Morning Tribune, 2 July 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 16 1 Morning Tribune Vo ,;__No. 130, Wednesday, July 2, 1941. Morning Tribune Wednesday, July 2, 1941. II
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  • 49 1 AXIS now RECOGNISE NANKING w Berlin. July 1. r|-}»! rmsn (iovernment v j i to-day that it i Pre JapaneseI overnatenl at s will shortly en- l relations ii g the > 1 eney. T ami at has announ agency. st t>, Italy and 1 j It NanKing i Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 64 1 RAF RAID: TRIPOLI: SHIPS HIT .liro. July 1. I taltj stated that the I > r bombed Tripoli har.uiil hit several enemy vessels pesterday. The supersirncturc of 'I'if vessel blew up and i ships, Inclsdiaf one ol about z\- 009 tons, were severely Dnrinf covering pa* avei British ships oIT
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 90 1 Stockholm, July 1. According t«i Swe^sh i orre>pondents in the Bekiafion area, an artillery ted has been proceeding at Hancoe since June 25. The •Heme uf tin Itus.sians on Satur»l:o cavt rive to rumours that '•'J' aen prepared Ig vield. It UWmputed (hat Uiere are 25,030 Russians 1.,
    Reuter  -  90 words
    Reuter  -  749 words
  • 245 1 London, Jolf TWO heioes of the .ar war over tne Libyan Desert have lost their lives, it Is announced in au /wr Ministry casualty communique Issued to-day. Serjeant Albert Alfred Meadows, who won th* Dieting uisned Flying Medal in July last year wben he tended
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 131 1 IZtirit h. Jnl\ 1. LIGHTING in th* Husso SYi (irrman war i« still in the early stages and will de- mand a further big effort on J the part of the Axis," states (iayda in the Giornale d'ltalia, continuing the Ita- lian press warning against 5
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 63 1 Let Allele*, Jnly 1. ASTKONG earthquake swayed southern California on Monday night. In Santa Barbara, plate-jjlass windows were shattered and bricks rtlilodrei and 1 alls cracked. I lie qnake, which lasted minutes, was felt like u some great cosmic rocking chair In motion" uith the strange Bashing of ttghti in
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 423 1 (By General Sir Hubert <jiaßgh, Reuter's military commentator) tendon, July I npilK news to-day oj ihe Bnma-Gemuui war throws some lignt on German strategy. We are beginning U> arrive at an appreciation of wtiat tbeir strategy is and whal are i's amis. to its
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    • 178 1 MOSCOW S AIR RAID Moscow had its tlrst air raid alarm surly yesterday morning. It j al i >0 a.m. and ended at 2.45 a.m. without incident. The full Soviet communique. states, "During the night of June 3d fighting continued in the direcd! Murmansk, Dvoisk. Obrusk and other sections of
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  • 527 2 U.S. NAVY MUST CLEAR ATLANTIC Bo lon, July I N <; ltirr j Bo ton to the Conference |Of State 1 Secretary of the Navy, Col. Knox, urged our Navy to clear the Atlantic (ienrtai Jl. dd I Id no' k and Ol ed be, match jean tears, Im ican
    Reuter  -  527 words
  • 168 2 Washington, July 1 thi: speech of the Soaietarj of the Navy, Col. Knox is dear call to go fully to v I of Britain mu\ in um rii i i defence. een as following Knox's previous itrong nd i«i una- with i>^ n io use
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 57 2 London, Juiv 1 A SMALL number of enemy aircraft rtew ove"r Britain last night acci ruing to an Air Ministry c< nununique. Bombs wen- dropped at places ir. Ith west and soutn*west and ir. South Wales. Som damage wat Id ne and there was a number of
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • Article, Illustration
    125 2 «fc Owing to thi vA*e under cultieatl .m^ in Britain, British farmer, are tu ins to Canadian methods and using more H more Canadian machinery, as the country, its vast aires of farmland, i^ far in advance with V its development than Britain, s its machinery is made for
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  • 170 2 don. July 1. THE British Governmei olicy was put nutshell by Sir Kins I Wood speaking on third reading ol tne Bu theHouseol Cosam He asked the Hou el Budget as the li gral feature ol the G intent's economic po which finds cxprcs^on thi limitation
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 192 2 Hyderabad Duccan, July 1 THIS trophy, which only a short ume ago formed ol thi Nazi ivar machine, typifies the relentle a ava Ty which h.\a spared neithi i church nor no neithei hospital nor ambulance, it symbolises a don based on the broken
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 79 2 You 9 ve asked fo r it! I Anil Ihe is (hi ml 4 imh ui i i &vv a n noil acei p with |il^a mure that ju I lira I 1 v r k* 41 1* in all eem I "DESIGN 1 LIVING" will lit* m* s< nfi<
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  • 161 3 t off 1 lanr 1 batl b uia. 0 V Lii inriowed favours sl< lachi t B ichj troops. Ankara I rravellers i ion in urn Cairo, July 1 surroun til P myra i.i Norichy forces there from n nici tions with Horns. rd
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  • 11 3 FRENCHMEN MAY FIGHT SOVIFTS l. li Y i in the P.O
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  • 124 3 1,453 Enemy Planes Down In 6 Months London. July 1 I- HE Imi c>- .shot don strayed 1,453 n the iou se ol operations in th x h Ur Mini; tn Hem Service. J i i, i ret ed 210, which includes i-o Vichy aircrail I >ns on thc Syrian
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 109 3 Zurich, July 1. t- arrest ol Communists m Pans is reported to in -nt.> thousands as part of a widescale i ice rou ut-up following Vicby'3 breach with Russia. iin vicny correspondent of Neuzuercher Zeirrespondent adds. -The Russian Embassy n Vichy arc guarded by
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 259 3 n, i. dun ernment the M!v ••'ivi for muniHie Times produri thai a pat,,,,' *W ol a new u:u *°°n be under t,. "brook can '•<• a unvrwill be conirmy M a W:ls I i pro--1 ti far the •j arrangement Pbn according to t
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 4t One of the^t t workers engag- J cd In makhw anti drcrafl V sun parts St Ministry l S Supply factory, N i»art >f the sr-.itesi indus- trial drive Br>- tain has ever known.
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  • 170 3 Ni ■.<■ York, lulv l. N\/a reports of gains in Russia are minimised by i eutral obn ts at Vichy who find the German claims puzzling, says the Vichy correspondent of the Hew York Times. ihe conservat w he says is that while the Germans have undoubtedly
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 26 3 nno-DAY'S meeting ol Bingapore Rotarians will be a.i installation dinner at the Aaelpni Roof garden at I pm. Women may be nvited us guests.
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    • 83 3 < y>^ 1 11 Itffc fef* '"^^yp^^x i S^S^\ ,iATnR,,:s f vy^ SgfS^ Y| a'^j i,:arMJi.u-;ured in Aotralia. ■[Y ?"**>. --^""Ijtj^^^^^lti i I''* n>ir.iif(d in hard rubber ]r^ h <'l}j> T jd^ ''Ciintis. insulated with V f|>) I CWf*% %lS '1 'K Irt-aUM H« UVfcN «*d*' V, \\J(A*J> <alX\i wpaialeta
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  • 1101 4  - PEOPLE PLACES Vera Ardmore gy An Open Letter To Mrs. Prentis: Gardening Society Meeting t\ear •:< Prentti I know you must have worried about your War Market when illness made you leave it lor few Weeks Perhaps you told yourself that now all v'jur work and hopoi would be wasted.
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  • Article, Illustration
    507 5 •il *<'\< k iit<»<*iK careful tlressiii" and *iiii|»lc make-up are essential year-old will deny that the first few months after she leaves school. the first time she chooses her own adult clothes and is permitted to make-up, are thrilling ones. At the same time, she is usually unceri
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  • 219 5 don't tolerate these beauty blemishes JJLACKHEADS are a serious beauty blemish that have to be tackled resolutely if they are to be removed. A good treatment consists of first bathing the affected parts with hot water, after which apply a thin coat of special blackhead paint. Leave this on for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 ::::::::::::::i:::H i" ~:::Hn:H»« -"v::::::;:::n::A^v:::::^::::v:::;;::;::::::::::::::-~::::::sna:aggae;s:»-;;; i l| Sx 1 King's School j: C_ il Singapore i iii iii *r Term IBfitins i. July 7*!p. 8::::: --t# ■ii TttSl* 51 rtts!t»**?Zi^t I t_"*t* r •••••>••• I IMIIIIM.IXiMIHUHMIMT.MMIiMDIIIN •■•••_«••»■•■*■••••••>••••*•• I_^ "tMiHtMnimt.n •••>••■*••«•••■« imiunnm- l—^_^^—^_
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    • 113 5 M*^m mMM 1 ji^Q^j** Ttfti TMPHOHE > 9 You will find our Telephone Order JF Service a useful <:-nd time saving way ar 1 of shopping. It is at your service 1\ cm I 7 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. daily, and on [j II Sundays and Holidays until 10.30 a.m.
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  • 701 6  - Services' BREVITIES Ubique i S THREE Sergeant Me s function* were on 5 olfef hist week-end. Chanfi the Royal Artillery held ajj 1 dance, with the Manchesters band in attend- 5 |ance. There was not grtal many guests! 1 1 re ent, hut Ifa ter-Gtmner Brown kept 'hit; j moving
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  • 391 6 "OINCE the arrival oi Sir Robert Brooke Popham in Smga--3 pore with his keen appreciation of air power, the influence of Singapore itself which was previously considered solely as a fortress has extended to a marked decree beyond Malaya. Thus remarked Mr J. PercivaL
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  • 96 6 j "IN The .Market." a short S talk on food supplies available and the prices the j public should pay, is a new j daily feature of the Singa- pore broadcasting program- me. and goes on the air from 7.45 to 7.50 a.m. These
    96 words
  • 195 6 Ejectment Application Dismissed AGREEING with the counsel faj the applicants that the Boarf had no jurisdiction over such a case, the Singapore Rent Assessment Hoard, comprising Mr. Murray Jack (chairman*. Mr. C. Snell. Mr. D. Phillips and Mr. B. M. KaufTman. yesterday dismissed the application by two trustees of thi
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  • 177 6 COLLEGE MAN INVOLVED IN CAR ACCIDENT AN unknown Chinese woman beggar's death in hospital following a motor accident at the junction of St. George's Road and Serangoon Koad on the morning of June 23, was the subject of an inquiry in the coroner's court yesterday morning. The driver of the
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  • 270 6 POR selling charcoal in excess of the maximum controlled price, Low Kee Chor, the proprietor of Chop Tian Lee and Co., was fined $30 or two weeks' rigorous imprisonment by the fifth magistrate, Mr. L. C. Goh, yesterday morning. Speaking in mitigation for the accused,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 High Blood Pressure Dangerous Io Hear! ThouSMos of m^n and women \m>*i face the^rs of heart trouble and^is because of High Itlood Pressure. Hkli Blood Pressure 9 mysterious dls- thni causes mors deaths than caacer, I rifely !..•< ,n,.,. people miatake th»- symptoms for Indigestion or some simple
      159 words
    • 51 6 Mr. ;>nd Mrs. A. M. d'Netto Singapore have received cable In* formation from London that theft son, Mr. EH. d'Netto of Gray* h.n, has been called to the Bar FIRE, MARINE, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, MOTOR CAR INSURANCE AT REASONABLE RATES. iiflLi BW» J South British Insurance Co.. Ltd. l'ei. 5!i20 tteetettwaet
      51 words

  • 1068 7 H. L. HOPKIN'S Letter From London Cigarette Shortage In J Britain: Narrow Escape J !of "Punch:" Free) S Danes Unite: Verse j I About Vichy ndon. June 12. THE Great Cigarette Mystery 1 is occupying public attention at til moment. In many .arts o: the country it is not Mssible
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  • 337 7 MORNING TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1941 RUSSIAN WAR JHE latest Russian communique, issued 1 apparently in reply to the much-publi- cised German version of the first week's j fighting, serves to confirm the suspicion that Gc t ebbels was merely trying to do with his artless lies what the German
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 I m 'hex mi:x i*o to n AH. Daring War-time women have tne opportunity of filling many well-paid positions formerly held W mc;!-. Equip yourself now »un the qualifications required to fin these positions. Register WOO Pitman's CoUege for Courts ui any of the many commer2r; njjfta which they teach
      89 words
    • 61 7 EYE EXAMINATIONS EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. Tour ocniar ailments rrp*»rtly diasnos*»d a nJ liass.s prescribed bv i «i IWn*-* sn(l reglstrred ffi^ practitioner with j«gai I T^^^* (jnalificahons If class- ft* are not neded m jZ^ none will be recora- x Bended. V. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, Arcade Building R. A. THOMPSON,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 436 8 Foot Itch Lause Killed in 4 Days Pain and Itching I Stopped in >^ i j 7 Minutes f fr^W' h badly thai thej perms, pan Ites, and fundus responslhl m rlri i ■i i the skin on for these foot infections. u« well Kihr j.ii.r feel :"l i■■ Are
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    • 193 8 YOUNG LOVE IN* Wtuttr^^9^^m SpIePI Y> _^_m ,_l__fl e_^_\W^^^^^_t I^Kx ffffilifrßl MstaSfll «bBJ My^S^T* ImU m%9 m^^^mmmmWMf^S999^_^_se^lSFefJs3mSMmlß^S. _^_^B i^jk. atf* .1 B* jjat^S^^Bßf^yH^Tß^i^B^^^r^Bi^lr^fe i^^B maZf >t^SHHM|^ I^^^H _^r^l___l_l_i_£___^_E _^r __^H ■B iSttw^fih i^B^k^ s^ aa v v 'v^a^^^'^^lfSa «4(K' ay WMffjahiU'TifTrni SHiYiimm M j_^^— -^Kjjß^iji^i^Baßßgj^iwwSgScfl^^y^flß^^^ ..7 _H^_2^^^^^^^^^lSH3&MttMi^_i^Htttti^^^bi^^ -7 y. lf
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  • Article, Illustration
    132 9 THI SPRING A YOUNG MOVIE STARS UTS TURN TO ROMANCE JUST UK Y/ DOOR. lACKIE COOPER and Bonita Granville arc no steady, according to Hollywood** te-poll. The kids are constant, comsharing sodas, swims and. in one dure, star billing. She calls him He calls her ••Bun-Bun." She adriding. He
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  • 154 9 Poona, July l fHE Council of the Indian n• Liberal Federation cussing the present polit-ea situation, In the course of a reaoution urging ti. B Raj to create a tenulne and wholehearted enhustasm tor the wai bv entrusting he direction and control ot Inctta'4
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  • 261 9 AFTER spending thrce-and-a-hali months in Malaya and the Dutch Fast Indies most of it in Malaya during: which i period he "shot a little over 10.000 feet of screen material for Metrotone and Fox .Movietone News, "Newareel" Wong leaves Singapore this week to go on
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  • 190 9 Epidemic Of Thefts in Tiong Bahru "■'HERE is an epidmic of house-' breaking m the Tiong Bahru fnd Tiong ?o area. said the court inspector in the Fifth Police Court yesterday, when Mr. L. C. Goh was about to pass sent?nce on a youth-! ful Cantonese. Leong Heng. for housebreaking
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  • 335 9 AN interesting point of law as to when a confession is retracted came up lor argument before the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine, in the High Court yesterday in the course of an appeal by the Crown against an order of acquittal by the
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 552 10 j^MWMmtmM^MMmMMMMMMmNM9MMMENBrm^A 2^oo^l y r^_^o&k 1 J^^\ m£^^^ I 1 fi 71 Y^ J l' B^ I' A___^l -La^m^^^^er J^ W*^ Situations Vacant WANTtD pie With ll vpi'iy l I •»anti- i< ii-. b linnet I.i t „j f e M ilayn J rlbuni Sinore .ii..- i Hand, wltl pajirrs, n
      552 words
    • 650 10 Miscellaneous MOHAM i ngnport derats prton ,Nl n TRAGEDY Of life s (|t L half alive in <u+i»» -n »ncy? hau been cured auoct fully and nermanantlj V^ UC K MAI :o.N SOMA. Lfld'.M Halrdre-slng Saloon Middle R<'"d (at buck W Oynei club j rrioes: Perman n l Wi n
      650 words
    • 733 10 Motor Vehjcles ii vou WANT to sell your car. r MM, Singapore. Cash paid. (N SALE h'4o Blllman M hp. C linrlen ...OCj Conditloi. new $2- Box y24, ai. -uigapon. (No. 104K) FIA'l Balllla Tourer Mi-chanlcally pcrfft. smart appearance. 35 m.p.g. Coupons 20 gallons. 1900 No oflers Phone 787(1, afi^-r
      733 words
    • 631 10 For Sale AIB-IMPOBTED mule Alsati. n pips 1110 '.teh lor quick aale. Clv.ingl F.irin. Slnguo NO, 119K 1 for sale i.n ■BnoH new Pu--h Button Control Zenith 't dto; Bin_.ll table inot'eJ. nlctly finished in cm.m brown. Owner leaving K»n. Price $125. Apply B x 928. ALUayi. Tribune. Blngapore. INo.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 424 10 ON THEM j AIR I SINGAPOKK ZHL 225 m. 1333 ZBP.I 30 96 m I M f.69 m'es. *1 ZHP 2 48 58 SB. I jt 6.175 m|». fl ZHP J. 41-38 in. Ul I,ONDON 1 GSV— I7 81 me Si *M 16.84 metres M OSF 15. 14 mc*, 19.81
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  • 162 11 Lsri the staple food of a»l I al rues in Malaya, has "V £en imported in l* Quantities from Burma d |*SJ^tet Malayan peoples sttrc food mtSJ^Sr outside event* the rnmento have ftff pursued a rigorous .reSed rice Potion. r t public Works De- played Its
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  • 330 11 Thief Flings Bicycle At Constable FOUND guilty on a charge of robbery in which he was alleged to have stolen Sl5 from a Chinese stall-keeper with another person, a middle-aged Malay. Rani bin Latip, alias Wah Hassan, was sentenced to one years rigorous imprisonment and four strokes of the rotan
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  • 152 11 Red Cross Sacks Peeress AN investigation J beine made by the British Red Cross and St John organisation into the dismissal ot Lady Newboroush on the groin. d that she was an alien by birth. Ladv Newborou'jn, who was bom jugo-Slavia speak, fifteen languages Requests have been made for her
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 492 11 rearing Restored, Head Noises Banished bats Catarrh and in a natnral way rettorea hearing m eonv of the OMMt ohetln ate cast a Praised By Users Former sufferer.-* naturally are high la their praises of Spantex because of the wonderful results received. For instance. Mr. N. W. writes: fly hearing
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    • 97 11 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ,N.V. Established bv Royal charter AD 1824. (Netherlands Trading Society) BANKERS i Paid Up Capital f. 40.05C IW Reserve Fund f. 12.000.00f London Correspondents NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED ii'..; Office BATAVIA. Branches Netherlands East indies:— Sour* baya. Samarang, Medan, WWtevreden Bandoeng, Cheribor, Tegal, Pecalongan, Djokja karta, Solo, Tjilatjap,
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    • 345 11 Men Made Younger By Treating Gland i Getting up night*, burning aens&tlon «ft I organs, whitish d'scbarpr, dull acne fll i biiso of spine. £,TOin -knd leg pair.*-, norvousnesK.* lend loss of mat vigour are caused Oy a disease of lx» Prostate Gland (3 most. Unportanf srt 1 gland
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  • 175 12 SAID to have C emitted a "compUcated ana involved framr. Pons t ai Slak <34>. described as a saleSn'an and bill collector ol Fhomix Aerated Water Company, claimed trial to tin chargca ci misappropriating $36, and *wj* respectively, before Mr. w. D. Carew, m the third
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  • 379 12 NEWS FROM N. E. I. Batavia. June I A rpHE N.E.I. OovalK nor -General, makfls ing his first Mm since the out; M of war last year, km I n jg Batavia by air M Soerabaya on 'Mm 23 and was seen •Mm by Mr. Yoshiz.ltalMi head of the Japanes^fl.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 196 12 GET SET! GO!! The Greatest LAUGH OFFENSIVE g> m in the YEAR'S BIC BATTLE off^J@|b_ THE SEXES STARTS TO-DAY! Jjjift^jg CAPITOL'I 5 ,5 -r| wm <* r> X^^E* N *B ■M %t£& „E,,V GABLE 4lp\ 'fir ,n the Sensa,iona| j //Vy ALL 'm'atch' STUNG L^*Y B^b, »_t_w vk w* *>
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    • 34 12 SAT Mill AY at m 1 i» 1 1; ii i ALHAMBRA Hdf-brute! HoB-humqnl I _\^_9_^_S_^r_r^^_^^^^^MLW^^^^f9^^^ IMfSfr/**- ,-«HH9 lit Tl JF'u^ jII I J Nv ]I M &i# w T_X o»n^ _y_V^ L_t in
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  • 153 13 Cable News from 'Down Under' r!/ 1. i Y St? »••■>•. :,.ll»r an aid night vision. It that men' carn i.: their ciiet h- able to drive Y, without the tits. ifater-bot ties to Australia war v.. seized by l m: ailthorities. e i made pur( aluminium, used "tr mfact
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  • 407 13 BRIGHT LIGHTS! FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK" (.it the \lh mibr.i) pKROI. r'floMa Hood") Flynn turns i 1 rj BlMl ttottctkft In the current j Altuunbni picture, "Footsteps In The .t Qm most enjoyable come- iii leea In Sl:i^..pore for a long time. The lau hi ..rr m t m g-fnri
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  • 46 13 A FINE ot $25, in default one! month** rigorous imprisonment, was imposed by Mr. Conrad yianam, the second magistrate, on Wong Yin when he was found guilty of obstructing a police constable on duty at the Naval Bastrikin« him on the chest and faring his shirt.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 133 13 181 Ol'R SLOGAN THIS WEEK I "The Picture With The Biggest Laugh In It" |jj| REMEMBER A GOOD LAUGH IS WORTH A ji 808 ANYTIME! IF YOU THINK THE 111 JI WORLD IS GOING TO THE DOCS mm miTii _1 V«fc. 111 •■KOIMiK fl|p|Wi} WILL PROVE TO Yor jij -^aP^«jii
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    • 52 13 Specia I No tice OWING to the Tremendous Success of the reeen Screening of Columbia's Thrilling 31 Reel Productioi j "THE GREEN ARCHER" Edgar Wallace's famous Thriller TWO ADDITIONAL SCREENINGS WILL BE GIVEN EOT SATI ItjM ail 10.1.> 111. and al t >lIH\H.III (12.10 »Vlo<li| 4.] HOURS! 25.000 feel! USUAL
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  • 213 14 Chinesc Athletic Loyah vm better ««ide all-round, Chines* Ul I tk were most unforum.iir in not being able le collaci fuU point, when I met th. Lo\ ils in the I>iv. I match ;it Atmon Rend SUdium vcst*-nla> .Al In huttlewi .1!" il Clayton iusl .i
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  • 225 14 London, Inly l« SOME of flu- glories of the Royal (ot will he retired v at Newmarket 10-morrew and on IhuiMlav when substii tote raeei for those nnrnalh I held on the famous Berk- S ■hire heath are beinp, run. Wartimes fir^t "Ascot" wiH be stripped
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 135 14 Punjabi Driver Convicted For False Report (^JOPAL Singh, the taxi driver who was charged in the fifth court with giving false information against Miss Lilian Leong, a dance hostess of the New World, was yesterday sentenced to pav a fine Of $50, in default three weeks' rigorous imprisonment Oopal Singh
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  • 103 14 JJY virtue of the New Planting Rules. 1941. which came into force yesterday, no new planting will be permitted to be undertaken during 1941 other than a very liniiUd amount of planting for experimental purposes under the luperrtsion ol the Rubber Research Institute, Malaya. The owner ol
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  • 58 14 Ambulan ce Calls In June fHE Singapore Municipal ambulance service attended to :*35 during the month of June. W ol which wi re outside Municipal limits. Motor accident i called for 82 cases, while collapse oases totalled 18. Fourteen cases were for attempted suicide, and six for shooting or stabbing,
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  • 382 14 Rot Smith, Margaret .Sink es Off Form PLAYING with better combination than their opponents, Yadi and Nellie Chia won the •pen mixed doubles title ol* tiie Singapore opt n mampionsiiips yesterday beating Hoy Smith and Margaret Stokes 6' 3, 6 l. Yesterday evening's tennis,
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  • 335 14 WANDERERS I; S.C.F.A. 1 UOLDING territorial superiority for the major part of play, Wanderers scored a conviniin? victory over the SCF A in a Div. 118 match played on the J C.S.A. ground yesterday. The Chinese were netting on even share of exchanges in the first
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 449 14 Lose A Pound A Day This New Easy Way f^±r n/^Banish ThatTqh)\ V' *r'^r^' m) Uscless fat A New ■ii xmf^^^ Discoveri| from Hollqwood, Calif. Used by Cinenia Stars. Makes ■X\ 1 You Look and Feel I V? ears Younqer^ 9 /_^S i^r „,v reaulta: !';.t melts away I I
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 70 14 i < > DAT tirl Wai China \i i St idli..ii. SAF i D*. [I A, 8.A.0.C R.l .pH i. Pulau B"i R I M Ch .iu'!. i .<■ Dl' I I v Mini. -1.- tei O'RICKI 'I I'• A R I I YMi A i i hamplon i COI
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  • 234 15 v 'iL-ation for leave to appeal to the Privy Council by A v h S Arathoon, trading as Stephen Paul Co., the decision ol the full court of appeal in the which the other parties were Mr. Gordon Garth van Mis Klara Theodora van
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  • 149 15 No Change In Chinese Policy il tungking, Inly l. I on of the office of will not reI r e m the Foreign I .1 whose firm deI isly and vigor I a policy of nsi tory is won. will reI ed," declared Mr. I Alio was formally I yesterday
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  • 18 15 r pHE Singapore Swimming club WiH play water-polo against Y'Yca at the S.S.C. toimmencing at 5.15 p.m. j
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  • 105 15 COCONUT GROVE OPENS AGAIN COCONUT Grove once again blossomed out last night in night club style with the popular comedy pair. Cowan and Bailey, leading the entertainment supported by Kleiny and his boys. Cowan and Bailey, who previously made the Grove an institution in Singapore as a dine-and-dance jspot by
    105 words
  • 10 15 'THE Trade Unions Ordinance, j 1940. came into force yesterday.
    10 words
  • 222 15 frIREE youths, ol* 17 to 18 years, described M "A nice of boya," by Mr. W. D. Carew. the third magistrate, to heard of their criminal records, were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from three to four months, •>i them was, in addition, sentenced
    222 words
  • 125 15 PLENTY of thrill", are likely at Anson Road Stadium this afternoon, when the visiting South China footballars meet the Combined Services in a return match in aid of the War Fund and the China Relief Fund. The sides met when the tourists arrived here the first
    125 words
  • 34 15 Madras. June 30 Mr. J a n k i r a m Chetty, a prominent member of the United Municipal Party, was this evening elected Mayor of Madras.— By Radio
    Radio  -  34 words
  • 68 15 .Simla. June 30. AT' a cost of about! £20.000. a scheme has been approved by the Government of India for the cultivation of lac in Bihar. Less than half of this sum is to be contributed by the Government of Bihar The Central Government will
    Radio  -  68 words
  • 46 15 Nagpur Gets Some Rain Nagpur, June 30. The fierce dry spell in Nagpur has been oroken to-day by heavy rain. Although the monsoon is late, •is breaking in several districts in the province has greatly relieved anxiety, and the crops should benefit from it.— By Radio
    Radio  -  46 words
  • 31 15 Simla. June 30. The AdjutantGeneral A. V. Haig, to-day received a deputation of Indian Christians, who urged the formation of ani Indian Christian; Regiment By! Radio
    Radio  -  31 words
  • 45 15 Calcutta. June 30. The first training Of A.R.P. instructors began to-day at the Central A.R.P. School hire The number of student instructors attending was 33, drawn from various parts of the country. The training will last three weeks.— l By Radio
    Radio  -  45 words
  • 20 15 Batavia, July 1. SEVEN "Tiger Moth'' training planes, part of 48 recently ordered from Australia, have arrived in the N.EI.
    20 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 128 15 YOU WILL DIE LAUCHINC AT THE WAY ERROL FLYNN follows a more dangerous trail than he did in "Santa Fe Trail" in "FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK" TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 fh\ iw^il^i^i^^k 'PHONE (M9 _Jk__N_____^a___t?i*r^'--i_l!_\r f! b«M>nMMßHi|^li Vfe>-tft. L v .*<s» timi -^9 Hk3gSvi Ki^ _^9 **W w V '7m
      128 words

  • 266 16 RAF BLITZ RUHR AND RHINELAND London, July 1. 4 BRITISH \ii Ministi > communique announces that (ierman heavy industries in the Ruhr and Knineland were again attacked by bombers of the R.A.F. last night when objectives at Duisberg, Cologne and Duesseldorf were the main targets Many large fires were started,
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 72 16 New York, July 1. IMIE fast French liner Oregon' <7.70« tons has been captured in the south Atlantic by British warships, according to maritime Circles. The Oregon, it is reported.' was taken to Freetown. She wasi j well-known before the war on the I Pacific coast-
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 124 16 London, July 1. I ORD Parmool, the famous ecclesiastical and parliamentary lawyer and father of Sir Stafford Cripps, the British Ambassador ln Russia, died at his Buckinghamshire house last niffht, ajied 89. He represented Britain on the Council of the League of Nations
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 656 16 REST OF THE NEWS Tokyo Julv 1 The Japanese claim to have destmved bv' air bombing the vital suspension bridpe over the Pepan River in Kweichow province. TW bridge which is on the yunnan-Kweechow _Wgh connects the city of Kunming at the end oi the Burr Road and Kweiyantf. Ii
    Reuter  -  656 words
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