
      642 words
    • 685 8 for sai window Illuminating Mlvertlslni ilgn with 200 1 ban teable letters 1 M. Banerji Co., 248. Orchard Road. Singapore. (No. 822 D FOR SALE G.E.C. 6 Valve Radio. Battery Receiver complete with 6 volt Battery, excellent condition. Apply to Box No. 839 c!o Malaya Tribune. Kuala Lumpur. (No. 812
      685 words
    • 682 8 FOR BAI I II 39 II E Y> :i<is motor i 1) p 109 ni i- g Perfect condition Inten let* l p m i4B pn, i» t 77, cii Ouan Street, Singapore (No. 821 L) LIM MOTOR GARAGE for MG. 'PB 2 ■eater, excellent condition, new tyres dc
      682 words
    • 556 8 Educational JAPANESE tutor required. Apply u<>x 868 i o Malaya Trlbuni Sim apon (No. 871 L) MALAY TUITION, given by experienced teacher Apply, Mun.shi, R2. Minto v tad, Bin tapon (Ho. B1SL) "NEW WAY" Business School. 273. Joo Chlat Road. Katong— Higher Bookkeeping, KngHH) Law, Commerce Finance, Boonomlcs, Professional Kxains-
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  • 328 9 IUIK Medicals icored cl< ur-cut victory tnrei the i Dentals by 1!> points (X goals and tfiree tries) I to three (a try) m a one-sided but nevertheless keen inter-faculty 'rugby matcih at the Medical College I'nion yesterday evening, thus winning the (later j Cup, presented
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  • 343 9 Players Go To Game In Trip- Waggon London, Nov. 8. FOOTBALLERS have been feted and have ridden "ceremonial" coadhes draped along by enthusiasts, but the arrival of a .side m a trip.waggon is something new m the varied history of soccer. This novel means of conveyance was used by Bolton
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  • 120 9 rpHE following have b—P selected t<> phiy hockey for the y.Me.A. ngy'nTi an Anti-Alrciaft Regiment on Wednesday on the ground iit sou pin Be Thinn Han. A C, Edgar, R I. Atkinson, w .1. Bunderland, Ooli Chin Chye (capt.), V. R Babapathy; s Togorajah, I. Hope. A
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  • 59 9 Ml Ce.tlon Sports Hub heat tlie Hor--1 mis by three rimls to two m keenly contested hoekej gam played on the C.B.C. sround yesterday. I lie Ceylonese lielcltcl much better team than the Hornets and had they not frittered away their innumerable chances m the iecoad half they
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  • 36 9 Mexican Oil Reorganisation Mexico City, Nov. 9. "An reorganisation of the administration of Mexican oil fields will be undertaken m January. New workings will be opened m various zones, and new refineries will be created. Reuter
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  • 501 9 THE Chinese National Anthem, as well as the British National Anthem, was played by the band of the Manchester Regiment when it performed at the war charities' soccer match at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. The game was m aid of the China Relief Fund and the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 82 9 SPORTS DIARY TO-DAY Hockey: S.C.C.) v Army Field j Regiment, S. C. C; Indian Asso-i ciation v Horn- ets, Indian Assn. ground; A.C.S. v St. Andrew's School, Oldham i Hall; Naval Po- lice v ac-ac Regiment, Naval Base; Medical Cdlefe practice, Sepoy Lines; S.K.C. v British Army Navy, S.R.C. Tennis:
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  • 81 10 Malay Regiment's Recruiting Tour MALAYS m Selangxjr and Pahang v.lie want U> join the Malay ment will have their opportunity this week and next, when the regimental recruiting board will .i> t :he centres: Kuala Lumpur, Town Ball, Nov. 12. ITlang, Volunteer H.Q., Nov. 13. üb. eer rt Q
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  • 376 10 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne, Nov. 7. COWS m the Monaro district of New South Wales have been plating their teeth with gold. This was discovered recently by employees of the Cooma < Monaro Meat Works, when preparing an accumulation of bones for disposal. They found on tne walls
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  • 128 10 "BKOADM \N lIMI I i\i I In- .1 In j t ■y i ion of thi film, which ed at the Cathi rnkt-v phut Aboard the American exprea train Hi D.uiway Limited, roaring over the steel limn Chicago to N«-w York. The pn-tiiiv brings back to the Herein
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  • 49 10 Nassau, < Bahamas >, Nov. 9. THE Duke of Windsor has revealed that the Duches is suffering from a stomach ailment. She will probably return to Baltimore within three months to decide on the advisability of an operation. The Duke gave no details regarding the ailmont.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 129 10 fT/ v v kled Singapore's Funny Cone AGAIN.' Come LAUGH until your Sides Ache I |cAPITOI| t._ v 5 CHOKE wish LAUGHTER! "ONE NIGHT m the TROPICS" Starring NANCY KELL V ROBERT CUMMINGS ALLAN JONES LEO CARRILLO With Latest METROTONE-NEWIS of the DAY and other I splendid Supporting Attractions WHY
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    • 121 10 LAST :t SHOWS TO -DAY s m ALHAMBRA m I PRIME MfflfSM A WARNER BROS Pkture %'amng o^^^ 1 JOHN GIELGUD- DIANA WYNYARU I® wwillkyfte-owkn, nakks- mk unnnv p, y y M hM i fl wll w.ii.uni Vyil/r 4War*arßn«. TintNiii I Picture emOiit«<l*tTMiaia|UMiSiM^««- W«uot/ THOkOU) UICKINbON \V^ ALSO PATHE
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  • 374 11 NEWS FROM INDIA New Delhi, Nov. 7. THE fifth All-India Cattle Show will be held on various dates m Bhavnagar, ißangaliore and New Delhi. For the first time important breeds of goats and sheep will be m the show- By Radio. New Delhi, Nov. 7. THE Central Assembly to-day discussed
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  • 88 11 London. Ni>\ B THE total contribution of Madras' War Fund fcr tht purchase of IS. HLsh aircraft reached £1,065.000 with the latest presentation of 190,000. A telegram acknowledging the gift addressed to Sir Arthur Hope, Governor of Madras, from Col. 'Moor Brabazcn, Minister of Alr-
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  • 33 11 ARVICE In commei n of Fellowship Week was hold yesty morning at the Wesley Methodist Church. Mr. PefTei. V.M.C.A. officer attached to the A.F.1., delivered a talk on "Learning Through Suffering."
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  • 101 11 A FTER being m the losing streak m the first round of the current Minor Baseball League, the Phillies of the Singapore Filipino Association came back strong m the second and subdued all oppositions with the exception of the champion Japanese Club. The latest and last victims of the fast
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  • 325 11 London. Nov. 8. rpHF following; an- tin- football re--1 sulls; LONDON LEAGUE Aldershot 4, Queen's i .u-k Rangers l: Brentford 2, CharKon l. Chelsea l. Crjr»t.ii Palace 0; Miihvnii 2, Arsenal 2; Portsmouth 5, Fulham :i. Tottenham 2, Claj ton Orient o Watford 0, Reading 0;
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  • Morning Tribune Monday, November 10, 1941.
    • 843 12 Hitler Still Claims Reds Forcea Nazis Into War "On Defensive' At Leningrad Berlin, Nov. 9. rIE German news agency to-d ay issued an account of Hitler's speech at Munich yesterday, hitler declared on the fall of Fratice he had then, and for the last time stretched out his hand to
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    • 309 12 London, Nov. 9. REFERENCE to direct communication between President Roosevelt and M. Stalin if the circumstances should require it was made m an exchange of letters between M. Stalin and President Roosevelt on the subject of the American $1,000,000,000 loan to the U.S.S.R.. the text
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    • 91 12 A CHINESE labourer was blown to pieces as the result of a dynamite explosion which occurred on a quarry at the 10th mile Bukit Timah Road on Saturday night. The Chinese was on blasting work m a quarry belonging o Gammon Malaya i, Ltd.. when dynamite accidentally exploded
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    • 256 12 Moscow. NOV. 0. THE Russians have disoovtred i way to stop (cit'imaii mechanised columns It is a large DOW shell-firin<' cannon aimed tron the air. Speed, mobility aiui Might Ol lire three essentials needed to stop tanks. All are fulfilled m a new Russian iCTQ plane
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    • 52 12 Cairo, Nov. o. -The Egyptian Ministry 01 Interior lsSU< d the following communique to-day: '^During an air raid m the Sue/. Canal area early this morning, a tew bombs were dropped causing damage to property, but there were no casualties. Atf*? rt s were sounded Cairo and Alexandria and several
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    • 379 12 Marine Tells Of Germans' Cruelty In Belgium London, Nov. 9. A TERRIBLE story of German cruelty was told by m anonymous Royal Marine oroadcasting to-day, his experiences when Calais fell m iHay 1940. lie said that he and others were driven like cattle througii Belgian villages, their guards whipping them
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 62 12 SPECIAL! LATEST DESIGNS SUNGLASSES, ■■GLAMOUR-GIRL", with side ihields, Kiddies Gogfles, Swimming Goggles Polaroid Lyetogs, Magnifiers, rhtrmometers, Cameras, Excellent, inexpensive Swiss Watches, Cloch>, Binoculars, Fieldglasses (also cleaned, repaired) It I Ml I MO OPTICAL CO 165, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. THE JOLLIEST PARTY YOU'VE EVER MET! fA UNITED ARTISTS HAL ROACH COM
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    • 7 12 -~-.\l I «H i- I X• x
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