Morning Tribune, 6 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 10 1 Morning Tribune Vol. 6 No. 239, Thursday, November 6, 1941.
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  • 202 1 Moscow, Nov. 5. THK Germans are digging trenches on the Male Yoroslavots sector of the Moscow front, says the war correspondent of the Pravda. During last night the Moscow front, on the whole, was comparatively quiet, with enemy activity m the Volokolamsk area confined to
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  • 419 1 London, Nov. 5. THE Crimea is still m great danger," writes the Red Star's war correspondent to-day, says a Moscow message. He adds: "Having retreated to new positions, the defenders are consolidating their defences. Strenuous and bloody fighting is m progress. Fighting is going on
    Reuter  -  419 words
  • 98 1 Toronto, Nov. 5. GERMAN submarines are operating off th e coast of Newfoundland within sight of shore, according to the statement made by the Canadian Navy Minister, Mr. Macdonald, to-day. Mr. Macdonald said that he had made the disclosure with the approval of Rear-Admiral Percy Nelles, Naval
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  • 127 1 London, Nov. 5. iT was learned m London on Wednesday that two Japanese subjects have been arrested m British territory. They are Suzuke, arrested m Karachi, India, and Matsunaga, arrested m Rangoon. The reasons fur these arrests have not yet reached London. Five Japanese have been arrested
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 129 1 London, Nov. 5. A RAID free night over Britain is signalized by an Air Ministry communique which says: "Nothing to report." The R.A.F. bombed western and north-western Germany last night, admits an official German news agency report. Describing the R.A.F. raid over Germany the Air Ministry
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 491 1 SPECIAL JAPANESE ADVISER TO NOMURA Former Berlin Ambassador Selected; Situation Viewed Seriously i Tokyo, Nov. 5. MR. Saburo Kurusu, a former Japanese Ambassador to Berlin, is being sent to Washington as special adviser to the Japanese Ambassador to the United States, Admiral Nomura, the Japanese Information Board announced to-day. Mr.
    Reuter  -  491 words
  • 162 1 London, Nov. 5. AN Admiralty communique announces that three more enemy supply ships "have been sunk by our submarines m the central Mediterranean. Two of these were of about 4,000 tons and the other about 1,500 tons. Two of these ships were m a convoy escorted by
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 119 1 Bangkok, Nov. 5. THE latest of a series of outright 1 denials of Press reports from Japanese sources concerning Thailand is contained m a Thai Government communique issued this even"There is no truth whatever m thia report, says the communique referring to a Japanese agency report that
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 166 1 Kuibishev, Nov. 5. Spokesman M. Loiovsky has denied the German claims to have capture* "almost the whole of the Crimea." He said very heavy fighting at present is going on m the Isthmus. Reuter San Francisco, Nov. 5. The I'nited States may be obliged to supply Britain many
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 649 2 British Attitude To Bu rma Clea r The Times London, Nov. ;>. THE attitude of the Imperial Government towards the Burmese problem has already been made clear, declares The T*mes m an editorial on the visit of U Saw to England. The Times proceeds to recall the address of Sir
    Reuter  -  649 words
  • 134 2 BLAMEY TO TALK WITH DUFF-COOPER Canberra, Nov. 5. (GENERAL Sir Thomas Blarney, t General Officer Commanding the Australian Imperial Force and Deputy Commander-in-Chief, the Middle East, who has been recalled to Australia for consultat ion, will arrive m Sydney on Monday, it is learned here officially. He is expected to
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 85 2 Washington, Nov. 5. SENATOR WALSH, chairman of the Senate Nayai Affairs Committee In an address prepared for delivery m the Senate comes out firmly against the proposed revisions of the Neutrality Act. He protests that to arm merchant ships would be 'to weaken our Navy.'
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 101 2 American Submarine Ceremony Groton (t-on- necticut)^ Nov. 5. rE two American submarines which are being tians- f erred to Brij tain and Po--1 land under the Lease- Lend Act were commissioned with British and Polish crews at a brief ceremony held here yesterday. The submarine transferred to Britain is of
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • In Brief
    • 56 2 New York, Nov. 5. THE result of th e election for Mayor of New York is, Fiorello La Guardia 1,186,394, William O'Dwyer, 1,052,553 votes. William O'Dwyer, Democratic candidate for mayor, concedes to Fiorelk) La Ouaidia's re-election. Majtor La Guardia is an ardent champion of the British cause and a vehement
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 39 2 w m w Ottawa, Nov. s.— Practically ail the factories capable of war work are now so engaged. Mr. Howe, •the Munitions Minister stated m the House of Commons. The cumulative total orders h e added exceeded $2,600,000,000. Reuter
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 38 2 Vichy, Nov. 5. Fourteen "Communists" have been sentenced to death by a court martial at Kishindev, capital of Bessarabia, says a despatch from Bucharest. It was stated they intended to blow up public buildings and sabotage railways.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • 104 2 Chungking, Nov. 5. THE Overseas Chinese War Fund Association of New York has sent a wire to President Lin Sen and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, congratulating both of them on recent Chinese victories m Hunan and Kwangtung. The message said that the association had remitted
    Central News  -  104 words
  • 159 2 IMMIGRATION AGREEMENT CRITICISED New Delhi, Nov. 5. STRONG criticism of the IndoBurma immigration agreement was heard m the Central Legislative Assembly here yesterday when one speaker described the agreement as "worthy of Hitler." The agreement regulates and restricts the immigration of Indians into Burma. It was published on July 21
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  • 16 2 New York, Nov. 5. The Journal of Commerce estimates the cotton crop at 10,553.000 bales. Reuter
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  • 125 2 New York, Nov. 5. BY next spring the United States armament programme will overshadow the Nazi effort" declared Mr. Coldwell, President of the Society of Automobile Engineers m the New York Times to-day. "This country is building 5,000 aircraft engines monthly, compared with
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 181 2 Arthritis Cause fought 30 Minutes By absolving and removing the DOdy poisons and adds that cause stiffness. ■preness and swelling of Arthritis and Rheumatism the amazing new discovery sUnfie«4 is bringing health and happiness to thousands of one-time sufferers. In 30 minutes after the first dose of Rvraend pains vanish
      181 words
    • 25 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, Exclusively. \JS^ THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BUMS., PHONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience.
      25 words
    • 67 2 I CHIME! E I I 0R mil NG y^| I CORP mKfjP Undertakes banking fransactions of every description. Places at your disposal the multifarious services of its institution with branches all over South Eastern Asia and connections m all principal cities of the World. •Welcomes consultations on financial and investment
      67 words

  • 390 3 Navy's Vichy Ship Action Lauded London, Nov. 5. THE interception by the British Navy of Vichy's "guilty ships," as one newspaper calls them, has raised a chorus of demands m the London press for a more vigorous diplomatic attitude towards the Vichy Government. The Times writes, "This action of French
    Reuter  -  390 words
  • 191 3 JULIANA SEES DEMOCRACY AT WORK Hyde Park (New York) Nov. 5. WITH Princess Juliana seated 'oy hhs side. President Roosevelt, addressing a gathering of 300 townsfolk on his front lawn, exDressed the hope that the day would come when the Princess and her mother would return to their home m
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 99 3 > New York, Nov. 5. > 4 N International Labour Office conference ha > adopted a resolution proposed by the United Mairs delegate, Carter Goodrich, ur^in^ that the I L.O -*****1111 be represented at the future peace conference and associated with it the
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 84 3 Chungking, Nov. 5. COINCIDENT with the report of Japanese troop movement m Indo-China, the spokesman of the National Military Council announced at his Press conference on Monday that around 20,000 Japanese troops hav e been concentrated at Bocca Tigris, at the mouth
    Central News  -  84 words
  • 62 3 London, Nov. 5. rE British authorities have no direct news from Vichy regarding the reported arrest of fourteen British subjects, Reuter's diplomqftic correspondent learns m London on Wednesday. The authorities are awaiting a report from the American Ambassador who is watching over British interests m
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 44 3 San Francisco, Nov. s.— Nearly 700 Australian and New Zealand aviators have arrived here on the liner Mariposa. They have entrained for Atlantic points m the United States and Canada. Some are ready to fig ht m Europe while others require further training. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 176 3 Wavell's Visit Considered Important New Delhi, Nov. 5. THE visit of General Sir ArchiI bald Waveil, C.-in-C, India, to Singapore is considered here to be of considerable importance. It is now known that he recently visited the Middle Eastern Command where it is presumed cooperation was discussed between the Commands
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 240 3 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE-' Witboat CftJwd- Ami Ym'U Jw« Ml tl Be 4 it Urn Mtniag F«ll of Vto. The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not Mowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays m the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 142 3 lonthel AIR SAIGON 25 46 metres (***** Xi 49 05 metres (6. 116 Kc.) BANGKOK HSPS 25.6 metres (11 715 mcs) From 6. 50 p.m. to 9.20 p.m. RANGOON XYO 6. 007 mcls (49. 94 metres) From 6- 50 p.m. to 11. 20 p.m. HONGKONG ZBW 952 mcs (31 4
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  • 115 4 Y.W.C.A. Week Of World Fellowship And Prayer an Important event u>r Y.W.CA mem- her-- la tin 1 celebration throughout th<world each wtxmt la known aa the vwe A woek <>i world fellowship and pn \er. Here m Singapore the week, which beKin.s on Sunday m-xt. opens with a combined early
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  • 111 4 THE annual Wesley Church will be held on Friday from 4.00-8.00 p.m. It is not Just an ordinary bazaar where one can J>uy items at various stalls but '.ike an old country fair. Games and special shows including Punch and Judy and an electric merry-go-round will
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  • 42 4 A FURTHER, talk m the series 1 "War Time Cook", piving advice i on dietetics and economic war-time cookery, will be given at 12.45 p.m. to-morrow and at 8.45 p.m. the fortnight's prize-winning "By Clipper" letter will be read from he Studio.
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  • 568 4 PROPOSED TAXES CONSIDERED LOW A HANDSOME tribute to the splendid gesture of the Chinese community which collected m the "Aid to Britain Week" over $139,000 was paid by His Excellency the Gover nor at the adjournment of the Legislative Council meeting yesterday. His Excellency thanked the Chinese community for their
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  • 101 4 ONE hundred and twenty-nine years ago a wdild-be conqueror of Russia was forced into a disas trous retreat from the burning city of Moscow, his vast army suffering almost total annihilation. The year was 1812, and Napoleon the would-be conqueror. A dramatisation of this stirring event, written
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  • 74 4 OTATED to have been a poison who had bOMI banished from Johorr. Lim Ah Moo' i-iB>. a Kli^k wcman. had a charge Of return from banishment explained to her when she appeared before Mr. H E Klngdon, In the third police court. "I malnialn I have
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  • 107 4 Constable Runs Foul Of The Law I HIS licence dis- qualified for i three months, when convicted on two charges i of riding a mo- torcycle with- out .1 licence while uncover- ed by third party insurance, Nawin bin Ab- dullah, describ- ed as a consta- 1 ble, was fined
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  • 339 4 CHINESE GENEROSITY THANKED I FIND it difficult to express adequately to you. to the members of your committee, and to all those who have assisted In the organisation of this campaign my [gratitude for this magnificent gesture on the part of the Chinese community," writes Sir Shenton (Thomas m a
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  • 67 4 A DDRESSING the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday on the subject of clerical I Indebtedness, Mr. A. K. Isaac ol the Malayan Co-operative Societies, advanced the proposition that one ol the factors which handicapped the clerk was that salaries In the last 30 years had not "followed the patli
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  • 223 4 f ITTLE known to the public is Malaya's shipbuilding programme involving the construction of 63 vessels of over 500 horse power each, m addition to considerable numbers of fast motor patrol launches and boats, some designed for special purposes m Malayan waters. This
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  • 185 4 POSING as a member of the Military Police who had been sent to summon shopkeepers for non-com-pliance of lighting restrictions during the last blackout, a Malay, wearing the uniform of a militaiy unit, visited some shops m Balestier Road on Oct. 2 and obtained sums of money. He
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 61 4 1 1 -^^^^SS'v^fc^ BRANDS |HCf I (Hospital Quality) w^^m -FNT lON "DOG'S D^^^g PfTRE BRANDY A runs BfE-UFi" 140 Warms 18s BIKXS PIIILP LIKE. I (Incorporated m Australia) MONTHLY SAILINGS TO BRISBANE, SYDNEY. MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND For information regarding freight and passenger accommodation apply to BOUSTEAD
      61 words

  • Article, Illustration
    833 5  -  H.L. HOPKIN'S London, btpt. 30. JtfEVER sine- the war began baa London been so crowded as it is at present. People who were m a position to live elsewhere and had gone seem to have decided that, m the absence of raids, town is better than the country.
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  • 303 5 MORNING TRIBUNE THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1941. CONFIDENCE Nazis have started what appears to be an all-front drive against the Russian defences m an attempt to render future organised resistance on any impressive scale by the defenders utterly impossible. Such a technique involves heavy expenditure of men and material on the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 455 5 Is Your MOTORCAR fully insured? i South British Insurance Co., Ltd. TeL 5926 2, Finlayson Gre«n Asthma Agony Curbed m 10 Minutes Since the discovery of Mendaco by an enables you to sleep, but also builds up tha American physician it Is no longer neces- system to ward off future
      455 words
    • 59 5 Stop "Shocking" Your Feet! Prom to-day fit PHILLIPS Soles and let this sturdy blanket of rubber act as a walking cushion which prevents tired feet. And as you have foot comfort you save money, for they outlast three ordinary leather soles. Obtainable everywhere. PHILLIPS RUBBER SOLES AND HEELS Sole Agents—
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  • 1006 6 Girl Guide Headquarters Opening Peo&le Places By Ye™ ArUntore TLAXEN-HAIRED Dutch girl f ouides Malay guides from Johore, Brownies. Wren guides ana little patients from St. Andrews Mission Hospital, also m their guide uniform were on parade at the new Guide Hut opposite Government House for its opening on Tuesday.
    1,006 words
  • 237 6 news from the shops FOR THOSE WOMEN who carefully, PRISCILLA LTD. IN* street) offers the perfect so Specially designed to hold m flat these are well-boned m frc with side hooks so that it is mci on and off. In addition, there which provide of their light and made witr
    237 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 WftVESCT Eugene Qi Perms SttftM'OO To suit the texture of your hair rftdftl Treatment Vlkro Vtolet E*y Elizabeth 159 North KBrMf^ Road* XtL 4419. PALAIS des MODES] 7-9, STAMFORD ROAD, PHONE 4616. GREAT CASH SALE STARTING 31st October LEARN HOW TO ENHANCE YOUR BEAUTY FROM Women who have learnt how
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 785 7 WEAR YOUR YEARS WITH PRIDE For The Older Woman 1 IF you are unmistakably an "older woman," your clothes should say it with confidence and pride. Bulges that betray years are unnecessary, these days, but even if you are as slim as your daughter, and nearly as active, you are,
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  • 85 7 The Long And Short Of It A GIRL of small proportions may wear any design created for her taller sisters by adapting them to her own height. For instance, a girl of 5 feet or slightly more or less, may wear a pancake sailor, if she knows a few clever
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  • 236 7 tricks to aid height ANOTHER "don't" for the diminutive miss regards the wearing of contrasting blouses and skirts. To give a long-legged look, you may wear a high-waisted skirt and a diagonally striped blouse. By lifting the waistline, it will lengthen the line from hip to hem, and the upper
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  • 107 7 ORGANDIE frills, m pastel pink, pale blue and yellow, are seen everywhere on collars and cuffs, and also cascading down front, backs, sides and sleeves, giving the wearer that charm that can only be given by lingerie dtails. ALTHOUGH it took the jabot such a long time to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 THC BOYAt BAIiMY BAft f S^IHOBM^AHq^^Mj^ v^ ?wffl WL T^v 3 nnimi^^ g I* 1 .1 I V v tirvJrvl PHONE 5376 FIVE LINES cs 173A Advt. of Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. g
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 588 8 ff_^^^^^^ s_ A wbo^^^^ Situations Vacant WANTED Experienced Field Conductor and Lines Dresser for Klang district. Apply Box' No. 808 c|o Malaya Tribu^ Kuala Lumpur. iKo. T.T.I CHINESE DISPENSER State age, experience and salary required to Box No 818 clo Malaya Tribune, Ipoh. (No. 767 L) SMART Girl Typist— Telephone-Opera-tor
      588 words
    • 629 8 Wanted WANTED One Pomeranian dog (*****) five to six months' old. Apply Box 812 cio Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 759 L) WANTED to purchase quantities of papain or pawpaw milk, Box 809 c|o Malaya Tribune, Kuala Lumpur. (No. 757 L) WANTED furnished house, two bedrooms, near bus route. Box 846
      629 words
    • 675 8 For Sale FOR SALE— One ruling machine by Spicers Ltd., and fair quantity of type metal m cases on stands. Apply Malaya Tribune Press Ltd., Anson Road, Singapore. FOR S/^LE: O.E.C. Fidelity All-Wave Super 10 Auto Radiogram m perfect condition. Write Box 856 c|o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 841 L)
      675 words
    • 647 8 iool. 273. Joo Chlai Road, Katong Higher Hookkeeplng, Englisn Law, Commerce «fc Finance. Economics, <v Professional Kxiims Coaciui)/ by member oi the London Assn of Accountants ('lasses from 3-11-41. (No. 817 L) KEBAYA KRANCHANG. Dress School You can learn fchla art at n small fee with a BhOTi time. Madam
      647 words
    • 581 8 Property For Sale FOR SALE beautifully panelled, newly decorated bungalow cj bedroom*, 2 llr-COnditlOned), hlgk elevation Holland park, Tanglln, itandlng m over two acres freehold land; tennis court, garagl 2 cars, 4 miles town; exquisite furnishings at purchaser's opt!' n; lirst reasonable Offtl accepted; arrangement to view, write Box 850
      581 words

  • 548 9 RECS BEAT CEYLONESE WITH LATE GOAL Losers Led 1-0 At Ha If -Time A GOAL scored five minutes before full-time gave the Singapore Recreation Club a narrow win over the Ceylon Sports Club m a fast hockey match on the Recs' ground yesterday. The Ceylonese, for all their narrow defeat,
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  • 80 9 H/fBBTDfO the R.A.F. (Seletar) af IJukit iVI Timah yesterday. Raffles College added yet another victory to their Ions; string of successes when they won by four goals to one. Abdul Karini. who scored three of the Koals. Incidentally performing a hat trick, was the
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  • 64 9 Friendly Badminton THE following will represent Far East Oxygen Company against Raffles Institution m a friendly badminton match comprising of 3 singles and 2 doubles to be played at the lather's court on Saturday, Nov. 15 starting at 2.30 p.m. Lim Sens Cheow. Wee Pans Hour. An;>; Seng Hoe, Tan
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  • 63 9 Ottawa, Nov. 5. pxpERTS from the l» United Kingdom have arrived In Canada to assist m the early construction of the destroyers, Mr Angus Mac Donald, the Canadian Navy Minister, announced m the House of Commons to-day. N A total of 7,000 ships carrying 42,500,000 tons of materials have left
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 86 9 rpWO hockey teams fielded by Jlie Medi- cal College Union yesterday scored good victories, the first team defeating the R.A.F. (Kalian*;) by five «oals to two at Kallang and the second team, playing at home, winning by six noals to one their game against Pitman's College. In
    86 words
  • 66 9 TWO Koals scored m the ttftt naif by Darslian Singh K ave the Naval Police a R ood win over the Johore State Police when they met m a hockey match at the Na Tho V»"32%& at a fast pace throughout, with neither side dominating orS The
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  • 68 9 SINGAPORE civilians' hockey team will A meet the Straits Settlements Police m a match to be played on Tuesday, Nov. 11, the venue to be fixed later. The following will represent the Chilians for this match V. N P llai. K. Muthucumaru. P. F. de Sonza, a.
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  • 119 9 FIVE more ties m the SCR. C open invitation lawn tennis tournament were decided yesterday evening. Following were the results: Open vin&les: Low Kc c Pow beat Scan Kens Siew 6—4, B—6. Men's handicap singles: Tan Puay Hee .3) beat B.H. Tan <plus 3> walkover. Men's doubles handicap:
    119 words
  • 114 9 SCOEING a Roal through Kellett two minutes i frcm the end, the R. A. MX', snatched victory when they met the V.M.C.A. m a hockey match at Prince Edward Road yesterday. The game provided fast and interesting hoc- Itey which had its exciting moments. The V's opened
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  • 84 9 London, Oct. 15. R.A.F. boxing followers have been strongly tip. ping their Sergt. Freddy Mills as a coming heavyweight champion. He certainly justified this confidence at the Albert Hall, for he gave six pounds and <a decisive beating to no less an opponent tihan Tommy Martin, the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 71 9 SPORTS j DIARY j TO-DAY HOCK E V: A.C.S. v Singa- pore English School, ()>d- i ham Hall; Post Office v Harle- quins, Post Of- Ace ground. RUGBY: Loyals j v Navy, Gill- j man; Medical College y Fort- j ress Signals, College. TENNIS:! S.C.R.C. tour- i ment. Tide Table!
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  • 274 10 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne, Nov. 5. UPON arrival m Darwin, Mr. Duff Cooper said that the position m the Far East was so delicate thai anything was likely to happen. "Your ffuetfl is as good as mine, however and 1 cannot forectflt what will happen," he declared. Mr.
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  • 75 10 Vichy, Nov. 5. Count de Brinon, the French Delegate General for the occupied territory, on his return from Germany said that his visit had been a private one and was not for the purpose of pursuing Franco-Ger-man negotiations, according to the Vichy news agency. De Brinon said
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 166 10 YOU, foo nvi// CHOKE wi/Ai LAUGHTER! It's another RIOT of HILARITY TO-DAY 'With those "BUCK PRIVATES" of "IN THE W NAVY" Fame! They're m the TROPICS NOW! 315 6.15 9.15 BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO m "QJffll XIGHT IX THE TROPICS With MUSIC and SONGS by JEROME KERN >4&>; (°f "ROBERTA"
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  • 325 11 NEWS FROM INDIA New Delhi. Nov. 4. THE Government of India has requested the Secretary of State to postpone the issue of the Order-in-Council implementing the India -Burma Immigration Agreement. This was announced to-day m the Central Assembly by Mr. M. S. Aney, Member for Indians Overseas, and leader of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 269 11 I'll l»l it* Notices NOTICE: I >K TIII: INFORMATION OF ALL WHO HAVE: SERVED OR ARE STILL SERVING IN H.M. FORCES AND WHO ARE IN POSSESSION OF BRITISH WAR MEDALS. (Issued by the Singapore Branch of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya). SUNDAY, 9TH NOVEMBER, 1941. SERVICE AT THE CATHEDRAL. Sunday,
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    • 47 11 TO-DAY i TIAT7TT TA\T i j PAVIHON j FOB AUj y Oi j B FI jn %X 5— 6.15 9.15 A LAUGHTEB with latest GAUMONT BRITISH NEWS §MEET I --> C VJK JL i I MIItA X D A I JbJ^^ pwythaa' P A V ILXOIX NEXT CHANCI^I
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 136 11 Singapore Municipality TENDER*. TENDERS are now invite* for th* following materials or ■errloe. for particulars see Municipal Tender Room. TENDER Data of Cloalna fiup.Hy of Bread Eggs to Mlddleton Hospital, Moulmein Road, during 1942. 12 noon, 1 December, 1941. Supply of Liquid Chlorine for the period 1|1|42 to 31 1
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  • Morning Tribune Thursday, November 6, 1941.
    • 349 12 AMERICAN NAVY HUNTING U-BOATS New York, Nov. 5. lMERICAN warships on the Atlantic patrol have been acthely hunting Hitler's U-boats A ever since President Roosevelt's "shoot on sight' order nearly two months ago. The New York Press to-day states that it has learned from authoritative Naval source that vessels on
      Reuter  -  349 words
    • 215 12 London, Nov. 5. THIRTY-NINE French ships, besides the five in the recent convoy, have been intercepted on various routes this year, it was disclosed by the Ministry of Economic Warfare to-day. The 39 ships had a total tonnage of 164,000. It is officially announced that apart
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 69 12 DUST HOLDS UP TOBRUK PATROLS Cairo, Nov. 5. MIDDLE East communique issued to-day .says that, at Tobruk yesterday, "a continuance of dust storms again interfered with our patrolling activities. "The enemy's shelling of our western sector was somewhat heavier than normal but we suffered no jasualties. '"m the frontier trea,
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 70 12 Russia Gets Medical Supplies London, Nov. 5. I ARGE consignments of Russia s most urgent medical re- quirements are daily leaving, and it m expected by the end of January to send at least 30 per cent. of Russia'^ total needs, said Field Marshal Sir Philip Chetwode. chairman of thp
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 30 12 San Francisco. Nov. b M. Richard Brunot Governor of Tehiti and New Caledonia, has mrived here on his way to London where he will report to General de Gaulle Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 62 12 By their indomitable courage and splendid fighting spirit the little band of men who hold Tobruk m the face of the fiercest attacks of the Axis forces have won the admiration of the civilised world. The Germans have learned to fear the Australian patrols which nightly harass
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 282 12 Piles Drive You Crazy Don't let itching, bleeding. Internal or protruding Piles sap your vitality, ruin your nerves, and drive you crazy with pain. Cbinaroid the recent discovery of an American physician stops the pain m 15 minutes so you can walk. ride, work and enjoy life m comfort. It
      282 words
    • 85 12 >l II SM *t t x .1" "CEr\iT~-A- PLANE" FUND j SCORE: I I WE REMIND YOU AGAIN 1 IF YOU HAVEN'T YET BOOKED. 'PHONE 3401 MON.24>hNov. mkmmgm Entitv proceeds to the fl W£flA Amenities Fund for the *^mWMMT&M> ±**^m\\\\\ three Services, t D^s w^O*'\ \\km\ r< Mmm «X «w^HrV
      85 words