Morning Tribune, 5 September 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 6 1 Morning Tribune sdfsdf Morning Tribune -ranwrsa^J
    6 words
  • 150 1 Tokyo. Sept. 4. <tf l( AN( E >s attached a number of import©nftreiwes held here Minister, AdToyoda. was granted f the longest audiences rent times by the EmHe spent nearly two at the Imperial PaLritffc, Lt.-Gen. Yana- Sana. Minister Without Portfolio and former Minister of Justice,
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 280 1 RUSSIANS HOLD ON TO LENINGRAD London, Sept. 4. THE gigantic battle for Leningrad goes on but still official silence is being maintained in both Moscow and Berlin, says the London radio. j nc pj^y^ prints a dispatch from Leningrad which says that the enemy is breaking through the outer defences
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  • 125 1 British Get Firm Grip On Iran After One Week's Advance Simla, Sept 4. l\uiU aiUr the outbreak of hostilities with kn British and Indian troops are firmly Hii'i! in the interior of the country and m id the -fiategic centres and lines of wmicutiw which effectively thwart any lesi#n\ it
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 144 1 wi Next Move? Saigon, Sept. 4. 1 Gowmor-General, Admiral Deem, has arrived in on at t-r a tour of Cambopw political developments gcted at the moment. nue Japanese troops arc preln? for a prolonged sojourn [are Manifestly incapable ol ■w offensive action in this area I w
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 122 1 Berlin, Sept. 4. "THE time has not yet come to change our 1 swords into ploughshares." This declaration is made by Field-Marshal Mannerheim, the Finnish Commander -in-Chief in an order of the day to his troops, according to a Helsinki message to the German official
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 129 1 Cairo, Sept. 4. r -DAY'S Middle East communique from the G.H.Q St»ilt/€S Libya: "At Tobmk the enemy carried out an air bombing and a machine-gunning attack during the day. No damage is reported Scve^ ttres wert observed in enemy positions and are believed to nave been
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 82 1 London, Sept. 4. IN Ankara report states that Bul- garia will not declare war on Russia nor will she send troops to the Russian front. The German Radio announces the reintroductlon of the death penalty in Bulgaria. Any person plotting against the state or against Germany
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 87 1 London, Sept. 4.— lt Is officially announced that the BrltUh cruiser. Ferf..- r,inti'-<i and Mink an Italian m b mart n e Heuter Washington, Sept. 4.— Prexide.nt Roosevelt has authorised the first Leas** and L* > aid t« the Polish tJovernment, permitting military equipment to go to Polish
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 23 1 Seattle, Sept. 4. fHB Soviet military nuwion to the Un*--1 ted Btat^i landed at SltXa from Kolak yceterday.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 118 1 Afghan BOTTLED UP Nazis Peshawar, Sept. 4. pERMAN national* In Afil rhanistan are extremely worried over the coarse of events in Iran, it Is learned here. Gloom fen over them when the sudden and swift advance of the Soviet and British troops in Iran confronted them with the prospect of
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 861 1 Premier Pays Big Tribute To Canadians Ixmdon, Sept. 4. NO greater service had been rendered to Britain than that of Canadian troops, who have stood through the wnolc of a critical 15 months at the very point where they would be the first to be hurled into a counter stroke
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 724 2 lUSMWS .V»» (Uy Alexander Worth, Reuters Special Correspondent in .Moscow) Moscow, Sept. 4. 1 KNINGRADS defences have been so thoroughly organised by Marshal Voroshilov that they should immobilise the large German forces for many months. There is no basis for the German boast that their troops have reached
    Reuter  -  724 words
  • 287 2 MALA YA, CHINA INDIA RAILWAY LINK POSSIBLE JHE iron link between bSM&J 1_ how the deputy leader oi the Chin J will Mission, Mr. Tseng Yang-fu descnL^ new Burma-Yunnan railway at a Rota?l l last night. Drawing a vivid picture eith area the railway (now under construct^" serve, Mr. Yang-fu
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 101 2 London, Sept. 4. |THE famous legless pilot, Acting Wing-Commander 7 Douglas Robert Stewart Bader. who is now 1 i prisoner of war in Germany, has been awarded the S bar to his D.F.C. He won the D SO in July. i An official statement, announcing the latest award,
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 80 2 London, Sept. 4. IN a .sweep over Holland on Saturday night the RAF. dropped 75,000 two ounce packets of tea. weighing more than four tons, a gift of the Netherlands East Indies. Showered down to celebrate Queen Wilhelmma's birthday, the packets of tea
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  • 102 2 Simla, Sept. 4. THE evacuation of British subjects who wish to leave Japan ls expected to be arranged shortly on a reciprocal basis with the Japanese Government. Japanese nationals will be permitted to leave British territory on the understanding that British nationals ar e similarly allowed
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 83 2 Zurich. Sept. 4. THE speech which Hitler was expected to make has now been postponed till the end of September, according to the Vichy correspondent of the Gazette de Lausanne. The correspondent says that it is expected that the military situation on the Ea^tdm Front will be
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  • 56 2 r Melbourne, Sept 4. E Australian Trades Union Congress applauds the British Trades Union Congress' decision to set up an Anglo-Soviet Trades Union Council as the "finest incident in the history of th e Union movement" and hopes it will b e the forerunner of an
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 53 2 r_ Zurich. Sept. 4. E German principle by which the occupying government is in no v/ay obliged to feed the population of occupied countries," is stressed by the Wilhelmstrasse spokesman, says the Berlin correspondent of the Gazette de Lausanne. The Reich solemnly declares that she will not take anv resnonrtttilitv
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 72 2 Iranians Bom Their Capital Moscow. Sept SEVERAL ycung lots, who olMgrced tf» Government's policy of c-MJ sistance to the Anglo-R^" vance. dropped bombs n ran during Sunday! Announcing this, me* M »io announcer M there Ls ev?ry reaspri ito^ these Iranians acted ui.fl« German instigation. ft 6ubseque»Uy, their machines
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 106 2 The vaf«>, sure, and scientific treatment for $sL jfiv Difrestive Troubles, lndi?e<^ion, Flatulence vy£ 4&y DICFNF is unrhalled as a bland and soothing antacid ->3k jXjh for the treatment of Indigestion. It restores stomach 'sSL JK; acidity to normal in a very short time, but it quickly Sjr relieves pain
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    • 19 2 Eczema Hi Killed in 7 Minu the *erm o«u«e. Th« „,mu^ derm kIK» the f er .'i."«' r ;l
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  • 401 3 —Daily Telegraph On Pacific Tension London, Sept. 4. u:m .,it tliat appeasement in the Far East, as well as Europe Is dead is the theme of a leading article in the lywraph this morning. Zfthe heading "Smoke Screen," the paper says that i there has
    Reuter  -  401 words
  • 90 3 London. Sept 4. THE sum of £7.000,000 has now 1 been raised by the Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross and St. Jchn Fund. Announcing this, Lord Iliffe said that the Fund's activities in the Middle and Far East had been I expanded in recent
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 50 3 Jerusalem, Sept. 4 THE Gernian governor in occupied Serbia last night announced the execution by shooting of 50 "Communists" In Belgrade as a reprisal for the murder of a German soldier in the city's streets by "a Serb Communist", according to the Belgrade radio- Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 158 3 Simla, Sept. 3. FURTHER Provincial figures of the 1941 Indian Census are now available and they show a remarkable increase in the urban population. In the last Census theiie were only about 36 rities in India which had population of pver 100.000. There are now no
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  • 60 3 Tokyo. Sept. 4. THERE is no indication of th e transport route to the Soviet Union being shifted from Vladivostok in the direction of Iran, the Tokyo Asahi correspondent in Los Angeles reports. According to the repoit. drums of gasoline are piled high on the piers at San Pedro waiting
    Eastren News  -  60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 RED NAVY Sailors of the Red Navy on parade. Red) sailors have already made i many contacts with the Ger- man navy in the Baltic. i >.^r-» _<»-
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  • 164 3 Russie Air Force To Co-operate With Army ia..i,,.,ra, Sept. 4. K( '*K number of airF 'Vn Pr h:ibl v of the tt£ aUached to the 'fol o Mh Kast under the Iv an! lheari »>'. is offi- announced *^bi n u i om manding k th, n w H me
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 144 3 New York, Sept 4 FOUR of America's toplini' defence officials have joined in a special appeal to American Labour to unite to achieve a peak production in the munitions of war. A peak production, they say. would be the chief guarantee of America's safety. The appeal
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 Under BRITISH management W E SUGGEST M eU but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecooking. Our cellars have g been restocked 1 O^ with finest w continental Tel. 2 2 Orchard wines and hi mum 5355 J Road. Waii Fi >» Ball TO BE
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  • 1130 4  - Bombs, Blasts Housekeeping In China's Wartime Capital Vera Ardmore {feople Places By V|RS. Dennis Allen, whose husband will be Mr. Dull Poppet's .secretary during his stay here, is enjoying the peace and quiet oi Singapore after living tor a year in beleaguered Chungking She ha.s had some hairbreadth escapes during
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 54 4 ISPKING MKKTINCr O-A-inu to the very heavy bookings 00 To-morrmy Night, those wisliinto see thLs excellent Irish comedy arc advised to book seats for TO-NTGHT |4 fosViion Wqh *H&m k Pat riot ism is fashionable. Light purple taffeta evening gown, "V" nn k and gathering waist. Extremely well cut. I
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    • 40 4 In the LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1940 results just published: i>o par cent, of PITMAN TRAINED STUDENTS were awarded PASSES in TYPEWRITING and 57 per cent. of these attained DISTTNC-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ commencing loth SH ir -|ll||!3SsS2fPC^^ PHONE 5022. APfi 31
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    • 26 4 ur 'I wAvurl EugHt m SHAMPOO To suit i texture your Inn m Stiff"* in M INIOt Elizabd Saloor turi'P'" V"! Sort" j I 41!---0S i
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  • 325 5 baby's little troubles L- usually occurs at li y irarfff** by the of an attack of KLs. accompanied by a > tlut The child has to fe.ffo'biwai and there Lfr ronvulsions. Simple U p is n«>t at all serious. Lg 0 symptoms seem rmin- The doctor should Uer, ftlw»yi sent
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  • 444 5 His Never Been Away From Me Before By invited to go I the week-end— a K, idventure. And why not 9 Ku r afraid for he has never He is healthy. H iibout the out-of-Hd likes I > be one of the H be Uses that his mother Muirjy and
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  • 41 5 this little boy went visiting "Why, oi course, Mr Allen, Danny can go for a weekend with the boys. Yea, he'll be ready at 8." "Cosh, Mum! Won't I havf a lot to it\i yau and I>ad when I get b:ick!"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 If it's a "HAIR" problem Do not worry! "MAXINE" is completely equipped with up-to-date machines, operated by experienced European Hairdressere whose one aim is %o make you beautiful. 'HELEN CUBTIS Oil Steaming" will give your hati that brilliant and lustrous look and cure any tendency to scalp and harr dryness.
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  • 226 6 ARCHDEACON Graham White officiated at the double wedding of Mr. Eustace Misslebrook Oborne and Miss Majorie Bowen and Mr. Aubrey Medway-Curtis and Miss Miriam Misslebrook Oborne at St. Andrews Cathedral yesterday at 5 p.m. Both brides arrived from England a few days ago. Miss Oborne.
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  • 516 6 "l Sunday forenoon when residents on the west coast of the island in the region of Pasir Panjang Road. Buona Vista Road and Alexandra Road, will have their first experience of an evacuation nractice. It is understood that the exercis* will be similar to
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  • 95 6 V/lETHODIST churches throughout Ma- lava and Malaysia have been urged by the Resident Bishop. Edwin F Lee. to observe Sunday. Sept. 7 as a day or prayer along with the rest of the British Empire, for "the early coming of a constructive peace and for the rebuilding
    95 words
  • 207 6 S'pore Clerks To Confer MEMBERS of the Singapore ■*>" Junior Civil Service Association are holding a meeting on Monday to consider a suggestion put forward by the sister association in the F.M.S. that a pan-Malayan conference be held to discuss the action taken by the Colony and F.M.S. Governments with
    207 words
  • 228 6 "DOWN WITH HITLER" ON GERMAN RADIO I THE German Radio cannot Im/h^S Se P l 2. 1 elaborate jamming ttetfcs," including I d *N musical accompaniment and a n n ->Ui Thursday nigiht's 9 o'clock news from Vh n Whht i landsender station had to be held m^ minutes while
    228 words
  • Round The Courts
    • 202 6 Woman On Bread Of Trust Charge STANDING trial before Mr. C H district judge, is Ee Tieow Leng. alias Suj Nia, a married woman, on a charge of hat* committed criminal breach of trust of $1,119] this being the total of sums of money allege* collected by her from
      202 words
    • 110 6 OENTENCE of six months' rigorous lmpii- O was passed by Mr. W.D. Carew on .WJ w Ki, alias Chong Geok Hun alias Kek 1»n wJ being a member of an unlawful socjeij < teni3 j responsible for tarring incidents and tnt of shopkeepers.
      110 words
    • 101 6 record d ur;ni pURDIAL SINGH, who had a clean u cP forW IX his six years' of service in the Nav:u n^,nth's was yesterday fined $50. in default one nj f 3 llin! pie imprisonment, for neglecting hls < asleep. j.wpfftK" 1 When Sgt. Blundsel went
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 191 6 r! SEASON SALE! r 2 STRIPED SHIRTS $1.00 > U 12 HANDKERCHIEFS $0.60 u < > C 1 BI REMNANT $1.00 S < > 4 SINGLETS $1.00 < H 4 KNICKERS $1.00 H 2 BATH TOWEI^ $1.00 3 PILLOW CASES $1.00 6 FANCY SOCKS $1.00 1 SCARVES $1.00 T rt
      191 words

  • 890 7 H. L. HOPKIN'S Letter From London H London, Aug. 4. ■j\K Holkliy, and— for your Hf'^nvsijondent-- a pleasant I, to the day by going to see K'ut-H'a in which the genius u tit Disney is so thrillingly ■nijpnl with the magical I of Leopold Stokowskis uroly is a new 1
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  • 297 7 The Army Surrenders —To A Woman ©EVEN Army officers have called on a woman farmer on the south-east coast to apologise for having commandeered her 78-acres farm without a requisition order and for the destruction to valuable crops caused by their men. The officers arrived within a few hours of
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  • 83 7 BESIDES manufacturing victorv <ar budges and brooches, the Malayan Hanclicra/ts Co. have now put on the market V bicycle baches at $1 each. Tliese chromium plated badges, with the word* Victory and Freedom. embo**ed on a circle background, have thr V In red blue, green or yellow
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  • 301 7 MORNING TRIBUNE FRIDAY, SEPT. 5. 1941 PACIFIC PROBLEM PEACE or war in the Pacific may hinge to some extent on the outcome of the present American-Japanese negotiations instituted by Premier Konoye by his dramatic, and yet undisclosed, message to President Roosevelt. Experienced observers of Japanese politics are almost unanimous in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 EYE EXAMINATIONS, #^J Exclusively, i THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. i ARCADE BLDG., 'PHONE 3002. V Thompson, Dr. of Ocular "wee, .15 years* European Clinical Experience. i i iMIQSBtJT BBs'^y"! 7^ !L.^J&7ftl>SWiM^^B^^JP^^B^^B
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  • 918 8 Fire- Watchers Decreed For Certain Areas FOR the purpose of securing that fires occurring in premises as the result of hostile attack will be immediately detected and combated, last night's Government Gazette decrees that, under the regulations of the Fire Prevention (Premises) Order, the owner and every occupier of premises
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  • 23 8 A RADIO play, "Luck Of Marston Hall." will be presented by the Singapore broadcasting station at 8.45 p.m. to-day.
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 8
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  • 66 8 BROAD TRIBUNE TO TAGORE IN addition to sg A Singapore Chni a short prograaj of Timore" is tobej Singapore at 5.30p| It will include! Professor Ju Pmi music and songs l( recording of Taga of his uwn^oemsii Professor Ju, In was Visiting Ptd Shantinikptan of^ was the founder I This
    66 words
  • 52 8 ••THEY PARF SJ (At tiieP" 1 A Columbia lnnawg of the most P'°^ America speak the** and a newsreel >ho»^ in action jkcul rent pi I ••They P Lo;e ywttnfeJ as i the inva n _Au.m» Amen *±fi tag wlßjen he R^l'o, lovebirds from v Into. bo
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 183 8 Your favourite perfume duplicated 24 t-^fP Refill perfumes \^L xo r now A m&± ow available 11. THE ARCADE, S'port j FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL j I No. I A, KIRK TERRACE S i MALAYA'S PREMIER SCHOOL OF MUSIC J I THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF TUITION. J KINDERGARTEN (From age
      183 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 42 8 MICKEY MOUSE _J WELL WELL... NICE 601N 1 1 I THoOPsTP&^y J S^ WILBUR! I'VE J I ME 1 )-<:^ d WONDERED WHAT 01 V^,_ poeeO^ Vv the turkey trot j V 1/ fSH ps \oj [fVpr 1941. \V«tl !>•■«> I',^!,kU», 4-^4- "W" I
      42 words

  • Musical Opinion
    • 138 9 iwo photographs m< Mime of the Rccutters of the United which will operate ho Knyal Navy under ea r-I.cnd Bill, at the of their Transatlantic !> at New York, during losing and on arrival British port. Down river from New York, the American crews left the ships
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    • 180 9 J in charge of the natim of food supplies Miwf i iiiilth catering patents was revealed t London as havin? ve times convicted. mi mother official of inisiiv of Food were sentenced to three s" imprisonment for inn money from a itall keener at 11amiith. y u«it
      180 words
    • 1147 9  -  KENNETH ADAM By S S JONDON'S most famous home of music and hall of song is a "ruined choir." The Queen's Hall is no more. Strangely enough until the Kultur of Beethoven's barbaric successors set it ablaze, few places in London were so thoroughly German as
      1,147 words
    • 139 9 THE Rent Assessment' Board a? their last meeting considered the application of Messrs. E. A Elias and J. A. Elias, who sought to eject Major F. L. Harding from their premises in Grange road, Singapore. I>r H Wtthrrs I'iiyne, who IPINUN on behall ol ttw
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 700 10 __r" /_^__d^^^ *C _____P^^^^ I _k_____^^^^^ I I I A 1 ft I ___L__s___s_-_______H—k________^^ g_J^^ Situations Vacant WANTED Agent Stockist throughou Malaya for Condensed Milk Box 374 c: < Malaya Tribune. SingM^uii*. 'No. 9GOK WANTED hoys Iteih from school to «P prentice as oihce- workers. General Em pl"yment Agency. 100.
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    • 769 10 Educational t GRADUATE of Cambridge Unlvgrslty 0 under takes coaching work Pees reasoJi- able. Apply Box 211 co Malaya Tribune Singapore. (Nt >- 764Kk) 1 WANTKD~ PUPILS by an experienced I. teach* i to coach in the morning to sun SuefUOOtl BCIMKM BtUUWitu App. ]nl>uw pIIj ;,t 10, Burtnan W>KI
      769 words
    • 717 10 For Sale FOR SALE cost price 32 new bicycles. •■HirondeUe 11 Apply 528. Geylang. Road. Blnf ipore. INo 15L) IRON SAFE. Combination lock. Vlevi \in. tear Photo Store. 10H. North Bridge Road. Singapore. <N BL> FURNITURE:— Dining tables, wardrobes, .side-boards, writing desks, book oases 38, Killmey Rood. Singapore. (No. 7Li
      717 words
    • 642 10 Motor^Vehicles Dp YOU WANT to sell y^uT car?~ p^T 5088. Singapore, Ca^_pjg/Jg a P^ FOR SALB A.J.B 2V«~H~P rename, economical. goo^TunnPug lo^ 1 62. Chemor Road. Ipoh^ -No. 937^ FOR SALE. Hupmobile Saloon^ 25 1 n ssuy ln3ur 1 *ss'i WANTED FOR CASH. English car a 10 Pa J: tlcul
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 91 10 (Froftfl ZGE S M (dairy 9 ZHJI («J Ftob Wl tod ML RAJ XTOI (fll FTomJ 111 HON ZBi (11(1 From ]1M SYI TLQII (S.fl TRASI From I 9 J5 p» )L KZRM (31. Rzre From l tot] From ij SA kgM Froaj TDi] m tdb: 01 PMS (Jj YOC
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  • 277 11 Calcutta, Sept. 3. TWELVE candidates have been selected in Bengal for the third party of young Indian artisans to be sent to Great Britain for training in war industries under the Bevin scheme. The final selection will be made by the Central Government. Bengal's quota will be
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 746 11 t A SttIFIED ADS. (FROM PAGE 10) Ly For Sale ■f Sinjapore; M(JK) brass \x o. IISH INDIA IPCAR LINE. Bporated in England) Wlarasd oriental S. N. CO. ■passenger and ■rgo service. I possible services are lintained b*» the P.&.G [from the Straits to the < is of call in
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    • 362 11 Public Notices SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Assessment List 1942. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Section 62 of the Municipal Ordinance that the Assessment List containing the annual value of and assessment to be levied on all houses, buildings, lands and tenements, situated j within the Municipality of
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    • 158 11 TELITK ANSON RUBBER ESTATE UMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits r Settlements) INTERIM DIVIDEND. NOTICE is hereby given that an Interim Dividend of 5 per cent, on account of the financial year ending 31st December. 1941. has been declared by the Directors payable to shareholders on the Register on Friday. 17th
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 26 12 THE fourth talk in the -War Tta 1 Cook" series of the s Broadcastiiiß Station will bt- i at 12.45 p.m. to-day
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  • 161 12 r e eat 8 38 Despite M slant actifl in 1" montH tern AuaiM via, and cH naartni pj 1 will soonW Australia, he coir.ple» •hroughoutß SergeantM of GlenhunH I fd the Ds Conduct )fl coolness anfl under tire M in January.^ I the Air iMr.fl saj'a that fl
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 184 12 ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE AFFLAUP DEANNA'S GLORIOUS VOICf OF VICTORY' Shattering ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS FOR any of her Pictures! <dH aJL fei Special MORNING f4 JBI a I 1 1 a.m. HHH ///< Screen's Singing Sweetheart in her I m«w/ delightfully DARING ROLL DEANNA DURBIN M J&SSM M<i(aiur 4H|H with FRANCHOT TONE
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    • 305 12 Vigour Restored, Glands Made Young In 24 Hours tt Is r.o longer necessary to sifiV- fr of vigour and manhood, weak nei uud body, nervousness, imDure blood ilci ~ty skin, depression, and poor Bl^ep, bee an American Doctor has discove: \d quick, easy way to end these trouhl.s Q'his discovery
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  • 361 13 NEWS BREVITIES Simla, Sept. 2. THE English Com- mercial Corpo- iation, Ltd.. which has its headquarters j in the United Kingdom under the chairmanship o f Viscount Swinton, is j in future to have a representative in India, Mr. C. W. Miles, whose duty will be to maintain contact with*
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 82 13 >*O 'I'O-HAY! F BrnWrna Kssr*^ BP^ mmmmO m iL&M' PBbBBA 4b? BH^ I^^^^^^^^^^H^^K; JHBHeoded for dooml R^^ M/lfc? Stalked by danger! Fighting for love j omidst the fcry of i a croiHing world I BBLIJ^JfIIBBBIBBBBBHF9IT|VIIP^VfI I f WyTHEvRIS IJJROTHY THOMPSON Wm.l. SHIRER UMTONjg^. QMgTJONALFORUMy r(?svi?vmoßs spf"k thkik minds, kkankiy. frki:i.v
      82 words

  • 324 14 By the odd goal in five the S.C.F.A B" defeated the R.A.F. (H.Q.) in an exciting and fast Div. 118 same of football pla>ed at I'arrer Park \<*vterda\. The Chinese, irtao were the flrsl to ipen iaeoanti led by two goftli t<, on< at the interval.
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  • 124 14 (I- iom Our Own Reporter) Seremban. Wednesday. »T meeting of the coin mi t tec of m.ui--4* simiii of the Ne*ri Hockey Association held at the N.S. Club the circular letter of the Selangor Hockey Association dealing with a suggestion to exclude Services
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  • 158 14 THE Div. II "A" lea--1 gue match between the R.A.M.C. and R.A.F. (Seletar) which was to have taken place at Gillman Barracks yesterday was postponed. RA.F. (Tengah* defeated the Malay Regiment by s—o in a Dlv II "A" league match played at Tengah, yesterday. THE reserve division 1
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  • 178 14 AIX is set for to-night's War Fund (loving :i( the Happy World covered Stadium, when .for Diamond and Rush Milling i-i/ a bill of food fights. Both Diamond and Milling have com] leted their training, and are now fighting fit. keen to Ret at each other.
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  • 849 14 FOLLOWING are the handicaps for t, day of the Singapore Turf ciul,'.. Autumn 2 THE (iOI.D Cri'-HORSKS-Class i_|, iv 0 4 2 NATIONAL 6v 904 Mr 'N 21 0 MYSTIC MUSIC 5y 816 Mr SV*?! Vi. 3 1 3 KAI TERE 7y 807 M r* v !!?SSSSW*g
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 90 14 W*M Sports Diary TO-DAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. League. Div. I, S.C.i\A. v Police. Stadium; Reserve Division Loyals v Fortrci.s R.E.. Gillman: Div. lIA. Fortress Signals v Publishers. r.M.CA.; Div 118. Indian Association v Vaval Base Corin:hians. 5.H.8.; Post Dffice v H.M.S. SulPost Offici?: r.C.SA. v Stamford S.C., J.C.8.A.: Wanlerers v R.A.F.
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  • 279 15 i Mav 22 ias- a *fof rargesanI j£ the death oi gently drMg .-ntfuced to six 0 imnrlsonmenl °7 P uidue. yestcr- n t *he convicgsaSfc «5ff ters with Mr. Jirgued the ap roolnted out O*« a small car a inds to the direcJgJ
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  • 148 15 iU driven !>\ FH -I it, Jackson. <>f the H m p in c«>llM«»» vith a Kmpre^ Place on the But:' 23 K xi ci \y m t: v r saining con- result ol Injuries Bi' th a ull^ an B held yesterday. H v epi K, ii f
    148 words
  • 122 15 American Tennis Tourney Forest Hills, Sept. 4. DON McNeill, the American tennis champion, reached the semi-final of this year's title event by beating Sabin 6-3, 7-5, 3-6; 6-3; while Frank Kovacs, indoor champion, who is fancied to succeed McNeill, also entered the 9emi-final beating Jack Kramer
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 71 15 REPORTS in yesterday's Chinese press state that Mr. Aw Boon Haw, the Singapore millionaire, from observations made during his recent tour of China, has suggested to the Chinese Ministry of Education in Chungking the establishment of oriental schools of medicine in all Chinese provinces. Mr.
    Chinese Central News  -  71 words
  • 174 15 Simia, Sept. 3. RECENT official statements i n the Council of State showed that during the present year the Indian officers on trie Cadre of the Indian Civil Service nad risen to a figure exceeding the number of Europeans. The figures on Jan. 1. 1941, are 617
    174 words
  • 91 15 5 Killed As Bomber Crashes A BRITISH bomber, after circling Dartford for some time, crashed on five houses. Three of the crew and two civilians in a house were killed. The pilot, a sergeant, baled out, and was taken to hospital. It is believed that he told his crew to
    91 words
  • 22 15 4S Leading Airerafkman Jack Huggins A proceeding on transfer, the court y sstmiay ffi-iss- sswi »Sw» w
    22 words
  • 177 15 IV a friendly badminton rniountfr »>...• *-.i at Geylanc, the Make uw»< Rovers "B" torn defeated the Hurruane n.l* I team by the odd came In nine. Results (Makrpeaic Rtnris montloned first):— Men's singles: M. A. LanM' Iwt t<» H. E. Olfford 8-15. 15-6. 13-13 H-si; KftlXK
    177 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 75 15 Irlandsche Ihandelischappij, n.v. tec bv Royal Charter A.D I 1824. ■er'anos Trading Society) I BANKER! 1 Cspil f. 40.030,000 I Nad f. 12.000,000 londf-n Correspondents Inal provincial bank I LIMITED Head Office BATAVIA Branches: Bd Em Indies :—Sou- aJvfesniarang. Medan, Welw Bar.doeng. CherioOii, £;»'o. Tjilatjap, Djemo-i, J-ane Bandjermasin, Ma!S? ni
      75 words
    • 302 15 Heart Trouble Cawed by High B!m>d Pressure Tf you Imvo pair, i around tho heart, pftlpitati n. dizzlnesH, headaches M t«»p ami Oat k «.r J.t (I ;>.iid abovo eyew, shortness or »r< atli, f>«>l nervy, cr suff* r from poor >, less of mc-ac;-y and fiiwrKy, imliKlon, worry >id
      302 words

  • 323 16 "CENT-A- 1 PLANE" FUND 1 SCORE: FOUR London, Sept. 4. •f ANADA'S entry into the war was a deliberate decision of a free people; we placed ourselves freely at Britain's side because Britain's cause was the cause of world freedom and we stand with Britain
    323 words
  • 43 16 3 Stories From LONDON London, Sept. 4. IT is officially confirmed that I/>rd Beuverbroo'k. the Minister of Supply, leads the British delegation on the joint Anglo-American mission .vhich is proceeding to Moscow to discus* material aid to Rusmh with the Soviet Government. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 67 16 rLLOWING a report that the British Government has formed a Political Propaganda Department for foreign broadcasts, it was learned last night that an effort is being 1 made to unify the direction of the political war news. Plans are not yet complete. In any case, a certain part of the
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 73 16 MORE than 12,000 people have seen the former artists* exhibition at the Royal Academy .since, it opened last Thursday. Thirty-one pictures have been ■Old, 10 of them having been purchased for the nation on the re- commendation of the Artists' Advisory Committee. After being shown in London the exhibition will
    British Official Wireless  -  73 words
  • 103 16 JUDY DIDN'T ELOPE PLYING from Holly- wood, Judy Garland, 19, star of -The Wizard of Oz, and David Hate, 30. orchestra leader and iormer husband of Martha Kayc. were married at Las Vegas, NevacU. Judy's parents were with her in the plane, and they and her friends Knew about the
    103 words
  • 250 16 CHINE OCCUR FOOCH V ™pied the citvl enow, capital of th J vince oi Fukien J several years has bj mercial and militTß 1 stronghold. I the narrow nraiis7JM anese owned island of IB According to official nfl Chinese troops maichrtM yesterday morning vancing upon Mama M portant as a
    250 words
  • 118 16 (By Gerard Herhhy)^ WHEN Parliament resumes after the .short *m recess, the Prime Minister intend, to n*J full statement to the Commons on the war He will deal, among other matters 1 u ing with President Roosevelt at *<<**"£ lheP in the formulation
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 6 16 sdfs Reuter
    Reuter  -  6 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 3 16 Nt "^"n: XtE
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