Morning Tribune, 12 August 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 9 1 Morning Tribune W'% -,—No. 164. Monday, August 12, 1910.
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  • 118 1 HIS MASTER'S VOICE Lh I feU Berlin, Aug. 11. f*lßlll (.erman news Agency ill Myi that HerrHess (Hit- ill, Deputy), speaking m; I KtMiiu. warned Britain that M K<m umiiv was preparing. S ft. Imllr <Md now was the time i X nuke l clean s^ >ee P and Br.ik
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 41 1 Britain Buys More Tanks York. Aug. 11. CORDING to a Washington dispatch to the New York |es, the British Government arranging to spend $200 ions m the United States for purchase of 4,000 tanks of reen 25 and 30 tons. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 228 1 New York, Aug. 11. 'THE only thing between us A and the ire of German ix)wer is the British Fleet," said Admiral W. H. Standley, who was chief of naval operations from 1933 to 1937, m a nationwide broadcast. Admiral Standley strongly advocated sending United States
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 148 1 EH Nairobi. Aug. 10. PMcmMMUNIQUE issued to-night la Our ground forces yesBBfay occupied Karindil after opposition. We suffered no w^piialties. yjOur bombers carried out a suc'lJßsful raid on Neghelli. two CapBiis being destroyed and two j^H^ er s damaged. fin addition, one machine-gun HB f v
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 714 1 U.S. AWAITS FAR EAST SHOW-DOWN: INDO-CHINA TO RESIST More Withdrawals Expected Washington, Aug. 11. j[HE first unfavourable reactions to the British withdrawal from China have given place to hopeful speculation as to whether it means an end of British appeasement of Japan and that the China decks are being cleared
    Reuter  -  714 words
  • 75 1 AFTER waiti-u; n at Don Mv- ang aerodrome since the out. break of war m September last, the German 5 Lufthansa pasi senger plane hopped oflf on N Thursday raor- ning for an un. disclosed desti- nation, believed S to be Canton. y Five Germans i
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  • 389 1 London, Aug. 11. A JOINT communique issued by the Admin ralty, the Air Ministry and the Ministry of Home Security states: "Following this morning's action over the Straits of Dover, enemy aircarft attacked Weymouth, and Portland. They were engaged by our fighters. Final figures are
    Reuter  -  389 words
  • 166 1 Cairo, Aug. 11 AIN KA F communique I states: "Military camps, and motor transport concentrations m the Sabra-Salea area (Libya) have been sue cessfully attacked by bombers, all of which returned. The wreckage of an 579, which had been washed ashore near Qasaba (Mersa
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    Reuter  -  330 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 2 London, Aug. 11. .Sunday newspapers print full appreciation! of the career and racter of Sir Abe Bailey who died at Capetown yesterday, aged n Sir Abe Bailey had travelled wver a hundred times between South Africa and Britain— British Wireless A full report of Sir Alr-'.s career
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  • 96 2 BIG EMPTY NAZI CLAIMS y Berlin. Aug. 11. S i High Com- S mand anaouncement to- day claims that S I a C-boat sank an armed mer- i j chantman of 9,000 tons, and i aircraft mined i important Bri- S tish harbours, j N It adds that bombers at-
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 38 2 3 Jolly Lifeboat men Three men of the York and Lancaster Regiment at river exercises, somewhere m England. Their job i* to form the crew of a lifeboat on a river during the crossing operations of their regiment.
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  • 156 2 Big Cotton Deal With Java AN order for .>:, I n of camb, y*m Lancashire fro jlv me 1 The total va ,1 I £©00,000, and *f °*e| the largest single t r^ oQt l eve^ put thro,, by lr^« It will be car:, OIU ./I nrms of manufacturers I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 Ye:, as aiiui/.nu; as it may seem, when the "roots" of your hair do »sjt receive their natural loud, balclm.s i.s the distressing result. siivikuin, by provtyUng ooujcUh mtnt to dying cells, the hair to* re-grow with ull IU former richrt'e i.s un d glo« knes»— for SIIAIKKIN doe.s
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    • 78 2 A HOMi: PBOM HOME "^SiUiu'd on Institution Hill and away from the noise of Sin«a.i pore, m surroundings of natural beauty HILLTOP offers you ,i horn« where you can live enjoym peace and comfort. Large Gardens, Tennis Courts, and an excellent Table. Bedroom* with bathrooms attached Thone the Manageress for
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  • 639 3 DIRECT HITS ON j GUERNSEY BASE A y London, Auk. 10. Vf« commuii( i' J that ymtertmy tftmoon R.A.F. aircraft made bombing and machine-gun attacks on an enemy occupied aerodrome m Guernsey, and the seaplane base at Poulmic, near Brest. Damage was done to
    Reuter  -  639 words
  • 338 3 Appeal To Indians London, Aug. 11. THE hope that Indian leaders would join the Viceroy's Council and assist m India's war effort was expressed by Mr. L. S. Amery, the Colonial Secretary, speaking at Blackpool. Pointing out the success of giving
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 200 3 ARMS FOR BRITAIN'S ALLIES SUPER ARMS DRIVE London. Aim 11. ON a high wind.swept down in tlM home counties, Czech, Norwegian, Dutch, and Belgian officers were given a demonstration of the various type* ©J mom Iheif soldiers will use in the coming decisive battle.s for world lrerdom. Unhkp the French,
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  • 90 3 London, AUj 1 1 There will be v debute m I'm 'M House of Lords next Wedn ;dxj ?^< on India, following Mr An> 'ry'J itnswer m T t j t House pi COHntl us last/Thursday, and the Issue of the White Paper with the t«rnis of
    British Wireless  -  90 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 1055 4 People Places I lwo 'Buy A j I Bomber' I Girls i s i m v pm booked 1 out I hand for the rarfeti entertainment which the Y.WCA n :rid Profesttonal Women b staged on Saturday night In a;d o; the War
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 102 4 tWHV DO THOUGHTFUL V PARENTS SKM) AM Till IK SONS AM) to^ DAUGRTtSS TO PITMAN'S? It Ig because the College's system of rapid hpeclullM-d training has been extraordinarily iuee«MfUl In assisting young peopj»* to well-paid and progressive posts lii all branches of Commercial and Becretanal work, nnd Accountancy. Bu< h
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    • 60 4 1 CLEVER FINGERS I WORK WONDERS WITH YOUR HAIR And MAXINE'S are well known for their skill m Hair Styling. We suggest yu ask your friends who have been to The Br.tish Beauty Salon For an appointment. Phone 2868. Ask for John (for. merly of Andres of Hong Kong) or
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    • 24 4 Stitched hats made to order m Linen and Silk. Straws and Felt hats remodelled i to any style "PFI C// C-3. RODNEY HOCjß- I
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  • 307 5 CAKES to grace your tea-table Utni I-KMON CMMMM 4 ozs. self-raisin:- SdU 3 to 4 oz.s. sugar 1 < z.s. margarine 3 eggl 1 litUe essence of ItnOD. Cream the margarine and the MfAT, Beat, ka the eggl one by one with some Of the Hour with each then add
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  • 372 5 I/HITE fish, because it contains easily digested protein, features largely m t he invalid diet. Since the fibres are more easily chewed the mouth than those of meat, it is easier to digest than the tv r. ft has, m addition, no fat mixed up m
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  • 184 5 |l J£\< KPT m cases of digestive di- j SB orders, when a strict diet must I followed, tthere should be as 5 TWmmh variety as possible m the 5 llfare offered to convalescents, j 11 Flavours, too, should be delicate! I .»mi tempting:, and quantities* |?iven should
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 lulu' D^ Jjß 4 > vTy i Tmii k\ ffT* Bh yfj 1 f i <Wf CONtWfrKtiOM tO tfte </iMM«r ta6(« AUSTRALIAN if IF i t PHONE 53 76 FIVE LINES c s JBIA /dut. o/ Sinyaparc Cold Storage Co., LM.
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  • 151 6 Noel Barber Gets London Editorship ii h Noel Barber formerly I* l Htwi Editor of the Iff rr fc hai been W^ Bditor of th« 0ur- Daily Mail the week y of the London DHU M Jj! |t :i r»>* U'.lkrd IOT "VI, I v, the Tribi w« Rafter hU
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  • 166 6 From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Sunday. CHARGED with obstructing public servants and members of the police (one, a young Chinese, Kf Tionff, was sentenced to two weeks' rigorous imprisonment and lined $30, m default, to undergo ;i further 30 days' rigorous imprisonment, by the Muar
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  • 282 6 Singapore, Sunday. /IFTEB a lapse of nearly a month, Singapore Improvement Trust houses >\n Tiong lib am were visited by thieves .i.kl at lenst three houses were broken into m the early hours ofl this morning between I and 1 ;i.m. I it is believed that
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  • 52 6 She 11 see youw first m Hades.^ or the Capitol, for that's where Joanna Claire. (above) will be next week, be- J ginning o n Wed nesday.j when she takes the stage to dance I■ Chang's mystic revue, "A Trip to j Hades". Joan- na is
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  • 118 6 London, Aug. 11. FHE british flying boat Clare arrived at a south-west port Tom America yesterday, having made the return Atlantic crossing from Botwood to Poynes, m Eire, m 12 hours 20 minutes. The Clare carried mail and 'it and six passengers. ineUidfour American pilots who
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  • 57 6 WEALTHY Chinese business man wno has hL> office a^ serangoon Road, was knocked Sown by a motor cycle yesterda evening while crossing the road U) g^t into his car. He received several mjunes to the chin, right knee and the chest and was removed by the
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  • 291 6 7HERE is a distinct probability that the desire A many people to see further improvement made til Mount Emily Park may be fulfilled. The matter h*| recently been considered by a committee of the Muni. I cipal Commissioners. At a recent meeting the jommittee agreed by
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  • 78 6 At the meeting of the I 1 Council to be held on Aug. 20. Hal Excellency the High C uninljiiWß will present the Certificate J -f Honour awarded to Messrj m Choong Yit, J.P.. Raj. Mohamfc| Hussain bin Sultan AbdullaUJ J Rajaratnam, J. R. Vethavanaaj J P
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  • 49 6 T HE attention of ths puW J j I drawn to the fact that -tcrecy is enforced with regard the movements of shipp 1 Therefore, it is not shipping firms to anB, to the dates of am fj partures of ships unti I day of arrival.
    49 words
  • 155 6 IX the homes of hundreds of governmen dressers and high Government official* midnight oil is, at present, beine buny a few weeks are the yearly examinations t people, on which depend increases, bonw promotions. The dressers will be the first to put i>< to answer
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  • 1528 7 MILLIONAIRE, SPORTSMAN, POOTICIAN C*pe Town, Auk. it P|!i: death ha^ occurred of Sir Abe Bailey, Bart., X.CM.i.., millionaire, sportsman and politician, reports Reuter. Xmong many famous South Africans, none was better I n throufrfiout the Empire than he. ft Hi vas one of the
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    • 105 7 THE United States is advocating PanAmericanism; Japan, Pan- Asianism Germany, a Customs Union of Europe; and Britain, a federation of democracies to include the British Empire. Now there are reports from Manila to the effect that a movement is rapidly gaining ground throughout the Philippines for the realisation of
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    • 116 7 TN the troubled international situation the Filipinos lind that they are neither economically nor militarily prepared tor an independent existence, and brancisc.o Varona now urges the creation of a feferation of South Sea peoples to be placet under the protecting arms of the United States and Great
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    • 161 7 THIS Pan-Malay programme of co-ex-istence and co-survival is an attrac tivc proportion— on paper. If it were possible to carry it out these regions might develop into a solid economic bloc beneficial to fte protected as well as to the protectors. It would also provide a safeguard
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 42 7 EYE EXAMINATIONS, I VKGL ASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. 1 rsonalised Service <jB*^^jf a duly qualified l^p^ T^^ red prarti. 1 I( ner with legal qualifications X\*^ HIOMPSOX OPTICAL CO. ARCADE BLDG., 'PHONE 3002. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience.
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  • 487 8 10.000 I»I\MV "Les Girls" Shall Have Exercise "IPS Girls' 9 of the Dor- Chester Hotel, Lon- don, find it simple to look pleasant and attractive taking their excercise m the hotel ballroom. s ,?tP?r^ a 'J Al 2 e c n P lan
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  • Article, Illustration
    207 9 1 UCILLE BALL, m RKO Radio's "Dance, Girl. Dance," finds this network pair indispensable for the beach. Turban—a natural beige cord— ls tied m front In a perky bow, trimmed with a knot of scarlet suede. Handbag is matching mesh lined with oiled silk. Bag is large
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  • 205 9 Now Premier Comedian IV Chicagd, U.S.A., a play called •My Dear Children'* created a, record for the theatr* at which it was plaving by reaching its 200th performance. Some 200,000 playgoers had paid more than £60,000 to see it. Early in this year the play came to Broadway, and in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 242 10 THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY. (S.S.) APB 3 BY P&OandBRITKH "■"MDJATIHES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). The best possible services are b* ing maintained by the P. O. S. N. Coy. fTom the Straits to their usual ports of call m China India, Ceylon md the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register
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    • 309 10 fT^^ 1 •I I X HflflUflflflW. <flHflflflflflflflflflflMflflfliflfl^^^^B^» fJp [^W India Signal Henry I s^ KJ flt A^y Duty Oar Tyre* ar» B JT WjL afrallab)* m th M 1 y// irl iIUL'.-: usdarnoted stßes: V y >^B« iKr^^Py-Tm "^33 flflflW^Vr ■l jr .^^^^^^HHR'^flE m flflflk 111 m\ /^^^^^gpL 4 50X^
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 399 11 JK^r M^^^^ fl^^^ I Ilk i It IB I bW m w^w m I w l^^B^^^^ Domestic Occurrence MENWIRTH— The enßaßenounced between P. W. Sten of Erik and Paula Steopenhagen, Denmark, and Airth, only daughter of and Elsa Namenwirth of .gium. Situation Vacant European Engineer for large r Full particulars
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    • 436 11 Financial OENERAL INVESTMENT Advertisers have capital availably for investment In any sound business, or partnership ol business. Addn^w proposals to Box 276, co Malaya Tribune Singapore. (jj o 3361) To Let COMPOUND MOUSE near Spa. 516, Joo Chiat Road, Singapore. Apply 51ti-A. (No. 350E) OFFICE space to suit applicants with
      436 words
    • 664 11 Professional DO YOU KNOW how much your Butlxw Is M^lrtng qr Losing Monthly? If you don t, you are running a Great Risk. Why not connult Wayleen h Co Pinanoe Conmil'anu. A* a House. Robnson Road. Singapore. (No. 303F) Wanted WANTED to buy for ce«h. low lymß land must b«
      664 words
    • 495 11 Educational KINDERGARTEN for European chlldrta. Qualified Teacher* 830 12 ouoo 73. O«odm*n Bead. Katoog. (No. 32iE| HIOKLY Special. 7«d tuition In Math*. Solenoa and English by College GnMluat*. Qu.f ie resalts guaranteed. Std. VI to Senior Land Matrle, Engineering ituu technical ttudeuu. apply "Tutor". 49. Lorong 101, Oeylan#. (No. 351f)
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  • 237 12 THE ORIGIN OF KHAKI WITH su muc-1: kbtkl around, MBMM ciu't; n\\o ihe achives of rinie other day to i n who wt pousibk- for origin, an impressn 1 being it had btn-:: brought Into baini by the French. But Uie research di^closvs that a younj Indian Army officer, William
    237 words
  • 77 12 PRESS KEEPS CHERRY Novel "keep cheerful" idea of the St Regis Hotel, Corkstreet, is the holding m their Burlington Bar of a series of exhibitions of the work of contemporary press artists and photographers. On view now are original sketches by R St. John Cooper, whose Youn» Bert" of today
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 173 12 nllM. \DVFNIIKKS IN Till-: TKOPU XI UN .1 I s l^»^i^h,n I.OPII TOVAI itMrt) Q^tM ot >lr\io> t AIM 10l 1.18 111 141 TO-DAY wflß^^ \ivs niversal's Thrilling; Ston ■tt^ «»1 the KublM'r Monopoly id the Kpt Amazon I mdT^ "TROPIC FURY" with mni.\m> aklkx. andv devixf and LOPITA TOVAK,
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    • 114 12 WONDROrS ENTERTAINMENT FOR \O\ M. and n| TO-DAY at 11 a.m.. 3.15. 6.15 9.15 Alhambr A| BOX 69 T E Special Return Screening ot MALT PHNEYf FIRST FUll LENGTH W$ Snow White g§||? andfhe SevenDwatfs ttsT/^^ii TECHNICOLOR NEXT CHANGE ALIIAMBH Warner Bras, present The Popular Star of ••DUST 15E MY
      114 words

  • 158 13 ARI BBtR plantation m the jungle uilds of the Ama/un io the >ettins for "Tropic Fury" which opened at the Capitol theatre, yesterday. It is the dmr,-i;n of Scipio. hea.tUss ruler of the lubber country vho indulges his power complex by treating his rubber tappers v
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  • 81 13 A TEN- YEAR old Malay boy was drowned In the Rochore Can 11 1 ear Sungei Road, on Saturday i:lternoon. The body was found floating m the canal and an Indian, who rv>i t:ced it. removed it out of the water. A dresser from the
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  • 65 13 THE following is the programme to be played by the Drums and Pipes of the 2nd Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders, at the Beating of Retreat at the S.C.C. Padang at 6 p.m. to-day Monday) Aug. 12: Retreat 'Far O'er Struic": Slow Mnrch "The Rowan Tree"; March "King
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  • 52 13 DON'T SHOOT OUR SOLDIERS FROM BEHIND s i Of course, you i would not. Yet \by list him u to y and spreading s enemy pro pa- i: a nd. i you give Hitl?r's Hfth S column an op- i portunity to do so. The nation^ needs your help m
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  • 136 13 A.R.P. personnel at I Amershnm. Bucks, are threatening resignation if a conscientious objector joins their ranks. Mr. Michael H. Middleton, who lodges at Stanley Hill Estate, and is the scenery designer at the Playhouse, Amersham. Buckingham's only theatre, was legistered as a C. O. on condition that
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  • 93 13 Servant 's Sit -Down Strike In Bathroom AFTER a wages dispute with her mistress, a sixteen-year-old gW servant staged a sit-down strike m the bathroom. The po'ice had to be called to remove her. At Lambeth Juvenile Court the girl was sent to a remand home for fourteen days as
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  • 124 13 »T least two South American reA publics are considering the wholesale expulsion of all Germany m order to prevent any kndo, fifth-column act.vitirs. and Russian agent* are also Wider Tlie Expulsion ol the Germans. however, may raise difficulties as there is no way for
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  • 53 13 Equal Pay For Women Engineer s In Britain After 82 weeka women m v work m Britain, who do not need special wpenri lon and an ao to carry on ihe ame rk al men, win |el man 1 wage an man's bonus. That agreement was reai I between engineering
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 324 13 *|\<.\POtU T! XX I Ml n mn COLD (IP) MKKTIN(; l'» 40. ill! UUI Mil U 1 >T WEbIj^DAI HI! s\TrRDAY 7TH sp\V 11TII AND MTURV HTII SEPTFMBKII. [E8 CLOSE at 12 no,n .V 20TH AUGUST. 1940. Vw PS. A $5 UNLIMITED lAKE FOR MEMBERS II be held each Race
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  • 686 14 LAST NIGHT'S BOXING SUDDEN END TO NEW WORLD BOUT U/lin.F: Joe Diamond fought a losing battle, last night, Bgaiml Kattling Sima. a silent drama was taking )>laee m Mm New World arena dressing r oom. Young i.audcr. the popular Eurasian boxer, had collapsed unconscious after bring
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  • 25 14 The cricket match Axed for yesterday between the Raffles College and the Indians on the College ground was postponed owing to rain.
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  • Article, Illustration
    133 14 THREE IN ONE *T Hollywo od'r has many lead- S ing feature players who were former athletes i but few Holly- i wood residents have excelled S i m s|)«»i«is per- i i haps because of t the strenuous lives of Holly. wood peopie. One exception is Jiax Falken- berg
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  • 76 14 London, An. SCOTIISII Football began I only one Sem giie, called the Southern S h Football League. Results: Airdrieonians 1, Clyde 4. Celtic 2. Hamilton 2 Falkirk 1, Rangers 3. Hibernian 3, Queen's Park Motherwell 2, Hearts 3 Partick 5, Dumbarton 2. St. Mirien 1, Albion
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  • 74 14 London, Aug. 10. AT Lords, two teams of almost Test strength played a ontday cricket match m aid of the Red Cross Fund. The British Empire XI beat the hitherto unbeaten London Coun ties eleven by 53 runs. BRITISH EMPIRE XI: 308 four declared (L. F.
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  • 151 14 Singapore, Sunday. WITH a score of 94 runs for .seven wickets at lunch time, the Ceylon Sports Club had to abandon the cricket fixture with the R.A.F. iSeletan owing to rain. Play started at 11 a.m. on C.S.C. ground and the CSC, electing to bat first, scored y*
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  • 130 14 Fraud Charge A FORMER Rugby League player, and holding a high record m the Navy, George Leonard Gwilliain, aged twenty-nine, was sentenced to fifteen month./ hard labour at Middlesex Sessions for attempted fraud. He was said to have been mnner-up m 1927 for the Shotley Medal—
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 41 14 ■■.■•<•■• RESULTS AT A GLANCE JOf: DIAMOND (10.1) lost to KATTMNC; SIMA (9.9). )Ki:SH MILLING (10.4'j beat VIM YEO (10.3). CLEVKK PACO (9 B,) knocked out YOUNG CiAIDFR (9.B'i, Y. BOIfGOL (8.10) won on a disqualification against FhKD MASON <8.12 *i >. Mll|ll
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  • 133 15 x Con tingents T of sailors from overseas always find it cheerful r to meet coun- i 1 trymen m Lon- don. Newfound- land sailors and there is a j J very large num. J ber m British i ships are al- j ways welcomed
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  • 165 15 Rain Spoils Match On Padang DAIN, which fell m the afterj** noon, caused the match between the Singapore Cricket Club Eid the Malay Regiment on the idang to be abandoned yesterLy. The home team had scored 93 ns for the loss of eight wickets curing rhe morning's play. see. Capt.
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  • 27 15 London. Any. 10. The Admiralty announces that the submarine Odin (Lieut. Commander K. M-. Woods. R.N. is considerably overdue ana must b "resumed lost.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 287 15 YOUNS soldier m pyjamas, protesting his objection to military service, return! to put on his uniform so he was dressed forcibly and placed under arrest. That .scene at an Army camp was described at :i ■art niPrUal m Cheshire. Fusilier Donald Wright,
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  • 596 15 AN AMERICAN GIVES THE LOW-DOWN ON NAZI BROADCASTS *v London, Aug. 10. American who spent the first eight months o f the war m Berlin, engaged m broadcasting commentaries for a United Mates radio chain, described his experiences mi n the BB C hornservice last night. I Mr. Warren Irving,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 52 15 I farad^/ company I HEAD OFFICE I <3 BAFFLES PLACE BOXf4BCPQ ENGINKRJ I !S MACHINERY I k&find*iw BROKERS II I 80 only cubic yard It side Tipping Waggons for 22" gauge Rail 1 6 5" n ow available I Singapore. WYour MOTORCAR My I British Insurance Co., Ltd. <b 2,
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    • 95 15 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N. V. Established by m)yal Charter Aft 1 824. Incorporated In the Netherlands Fnst Indies (Netherlands Trading Socle? v) BANKERS Paid Up capital f .40,030.000.Re.verve Fund 10,500.000.I/<indon Corre^pondrnts NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANit LIMITED Head Office: BATAVIA. Branches Netherlands East Indii»sr— Bouribaya, Samaran^, Medan, Weifevrorlen. BftlKftMflff, Cheribor Ivgal, Peealongan, Dj"kjakatte,
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  • Morning Tribune
    • 232 16 London, Aug. 11 i ILL Britons appear to b< I buying aeroplanes tor pre- I sentation to thie Government. I S Following Mr. GaifieU I i Weston's gift of £100.000. .m I appeal !**s been nude to I N mothers of airmen to ctmir
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 24 16 Londcn. Aug. 11— M. Corbin.B j former French Ambassador !:1 I London, has arrived at Rio &B Janeiro. Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 516 16 While Engaged In Picking Up Drowning German Crew London, Au#. 10. QTA&TING out at ten <>iv morning to seek an aircraft believed to be m the sea a 60-foot high-speed R.A.F. launch was towed into port at three the following day. having passed through
      B.O.W.  -  516 words
    • 227 16 7 London, Aug. 10. OltOADCASTIXG to Nor- wejrian seamen in America, the Crown Prince of Norway said that seamen of his country were to-day more than anyone else hearing the burden and heat of the day for Norway. The people of Norway. Prince Olav,
      B.O.W.  -  227 words
    • 42 16 London, Aug. 11. P ARII to adiourn tr i ihort ncm ug. 22 but before that there will be a jj^S^fcbate chi i\+ conduct of the war. tf IW" which the Pnn^ Minister wi! ■^^uvake a statement Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • Article, Illustration
      97 16 TO MARRY HERE Miss Barbara h i ttingham. Jones, daugh- Iff of the Rev. i fc E. and Mn W h i Uinii hum- Jones, and a well-known fi- ffure m Liver- pool public life, is engaged to Mr. Henry Rolf Oppenheitn, of Ipoh, P.M.i.,1 and will be married m
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    • 124 16 He Hates The Truth IN an editorial. "The Observer" comments on the German accounts of last Thursday's air battle over the Channel and of the shipping losses inflicted, m which distortion of truth bat now reached quite a ludicrous pitch. It writes: "To put the best
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    • 88 16 R.A.F. MEN FROM NEW ZEALAND London. Aug. 10 CINCE the war began, New ZeaJ land has sent over to the RAF. over 300 trained pilots and N.C.Os, and there are now between 600 and 700 airmen from this Dominion m th e R.A.F. This number will increase rapidly, for it
      B.O.W.  -  88 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 63 16 ton Wherp Everybody (.<»> I f HuTUn I AST TIIKf I RgflHk Hi shows to-d\> 3.15—6.15—9'^ Dorothy Lamour 808 HOPE »O All to SI\(,VI>(MU I The comedy that's broken all Singapore records. I OPEXMI¥C TO-MORROW I Another fine Comedy for the Cathay I JOAN BENNETT ADOLPHE MENJC'J I Meet the
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