Morning Tribune, 11 September 1940

Total Pages: 17
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 14 1 sX IIS EXCEED 4,500 DAILY Morning Tribune ffsfi ,y. 11*0, Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1940
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  • 214 1 R.A.F. In Action London, Sept. 10. inistry communique !tes, "Last night RA.F. n continued their atcn military objectives m m y a nd i mmv-occupied id' Belgium and France. p'th targets attacked lighting installations m /shipyards at Bremen ambuiL. docks of Kiel, Imshaven and Wismar, •aids at Krefeld and h,
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 72 1 jp London, Sept. 10. itic correspondfrom authoritative rman allegations eh ttions between the m Indo-China Government are h course and have f are quite untrue. seem particularly 'vide the world that are continuing, We that discussions octwet-n the French Tokio and the Ja'nt. hut negotiant! by men
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 86 1 New York, Sept. 10. GERMANY has made a formal demand to the Vichy Government for 58 per cent, of the food and raw materials m unoccupied France and for any such products that France may be able to import m future. This is revealed m reliable diplomatic reports
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 190 1 London, Sept. 10. THE splendid work of the Civil Defence Ser- vices m the heavily bombed districts Of East London and the resilient spirit of the civil population m their grim ordeal deeply impressed the Prime Minister, who yester day made a tour of streets most
    British Wireless  -  190 words
  • 902 1 LONDON'S FOUR AIR RAID ALARMS: CIVILIAN BOMBING CONTINUES r During a r.trul Na:i a.v raid i i bombs v. er e t droned at <se- S vnai places m S <mj t h East i England, b-u t only a few houses were da- t maged, and the 5 number
    Reuter  -  902 words
  • 98 1 TENSE SITUATION IN SYRIA London, Sept. 10. rIK extremely delicate and S tense situation m Syria lis indicated by a Cairo I message which quotes a J trustworthy informant just S arrived from Syria. The In- i formant says that the Italian I Armistice Commission is ap- i parentlv "asking
    Reuter  -  98 words
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  • 69 2 •r Her Majesty^ the Queen gave i London "tele- i phone" girls a great thrill re- I cently when she i paid them a J surprise visit while they were i i at work. Pic- J ture shows Her S Majesty watchi ing the London I
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  • 491 2 London, Sept. 10. NEWSPAPERS to-day give their considered opinion as to the reasons for and 'he effect of the indiscriminate bombing to which London had been subjected to on Sun day and Monday nights. Nobody who saw yesterday where the bombs had fallen on
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  • 65 2 "WE HAVE HAD OUR MOMENTS" Sydney. Sept. 10. —A large number of Jerman and Italian, internees from tintain arrived here to-day. When asked about the voyage, the officer commanding the escorting troops replied drily: "We have had our 'moments.'' The internees' guard are the first British troops seen m Australia
    Reuter  -  65 words
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 581 2 Sept, i I ON€ image tfun* on loth sidea of the sa fJ SUMCd ahclliag tarly m the day. i< r lire |:iM night. German ha tt erica ope chagJ three shells which aataJl the Dettl an g ilignti Hied the dry, ti j i laancc piano acting aa
    Reuter  -  581 words
  • 33 2 London. 9 Despite th majjto*j there was a steady** the Stock Exchange, thou of several f «*J, f support. I PP«*Jft, mostly Arm -edgdW leading hor l] i.erallv maintained was barely Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 90 2 London, ANEW system j raid v y establishment l^ •■L representative ol egg employees m combHiP the Government tewHenceforth the g sirens -will be rejardj alert and no Watchers will I P*« and vantage i> warning of dang ih J It is hoped th start haaaediatelj have agreed I
    Reuter  -  90 words
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  • 71 3 models was sent to New York^ the ne of British woolen I odels, styled by leading London IK be tnwWU m other important I the display coinciding: with the I wool fabrics at the New Ymtk i 1 1 Picture shows a mortarboard hat J «l t
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    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 34 3 A, i. srpt. 10. ■J: 1 COLONEL ITODA, h military >■ j "l.n, declared i m' iM have no m- ni to invade loom. i M. :t who Ls en Miv, Jia Canada, Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 47 3 Melbourne's Sympathy For London Melbourne, Sept. 10.— A fund is being opened to assist civilian victims ol air raids m Britain. The Lord Mayor has cabled the L° rcl Mayor of London expre ssin? Melbourne's sympathy and admiration of the courage shown by Londoners during raids Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 323 3 London, Sept. 10. THREE hundred and fifty German j aircraft participated m the first raid on Monday evening. The Air Ministry news service statc!> tnat successive bombers and fighters crossed the coast between the North Foreland and Hastings Wherever they turned, they were engaged
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 39 3 I.Lstum. Sept. It!. Japanese -inns bound far Britain naee it <l «»i(|»'.s to pat u> to Lfcu II. i' ii Main. fl.iko- it i Mam and Purtan Mlare are aij u\\ ji Mm iaen>. Others are Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 Bm|Hß9Sl>^* t '^jS' V v" 3aHi^S3fe^& li *3***Bs^ase •^W&Sc' J jSyß' 'j^wflßSKir ?8 Tfrlfc B^^ V I 7~ ou y* r r J ""TTßaa^BrTT"""" M T""V^ P V IP^ I C* 1* WESTINGHOUS£ <-» JRUZONE COLD
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  • 514 4  -  VERA ARDMORE j'l Ol'l.i: A PLACES By HIB anybody got a bull d I large, amiable bull do* kl > required by the organisers of the j wear a smile" day on Oct 1. to j H e fundi to buy I
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  • 411 4 WOMEN THE WAR POD .'•< the l tbe fighting i ;ve an award i lor eallantry She Section i om. m Daphne fclary rVan Women's A" air Fore- who hai b- y awarded tin I Ot j the Military DMeton of the Ore he British Kffl i she dlapS lyed
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  • 63 4 Mrs. Drew Receives Gift For Sailors' Fund Young Jocelyn j Gardiner has sent $1 to Mrs. i j T. B. Drew for i her Sailors' J Fund, which i /she collected i herself. IVlrs j Drew was very J touched with) j S the gift and 1 also with the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 14 4 Hand embroidered white Sharkskin .^r mm I capita Nigs: s P ore Phone 3838.
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    • 61 4 CLEVER FINGERS I WORK WONDERS 1 WITH YOUR HAIR I And MAXINE'S are well known for their skill m Hair Styling. We suggest you ask your friends who have been to The British Beauty Salon For an appointment. Phone 2868. Ask for John (formerly of Andres of Hong Kong) or
      61 words
    • 121 4 Your Helen Cul permanent wave I MA Mil of the I NAOMI SAL J 18, Rodney House. I Battery Koad. I will be a constant vithiactß It requires little or no efl so easy to comb smo *B falling into modi* and smart effects. I >lake your apP«»»nt meßt ß
      121 words

  • 407 5 MAKE AN ASSET OF THE LONG A NARROW ROOM r b ilkl narrow and badly proportioned jou have space The problem i.^ to the two end walls won't serin miles c room itself look like a tunnel or paaare clever enough to capitalize on its I .rlions. the final results
    407 words
  • 326 5 CUPBOARDS CUBB Y HOLES F*w a narrow, builtn 'men cupboard ikes the place of what Us Previously, a use*s «Pans« of wall. n shelves are lined J"Ketti|y patternZ J?l and the *«W paint** to »at of the r <x>m itself. jft 1, bi hltin a this respace is to aecommo.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 61 5 roast 4, i i I a FOWL Pheasants are not available at th» moment hut we have plenty of Guinea Fowl which have an equalU fine flavour and are delicious roasted Try one this coming week-end and see how good it la* PHONE 5376 FI V F !1N r S
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 177 6 London Is In The Front Line •Bssssssssassssswßssssjßsnoßssssssssssaa WHILE WE IN MALAYA viij o y aeesifi t > and itrosnerih al mr IIT Iff 1 I** A We m Malaya are living m security and comfort while the people of Britain bear the brunt of the Nazi Help close the Colony
      177 words

  • 1150 7 BiLJJopktnWritesFrom London.... Duff Snoopers I lon, A up. 2. ■1 m \vn hearted." W\ Mr. Churchill L women at the H yard m a northH, vrday. B the vociferous I- imoufl question arid H owed memory of the E 'ittttes, m the K. most of
    1,150 words
  • 88 7 TAN KAH KEE ON RETURN JOURNEY Shiukwan, Sept. 8. MR. Tan Kah Ke c and party left for Kiangsi yesterday to continue their survey of wartime conditions m that part of the country. From Kiangsi, the South Seas visitors will be proceeding to Fukien. en route to Singapore. Meanwhile, Mr
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    • 342 7 STRATEGISTS have often asserted that the two weakest points m the whole GeiDUm defence system are the Balkan regmn fxni Italy, but so kmg as Soviet Russia, which is assuming increasing importance m south-eastern Kurope, docs not clarify her attitude, Hitler is not likely to precipitate premature
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    • 128 7 IpHE magnificent spirit displayed by the people of Britain In the face of Hitler's luftwafTe is another striking proof, if such were needed, that air warfare by itself can never win a war. Japan hasgood reason to know that, and m S^ain, Ma I rid held out
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 CLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. g*ON OPTICAL CO. f >' BLDG., 'PHONE 3002. ence ,pson Dr Ocular years' European Clinical fc_ J Aperience. f afiY 1 W7 pa^r^T^Vl I T^H IP^ ITa a■a] I
      30 words

  • 185 8 I CONSIDERABLE eontrc may be precipitated when '••Mv Fa'vourit Wife 1 makes its local screen debut •Mv Favourite Wift l* ,;l tuns a streamlined tuisi to the Enoch Arden st ury, with a wife returning after a seven way absence to find that she has
    185 words
  • 107 8 MARTHA RAYE "HECKLES" WITH SONG JRREPRESSIBLE Martha Raye had to be lepressed recently before Allan Jones could complete a romantic scene with Rosemary Lane for Jules Levey's film musical production "The Boys From Syracuse." Jones was singinc "Falling m Lov c With Love" to Rosemary. m a scene which finished
    107 words
  • Article, Illustration
    79 8 As pectedly t hei of iod s roman NT' I vi Caw. Vorl ;P;the v \llhf Bette Davfc andl Bob ion cf man; If that is than wed and a A riom apart, w close eon I are rra She r r fcj no 9? And T who p
    79 words
  • Article, Illustration
    85 8 If you ever find yourself the husband of two wives at one time, pose one as an old friend ot the family, and the other will never know the difference! At least, that's the scheme taiy Grant engineers m "M> FavourUe Wife." RKO Radios scintillating marital comedy tt. be
    85 words
  • 78 8 UHIATEVB ICiaylord swore ay her straight fort r instead the they I berl rRo owsk! with a'l tic The sad troth, Greta's rom^nca porn ith a with i tten f=o. Garho film ra eted. the public "hi:v I_\ II v. t! (Garba talk-. Ga, and B— -a raeaad to
    78 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 187 8 Mrre a picture ><>ii'll ea|tj .i- much i- *'•'< 'l" 1 (..mxllim Mr. C'lup^' i nmtv ai law r\i»noi I M[ fa "MR. SMITH" HAS A BLINP UATE— ]__j Mm li 4 i Mmi o^*" and you'll discover a n?w wonderful I _X O/ %y4l_i____ --rfa^ T i 'i l_
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 9 I WiMsl
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  • 43 9 I m Reporter) so-called Greta Garbo-Di. c? At least one columnist these two were matching m flirtation? certainly give Greta. variety 'In her loves. director, a symphony doctor— what next > it be sort of silly if she fall tor the income *>a>:
    43 words
  • 349 9 Pidgeon Receives Advice On Nick Carter WALTER HDGFON estimates he has ten million advisers «>n what he should do m Btaytl»| Nick Carter on the screen. From all over he is petting memoir •f the original Nick Carter stotieg, despi:,. the fart that he h playing the character for only
    349 words
  • 107 9 Boyer For Valentino R ole s DtvILMBEK "The Four I Horsemen of the Apoca- lypse," the film which esta- blished Rudolph Valentino as the screen's foremost lovi cr, way back m 1921? Another fascinating Latin j Charles Beyer, Is planning to i revive this story and play the J Valentino
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 48 9 I PAVILION THEATKE NOW SHOWING NEXT CHANGE m mnißLi mum -J*Q\/ o^-__iVtiTi_Sl_BSS^' Wri TLjf TRUTHS! ATROCITIES! 6- s*^ IgJlJlJA"**^ j\ jL PERSECUTIONS! X^Jlj,, o____^ I j THI fll« THAT IVEN HIICER COULD NOT EESTROr m\W i§MsL*^^^lJ^ ffl )f Y*m\ jV *^^r™ Baß *r-iOBHnn .«i^aw •liiileil H? PAVILION LIMITED
      48 words

  • 9 10 ___aw one s Mi UnP< MJ day.,.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  9 words
  • 197 10 s WHAT Thailand is building up a Mercantile HUrtim revealed yestiwJay on the arri. s ral hi Singapore by air of three representatives S t tin- Thai .Maritime Navii ition Co., Ltd.. an their nay to Melbourne Co take delivery of an Vmriiean freighter,
    197 words
  • 25 10 New York. Sept. 10.- -A British j liner, containing a number of English children, arrived here early i Reuter this morning.-
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 53 10 QUEE Teh, an elderly ricksha coolie. was found hanging m the room he occupied m a house m Anguilla Road, on the morning of Sept. 5. I He had recently released from hospital. A verdict of suicide was returned at the inquiry yesterday by Mr. W
    53 words
  • 91 10 A 1 13-month-old child. i Leon?, Choon Neo. developed fever and I died m the General Hospital several days after fallimr two feet from a bed. Dr. Abdul Samad said that he found no injury on the child who died of pneumonia. The fall, he
    91 words
  • 55 10 LOTTERY APPEAL FAILS IM Chong Bng yes- terday appealer! against a fine of $300 or, m default, ten week*' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of assisting m carrying on a pubiio lottery, at the Hi^h Court before the Acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice AX. a 'Beckett Terrell. Mr. P. c
    55 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 216 10 t' i it* rhebrilliini rr^r<f\ l_k ____aaP^^"*rf X _r stsls-S^sr Is? sP jjf _____Lt*|6ft B _H imWmmM rHE lit of intend rch into modern road conditions, i India Signal Tyre embodies every knoWh feature to gri iter penOrfn nine IfJI a set of India Heavy duty Tyres to your car
      216 words
    • 301 10 j_Hk\^__| Coring, I i&ifgSf s 'n?aport. I Kj3 Kit >|Sp i We aNo undertsl ,Jpf r >" 'leaning a_____r dyeing, B_ *f«2s» j j r< **M Branch X K. Lumpur, P Canton f |^k Tailoring ftl I Hatu Roail ft 1 m al ff mJv^ yy\ jL^TI I I I
      301 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 478 11 ■uations Vacant lot Crown Brand In Uox 3W. Malay; X (No. G2SE, 4 3 peaklng Mandore. _P Apply Box No. 409, pore. (MP. agg > __r Independaut Indiin bildren, all lox 403, co Malaya m t NO. 642E> _H f > B^-~ Life Insiiranfig X assured m, ..lable persons.
      478 words
    • 642 11 lo Let j NEW BUNGALOW. 89. Good::, lurnibhtd. :iom Oct. l. rent $120-. No 87 [Ho. 64f<t» IOK AIRY ROOMtT^Tlet. "~ConTpound bouaa, Apply 10, K1..;.- Road. Singapore. (No. ooatj TWO-STOREYED house near Orchard Racd market, light, watei Rent bvlow |30j.. Box 401. Malaya j Tribune. Singapore. (No. 639E» ITO LET:—
      642 words
    • 582 11 For Sale APP-. 11, .CE; •LOTU.f r.i. Powder, An^ BeauTJH; Obtainable Kelengi IN l h Terriers. D i eld Kenn £oo (Boarding KeuneU) 58 jHoad. Singapore. N 1' super U mm. p., j mera Fi.4 as oew "uttor HO or 220 volts A.C D.C Cost f;»- ept $450-. Box No.
      582 words
    • 464 11 Miscellaneous pi Leo MA, 18-C. BattTTT port lies i! ing given. VI barge. N i Battel Hi, i p i Mi D sn Atma-Chln i 0 0( ylang. fc kture. I LT YOUR Tailoring Pr. m m I *mcd -igo-b. i cheap tttflngs: very moderate prl A will convince. Also
      464 words
    • 339 11 ON THE AIR Singapore Zlll. fr. (1 3J Vl' t,J no Saigon lr» ill 4'i it, n (o Hi, Xi Bangkok (7.968 i London TBANklflBSU)r4j I, (JsK |J M, f'< h..* metres) (;s./ 'i ,i m< (H n metres) <;s(. i; Til M.Js (it ho BMtnjn San Francisco K(;i I
      339 words

  • 93 12 SJOSTI than tu«> S l»l h undred/ people mostly 1 men and women S undergraduate* i —turned up at I J the garden of Balliol Orifl*ff*. Oxford. with j printed invita- J i lion cards. > X h s cardsj j asked them to v take
    93 words
  • 113 12 RISKED MINES TO LAND IN BRITAIN WHEN eighteen- year- old Thomas Corrigsn, a deckhand of Mayo, Ireland, was sentenced. at Liverpool, to one month's hard labour lor entering: th c country Illegally, >t was stated that he told a policeman that he sailed m a fishing smack from Dire to
    113 words
  • 96 12 WOMEN FED HUNGRY SOLDIERS I OAVES of bread, eggs, tea and bacon were taken by the women of a small mining tow_ to a ha. 1 where hungry French soldiers waited for breakfast. They had arrived fasting to receive Communion at a Rom a n Catholic Church. A French military
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 236 12 Svk mtu .1 set m lh largest \eroplane Building factories m the States See the- sensational Attempt* t<> Sabotage the vita', defenre MSSTatH of the* U.S.A. TO-DAY 3.15 -6.15 -9.15 ■H m Till < AI'MOI __M^«*\_ GREATEST SLEUTH OF ALL P^_f_ MWi on screen dt dst m thnll-a-6ec« Ml^^-*y Jr_J____L
      236 words
    • 213 12 xsT 3 SHOWS *fa mb. .jTT^ r, i > ;ur» r m m Vf| j||H 1 irsVTROPICAL MIRACLE! s^^fc^^_l_=__?___r _r /sr if/Aw Ssisji APriftCipol Fvodwcfio*. A»socio»a pr^wCSC BAINEY BIISKIN D.rsetsd by F_ C KENTON. S<r^» p««y b, w.kj<_ M«s<s. C^_.i _sjsj b, hsi >w 0 «(j H, fU JJJ MIDNIGHT
      213 words

  • 248 13 $2,400 DAMAGES FOR WIDOW CHILDREN I Road Death Sequel I .m (i, itfe oi her husband m a nil ,|,r accident led to a High lse \esterdav, when Lee 1% Hissi. and her ttiree BSdren, sfSd I 4 and 2 years, X awßtaV- damages of $£400, V ,osts by Mr
    248 words
  • 42 13 Mr. M V. del Tufo has been appointed to be the Proper Authority for the Settlement of SinuaI pore for the purposes of the com- pulsory Service (Local Forces* Ordinance m place of Mr A i Hey wood-Waddinjrton
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  • 94 13 Food Supplies Not Affected I. don. Sept. 10. j peoru villi I j set their su. EST, butter and v baton as usual, i 1 said Lord Wool- S ton. the RUnfe- ter for Food. I adding that damage to food I I i supplies dur.ii" J the week. end
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 131 13 1 I»NG Low SiaK, 04- year-old BSalatsiit j m a toni-kang, met hi.s death wiien he fell off 1 the mast while trying to fasten the sails which had been blown loose during a thunaerstorm. The mishap occurred about 4 a.m. on Sept. 4, as
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  • 122 13 CANE FOR DAGGER MAN TEN strokes oi the heavy rotan and 14 days' hard labour was ordered by the third magistraae, Mr. J.G. Rappoport, yesterday, against Osman bin Kas.sim, one-eyed Javanese. Osmai. wa.s also recommended for deportation. Osman had pleaded guilty to a charge ol going aimed m Fort Canning
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 123 13 I NEW WORLD __t _<- *>---a __f^_*^^^ v _^___sr___3__*i I SPECIAL DANCE TO -SIGHT I I FROM 9.30-12 PM. I I mtmmmmwmmimmmm^AmmAmm^AimiA^m^mmmmm^mmmwAmmmmmmA^^^-—--I WATCH FOR THE GALA OPENING OF I OUR ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY I From where you can see the moon I OPENING SATURDAY 14th Sept. I WW WOIILII I VIII
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    • 149 13 JOIN THE HAPPY CROWDS! TO-DAY AT 6.15 9.15 THE SHY LAD FROM L.\N( ASIIIRF DOM R A<.\lV!| IN A RIOTOISLY FINNY (OMFDY j^— r"*"*__'_r' Jr t SBa-**^^^ ">_S _v ir n___r__^ "*_A _s_t r i_i<^^^ lywJ__M_Hu_DM_Hß__._^__^__^_^^ •^•^^ySssl ISFF THF FILM ITS FULL OF LAUGHS FOR BOOKINGS PHONE 6!M»3. j IktTtRRIBLt
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  • 620 14 HANDICAPS FOR TODAY'S RACING SELECTIONS I BY SPECTATOR' i r )LLO|VIN(i il?" uniiif for this if tc en. races a I nß.ipore, f"u 'i !v. M k— B Ktosjspsrs "fni t < (up ii i-H n>; HORSES I f -aNfiatSfl 4— (i 1 BslBUfH. I II 1 BAM 100 i
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  • 49 14 McNEILL WINS U.S. TITLE POrtsf Hills (New York i. Sept. 10.— Donald McNeill won the American tennis ehampionxiii) b\ heating the holder, Bobby Ki^srv. 1— G -8. 6—:?. 1 ."> while Alice Marble won the women's championship for the third Bbccesarfc year. besting Helen Jacobs 6 l. 6 3. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 84 14 Sir. Badminton Association week-end ties are as foi Saturday at °15 Lee Kirn Seng (Eclipse) vs Chan Khek Eng (U.C.A.) Nellie Chia (Eclipse) vs. Won;. 'A.A.U.'. Sunday at 10 a.m. Byed Salim i Devonshire I Hassan Matrar (Merridsle) Chan Bye Loans and Elsie v. i A.A.U.» vs. S.
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  • 344 14 ILfANDICAFfI to* the ift_ day of Blfigapurp n -^eting on Rstardaj a Hat CU_i I, JU* 'niies. M y 1 1 IS 5 Burl n 8 6 KuMi 'i .t 1: X'A .1 k Dnsss ■»< < 1 3 -i B )oD',i 8 2 Pi
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  • 37 14 REEVES (64) RETURN'S TO CRICKET Bill Reeves, sixty-our-year-otd Test match umpire and t'i virjv Essex player. helped Essex Club and Ground to beat Forest School by five wickets at Snaresfcivok. Reeves took S wickets to:* 21 runs
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  • 366 14 THE R.A.F. played brilliant soccer to beat the 1 Chinese by three goals to one m a division 1 league match at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. Fought at a gruelling pace m the first halt, the game slowed down considerably m the second. While
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  • 251 14 Y .M.C.A. WIN SEASON'S OPENING MATCH HOCKEY liH.i THE Singapore hockey season hr: when the V.M.C.A, beat the ZT, odd goal m three. All the goals *tt< Mi I the second half. The match was keenly contested ni <i the v i had most of the play i.n their fSvaai
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  • 188 14 Rough Play In Padang Match ROUGH play and the order oil of an Indii i cc\ the division *?B ms S.R.C. ground JN the Indians and M Moravia won by foui During the closirv. penalty goals werp sc red the Indians within fifl > tes Rajoo. the Indian right halt
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 160 15 Newspapers On London Air Raids i«ti from safe 2) r accuracy of aim and hamiiu red them d repeatedly. Al FE FAILS T^" on the other iUed alto-"' her to precision. Their atI their targets to s have been hurled h devastating, loss tactics seem very ded. they have flown
    British Wireless  -  160 words
  • 253 15 I •ESULTB of the ties played terday In the opening Ls of the S.C.C. tennis tournament were: NS SINGLES HANDICAP. J (r Houston <plus 15) beat J. Ttvfv .plus 15 6—2; 7—5. C. J. Bembroke <scr.) beat R. H. Pickard .plus 15^ 6—2; 6—l; A. (plus 15.3)
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  • 36 15 F.M.S. War Loan Closes THE three per cent, l t $2 >000 to-night ids that ..ave d The- S.S. Government War Loan of 525.000.0uu is. meanwhiV v Close, inquiries this morning :-'i 000,000 a subscr ly.
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  • 140 15 STICK Carter, Hollywood', newest W detective, and Bartholomew, the latest In Doctor Watsons, neatly and sleekly, and fantastically, whirl through a story of espionage and sabotage m an American aircraft factory In '"Nick Carter. Master Detective," the Capitol's new film. The problem is catching the awful
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  • 99 15 I A PICTURE with George Formby easily recommends itself as a 'great laughtet maker, and "No Limit.' now on at the Pavilion, is no exception. From one tunny situation to another, it- .fakes you to the Tourist Trophy setting on the Isle of Man, and
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  • 108 15 I although, he has grown considerably* Bobby Breen's melodiotic voice Aas not changed, and he can be hsard i -Escape To Paradi latest R K.O. musical comedj which is the current attraction sf the Alhambra. Set m the.' glamorous surrounaings of a town near Rio de
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  • 147 15 Coat Costs Man His Job M)U ha> A essfl \i.iii i v meo Taib bin i ii Majid. is. i a ISOffSil ol 1 months ai the Police Depot, his job. BSBSfI time m Ai '^ust, Moha nied borrowed a sssl irom a S i IbUSs recruit at v the
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  • 64 15 ATTEMPTED TO BRIBE CONSTABLE TAN Koon Kia, earth coolie, was yesterday found guilty of attempting to bribe a Naval Base police constable with $10 when he was found m possession of two tah'ils' of Red Lion chandu as he was about to pass through the gates. He was fined $50.
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  • 57 15 POLICE ARMS INCREASED Mr. Richard Law, Financial Secretary to the War Office, m Parliament, inquiries would .to a rep that a bogus Army a milit iv hO pits! taJkad pate i: f r turned their unit.,. and left unchalla cd. A decision would be reached shortly to prevent unauthoi ed
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  • 23 15 rmu Ministry of Transport announced that vi 01.;.; In order to enable he work < I IL,,d th London area. BriUSB
    23 words
  • 187 15 Sub-Tenant To Be Ejected Hi> < liuliengt d me to J icnt i C. 1 J m brman i thai on Us ick-out on I ly put .i ti 11 I- h In his room which he locked kx Ins ut R hrman said that when the siren sounded, ho
    187 words
  • 76 15 $3,000 Bail In Robbery Case Ul •<! mi Sal Mni an t. ..i i "*_k__ of 8 p. or I two I with th i i h n rtn i ii vii .md Chia ..I, i Teochi A having con d 1.1.* iy m vi M of w\ olver was
    76 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 143 15 I Public Notice LLNGUI TIN, LIMITED. (Incorporated In the Strati ts Settlement™) DIVIDEND NO. 35. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Third Interim Dividend at the rate of 5 per cent has been declared on account of the year ending 31st August, 1940, and will be paid to Shareholders on
      143 words
    • 109 15 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL- I MAATSCHAPPU, N. V, 1 Establish by Royal Charter A l>. 1H24. In m the Netherlands East Indies. (Netherlands Trading Socld.), 1 I BANKERS Paul Ui Capital f.40.030.0r»J. J I Reserve Fund 10.500.0u.).-. London Correspondents NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED I Bead Office: I BATAVIA. Branches: Nether. .mils East
      109 words

    Reuter  -  448 words
  • 98 16 London. Sept. 10. rpHE Admiralty announces that reconnaissances show that two of three tanks at the Dolyik oil depot were attacked by Skuas aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm on Aug. 8 and were completely destroyed. The third tank and pipeline was severely damaged. Yesterday, Skuas aircraft
    98 words
  • 10 16 Morning Tribune NET SALES EXCEED m Wednesday September 11. 1010
    10 words
  • 249 16 R.A.F. IN MIDDLE EAST ACTIVE Cairo. Sent. 10. J^N R.A.E. bomber forrtitßj bombed Massawa m En. trea on Sept. 8, all the bonts falling m the target area. says a communique issued last night. Two fires were started and damage to buildings was observed. Aircraft of the South A.rica Air
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 148 16 Shanghai, Sept. la AN editorial entitled, "Convincing Mr chill," m the American own^d Shan Evening Post, declares that his assu an ultimate British victory are bring feeling of relief to Washington. the So completely is the American public s lc 1) t his frankness and integrity
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 36 16 OPENING _ri _mr Wbere to-day (lathai <rr 3.15 (i.15 9.15 I 'a ramo ii iit's delightful Musical Comedy BUCK BENNY __B_________7' SbwmSjlt^ _S______s J____ imfl **^^^____bY mmwtt'JtL TV SSk _B_S •f >. ALSO FOX NEWS JUST ARRIVED.
      36 words