Morning Tribune, 27 September 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 28 1 M M I 1 SALES EXCEED 4,500 Daily Morning Tribune 6— No. 205, Saturday, September 27, 1941. NETT SALES EXCEED 4,500 DjUl Morning Tribune Saturday, September 27, 1941
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  • 37 1 I oven try. Sept. 26 Accompanied bv Mrs ChShii, lined bv the w,m« ong a rou^ 2? V Nh life KS* who loudly rh?er«i M, ,V C0 le Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 228 1 Imzi Battalions n Mine Blast new York, Sept. 26. ■Hi German thrust in Crimea has been I under way over for 24 hours, according the Moscow spokesman early this momm quoted by the Berne correspondent of m New York Times. The first sketehy ■ports indicate
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  • Highlights Of The News
    • 36 1 «M>ON, Sept# j 6 The arriva in Ankara of British aircraft,! ■ch are being supplied to Tur- «s reported by the Ankara Respondent of the National wadcastingr Company of Am*ri. t in a broadcast, says Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 35 1 I0VDON, Sept. 26-There was no confirmation in authoritative barters in London to-day of "Port that the Duke ofAosta «a been granted a month's pa. We to visit Rome. The news •fonr.irtered devoid of foundation. Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 30 1 [OVDON, Sept. 26— A party of 15 Cevionese recruits for t*e ■Jjl Air Force have arrived in W»m and will be seen shortly or Lord Movne. Colonial Imm. wy Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 32 1 (w.NDON, Sept. 26.-A certaii amount of shelling has taker gee in Libya, state authomaiive circles here to-day. On< J i wo raids by enemy aircraft not seem to have caused anv Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
  • 128 1 Zurich, Sept. 26. BRITISH and Russian asenls are charced bv the Italian newspaper "Popolo d'ltali.V '.v'th "apifnting Croatia to violrnl methods." The "Stampa" writes: "One I and a half million Serbs live between Zagreb and Sarajevo, which is too many men to eliminate a( one blow.
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 49 1 Ottawa. Sept. 26. licensing of all purveyors of food .o n? lo h,nK were ordered vesterciay Wartime Prices and Trade Board. *s a preliminary to a furo ,il ment of buying by consumers m« mak0 Rood" available to Bri- «n a greater degree Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • Article, Illustration
    68 1 ■11l ll if S As one director said to another, as they bothf I watched little, tall (sft. 7in.) Jane: 'With a I face like that, and a figure like that, who will ever know whether she can act or not? And who'll care?" But this girl Jane Russell can
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  • 122 1 By John Wallis, Reuter's Special Correspondent in Ankara) Ankara, Sept. 26. HITLER has asked his Axis partners to send large reinforcements to the Russian front for the winter, according to reliable reports which state that the "allocations" are as follows: Italians, 500.000 men; Hungarians. 150,000;
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 49 1 London, Sept. 26.— At the request of the British Government and on the invitation of the Chinese Government, Sir Otto Xiemeyer has undertaken a financial and economic mission to China. He will be accompanied and assisted by Mr. James Baxter, Financial Adviser to the Governor of Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 158 1 Greece To-day: 4 Features Of Axis Control London. Sept. 26 OUTSTANDING features of I r^ situation in Greece 1 KHlay, according to M. E J isouaeros the Greek Premier, in a talk to the Press were- Hums 0 f bombed cities, 19, I tel, de*^ r0m ,e 2 Widespread hunger
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 9 1 LONDON. s,p,. J«._. ro £5 as ■■•__^a
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  • 95 1 Leningrad A ttacks Baulked |*ui Loadon. Sept. 29. rift. H»>«nan,s have beaten off attacks from three different directions at Leningrad and the Germans do not seem to have made fresh progress ft was stated authoritatively in London to-day. There was still severe lighting all along the front On the Finnish
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 9 1 Ln.- Ifoaeoa Radio i^JT r<^«- Reuter
    Reuter  -  9 words
  • 125 1 RRITAIN must make sacrifices from heTotn^uction U. aid Russia and must sustain for at least a six to 12 Mm. of Labour, speaking in London to-day. "You will appreciate," said Mr. Bevin. 'that an added obligation is now imposed upon us. "Russia has made
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 92 1 London, Sept. 26. THE famous stage and film star George Arlifls to-day was fined £4.500 for neglecting to register with the Bank of England a large number of United States and Canadian securities, the total value of which was stated to be £13,160. George pleaded
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 65 2 Tokvo, Sept. 26. 1 > THE 373 Britons who are leaving Japan started i boarding the evacuee ship J Anhui at Yokohama to-day. J The steamer is due to sail i for Singapore via Hong Kong i J this evening. The Anhui ar- rived a* Yokohama
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 453 2 London, Sept. 26. 'THE anguish which the world is suffering to-day is due to 1 perverted use of knowledge and tiie rejection of all high ideals by cultivated barbarity/ said Sir Richard Gregory, Chairman of the British Association at the opening session of a
    Reuter  -  453 words
  • 82 2 New York. Sept. 26. THE current disorders in Croatia, says the New York Times "have significance beyond the revolts In Norway and France. If proof is needed that the Croats will fight fiercely against the Italians, most hated of all outsiders, it is to be
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 64 2 IT Is announced that Mr. T. Elink Schuurman, Netherlands Ccnsul-General for Australia and New' Zealand, will be appointed Netherlands Minister to Australia. Mr. Schuurman. who has occupied his present post for about five years, was for some months Acting Consul-General for the Netherlands m Ma'ava before
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  • 204 2 TO-DAY'S conference on science and world order under I auspices of the British Association for the Advancer of Science, was commented on by The Times and Daily graph this morning, both stressing the importance of a time gathering of world scientists and those who are refti from
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 2 0 Worlds largest liner at SingaS pore. The Queen i Elizabeth, the J greatest ship m the world, laun- ched during the present war. puts into Singa- pore for generS al clean up and S repairs. This S shot is a fine 5 picture showing j the excellent j lines
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  • 113 2 Explosion At Famous Lake Geneva Castle FMontreux, Sept. 26. IVE or six persons were killed and much damage was done by an explosion near the famous Castle Chillon on Lake Geneva which inspired Lord Byron's poem "Prisoner of Chillon." The cause of the explosion is beinr jnvesttea tec The result
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 108 2 Melbourne, Sept. 26. THE following pay increases for ihe Australian forces 1 are announced:— Extra shilling a day. to be credited to deferred pay, beginning immediately for the A. IF., the sea^oins Royal Australian Navy, and the R.A.A.F.. on "special force" rates. The R.A.A.F. overseas will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 535 3 S-, Alexander Wcrth, Renter's Special Correspondent Moscow, Sept. 26. rIX< most of my trip to the Smolensk front, I saw a tfieat deal of Mud," one of Russia's oldest allies. fYavallillg from one point of the front to another, it wa^ Lnecesstry to
    Reuter  -  535 words
  • 87 3 Cairo, Sert. 26. I necessity fcr rigorous ecoin all commodities, partiliy foodstuffs, was urged b Egyptian Premier, brcadcastt night. Branding the population that Governments had resorted Ationina m order to husband k supplies, Sirry Pasha ap--.ea to all to prevent waste i- strict the consumption of -•fisential sea-imrorted goods
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • In Brief
    • 46 3 FIFTY THOUSAND tons of foodstuffs, medicines and clothing will shortly be on their way to Greece from Istanbul. fUtt They have been purchased m Turkey by the United Kingdom Commercial Corporation oopn p behaU of the Anglo-Australian Committee for the relief ol distress m Greece.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 35 3 THE Biitish Air Ministry communique yesterday I stated that early the previous night a single enemy aircraft dropped bombs tanM^T MM '<** coast of East Anglia. Apart from this incident tnere was nothing to report.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 34 3 THE Tokyo Municipal Government and N.S.A. have I Ol nmed a joint celebration on the first anmversan oi the conclusion of the Tripartite Pact^av which is taking place at Hibiya Public Hnll. Eastern News
      Eastren News  -  34 words
    • 8 3 lAPANESE residents m Davao. the «*»£>••• Maru.— Eastern News
      Eastren News  -  8 words
    • 31 3 PAPTAIN Commantri. commander of the LaMo^e ZZlL^M^rt the^vv. on behalf of tho Navy-Minister, innrheon given in his honour Ho was guest at a luncneon by Navy Minister Admiral Oikawa.-« Eastern News
      Eastren News  -  31 words
    • 24 3 «ATRf> Sei)t* 2&-A communique from the O-H-*; H C AI Cairo £-da> Xys that m Libya there is no change m the situation.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
  • 140 3 m John VVallis, Reuter's Special Correspondent) Ankara, Sept. 26. Hi E ihe official German s i! iktvmen here will swear *yini friendship, unofficial lr i!. m sources are conduct- a war of nerves against ■key. Nazi inspired reports ug spread that Ger- m an troops
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 7 3 Handwriting On the Wall!
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  • 47 3 Tokyo, Sept. 26. THE Japanese Government is considering the possibility of the restoration of the trans-Pacific shipping services to Hawaii, the Japanese official spokesman indicated to-day. No new developments had, however, occurred m the general shipping situation, the spokesman said.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 180 3 Nazi Task In Bulgaria Delicate London. Sept. 26. COMMENTING on Bulgaria's position, vis-x-vis Russia, the Times this morning, says that Hitler's advisers may well look with some apprehension on the task of compelling an obstinate and notoriously Russophil Bulgarian peasant to march against Russia for purposes which can bring no
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 50 3 Batavia. Sept. 26. FE Semeru Volcano m Central Java has formed two new eruption points. There are now seven craters. Although there is no direct dancer, it has been considered necessary to evacuate 2,500 person." The authorities are distributing: food to the evacuees- Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 76 3 "SPEED THE TANKS" WANTED BUILDERS FOR 'WALTZING MATILDA'S' You can buy a "Churchill Tank' MM* m,M or by Hire Purchase at M OR MAKE A MODEL FOR AUCTION! SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO EVATT CO.. SINC.APORE. Under BRITISH management m SUGCEST b Egg Nog Sunday M.nt Ju P Whis tle Coldju^j^ but
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  • People & Places
    • 1209 4  -  VERA ARDMORE PEOPLE PLACES jJUTCH and Javanese women in the D.E.I. undei the direction of the women's auxiliary movement the C.O.V.I.M. (Co-ordination of women in mobilisation) are learning to march and drill drive cars and ambulances, cook native foods and' assist the A R.P. organisation.
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    • Article, Illustration
      63 4 {)OXAI 0 a p v bred. fo JJJtk* <|.| 3 »ai3 puppy v auctic-necl a i "'attic tarn B a„ m wthe Churei lank I und ■am c s Thursday He is J here i„ aims of yi EA. Elder. Kaniser of t ball while Mi C R c
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 35 4 WAV£SCT Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair W MCIU Facial Treatmewt Vibre Violet Ray Ozone Steamer Innoxa Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators < apitol Bide 159 North Ihidge Road. Tel. 4419.
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    • 14 4 Violet taffetta evening gown with sequence butterfly pockets gathering sleeves. Size 14. Phone 7509.
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    • 119 4 WHEN MIDDLE AGE pEEMS Art TO STARE OIT OF THE fif\i <* That's the time an intelligent llii fl i/X. woman is quick to aoplv the light J wLi Jd &mW\ treatment in the right way £<8lA 7<*4MmWm At the Elizabeth Arden Salon at HS V kK%^V§m^i\ Maynards, you'll discover
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  • 1282 5 If you have a problem, send it to Helen, our home expert, who answers readers' queries on this page every I Saturday. Address your letter to her c/o Morning Tribune, Anson Road, Singapore, enclosing correspondence coupon. VSE FOR LEFT-OVER MATERIAL 4, 1 have some left-over multicoloured
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  • 97 5 j J IN order to facilitate the 1 sending of queries to J Helen, she has arranged with the Tribune Press Town i i Offlce. No. 9. The Arcade. J S Singapore, to deliver these J direct to the Morning Tri- bune. thus eliminating the l need
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 I Correspondence Coupon This «o'iim>q mu«t be enclosed with ewer* ««*f» —nt. I MORNING TRIBUNE 1 SATURDAY. SEPT 27. 1941 X 1 ''''muu^mmW^k I ay r= ~~^MMmmmu\ S^—y -~*^gJL\ oL^^ i^K
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  • 700 6  -  Ubique Kv V" 'ITilNGS an happening on Pulau Brani V those days. Every afternoon, round V about 2 p.m., a small body of men can hi V seen trudging over the hills, pushing barV rows, carrying picks and shovels, and wend* V in j? their way to Teregah
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  • 449 6 IF shipping companies had to pay more for their water, then would pass !t on to the consumer, said Mr. L. Ray man, the Municipal President yesterday, during discussion of a proposal to refer bmk a committee decision refusing the request of. Messrs. \V.
    449 words
  • 285 6 ACQUITTING Edward Charle? who stood cha'rged with Begjgent driving at the junction of Weld Read and Roch< re Canal Road, Mr C II Whitton called upon the complainant. K M Oli Mohammed to plead to the charge Mr. Whitton observed that Charles was on
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  • 66 6 Child Welfare Donations By Municipality Govt. AT the monthly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday the President, Mr. L. Rayman, inform ?d the members, m connection v/ith a charitable contribution of $4,000 from the Municipal Fund in 1941 to the Singapore Child Welfare Society, that Government had sanction ec it
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  • 38 6 rrHERE la a small change In the programme to be broadcast from the Singapore station over ZHP3 to-morrow b£JL P *2L*: ln DlBCe of the Merc >' Anthonv larty previously advertised, there will be a programme ol Tamil music
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  • 140 6 Till HI. waN ;:n admission made I the appellant himself I sufficient to I dismissing the Mum. I secretin' I the College oil a pptaled bv| J.L. McFall .sentenced mm to years' impiisonment I vlmun y.M breach sums 0I $800 t0 a P»b^l who ..rzuedl H K.-:.-;,bmrte5|
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  • 96 6 A DECISION was taken at yesterdav's ■Mating of the Municipal CommisfteS"?*.^ Commissioners should renew the ..ize of graves allotted in the new Municipal burial ground Cho Chu Mr th e end of «N years. re s ft S' el !h s who brought u p tne
    96 words
  • 56 6 A T s P ec,al meeting of the Municipal ,n- a m !l sloners held after the °rdinmLmJF yesterday; Supplemental ?n,?r£L N for the eurrent year was approved The president. Mr L Rav»van. pointed out that the various items of expenditure had been approved VJ thJ n'ftw*
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  • 209 6 Generous Gift To Two S'pore Schools ITK 1939 Government appro. w J5 of the inclusion 0 f I Chinese as an additional optional subject for English i schools. i As usual wtth the mtroduc- I tipn of a new subject, some time must ela^ke before staff i vacancies will enable
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 83 6 YOUR VAUIABli* Our Strong Rooms are your Protection. It is impossible for an individual to provide for his valued possessions the safety that is afforded by our vaults where we have safe boxes of various sizes for hire at moderate rates. HIRERS themselves hold theKEYS and ONLY THEY can have
      83 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1145 7 From London 1 iNo Regrets Over- i j Shooting Of Laval: j i London Reads Jungle j Tales: Dutch Queen's.: •BirthdayCelebrations:j London's Respite;: From Night Raids j London, Aug, 01. lIWK kills false sentiment. One does not nwd to excess pious regrets over things J. -hich one
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  • 329 7 MORNING TRIBUNE SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, 1941. NEW LEAGUE NUCLEUS THE Inter-Allied Conference may well be regarded as (fee nucleus around which a new league of Nations will be crvstalised, having as its working basis the Atlantic Charter to which the participating' countries have already pledged their full support Though the
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  • 98 7 (Horn Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Thur.-Hiay. MR Lee Thlan Soo was recently awarded the B.M.J. by the Sultan of Johore. He Is the leader cf the local Chinese community and received the J^P m iw. He Is the senior partner of Messrs. Fon Hln and Co.,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 EYE EXAMINATIONS, Eyeglasses, jfc^ Exclusively. l]p^ THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG WWWJS R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ojjjlj Science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. mm mm m^M^mmwmmw
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  • 201 8 WHEN sentencing M.C. Hinds, a r-hin's engineer, fcr deserting his ship, Mr 0. H Wbiitcn yeslerday stated that this was a type c:f offence that could not be overlooked. Hinds pleaded guilty to the (barge fiupactor Blake rtatad thai Hinds was bTOUgM all the way
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 8 arcops swimming ashore m full lj# i* Infantry making their way over rocky shore with their heaviest weapon, a three-inch mortar, and ammunition.
    23 words
  • 53 8 Canton, Sept. 26. SCORES of Chinese were killed and two Japanese slightN injured in bombings on the eve > r the tenth anniversary of the \'v. v I den Incident, the Japanese author- ities announced. The incidents are ascribed to Chungking elements who Intended to ;i te
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 32 8 Lone x:. Sept. 26. Cn the night of Bept. 25 26 severi.l isolated planes attempted to reach Moscow but were all driven off by anti-aircraft nr°. says a supplerncntU^he Moscow mmunique Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
    102 9 \amina Counts IfzKMAiiio siorm troops will have I/;// on British troops when they really I to grips judging by the strenuous \hining-up which our men undergo as part hir normal training. An invasion will l rigorous demands on stamina and fitness Wery effort is being made to ensure that
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  • 502 9 Madras, Sept. 23. TO mitigate distress which reMiited mm the recent vyeien* and floods m Malahir, the (iov- rumen t rl Madras h'.*s taken variety »f ldief measures, including giants It icbuilding wrecked bcmes, most of which v. ere hi p. niinni Taluk Thf grants are
    502 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 69 9 Keep it handy! DALZO-ZINC OXIDE PLASTER T! Brittfta made .ulf-adheslv ngter should br In every mcdxii.' the ideal dreseini iw ;u!s, bruises a:»d wounds. ObUini ble from all first ligpenaariei In widthi of Ys to De si dm.mvs CO- m i tab Isl ed 1811. Contractor! to Hli Majesty's w.
      69 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 59 9 EY WALT DISNEY w t ZTTTv f I MAYBE. IT S Aw\T£ m3E!IT| f~T~ i 5? S HE* S TW? x£*± fl 5 ft ;,ckey j > *int* </;^n —^C I i I "i \rv, J SH&>U> C0ULP3E! TELEGPAPMl W1 \WEASK J CO R^^^. fli *BP* 3lav w v k^r
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 420 10 ,ir^^^^^^9 |^^^ppp^^p^^HJipappw^^^BißMf^^Oi^BHlßpit*tir^«y^^^H fe^f^T* J^^^ufJl^^M' [i/fli ir I' M I (fljj If. J J gjfflßjj T ~mm*^L^o^^M^''Zmmmmo^A\'-~ Situations Vacant WANTED Male or.d Female teach*. Box No 512 co Malaya Tribune Kuah Lumpur. No. 219L> WANTED DISTRIBUTORS for British Lotion, well known brand Box 546 c o Mslaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 272..)
      420 words
    • 556 10 Wanted WANJIiD CAMERA 2\ 4 X J l double -....itn B>x 522 co Malay.! Tnbu hintsapoif (Ho. 2J< WANTED Cuie 8 mm Projector m g( ■dition. Particulars to Box 511 aya Tribune. Penang. <No. 22: NTSD BUNGALOW with land. $KM)Cr No 561 co Malaya Tribune. <tu WAITED I— U-i-41. Compound
      556 words
    • 581 10 Educational t MUSIC: Leaaooa g:\en Puno. Singing o. .any other instruments. Please commtral- I i.oate Box No. 551 co Malaya Tribune. Kua..,. Lumpur. (No I £?7S ASC ""^"confidence. i ~l^nce. Life. Movement and Control. For leasons consult "The Aristocrat" School o* Ballroom Dancng. 302A. Lavender Street J Singapore. (No. 143
      581 words
    • 554 10 For Sale PANCREALIN ha 8 cured Diabetes Derm" nehtly Don t dread the disease anym™ No injection, no fasting, ihdian herb product of Oriental Chemical Labomtorif One months tin $3-. O c Peters 8l Agent. Malaya. Post Box 154. Kuala Lun Ptlr (No. 332 i IEE A^.. "Apply 555^ Malaya
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 337 10 I on JL* BINGAPQI mum so.'i 13 LONDON GSF i- etre l (From 9.05 pi" ».■!>• SAIGON 2 4* metrn Sot s5 49 «i 5 mpfret Ht 1..) BANGKOK BSPS 25 6 mtto (H 715 mcs) KUALA LUM to 9.90 p.m™ PENANG VJ f.ts mc i (49.30 metres) to I
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  • 136 11 CfcAftGE of corruptly giving Mr. c V I T !tr 'v Asslstnnt Superintendent of SSHLH 9 0 t6c Oeteettve Branch. SSE*? 1 $s'ooo5 000 l»du<?rtnent to fijww xatour to another Chiaeae. Tan OeolcStf, by e<<*cising his official powers m order to secure
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  • 268 11 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne, Sept. 26. SIR Benjamin Furler. well-known Ausi tralian theatrical entrepreneur, has revealed that Lieut Col. Jim Gerald, formerly leader of a revue company, gave up a £115 a week job to undertake entertainment of the Australian forces. Sir Ronald Cross, new British Ambassador to
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  • 56 11 O>HE Sln;apore District Epwprth League will hola a mlnuture Qljmpic raoettiA to-day at the Victoria School All th<> Leagues m Sln-apore will •march past' at 2 p.m. aJter which Mr. up Pheng Geek will conduct the opening ceremony. Mrs Yap h;u* kindly consented to distribute the prizes
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 301 11 DERLANDSCHE HANDELN.V. tabM bv Royai charter Ajr J8M. tthcrlands TradHia BoctetjT BANKERS Op capital f 4Q,0$6,jW -r? Fane f. lx,6W,0W London Correspondents BONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED Head Office BATAVIA Branches: triands East Indies: Sou r a■I, Samarang, Medan, WelEeden, Bandoeng, Cherioon, tga. Pecalongan, Djoajaata. Solo. Tjilatjap, Djemu«ji, Ikmhang. Bandjermasin, Man's
      301 words
    • 517 11 CLASSIFIED ADS. i (FROM PAGE 10) Matrimonial A (FAIRLY WEALTHY) educated young girl wishes to meet a decent young Singhalese Buddhist (Goigama) boy. View matrimony. Please communicate with Box No. 530 c\o Malaya Tribune. Kunla Lumpur. (No. 336 L) WIDOWER Vallalah Christian wishes to marry widow or spinster. Guardians maj
      517 words
    • 293 11 JPiiblic Notice Singapore Municipality j~ trndeks. tenders are now invited loi the fellowing material* or tartlet. Mr particulars ye Municipal Tender Moon. tender oat. of eieoina Care A maintenance of the Municipal Cemetery at Bukit .Brown during 1942. (Dep.mli MO) 12 noon. 2T Sept. 1941. Occupation A servicing of Kedafe
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 224 12 DESPITE an officers plea that he would be of more use In the Army if he were fined instead of being sent to prison, Norman John McLean, a Canadian soldier, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment at Aldershot on a charge of assaulting an 18-year-old
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  • 299 12 Rangoon, Sept. 25 RESTRICTIONS im- J posed by the lndo-Burma immi- j gration agreement are not likely to come into force from the first of next month as originally contem- j plated. In the mean- 1 time the Government has selected 12 persons for appointment ajs immigration
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  • 40 12 pMi .o. Hawaii, Sept. 20 1 MODERATE to Strong earthquake nock. originating from the Volcano Ifauna Loa. shook Hawaii yesterday. Walls were cracked n d dishes broken. All seismographs at Kilauea were put out of action.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 122 12 AGAIN*. IT'S THE TALK OF TOWN! :i snow* I TO-BAY I CAPITOL and TO-MORROW i lO A.M. 4.15 and 9 p.m. M.C.Ms Magnificent TECHNICOLOUR Triumph "MIX!* WITH THE V. I Ml" Starring 00m "v ul A 'i'v'i'^B 4kt *^m\ \t a^^^fl! H ;^^/S^| B JP *JmwM m\m!fMJM gv*£ #t^-* IIKf
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  • 71 13 ()1 ties in yesterday's Utumn lawn tennis tourE doubles handicap: Major nd o W. Gilmour 15 pd: H Tudor and R. Johnson 2 -6. 6—4, 6—3. "doubles handicap: Capt Thomas and Miss S. Still cat X. H Cantrell and T 3 Brown (plus 15) 6—2 6—4. ino is
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  • 27 13 MEMBERS are notified that a ill tenuis meeting will be held on Wednesday next at 5.15 p.m. to select handicappers for the autumn tennis tournament.
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  • 20 13 THE S.R.C. defeated St. Patrick's School by five goals to one at hockey on the Padang yesterday.
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  • 101 13 Failed To Hear Challenge DEATH uy mis- I adventure" was the verdict returned at the inquest on the i Rev. Thomas Lawrence Hamilton Groves. C7. Framlingh a m Meth xlist I minister, who was j shot at by a sentry while driving home after conducting an evening service. Mr Groves
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  • 132 13 CAPTAIN Giles Sled- man. former ecm- I nander of the Ame- rican luxury Unci.-.™ Washington anc. H America, was divor- ced at Reno after one of his rhip's stewordsM had given evidence The steward, PauiM Reith. said that \\?m served "Mrf. A" and« I Captain StedmanH breakfast in
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  • 84 13 Ex- Wife Loses MARIA Korda, for-« ander Korda. the tmM .-.rnrinrer tost nti™ ZSttZu* Angeles. I 'et asWe a "UvorceB obtained fwm emended tha« I they had lived tgjMB th« after the flnafl nSandei 31 Korda.l wh A 0 1C isnownvarried^| Merle Obsron. g British actress, d J °ed this,
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  • 185 13 rpHERE w„u.d be an —"Z^^ a motion to* SrJS^wSitot: of one Munieip^^ Mr. Pita! ««oved llowed to prto* do- they eon.s.dered that MB^ SSSt rt^rt ?«Sfflto. the £fit rtto to oc tog A motion sponsored W Pllhil. that i e m e be rty
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  • 67 13 Hen York. Be* RBOOKLTH S^^rint E 1> uonal l^Sf nua ufying !Am ,n n J^^ Yankees fn the m eet the New xon world series u nul t< h I The Dodgers won am of tne re season. |mht throughout the sew K Louis' Card
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 119 13 u mrhv niaU'h ol »> e T ,IK first b. K rsm»S uy I sin K ap»re seas, n »> J, cd on the ft^£sga. i Newcomers meet the R e T| M Rest have ml lini rs Club stars but i" U|)( .„untry bStoTff «S33to Lain.
    119 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 65 13 JSS* PAVILION rnmlm* Sf mffiYffiltolmWmmm* j lT_| K£fL .t] Prrril 1^ < ti W' K^ Tl r Sl^B^A lid lr%^Sm\W' Wn&WmTi—'wlf^.mmmm\m ir dS^W Umr<if mmr^Amm— SO tmmm\\\\\\\\\w'J SENSATIONAL TRIUMPH! mm WRITTEN BY THE AUTHOR Crm\ I OF "GOODBYE MRJCHIP^! M+mmmmfkmmX I M T ML r"^*^^^! Imw k k l-ili IIiiTGOMERY
      65 words
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  • 419 14 &AJFJL Challenge Cup ttoeeer AFTER a promising start when they led I—o,1 0, the Royal Navy failed to maintain their form and lost to the S.R.C. 5—2, m a keen S.A.F.A. Challenge Cup tie at Anson Road Stadium, yesterday. Clarke, inner left, shone for the
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 14 i Lt. General A. E. Percival, (Malaya's J G.0.C.. had a J little relaxat tion at the Sin- gapore Cricket Club tennis courts on /Thursday, i when he part- nered Major R. Bedford against O. R. S. Batc- man and A. L. Phillips m a profession pairs j handicap tie.
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  • 249 14 BOXING of a fairly high standard was seen m the amateur fights held m aid of the War Fund at the Happy World covered stadium, last night. The night's effort was characterised by the absence of a single knock-out. There were a few changes
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  • 71 14 Montreal, Sept. 2G S THE former British tennis j i I stars, now professionals i Mary Hardwick, Mrs. Little. better known as Dorothy 1 Round, and Fred Perry, have been given Freedom of Mon. i J treal m recognition of the aid given to the
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 279 14 INTERESTING hockey was witnessed on the Padang yesterday, when the Singapore Cricket Club held their second eleven hockey trial, many newcomers being tried out m the teams. Whites beat Colours by three goals to two, both sides fielding teams of equal strength. Whites had the better
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  • 65 14 THE following players will represent the Post Office Club at hockey against the Royal Engineers (Pulau Brani) at Pulau Brani on Sunday, at 5.15 p.m.: Can Albuquerque; J. B Rajoo. D. Steward; W. Ponniah. Osman Dermo, G. Pinto: S. Ponniah. Retnaslngham, C. B. Humphries. Mat Noor. B. Scheeder. Reserves: R.
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  • 351 14 iCIXE understanding on the part of their forwards coupled with a good defence enabled the I.G.H. to trounce the V.M.C.A. by the wide margin of seven goals to one m a hockey fixture played on the latter'?: ground yesterday. The losers contested almost every inch of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 42 14 HHIHfc. WmmW Wkmmmmm. i^B I^B i^^^^^^ Hi^HM i^^— P'^^BSESfcrr 00Mmm\^^tB—M^ll—S I *****Kmmm—^^^^ < '^a SI MWi^ntt-__^_^___ fl 7 ~r: \^^*mz m^mmmwkr r fsH HI t^^H <fir y is ''-J^iii* 100% Thread Ensuring 100% GRIP! SILENCE! SAFETY! MILEAGE! COMFORT! uWmmmkW 240 Warms 196 b
      42 words

  • 83 15 U/HEN Folkestone Town Council had a report from the Watch Committee accepting "with regret" the resignation of tne Chief Constable, Mr. A. S. Beesley, there was only one comment. Councillor H G Piopack, who for some years served under Mr. Beesley as Chief Inspector, sad. "The
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  • 93 15 GERMAN GENERAL 'MURDERED' GENERAL Vcn Rundstedt, commander of the Southern German Army on the Eastern front, has been killed. Moscow radio stated. It is rumoured that he was murdered by a German officer and that there have been I a number of arrests. General von Rund stedt commanded the German
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  • 26 15 Bangalore, Sept. 25. THE Mysore Govern-! ment has withdiawn the prohibition of the manufacture of sal' in the State witMn five miles of British territory.—By Radio.
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  • 42 15 Montreal, Sept. 2t>. DAVE CastiUoux, Canadian lightfreight and welterweight champion, successfully defended the former title by outpointing Harry Hurst over ten rounds. Earlier m the year the pair fought a draw when Hllrst challenged for the title.- Reuter
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 371 15 Public Notice TENORS?" Tenders will be received up to jnoon on Friday, the 31st October. 1941. at the Colonial Secretary*! Office, Singapore, the Resident Councillor's Office, Penang. and the Resident Councillors Ofnce Malacca, from persons desirous of contracting for supplies for the Government at Singapore, Penang and Malacca, respectively, for
      371 words
    • 598 15 Public Notice TENDKKS. 'i Oct ii be ret Ivtd m to 'don < n October, 1941, at the Colonial cretanr*s Ofnce for tbe followln; services for Lhe Department of II If. Customs and Bcdse Tor a period ol one year comments il Erg n Isi January. 1042 11) Making of
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 80 15 SportsDiary TO-DAY SOCCER: Challenge Cup, RA. 'acao v R.A. <Blakan Mali). Changi; S.A.F.A. league, Reserve Division. Loyals v Chinese Athletic Reserves, Gillman; Argylls vSC.FA ,-arrer Park; Div. TIB. Stamford S.C. v N.B. Indians. Farrer Park. HOCKEY: Y.M.C A v R.A.A.F., Y.M.C.A. RUGBY: Newcomers v Rest, SC.C. Padanfi; Medical College v
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  • 633 16 Moscow, Sept. 26. AN the Leningrad front Marshal Voroshilov's massed forces of Red Army regulars and the Home Guard detachments continue smashing at Axis forces and each stabbing counter-attack is becoming more obviously felt by the German .forces, says the latest dispatch to the
    Reuter  -  633 words
  • 144 16 London, Sept. 26. THE Nazis are pressing Dr. Matchek, Croat leader and former Yugoslav vice-premier, to form a new Quisling Government m Croatia, according to news reaching Croat quarters m London. He is now under surveillance In a village near Zagreb, after the latest of
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 193 16 Hanoi, Sept. 26. any previous advice to the French authorities Japanese soldiers and Gendarmes last night and early this morning erected barricades and instituted cordons m various parts of Hanoi and Haiphong and proceeded to search a number of privaate houses and French owned hotels.
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  • 34 16 Berlin. Sept. 26. UIX persons have O been sentenced to imprisonment by Gothenburg (Sweden) court for •'Communist espionage activity.'' says a Stockholm dispatch to the official German news agency.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 94 16 Fighter Planes On British Merchant Ships London, Sept. 26. CRO.M New York comes a rej port of a new development m the battle of the Atlantic. Fighter planes are being catapulted from the decks of British j merchantmen on the route between Iceland and Britain. After the fighting is over
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 16 I QUEEN EL! TZABETH: Ih( 7 5 v*orid fun m I liner put, tal Singarcrv (\\r. m;, her tray J to avail herself S of tlie fsedlfßl I docking far;'!. 5 ties m order to undergo a feet. r a 1 cleta-sp J 5 The photo hfR J shows thr-
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  • 37 16 Japanese Reach Old Line Chungking, SeplAPANESE J guards haw ched about 30 miles northward of Chan*sha according Chinese dispafc It is added Japanese force once more n the line where tiw turned back t*o years ago.— Reuter
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  • Page 16 Advertisements