Morning Tribune, 16 September 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 10 1 Morning Tribune Vol. 6— No. 195, Tuesday, September 16, 1941.
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  • 131 1 Raider Operating Off Ecuador New York. Sept. 15. \kS Axis commerce raider is reported to be operating near Galapagos Islands, on the Equator west of Ecuador by the Baihoa corresnmidpnt of mm iwmod correspondent oi uie new York Times. The raider is operating in the approaches to the Panama Canal
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 55 1 London, Sept. 15. Every tank and tank part made in Britain next week is to be sent straight to the front lines defending Leningrad, Kiev and Odessa. This supply of Britain\s all-out aid for Soviet Union is announced by Lord Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply in a telegram to
    Reuter  -  55 words
    Reuter  -  493 words
  • 273 1 lACKOUI TOJ-KM Moscow. Sept. 15. E Russians admit that the Germans have occupied menchug on the east bank he Dnieper. This is the point where the Germans t succeeded in crossing the r— the western banks of ch they reached sometime gantic battles are raging in i
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  • 44 1 a -lj London, Sept. 15. "11/E are anxious to get to Moscow as soon as we can," said Mr. W. Averell Harriman, head of the Unit- ed States Mission to Moscow, who arrived in England by air to-day with several fel- low members.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 101 1 New York, Sept. 15. NINE ships are now tied up as a result of a strike called by the Seafarers' International Union of North America which began on Thursday. In an interview to-day Mr. John Hawk, National Secretary of the Union said the
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 309 1 (By Maurice Lovell, Reuter's Correspondent) Moscow, Sept. 15. THE loss of Kremenchug by the Soviet troops means that the Germans have at least at one point made a crossing of the Dnieper. Uhe Soviet command will naturally look on event as thev have done in
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 11 1 W. AVEREIJ. HARRIMAN t> aid to Russia now.
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  • 228 1 Sharp Tobruk Activity Cairo, Sept. 15. INCREASED liveliness in Tobruk area is an nounced in the Middle East communique which states that "during Saturday night British patrols from Tobruk intensified their activity carrying out a series of brilliant raids against enemy positions facing the Eastern sector
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 99 1 Buenos Aires, Sept. 15. REVELATIONS about the financial operations of Axis news agencies are contained in a third report issued by the Parliamentary Committer which is invest!, gating anti-Argentine activities. The report shows that tha Trans-ocean, a German undertaking, and the Italian EuroAmerica undertaking have
    Reuter  -  99 words
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  • 74 2 Buenos Ane I* Sept; 1"». j 1 TDK Hoarding oi a lapaiKMC 1 liner, the Nana Man and 1 the seizure ol package.-, emi- j I -ik.uH to the German Emfcas- j s+ uith instruelions t<> delivei them to his custody have been ordered by
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 144 2 Salt Lake Citv (Utah) Sept. 15. A:; Abundance of American food for the British would serve as filth column to incite the hungry conquered people* of Europe to rebci against Hitler. stated the -Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Wickard, in a speech to ianner>. He said the effect on half-fed
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 443 2 Washington. Sept. 15. |\URING th< i"> months" peace between Russia and Finland, the Soviet plotted to destroy Finland's independence and I finally launched an unprovoked attack on the Finns at the outbreak of the Ruero-Gexman hostilities. This statement is made in the Finnish Government's
    Reuter  -  443 words
  • 160 2 STORMSHAMPER OPERATIONS Stockholm. Sept. 15. THE report of the withdrawal of 1 Finnish troops from the Karelian Isthmus is current in Helsinki, according to news received in Stockholm. Violent storms and rain are much hampering the operations on this sector which may explain what may be only a temporary withdrawal
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 75 2 Chungking. STRENGTHENING and increasing the efficiency oi the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to cope with more complicated work are envisaged in the immediate future. It is likely that Foreign Minister Quo Tal-Chi wl!l make some addition to the s faff and other reshuffle after the return
    International News Agency  -  75 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 Two sailors from New Brunswick giving a I sea-lion from Newfoundland a nice piece of fresh fish as an extra ration— thus sealing their friendship, during a visit the nien made to the London Zoo.
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  • 81 2 Pittsburgh, Scut. 15. ABOUT 37.000 soft coal miners, employed in tive" mines of seven steel corporation* ojwj to capacity on defence orders. WCW ordered to go strike to-day. J Captive mines are those whose coal U UM m lv by the parent oiganisation. The corporations affected tadudett
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 245 2 IT is learned on good authority tnat manj 1 killed and injured when a bomb destrojca i> of the central post office at Zagreb. It is understood that the bomb was tnroi u group of persons whose identity an wommm ter. TOR the first time in Canadian h^g^f^
    British Wireless  -  245 words
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    • 97 2 I ,tt&K!& ll p M pM C Send u, your inquiries RAHAMIN PENHAS Chemical Pharmaceutical Dept. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penang. APB 1 Theatre Goers Please Note: The next show at the VICTORIA THEATRE is "The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse" on Sept. 27, Oct. 4 II at 9.30 p.m. You are advised
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  • 486 3 London, Sept 15 aiiiK.uncenient cd* two important events, yesterday the rrival of a R.A.F. wing in Russia and the arrival in London Libera of t^je American Mission to Moscow is an indication Anglo-American air I to our ally on the Eastern Front is mag
    Reuter  -  486 words
  • 45 3 Berne. Sent 15. RDING to the Neue Zuriciier ftung's Budapest corrcsf ll the action by Serb has caused the closing ot J-Wlometer stretch of railran BaraJ. v 0 to the Serbian L 'i* and the railway from to the Adriatic hnx i_i__an wted Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 285 3 JOURNALIST VISITS CHUNGKING -The Philippines' most outstanding journalist, Dr. Caron Romulo, arrived at Chungking by plane from Manila ovei the week-end. He is studying first-hand conditions 'n Free China. Dr. Romulo called on Dr. T.F. Tsiang. secretarygeneral of the "Cabinet", shortly after his arrival. He has
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 57 3 COMMENT ON MALAYA— Commenting on Au.^tralia'.s armament programme and the dispatch of heavy reinforcements to Malaya, avowedly for checking Japan's southward move, the Japan Times and Advertiser says that Australia's policy is surprising since Japan has offered no cause for provocation '•although Australia showed little consideration for Japanese sentiment in
    Eastren News  -  57 words
  • 150 3 s^»iighai, Sept. 15. -V Ivanoff, chairman l,1 White Russian ra ,s ommittee was this afternoon in Settlement P hin»vs,. gunmen who f***. who uas an ex. lh Imperial Russian <"iirt. succeeded M. Metzler a year ago after the latter was assassinated. M. Ivanoff was pronounced dead
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 35 3 S The task of defending Le. ningrad has been undertaken by Soviet Marshal Voroshilov J (herewith). He now has Bri- 1 S tfeh fighters of the R.A.F a there to help. M.^.^*.^^
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  • 245 3 THE arrival in London of members of tfie Amencan Mission to Mofcow has resulted in the forthcoming three-power conference Jial» -Wgg the subject of comment in the British Press to-aay. London, Sept. 15. Stating that it should not be long now before the conference is convened
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 82 3 Shanghai, Sept. 15 ACCORDING to a Japanese report n from Tokio, Mr. Kenkichi Yoshizawa. the newly-appointed special envoy to Indo-China. declared that his mission would be more of a political than a diplomatic nature. Mr. Yoshlzawa is reported to have said that his talks at Hanoi
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 75 3 Russians Astonish Europe London, Sept. 15 T HE Russians have astonished Europe by the I suirit of their magnif cent Sance and behaviour OSTm ST G ''m nc-Jd* no .real effort ttt»"Ss S °so'm h r«vW»» I inon eami R" d different In th r, 7. r Russia I traditions
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 66 3 THE Chinuv community otßtn--1 tone Paliang. con»r.butrri $447 64 during the "Aid Britain Week" on behalf ol the Lord Mayors National Air Raid Distress Fund This sum has been forwarded by the District Officer to the China Relief Fund Committee of Singapore for inchNtfon in the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 49 3 Under BRITISH management m m WE SUGGFST Lobster 'Americaine but serving delicious Continental and American disjhes as well as real English homecooking. Our cellars have g with finest m*^%J '%AAS*mAmJ continental T ml 282 Orchard I i_ 1 wine s o n d o _i 5355 Koad. liqueurs. j*jj-j
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  • 211 4 l ADY Diana Duff Cooper has a busy week ahead settling into her Singapore home at 106, Jervois Road. It is a pleasant house with a pretty outlook of green-clad hills, spacious lounges and a patio porch leading to the garden, which is in keeping with
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  • 348 4 lATEST end one of the most suc- cess'ui parties to be given for Servicemen by the King's Association was held on Friday night at 33, Paterson Road. Soldiers, sailors and airmen were the guests and they were entertained with boxing, ping pong, dancing and a cabaret show.
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  • 361 4 boxing display, followed by a net ball match. Guests who did not play wandered indoors and amused ihemselves with a game of ping pong or bridge. One of the lads turned out to be a fortune-teller and soon had a crowd of people
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 39 4 WAVESCT Eugene Oil Perms 1 c cj__a_r SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair w f AC I Al Staff trained in use of INNOXA Preparation Elizabeth Saloor. European Operators Capitol Bldr. 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419.
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    • 22 4 BATTERY ROAD JLiJL PHONE: 4085 Afternoon Dresses j sizes 16/18 just received. Onen 5.30 a.m. to S p HI i i MaUten
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    • 29 4 ///A751V1 Phone ftf 3335 j 5 Kii i« lB1 FIRST FLOOR ENTRANCE HILL IHJ chapeaux l •■••ssw" tiiMHli See our Show-window at l>&* for New Oatmeal Stra«* i MMtcrt
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  • 79 5 f^N ideal hot-day lunch consists of a combination of sandwWi.s, salads and fruit, supplemented by ice-cold soft drinks Top left, stuffed tomatoes and three-decker sandwiches Centre, cream cheese salad sandwich plate, garnished with tinned raspl.errics and served with wholemeal or nut bread. Below, rolled asparagus sandwirhts and a
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  • 751 5 IDs and sandwiches, besides being health-giving, provide a welcome change km more conventional and heavier fare when the weather is particularly hot. I is a good idea to serve them on individual plates either for lunch or for the supper. The following selections will
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  • 161 5 take a tip S j MILK pud- I I dings are more j creamy in con- j J sistency if a pinch of oatS meal is added I before cooking; i 2 teaspoons of i ground rice. added to the j flour before mix- 1 ing. makes bat- j ter
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    • 184 5 Vine apple HAMS W& mAmm\ HP mV./'**^ *M^Q _________________l :?7^BF a_i__,_to< ;,^»<a_>W»______i K^ BP^'-> '::s^^^>_ I *^S_S_aß^*^«ttc' _t w*d&~jm\ mfak, I^^-i^jA^Q| a._____t_2_y''3 g 3__t_i#____ Rur IWaW tA e HjJP> 7,^^J ____a^^a KE |a^_______________H_B>' l VJL _t^^__________^^i^_s»l WS^m? 7^___BP^^9Pl mS. I --JS^_^SBI., _f _tt >_^Sw____^l____. Tm^^^^^si&itseS&^mWyfis^^^^ y»__i_r^^^ __rf______l i S_3____R :>iSß_____>A_K3L
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  • 201 6 S Kuala Lumpur. Monday, sj NOTHING is known in ofli- cial circles here ieg*rdin& J j an Eastern News report from S Bangkok that the Thai- I Malavan frontier has been 1 indefinitely closed since the i last week-end, but that entry I into Malayan territory has
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  • 475 6 PAHANG "S SECOND YEAR OF DROUGHT THE coastal region of Pahang is suffering from its second 1 successive year of drought, and padi planters who are endeavouring to respond to the country's need for more home-grown rice are 'in many places confronted with dry padi fields, writes a special correspondent.
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  • 616 6 A LFRED John Wilson, a naval officer, was yesterday granted A a decree nisi, to be made absolute in six months, in the suit he brought seeking a divorce from his wife, Katherine George WiKson (nee Pounbura) on the grounds of her adultery with P. J.
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  • 63 6 \TfNETEEN-YEAR-OLD Ang Oh, alias Ton Tiong Koh, was sentenced to six months* rigorous imprisonment for bein^ tound in possessslon of a dagger. Ang was arresteu on Sept. o, ai Solomon Street and when he appeared before Mr. R. Moor, acting magistrate, last week, he pleaded guilty. Yesteraay.
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  • 129 6 ORIGINALLY charged with murder, but later with culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Bhaskaran Pillay stood trial yesteiday for the alleged killing of Sukumaran. The piosecution story was that the two men had a fight near a coffee shoo in Woodlands Road on the night of July
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  • 197 6 A EUR ASIAN member of the Royal Army Medical Corps, De Silva, and a Chinese woman, Sio Ah Ngan. were alleged to have cieated a disturbance in public by fighting at the junction of Joo Chiat Road and East Coast Road on Sept. 6.
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  • Article, Illustration
    68 6 Ai an Arroyy f cookery School in England, I S soldiers, many 1 Lof them with I previous culin- J ary experience, t are learning to cater for hund- reds of men at J a time, and to t cook all types 1 i of fare. Photo > shows, an
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  • 146 6 MAIDIN, an Indian employee J a military hospital, was sent] enced to a week's simple imprison! ment yllrterday when found guiltj of trespassing in a compound ol Alexandra, this being an oftena under the Defence Regulations. The prosecution alleged that MatfflJ who wa.^ re-engaged aite Mrwlia^
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    • 60 6 ov ffl.l BANKING/! banking I tactions of every descripfo* I places at your disposal I the multifarious services o I its institution with brand* I all over South Eastern m and connections in all pm" pal cities of the World. Welcomes consultations on financial and tovestil* problems and assures >ou^
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  • Article, Illustration
    1255 7 Letter Front JLondon London, Aug. 20. fixing the rubber export quota ai 120 per for L iu .xt three months the Inii national Regulation Comittec sprang what Is described 5 a "firs i -class surprise on the idustry. The reason for the decision is doubt that,
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  • 314 7 TRIBUNE TRIBUNE TUESDAY. SEPT. 16, 1941. INDIAN PROBLEMS POLITICAL bubbles have been fermenting in India for some time over the question of representation on the National Defence Council the constitution of which was announced on *Hily 21 this year. It will be recalled that in August, the Viceroy invited the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 173 7 .YE EXAMINATIONS; :ye§ lEs*ixclusjvely. \^p^ THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. I ARCADE BLDG., PHONE 3002. L A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular ciencc, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. ultima Cause (filed in 24 Hours i Hanks to the discovery of an American h i ui, it now is possible to get rid Of
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  • 1478 8 I SPEAK to you as a newcomer to the Orient. The first impressions of a newcomer are often interesting to an old inhabitant and sometimes a fresh e ye may see aspects of a situation which through long lamiliarity have escaped the notice of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 126 8 SPEED THE TANKS! DIARY OF FUNCTIONS 18th. Sept. Churchill Tank Fund Nijfht at Cocoanut Grove. Tickets $1.00. 25th. Sept. Battle of Britain Ball at Raffles Hotel. Nonstop Cabaret Dance Specialty Items and Hostesses. Music by Dan Hopkins Orchestra Harmony Hawaiians. Extension to 2 a.m. Tickets mav be obtained from Mrs.
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  • Article, Illustration
    582 9 i to i«ny power that might rash- V-mtemplatlng nets of aggression. Bui even this recital does not complete Icturc of our strength ln the Paci--7 behind the forces of Russia. China, the 's> herlands and the British Empire looom the {ligantic shadow of the states. a friendly, a
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  • 249 9 We Will Scorch The Earth BRITAIN'S War Offlce baa I "scorched earth" plan ready to operate if necessary in the event of invasion. The plan has been in existence for at least a year. Among duties assigned to th* Home Guard when invasion seemed likely last year was that of
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  • 51 9 DOROTHY, WHERE'S YOUR SARONG?— What' Dorothy Lamour and no sarong? But she look' iusl as appealing in this sHiowy costume, whkl she wears in a scene in her latest picture in whkl Dorothy, Bob Hope and Ring" Crosby se<t audience* to falling out of their seats with
    51 words
  • 304 9 X R.A.F. bomber pilot, shot in a battle over France, flew home with the observer's thumb pressed against th< .vound to staunch the blood. o I h«- bomber had taken part in i raid on Merville aerodrome. The 1 pilot, a sergeant, was hit
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 9  -  WALT DISNEY BY
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 2754 10 c- f v,r,n» Professional Educational Sei^SSS 7 JSEL '"ii? 7 Situations Vacant WT%MAAmmmmm National Cash Register NI6W class l^o V__ I i :>r nearest offer. G.E.C. A.C -D C Radio M l nT i r »it Minting RAPID COURSE in Motor Driving taught Set. 6 valves, 1939 model. $75-. Applv
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  • 197 11 ♦he coroner conducted an uirv yesterday into the t a 14-day-old child, the Lim Soh Lak. denied 0115 that her child had been *i and had died from causes ian natural. testimony. Lim Soh Lak stated > ,4-day-oid child fell 111 a few ir his birth and
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  • 33 11 (> 1.000 was offered to Koh Ah 'o claimed trial to a charge u In the earning on of a pubtfl Maude Road early yesterK Oon. second magistrate. c.i_e which was postponed to
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  • 92 11 ♦DAT more eels" is the new slogan *i of the Freshwater Biological Association of the British Empire, Eels, say the learned professors in their annual report, have a specially high nutritive value, ana there is an abundance of them in our rivers and lakesThe prof essors have
    92 words
  • 142 11 PRODUCED on three charges of cheating the storekeeper of Messrs. McAlister and Co. of goods to the value of $550, Syn Eng Kai, a (salesman of that Arm, yesterday claimed trial. Eng Kai Is alleged to have cheated Tay Pwee Lim. the storekeeper, on June 16 and June
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  • 295 11 NEWS BREVITIES Jubbulpore se pt x4% m ao r muS ]x Mody, j^ supply Member of the viceroy > s Exe cutive council left here fcr Calcutta today During his stay |h a visited war production and training cen t res By Radio. T* Quetta, Sept. 14. |T is reported
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    • 293 11 Public Notices Will subscribers please note that Raffles Library will be closed on Raffles Library will again be closed to-day, at 5 p.m. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY VENDERS. TENDERS are now Invited for the following materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Room. TENDER Date of Clotfng Supplying laying roofing felt
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    • 222 11 CLASSIFIED ADS. (FROM PAGE 10) Vegetable Seeds FRESH SUPPLY of Flinch bean, lim* bean, sword bean, tomato, cabbage, cucumber, vegetable marrow. Npw Zealand spinach, etc. Majus, 33. Orchard Road. Singapore. (No. ML) To Let DECENT BOARD AND LODOINO fOT Bachelors or Students. Apply 18. St. Wilfrid Road, off St.
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  • 332 12 Lahore. Sept. 14 THE Afghan Consul General in India. Muhammad Sha fl Khan, who is returning from his country after attending the indep?ndence celebra tions. in the course of a statement made here stressed his Government's extermination lo maintain strict neutrality, of announced by the King. He
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 195 12 A Special Attraction for our Chinese Patrons! ONE DAY ONLY! &n™i 5 a v II A.M. 3.15 6.15 9.15 The snappiest most daring modern story yet presentee! in anv CHINESE Production nviip nostr 1 Featuring the prvtty star of "HUA Ml' LAN" The story of a young Chinese Miss who
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    • 126 12 POSITIVELY LAST 3 SHO\S 3 9.15 6 p 5 m. ALHAMBRA You will be helpless with laughter w you see this screamingly f unn y IK MmW m ttmrnng W EDDIE ALBERT JOAN LESLIE ALAN HALS WILLIAM LUNDIGAN JOHN UTH thr-c^a b. BEN STOLOFF A WARNER BROS r.„. n.i fictltn
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  • 354 13 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne, Sept. 14. THE Minister lor In. formation (Senator toil) states that tne Government will soon send an artist to Malaya. The practice oi stationing artists with the A.I.F. abroad was adopted in the last wnr, and paintings by Mr. Harold Herbert, who has been
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  • 196 13 (From Our Own Reporter) looh, Monday. THE first batch of R.A.F. Artisans trained at the Government Trade School, Ipoh. left by yesterday's afternoon mail for Singapore, where they will undergo luither training, while at the same time, putting into practice v. hat they have already learnt
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 168 13 BiH f_______________fl________2 W < ______MI ____0 1 •l____K;'«, ;< aWH^^Ml^M^k? F^% v.fy W|p K^^k a^ l^*_______l-______________Ll__i__!^ J^_________________________r_^_______^ 4Bh ___________E_L <".JNLM*nßl^^^E____________________________H mmWr*" ""^^H ________R B "H _____fH EMKb^ie PtT* BrPiftß Bw v^ I *L _-SJe_B______i___l !__L__B___i S___.M_» T__i__b ___^_aa______i_HH__v*__FC-KTB l________F > 9 mW'if: E______S 4r_o ----V TC t __f^B _flfc_:_E' IK
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    • 110 13 LAST \M.III 3.1 J 4».1.» PAVILION COLUMBIA'S &ol)Qig ALSO Excellent Supporting Shorts VM__i______k. mF^mY^trm Htt^ mwm mW < _______y_n wmUm -_#t^^ ___T WV m mltm -^mmmm __r B* Igßi i'^Bß i| Bffl Wam g A l__B___7'*lß^'Ti v- W: _fl tF ftmM l____w f jfp > tii__vj__._^^_i fl c a iii
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  • 665 14 yMM.APOKirs football season is rapidly reaching conclusion. 3 and, us was the case last year, a very interesting: ending. With the exception of the lowest division in the league, where the Customs have annexed the honours, the issue in each of the other divisions in
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  • 177 14 TOLL-OWING arc tie* for to-day and to-morrow in die sec lawn tennis championship TO-DAY Men \s stnglj] handicap w N Rotheiy 3 > v Capt e ok Thomas <— 3). Professional pairs handier c H L. Ward and T. Kitching (+3) v Lt. w. D Gregg and Lt.
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  • 120 14 rpat is the draw und starting times for the R.S.G.C. championshln competition to be played at Bukit Tim in on fyiturday afternoon and Sundav morn. Ing: 2.30 Si 830 R.F.C. Marlcham A V Cramsie. 2.35 8.35 D. E. RUUoul J. F Ebrr 240 8.40 M. M Fatorson H
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  • 106 14 St. Leger Winner Won This, Too -uCUN Castle,^ 7 winner of S the coveted St. I i Leger held re- lentty, see n > above winning another race at Newmarket, not i 1 long before his great Leger win. i Sun Castle I J owned by Lord i Portal, who
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  • 157 14 THE following have I been selected to represent th*e Sinhalese Association in their cricket fixture against the Singapore Cricket Club to bg played on the Sinhalese grounds on Sunday, starting at II a.m.: J N Fernando 'captO. c. Senevilatne. Wijeweera. E. Jayakoddv s Gocnawardene. M. Pereira, G Ranatunga.
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  • 390 14 SECOND DAY'S HANDICAPS THE K are the tveig_J.l 1 air events far to-morrow'. |B races, the second dav of the M Turf CtUb three-day mttt^M HORSES. CLASS 3. DIV |_i nl SCHOOLBOY 900SOOTCI! LADY ZENTA 81" M aU PRUNELLA 8.10 ARMAGH FLYING PUNTERS SCOTSMAN 3.10 PMtw EL CAMARILLA 8.10
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 802 14 r e j Division One Table J Positions in tlie Di\ I league I .ire as follows: j i w m i) f pts l I I.Cf.ft 25 17 2 6 XO 26 10 R.A.F. 25 18 3 4 73 24 10 i Chinese 4 Ath 26 16 6 4
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  • 164 15 Relief Fund Soccer In Sunday r wh ieh Hill at- FJ mtereol will b« r Road Stadium on i in aid ol three ChlM Relief J H'.-d and the Ma- *£i lr ,rsS& *SHS a 1 t v(1 N combination, i i inrlUtW se n P ,a >** rs u
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  • 101 15 Chinese Offensive In Autumn? IT is reported thai Chinese troops fn South China will take a eeneral offensive agftthst the enemy some time in the autumn in conjunction with another Chinese attack on the .south hank of the YlWgtse River. By that rime, it is expected that some American field
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  • 61 15 Military Mission To Moscow? Chungking. THERE is no official announcement as to whether China will send a military representative to Moscow, although several names were unofficially mentioned. The most prominent person named is General Cheng Chien, Commander-in-Chief of troops in the Northwest and former Chief-of-Staif. It Is said that Moscow
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  • 87 15 American Champion 3-Year-Old Lose Rhode Island, Sept. 15. MARRELK', owned by Samuel Riddle, beat Whirlaway, America's champion three-year-old, owned by Warren Wright, by four-and-haltf lengths in the five thousand sterling Narragansett race, watched by a crowd of 50.000. There were only two other runners, Equifox, owned by Howard Wells, and
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 56 15 ENTRIES are now open for the .singles and doubles handicaps tennis events lor which the entrance fees are $1.50 and $2.50 per event. The closing date is Sept. 30 and competitors are requested to send in their entries to the tennis convenor, Mr. Chew Keow Scong, c|o Kens
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  • 105 15 MESSRS. Gattey Bateman, secretaries for Punggor Rubber Estates, Ltd., have issued the following bv order of the board: "As shareholders an M»re the dirertors liave for some time held th#- opml.-ii that it would be wise and an the Interacts of shareholders to sell the properties ol
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  • Article, Illustration
    58 15 Virginia Dale, pretty Paramount star, may put on a rhumba costume and pose on the mantel, but she's not an inanimate ornament. Virginia is one of Hollywood's more vivacious young players, and shr has just won an important role in Paramount's "Kis> the Boys Goodbye," after having done a particularly
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  • 138 15 Melbourne, Sept. 14. hnN the secona semiftnals of the League competition, Meloourne, with 109 points (16 goals, 13 oehindsi beat Carlton, 82 points UI goals. 16 behinds 1 Coburg, with 117 points '16 goals, 21 oeninas) beat Pres;ton, 81 points (11 goals, 21 beinnds* in uie test Association
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  • 79 15 THE third annual j "Singapore to johore and return"! cycle race will iak^| place on Sunday, Oct i 12, commencing at 7 a.m. Entries close on I Sunday, Oct. 5, andj entry forms can b" obtained from the Hup Teck Trading Co., Thompi m Road. Singapore. Since the
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  • 143 15 Wood Oil To Replace Petrol Chungking/. ORBIES can burn wood oil instead of petrol after conversion of the engine, announced Yang KwaiiK-kuu. a chemist who succeeded in driving a truck on wood oil at the speed of 40 kilometres an hour. Such vehicles can also climb hilly roads. A refinery
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  • 102 15 Kweilln. IN .in interview. General Li ChlBhen, Director of Generallsgimo Chiang Kai-shek's ofllcc in Rwell ii. stated that Japan is not likely to give up Canton contrary persistant i ress reports. Discounting any possibility of ,1 push to the north or south, General
    International News Agency  -  102 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 237 15 _i__in ,0,o? vagi 25 lbs. There Is n<» kmgar anv agCjtfa for men nnd women to remain Thin. Nervous Underweight, Run-Down, nnil I •i. >„n, j n Hollywood the Cinema Stars are under a severe strain night and day and require tho bent of medical services to maintain normal Weight
      237 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 216 15 _5 Ewl| t^ m mm ill II Wiw m\ m I w A A A t tw ■Y; Colts v Argylls, ft Road polo ground. ft: 0 All league games It wing to black-out exer- I ■1.-. S.C.C. autumn tourfide Table j I UGH TIDES i ft_Y. 7.16 a.m., 6.9
      216 words

  • 177 16 THERE was a truce in the J cabaret girls' strike at S l the Great World last night J when most of tnem turned up to the Churchill Tank J Fund. They gave all their i takings for this cause and, as i I the hall was
    177 words
  • 448 16 GROPING in the darkness, motorists and pedestrians in SingaTre las" night, were given a realistic impression of what Ue In LoSto and other Euronpan countries, especially at night time, must be like during these days of war when an air raid is common occurrence. Through the
    448 words
  • 366 16 "CENT-A--PLANE" FUND SCORE: FIVE dfgjdfjdfjh IRAN GERMAN IMPEDE MOVE AUTHORITATIVE quarters in London to-day stated, according I Reuter's dip! una tic correspondent, that the Germans in i r I displaying all th^ tactics typical of men under arrest who refusal quietly. -A They are impeding the Iranians by
    Reuter  -  366 words
  • 52 16 I Shangjao, Sept. 14. SCORING the longest string of success ever since the war, Chinese forces operating in the Eastern Front recaptured more than 30 towns and strategic points in three days following their commencement of a counter-offensive over the entire front on Aug. 25, according to a high military
    52 words
  • 223 16 Teheran, Sent 1. I A FURTHER consignment of 241 I\ men, were sent by train from Teheran tl morning, 220 destined for the British and '1 S the Russians. W I The Shah has summoned all depuiie. uJm him in his Teheran palace to-morrow afternH Rumour attaches
    223 words
  • 58 16 (From 11. I Hopkin I London, SepiH MRS. Ellen Stuteley. 58. the! oi Chingford, EsseiM a personal friend of the I Minister, was found dead in! filled room with a note leftifl ed to her husband. It is believed that she mm suffering from tremendous
    58 words
  • 55 16 Malayan Ceylon To Drive For Fighter Report (From un.pur.-H Tamtl c,^l^ T^g^Syttm to i*n* gd ftghter P^ne. wlthm J months. c*y»Jl RgS? com-JfJ the s.c.t.a. haii to-w- c* Mr. s. simindxi.;..' ,Kr «4 J"* lf»y f <* Mr l atanadur*! r< <* the commit.. we ™ber A Sj j"
    55 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 60 16 OPENING TODAY CA TTT A V 3.15 -6.15 -9.15 JLTL 111J\ X Thone 3400 JAMES PAULETTE STEWART GODDARD Academy Award winner 1941 Greater Than Ever _________nrcT^ <& Iin;?lH&1VlL I [4UVll_l_llJ[Hi;i_J!f < I_[HMI *xr A Scroonful off POT 0' GOLD immm&J L ft /___<■ An Earful off with HORACE HEIDT And
      60 words
    • 2 16 HI 'fff^M
      2 words