Morning Tribune, 12 September 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 11 1 Morning Tribune V o i, -No. 192, Friday, September, 12, 1941.
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  • 87 1 London, Sept. 11. ANOTHER Italian ship was sunk by a British submarine, it Is announced m an Adit miraltv communique. The ship was the Maya, 3,867 itons. and she was sunk m the [Aegean Sea. The Maya was registered m Genoa and was designed for carrying
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 54 1 Washington. Sept ll— President Roosevelt s address to-olght is described at the White House »s one which will be "all covering and leave no unanswered question." The President would reply to-day to the question of Russian aid about which he would receive the Russian Ambassador, M. Oumansky and
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 516 1 LONDON, SEPT. 11. HE GERMANS HAVE STARTED AN ATTACK 1 THE MURMANSK REGION. IN Authoritative circles m London reported to-day hat tfiere were indications the Germans had started 11 attack on the Murmansk region m Soviet far north. At present it is impossible to
    Reuter  -  516 words
  • 100 1 London, Sept. 11. J THE suspension of the Com- I munist newspaper Daily S Worker has been circumvent- I ed by the publication of a n*» paper called the Workers' Gazette, according: to a gues- tioner m the Commons to- day. He asked whether any ac- tion had
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 152 1 New York, Sept. 11. DEMOCRATIC and Republican Congressional leaders have been summoned to the White House for a conference with President Roosevelt at 4 p.m. to-day. It is generally taken for granted that the President's speech will be discussed. The fact that the Republicans have
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 61 1 New York, Sept. 11-A German raider operating m the Pacific, about 1,000 miles west o Panama sunk a Dutch motor ship, Kotanooan M**"*** other vessels, according to New York shipping eire Urn. The Dutch ship is reported to have been carry ng rubber tin and palm oil for U.S.
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 1 CHURCHILL defended Moore Brabazon.
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  • 604 1 Churchill Minister London, Sept 11. CONFIRMATION that Britain is sending hundreds of fighter aircraft to Russia was given by Mr. Winston Churchill m replying to a question m the House of Commons to-day. The question related to remarks recently ascribed to the Minister of
    Reuter  -  604 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 1 MOO UK BRABAZON victim of chatterboxes.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 339 2 STIRLINGS(Britian's Heaviest) RAID 3 ITALIAN CITIES London, Sept U7ITH the return of longer nights. British bombers paid another visit to northern Italy i ast night. This was the first raid since January when bombs were dropped on Turin and A^ Ai^S; "The Itoyal Arsenal at Turin, which was the ma
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 108 2 New York. Sept. 11 THE Washington t ori( -;;ui>d- i I en* of the New York J Times flatly declares that 1 President JRooseveLt held a I conference with key officials to discuss final plans for i ordering the Navy to take whatever steps would
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 569 2 AN all-round increase m the cost of living m all the European countries features the July bulletin of the statistics of the League of Nations. The most striking increases m retail prices were m the clothing group. The special, feature oi the July issue is a
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  • 244 2 Key Man To Speed Up U.S. Effort Cairc. Sept. 11. AMERICA'S key personality m military aviation landed here to day to speed up the United States effort m helping the democracies. He is Major- General Brett, chief cf the United States Air Corps, who flew direct from Washington, inspecting facility
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 34 2 Batavia. t»v\ A and children. evacuatUi .J v y for Japan. will board the JjjWJ* Kitano Miiu 7.952 ton*' hortly. hi r hmo>( ThLs l s the second Ml i hig the N.E.I. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 178 2 Kashgar Septal bu DESPITE the increasing «£2"^JEn traders tain and Russia, the Kg subjected here, who, for a long time pas t, have peei uafl to numerous restrictions and have can ie llot under the constant threat of deportauo perceptibly improved. Mhp m oj,t
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 13 2 TH£ death is amioiinced here of MaJO I Johnson, formerly of Shanghai- Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 49 2 Scientist and scientific crook! •Tli«> Amazing Dr. Cli tier house" sends chills up your spine. Thrills! Laughs!! Murder!!! at the VICTORIA THEATRE SEPT. '27 OCT. 4 II at p.m. BOOK Now at LITTLE'S $3, $2 $1. (Tax Ind) An Island CommiUee Production In Aid of The Lord Mayor's Fund.
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  • 312 3 NAVY'S BIG DRIVE AT AXIS LAUDED London, Sept. 11. ■HE Piime Minister's statement m the Commons on Tuesday I that sinkings of enemy tonnage m July and August were nearly three times the British tonnage sunk by the enemy forms the text of a Daily Telegraph editorial praising the work
    Reuter  -  312 words
  • 250 3 S'hai Trade Faces Bleak Future Shanghai, Sept. It. WENDING trials, difficulties and tribulation," are seen to be o:if:« n.ting Shanghailanders by le Finance and Commerce, a leadik British financial weekly, followng the discontinuance of the open larket for foreign exchange. Pointing out that Shanghai's imort surplus during the first seven
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 42 3 rpp.. Tokyo. Sept. 11. British Embassy has notified Brtfn., t: s V lb ,PCts m Japan that the 3.494--wn Anhi. of the China Navigation Comn„; n f -"riving m Yokohama for the r of evacuating British subjects to leave Japan Eastern News
    Eastren News  -  42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    84 3 S l OME 50,000 j Texans at- S i tended the "car- j hop's" big para- S de at Galveston J when several r hundred girls l whty act as "car- J ho£S" wai- I treSs attend- ants to cars j J that stop by roadside cafes
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  • 136 3 London, Sept. 11. A SPIRIT of revolt is smouldering throughout Rumania. Reports reaching London state that Rumanian refugees who have just arrived m Switzerland say that a serious discontent exists m Rumania with th e Antonescu regime and the war against Russia. Big losses on the
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 264 3 f>ii»L». Madrid, Sept. 11. SNEAKING at Santander during a review of the I m and falange Gen. •raneo said he would only E w words to express "w feeUngl of his heart to**J« all gathered there. ""added: "This crowd gaumt "Presents the la ni
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 400 3 London, Sept. 11, JplE Angio-Sovict agreement with the Iranian Government is the theme ol today's editorials. While remarking that "the military campaign by which these results were achieved appears to have been a model of efficiency, hoth m planning and execution." The Times saythat
    Reuter  -  400 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 163 3 Under BRITISH management WE SUGGEST Marsci Bouillabaiss^the £^^m*r t«£ famous, cooked m tradi^ cnistacea „s an assortment^ oi W ith choice herbs ana f but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecooking. Our cellars have f been restocked L OL with finest Vi.i^^a^ J\\JLJbM\AO continental
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  • 993 4  -  Vera Ardmore -By PEOPLE PLACES- QI FN until the 17th. and really well worth a visit is the 'Fight for Freedom" Exhibition at the Victorn Hall. It has been arranged by the Department of Information and Publicity and m pictures and posters it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 \_E* f WftVESCT Eugene Oil Perms Wm SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair mWtf^w UCUI Staff trained m use of INNOXA Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldff. 159 North •rtdf a Road, Tof. urn
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    • 56 4 In the LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1940 results just published: 00 per cent, of PITMAN TRAINED STUDENTS were awarded PASSES m TYPEWRITING and 57 per cent, of these attained DISTINCRHfICfPSRBSfRMi Enrol now for the new t < miB m 1 1-1 TlHlttlllW- m I P II m comme-ncing 15th.
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    • 23 4 Your favourite perfume duplictw 24 V^ 3 Rli perfumes \_^L %L now At Brnmrnm* i ii I Itr available 11. THE AKCADE, Spore
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  • 673 5 BABY'S BAT H- TIME „and now it's your IE babj s daily bath can be one of the most pleasant events of > day for the young mother. It Horn resolves itself into a humim task because there are ray, the incentive of learning k t. do iiu' job more
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  • 403 5 Progress During The First Year I I T lit lp you gauge your baby's progress during his first twelve J I month-*, we publish below a table showing heights and J I hts for each month. This table must only be regarded as j V the regular increase exhibited by
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  • 176 5 AT 18 MONTHS Breakfast may now consist of a lightly boiled egg and rusks spread with butter, dripping or bacon fat; jelly or baked apple may be given and milk or cocoa (during the cooler months) to drink. For tiffin give fish or else beef, mutton or
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 79 5 If it's a "HAIR" problem Do not worry! "MAXINE" is completely equipped with up-to-date machines, operated by experienced European Hairdressers whose one aim is to make you beautiful. "HELEN CURTIS Oil Steaming" will give your hair that brilliant and lustrous look and cure any tendency to scalp and hah" dryness.
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  • 607 6 MEMBERS of the Rural Board are communicating with the Singapore Municipality to find out whether the latter body will help financially towards the acquisition of a site near Bukit Timah village for conversion into a public park. While the members of the Rural Board were
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  • 226 6 SINGAPORE has a Youth Movement— the Eurasian Youth Movement— but unlike Hitler's Jungfolk, it is not religious or political. g* gg£ T^JSSS In fact, politics and religion the sub-COmmlttee. are banned. Boys and girls are made to appreciate their responsibility as future citizens
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  • 198 6 A FTER spending more than o ne month m 4 I rl tralia, visiting Sydney, Melbourne TnuL I and Darwin, Mr. Yu Chien-hsien, director c Education Department of the National n y c Chinese Affairs Commission, returned to Sin. eas I i by plane yesterday. ,n *apore
    Chinese Central News  -  198 words
  • 123 6 A RRESTED while moving m Admiralty waters during prohibited hours, Lim Kow Ham. the master of a fishing boat was yesterday fined $300. m default three months' simple imprisonment. Four other fishermen were fined $4 each They were first seen m the beam of the search light of
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  • 85 6 jtfHEN TEH HIN THOH, a rubber tapper, was charged yesterday with enticing away a married woman m 1935. the woman told the court that Teh had taken her away at her instigation. Her husband, she said, assaulted her and kep» another woman. She had lived with
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  • 120 6 "BLONDIE GOES LATIN" (At the Pavilion) BLONDIE GOES LATIN is a chunkful of hilarious laughter, of a woman. who was a man, and a wife making love to another man. before her husbands eyes aud a host of othei uproarious situations. Many tuneful songs are m this picture
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  • 179 6 OTHER than the cinema shows at the Garrick and Changi Theatres on Sept. 17. and the Roxy Theatre on Oct. 1, the China Relief Fund's campaign m aid of the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Distress Fund will wind up with three gala fairs
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  • 149 6 MR. Justice Worley yesterday dismissed the appeal of Ong Joo Chin, a business man, who was sentenced to seven months' simple imprisonment on i charge of causing hurt to an A.R. P. alden v driving negligently. The judge held that the finding of the WWjudge was not against
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  • 84 6 Hongkong. Sept. II THE Press summary m the leading R^^ Jtior Zaria. commenting on the Spitzbergeii expea' i thinks that the operation, coupled With British raids on Germany, is the best wool wwg jjj change which Britain's position and hei war has undergone during the past year.
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 36 6 Rome. Sept v THE Japanese minister is looking after Ija w terests m Iran following the closure ol official Legation, states a Teheran despatch l a i olonV Italian news aeencv. Members of the iww" Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 46 6 Melbourne. Sept MAJOR-GEN. Sir Winston Dugan. Govern* r lltr .in«.e m torla. was thrown off a horse at m to Government House and taken to WW" fractured pelvis and several broken rIDS TOS ible Sir His condition is "as satisfactory as Winston is aged 64. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 327 6 Glands Made Young -Vigour Renewed Without Operation If you feel old before your time or suffei from nerve, brain and physical weakness, you will find new happiness and health m an American medical discovery which restores youthful vigour and vitality quicker th»n gland operations. It is a simple home treatment
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  • Article, Illustration
    1016 7 Letter From London I Germany Making j j Millions Of Para- j chutes: Britain Ready Waiting For| 1 Invaders: Tower j Shooting Of A Nazi S Spy: Radio Set Buried J In The Ground y i London, Aug. 17. B>Ki:l IAPSl APS the greatest pleasure "i' all
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  • 282 7 Washington, Sept. 11. I>ACK frr.m his mother's funeral, President Roosevelt was met at the station by the Secretary of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, last night and plunged immediately into activity which action reflected the deep concern war events have aroused during recent days
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  • 322 7 MORNING TRIBUNE FRIDAY, SEPT. 12, 1941. MR. DUFF COOPER ]^()W that Mr. Duff Cooper is here and has given his first interview to the local Press, many of the speculations and doubts m connection with the real nature of his visit have been dissipate*!. According to an earlier announcement on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 EYE EXAMINATIONS, yeglasses, WT_ Exclusively. \z^ THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. ARCADE BLDG., 'PHONE 3002. R- A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Wwce, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. r.T-^^^^_7-"~"i "Tvjalllii I_______________?^_f_~ \_^___________L'__\7_\ mi l i Py^TWKiS=S= >■■ flrV-T CztF tll£2^^v T.~v~v^^^Tffr rTEJ H^TPt'lt _P^__i^__^_ES3y?P* bl_— B UJBiMW WBB— Bwi— FtKßK^_JW3^~^ i»'_M
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  • 972 8  -  KENNETH ADAM I P7 Music In Uniform: "The Barrel Beethoven 'PUK army of to-day recognises that a man is still an immortal soul even after he has botfl given a number. The los* of individuality which is the hardest thing that the newlyjoined soldier has to face, may
    972 words
  • 25 8 10AI. tor the c*« Ftrict ratten** Government P'» n W lh e Japanese Agency According t-» P 1 !,:rd hU JS be fl Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 247 8 I LOSS OF PROFITS INSURANCE South British Insurance Co., Ltd. TeL 5926 2, Finlayson Green ____j ROOK THESE DATES 12th 13th September I for j "Footlights Parade" of 1941 BIGGER BETTER THAN EVER AT VICTORIA THEATRE j BOOKINGS $3/- $2/- (INC. TAX) 1 Open NOW at Messrs. JOHN LITTLES ServetheseOrinksmade^gi
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 53 9 ABOVE: President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill seated m front of high-ranking military oflfi cr s of both countries during a religious service ofboard the Prince of Wales. BELOW: A general view of the scene during divine service. The two leading figures are seen seated at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 55 9 WHITi: PIQUE MORNING FROCK. Embroidery sloevee and collar to match with flan skirt extremely well Cllt. s* Size 14. Price* 131.81 [40TRFHPWW I FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL fc No. 1 A. KIRK TERRACE I MALAYA'S PREMIER SCHOOL OF MUSIC THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF TUITION. 1 KINDERGARTEN (From age 4) to
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 707 10 _«v —IB _tf|WH HHHHI ,*?h 'A.- Situations Vacant WANTED Lady Teacher Apply Box No. 433 co Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No 77L» WANTED GIRL CLERK. Apply by letfr lo Mr Ho. 324. Victoria Street 3rd fl°<> r llngapore. (No. 25D WANTED:— Qualified tutor for mathe-; matlcs for a girl of the
      707 words
    • 656 10 Wanted WANTED Portable typewriter for cash— C.ll j p in. JOO. Orchard Romu Singapore. (No 112L> WANTED small piece c! freehold Un i, 81, ***** 500 Box 432 co Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 6*L) WANTED As a going concern Large Boarding Establishment. Apply Box 411 c|o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No.
      656 words
    • 729 10 PERAK-RACES: Bonafide punters can bet j Confidence from "Argus" selections. M PO $2-. Telegra n extra. Further particulars write Choo. ..viug Huud, ftnang. (No. 69L) TO UPCOUNTRY LADIES 8c OENTS. My Free Buying Service promises economy In tlm* and money. One letter One stamp. That's all! Write to-day to P.O.
      729 words
    • 684 10 Motor Vehicles DO YOU WANT to l«~|«»«irt~f-_I &088. Slngapora. Caah p^d. u*a.B7«J WANTED PORD \"8 o/chevrofet 1938 104a Singapore. (No 64L) POR SALE— Talbot coupe 18 h n iov. model, excellent condition. Box 431 r>i Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 65L) WANTED 1938-1939 Fiat Marvellette for cash. Full particulars to Box
      684 words
    • 155 10 JONTJ L Att l mpi *:M < F t"m «15 J'^fl GSI>-11 75 SAIGON I <"Hlr)l ( ffM BANGKofI HSPS 25 6 wM From 51 ».?B KUALA \xM ZGE J nc i <uM (ially except lm_U Trim 6j« {M to m iM PENANfiI 2BJ 6 mJ From 1 MiJ to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 851 11 IJ BLIC NO TICKS L *«wkw«— uiTurmnia *ty I imUC THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 28th Annual General Meeting of this Corporation will be held at its Registered Office, No. 16D Cecil Street, Singapore, at 12 noon, on Saturday, the 27th September, 1941,
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    • 272 11 Cable News from 'Down Under' Melbourne, Sept. 11 A GOLD-STUDDED piece of quartz worth £15 was picket UP m a Ballarat Street. It was founo m newly laid gravel Col. J.W. Mitchell, commanding officer ol an A.I.F. battalion while lecturing officers on the North African and Greek campaigns, said that
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    • 323 11 High Blood Pressure Dangerous lo Heart Thousands of men and women past 40 fare the dunsjkrs at heart trouble and paralysis l><* ause uf High Blood Treasure. High Blood Pressure Is a mysterious disease that causes deaths than cancer, largely because people mistake the symptoms for Indigestion or some
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 195 12 Lahore. Sept. 10. BEGUM Shah Nawaz. Parliamentary Secretary to the i Minister for Educa- tion. Punjab. who was asked by the Muslim League Working Committee to resign from the National Defence Council, has decided not to leave the Council. In a statement to the press she points
    By Radio  -  195 words
  • 29 12 Bombay. Sept. 10. FIPrY-EIGHT German seamen form part oi the latest Datch of war prisoners to arrive here. There are also nearly 800 Italians, including 17 officers. By Radio
    By Radio  -  29 words
  • 77 12 Karachi. Sept. 10. I}RRANGEMENTS are being made by the Government to make the coming air defence exercises m North-West India approximate as far as possible to actual war conditions. There will be interruption of railway, telephone and postal services for the duration of the exercises, and people from areas vulnerable
    By Radio  -  77 words
  • 38 12 Rangoon, Sept. 10. THE possibility of I Government control of the cotton crop m Burma was mentioned by the Hon. U. Saw, Premier, at a Press conference. The Government has alreadydecided to control the rice crop. By Radio
    By Radio  -  38 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 217 12 AGAIN HERD'S TjHE PICTURE!! »i M.G.M.'s most specta/jJMJfX TO^^^ > cular Epic of Ihe I .S. WX™ Fleet \ii-\rm 1 EVER YMOMTNTA THROBBING THRILL! Gncted by Enthusiastic Audiences at every show. ■nr^^ 'x wi» tt» mfttttmih MK*i^^^i3iy^^H___ W^m &> AB_\ t*H HUSJIY Walter f IDCfON [gj^g/ /iff t sffilgcM gj&ffl
      217 words
    • 188 12 "Those \*ho have seen thy previous li| m f ir^^l stories should see this picture without f i- >on fl to-day aj^ejs'&s*! \iii\>iinrv J _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_HE^ .J^_^_^_^_^_^_k _B^^^^^^^^^r J^_l -^•^^^_PBrl _^k_ ■_l _p w^_Bi _^_l 1 j) mmW^wmmLßm\__L m fDONAIO CRISP BARBARA O NEIL A CRONIN-fl •„.«.< k, IRVING RARPIR A
      188 words

  • 72 13 Bikanir. Sept. 11. nuade on the occasion of the depar. rj th( Bi.iiv battery for active service, the «f Bikanir observed that this third unit Lk_, ii army would go u> fight for their Kne Emperor and said it was a matter of faction to him and everyone m
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 40 13 Vatican City, Sept. 11. RON TAYLOR, the United States special f had another conversation to-day with the iof state Cardinal Maglione following a srday alter an audience with the Pope. Next Taylor will take up his usual lesidence m Reuter
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  • 37 13 Suket, Sept. 11. irther concession to his subjects who resw ihe recruitment appeal announced by Sahib of Suket, the state will include free lid ior soldiers families and iree education educational institutions for the children of Reuter
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  • 47 13 Saigon, Sept. 11. I Chichibu arrived here at midday by a al military aeroplane from Tokyo as personal from the Emperor "to keep up the spirits apane>e soldiers m exile." p chichibu formally visited the Governorthi> afternoon he will presumably start up the soldiers' spirits to-morrow. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 167 13 Is an enormous amount of trafficking m i identity cards. was stated by a police officer at the Old |en a 28-year-old soldier, George Hollingss sent to prison for 15 months for forging registration identity cards, as alleged to have used a private printing lis home while an absentee
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  • 204 13 PTED by ;i mid-ocean I )e Inrn a U-boat When on her way t*> J*rtli Africa, Lavina [i nuking plans to n. J; 1 ship was torpedoed „Pf la the Atlantic. v, '<ldini» dress, trouspresents— including a s "v<r— went down 1 M*»t twenty-one a boat. Then she was
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  • 131 13 of ?8.000 was imposed m London on Louis aovitch merchant, of Southport, said to be 1 Manchester, for failing to offer 17,500 U.S. Iresenl value about £4.400 i for sale to the A Li a. son -Walton, prosecuting, said that ruber i, 1030 a fter the Defence (Finance) n
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  • 51 13 Moscow, Sept. 11. THE first air battle between Soviet and Italian airmen resulted m three out of a formation of ten Italian planes being shot down. The battle was fought m the Dnieper area. The Italians were flying Caproni fighters, intending to use these planes as bombers.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 239 13 'BABY, YOU'RE KILLING ME!" 4& Bfefcc -^stS Mr jf_>__\ fkmwßW—i^ ''-v __<& 'SSL -7 %Mm\ V.i m'^mt. mm__^j__4B V </ 1 4li_i P_» ___tEJfSi^3fcrV»k-. l_K x A4l *'^_^^^5 a w A«f> _By^_ril%WPl-_— »_a» #3j_ l_la i_L. _HP» —ESxsl &^__l ili i___lj h__m L\ If- II! THE WORLD, etc. etc, SNORE!—
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  • 723 14 Todd Scores Tour Goals WITH their new acquisition from England, Todd, scoring four grand goals, the Royal Air Force, playing their second last Div. I game of the season, collected two more valuable points when they met the Police m a return league game at the Depot
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  • 71 14 ANE of I wonden the Anstra sporting M playing ffK under the li tralian rata is young I It m". Osf Bounds. \t with his J arm as a sn With the I of only other arm. Boni amazing art lighting tj with his 1 ant u$
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  • 59 14 IN the first big rugby match fl*?**^ 1 season, the Loyals and the Gordons appoints all. AT Changi, the R.A. Officers' "Mew ib»t by 14 points two goals and aWW (a try). fHE R.A.M.C. collected full P^JJSii I Regiment, who gave them a wa«-» befn day's Div. II
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  • 221 14 OCORER of five goals m a Div. I game only the pre. vious day, Toh Chin Geok, youthful Chinese Athletic centre-forward, playing for the reserves yesterday, added another two to his "bag" when the Athletic won 3 l m their league game against the Argyll
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 85 14 Sports Diary TO-DAY i SOCCER: S.A.F.A. league, Div. I, M.F.A. v Heavy Regt., R.A., Stadium; Reserve Divi- i sion, Manchesters v Loyals, Gillman; Div. II A, R.E. (Ma- lays) v Publishers, S.H.B. i TENNIS: S.C.C. tourna- j ment. I MEETING: Singapore Re- l creation Club annual general meeting, clubhouse, 5.30
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  • 231 15 Song, the] gger of a qUOdsg UO ds shop &va l Base, been fined the option W simple lent by the, ggistrate on' 0 f criminal 1 trust, .sue-; appealed m I court yesp charged; Bitting crijreach o f aspect ol a i.15 alleged property of ian Nair on
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  • 112 15 SHANGHAI LINK WITH FREE CHINA LIKELY Shanghai, Sept. 11. ABOUT 15 Chinese coastal vessels under foreign registration are reported to be making preparations to sail within the next few jays for Foochow and other Fukien coastal ports, following the withdrawal of Japanese forces from these areas. Although the ships making
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  • 80 15 A ustralian Munitions Industries Praised Canberra, Sept. il. THE report of the British Supply Ministry's visit to Australia m January states that Australia is approaching tl>° maximum possi-, blc munitions output m view of the available labour machinery and raw materials. The report suggests that before undertaking n?w forms of
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 113 15 Ankara, Sept. 11. i NEGOTIATIONS which have 1 been going on m the S past weeks between the Mi- i nister of Commerce and Lord i Carlisle, of the United King- dom Commercial Corpora- tion, reached a successful t conclusion and the price has j been agreed for
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 198 15 Calcutta. Sept. 11. fN his letter to the General Secretary of the Muslim League on his resignation from the Working Committee and from the National Defence Council. Mr. Fazlul fluq. Premier of Bengal, emphapilsos that ne know he was helng selected m his official capacity
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 58 15 rpHE Chinese Ccnaul-Qeneral of China m Singapore Mr. Kao Lnm-pal, has sent a cable to Geneial Liv Chien-hsu, uew Governor of Fuklen province, confiatulatin? him on the occasion of his a-Mimptlo'i of office. Gen. Liv succeeded Gen. Chen Yl, who had been transferred U>
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  • 59 15 Shanghai, Sept. 11. rvESPITE the efforts of several doctors. a Japanese detective. Sergeant Yamar >uchl, of the Municipal Police, died yesterday morning from bullet wounds revived from the hands of five Chinese tenorlsts In the International Settlement on Tuesday. He was 34 years of age and had
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 67 15 OLD boys of Victoria School who are interested In rugby are requested to extend their support by attendlnK a meeting at Victoria School Hall on Sunday, at 10 a.m.. to discuss matters In connection with the formation of a ru««er XV lor the coming season. Members of
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  • 36 15 rnHE Women's September 9-hole -stroke competition resulted In a win for Mrs R Lowery, who returned a score of 47- 18-29 The next best score was returned by Mrs. R. E. Earle with 43 8 35.
    36 words
  • 117 15 Brooklyn. Sept. il jwh last eight m the American women's golf rhampionship are Mrs. Toreerson. Mrs Page. Mrs. Molthwaithe. Helen Sylvia I.eiehner, Clara allendcr. Mrs. H»du *»Ul Janet Yornker. Yornk r conqueror of the holder m the first round, played more good golf „«h o vu
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 130 15 London, Sept. 11. rpHKhh-yrar-olds are to have a new rare x which will be termed the Newmarket St. Le*er with a thousand sovereigns added. An Inaugural race will be decided at Newmarket^ Oct. 2 meeting day. following the Cambridgeshire, and Is taking the place of the Jockey
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 30 15 THE Singapore Swimming Club 1 beat the R.A.F. (Kallangi by ight goals to nil In a water-polo match played at the Club pool yes- 1 terday.
    30 words
  • 21 15 N a Div. II B match played at the J.C.S.A. ground. Fort Canning trounced Stamford S.C. by six goals to nil.
    21 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 155 15 Foot Itch Healed m 3 Days Do your feet itch, smart and burn »<> badly that they nearly drive you crazy 7 Iwtfß the skin crack; peel or bleed? The real cause of these skin troubles is a germ that has spread throughout the world, and is called vaxious names
      155 words
    • 214 15 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. FstPbhshed by Royal Charter AX> 1824. (Netherlands Irading Society) BANKERS Paid Up Capital f. 40.030.000 IJMIIT Fund f. 12.000.000 London Cvrrespaudeuts NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED Brad Oftice BATAVIA Branches: Netherlands la i Indies Sou'abaya, Samarang. Medaii, WelI tevreden. Bar.doeng. Chemo.i, Tegai, Pecakmgan, Djokjakarta. Solo. Tjilatjap, Djem<>"i, Palemhang.
      214 words

  • 498 16 "CENT-A-PLANE" FUND SCORE: THREE Simla, Sept. 11. IT is understood that the period of 48 hours allowed by the Anglo-Soviet autho--1 rities for the handing over of German nationals m Persia has now expired and that German and Italian nationals are being rounded up
    Reuter  -  498 words
  • 92 16 London. Sept. 11. MR. Winston Churchill announced m the Commons to-day measures to co-ordinate various organisations which hitherto had been responsible for political warfare. The Prime Minister said the Foreign Secretary, the Minister of Information and the Minister of Economic Warfare had been m consultation on
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 46 16 Cairo, Sept. 11. THE British G.H.O. communique issued to-day states: Libya: "At Tobruk our artillery dispersed a small enemy tank patrol. The enemy aircraft were on a heavier scale but no serious loss resulted." Frontier area 'There was some exchange of shellftre." Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Morning Tribune
    • 415 16 T..-, London Sent HE recent resignations from the Sat_ fence Council of India and 0 f t recently appointed member if ihv (l General's Council was ventilated n time m the House of Commons to-day Mr. AS. Amery. Secret a: v _t stated: M,ue /o
      Reuter  -  415 words
    • 109 16 London, Sept. rIE United States has undertaken to sendjij canned pork to Britain as she evei I i" aU a whole year. The quantity runs into millions ol caw* be doubled m October and further Increase ember and December. „J Other foods being sent were l va xu a
      109 words
    • 40 16 Bangkok. Scp| v THE Premier has circularised P ro ln f, 1 .4 throughout Thailand to survey tin-; food and other supplies m their re^c a view to enabling him to chalk ow.»M; adequate supplies should an emergtno a^
      40 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 162 16 AGAIN THE CATHAY OFFERS YOU THE OUTSTANDING PICTURES OF THE WEEK! 4 SHOWS DAILY... II a.m. 3.15 6.15 9.15 BOX OFFICE 'PHONE 3400 HENRY FONDA CENE TIERNEV* THE RETURN OF IACKIE COOPER FRANK JAMES iv.v.7:.*'':i 1 r: lD£)| tolllNS cl0 c e*«tt*t -MfJ*Sßfc ft ~^_flj jfrj L^m^J-mmmm-mm JOlh Ctntut >
      162 words
    • 3 16 NETT SALES XX(
      3 words