Morning Tribune, 4 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 24 1 NETT lALBS BXCKKII l :.«»o i>\n v The Morning Tribune Vol. 6— No. 237, Tuesday. November 4, 1941. jdkgfdsjfjdgflds Morning Tribune WMncsdmy, October •">. IMI.
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  • 162 1 Nazi Bomb Fell Near Brit. Mission London, Nov. 3. SIR Walter Citrine, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, who, with four other members of the T.U.C. General Council, has returned to London from Russia after meeting Soviet Trade Union leaders, to-day, gave a vivid account of the party's experience.
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  • 111 1 PRIOR to his departure for Aus-| tralia, yesterday. Mr. Duff Cooper saw Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell m Singapore. Mr. Duff Cooper has now arrived at Batavia on the first stage of his journey; to Australia. I Gen. Wavell saw local defence chiefs to-day. Shortly he is
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  • 306 1 Hong Kong, Nov. 3. REFLECTING the Chinese community's readiness to share the defence of Hong KniiS m the event of emergency, hundreds of Chinese workers, students, and traders from the Hong Kong New Territories jammed the Wellington Barracks' recruiting olfice as enlistment of
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  • 245 1 London, Nov. 3. MORE R.A.F. night attacks upon German shipping are announced m an Ai r Ministry communique issued to-day which says that on Sunday night. "Hudson aircraft of the Coastal Command attacked enemy shipping off the Dutch islands and objectives on the coast of Norway. "In
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  • In Brief
    • 41 1 London, Nov. 3.—General de Gaulle, Mr. Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Secretary, and Mr. Brendan Bracken, Minister of Information, were among the large congregation present at a Requiem Mass for the French dead at St. James' Church m London to-day. Reuter
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    • 26 1 Sydney, Nov. 3.—The Prime Minister of Burma, U. Saw, will, it is understood, pay a brief visit to Australia on his way home from London.- Reuter
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    • 68 1 Cairo, Nov. 3. A communique issued from the British G.H.Q. In the Middle East announces that at Tobruk. "enemy shelling m all sectors showed a slight decrease, v dust storm limited activity, but one Italian prisoner was captured by our patrols. In the frontier area, despite dust storms, enemy patrol
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    • 32 1 Buffalo (New York), Nov. 3.— The threatened strike at two factories of the Bell \in r.ct Corporation, now engaged un \nul.»- \meri( m orders valued at $150- million has been postponed.- Reuter
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    • 47 1 Washington, Nov. 3. The State Department announced that Britain has given permission to a United States Red Cross ship to take relief supplies for children m occupied France, sailing about Not. 20 for Marseilles. Negotiations are still m progress for safe conduct from the Axis.— 4 Reuter
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    • 40 1 London, Not. 3 —Sir Arthur William Hill. a c<rl 66, Director of Kew Gardens, fell from a horse and was killed near Richmond. Surrey, to-day, sir Arthur had travelled the world collecting specimens, visiting South Africa and other Domi- Reuter
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  • 71 1 Stockholm, Nov. 3. SOVIET prisoners captured by the Finns reveal that several large British transport ships have arrived at Archangel and that the war sup-( plies they brought are being transported rapidly southward, according to the Helsingfors correspondents of Swedish newspapers. British troops, consisting- mainly of
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  • 646 1 (From Maurice Lovell, KmUrs Special Correspondent m Kuibishev). London, Nov. l>. THE battle for the Crimea has become more tense, and Soviet marines are now joining the Russian army defenders along the Isthmus leading to the Peninsula. They have already done excellent work m
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  • 132 1 Mail Gensors Hold Up Japanese Ship San Francisco, Nov. 3. ITOE sailing of the Japanese steam- er Taiyo Mam, which may be one of last for some time, met with unexpected difficulties and her departure was delayed for two hours when the postal authorities insisted that 60 tons of mall
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  • 947 2 Why Germans In Japan Are To Be Evacuated GERMAN women and children and any men who wish to go are to be evacuated U from Japan almost immediately, said the Singapore radio commentator last night. This news which has just leaked out of Japan, is not very surprising to people
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  • 215 2 NEWS BREVITIES Melbourne Nov. 2. Flight Lieut. Keith Tmscott, R.A.A.F., England, Corporal Hal Ball, of the A.I.F. Malaya, and the widow of Private Ron Barassi, who was killed m the Middle East, will receive Victorian Football League premiership medals. Each man played for the Melbourne Premiership team. The Federal Council
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  • 97 2 Las Angeles, Nov. 3. nETECTIVBS have been placed on guaid at the homo of the President's youngest son, John Roosevelt, wno lives with his wile and 16 month* old baby at Coronado. California. This, was announced by the local head of the Secret Service
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  • 113 2 London, Nov. 3. Till. Washington report that the Soviet Union has suggested to Britain that she should declare war upon Finland, Hungary and Rumania is substantially correct, Heater's diplomatic correspondent learns. The basis of the suggestion is that Germany's three vassal states are
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  • 220 2 Nazi General Annoyed With Hitler (Special Cable) London, Nov. 3. GENERAL Stuelpnagel is not very pleased with Ilerr Hitler. Hitler found it paid him to order a reprieve for the Nantes and Bordeaux hostages to keep sweet French workmen producing German weapons. Not only was General Stuelpnagel cross but so
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  • 62 2 Jerusalem, Nov. 3.— Twenty thousand ions «>f wheat are being Imported into Svn.i b> the I'nited Kingdom (omnun ial <or>»or.nion m fulfilment of the plrdiros made to the Syrian people. \lrt-adv whp.<t to the p\tpnt of X.rtftO t.»ns his ;irrived and the hal.>nc«' will he delivered
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 570 2 Situation Vacant ~t,i \Flf IL < I EMU w m RVICI Application* me invited for filling Vacancies In the Genera] Clerical Service m £ijlgap re m 1942. 2. Every applicant must have attained his 16th birthday and not yet have attained his 21st birthday, must be of good chaiacter and
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    • 687 2 Gjands Hade Active and Youthful Vigour Restored m 24 Hours American Doctor's Discovery jfl B^ to "ay that the Vi-Tabs Strengthens Blood, Nerves. Body, fl^ ls '"'"^i 1 .iBK 1 thoHe- wlio ai. old l.efoio Memory. Brain, Muscles, and En- y| pj-1 tiuir time, nun-down .i <i durance— Better Than
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  • 408 3 "Thailand Will Fight Any Invader" Says Consul THAILAND will never Allow any foreign power to cross over the bottler The report that the Japanese forces m Indo-China have done so is nonsense." LtMUlf Vudhisara Xetinati, Thai Consul-General to Singapore, who has just returned alter a month's stay m Thailand, told
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  • 299 3 THF Thais arc never influenced by the Japanese nor th e Germans 1 despite their clever propaganda work," a prominent Singapore resident from just back from Thailand told a Tribune reporter on his arrival m Singapore yesterday. ••'Jhr caimans." he added, "are
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  • 98 3 Mackenzie King Ends Talks With U.S. President Hyde Park (New Yorki, Nov. 3. MR. Mackenzie King, the Canadian Prime Minister, has concluded his "two-day consultations with President Roosevelt. Before leaving he declined to make any statement. He said: "We talked about anything ani everything," adding that a wide variety of
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  • 43 3 Sydney, Nov. 3. AN N.E.I, trade mission has arrived on a three-weeks' visit to investigate the possibility of establishing a central purchasing authority m Australia. It win have discussions with Mr. Curtiu, Mr. Beasley and Mr. Makin. Reuter
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  • 156 3 Loyang, Nov. 2. FE Chinese lecapture of Chengchow, after 33 days Japanese occupation was preceded by several vigorous, but futile thrusts launched by the enemy from Chengchow as well as from Chungmou towara the east and from Yingtseh toward the north-west The last desperate attempt vas
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  • 236 3 BREVITIES FROM THE COURTS ALLEGED to have broken into a house m Mansor Road and stolen 50 yards of poplin cloth and clotnes, the total value of which amounted to $80, Lim Kok Hong (31) had a tentative charge of! housebreaking and theft explained to him. He claimed trial to
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  • 206 3 R.A.F. Havoc In N. Africa Cairo, Nov. 3. widespread ha\ ie has been irl can ed In the latest h.a.f. and jouth African Air Force raids m i rth Africa. a communique issued by R.A.t leadQUarters .says: •South African iir Force bombers nttacked miUuy objectives at Benghazi and )erna during
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 129 3 Help Nerves AidGlandsCinemaWay In Hollywood thj Cinema Stars are under a nervous strain night and day. In prescribing for and treating famous actors and tectresses, a California physician succeeded m combining 9 highly concentrated extracts to aid nature Tn steadying and etrengrthening the nerves, bUilding rich tod blood, stimulating energy,
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    • 94 3 Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged with us. We also offer Gftdown spaces to let at low Further particulars will be supplied on application. Misters. aj -rpN ExStock IP ?M C Send your inquiries RAHAMIN PENHAS Chemical Pharmaceutical Dept. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penan*.
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  • 144 4 E.S.A.M. Armistice Day Arrangements t.\ oonneetloa with Armistice D;iy tben win be h iptu 1 tervioe at the Cfctbe* <lr;»l on Sunday. N>>. :> which will be OtMMTOd 8n the off! rial day of remembrance and dedication The service It timed to start at 10.30 a.m. Members of the Ex-Services
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  • 279 4 Muslim Girl No Longer Minor After Puberty UOLDINC? that once a Mohammedan j»irl attains puberty she iy no more a minor under the Mohammedan law. Sir Percy McElwaim. chief justice, yesterday ;.l!owed the appeal of Ghouse bin Haji Kader Mastan who was sentenced by the ciiminul district judge to nine
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  • 212 4 TONVICTED by Mr. R. Moor on two charges under the Defence Regulations. Ong Hoe Hui, former ly a coolie attached to the main Depot which supolies food tD His Majesty's forces m Malaya, was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment. Ong Hoe was found guttty of
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  • 58 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. TfIVE persons a Tamil woman, two Chl- nese and Chinese child— were killed and some 12 people injured when a bus proceeding In the direction of Klang from Kuala Lumpur, hit a culvert and dropped into a ditch on the Kapar
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  • 55 4 THE next "Clipper" with mails froni Europe, America the Pacific and the Philippine Islands is new expected to arrive m Singapore to-morrow. The latest time of posting at the General Post Office, Singap:re, to connect with mails for the above mentioned countries on the return flight, will be
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  • 117 4 rpAN KEE SIANG. described as the lir»-n--■M of ihe Modern Cafe, and L:tl Kay See, stated to have been a "boy" employ.'i In the cafe, uppeared before Mr Kenneth M. Byrne, the fourth magistrate, fur their trial on a charpe of selling beer m the cafe without
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  • 158 4 Allahabad, Nov. 2. FOLLOWING a two- day meeting of the Standing Committee of the Bombay Non-Party Leaders' Conference m Allahabad, Sir Tej B. Sapru has issued a statement saying that the status and powers of India after the war would be one of perfect equality.
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  • 172 4 rvNr, hundred and iiity (|iiart bottles c i •Chinese found cleverly hidden underneath a double luldcd bunk m LtM cabin of the chief steward of a ship, resulted m Chu Mar Chonu, the chief steward, and YanK Ah Pin, described as a pantry "boy" on the
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  • 218 4 New Regulations Affecting Forces ii, T IIKN an\ pcnon who »s a member of UM armed lout's h.ts been convirlpd m any court m the Colony of any offence and sentenced to a term of imprisonment, or imprisonment m default of a payment of fine, the court, notwithstanding any of
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  • 120 4 Charges of Corrupt ion T/"OK WFE FONG, a carpenter working m the Senior Civil Engineers' Department, Naval Base, was to have stood his trial yesterday on two charges of extorti'UK money, and on alternate charges of corruptly receiving money from two other carpenters The case was fixed for two days
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  • 222 4 WHEN Pio Abeysekera, a young Ceylonese, appeared m the assize court yesterday on a charge of raping Upawathie James, a girl undei 14 years of age. alternatively, with having carnal intercourse with a girl under 16, other than- by way of marriage, Mr. E. N. Gnfflth-Jones, crown counsel,
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  • 153 4 Chinese D ischa rged AGREEING with the unanimous verdict of not guilty n returned by the jury, Mr. Justice Worley discharged Oni; Tee, alias Ong Kow Too, who appeared m the high court yesterday on a charge of being In possession of two forged $10 Straits Settlements currency notes. "I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 467 4 Property For Sale FOR SALE, beautifully panelled, newly decorated bungalow (3 bedrooms. 2 airoondltioned). high elevation Holland Park, Tanglln, standing m over two acres freehold land: tennis court, garage 2 cars, 4 miles town; exquisite furnishings at purchaser's option; first reasonable offer accepted; arrangement to view, write Bo> 850 co
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 110 4 Radio Programmes rnHE second of the series of Health Talks, dealing with the care ot health In the tropics, will be given from the Singapore station at 7.45 p.m. to-day. This will be followed at 9.15 p.m. by the eighth lesson m the series "Colloquial Malay." m which teacher and
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  • 923 5 London, Sept. 28. fS. f TNKVI TAB L V there has been v JEL2 lot of discussion of (TV WL the fact that it has V' J Q not been possible to y^^^W giv<« aid to the Rusf^xT\ s ans m the way °f >gL land
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  • 309 5 MORNING TRIBUNE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1941. U.S. STRIKES FORCE of circumstances may compel President Rooseyelt to consider general legislation against strikes m the defence industries. Whether such legislation will have as its object the introduction of compulsory arbitration or complete suspension of the strike weapon depends on the future attitude
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 66 5 CAN YOU AFFORD AN UNINSURED LOSS BRi FIRE? > South British Insurance Co., Ltd. TeL 5926 2, Finlayson Green HUD 5 0 N 5 jUMENTIIBL Ill^i'ni *X&**ss( THE GREAT ANTISEPTR HIP IS \!x EMINENTLY SUITED FOR lIP viM HUMAN BEINGS OF ALL Hlltv'ilill AGESFROM EARLY lll^jfctfc" CHILDHOOD UPWARDS, FOR JBB^^^^^^^^
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  • 970 6  - Halloween Party Flashes: New Stage Show VERA ARDMORE kldshkgdsygsd E9 MO one was brave enough to attend the Halloween 11 Ball at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday m fancy dress. Why is Singapore so notoriously fancy dress shy?— even at Christmas and the New Year it's the hardest thing
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  • 285 6 ROUND, after round of applause greeted Nella Wingfield, singer and accordeonist, when she performed at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night at the variety entertainment m aid of the Good Shepherd Convent Fund. Her appearance was due to the fact that one of the performers was unable
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 WAVESCT Eugene Oil Perms To suit the texture of your hair racial Treatment Tttn Violet Ray Omib itmmm Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf M 159 North Bridfe Road, Tel. 4419. chapeajux EXCIUSIVE*fniLLinERV Rn 0 .ACCESSORIES RUFFLES HOTEL IMQ BRRS BRSRH Rd. EfiTRRnCES ==3 SinQRPORE .TEL. 6504
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    • 8 6 IBAfrERY T ROAD JLiJL PHONEUait Gowns and Sportswear
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 196 7 EVAPORATED milk, whipped, may be used m place of whipping cream m any cold or frozen de&sert where a smooth texture is desired at minimum cost. The simplest method of chilling is to pour the milk into a freezing tray and let it chill until fine
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  • 273 7 TO KEEP ALUMINUM BRIGHT Do not worry when aluminum kitchen utensils discolour. The discolouration will not harm foods cooked m them. No dangerous chemical reaction takes place. Aluminum keeps bright if washed m hot, soapy water and wiped dry, and then occasionally polished with a reliable aluminum cleaner.
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  • 406 7 mouth-watering ways to serve HASH UASH can be one of the most uninspiring ways imaginable of 11 dealing with left-overs or, prepared m the following ways it can be as flavoursome a dish as anybody could ever ask for Particularly good Is the BAKED PUMPKIN SURPRISE, shown left To make
    406 words
  • 285 7 snacks that feature pickles s w^f'n- dm and ur pickie to au"s^^sn s- nJuK V 1 sh;iVK> and «*easoninga are the' i-by toi an easily served relish „ith?-r Un, 1 v PI^ LE AND CHEESE CANAPES' Slice bread V 4 inch thick and. cut large iound the size of a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 52 7 aK^ES IT makes a delightful dish jdm£l,\s\ we've lots o^mL^^li^^\ of good a two pound $^&im**rs»-% r, L* ''^»>\l flavoured V: M&& l enough for Vg fffrPP l j wU IJj^^l as tender tour persons tMws2m yP|^|l chicken PHONE 5376 FIVE LINES C.S. 252A Advt. of Singapore Cold Storage Co.,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 52 7 MEiekej Mouse !>■ Walt Disney \S vtiZaw tp )s4 V TNE 0L p BEAN Yl L^IES XND ©ENTLEMEN ?^S4 TMEsi V^T CLICKS 1 TM GOIN 1 »NT^pPUCIN6 MR. MONTMORENCY /7\ 4vJ m S-njFPEP 1 W VTO SEE THF < ffOI>AWf4, V/HO WILL ENTEBTJMN Jf A W^V shirt! $kih& Entertainment A
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 506 8 dkfldfdhf Situations Vacant WANTED Experienced Field Conductor and Lines Dreiwer for Klantt district. 1 Apply Box No. 808 c|o Malaya Tribu 1 Kuala Lumpur. > !■■>■ CHINESE DISPENSER State age, ex-i I perlence and salary required to Box No 816 clo Malaya Tribune, Ipoh. (No. 767 L) WANTED. Canadian or
      506 words
    • 673 8 Wanted PHILLIPS" Radio and Giam or good Radiogram. Particulars Box 806 c|o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 751 L) WANTED One Pomeranian dog (*****) five to six months' old. Apply Box 812 clo Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 759 L) WANTED to purchase quantities of papaln or pawpaw milk, Box 809 c|o
      673 words
    • 646 8 CONTRACTS for immediate erection of evacuee residences m first class and safety area according to Rural Board plans undertaken. Suitable sites between 8,000 to 11.000 sq. ft. lots on cheap monthly rental, water lights also available. Please apply Hugh Sun, 257, Lavender Street, Singapore. (No. 734 L) SINGAPORE RACES: Satisfied
      646 words
    • 626 8 I WHY PaY MORE? Learn Bennett College British Postal Courses— quickest, Oil— PCWt. easiest. Bookket -pliif.',. Shorthand, Cambridge. Matriculation, R.A.F. Candidates' Accountancy, Secretarial, Banking Journalism, Surveying, Building Construction. Engineering: Electrical. Mechanical, Motor. Radio, Wireless. Write: P O. Box 108, Singapore. (No. 779 L) Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to sell
      626 words
    • 530 8 Professional I'HIWrF INQUIRIES INVESTIUATIONS Satisfaction guaranteed. Woo, 243 Mladic Road, Singapore. Dial 3053. (No. 769 L) CAST OUT UNCLEAN SPIRITS, heal sickness nnd disease In the power of Lord Jesus Christ. Come. Free. "Peace Cove," 398, Joo Chlat Road, Singapore. (No. 738 L) Business Opportunities ADVERTISER is prepared to put
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  • 267 9 LATE GOAL GIVES S.C.C. WIN OVER P.W.D. Keen Hockey On Padang A BEAUTIFUL goal scored by Buick a minute before the end enabled the S.C.C. to snatch victory from the P.W.D. by the odd goal m three m a game of hockey on the Padang yesterday. Although the slippery ground
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  • 59 9 rpHS liwkr, iiKuch whirh w%t to h*** ten plM.vcd yesterday on the C.S.C. ground between the Ceylon Bpoita du^ vi i the Royal Artillery was cancelled OWlni to bud ground conditions Owin", to similar reasons the pame between the SRC and the V MCA. to have been
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  • 54 9 rnHE fifth annual athletic sports of the A Premier Institution will be held on Friday commencing at 4 p.m. at the Jala n Besar St:idlum. There will be a 440 yards flat race !or old boys at about 5.20 p.m. Mrs. I'aul Sammy has kindly consented
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  • 68 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Nov. i. OKVKKAI- annual sports items were gone tli rout; h at the conference of Johore teachers held her* this week. The Taylor Cup for badminton was won by Muar, while m hockey. Muar held the •"Rest" to a one-all
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  • 63 9 THE Maxfll Badminton Party will meet the SportllKht, Badminton Party at badminton on ttie former's court on Sunday commencing at 3 p.m The following have been selected to represent the Muxfli B.P.:— Nu Chang Hun, Tan Huat Seng, Kanu Yon« Hent. Lye Ah Lea* Ann Gher Yong.
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  • 272 9 THKRE was no play yesterday m the S.C R.C. invitation lawn tennis tournament. The following are ties for to-day, to-morrow and Thursday: TO-DAY Men's doubles h'cap: Jimmy Kam and Seah Eng Chiang (—3O) vs. Dymond and Nassim <plu.s 15). Open mixed doubles: Chua Choon Leonp and Mrs
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  • 111 9 GOOD hockc) should be witnessed on the B.C.C. padan^ to-day, when the Singapore Civilians, who just defeated the combined Army and Navy by two goals to one last week, meet stronger opposition, the Combined Services, m the second War Fund hockey match arranged by the Sinpore
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 84 9 SPORTS DIARY TO-DAY Hockey: Singapore Civilians v Combined Services (m aid of the War Fund), S.C.C; S.C. R C. v R.A.S.C. and R I A. S C, Hong Lim Green. Rugby: S.C.C. v R.A., SC.C; Medical College v R.A.F. (H.Q.), College; Loyals seconds v Raffles College, Gillman Police v St.
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  • 339 10 NEWS FROM INDIA Lucknow, Nov. 2. niR Maurice Kallett, >^ liovemor ol the United I'loviiK i laid to-day: 'I am convinced thai India, after tin war, win have a high and exalted piai c In the British Commonwealth of Nations and among the free nations of the \v«>i Id. That
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 164 10 s f t% > fvff; x f i UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OUTSHADOWINC every other Attraction m Town I i tl» I Til I TO-DAY The Walls ot Jericho ir 'It Happened fl@ ne Night"" Well thov tumble aq<nn as limniy BH takes heavenly Hedy or< a lossless honeymoon l I I
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  • 88 11 QKNTKNCK Ol fOlir VruiV sonniciit WM ImpO— (I >>!i Kn wiio described himself v farln--,' man, by Mr. Justin- Woi I<-v Maize oourt yesterday on m cbargc <>; ualawlully returning to the Colony Irom which hv had been banished for life. Oiik. who pleaded guilty, was
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  • 356 11 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne, Nov. 2. AUSTRALIAN public opinion polls by the Gallup method have found that 72 per cent. of those questioned answered "Yes" to "Should an Australian Cabinet Minister attend the British War Cabinet when it is discussing war policy affecting Australia?" Nineteen per cent. answered
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 265 11 Public Notice NOTICE: FOR THE INFORMATION OF ALL WHO HAVE SERVED OR ARE STILL SERVING IN H.M. FORCES AND WHO ARE IN POSSESSION OF BRITISH WAR MEDALS. (Issued by the Singapore Branch of the Ex-Sjrvices Association of Malaya). SUNDAY, 9TH NOVEMBER, 1941. SERVICE AT THE CATHEDRAL. Sunday, November, 9th is
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    • 101 11 I ff /A^ QUINTESSENCE of CRAZIOSSITY TO-DAY iH^^lI 3 5 I*! —CONDITIONED— r tSSI® j INI I™ F* F9 i (™i\P^i^^v i s crazy TOr^^^^ HAS BEEN \S~y\\ dfc^l/ NERVO and KNOX 1 C^r* 1 FLANAGAN and ALLEN %^^f NAUGHTON and GOLD MOORE MARRIOTt| Also Latest CAUMON T BRITISH NEWS
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  • 418 12 London, Nov. 4. THE German armies' increased threat to Russia's industrial power; the return of the British Trades Union leader, Sir Walter Citrine from Moscow, and the Labour Minister, Ernest Bevin's week-end appeals for six months of urgent sustained effort over the whole field
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  • 123 12 Kew Gardens' Chief Killed London, Nov. 4. WIR Arthur Wallis Hill O director of the Royal B^flmr Gardens, Kew, was killed m an accident yesterday. Under the auspices of the Empire Marketing Board he travelled widely m the North, South America India and all British Dominions developing links between similar
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  • 69 12 Mock War At "Gib" Gibraltar, Nov. 4. A MOCK attack on Gibraltar ha s just been carried out nd is expected to provide valuable lessons. The date and time of the attack were kept secret. After successive diving attacks on warships and shore defences by "enemy" bombers, the "invaders?" arrived
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  • 131 12 London, Nov. 4. BRITISH bombers attacked Syracuse p.ncl Ucata yesterday during the day and night," .says an Italian communique issued to-day. "An enemy submarine has been sunk m the Mediterranean," the communique adds. •'Despite continuing bad weather last night aircraft of the R.A.F. bomber command found and
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  • 100 12 Lisbon. Nov. 4. ACCORDING to the latest information reaching Portugal the French reaction to the shooting o: hostages has been one intense fury and disgust throughout the country. The indications are that the Germans have realised that they have gone too far. The reaction ha.s also
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  • 131 12  -  Frank Oliver (By Washington, Nov. 4. GEN. Sir Archibald Wavell's presence at Singapore is arousing considerable speculation m Washington as to whether the Far Eastern situation is more critical than is generally realised. Observers point out that the Middle East situation is critical, with the
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  • 204 12 London, Nov. 4. IN a memorandum on India to the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, the Society of Friends suggested that the Premier should support a three point policy submitted by them as the policy of the British Government. The Society expressed the belief that such
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  • 128 12 KOH Koon Hock, manager of Chop Hvv Hin Moulmrin Roaa. appear m the Sinparvore fifth court yesterday on a charge of rolling petrel between Ot 8 and Oct. 14 for September coupons Claiming trial Koh .ititl that it was a mistake on th°
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  • Page 12 Advertisements