Morning Tribune, 18 September 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 14 1 m r SALES EXCEED 4,500 DAILY Morning Tribune No 197, Thursday, September 18. 1941.
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  • 203 1 Batavia. Sept. 17. attack on a South African hospital ship in the Red Sea h V i toi pedo-carrying aircraft is reported by the AustraLu spaper, the Sydney Morning Herald, according to a report reaching here. The Morning Herald says that two requests were made
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 j^m :^0 A warning to Australians to prepare themselves for a sudden war near their omr shores was given by the 1 Australian Prime Minister yesterday. See col. 1. i —^.^m
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  • 70 1 Iran Shah A Constitutional Monarch Tdieran, Sept. 17. m\. Iranian Prime Minister. I M \li Furoughi, announced n the Teheran Parliament Mat thai the new Shah intended U> rule as a completely bnstitational monarch. [Tht Prime Minister said !he CfofW ument had a>ked ihe Allied forces not to apkmh the
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 215 1 Australia Is Ready For Sudden War Canberra, Sept. 17. r was not possible that the period of relief given by issia to Britain was already b near its end, said Mr. w. Fadden. the Premier, ad■rfng the House of Reprentativt > to-day. ■ifri had justified the res- out Australia had
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 107 1 R.A.F. Raids Home Of Nazi Luftwaffe London, Sept. 17. LAST night aircraft of the Bomber Command attacked objectives in Karlsruhe and elsewhere 1 in Western Germany. Many fires were left burning," states an Air Ministry communique. "The docks at Le Havre were also bom bod. None of our aircraft is
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 25 1 %jEW ZEALAND'S first Victoria W Cross winner in this war Is, I sergeant-Pilot James A. Ward, who is reported missing, says a London message.- Reuter
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  • 52 1 Berne, Sept. IT. THE British Government has sent to the Swiss ConI federation a sum of 1,110,000 francs to cover the damage caused by bombs dropped inadvertently by the R.A.F. during the night of June 11. 1940 on Renens. in Vaud Canton and on
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 98 1 Shanghai, Sept. 17. WANG Ching-wei's forces are co-operating with the Japanese troops in various parts of Kiangsii provinceTmot>ping u'p the <^°^ (Communist > army, according to the Japanese army SLn, Colonel Akiyama at a press conference. The spokesman expressed the hope that the dav will come
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 59 1 London, Sept. 17. FLLOWING yesterday's German mAMUA of aM the Queen of Holland's property, the German radio to-dav announces a father decree forbiddng the use of names of living members of the Dutch Roval House by commercial concerns for trade marK.s etc or by public or private institutions The ban
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 159 1 Stockholm, Sept. 17. i rVO Swedish destroyers were sunk and one seriously damaged by fire and ammunition explosions while moored in Stockholm archipelago. Some men were killed and others injured. A mishap with a torpedo aboard the destroyer Gothenburg is given as the initial I cause
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 785 1 MliMiMilHkliiei .nn iih i nwir News from the Western Desert re< ently lu^ 5 indicated a flare-up there very soon. The com- Z mentary below bear i out this likelihood, on which 5 a hint is also given bv Berlin. J (By Reuters
    Reuter  -  785 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 377 2 Simla, Sept. 17. THE announcement of the Allies march on Teheran is given in a communique issued by the Government of India. It states* "The Iranian authorities is experiencing difficulty in fulfilling their undertaking to eliminate German influence in Iran by means of closing the
      Reuter  -  377 words
    • 220 2 Allies May Not Enter Teheran London. Sept. 17. DRITISH and Russian forces of about equal strength are near Teheran but whether they will enter the town or remain ju>t outside is a matter for the decision of the commanders on the spot. According to authoritative quarters in London if all
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 178 2 Show Of Force In Iran Urged London. Sept. l'l THE newspapers tc-day unaninM ously welcome the not unexpecß et! abdication of th? Shah of Irafl who is severely criticised for ill Quisling rcle he played in the Irafl drama. 1 The Times says th?t thf abdicM tjon of the Shah
      Reuter  -  178 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 2 MARY HOWARD leads the gift parade The Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer actress and her gift basket which she takes round to her friends, filled to the brim with little white bunnies. Miss Howard adopts this method of delivering live remembrance gifts to her friends.
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  • 93 2 Simla, Sept 17. A) rIE question of British and Russian troojK entering Teheran depends on whethei the Iranian authorities in the capital succeed in maintaining order, following the Shah's abdication, it is stated. If ordef is maintained troops probably will not entrr but a decision on
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  • 82 2 Shanghai. Sept. 17. A 55- YEAR-OLD former colcnel in the Imperial Russian Army has been appointed acting Chairman of t he Russian Emigrants Committee in succession to Mr. N. IvanofT who was shot c.^ead on Monday. He is Mr. Nicolai Serejnikoff who is well known among
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 56 2 Shanghai, Sept. 17. ANOTHER^ political bombing occurred at 11.30 last night in a store room in the Japanese-con-trolled "International Telegraph Agency," formerly of the Chinese Government Radio Administration, located in Sassoon Building. Their premises lead to the Cathay Hotel in the main street of the International Settlement. Radio equipment was
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 84 2 Saigon, Sept W rRMALLY denying reports emanating from Change the Governor-General declared toiay that the voyage of the criu* La Motte Picquet to JaPf a n s not connected with the FraruoJapanese agreement. The cruiser left Saigon recent.} .or Osaka for repairs and put m iry dock
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 70 2 London, Sept. 17. MR. Malcolm MacDonald. the British High Commissioner to Canada, has arrived in London for important consultations at the Dominions Office. Mr. MacDonald made the Atlantic crossing at the weekend in the same bomber as the Duke of Kent. This is Mr. MacDonald's
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • In Brief
    • 64 2 PERSONALLY I wish to reaffirm China's confiLiu Chang-yi, in north Honan, deserted and deviate from her fundamental principles and policies which she hem repeatedly declared and which, I should like to add. she has consistently and faithfully observed, particularly regarding the Far East and Pacific," declared Dr. Quo Tai-chi, the
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    • 73 2 MORE than 30,000 puppet troops under Commander Liu Chany-yi, in north Honan, deserted and joined Chinese forces, it is announced in Chungking. Taking an advantage rturing an inspection by the Japanese on Septembei 11, Commander Liu led his men to attack against the Japanese, killing one colonel, one major, both
      Chinese Central News  -  73 words
    • 54 2 THE seismological observatory at Belgrade on Tuesday 1 registered a new heavy earthqake, says a Belgrade despatch. Shocks followed one another in intervals of about eight seconds and lasted altogether 12 minutes. The epicentre of the earthquake is believed to be in Asia Minor where a heavv earthouakp occurred a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 Theatre Goers Please Note: The next show at the VICTORIA THEATRE is "The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse" on Sept. 27, Oct. 4 1/ at 9.30 p.m. You are advised to book your seats well in advance, as it is anticipated that this production will break all box office records. BOOKING IS
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    • 110 2 Piles Ruin Your Nerves Don't let Itching, bleeding. "V rU in protrudlng Piles sap ?«ff vit ai»^ la your nervis, and drive v-u<r; Chinaroid the recent dlscovei y < loan physician stops the W« "v jo y lit' so you can walk ride work and In comfort. It also qulekl>
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 3 Thousands of tank men from Canada, among them many 4mericans, have arrived in Britain witn the biggest troop contingent the Dominion has ever sent to Britain. An ever-increasing number of men are being trained in Canada to man the rapidly expanding output of Canadian tank factories and Britain's "Speed the
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  • 290 3 Canberra, Sept. 17. > Australian Minister of External Affairs. Sir Frederick Stewart, in a speech to the House of Representatives in h he reviewed the war to-day declared that the situation one of continuous suspense and the underlying reasons :h had given cause for uneasiness
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  • 125 3 More Axis Pressure On Bulgaria Zurich, Sept. 17. ACCORDING to a Pome dispatch, the Italian GovA eminent has been informed by the WUbeknstraase that Germany considers that the moment M». nt >w arrived when Bulgaria should participate actively In the war against Russia. It is reported that the Italian Government
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 113 3 New York, Sept. 17. SERIOUS consideration has been given in Washington tJ the suggestion that Congress Should be asked lor priority to offer a loan ol -several hundred million dollars to Russia for munition VU*g£\*£ cording to a Washington dispatch to the New
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 71 3 "AMERICA is doing everything it can for I the was the comment of Capt John Ondrick newly-appointed American Military Attache to Sin when^ntorviewed by ta*jg«^«g« iftei his arrival in Singapore by Clipper yestei day. Capt. Ondrick. who is in his early thirties has service in many
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  • 26 3 Cairo. Sept. 17. IT is learned that the Egyptian Government has 1 protested to Berlin and Rome the bombing of Cairo area yesterdny mornln* Reuter
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  • 176 3 Moscow. Sept. 17. I\ETAILS of the Russian success north-east of the important town of Smolensk, which the Russians claim to be in a position to invade, are given by the Soviet army newspaper Red Star. The paper says that Soviet infantry unci tank units have
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 42 3 Shanghai, Sept. 17. HUNDRED persons are reported to have been killed and over 50 seriously injured when a Tokiobounc 1 express telescoped into the rear of a Kyoto- bound train, says a Japanese report. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 71 3 German Centres In A rgentine Dissolved Buenos Aires, Sept. 17. THE digsoiuticn of German "cultural centres'' anc' the German Chamber of Commerce Is called for in a bill passed by the Argentine Chamber of Deputies yesterday. The bill dealing with the German I|iiltaral centrea" also requires the deportation of their
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 41 3 Shanghai, Sept. 17 IMPLICATED In the .-hooting of a 1 Jaoanef^ gendarme and the bombing <i the branch headquarters 'f the r-eodarmerie. ten Chun-kini* terrortetJ were "severely punished" by a court martial, sail the local Japanese paper, Tairiku Snimpo Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 IV E YOUR *T A HOLIDAY! Jvcur feet relax and forget the "toys work they have to do K«y. by fitting PHILLIPS Rub;°°f s that serve as a cushion to a" the shock out of walking— J" from added comfort— they are E°*fcal too for they outlast r or fHnary
      69 words
    • 64 3 m%\ The LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1040 RESULTS, just published award SIXTY FOUR PER CENT of PASSES in all subjects for Which students of PITMAN'S COLLEGE entered. 1941 THONE 5022. APB 30 i Under BRITISH management J Poulet de L.rain delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real
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  • 1090 4  - Johore Celebrations For Sultan's Birthday VERA ARDMORE PEOPLE PLACES By 'THE Istana at Johore Bahru was a really picturesque sight yesterday, sparkling with a new coat of cream paint, its gold baroque panels gleaming and its reception rooms decked with flowers, when the official celebrations for H.H. the Sultan's sixty-eighth
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 £P5 V* 7 WAVESIT Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair w VAC I A I Staff trained in use of INNOXA Preparation I Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf. 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419.
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    • 81 4 MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR BEAUTY THE I%J*%* Av&H. j/i^W AT MAYNARDS tThe world over, the Elizabeth Arden »nt^ invariably the woman who is looked ai And Singapore is no exception! AI Elizabeth Arden S'alon in Maynarc splendid face treatments, flattering ma*« exquisite perfumes. She comes to Maynards too, so thai
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  • 455 5 Three toasts to the bride FT.ATCIED among the very j ru,mJien*ive selection of j neruan-made gowns at j tISCIIXA LTD. (No. 5, En curt, entrance in Hillrer". are some fcrmal in moon frocks which would t ideal for those wedding < itst in search of something j t\\ and smart.
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  • 178 5 171 ho; gh the. traditional veil and orange blossom popular, there is a growing feeling for fig-nal head-near and many recent Singapore tfi I shown a variety of head -dresses, these 1 oni pearl coronets to quaint Tudor lace bon- One attractive bride seen recently
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  • 535 5 You are going to Be Married... hints on dress makeup for the bride-to-be 'JpIE main thing that you have to cope with, if jou intend to stage your greatest day in Singapore is, of course, the climate; but don't ict the himidity put you off the traditional satin and orange
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 M prime quality mm^^hm /nV/^HR«V' 4mA '^jt^ '^tAm^Ay J^AmmmmWm^^t^uftm^m^mm ABtL^S^ mt '■Cm\Y m\mWk V V' J J- ~'»m)m6^mmmmmm^9\ I^Hml^^^l Kt« 4^^K Wfl K /-mWTmw^ /1- $.i6&&*s- *"*W r 9*imL uMmm^TA W? Sm\ MAmMI ■R -'MmmW mmmW V ?S m JW'.4r? 'T<***~*ir +T- 4fS| i^l^^*V YjflfliiH^' |V496 I J^V-j^Ryf O»Jd j^'
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  • 194 6 IMK opinion that Thailand's altitude towards (ireat Britain waa chanjfinj? and that she was beftinnin^ to realise that we really are her friends was expressed hy the Commander-in-Chief, Far East, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke Popham, in the course
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  • 56 6 I^OF aline to notify the authorities his c';.nge of address. Seljun Nakazu (3D, a Japanese fisherman, was fined >1«0. In default, two months' rigorous l ->rls(..i:inent. The fisherman claimed trial to the chaase previously but when the case came 'ip for hearing before Mr. R. Moor, acting
    56 words
  • 284 6 Malayan Pilot's Success J A FIGHTFIt pilot who was i\ until recent l> an assist- i ant engineet In the "Malayan P.W.F). has shot down his/ first German aircraft. i This is Pilot OMcer P. Shellev. who is now with a i Hurricane squadron in the I l Middle Fast.
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  • 105 6 Chungking. Sept. 17. Till: Chinese and Japanese retcea in Central China are exchanging blows while a comparative lull prevails on the other fronts. Immediately after the Japanese offensive in Northern Hunan, the Chinese counter^Utacked and at the same time the Chinese forces in Southern I !-ap
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 45 6 CHARGED with enticing away Puthma, a married woman, kflnkacuni »w»~ Veerman <28». claimed trtel b< :e Mr R Moor In the third police court. The case was postponed for mention on Sept 24. end ball was offered in the tun Of $200 in one surety.
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  • 293 6 A 38-YEAR-OLD Sikh watchman. Isher Singh, was found dead in a drain at the side of Tyersallßoad by two police constables on patrol duty at 3.50 a.m. on Sept. 14 and Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore coroner, held an inquest into his death. A
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 6 Left to right— M. Maisky. Russian Ajiibawat General Gehkov, Baad of the Russian Hhrin Britain, and Kharlamov. deputy head, arriving the Foreign Office. London.
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  • 209 6 THE Americans are more interested in the Pacific than in the Atlantic, and although they are in the dark about Japan's future moves they are nevertheless preparing for all eventualities. This is the opinion of Mr. Virgil Pinkley vb arrived In Singapore by the Clipper
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  • 113 6 *mfO call for help has ever failed oi xesponse J% Malaya, and I can assure you that the wonder^ ly generous gifts, both in cash and Kind, wiu have reached us from Malaya, have heartened anc Inspired us all." This is a passage in a letter of
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  • 353 6 rE benefit which will accrue to the public in fewer prosecutions and reduced public expenditure is stressed by the Municipality in a circular letter sent to associations, guilds and other such bodies with a request that these organisations cooperate in the spread of knowledge of what
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 99 6 15^"-' "^B Kr""^~™ mm^MWmmmW&^^i*9^^^^^^i^^ »^S m%.i. AwA^Tn fl Jul v*m Wz^mW W\ m m\ W }^Mjmmy^mmm\ |TH B^ fl H jf w nV I An Bn^v .CW XI 11 j SAVINGS ~&4>yeub 1 A dolla saved is an extre dollar earned. A Savings Account is the best inducement to save
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  • 1371 7 H. L. HOPKIN'S Letter From London Britain Needs More Women Workers: Bournemouth Dancing "Breeze* Over: Dutch Cheer British Prisoners: More News For The Neutrals London. Aujr. 22. y\V urgent is the need for women workers in the faerie j< shown by the plain lteme nt of Mr. E. W. Barlip,
    1,371 words
  • 325 7 MORNING TRIBUNE THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1941. COLLECTIVE DEFENCE WITHIN the space of five days, President Roosevelt has delivered two epoch-??iaking speeches which, in the opinion of many international critics, are more important than the Kight-Point Declaration because they deal with problems immediately concerning the war rather than post-war reconstruction. The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 156 7 lAKEUPYOUR LIVER BlLEhour dlomrl Aed You'll Jmuo oat of j Bed ia tbe Morakf FuK of Via. 1 |Kiur out two |x>uitds of Kt hit mto ■.our bowels daily. If this bile M [;•(!>•. your food doesn't digest, j M dccari in the bowels. Wind bloats ui> FttOJMcn Y.nmet constipated.
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  • 109 8 Johore Sultan 's Birthday JOHORE yesterday celebrated the 68th birthday of its ruler, His Highness Sir Ibrahim. Loyal subjects said prayers for his health at the Sultan Abubakar Mosque; a thanksgiving service was held at the Diwan. followed by an audience at the Istana Besar Pictures "how: (left) H.II the
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  • 261 8 Chungking. f rHE wave of free China's reconstruction has swept over Chinese Turkestan as this north-western unit of the Chinese Republic is undergoing vast changes in every aspect of economic activities, according to the China Information Com- mittee. Although access is still difficult Chinese Turkestan
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  • 163 8 OAVEN-HAIRED Miss Mary Ralph, who is to marry an R.A.F. pilot officer, was ordered to be home by 10 p.m. for the next two years. She and an 18-year-old student took a car without the owner's consent at Southampton and set off for London. They
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 165 8 1 SPEED THE TANKSII DIARY OF FUNCTIONS 18th. Sept. Churchill Tank Fund Night at Cocoanut Grove. Tickets $1.00. 25th. Sept. Battle of Britain Ball at Raffles Hotel. NonStop Cabaret Dance—Specialty Items and Hostesses. Music by Dan Hopkins Orchestra Harmony Hawaiian*. Extension to 2 a.m. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 418 9 "I AM STILL ALIVE" (At the Alhambra) qTORY of the stunt defying men of Hollywood opened at the Alhambra vesterdav under the appropriate name of "I Am Still Alive." Thrills abound f^om the time Steve Barnett. played by Kent Taylor crashes his nlane throueh a barn until he hits
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  • 288 9 jfv'iDENCE that the ricKsnaw puller was "jogging along with ins head down" was given ay Cpl. 3. T. Knight, who was in the ricksha at thj continued inquest yesterday into the death of Phua Say Mah, the puller. The inquest followed upon an accident at
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  • 554 9 QIR Percy McElwaine, the chief justice, yesterday, dismissed the appeal of Low Yew Tee and upheld the conviction and sentence of a fine of $500 (with the alternative of three months' imprisonment) imposed by the Malacca district judge on a charge of criminal breach of trust.
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  • 275 9 Punjabi Lorry Driver Charged JITA SINGH, a Johore lorry driver who stood trial yesterday, is alleged to have offered a bribe to two Malay constables and then escaped from legal custody. Mr. E. M. Tampoc -Philips appeared for .'it a Singh and. a point of law to the effect that
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  • 64 9 MR. Alfred Duff Cooper and Lady Diana Duff Cooper were entertained to dinner by Mr. Kao Ling-pai, the Chinese ConsulGeneral, last night. Mr. Martin Russell and Mr. Anthony Keswick, who came to Singapore together with the British Cabinet Minister, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
    Chinese Central News  -  64 words
  • 70 9 Hsinking, Sept. 17. FOR the first four days of this week, Manchukuo will be in a gala mood, celebrating the ninth anniversary of Japan's recognition of Manchukuo ana' also of the autumn shrine festival. Processions, dances and fireworks ar? taking place in the streets of the capital
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 93 9 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. Bstabliihed by Royal Charter AJ> J 824 (Netherlands Trading Society) BANKERS Paid Op Capital f 40 ,030.0*> Reserve Fund f 12,000,000 London Correspondents NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED Bead Office BATAVIA Branches: Netherlands Last Indies:— Soirabaya, Samarang. Mcdan, Weltcvreden. Bandoeng. CherUo.i. Tegai, Pecalong;ui. Djoscja Ikarta, Solo Tjilatjap. Djemu-i
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 32 9 I w I BY WALT DSSNEV > n I i TIT! I I KfTlrml theses nothing j VsTEP^s k r\ A^; c^y JJ 1 1 likE THE CLA^SIC^TYLE^) /<s^fc^4 ou^ •^?q \r^L -^^fev
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 698 10 T**r^^fj^^^^M m^ m^^^^mm m^^^^W^^^tmmm^^ k mmmm^ m Mr''^J^mW^^t WT^k^lr^ \^A^^^^ \Jt^^^ <Ea i I I w' i: J L^___________________________ Situations Vacant POSTS Of SALESMEN to sell Twlvrrul. ala Medicine and Mixture Filled Applicants thanked 'No. 133L' WANTED MALE TEACHER with S'tll) Cambridge qualification Apply Pub'i Engll«»h SehoM. .lohore Bnhru (No.
      698 words
    • 725 10 Wanted I >x p KeroaetM upcnMa rtf;:it'.eiu- j Box Sv. 460 co NUdsya Tribune, .-.ugaporc. (No H4U WANTED Portable typewriter cheap for Cash— CaU 2-5 p.m. 300. Orchard 1 Singa pore (No. 112L) AMERICAN COUPLE rec;uire small modern furnished compound house, nood location. I garage modern sanitation. Phone No. '-•031.
      725 words
    • 620 10 Educational j j MALAY TUITION, given by "P"*""^ I aciir. API-:/ Munahl. 82. Mlnto Roer<.! Singqiore. (No. 169L> PREMIER INSTITUTION. 44. Orchard Road Vacancies for night classes in English Principil (No. 174Lt LEARN CANTONESE. Private tultloh River. by a h'ghly educated Chinese. Engl'sh speaking. Practical text book used. Please write
      620 words
    • 678 10 For Sale fRIOIDAIRE 4 c.f. Excellent condition Porcelain Finish. 195 P.O. Box y> Kla (No. H6L, PHILIPS 1937 RADIO. 7 valv^~|loo|7~i, r nearest Box 451 do Malaya Trlbun» Blngapore^_ No FOR SALE. Shelvndor Refrigerator in good condttlon. $100-. Phone 2627 Singapore. (No. 109L) TENNIS. Boxing and Physiculture Equlo ments. Apply
      678 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 190 10 ON lit [_air| s,N, '\lJ m mf m B csp-is sy'ji w wtrj u Fail (FIDB 9.W yIM SAIGON I mftrol «-m uM BANGKoJ ■sps si *M ill 715 a«| From or! KUALA \}M ws < *xs mm («allf m«k rt*m (Xii to I it rtW PENAKcI (41 M HS|
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  • 281 11 On ly Suit Of An M.P. WHEN 31-year-old Mr. Ht-ctor McNeil. Lubou. MP for Gieenock. asked a question in thr House of Commons .he stood up in the onlv suit h< has. It was a grey pin -striped suit (without w.;i--ooat». With it Mr. McNeil wore a white shirt and
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  • 88 11 Pulled Man Away By Hair— Saved A CUPBOARD «aved] Mr and Mrs. Edmunds when a bomb wrecked their house during a raid on an English eaM coast town. When rescued, almost unhurt. Mnl Edmunds said: 4, 1 grasped my husband by the hair when 1 heard the bombs whistling, and
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  • 79 11 RICHARD GOSB 26--year-old IRA. training officer, wan executed bv a firing squad at Maryborough Prison after condemnation by a special military court which ordered that the sentence should be carried out within 48 hours. His trial followed when he was captured in a gun battle With police and j military.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 231 11 ihlit' WottCaß pore Municipality TFNDERS. P ire now invited for tbe fed r f.errlce. For partip 3 Tender Room. I*" Date of Cloelnt I IntCMDM °f micip. 1 Cemetery 5 Brown SuMg D, ?t i/ s L>n, 37 Sept. 1941. t iclnj of 0 oi Pulul I •a' K< cbil.
      231 words
    • 471 11 Woman Found Dead AN unknown Chinese aCM 1 1 Vhoec iff ve* estimated at 40 shuts, *m round Had at the I6ih mllestoxu on the neatbore near the Ceusewey bj en Indian. K. Cbathu, foreman of tlu Johort We* tarwork while he erea on hi- way tn I Aork on
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 387 12 Cable News from 'Down Under' i Melbourne, Sept. 17. THE Minister for Air) (Mr. McEwen) has i announced the Fe- deral Government's I decision to expedite mail deliveries to j members of the R.A.A.F. overseas by I establishment o f R.A.A.F. base post offices in Australia. the United Kingdom. I
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 202 12 WOTHER BIG PICTURE at the BIG THEATRE £&h^^ y Stl m nfr Dann§ BfWW||ft^ Enlertainmenl for those 11 1 1. /a^S&X Enough lo TJ/WITD Understand "siifi m\ Mm Ww Hi m\ mFf^^U^^^-MmW' Richard CARLSON tt^^l?if^ir3 ;y Frank McHUGH 3*^**^ Tim HOLT wsi¥ o.a this lovely girl St Samuel S.HINDS ea
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    • 199 12 SEE the Gestapo outwitted in the Gm.i r '"picai Comedy-drama TACK UP YOUR TROUfili TO-DAY .M5, tt.U aj ALHAMBHj REGINALD PURDELII 7^&ilr t&mt mm §S _tfe- i a? S.^tß W&mT 7^ WW^HalliH 7^ 7^uK^ W r «Hp '-^Sitt i mm\M $m AmmWSBmW I a .^W^7 wA mi& W \^77^*i* 3lfc
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  • 218 13 Mr. Charles H Holmes, general ma-| nager ol the Antra- 1 llan National Publicity Aml, has bcc.i appointed Director of the Department of Information in succession to Mr. J. F. Williams, who has been acting in an honorary capacity, and visited Malaya recently with the Minister for Information
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  • 88 13 Stripped For Husband ROSE la Rose, £125--a-wcek New York str^p-teacse star, announced that she was seeking divorce because her husband made her work over-. U She complained,' cables John Walters from New York, that after Riving five ex-j hausting performance nightly m a, theatre, her husbandwould make her do one
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  • 218 13 THEY said of him 19 months 1 ago, "He is a worthy successor to Bunomaater Max. And all Brussels agreed that the round-laced little doctor vho became their new Mayor vas of the same spirit as the round-faced little burgomaster who defied his German masters 26
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 72 13 3.15, 6.i5 jSavtticn 9.15 WHAT FORBIDDEN SECRETS LIE HIDDEN BEYOND THE GRAVE? SEE THE MOST THRILLING MYSTERY EVER SCREENED! SIEELYOURSELL^^ S Bk •JwP* '7^ v*&&ii x t <Mw|pflftfv *hIS WtmmmJt ••*>* _2^£T<)t ft *V j jV^ J^A Tilfc;^i mg*. flffl f Y m v h i J ['off^^Z Ji Bffj_JM
      72 words

  • 1059 14 Dead Heals Willi Another Maiden Winner, Pays $52 For Place QUEEN'S STARS DOUBLE: SECOND DAY PERAK RACES MAIDEN wins for Micky Rooney and Spun Wool, which, incidentally, dead heated for first place in the third event, Micky Rooney paying $52 for a place bet.
    1,059 words
  • 63 14 THIS ONE WAY EASY r a H hirlaway m K the fa, Kentucky lengths in b >' by t re iord time mins. i sec. not l ago. A few i ago. how, racing at R4 Island t h great horse, claimed Ami ca's (hamj horse, was bt en by
    63 words
  • 274 14 ONLY two ties in the S.C.C. autumii lawn tennis tournament were played off yesterday. In the men's singles handicap, J. T. Chester (plus 4) beat W. M. OakRhind (scr.) 6 4, 6 4, and in the women's singles handicap, Mrs. Griffiths (scr.) beat Miss N. Still (plus 15) 6—4,
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  • 36 14 DLAYING at Bukit Timah yesterI day, Raffles College beat an Indian General Hospital XI by five goals to nil after leading 4—o at half-time. Scorers were Karim (2» Doraisamy (2) and Ghazali.
    36 words
  • 198 14 Fort Canning 2; Airport FAIRLY exciting football was seen at Fa Park yesterday in the Div. 118 match beti Fort Canning and the Airport which ended i 2-all draw. The Airport drew blood Ant through Y their right wingei. in one of their dangerous They continued to hold the
    198 words
  • 172 14 R.A.F. (Kallang). .3; Indian Assn.ONE player was ordered off the field *H B.A.F. (Kallang) met and held Jg Association to a 3-all draw in a Div 11 match played at Farrer Park ycsterdav Play was fast and both teams tooK iara tacking. The Indian commenced
    172 words
  • 22 14 Zurich, sepi-j; furt, seven times international fo° tb *JJj2 ,°venw' and Kalle Jalkanen. world champion skier in 1938.- Reuter
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 386 14 Asthma Agony Curbed in 10 Minutes Since the discovery of Mendaoo by an enables you to sleep, but also builds up the American physician it is no longer neces- system to ward off future attacks For in«ary for anyone to suffer from choking, stance, Mr. J. ft. writes: "I was
      386 words

  • Article, Illustration
    50 15 Columbus' ity 6,000 j ade cast i »r Ohio [an n u becoming i With kto of a (itial can. Man' Bunner, herewith) m a cam- for the 1 ith post- S ister pa- i Id stunts. he lost. J |s not a j butt through I she J have
    50 words
  • 34 15 Sept. 17. )US cxplov occurred redish des. koorcd In archipeladestroyers n;7y damre and unions. lumber was injured but re D>r vet nose the il hindered rations. ■c of the Is not vet rati
    34 words
  • 350 15 A WAR Fund amateur boxing programme is to be staged by the local Association at the Happy World on Sept. 26. starting at 8.30 p.m. Representatives from the various Service Units in Singapore have intimated their willingness to compete, and the programme will be made
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  • 170 15 THE Singapore Polo Club have received a total of about 270 entries for the eight events for the War Fund Gymkhana they are holding on Sept. 27. Thirty-eight horses have been entered for the jumping, 40 for the tilting, and 43 for the musical posts. while an
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  • 27 15 THE seventh Singapore Chinese sports meet will be held at Jalan Besar Stadium on Saturday and Sunday, commencing at 9.30 a.m. on each day.
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  • 29 15 THE hockey fixture between the Y.M.C.A. and a Heavy Battery team, fixed to be played at the Y.M.C.A. ground yesterday, was cancelled as the Gunners failed to turn up.
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  • 24 15 THE R.E. (Pulau Branl) were awarded a walk-over in their Div. HA game against the R.E. (Malays), which was to have been played yesterday.
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  • 257 15 DURING the season 1941.42 the Singapore Cricket Club will play a number of Ist XV games on the Padang and the M.R.I will also play on the same ground four major games on behalf of the War Fund and Malaya Pat. riotic Fund. The Padang will
    257 words
  • 166 15 Mayfair B.P. To Celebrate THE Mayfair Badminton Party will hold their ninth anniversary on Saturday and Sunday, Sepl- 27 and 28, at 138, Pa-i' Panjang Road. Members are requested to fall in at Mr. Yeo Kian Hoe's residence, K, Lorong IV, Geylang Road, on Saturday before 5 p Eft, Free
    166 words
  • 46 15 The Postal Department advUc* that the Pan American Clipper Ik now cxpecturi tr> deDart to-morrow. d Tne fafftlme ol po.tln al the O Xfg. Singapore to connect with bmm Kurope America. Pacific and the phlilpl me Island, on the return flight wUI be 3 p.m. to-day.
    46 words
  • 206 15 New Yurk, Sept. 17 THE Committee to Defend America last night issued a new statement of lis basic policy which is outlined in the lollowing ten-point programme. (1), An immediate breakoff of diplomatic relations with Germany; (2), Deliver goods all the way across the
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  • 106 15 Shanghai, Sept. 17. WANG Thing- wei's forces arc co-operating with Japanese troops in various pert* of Kiangsu Province in mopping up the remnants of the Chines? Fourth i Communist* Army, according to the Japanese Army spokesman, CXi. Akiyama, at a press conference The spokesman expressed the hope
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  • 113 15 IN a friendly badminton match A played at their own courts last Sunday, the Kampong Jagoh Muslim B P beat the Gentle B.P. by 5 games to 2. Results <Kg. J.M. B.P. players mentioned first):— Singles: Sd. Salim beat Ahmad Taib 15—9. I—s. 15—7. Md. Yimou
    113 words
  • 56 15 London. Sept. 17 THIS morning's Air Ministry com- munlque stated that "during the night, a 'small number of enemy aircraft flew Inland, mostly over parts of eastern England. "Bombs, which fell at a few [points, caused no damage and no casualties had been reported. One enemy bomber
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 155 15 New York. Sept. 18. ACCORDING to the New York Times' R/:me correspondent, the Pope gave a polite "no" to a request from President Roosevelt conveyed through Myron Taylor, the President's personal envoy to the Holy See, that the Pope should declare war against Nazism as
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 59 15 THE following have bt'en selected to play hockey for the Y.M.O.A. vs. R.A.0.0. tomorrow at 5. 15 pm. on the Anson Road ground. H Tang; Hira Singh. Lee Pong Lim (Capt); V. R. Sabapathy. Goh Chin Chye, Gan Kee Siang; W Maggs, lan Hope. 18. Suratta. Gan Kee
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 28 15 Coconut Grove "Where Everybody Goes'* CHURCHILL TANK FUND TO-NIGHT Elaborate Moor Show Extension Inlil 2 a.m. Admission $1.00 Proceeds to the Fund Phone ***** Reserve Early Phone *****
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 39 15 (Diary DAY Div I, Manches. [tam; Re. sion, Argylla ClerfcaJ '•HB.Stamv P<»st OfOfflce. &-C.C, tourannual gen. Nl ol Kep. Club. 6.45 Khalsa v n eral Hog. p uind. TABLE "Dhs if***--141 pm.. Row 0 9.34 D f 10.30 10.18
      39 words

  • 357 16 SOVIE T DEFENCE MATCH FOR BIG GERM AN PUSH "CENT-A--PLANE" FUND SCORE SIX London. Sept. 17. (By Annalist) THE German communique to-day makes a revealing statement although it docs not constitute a claim, lt says that in the east offensive actions arc developing into one operation on a very big
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  • 101 16 Goebbels Praises Red Army London. Sept. 17. THE way to Novgorod was simply hell," states Dr. Goebbels' paper Voelkisher Beobachter quoted by the Moscow radio. "It is a thing nobody will ever forget. The enemy has some reckless soldiers who seem to have no fear of death, no regard for
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 83 16 Moscow, Sept 17 ONE of our tank brigaces, operating on the Leningrad sector in a successful engagement, destroy ?d 48 enemy tanks and armourec. cars. 27 guns and 13 mine- throwers,'* states a supplement to the Soviet communique. "Troops lecovered the island of Rahmasaari in Loke
    83 words
  • 302 16 Battle For Islands Described (By Maurice Lovell. Reuters Resident Correspondent Moscow. Sept. 17. THE importance of the Soviet victory in smashing the German attempt to land forces on the Soviet held islands of Ezel and Moon at the entrance to Riga Bay and partly commanding the Gulf of Finland, is
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  • 94 16 Berne, Sept. 17. ATTEMPTS to assassinate two more Nazi non-commissioned officers are reported in a Vichy despatch to- cay. One of them was shot and seriously wounded in Boulevard The bullets entered his back. Shots were fired at the other N.C.O. yesterday morning but he
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 102 16 SHANGHAI'S PETROL SHORTAGE— Restrictions on the sale of petrol in Shanghai, first enforced some days ago to prevent hoarding, have been tightened up because of the dwindling of supplies caused by a shortage of shipping. The Asiatic Petroleum Company, the only British concern about here, inserted
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  • 73 16 AUSTRIAN'S EXECUTED— Five Austrians were executed in Berlin on Tuesday, according to the Berlin correspondent of the Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyheter. Of one. Eduard Jaroslawshy, it was said that he had displayed hostile tendencies towards the state for many years and had recently attempted to impair the powers of resistance
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  • 101 16 Cruel, Would Not Speak A WOMAN music temcner whose schoolmaster husband had lived in the same house without speaking to her for several j years was granted a decree nisi on ciueltv 1 grounds at Chester j Assizes. "I cannot imagine greater cruelty."' com. i mented Mr. Justice 1 Singleton.
    101 words
  • 105 16 John and Robert Meikle were twins. They went t? school together, played together, worked toil gether. On the same day, when they were 21 years old, they both passed the examina- tion that made them chartered account- ants. Together, in 1938, they joined the Territorials. On the same day
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  • 145 16 Home Guard Out Again City Strike Kansas City, bep AFTER the Home GuaraJ State of Kansas had dered to mobilise, a stn»' ployees of a power company. caused Kansas Citv to M into darkness last nfcM. called off. ..ithoul The City had been JWJ power and water and J were
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  • Page 16 Advertisements