Morning Tribune, 1 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Morning Tribune
  • 17 1 Morning Tribune Vol. 6— No. 2.i. r >, Saturday. November 1, 1941. Morning Tribune Saturday. November 1, 1041.
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  • 148 1 S St. Thomas (Ontario), Oct.* 3l. I PASSENGER airliner en i A route to Buffalo, New York, from Detroit, Michigan, i S trashed near St. Thomas last night. The plane was burnt out. i All on board including 17 S passengers and three mem. bers
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 46 1 Tokyo, Oct. 31. rpHF newspaper Hochi, in an editorial. A Generalissimo Chiang Kal-.-.hek to emulate Marshal Petain and make peace with Japan, asks "Has the Imperial Army ever resorted to atrocities In the ratio of fifty to one In reprisal against the Chungking terrorists?" Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 220 1 SUNK WEST OF ICELAND London, Oct. 31. THE United States destroyer Reuben James was sunk by a torpedo m the Atlantic, west of Iceland yesterday while convoying m the Atlantic. There is no immediate word whether there are any survivors. The Reuben James was a 1,200-ton destroyer,
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 94 1 Chinese Shot On Brit. Territory HongKong Protest To Tokyo It I 51. Tl tei ting to the autl > and Canton agauu lation of British sovereignty. The Incident occurred on Wednesday when a Japanese patrol flred from Chinese territory hitting a Chinese farmer In the British territory. Tho victim Is
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 269 1 Foi i Tokyo. Oct. 31. OF course we would be con- cerned, was the reply by X the government spokesman S 2 when questioned at a Press I Z conference to-day whether" S the Japanese Government 2 Z would be concerned regarding the London and Washington
    Reuter  -  269 words
  • 73 1 Tokyo, Oct. 31. FE Army organ Kokumin to-day demands the sett'ermnt n r niitj^t&ndjtyig QUftfttlon *r|tti Pm r > saying "N6W is he time to ask Russia to clarify her "tde." T*\? paper v" l c r><; t; 5: tb°t th«» So T
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 327 1 (By Maurice Lovell) Kuibishew Oct. 31. VERY little has been gained by the Germans through the capture of Kharkov from the industrial point of view, it is learned here. Its chief importance lies m the fact that it is a centre oi communications, especially
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 160 1 Washington. Oct. 31 —President Roosevelt told a Press conference to-day, that the Reuben James was simply carrying out the duty assigned to her. When pressed by reporters to say whether any American warships had sunk any (German submarines, President Roosevelt replied, h» would not say even if there
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 302 1 London, Oct. 31. THE German attack against Moscow is obviously being heavily pressed, but no fresh details have reached London from Russian sources, it was stated authoritatively to-day. Probably the most dangerous thrust is that m the direction of Tula but, although the Russians say that
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 198 2 HAMBURG LAMENTS OVER R.A.F. RAIDS London, Oct. 31. THE German authorities have lately given up trying to hide the heavy damage caused by R.A.F. raids over their towns. It has become impossible to continue the attempt. Instead, they have been admitting the strength of the offensive, coupled with assurances to
    Special Cable  -  198 words
  • 39 2 Four Dead In Hotel Blaze iBERDEEN, Oct. 31. A —Four people, including a woman, were burned to death m a fire at the Palace Hotel, Aberdeen, early to-day. The roof became a blazing mass, illuminating a wide area. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 28 2 Greek Hostages Hanged STOCKHOLM, Oct. I 31. Thirteen Greek hostages have! been hanged following the murder of two German soldiers m Salonika, according to Berlin reports. 1 Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 310 2 Gigantic Effort Of Germans A Failure Fa leading article on winter war m Russia, The Times, alter referring to the successful evacuation of Kharkov, says that the knowledge that "all the gigantic effort of the enemy has not enabled him to rob our ally completely of the industries m the
    Reuter  -  310 words
  • 58 2 JAPANESE SHIP AT S. FRANCISCO San Francisco, Oct. 31. rE Japanese liner Taluta Mam, which was requisitioned by the Japanese Government to repatriate American citizens In the Orient and 1.000 Japanese citizens m the United States, arrived here from Yokohama on Thursday. Fifteen American*; and Europeans, and 332 Amuican-born Japanese
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 30 2 A FURTHER evacuation exercise will be held m the East Coast and West Coast areas of Singapore to-morrow morning between the I hours of 8 a.m. and noon.
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  • 148 2 Shanghai, Oct. 31. A DEMAND for British retaliatory ac- tion for Japanese arrests of the Britons, Mason and Martyr, was made by Mr. H. W Woodheiui, BrltLsh commentator, m an article In the American-owned Shanghai Evening Post. Mr. Woodhead says that protests Tmvr proved, and
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 127 2 Curtin's Reply To "Invasion" Hint Canberra, Oct. 31. THE Australian Prime Minister, Mr. John Curlin. 1\ has replied to the German Admiral Luetzow's recent hint to Japan that Australia could easily hv invaded. Mr. Curtin said he was quite suie Japan knew the position far better than Lufetzow. Luetzow, he
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 87 2 London, Oct. 31. SIR John Anderson, Lord President of the Council, was married quietly yesterday to Mrs. Ralph Wipram, m the Chapel Royal at St. James's Palace. The wedding took place less than half an houi after a Cabinet meeting which Sir John hud attended. Mr.
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 103 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS, asses 165 Exclusively. \jp^ THOMSON OPTICAL CO. •4, ARCADE BLDC., 'PHONE 3<*2. K. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. I 1 1 I I i /f<?(?/^ handy/ DfILZO-ZINC OXIDE PLRSTEB This British-made self-adh»jslve plaster should be m every medicine chest it is the
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  • 355 3 NEWS FROM INDIA Rangoon, Oct. 30. To meet the shortage o{ sugar caused by heavy rains delaviii^ production, the Burma Government is to import 500 tons of Indian sugar, and has limited the monthly stocks of wholesale and retail dealers according to their requirements during May, June and July last.
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  • 151 3 Raffles College Maintain Record KAFFLES ollege maintained their unbeaten hockey rtcurd when they defeated the Straits Chinese Recreation Club by three goals to nil m a match at Hon« Mm (Jreen yesterday. Tho Cleverer trum, the College well deserved their fine victory. The standard of play, although the g£mt was
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  • 47 3 il iik (I. .nun., i mi; m the first half, a Coast Battery team scored a well-de-served victory over an S.C.C. team when they met m a game of rugby on the pndang yesterday. The tiunners won by 10 points (two goals) to 5 points (a goal).
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 184 3 C()Mi: UP SEE US! FIRST MIDNIGHT SHOW at the M!tM| [■fl —CONDITIONED-- QSISJ Tpn /tX"" v All m on/ picture! STEP jgy^ RUDY VALLEE OUT JPV ANN MILLER Akin cimp *^=J% ROSEMARY LANE fIWU dlßU,^#f ALLEN j EN KiNS DANP.F JO AN MERRILL uhiiul, %M^m BKNDA and COMMA LAUGH |>C
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  • 257 4 Melbourne. Oct. 30. SOLDIERS' and dependants' pay in-' creases provided by the Budget will be paid on allotment day next Thursday, though the payments will not be strictly i legal until the Budget has been approved. T3he biggest battle exercise yet seen m Australia began
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  • 36 4 THE arrangements: for Armistice Day m Singapore are the same as those adopted for this anniversary last year. Thei day will not be a! holiday and there will; be no military parade.
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  • 18 4 Now Delhi. Oct. 30. THE Bombay-Delhi and Bombay-Tri-vandrum ai r services will be resumed on Tuesday— By Radio.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 152 4 I What a Grand Idea for your Week-End Entertainment! •Hou to WOO an UNKISSED II BRIDE m ONK EASY jP^L^ I (B 3 JAMES STEWART.) (iSb^X r \pit o i i <j^fe?v I 4 SHOWS TO-DAY I 1 1 a.m. ■US 6.15 9.15 Lames stewart land HEDY LAMARR Mm most
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    • 132 4 The latc-l and best of <*»<• popular "SVIM" (hrilUts TO-DAY TO-MORROW 4 SHOWS are a a l m a Mil m a i MlMix **m m ■m t ifh'ir v^wa&*» i Produced b r WILLIAM SISTROM by LESLIE FENTON from ih« H<vv by l*»l<e Chorttfij Scr»»« ploy by Jt«fv
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  • 236 5 TOJO'S CALL FOR "MORE AND MORE AGGRESSION" London. Oct. 31. v IAPAN'S new Prime Minister has seized another occasion to declare that he is more fierceJ ly militarist than any of his fleeting predecessors," says the Daily Telegraph m a leading article headed "Eastern Storm Clouds." The paper continues:— "He
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 289 5 Horv-' Kong, Oct. 31: -An official communique issued this morning .states that "the Government is issuing a proclamation on Saturday regarding the appointment of a committee to inquire into alleged corruption m Government departments. The committee will be headol by the Chief Justice Reuter. Shanghai Oct. 31:
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 109 5 TEN-LANGUAGE BROADCAST FOR MARTYRS London, Oct. 31. COINCIDING with the five minutes v standstill demonstration m France called for by General cle Gaulle, the BBC this afternoon marked the occasion by a special broadcast m ten languages. In a spirited address Colonel Britton .said that France to-day was thinking of
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 86 5 Washington, Oct. 31 PRESIDENT Roosevelt has ora the United States army to take over U:e Bendix, Ne* Jersey, factory of Air Associates Incorporated which has been harassed by labour disputes since the strike of the Congress of Industrial Organisations Automobile Workers Union started on Sept.
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 230 5 "ORITAIN is now m a posiMJ tion to call the tune m the Middle East; the Italians and the Germans are well aware of this and are leading a very jumpy existence m the desert," said Mr. Alah Michie, war correspondent m
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  • 253 5 "COME LIVE WITH ME" (At the Capitol) "pOME LIVE WITH ME" has all the lngradients of a first class picture- -novel plot, smooth dialogue, humour and laughs by the score. Individually. James Stewart and Hedy Lamarr are superb. Together, they are a team that cinema audiences throughout the
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  • 102 5 London, Oct. 31. SPEAKING at a luncheon m honour of his 75th birthday Mr. H.G. Wells said that such a gathering was preposterous. "If you consider the tragic things happening m the world, then it is a shameful thing that you should have come herp to
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 170 5 3 STORIES FROM SHANGHAI Shanehai. Oct. 31. THE Japanese deny that a German raider supply shio is loading oil m Shanghai. The ship it is added, formerly known as the Quito, is -1,200 tons md belongs to 'the Nordeutscher Lloyd, and formerly plied m th* Amazon River. The Quito is
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 92 5 Melbourne, Oct. n. H THE production m Australia of cruiser tanks on an astounding scale was H forecast ny Mr. Maktn. after the inspec- H lion of a New South Wales factory wher» steel casing! for tanks were being cast M ••I wiic; wonderfully impressed at the splendid"
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 94 5 Canberra, Oct. 31. FE Australian Prime Minister, Mr. John Curtin, has announced that the Right. Hon. A. Duff Cooper will attend the meeting of the Australian Wai j C U He* 1 wm X also e confer with Defence chiefs and Defence Co-ordination
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 20 5 London, Oct. 31.— The Vichy Cabinet will meet to-day under the Presidency of Marshal Petam, says the Lyons radio Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 22 5 London, Oct. 31.— The governors of the Imperial Institute gave a reception yesterday to meet v Saw, thp Premier of Burma Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • Article, Illustration
    86 5 EVA GABOR| J poses here as* the original lady* with, of course,* certain additions! to the costume. S Her film debut S I is made m Z S "Forced Land- 2 Z ing/ m which J S she appears op- 2 posite Richard" Arlen. A very f busy future is"
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  • 40 5 Rome. Oct. 31.— British aircraft raided Tripoli and Benghazi, according to an Italian communique, which also states that when a British plane was brought down the six members of the crew, of which three were Canadians, were taken prisoner. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 89 5 U.S. PLANE PR ODUCTION PLAN New York, Oct. 31. A PRODUCTION goal of 75,000 and, possibly, 100,000 planes annually by 1943 is being planned by the United States Government, according to authoritative sources ir» vVashington quoted by the Journal of Commute. This involves a stepping up of bomber production to
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 Under BRITISH management WE SUGGEST j chOVCROVTE GARNI- an but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecooking. Our cellars have been restocked .Q^ JA littfc finest continental j e I 282 Orchard WineS and 5355 Road. liqueurs. jjjj i
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  • 1077 6 NEW 1942 WAR TAX MAKES ALLOWANCE FOR MARRIAGE GAZETTED last night was the War Tax Bill. 1942, the main features of which can be described as two fold. On the one hand the Bill provides for increased rates ol taxation and also lor the lowering: of the limit to include
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  • 82 6 S. C. B. A. Meeting SPEAKING at yes-i terday's annual! general meeting ol the Straits Chinese British Association, I Mr. Tay Lian Teck! urged governmental extension of the re-j giste-r of man-power, to include all Chinese British subjects.! Mr. Yap Pheng Gek called on Chi-, nese to join the vo-!
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  • 113 6 Municipal Tributes THE Singapore Municipal Commis-! sioners transacted their business at the! j ordinary monthly! meeting yesterday in' 15 minutes. There was a full j attendance of mem-; bers and the various items on the agenda' were approved with- 1 out any discussion. Two tributes were oaid by Mr. L.
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  • 94 6 A TAMIL children's 1 newspaper is the! latest addition to the! series of little news-, papers now beine;! published for schools m Malaya. The others are "Freedom" (for Eng-' iish schools the j Chinese Children's Fortnightly and the Mala y Children's Fortnightly. The new Tamil children's newspaper is
    94 words
  • 363 6 'I ill main lealures which distill- mUsk the bill from Mm IMI i Ordinance are ;»s follows: j (a) Raarrlage allowance <>f i i |2,JMt to individuals resident m the J Colony or m the X.M.S.; i (b) Assessment ol a partner m .i Inisiness individually on his
    363 words
  • 37 6 S QWIN'C; to limitalions of space as result vi the rationing of newsprint i Wt are unloi tunately com- ptllccl to restrict piiblica- 1 tic;n of Services' Brevities t(; Mondays only m future. I JJ
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  • 93 6 as a remembrance ol French bostagM 1 murdered by the Nad 1 m Pmnee and a chauengs of vengeance to tin- enemy, be »mall 1 ommunltj ol Pre French m Singapore. In keeplnß with their eomr;"l( r '■•< observed jreaterday as a day 01 mournln Observing an
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  • 25 6 LOST— Medium .sized black dog tan points, not wearing collar and registration disc. Last seen River Valley Road. communicate Combe. Tel No. 5121
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 383 6 r 1 Trade Bargains I OPTICAL When you need glasses, see X F. Chong. No bluff, Careful test before glasses given. Charges moderate. Office The United Pharmacy. MEDICAL ALL-IN-ONE INHALANT sprinkled on handkerchief and inhaled protects you from coid and influenza, a certain cure. Get it from The United Pharmacy.
      383 words
    • 38 6 P«V It \S~ PHILP LINE. (Incorporated In Australia) monthly SAILINGS TO BRISBANE, SYDNEY Wißonrvi v.a JAVA. DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISI VM) l&EfigSSfo regardlnK rre!ghl ;lllJ pa enger BOISTEAD A CO., LTD. r lncorporated m FM.S.) Phone g I
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 211 6 SINGAPORE RADIO are some slight chants m the timings ol to-morrow evening's urn. XG 10 fr fh "tutlSS of P the r,rM? 'nnp r or Slr Shenton Thomas. O.C.M G 0.8.X will make his snorial Poppy Day Appeal at 7.30 p ffiSf. dlatelv after th« special broadowt ""J lev from
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  • 105 7 RESULTS of yester-' day's tics m the, S.C.R.C. open in-| vitation lawn tennis tournament were: Men's open singlet: j C X Pang beat Tan I Puay Hee 6-2, 6— 4. Men's singles nan dicap: Heng Seng Chiang (scr.J beat Chennn Chee Lim Cscr.) s—l, 6 I. Veterans' singles
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  • 323 7 Loyals Defend Title Against Royal Air Force THK Singapore soccer season will officially end to-day with the final Of the Singapore Challenge Cup competition, which will see two great rivals, who met m the final last year, meet once again tor the coveted trophy. While the holders,
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  • 417 7 TIIK following are the handicaps for the first day of the Singapore Winter race meeting, which begins on Saturday, Nov. 8, and also weights of three events on the second day: Class 1, Div. I. about 7 furs. Mystic Musir 9.ooDepot 8.04 Lord Bog B.l3Scottish Rifle
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  • 113 7 SCORING a '.;<■. midwas In tlte ectmd half, Royal Artillery hockej beat Uu- \i < on the latter's ground yesterdaj after poor fame. The fame .it no time rose lo a hit;h standard, and for the mail part was confined tv erratic hitting by both sides. The
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  • 129 7 \KEENLY-CONTBSTBD hockey match i.itu.-rn the S.C.C. and the Anßlo- hinese School played on the Padanß yesterday resulted m a one-all draw, which was a very fair result. The exchanges were i fast and even m the first half and neither side dominated the game for long. Th«" Club attacked fiercely
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 AFTER leading by I—o m the first halt, St. Joseph's hockey team lost by i s—l when they met the S.R.C. on the Recs' Padang yesterday. D'Cruz scored the only goal obtained by the schoolboys,! the S.R.C. scorers j W9re Hope < 2 Moreiru (1), Frank (l». and J. Scheerder
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    • 11 7 M^jwS| Hjp J BE H Kk^tj a~ira~h < j i.i H Ki
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 118 7 SPORTS DIARY S TO-DAY S Soccer: Sin- S gapore Clial- 1 leafC Cup final, Royal Air Forte N v Loyal Regiment. Anson Road Stadium,: 5 p.m. S Hockey C.S.C. v Indian Asm- ciation, C.S.C; S.R.C. v Sappers: and Miners, J S.R.C Btega-I pore Hornets v A.C.S. Old Boys,/ Oid ham
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    • 53 7 ON Sunday, the "C" class will sail a sweepstake race, starting at 9.50 a.m. The 'A" class will sail a sweepstake race, starting at 10.00 a.m. The "B" class will also sail a sweepstake race, starting at 10.10 a.m. The 14 ft. one-design dinghy class will sail a race, starting
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 579 8 1 Situations Vacant WANTED Experienced Field Conductor and Lines Dresser for Klang district. Apply Box No. 808 c|o Malaya Ttitax Kuala Lumpur. CHINESE DISPENSER —State age, experience and salary required to Box No. 816 co Malaya Tribune. Ipoh. (No. 767 L) JUNIOR ASSISTANT— English speaking with some knowledge electrical and
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    • 653 8 Wanted 'PHILLIPS" Radio and Ginm or good Radiogram. Particulars:— Box 806 c|o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 751 L} WANTED one gramophone pick -up motor to operate from 6 volt d.c. battery. Apply to Box 796 c|o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No 739 L) WANTED Secondhand Control Bars (Dou 1 Bass) must
      653 words
    • 633 8 For Sale FOR SALE— One ruling machine by Spicers Ltd., and fair quantity of type metal m ;ases on stands. Apply Malaya rtibune Press Ltd., Anson Road, Singapore. 3ALE— Gent's Leather Motoring Coat complete with gloves (i-y Roberts Ltd.). Good condition. Box 779 c|o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 711 L)
      633 words
    • 629 8 Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to sell your car? Phone 5088. Singapore. Cash paid. (No. 676H) LORRIES WANTED, apply Box 797 cjo Maluya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 742L1 SMALL LORRY WANTED. Box No. 798 do Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 741 L) WANTED TO BUY. Renault 8 1939. cash, Apply Box 820
      629 words
    • 376 8 Professional F'RIVVTF INQUIRIES INVESTIOAtions Satisfaction guaranteed Woo, 243 Middle Road, Singapore. Dial 3053 (No. 769 L) CAST OUT UNCLEAN SPIRITS, heal Blckneat mid disease In the power of Lord Jesus Christ. Come Free. "Peace Cove 3UB, Joo Chlut Road, Singapore. (No. 738 L) TRANSLATION WORK undertaken by expert. From English
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  • 145 9 ROOSEVELT ACCUSED N JTorl ACi IN'' Pn ni' nt I having taken tin- American peopli Into hi- confidence, Mr Charlet Llndat .m amerlca Pint Committee meeting la Madison Square Garden tonight, declared that the nation hud been "led by subterfuge along the rond to u'ir." Mr. Joan Cudahy. former United
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 23 9 Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 30:— The British cruiser, Birmingham, to day entered the port of Rio de Janeiro to take on supplies. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 335 9 Foochow Gets Ready For Renewed Battle Foochow, Oct. 31. WITH the Japanese threat that they would return if Foochow and the neighbouring territory are again used fur tho passage of merchandise to the Chungking forces still fresh m their minds, the Chinese forces are preparing to resist re-occupation should it
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 171 9 London, Oct. 31 A Plan for putting Into service those foreign vessels immobilised In American port s has been put forward. It will be m accordance with the scheme approved by the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee on Aug. 28. The British
    British Wireless  -  171 words
  • 341 9 MORNING TRIBUNE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1941. WAR TAX INCREASE fHE new rates of income tax to be imposed for 1942 show no very striking increases m the application of the tax to the salary of the average man and it is gratifying to note that some, though by no means
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 116 9 UNIMPEACHABLE SECURITY South British Insurance Co., Ltd. Tel. 5926 2, Pinlayfon Green CLUCOSE I DEXTRO JE The following delicious varieties are rrr2 Bsr^ available m large and small bottles: iF^^&ti MIXED FRUIT DROPS y^^^SC LEMON BARLEY r;<l^^X ©BARLEY MINT BRICKS 1 ysmis&ii> t BARLEY SUGAR £$$'^3SfiSS^ ts ACID DISCS J*i
      116 words
    • 76 9 Safeguard. HOUR VAUMMJ* Our Strong Rooms are your Protection. It is impossible for an Individual to provide for his valued possessions the safety that is afforded by our vaults where we have safe boxes of various sizes for hire at moderate rates. HIRERS themselves hold the KEYS and ONLY THEY
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  • 534 10 Bomber Fund raises money for troops welfare ra^iiE "Buy a Bomber" Fund i 1 contributed nearly sixty thousand dollars to the War Fund since its inception a little over a year ago. Latest effort, the "Faith m Victory" drive, added twelve thousand four hundred dollars, half of which has been
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  • 82 10 TW I NKU TOED Jessie Matthews, who once refused an offer of £80y000 (stg.) to appear m a film made m Hollywood is there at the moment to star m a charity production "Forever and a Day," for her part m which she will receive no
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  • 410 10  - PEOPLE PLACES Vera Ardmore children Gillian and Madeline. Gillian has been ill so her mother is taking her to Sydney for special treatment and will remain until she has quite recovered. :j: WING COMMD'R and Mrs. C. W. Coffey are leaving to-morrow for a few weeks at Fraser's Hill. j
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 136 10 7 wAVfser Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair Facial Treatment Vlbro Violet Ray OMte INnnw Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bid*., 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419. Dine and Dance.... 'neath swaying palms. the Cool Clear Atmosphere of the popular Coconut Grove WHERE
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 1501 11 If you have a problem, send it to Helen, our home expert, who answers readers' queries m this page every Saturday. Address your letter to her c/o Morning Tribune, Anson Road, Singapore, enclosing correspondence coupon. DINNER FROCK UP-TO-DATE "I have an old black dinner frock which
    1,501 words
  • 87 11 )IN order to facilitate the sending of queries to Helen, she has arranged with the Tribune Press Town Office, r No. 9, The Arcade, Singa- 1 i pore, to deliver these direct 'to the Morning Tribune, I thus eliminating the need J I for you to buy
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  • 16 11 This coupon must be enclosed with j every query sent. Morning Tribune, Nov. 1.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 30 11 1/ NUMBER 23 IS ELIMINATED 1 I 1/ HUMPH! SMALL-TOWN JUC^ES.' J s<^ PLEASE LEAVE THE v—^ PONT kNOWr-y^v '"rr ploor l j— s f-± uh.. v CLASS n v^-K^>-^
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  • 391 12 Japan To "Rest" For The Time Being Hanoi, Oct. 31. WHILE the imminent end of the rainy season, the arrival of Japanese reinforcements, the practical completion of the accommodation of a large force m southern Indo-China, and the enlargement of the existing aerodromes, all tend to indicate a possible resumption
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 66 12 A.I.F. Cookery Instructors For Malaya Canberra, Oct. 31. MX. F. M. FORDE, the Aus. tralian Army Minister, has announced that rookery instructors will go to .Malaya, after specialised courses m Australia, "To improve the standard of c*>king and catering for the A.I F." On medical advice m future sixteen ounces
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 88 12 MalayaThai Trade Normal Bangkok, Oct. 31. TRADE between MaI laya and Thailand is proceeding normally, though on a somewhat reduced scale owing to the war, said Luang Vudhisara Netinati, the Thai Consul-General m Singapore, m an interview with a Thai daily prior to return- ing to his post after a
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 113 12 LONDON "STAND STILL" London. Oct. 11. THE world wide five minute "stand Still" demonstration of all French men and women was led m London to-day p.t the Fiee French headquarters. Accompanied by .six members of the Free French National Committee. General do Gaulle left his work at about two minutes
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 131 12 New York, Oct. 31. COMMENTING on the reaction to President ROOMvelt's speech, the New York Times writes- "The .spokesmen of the Axis never went further to Justify Mi. Winston Churchill's description of them as gut-ter-snipes than m their comment* on the .speech. "In Berlin the Nazi
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  • 135 12 (FROM PAGE 1) rapidly as possible, with the object of isolating the Caucasus from the rest of Russia, according to the Berlin correspondent of the Svonka Berlin. The Germans, seeing: the precious Caucasus oil within their reach, are preparing to throw every ounce of strength into (he battle.
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 49 12 London. Oct. 31. A WAR on the cosmetic Black Market" begins to-morrow when the Limitation of Supplies Toilet Preparations) Order comes into operation. Its effect generally will be to make it illegal lor shopkeepers to sell any goods of that class that arc not made by registered manufacturers.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 105 12 i H^ j^_ golden voice of m UniteO Artists ALAN CIRTIS BINNI^BARVF^^AL BERT BASSERMAX And Fox News showing latest pictures of A.I.F. m Malaya. P A TIT A V >PHONE 3400 V^ jt\. XXXII X 11 a.m., 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 WHAT A CAST of MERRYMAKERS! 10-MI.IIT at MIDXIGIIT AT 12-15
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    • 30 12 Control Of War Fun^s I N order to Institute official control J over the various ,!s m the Colony. the War Cbaritit\s and Funds Regiut ions were .setter' last night.
      30 words
    • 91 12 PLANf-I" TUND si ori two GEOR GE BER MA RD SHA W S r BIGGEST and BEST! H m MONDAY 24th NOVEMBER r ETv\ Under (he rii*tineu>*lied Wk i i V U 1 X ~lx/ ernor. St St^nton Thomas. w/ IMMISIII3D 0.c.m.0., o.b.b. GABRIFX PASCAL (Producer of "Pygmalion") Presents GEORGE
      91 words