Morning Tribune, 20 June 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 10 1 Morning Tribune I V(( «__No. 120. Friday, Jane M, I^4l.
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    Reuter  -  400 words
  • 285 1 London, June 19. tills li forces which launched a big attack in the Western DfM it surprising the Germans at Fort Capuzzo are »saf»-|\ back in their original positions, it is learned in auritatUe ircles in London to-day. -itions are east of ich is
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 341 1 .v^r,™ London, June 19 pORTS and narhJ baaei m north-west Germany u well as the naral base* at "Brest were attacked In force last night by RAJ. bombers, states au Air Ministry communique Bremen, in particular, was subjected to heavj attack aa
    Reuter  -  341 words
  • 63 1 J V Shanghai, Jvoo 19. i PORKIGNEKS arriving t» cLi* aboard U,<> I 01U d KUieN > liner, President '<•«-?»*!;,«' j from Hon^koD< rrpttrtcd i si.rlitinr over •< warships off Amoj moving soutliwardn. I hi- Fleet is .«J U k&Te > ineladed four or fife
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  • 50 1 hfasbon, June 19.— The British «bip Empire Warrior from Newcastle with coal for Portugal was sunk by aeroplanes some distance from Villa Real de Sanantonio, close to the Spanish border. The trtm of 25» of whom two were wounded, were saved bj a. Portuguese destroyer and a fishing boat. Reuter
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  • 293 1 A nglo-Turkish Pact Stands London, June 19. 'FURJLEY'S attitude towards Britain and Germany following upon the new ten-year pact of friendship signed in Ankara between Germany and Turkey is explained in a leading article in the semi-official Ankara newspaper I'lus quoted by the Turkish Radio. The editor of the newspaper
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  • 77 1 London, June i!j Normal communications have been entirely restored between Iraq and Pale** tine via Transjordan, says a dlspaU b from I m to the Independent French N'-ws AKency. Caravans of motor Ionise are now running again from Basra via Baghdad to Palestine, to which
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 28 1 London, June 19 President RoawTelt is to n i '■*»<• honorary (\i of Ducto -f ''.'tnmon. I^iw diploma ?r »/ri Oxford ■>-. it wa d< ided t»v the Urj.'. Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 720 2 PART PLAYED BY INDIANS DESCRIBED ]>4>s|»»l4-h From lAbjmm Fronl <Bv Heater's Special Correspondent with <hc AdtincHl Forew in (ho \V< tern Desert) AN i--wk morning ground mfert msctotei the detaita of the opening manoenvres, as the second day of the battle Oil the I ibyan border dawned on Monday. As
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  • 53 2 DR. A. A. Sando^ham will deliver an address on "The Evolution of Helminthic Parasites" at the College of Medicine to-day at 6.30 p.m.. under the auspices of the Alumni Association of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore. All doctors, whether members or not. are invited
    53 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 2 A unit of the Hons Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery, on parade ni'rnth i n <k* course of celebrations of the unit's annivei\sarv
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  • 40 2 Mr. H. E. Clayton. Assistant Traffic Superintendent, Railways, Bukit Mertajam has been transferred to Kuala Lumpur as Staff Officer of the Transportation Department, Mr. A. H. L. La nm a n has succeeded for Clayton as Senior Assistant Traffic Superintendent.
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  • 96 2 London, June 19. JT is bettered 'that the Mexican Government at any moment will close German consulates and propaganda centn says a Mexico City despatch to the Independent I rencn News Agency in London. In addition, a speech by Serttr Padllla, the Mexican Foieign Minister,
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 310 2 ■tombing Of Dublin Dublin. June 1 THE German Government has expressed sincere regret to Eire Government for the bomb-dropping in Duulin May 31 and expressed its willingness to compensate fork* life and damage to property. The Germans make a remarkable admission in their n to
    Reuter  -  310 words
  • 88 2 Nairobi, June H>. WIR Delves Brouuhtoius evidence lasted for 22 hours In the trial in which he is charged with the murder of Lord Frroll. The accused paid a tribute to the kindness an<J consideration of tho rrison oifiriaLs and his fellow prisoners, laying, "I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 102 2 BRING OUT THE FULI BRILLIANCY OF YOUR HAW Your hair la ndt only nr.r of youi chipf a lets, but its tidiness auc richness Is used i>. v many to Indicate your character. Orderly, well cured for hair, Fhowj tness and personal prl 1 .1. ability. Join the many, woo
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    • 21 2 "Cent-A-Plane" Fund Tot*»l number of enemy planev doiro.vecl during yesterday on all fronis up to mid- night London time FOHTY-I'OI It
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    • 26 2 GIVE YOUR CHJ SUCCESSFDI BUSINESS (ARE Tar j from the BUBf Excort in bwtruetK a tult: n at any Hi sxunlnatioa P accopod 1 Tl( TEI.EPHONE
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  • 348 3 Turkey Refused To Break Witn Britain I Ankara, June 19. I (iovcrn»i'?nt refused to sign a treaty of iriend,j wl Germaxy it is understood unless a clause* safe- t j, An< ;u-/urKisii Treaty was included. oi TuiKey to tier m with Hiitain time :hc ne■i tu' German I Anl r;
    Reuter  -  348 words
  • 48 3 Shanghai, Jim* 19. ot over $12.000.000 1 or about £170.UOO it I made during the led March St, by 1 Railway Com■a Ja c tncera, which f he running of the Shanlilway and other 01 !na It is being used 1" «nt. dividend. Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 3 Nlghi lifter pilots await their t-irn for natrol I I
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  • 25 3 l-boats are now a :s igapore from the These are a 'on," range recon»me of these tlready arrived at v -«i portly be publishB Tribune.
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  • 229 3 London, June 19. tivity of German aviation and the fact that the Gerarmy has <; s:one to ground somewhere in Europe" lat the Germans are preparing some move of which action is not clear, in the opinion of a News Chronicle [fa newspaper adds: 4 AII signs points to
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  • 145 3 IN ackno. li neut 1 of the cable from H. E. the Governor and High Commift- 1 ione r, conveying birthday greetin lo His Majesty the Kinf-:, with an expression oi" staunch loyalty, on behalf of Mai lya, the Secretary of State for the Colonies has cabled
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  • 192 3 London, June 19. DESCRIBING the remarlxble resistance in the Netherlands to-day in a speech at Sheffield, the Nether lands Prime Minister. Mr. P. 8. Gerbrandy. said that as a seafaring people N-therlanders worindicating their conviction that the sea would prove to be the German
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  • 140 3 Wang Seeking Fin ancial Aid From Japan Chungking, Jinie 19. Thk main purpose of the visit to Tokyo oi Mr. Wang Chi u wel in to .^>eek Japanese iinajin »i a&dfltance for the new Nanking regime, according to Ur. t^;> H*t-sUeng In .i .special article prominence m yesterdaj morning's edition
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  • 52 3 idon, June l!». IHE Duk ■oi Ind oi ha foi i tie D of Wind i -p yi A i I inn l«'tu oi the money h had from a eta irit abl trust he found i ft Lncc of Wall Already much milk in
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • People & Places
    • 861 4  - Actors, Gesture By Local Lady, Gallant French VERA ARDMORE fiy MAYE bm> seeing *j much of actors and ictreuei recently that wouldn't be surprised II I broki- out i:i a WBtkmt dedre to play Ophelia myself. Last w.M-k tin re was the Australian lilm star. Beit} Bryant, mid now have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 92 4 I beaut if Ljpl I ...MekisHiwr I Blue Hyacinth Cosmetics have one aim: to make women beautiful at prices all women can afford. Blue Hyacinth Indelible Lipstick in six shades with rouge to match. Blue Hyacinth Powder for a dull matt surface. Blue Hyacinth Cold and Vanishing Creams protect and
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    • 80 4 Your favourite |i !|^j perfume now duplicated by 1 J l experts right tjn2^ here in Singa- i^nil^J P dXDi pore. r t TTI Twenty /Itwr different J'dix) j verf times now available, fc£ r Total proceeds xl Ci of first week's IffiOßJ sale are being r [jYiDtV donated to
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  • 813 5 Diet Sheet At ONE YEAR friifefMf one rusk, either soaked or given vxh jam, jelly or honey. About 8 ozs. of luA Lh milk mixture to drink. tener fish stewed in milk; mashed potato. able marrow, cauliflower or Jerusalem i •:..>kes. Milk puddings, or custard, baked or t> d Rusts.
    813 words
  • 314 5 helping your babv along now he's A TODDLER t THOUGH the age at which a Ini to walk varies In idivid'J U cdses, the end ot the pi twelve months, roughly speaki the commencement of with all its fascinatim; idlers are full of ideas develop rapidly.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 > POULTRY ■p 7 JL -v k Tjpßtv Cz BV* #f V JBv&' jJh Va -^SSI > '"fax JkMiU Rl. .jfl ?5»5? ,«B7»BBr^ V ,^^K# .^■■■j VnUr "Jt. o^^ m bBBBM MQt^^Ky^; Va V Jg 4p take ifOM pick from &*s!&* J onr fine selection I Kvery bird lias been
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  • 128 6 Law To Be Amended? I EUR making loans to it, officers, Tan Teow Quee, manager^ rt r the Asia Assurance Co., Ltd., was. yesterday, in the ftttn court, fined $50 on each of six charges to which he had plead(i guilty through his counsel,
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  • 34 6 Bucl Jun frWELVI i engers and U member ol '»r cm Lben an aii Inei Sucharcsi I £ed to ftai f! 1; i,, ofl :i ierC i Ban Reuter
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  • 30 6 Santiago, Juit^ m Ml> \•is In Edwards McCture. the former Chilean Ambassador tn London, banker and owner i I Fi Mercuric the flrst Ch newspiapei G M T I Reuter
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  • 128 6 Strike Sequel: Knife Threat ARISING oui <»f the recent barbei Singapore, Sia Mai Tee, one ol the nity. appeared yesterday in the thin art h lore Mr. W. I>. Carew, on a cha intimidation. After the strike bad ben a settled i barber's ihop in Sembawa R irletor: "Remember the
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  • 192 6 I ILIAX LEONG, cabaret hostess of the X World, was the complainant in a case ayai a taxi driver, Gopal Singh, in the fifth d yesterday, before Mr. L. C. Goh. Gopal was charged with givi < Inforaai to Inspector Baboo of the Registrar of Vehicle
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  • 106 6 M ISSING his footing the Coroner^; .^Jffia a verdict of death by n^^^XMas in Tan Kow Chai. J^f^th had been M the twakow. stated that t he u ioo?c^n« sistant. HLs assistant was on th. altend ,dt» ropes from round a capstan. windlass on board
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  • 66 6 i FINE of 3100 W» A magistrate, Mr. C. H. W onJ. R. Wilson, a European. negligent driving. It was alleged that or. A... when a car. coming from Denu him from the o^ude Realising that a collie tohi^lert.butwasunaok- forced bi« car on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 119 6 flL'-^vl I takes its toll M Mm Delicious U/ITH trying days and extra activities x||^JPli^WW vJVclitinC you expend much more energy than aHpP^ r you imagine in the Tropics. If this Ifr 1 Restores energy ,:.••,:>' vf i-^ C laced you feet 'run-down* and listless. I^^<&titr^^\ IFOpiC By far the
      119 words

  • 925 7 H.L.HOPKIN'S Letter From London j Officer And The| Ranker: Picked A.T.S. Girls: Operator Tries J To Forget Prince j j Bernhard Hands Over Big Cheques j I.cndon. May 24. ri ui; peculiar difference be<ireen the prsiticn of an <l( »j M r and that of a ranker t km i
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  • 96 7 Shanghai, June i r > ONE oi the gunmen arrested for the murder ot Mr Aiiki has conressed 'hut th* crime was instigated by element! Supporting the [Chinese Government at Chungking, ace rding to unofficial Japanese quarters. A» a reault of his confession! three mow
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 356 7 MORNING TRIBUNE FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941. A NEW PACT 1^ the extent thai the new treaty of friendship entered into between Cermany and Turkey docs not in any way affect the tatter's obligations to Bntain, it ean hardly affect the course of the present campaigns in the Middle East The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 SYF EXAMINATIONS. ITECI ASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. f( nar ailments ir»n'\ diagnosed and 4^B^^^^^^* i\%ts presrrlbed by a «M ffnsed and reclsterert i^^^^SSj iarfition*»r with |e?al I^^^^^^ DalifUations. If fiass- i are not needed t. J^^ one win be recom- X > THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, Arcade Building R V THOMPSON. D
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  • 88 8 Bangkok, June 19. PORMERLY Englishmen used to work on a Japanese tin mine situat?d on a ridge of Kobkaeb Hill but now all the Englishmen have quit because the Japanese do not want them to be about the mine, says the Laemthong. It reveals
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 31 8 An Armful Of Charm WARNER Bros. Joan Leslie 16 year old armful of curvacious charm who is rapidly sky-rocketing to screen fame will be seen in "The Wagons Roll at Night."
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  • 569 8 Music Opinion Music The Schools T' HS v" return to hf„ Y« and Music. A city's musk,,,,,,, •>''ml...r at performer, «hi, h audience, at its public concert bat year, proved that th,,.„,,vii. to fill our local concert lull I as much as fifteen percent of teachers and student* fr* potential
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 103 8 aliiißl ■■■■■&M laaaV jt j F v "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" provide the most i inexpensive form of j entertainment and t relaxation at home. MOUTRIES I have a comprehensive stock and ji the prices are still at pre-war level. MB HM MM aH> M^M MM MV MM OV aai W
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 89 9 H f of the B>'< mo])linne Hi! Sd: t'i >• tak^s ■i Newton Koad 8.4.". The proB'Mi|iii i lie music. Bi I N'.i^nole for i ■piHi.s tea (Lalo). B? j BHubt'iman (Vio- >'"> Philhar- onductrd B Suite ("The me") (Richard m t Allegretto < ■m i) Muiuetto,
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  • 134 9 AMERICANS VOLUNTEER FOR RADIO WORK radio locator lias been riven I Embassy has appealed for Amerl- can volunteers to operate the device in Great Britain and per- form other technical work there The British Air Attache, ma 8 atement, disclosed that recruiting headquarters for tn e civil! {Technical Corps hod
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • Article, Illustration
    181 9 jt Australia's Prime Minister v*lr. R. G. Menzies is now bae« with his family at their home at Victoria's Keu, after he crossed the world to speak for I Australia in Britain, and to take back Britain's gratitude and greeting to the great Commonwealth of tbe Soath- em Hemisphere. Hubert
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 114 9 COLUMBIA /^^W MASTERWORKJ Ssegetl (Violin) and London Philhai (Auto" coup monic Orchestra conducted Si rThom x r/. Be cnam A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM: I x Sir Thomas Beecham imd I ond< n Philharmonic Orch< stra sir Thomas Beecl am and ->:■ Philhai monic rhi la V BLAB OVERTURE 2 Sir
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 593 10 fghfg Situations Vacant DRKSS mvKn reqiured n Mirl lNV apply to A P.C M..xinc I>pt (WO. se»> »rNG AFORE FIRM requlrles Immed JompHtent Jteno-typlst Box 88 1 M Tribune Singapore. ,r WANTED-Ladv Ten cher- School CM* ttonte. Oral English. Apply Box TW. Malr.ya Tribune. Singapore. J^J*™ WANTED "Male Stenotyplst, strong
      593 words
    • 600 10 Miscellaneous Birzvtoi why ift r st E y P c c l? i^ ing £2^^* SSi«o^S a( SrJBa»h Rood. Sflifspore.^ vinculin for "diabetes i* .stm m£ ■file at M. C Window. EA l 5, M Place Singapore, and will be kept *J Sck'., tar as possible. considering g \£f difficult
      600 words
    • 653 10 Motor Vehicle$___ j, -rSUfSn &£*JS*X- $S ,088. Singapore. Casn psao. v ink S\LE ia34 Morria 8 saloon, sooc 1 SSltton? Box JT7 Salaya Trlbime. Singapore. (wo. m\ a ANTED^Ford Tenr* do° r s P*L t>artl SSTS SR Office Box 668. S^' S; nrv SELI USED CARS. Royal Motor Phone 4591
      653 words
    • 555 10 For Sale X3R SALE— 10 valve •philips' Radio anl nck-up $110-. Cash Sale only. View 6. x>wer Ampang Orove. KXi. (no. wjfh) •OR SALE. Alsatian puppies all pediiree. rhree months und 14 months old. Aoply I ,25 Balestler Road. Singapore, aft >r 2 vm (No. 927H) FOR SALE Blackout Motorcar
      555 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 314 10 I ON THE i A1R SINGaPOH I MM s7/1 m m 1 I MPJ. 41.3* m. fe J LONDON 1 r 6 metre, I M-M metre,* (From s. 15 p m. \i 11-50 p.m.) m»-trcj (From 9 05 p m J 11-50 p m 1 g SAIGON I '"> 16
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  • 309 11 JplE Handai murderer, Teh Cheorxg's last hope of saving his life was dashed to the ground when the Court of Criminal Appeal, yesterday, dismissed his appeal. He will now expiate his crime on the gallows. The Court was composed of the Chief Justice, Sir Percy MacElwaine,
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  • 196 11 £JONVICTIONS were recorded in the Assiz<Court, yesterday, before Mr. Justice Worley, in the pawnshop fraud case and sentences ranging from 18 months' rigorous imprisonment to four years with hard labour were fanpoMd The charges were making fahse entries In the pawnshop account books and abetment of
    196 words
  • 169 11 A COMMUNIQUE from The Food Controller, Malaya regarding broken rice say.s: i The Government us purchasing rice on contract j from abroad In older to .safeßuard the essential food fupply of the majority of people livin", in Malaya. U is only reasonable that Government should
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 302 11 CLASSIFIED ADS. (FROM PAGE 10) Educational OJf, given by expcrlencd I.lunshl, 140, Ovven R0.i.l (No. 972H. M£E ART and Science of Yog.\ munlfold Benefits oi Llfr- Full particulars from Sree metwar, 122, Carpmnel, j iton (No *****' ia::. Eiavalteo Guitar Studio. U«5, Street. Singapore. Tuition by j t methods.
      302 words
    • 308 11 Foot Itch Heated in 3 Days 1 l»< h. wnari sari hi v,,Tlv > M nei rlv Mr,-. P« I <»r bl. ii Th.« realc fifth tl thai haHHpread tlirouybqui o. r a raled Vt hoot, sm.: i h. Photo It b. you a< t rid ..i (1m In 'I,;,
      308 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 71 12 aria, June 19 raOM a circular Lnaed by tl:.1 Bwl C »ul in Bat ivi.i it M>p us that the German Oorern?i J l;<> expi sv'd Ihe d«ilr» that o.t- .jvnwi retui •WMpoi irnnnd Germany's foreign reprttlvef will supply the travel if necessary In the circular,
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 236 12 here to-d* Bertram 2 Australian tentative O n Eastern Groun i pjy counca pfaaslsed the that the pri collaboration oi members of the I for mutual del laid the f oun(ia of a wider co-op tlon in future. To meet the a Shortage of woo yarns in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 256 12 and BeoorrahT7'tis JUDY GARLAND'S Crandest Role. °You'll Love every minute of it! IT Ai» IT 0 1^ I 3 SHOWS TODAY '^o*^^ fa* 1 4 SIIOWS I()MOKKOVV £mß" 18. HER RRST DRAMATIC TRIUMPH! WSm JShER first big STARRING ROLE! /flniiiiii\ k^P^E* I 111 K I lIIMII rafimßj imnLHiii/ |ipjaH| Q
      256 words
    • 31 12 FILM STAR Found WELL. HEARTY and Ready to entertain you in the thrilling companion picture to "NIGHT Train for Munich" REX HARRISON! in "MISSING TEN DAYS"; Coming to the Capitol A
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  • 370 13 QEAJI Mah (x, n Managing partaei of Chop chm Bng H1 Bin gt pore claimed trial In thi nan court, ustnday, to t\W) summons charts ol wiling 100 u^.s or Red I Dragon cement to Chop Boon Hual .it two cents above the controlled prtqe on
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 148 13 HOW MANY DIFFERENT PICTURES HAVE YOU SEEN TH!S YEAR? We mean realfy different ones, with really new ideas! Not many, we will wager... and none as good as 'FLIGHT FROM DESTINY" x jfi^\ 'ELECTED AS THE BEST fIMWWQ P'C URE of THE MONTH IKjft/iW IN THE MARCH ISSLJE \>AILY AT
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  • 299 14 Conn Threw Away E Fight In Bth o Pittsburgh, June lit ■OS LO US retained his world heavyweight champtomhip, knock it Billy Conn in the thirteenth round. T,. nded with dramatic suddennea nn had weU, punishing Louis and m-inn roi I and him The my trayeUed i
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  • 542 14 (By SPECTATOR CARMANA and Chatterbox are my be^t bet:> for the openiJ day's races of the Selangor Turf Club's Sun to be held at Kuala Lumpur to-morrow. Carmana is making an appear anci 1 on the track after four month- The gelding was last entered'
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  • Article, Illustration
    121 14 Xf Joe Louis,^ w •r 1 d heavy- j weight cham- \mm. was al- S i iiios' dethroned 1 by Billy Conn. ot Pittsbursii. former light- S heav>\. eighty rh a m pion of J the world, on Wednesday i night, in New York. i Conn. com- plet e 1
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  • 147 14 THE third "Malaya" Cup soccer match to be played in Singapore tiiis season will be seen on the Anson Road Stadium, this afternoon, when the Royal Air Force will meet Joliore. The Airmen, who are in fine form now, won their first game of the competition
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  • 287 14 Newmarket, June 19. \|K. J. A. Dewar's toranntion, ridden by Harry VVragg, won a great race for the Oaks the fillies classic-to-day, beating Lieut-Colonel Robindon's Turkana by two lengths in i2 mins, sws, v.;th Lord Glanely's Danci:?g Time third. Dancing Time had been a hot favourite
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 41 15 Man Is Poisoned, Woman Dies Too A DOCTOR caller! to hou in The Avenue, Branksom Poole, found that Ml 'I h< blttet Boardman, parent! v lrom po. Whl lothei occupant <>i I i Mrs. Edith Ma son Dt came ill arid <:
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  • 513 15 Blark-oug E nd% war Staff Renerti wh K ;tou::hf^ MaInyi U( S?y admitted tHe the C L ,JU,( i. geneJ Advance publicity ri 5uccej sfuJ hr,(l *el detail, coupled with thP o Uri iai^" l ]l1 in e **ry made 8in£apSre detouSv^! P Sl? 0n
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 63 15 I i \ic n i: I n i is ii ,1 I i<•a i Ii and II w? i PATH DON AMEOH Ii s—V-^H I w-> MON. 7th JULY j al 9.00 P.M. CATHAY Entire Proceeds TO JBuy A Bomber* FUND ILL TICKETS AT CATHAY 54.00 (Res) S2 and SI.
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    • 253 15 Glands Made Young -Vigour Renewed Without Operation If you f l old before your time or iuff< r fi "m nerve, brain and physical weal you wi!i And new (>• pj ':..>.■ an American medical discovery which restor« y< .mi :'ul vigour and \\u* lity iiuieker tfa > ll.ui i
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    • 118 15 ghf "FLICIIT FROM IHSTINV (At the Alhambra) J'Hp: Qnegtioo of iiu right to life is dealt with in brti fashion In "Flight From Desti a film which began a run at tli'te&U rday. i i torv tells how Professoi y Todhunter, knowing himto hare lea than :.ix months to 11
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    • 319 15 PUBLIC NOTICE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TFvnrm TKNDERB »r». n w U.v. ,4 f* r th« following matorlnls ivr mvi* r»r DartlTrndf^ D%U of C!o»Jnt Const run inn of clr.->u,. s n Mlri R. ,1 from v laon Supply of Standard HUc». Prf».p\i r0 Copper Tiit^N. *p m 7 July ir»4l. W
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous

  • 512 16 liondon, June IS. #tr FHF tomplcte and ;ipi>un titly and dlfwhfrc about llt*V WM niHd in the House of Common^ by Mr, Samu»l Silvrnnan «la bomr). Mr SiIT(«TTLan contended ttmt U I>)id BeaTorbncxjk hiid taken a Spitfire iuid hu\ded by parachute at Borchtcsgadon. the Germans
    Reuter  -  512 words
  • 460 16 Morning Tribune Friday, June 20, 1941. REST OF THE NEW Canberra, June It,— The farmer Australian i*ter of the Navy. Mr. AG. Cameron, BtionSJ n conscription as "tue oruy real way qo 1( service troops' during the debate in th< H Representatives to-day.- -Ksuter. Canberra. June It —The Wai- U
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  • 246 16 London June 19. 'Tin House of Commons will shortly debate the shipping position and the battle of the Atlantic in secret session. In announcing the forthcoming- Parliamentary business, the Prime Minister declared that the debate on shipping Mould be in secret, owing to the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 150 16 HIE YEAR'S TOP SCREEN EVENT' Trk^r i^r %^*mKSi 'm> *^<w ij^m m 3B? iß^P^^^^L B^^^^B .^^^^^Bl Bt^m^^^ Sm^M <^ 1-^ I F I O4 M§ VsflhMCV 4MMMMO VM^C^ •<• P>*< flha UMHk «••>* MM CmmvAi »trt-» Mmm 0*~"W W JOHW *<>•• :g SHOWS 3J5 6.15 9.15 ALSO FOX MOVIETONE NEWSREEL
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    • 5 16 NETT SALES EXCEED 4,500 DAIU
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