Morning Tribune, 1 September 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 14 1 Morning Tribune Ha, 182. Monday, September 1, 1941. Morning Tribune Monday, September 1 194]
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  • 96 1 Thailand Rebukes Ap. Press Bangkok, Aug. 31. OLUTELY devoid of nth" is how the Thai lment communique disa Japanese newspaper ion that the Anglojan ministers in Bangirough a high Thai Govit official, have threatjonomic pressure against id unless she ceased elations with Japan, same communique mildl> (tnothrr Japanese daih r
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  • 61 1 reqiuncy with which the overnment has lately felt to issue a dementi has widespread comment in quarters. llysis of these official denit that in the last few weeks than 16 press reports conThiiland from Japanese were either flatly denied uniques or doubted by auivp spoke men, while in the
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  • 43 1 Australian Representative For S'pore TIM,, Vdney AU 31 ■KALIAN Trade Commislo^r to China, Mr. V. T. *fh )ien appointed 'Australian representan Singapore with authoriIJW 1, commercial and ■native matters, states 2L&L ;by a commertnd a political offlKdom Governthis move eat import- to Singa-
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  • 29 1 Aug. 31. will end in 'night to-day. IP**! V f bt^ n asked to to the authority 55ft!* 1 as evidence al -Reuter. d:Uons are no I
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  • 93 1 BRITAIN'S TWO YEARS' WAR London, Aug. 31. |N the following article, specially written for the second anniversary of war, General Cir Herbert Gough, Reuter's Military Commentator, reviews the development of Britain's military strength during the past two years: When Britain took up the challenge of the
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  • 365 1 (By Desmond Tighe, Reuter 's Special Correspondent) Abadan, Aug. 31. FAN'S refining production of normally 1,000,000 gallons of oil daily is practically unaffected by the entry of British and Russian troops. Oil continues to flow from the vital fields to the north and no plant in
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  • 196 1 Iranian Troops To Remain In Kermanshah Simla, Auc 31. "A SMALL token force of x\>lranian troops is being permitted to remain in Kermanshah under the Iranian flag," states an official communique issued from the British G.H.Q. in India this morning. "Otherwise, the Iranian forces are withdrawing from the oil areas
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 378 1 PASSAGE TO RUSSIA IN LIKELY IRAN TERMS Simla, Aug. 31. pROVISION that the Iranian Government should facilitate the transit of supplies and war material through Iran to Russia will, according to well-in-formed circles here, form a part of the basis of the terms which will probably be offered to the
    Reuter  -  378 words
  • 96 1 Thanks, Quinan —Gen, Wavell Simla. Aug. 31. L T GENERAL WAVELL has telegraphed General J Quinan, G O.C. in Iran, congratulating him > and the troops under his command on the sue- i cessful outcome of operations in Iran and the j remarkable way in which administrative and other difficulties
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  • 39 1 Italians On Turkish Frontiers Moscow, Aug. 31. PROMINENCE is given in the Soviet Press to a report date-lined Geneva, stating that according to information received there Italian troops are being concentrated on the Greco Turkish and Bulgaro-Turkish frontiers.- Reuter
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  • 183 1 For A Month (By Reuter 's Special Correspondent) Beirut, Aug. 31. I HAVE spoken to the British prisoners wrongfully removed from Syria by Vichy authorities and who have been returned here from France. After their capture the officer/I were sent away in an Air France plane (incidentally an Italian
    Reuter  -  183 words
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  • 360 2 Karachi, Aug. 31. Till Kl might well be a tough fight in the Western Desert where the Germans have been making preparations for the past few months, states Renter's correspondent just returned I from the Middle East. i 'tri'n. Auchinleck, however, has 'already expressed coniidence
    Reuter  -  360 words
  • 35 2 Tokyo. Aug. 31 UAJOR-GEN. Raishiro Sumita. WI iicad of tlie Japanese military mission to French Indo-China. is expected to leave to-day for Tokyo by plane, says a report from Hanoi Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 278 2 Sydney Aug. 31. MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL, replying to a cablegram from Mr. S. M. Falstein, member of the Federal House of Representatives, has stated that the inclusion of Dominion statesmen in the British War Cabinet did not arise in the question he answered in the
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 51 2 Shanghai, Aug 31. THE first of the two additional 1 American President liners assigned to evacuate American nationals from the Far East, the 10.000-ton liner President Garfield arrived last night. About 40 local Americans are booked to return to the United States aboard the vessel.-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 126 2 Von Papen May Be Recalled London, Aug.] A REPORT from Ankara intimates that the I man Ambassador to Turkey, von Papen, announced that he is shortly returning to Uen and will see Hitler during his visit. Moscow Radio, quoting an Ankara report j that von Papen has been urgently and
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • Article, Illustration
    153 2 «fc Many Americans in the United States includ i [ing Mrs. Roosevelt, ex-President Herbert Hoover' and other well-known oeople, have made them I selves financially responsible for the care oil i British children who have suffered through enemy action. A New York organisation his' appointed people in Britain to open
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  • 128 2 London. Aug. 31 OVER 1.000 German and Italian aircraft baw destroyed or damaged by ships 1 guns orjw aircraft between the commencement of UM war This was announced by the Admiralty y^|fjj which states that 537 aircraft were shot do»» the sea and 581
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 71 2 31 Montreal. THE Duke of Kent, continuing bto U)U^ from here by air en route for Quc»; < Mad4« He landed from the plane at Cap a lelnc ana continued his journey by lT vnT^-W From Quebec he is expected to go to mu 80
    Reuter  -  71 words
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  • 652 3 Moscow, Aug. 31. pf batttef are in progress around Odessa. German Liters attacked daily, but failed because of the defence h t r linraft as well as anti-aircraft guns, and it is d thai thus far the German raiders have achieved only ,re results. lvalue ol
    Reuter  -  652 words
  • 87 3 London, Aug. 31. SUBMARINES of the Mediterranean Fleet continue to harass the enemy, states an official Admiralty communique issued this morning. On the afternoon of Aug. 24 a squadron of three Italian six-inch-gun cruisers were sighted at sea, escorted by six destroyers and
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  • 24 3 sanlc a "The' rts^u'of this attack is not certain. wLfnot seVn to sink two hits were secured on her with torpedoes, it states'.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 21 3 London, Ail*. 31. SMALL force of RAF bombers attacked the -SSS^WSJ^ "SAT*- "V" 1 Command are missing. Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 102 3 (Five Canadi an army offi- t errs studying > I motor mainte- nance at the I 'infantry/ I school, shown j with their Am- erican instruc- lots working lon a motor I problem. Left to right: Lieu- 1 tenants F. E. I Cochran, Ser- vice corps; J.
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  • 188 3 Chungking, Aug. 31. ANE hundred aircraft in five IT waves raided Chungking yesterday. The alarm was sounded shortly after breakfast when three waves of planes were seen heading westwards along the Yangtze River In the direction of the capital. The first unit, comprising 27 machines,
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 233 3 Simla, Aug. 31. THE official Indian Army observer's account of operations on the southern front^ of Iran during the first 24 hours of occupation says that everything went according to plan. The tactics employed Were worthy of Gen. Wavell. 'Hie important and P°*££v?i wireless sUtion of Khuramshabr
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 105 3 Lidneys Musi lean Out km, EL? ans out exceiw Acids and ■tir A':' vt|li in >'°ur blood thru 9 mil- 'u n*U Kidney tubes or filters. If «uff Kldneyi or Bladder make MJ ';< ttlng Up NMghtß. Nerv■Wj, 1", 1 r »rcles Under Eyes, lu- hJ np lo'nts, Acidity, or
      105 words
    • 36 3 Under BRITISH management but serving delicious Continental and American dishes as well as real English homecookingOur cellars have be«n restocked V I Vff iM conjinentoi j e l 282 Orchard a)ines and 5355 Road. liqueurs. +*wm
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  • 57 4 Joanna Wills who took i» i i in the rabaret show at the ball at Seavi?w Hotel on S;»turdav night 1 in aid of the 5t Nicholas Horn* ft the Blind ii PenaiiF. i Another bal' j for the same i cause will b< i held
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  • 843 4  - People Places Old English Fair At Chans VERA ARDMORE By 'J'HE new Padang at Changi was transformed into a fair ground on Friday when two thousand five hundred people attended an old English Fair |ivtn for the troops by the Übique cinema. It was a really grand entertainment with side-shows,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 W (.VISIT Eugene Oil Perms SHAMPOO To suit the texture of your hair Staff trained in use of INNOXA Preparation Elizabeth Saloon European Operators Capitol Bldf. 159 North Bridge Road, Tel. 4419.
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    • 41 4 E L PNJ>ON CHAMBER OP COMMERCE i»w yswf ssßnr *sss. L 28 r^r cont 'f%i, n th Elements of COMMERCE and per cent, of these attained DISTINCTION. Knrol NOW for the |MP!firffSV7^ll^ term commencm^ 15th I IuTIIIKMIVJI September, 1941. PHOME 5022
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    • 17 4 Your favourite perfume dupkoten 24 <t.ll perfumes X^X sour now 1 lA ,mri 11, THE ARCADE, S'pore
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  • 922 5 WHEN YOU TAKE P.G'S 3>JutL Jxxe/L reign when paying guests are taken into the house certain adjust. previous plan of living have to be made and plans which will enable livo i.i harmony must be worked ou r methodically. Otherwise the ar- 'i *k successfully for very lon*. It may
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  • 211 5 Tips To Remember bliiKN CURTAINS llju an of easily washed s nforiied so that they ink, fast colours, so that t run or lade in washing »t hard to give them the cashing* to keep them in Lndition. A little starch mrtalns helps, remember. fcrtains of nonwashable t or those
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 642 6  -  "Ubique" By V TO-DAY marks the official opening of the V new rugby season and some very good IV spurt should be in store for the followers \V of the handling code. }V The Australian troops were the first oft IV the mark for trial games and were
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  • 515 6 'DAYLIGHT SAVIN UNSA TISFA CTOR Y TRYING to save "daylight" in Malaya was an unsatisfactory 1 business compared with the results in England declared Mr I C Cooke in a radio talk from Singapore station last nicht. Mr. Cooke said: To understand daylight saving. MM must know something about time
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  • 222 6 JHE fifth Ulk i n the Maiaya" scrio- of th *J Broadcastino Station ft at 9.15 p.m. to-day hv iv Furtado on the subject ?L Plant-Names And The^ tance." ir A T request of man, and Hindustani i Lste Malay programme of zhp? duled for 6. 15
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  • 546 6 Now Singapore's longitude is about one hundred end four degrees East, anct I enang's one hundred and a half degrees ro that even under the old system we li Singapore had four minutes of dayligh* saving and In Penang they had eighteen minutes of daylight saving. When the
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  • 92 6 IVBidras, July 28. i IN pursuance of a notifies- tion issued by the Govern- i merit of India, following the t recently concluded Indo- > Bui ma Agreement, about 590 i persons, who were about to I I embark on a steamer last Saturday from
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  • 440 6 Yf AKING an appeal to Indians in Malaya for greater \iM their ranks and less indulgence in petty quarrelling! S. C. Goho, president of the Indian Association, charged! chiel makers' 1 and "gossip mongers" with attempting tofl disunity in the community. I Mr. Goho was
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  • 759 7 H.L. HOPKIN'S Letter From London j [More Bombs Oni S Berlin: Unrest In Germany: Paris Defies S Nazi Ban: Too Much Sun Kills Girl j I ondon, July 27. new? continues to come While we should not foolish as to slacken the (Tort, it is only natural sho uld be
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  • 329 7 fpHREE British merchant seamen, torpedoed in the Atlantic, have reached home. All were on different ships, and here are their stories. Between them they had been adrift in the ocean 69 days all the time in open boats. They saw men die, they nan out of
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  • 333 7 MORNING TRIBUNE MONDAY, SEPT. 1, 1941. SUMMER TIME J$Y the time these lines appear in print, methodical Malayans will have advanced their clocks by a further ten minutes over and above the advance insisted upon several years ago by a former Governor; less methodical Malayans will arrive late at their
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 EXAMINATIONS, lusively. I J^ |0MPSO\ OPTICAL CO. 'CADE BLDG, PHONE SOSB. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular P. 35 years' European Clinical Experience. asdf
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  • 187 8 Lady Rachel Stuart Had RAF Petrol In Car <*arflcm»r Toll! Polif«*- I AM Raehrl Stuart, of Springfield. Down ton. near Salisbury, the wii of the Right Hon James Stuart. MP for Moray and Nairn sine* 1923, and Chk *f Government Whip, was lined £10 at Salisbury, for un lawfully possessing
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  • 114 8 '£llE Home Guard are to be given tommy-guns, rifles, -and revolvers seized by the United States police from the former gangsters of Chicago and New York. Under recent Uniivd Slates legislation, the American police are enpowered to hand over revolvers and guns in their possession, and
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  • 300 8 p Hollywood, July 23. I OKI) HALIFAX turned for a few hours to-day I from Hollywood's new stars to the old stars. He paused on his tour of seeing the men and l J girls in the warplane factories to see the men
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  • Article, Illustration
    109 8 j In Los Angeles last month the plane works payroll ?eaj £3,250.000 that of the stecHOi f 2 500.000. 1 I ORD HALIFAX thanked Judy for the song when he saw her acting with Mickey Roonev foi "Babes on Bioadway." It is in this film that she sings about
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 8 Uic i at 9
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  • 53 8 The British InteraaUonal students' Service has denated 500 Pounds sterling and .he Australian Christian Student Union 100 pounds sterling for the relief of *tudents in Chungking Thes Q sums reached Chungking recently." Both student, bodies pledged the'r support to China to tight against aggi-ssion International
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  • 216 8 I A OXSCIi_XT_Ot_S objector told a court-martial how i he ])ut on boxing gloves with a .sergeant to show that objectors ;were not scared. "W e had a fair dghV he said. I came off second best. That was after I had been on a bread; and water diet
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  • 65 8 Fr.ndi poii American- on in_i Po>t ai following thei under>tandi_f I nrticl< m thai nlst Mr H.G j ing the Vichy Th Post thai the J not rr presents were xnresss a Briton, wl* towards VicSf be th sans.- Major GenWl irrl n the future of e i;i m
    65 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 Patriotism is Fashionable White sharkskin costume, red. white blue. *'V" pockets and matching buttons. Extremely well cut. >O Size 16 $29.90. /x )W MOTORCAR /«//y ;«jW? South British Insurance Co., Ltd. Tel. 5926 2( pini^,,,, Green BOOK "TJIJESK ~BATES Wik 11th, 12th Or I3ih September wr\r I Ul "FOOTLIGHTS PARADE"
      71 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 42 8 MICKEY MOUSE S g\BV.^ J V^ Ife-Mr (30 OUT TOM6HT I /JI&U LOOK J~f SJr E f g Aj H H0 > ANP CELEBCAJE... J <F»f* > tiff A,t ft^J^rrrp' ASOUT V H MY ST C c&AL i^ l^^ l^^ B^!!) T^^V' VGETTIN'HOME S&%tj
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  • 36 9 11 ichuic troops wt-rc used in cxte»«*ive troop 5 xr rases covering four days in the Eastern Com- g urea Above: After taking ihe castle—! paratroops hold poitions. »*«assa»aßi aaaaßa aaM aaßa>Baa »J
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  • 564 9 |HK Karl of Suffolk m<l lierkshuv. who itcHfetd his life learning the soots of enemy bonte, has b#en ft ndy Mte George Cross. His fW secretary, who was also killed qji ■luty. is commrmlcd. Tragic Grief prievint,' over the death, Of two of his friends.
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  • 47 9 Britain's Paratroops Abovr: A ch- iti<mstra!ion of i lose combat iwo paratroops »ho\v how a man y with a rifle can D« successfully dealt \viih. In i this picture the f rifleman Is covering the pa rat roop. S «i«»> t Paratroops scal- \ng the battle- nun's.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 421 10 asdf r Situations Vacant UNEMPLOYED'' Comnmnlcate with Genr ral Employment Agency, 100. Emeral HJII Road. Singapore. Phone ***** Mun •ecurcd billet* through \is. (No. 895K WANTED IMMEDIATELY, attractive Eng llsh-speaklng salesgirl— Apply with receti photograph Htatlnß salary expected t Box 325 c o Malaya Tribune. Kuala Lum pur. (No. 868K
      421 words
    • 745 10 educational LEARN SCIENCE and Art of Yoga. Enjoy d iiiimtold benefits. Satisfaction guaraui iced Apply— Sreeguru Purameswar. 122. > ntifml Road. Singapore. (No. 789K) ORADUATE of Cambridge University t undertakes coaching work. Fees reason -0 able. Apply Box 211 co Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 764K) RAPID COURSE In Motor Driving
      745 words
    • 717 10 ror oaie FOR SALE one Linotype Machine. Amerl can made. Apply C. C. Llm, 434, Jo Chlat Road. Singapore. (No. 869K FOR SALE. Singer Treadle Machine, goes ns new. $115- cash. Apply Koshy c!» Brlckflelds English School, Kuala Lumpui (No. 881K ROYAL" Portable typewriter for saleperfect condition almost new. Offers
      717 words
    • 668 10 i /Yioior venicies DO YOU WANT to seu jour carTln^n* 0 r>oBB. Sldgapore. Cash paid. (N 0 ,%K SALS. HiUman 9.8 H.P. Saloon 1937 J $1,150'-. Box 326 c,o MalayT Tribune" Slm«pore. __(No 872K, 1 SALE. 1938 Standard 10 H.P. Good conrii tion. Apply Room 88. EmpreSr H?tM Singapore. (No
      668 words
    • 145 10 Lo^i>ol GS K" 'Si 1 «53 meti? (From 9 05 J^ SAIGfIK (iiVjjl (6 116 Kt|l hani.kJ HSPS 25 s »I From *i'soj?l KUALA I J ZGE 5 me s (dally except ftl From 6 H i^| to 9 W )M PENH ZHJ SJsV (49 M at»M From :H\M to
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  • 185 11 l ORNA Betty Willing, boarding-school educated Land Army girl, went back to her billet after her 22nd birthday party at an hotel, and she told thr Alton magistrates— was slapped and pushed intc a chair by her landlady. She had brought an assault summons against
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  • 92 11 C.P. CONGRESS ASKED BOYCOTT LOCAL BODIES Nagpur, July 12. AFTER consultations with Mahatma Gandhi the president of the Nagpur Provincial Congress Committee has directed all Congress parties in local bodies in the Nagpur province to dissolve as from July 15. All Congress members in such bodies should resign before that
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  • 181 11 Delhi. Aug. 29. SIR Akhbar Hydari assumed charge this morning of the office of Information Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council. He relinquished his office as President of the Nizam's Council yesterday at Hyderabad and left immediately for Bombay. Sir Akhbar has served Hyderabad State for 46
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 305 11 THE j MAJOR 9 And V/ALLY Li STAN i cboss Lii ASSIFIED^ADS^ PAGE 10) Personal Kr^ble, foreign Chinese Ljsfrfes*& of decent tody. rSoto apprec iated an d wIU be tgfeoxe" *£**£> Matrimonial MAN (Nftlr) 24. responßtble Sou vishes to hear from edu- m eirl or interested parents. Son? Photos returnable.
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    • 89 11 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. Established by Royal Charter A.D 1824. (Netherlands Trading Society) BANKERS Paid Up Capital t. 40.030.000 Reserve Fund t 12,000,000 London Correspondents NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED Head Office BATAVIA Branches: Netherlands Easi Indies:— Sou abaya, Samarang. Medan. Wei tcvreden, Bandoeng. Cherioon Tegal. Pecalongan. Djotcjakarta. Solo. Tjilatjap Djemu-i. Palembang.
      89 words
    • 256 11 Public Notice SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the for" lowing materials or service. For parti- i ilars see Municipal Tender Room. TENDER Date of CI- nne Supply of Straight Pipes tz Specta! Castings for period Oct. 1 1941 to Sept. 30. 1942. 12 noon. Sept. 1. 1M1Supply
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 242 11 asdfasdfasd RADIO HIGHLIGHTS p.m. TO-DAY. 8.00 Poland, feature programme. 9.15 Science In Malaya, talk in the series. 10 30 London relay. Inside Nazi Europe, by Cyril Lakln. p.m. TO-MORROW. 7.30 Recital. Mrs. McLeod (contralto) and Mrs. Bennett (piano). 7.45 Travel talk. 9.00 The Great Fires Of London, feature. 9 30
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  • 349 12 NEWS BREVITES Mrlbourne. Aue. 29 Tli flow ol tiade aft< r the war uould be encouraged by the Lease Lend policy >t i in- (Jnltec^ States, and there would be no longer a necessity lor deliberate restriction of production, declared Piole.ssor D tj Copland, economic consultant to the Australian Conunoawealth
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 159 12 ■•WALLACE BEERY'S HI SI PICTURE^ (FtW infffKTfl-DAY*,. "< AST _Wffl!«X^"j^ DW! M.G.M.'s most s|H*ctatular outdoor adventure story since NORTHWEST PASSAGE" WALLACE BEERY romancing with MARJORIE MAIN (The Reno Ranch-keeper in "The WOMEN") 'WYOMING'' with LEO CARRILLO and ANN RUTHERFORD OPENING TO-MORROW I SHOWS DAILY. II a.m., 3.15— 6.15— 9.15 1
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  • 294 13 OFFICER SHOT WIFE GETS 15 YEARS pj Jack Lynch-White, found not guilty at j Ihi murder of his wife, was sentenced to 15 years' Irvjt'udi for manslaughter. rynch-White was shot i Mr. John Flowers, Lasted that the husZjttWl: killed the perwhom h( was more fond JTne in the world He
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  • 38 13 rE Duchess of Koxburph arrived In Singapore by plane yesterday from India. She will stay in Singapore for a few days before leavinc for Eng land by plane bv way of the United 1 States.
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  • 96 13 King's Wines Went Cheap C C A N DALOUS muttered tho auctiomer, knocking down fin? old port at 84s. a dozen Prices were low at the Red Cross and St. John Choice Wine Sale. Even the fine old poit served by the Presidents of France to Edward VII George V.
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  • 121 13 They Risk Death In Two Forms HUNDREDS of Norwegians have escaped to Britain *t the double peril of their lives. If they are caught the penalty is death. If they escape they face the mined coastal waters and the German patrol boats. For weeks they prepare their escape in secret.
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  • 88 13 Discipline Tightened At Dartmoor AFTER the refusal of Dartmoor convicts to march to work, the warders were paraded before the governor. Major C. Pannell, who told them that stricter discipline must be enforced. As a result, 50 men were placed In punishment cells. The remainderabout 250— were locked up under
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 75 13 ft- K%JM^^^^^^ *iPy I GEORGE MARTHA I BRENT* SCOTT 7f^ W S('#»- r r. hi C»o"»l |i|t| tll/tr ll«"f" C"d f rnt»» Voi«tO "AUL LUXAS Rmum Minn laj ttoaker c -..■»<• r, w-*:f H i Columbia Picture P™ l//'r/</w/; the P A V I L I O X ■International Forum"
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  • 1092 14 Week-End Cricket Brings Big Scores 3 Individual Centuries gOWLERS, with few exceptions, had a very trying day in yesterday's Singapore cricket matches when batsmen hit out lustily to obtain three individual centuries two alone in one game at Balestier and five 'over fifties." In the Balestier match, whore the Ceylon
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  • 71 14 DICTURES 1 P'ay in Friday's j portant division fa ball m between S.C.F.A. i the R. i which endd a ih rilling ti Top pkn shows Q Lim, Chin right wii| scoring 11 opening km! the match k oite the eft of Neil and Smith to
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  • 82 14 SOCCER: league. Div. I, v Malays. Police v Mai Regiment, Dej serve Div., R.E. v Chinese tic; Div. lIA.I v Publishers. C.A.; Signals (Blakan Mati» xandra; R-A"--gahi v Malay ment, Tengah; v R.A.O.C. Royal Navy (Malays). Base; Div. II S.A. v Post 0! Tournament. TENNIS: 9 tournament TO-MORR( SOCCER:
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  • 207 14 THE Royal Navy won by six wic1 kets against the S.C.C. on the Padang: S.C.C. Fit. Lt. Downer b Lang 11 Capt. Smith b Waltes 0 J. C. Wllloughby b Lang 1 J. H. Wheeler c Wills b Waltes 0 W. R. King b Waltes 13 R.
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  • 141 14 London. Aug. 31. P^OOTBALL overlapped cricket to-day, but I there were good attendance wherever king willow held Hway. and spectators had plenty of thrills when London counts beat Frank Woolley's team. The latter were all out In 80 minutes for 69, which total the counties passed for the
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 103 14 > J M li B w,rt Sote Distributors:— RAHAMIN PBNHAS STARINA Cycles are precision built in England. The Standard Model de Luxe is illustrated. Sports Models are also available. SS.a'Stm.^ 11 hißh class British flnish bTARINA Cycles are not high priced! Obtainable from the following Singapore StockisUjlock Siang Hin Co..
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 192 15 I ieuci' MM ojt that ■ralian ll IE a sheer K miracle I Noyes. of Sydney. MM awarded Cross iov ■r.d leader Be capture K d! an M McKk, M organist Krne. who Hinted or- WestminH us serving Royal Air ■unu- ReI racehorses H::d Dark ft.. own■C. TrautHlembtT of
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  • 82 15 American Tennis Forest Hills, Aug. 31. THE defeat of the former Davis Cup player, Frank Shields by default, in the hands of Gillespie of Atlantic City featured the American tennis championships, which opened here yesterday. Shields withdrew in the fourth set with Gillespie leading
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 415 15 Moscow, Aug. 31. rRUSTRATION of a German at- tempt to lay a pontoon bridge across a river— apparently the Dnieper— ls described in a supplement to to-day's Soviet midday communique. A reconnaissance unit reported the approach of very large German forces attempting to cross the river. Aircraft
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 62 15 American Golf Tourney Ward Again Champion Omahx, Auk. 31. MARVIN WAKb, 1939 winner, won the American amateur golf championship for the second year when he beat Patrick Abbott, 1938 runner-up, in the final to-day. Ward won by four up and three to play. Earlier, Ward was four up at the
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  • 298 15 rE thrilling games of water polo at Seletar yesterday resulted in the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club first and second teams beating the RAJ. in the Singapore Water Polo League Championship. In both games, the homesters showed greater speed, gaining the ball almost every time it was
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  • 367 15 THE shooting of Laval and Dc signal" by the Neue Zuric French newspaper, Journal, ref tructive conflicts" resulting fron The Vichy correspondent of the Neue Zuricher Nachrichten writes: "These murderous assaults and excesses in the occupied zone against the troops of occupation are so many storm
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  • 156 15 London, Aug. 31. FOOTBALL was in full swing throughout the country today and despite fixture troubles following: the London teams' breakaway, was excellent. An aggregate of about 130,000 saw 32 English league matches. Nearly all the favourite players are available somewhere In England, though they
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  • 44 15 Cairo. Aug. 31 IT is learned here that the remain 1 ing British and Imperial officers who were wrongfully removed from Syria by the Vichy authorities after being made prisoners of war, have now arrived safely at Beirut^ Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 213 16 JAPAN'S DESIRE ml \...v O1 TokyO, AUg. Jl. n PRIXCE KONOYE'S message to President Roosevelt is drafted in general terms and does not go into details in regard to the outstanding questions between the two countries, learns the Domei news agency. Its chief value
    213 words
  • 221 16 Tokyo, Aug. 31. DRINCE KONOYE'S message to President Roosevelt is given prominence in the Japanese Press as opening the diplomatic negotiation for settling outstanding questions between Japan and the United States. The Chugai Shogo declares it is clear that the United States do not want
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 67 16 Weather Holds Up R.A.F. London. Aug. 31 rATHER condlt i o n s limited K.A.F. activities last night. An Air Ministry communique states: "Weather conditions were unfavourable for offensive operation* which were, therefore on a very small scale Bomber Command aircraft attacked the docks at Cherbourg and aircraft of th:
    67 words
  • 38 16 Another communique issued this moming states: "Only 8 few enemy aircraft were over this county last night. "Bombs which fel' at one place on the south-east coast caused slight damage and a very smal number of casualties." Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 77 16 'Aid To Britain' Starts To-day S THE "Aid to Britain" S campaign of the Fe- I deration of South Seas i China Relief Fond commit- I tees starts in Singapore this morning i There will be a great rally i at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to-day. A long S
    77 words
  • 432 16 (FROM PAGE OXE) When Hitler started the war by his unprovoked invasion of Poland, the British army ww weak in numbers and equally deficient in the equipment necessary for war. All territorial units lacked training. Vital garrisons on our communications All over the world equally were
    Reuter  -  432 words
  • 347 16 ONE WEEK ON THE EASTERN^ MOSCOW Al'G THE FOLLOWING IS THE TEXT OF THE SOVIET! COMMUNIQI E: 'DURING LAST NIGHT OUR T WAGED BATTLE ALL ALONG THE FRONT. London. .\ug 4XS the 71st day of the war on the Eastern front, all t man high command can
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 123 16 London. Au*. Sl.-Thc Wg* Burma, the honourable W. shortly visit Britain s\rf personally to the Oovernim" people of Britain a im-.*-.. from the Government ana j« Burma. Mr. Saw hu> j^j since 1939 and Premier 'london. A,, B 31 -It U -^..f nounced that the tirin ol Bernard
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 129 16 SPECIAL!!! LATEST DESIGNS SUNGLASSES, "ILAMOUR-GIRL". with side shields, Kiddies Goggles, Swimming GoeeJes, Polaroid Eye-togs, Magnifiers, Thermoir "Uts, Cameras, Excellent, Inexpensive Swiss Watches, Clocks, Binoculars, H'ldg lasses (also cleaned, repaired) Benrimo Optical Co. 165, NORTH BRIDGE RD. LAST FEW SHOWS TO-DAY! CATHAY 3 15 6 15 M 915 I'hone 3400 ALICE
      129 words
    • 4 16 SETT SALES EXCEF.,) 4500
      4 words